def NoisyOpt_isoSmall():
    Data preparation routine for "noisy optimization" demo,
    where inputs are generated from a linear model with
    additive noise, such that the expected value of the
    squared loss of each is a known (and thus computable) risk
    function. The "iso**Small**" part means that the sample is
    rather small, and will be used as a batch (no sub-sampling).
    dataset = "NoisyOpt_isoSmall"
    dinfo = classes.DataInfo()

    dinfo.X_te = None  # since have risk oracle, only use training data.
    dinfo.y_te = None

    n = 15  # training set size
    d = 2  # number of inputs
    sigma_X = 1  # magnitude of input stdev
    sigma_noise = 3  # magnitude of noise stdev
    delta = sigma_noise * 5  # the amount of displacement of initial value
    dinfo.mname = "NoisyOpt"  # hard-coded model name.
    dinfo.misc["cov_X"] = (sigma_X**2) * np.eye(d)  # cov mtx of inputs
    dinfo.misc["sigma_noise"] = sigma_noise
    dinfo.misc["nsub"] = n  # no sub-sampling, use whole batch.

    # Hand-prepared data, used below.
    w_true = np.array([3.141592, 1.414214]).reshape((d, 1))
    X_tr = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=sigma_X, size=n * d).reshape((n, d))
    noise_tr = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=sigma_noise, size=n).reshape(
        (n, 1))
    dinfo.misc["w_true"] = w_true  # store the true model paras.
    dinfo.misc["w_init"] = w_true + delta  # store a fixed initial value

    # Inputs
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_tr" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = X_tr
    dinfo.X_tr["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.X_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_tr["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Outputs
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_tr" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = (np.dot(X_tr, w_true) + noise_tr).reshape((X_tr.shape[0], 1))
    dinfo.y_tr["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.y_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_tr["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Save the dinfo dictionary for future use (so we don't have to read
    # the original data every time).
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, "info.dat")
    with open(towrite, mode="wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(dinfo, f)

    # Finally, return the dinfo dict.
    return dinfo
def quantum():
    Data preparation function, specific to the "quantum physics" dataset.
    URL: http://osmot.cs.cornell.edu/kddcup/datasets.html
    dataset = "quantum"
    dinfo = classes.DataInfo()
    dinfo.mname = "LgstReg"  # hard-coded model name.

    print("Preparation (", dataset, ")...")
    toread = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, dataset, "phy_train.dat")
    # NOTE: only "train" has labels, so we split this dataset into
    # train/test subsets for a supervised learning routine.

    n = 50000
    d = 78
    X_tr = np.zeros((n // 2, d), dtype=np.float64)
    y_tr = np.zeros((n // 2, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    X_te = np.zeros((n // 2, d), dtype=np.float64)
    y_te = np.zeros((n // 2, 1), dtype=np.uint8)

    with open(toread, newline="") as f_table:
        f_reader = csv.reader(f_table, delimiter="\t")
        idx = 0
        switcher = True
        for line in f_reader:

            # Arbitrarily let first half be training, second half testing.
            if switcher:
                y_tr[idx, 0] = np.uint8(line[1])
                X_tr[idx, :] = np.array(line[2:-1], dtype=np.float64)
                idx += 1
                y_te[idx, 0] = np.uint8(line[1])
                X_te[idx, :] = np.array(line[2:-1], dtype=np.float64)
                idx += 1

            # Once we've covered half the data, start on test data.
            if idx == n // 2:
                switcher = False
                idx = 0

    print("Writing inputs...")
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_tr" + ".dat"))
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:
    dinfo.X_tr["shape"] = (n // 2, d)
    dinfo.X_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_tr["dtype"] = np.float64
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_te" + ".dat"))
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:
    dinfo.X_te["shape"] = (n // 2, d)
    dinfo.X_te["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_te["dtype"] = np.float64

    print("Writing outputs...")
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_tr" + ".dat"))
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:
    dinfo.y_tr["shape"] = (n // 2, 1)
    dinfo.y_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_tr["dtype"] = np.uint8
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_te" + ".dat"))
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:
    dinfo.y_te["shape"] = (n // 2, 1)
    dinfo.y_te["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_te["dtype"] = np.uint8

    # Save the dinfo dictionary for future use (so we don't have to read
    # the original data every time).
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, "info.dat")
    with open(towrite, mode="wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(dinfo, f)

    # Finally, return the dinfo dict.
    return dinfo
def NoisyOpt_SmallSparse():
    A small simulated data set based on a linear regression model
    with additive noise and a sparse underlying model vector. This
    comes from the Elements of Statistical Learning (ESL2) text,
    in Figure 3.6 on page 59 (with n=300), and again (with n=100)
    on page 78 in Figure 3.16.
    NOTE: since most of the methods we shall be using involve a
    centering and standardizing of the data, we elect to do this
    here, at the time of generation. That is, the sample given
    has EMPIRICAL mean of zero and EMPIRICAL variance of one.
    dataset = "NoisyOpt_SmallSparse"
    dinfo = classes.DataInfo()

