def insert_accession_sequence(core, plasmid, plasmid_seq):
    Given the SPARQL URIs for the core genome, the plasmid genome, and plasmid
    sequence, adds the plasmid sequence under the core genome and removes the
    connection to the plasmid genome.

    This is a cleanup routine, as core and plasmid genomes would share the same
    metadata, and it would not make sense to have both a plasmid and core
    genome instance containing the same metadata.

        core (str): SPARQL URI based on the superphy ontology for the core
        genome instance
        plasmid (str): SPARQL URI based on the superphy ontology for the
        plasmid genome instance
        plasmid_seq (str): SPARQL URI based on the superphy ontology for the
        plasmid sequence instance
    Prints out the response from the server regarding the SPARQL Update query

    print _sparql_update(
        'PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n'
        'PREFIX : <https://github.com/superphy#>\n'
        'INSERT DATA { :%s :has_accession "%s"^^xsd:string. '
        ':%s :has_sequence :%s . :%s :is_sequence_of :%s . }\n'
        % (core, plasmid, core, plasmid_seq, plasmid_seq, core)
def delete_blank_nodes():
    Deletes all blank nodes on Blazegraph.

    This should only be ran when setting up the database, as blank nodes
    increase exponentially as triples get added and will cause a memory
    overflow error. Many of these blank nodes are from the interactions of the
    ontologies that superphy is built upon, but they do not significantly
    contribute to querying.

    Prints out the response from the server regarding the SPARQL Update query

    print _sparql_update(
        'DELETE { ?x ?y ?z }'
        'WHERE { ?x ?y ?z . FILTER ( isBlank(?x) || isBlank(?z) ) }'
def delete_instance(name):
    Deletes an instance with a given SPARQL URI on the database by removing all
    triples with it
    (assumption:not a predicate, but then predicates aren't instances)

        name: the SPARQL URI of the instance you want to delete

    Prints out the response from the server regarding the SPARQL Update query

    print _sparql_update(
        'PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n'
        'PREFIX : <https://github.com/superphy#>\n'
        'DELETE { :%s ?property ?object . ?subject ?property :%s . }\n'
        'WHERE {\n'
        '{ :%s ?property ?object }\n'
        '{ ?subject ?property :%s } }' % (name, name, name, name)