    n = 100  # training set size
    d = 31  # number of inputs
    d0 = 10  # number of *active* inputs
    sigma_X = 1.0  # unit variance
    corr = 0.85  # pairwise correlation coefficient
    sigma_noise = math.sqrt(6.25)  # stdev of additive noise
    sigma_weights = math.sqrt(0.4)  # stdev of randomly generated weights
    dinfo.misc["sigma_noise"] = sigma_noise

    cov_X = np.zeros(d * d).reshape((d, d)) + corr  # prepare cov mtx
    np.fill_diagonal(cov_X, sigma_X)
    dinfo.misc["cov_X"] = cov_X  # cov mtx of inputs

    w_true = np.zeros(d).reshape((d, 1))  # prepare the model vec
    idx_on = np.random.choice(d, size=d0, replace=False)
    w_true[idx_on, :] = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=sigma_weights,
                                         size=d0).reshape((d0, 1))
    dinfo.misc["w_true"] = w_true  # store the true model paras.

    # Generate the actual data.
    X_tr = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(d), cov=cov_X, size=n)
    noise_tr = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=sigma_noise, size=n).reshape(
        (n, 1))

    y_tr = np.dot(X_tr, w_true) + noise_tr

    # Standardize the inputs to have unit (empirical) variance.
    X_tr = (X_tr - np.mean(X_tr, axis=0)) / np.sqrt(np.var(X_tr, axis=0))

    # Remaining parameters for the model object.
    delta = sigma_noise * 1  # the amount of displacement of initial value
    dinfo.misc["w_init"] = w_true + delta  # store a fixed initial value
    dinfo.mname = "NoisyOpt"  # hard-coded model name.
    dinfo.misc["nsub"] = n  # no sub-sampling, use whole batch.

    # Inputs
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_tr" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = X_tr
    dinfo.X_tr["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.X_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_tr["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Outputs
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_tr" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = (np.dot(X_tr, w_true) + noise_tr).reshape((X_tr.shape[0], 1))
    dinfo.y_tr["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.y_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_tr["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    dinfo.X_te = None  # Have an oracle
    dinfo.y_te = None

    # Save the dinfo dictionary for future use (so we don't have to read
    # the original data every time).
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, "info.dat")
    with open(towrite, mode="wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(dinfo, f)

    # Finally, return the dinfo dict.
    return dinfo
def MNIST():
    Data preparation function, specific to the MNIST handwritten
    digits data set. 
    URL: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
    dataset = "MNIST"
    dinfo = classes.DataInfo()
    dinfo.mname = "LgstReg"  # hard-coded model name.

    print("Preparation (", dataset, ")...")
    print("Inputs (training)...")
    toread = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, dataset, "train-images-idx3-ubyte")
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_tr" + ".dat"))
    with open(toread, mode="rb") as f_bin:

        b = f_bin.read(4)
        n = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big")
        b = f_bin.read(4)
        d_rows = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big")
        b = f_bin.read(4)
        d_cols = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big")
        d = d_rows * d_cols

        with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

            bytes_left = n * d
            idx = 0
            data_arr = np.empty((n * d), dtype=np.uint8)
            while bytes_left > 0:
                b = f_bin.read(1)
                data_arr[idx] = np.uint8(int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big"))
                bytes_left -= 1
                idx += 1


    dinfo.X_tr["shape"] = (n, d)
    dinfo.X_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_tr["dtype"] = np.uint8

    # --------------------------- #

    print("Inputs (testing)...")
    toread = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, dataset, "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte")
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_te" + ".dat"))
    with open(toread, mode="rb") as f_bin:

        b = f_bin.read(4)
        n = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big")
        b = f_bin.read(4)
        d_rows = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big")
        b = f_bin.read(4)
        d_cols = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big")
        d = d_rows * d_cols

        with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

            bytes_left = n * d
            idx = 0
            data_arr = np.empty((n * d), dtype=np.uint8)
            while bytes_left > 0:
                b = f_bin.read(1)
                data_arr[idx] = np.uint8(int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big"))
                bytes_left -= 1
                idx += 1


    dinfo.X_te["shape"] = (n, d)
    dinfo.X_te["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_te["dtype"] = np.uint8

    # --------------------------- #

    print("Outputs (training)...")
    toread = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, dataset, "train-labels-idx1-ubyte")
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_tr" + ".dat"))
    with open(toread, mode="rb") as f_bin:

        b = f_bin.read(4)
        n = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big")
        d = 1

        with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

            bytes_left = n * d
            idx = 0
            data_arr = np.empty((n * d), dtype=np.uint8)
            while bytes_left > 0:
                b = f_bin.read(1)
                data_arr[idx] = np.uint8(int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big"))
                bytes_left -= 1
                idx += 1


    dinfo.y_tr["shape"] = (n, d)
    dinfo.y_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_tr["dtype"] = np.uint8

    # --------------------------- #

    print("Outputs (testing)...")
    toread = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, dataset, "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte")
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_te" + ".dat"))
    with open(toread, mode="rb") as f_bin:

        b = f_bin.read(4)
        n = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big")
        d = 1

        with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

            bytes_left = n * d
            idx = 0
            data_arr = np.empty((n * d), dtype=np.uint8)
            while bytes_left > 0:
                b = f_bin.read(1)
                data_arr[idx] = np.uint8(int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big"))
                bytes_left -= 1
                idx += 1


    dinfo.y_te["shape"] = (n, d)
    dinfo.y_te["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_te["dtype"] = np.uint8

    # Save the dinfo dictionary for future use (so we don't have to read
    # the original data every time).
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, "info.dat")
    with open(towrite, mode="wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(dinfo, f)

    # Finally, return the dinfo dict.
    return dinfo
def toyClass():
    Data preparation function, for a small toy set of data,
    designed for classification using a multi-class logistic
    regression model.
    dataset = "toyClass"
    dinfo = classes.DataInfo()
    dinfo.mname = "LgstReg"  # hard-coded model name.

    print("Preparation (", dataset, ")...")

    n = 25  # training set size
    m = 20  # testing set size
    d = 3  # number of inputs
    nc = 4  # number of classes.

    # Hand-prepared weights (assuming 4 classes).
    w_0 = np.array([3.1415, 1.4142, 2.7182]).reshape((d, 1))
    w_1 = np.array([3.1415, -1.4142, 2.7182]).reshape((d, 1))
    w_2 = np.array([-3.1415, 1.4142, -2.7182]).reshape((d, 1))

    # Put the weights into a (d x nc-1) matrix (note the transpose).
    W_true = np.transpose(np.concatenate((w_0, w_1, w_2)).reshape((nc - 1, d)))

    # Randomly generated inputs.
    X_tr = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1.0, size=n * d).reshape((n, d))
    X_te = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1.0, size=m * d).reshape((m, d))

    # Probabilities based on true underlying model (training).
    A = np.zeros(n * nc).reshape((nc, n))
    A[:-1, :] = np.dot(W_true, np.transpose(X_tr))  # leave last row as zeros.
    P = np.exp(A) / np.sum(np.exp(A), axis=0)  # (nc x n)

    # Labels (training).
    y_tr = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((n, 1))
    for i in range(n):
        probs = P[:, i]
        y_tr[i, 0] = np.random.choice(nc, size=1, replace=True, p=probs)

    # Probabilities based on true underlying model (testing).
    A = np.zeros(m * nc).reshape((nc, m))
    A[:-1, :] = np.dot(W_true, np.transpose(X_te))  # leave last row as zeros.
    P = np.exp(A) / np.sum(np.exp(A), axis=0)  # (nc x m)

    # Labels (testing).
    y_te = np.zeros(m, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((m, 1))
    for i in range(m):
        probs = P[:, i]
        y_te[i, 0] = np.random.choice(nc, size=1, replace=True, p=probs)

    # Write inputs (training).
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_tr" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = X_tr
    dinfo.X_tr["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.X_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_tr["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Write inputs (testing).
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_te" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = X_te
    dinfo.X_te["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.X_te["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_te["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Write outputs (training).
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_tr" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = y_tr
    dinfo.y_tr["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.y_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_tr["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Write outputs (testing).
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_te" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = y_te
    dinfo.y_te["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.y_te["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_te["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Save the dinfo dictionary for future use (so we don't have to read
    # the original data every time).

    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, "info.dat")
    with open(towrite, mode="wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(dinfo, f)

    # Finally, return the dinfo dict.
    return dinfo
def toyReg():
    Data preparation function, for a small toy set of data,
    to be solved using a linear regression model.
    dataset = "toyReg"
    dinfo = classes.DataInfo()
    dinfo.mname = "LinReg"  # hard-coded model name.

    print("Preparation (", dataset, ")...")

    n = 15  # training set size
    m = 10  # testing set size
    d = 3  # number of inputs

    # Hand-prepared data, used below.
    w_true = np.array([3.1415, 1.414214, 2.718282]).reshape((d, 1))
    X_tr = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=0.5, size=n * d).reshape((n, d))
    noise_tr = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=n).reshape((n, 1))
    X_te = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=0.5, size=m * d).reshape((m, d))
    noise_te = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=m).reshape((m, 1))

    # Inputs (training)
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_tr" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = X_tr
    dinfo.X_tr["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.X_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_tr["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Inputs (testing)
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("X_te" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = X_te
    dinfo.X_te["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.X_te["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.X_te["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Outputs (training)
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_tr" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = (np.dot(X_tr, w_true) + noise_tr).reshape((X_tr.shape[0], 1))
    dinfo.y_tr["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.y_tr["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_tr["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Outputs (testing)
    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, ("y_te" + ".dat"))
    data_arr = (np.dot(X_te, w_true) + noise_te).reshape((X_te.shape[0], 1))
    dinfo.y_te["shape"] = data_arr.shape
    dinfo.y_te["path"] = towrite
    dinfo.y_te["dtype"] = data_arr.dtype
    with open(towrite, mode="bw") as g_bin:

    # Save the dinfo dictionary for future use (so we don't have to read
    # the original data every time).

    towrite = os.path.join("data", dataset, "info.dat")
    with open(towrite, mode="wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(dinfo, f)

    # Finally, return the dinfo dict.
    return dinfo