def unit(self): try: return self._unit except NameError or AttributeError: print_int("Unit not set, setting to empty", self.kwargs) self._unit = "" return self._unit
def _readBackgroundParameter(self): for i in range(0, len(self._backgroundPriors.getData())): try: self._backgroundParameter.append( BackgroundParameterFileModel(self._names[i], self._units[i], self.kwargs, self._runID, i)) except (IOError, ValueError) as e: print_int( "Failed to find backgroundparameter for " + self._names[i], self.kwargs) try: self._marginalDistributions.append( BackgroundMarginalDistrFileModel(self._names[i], self._units[i], self.kwargs, self._runID, i)) if self._summary is not None: self._marginalDistributions[i]._backgroundData = np.vstack( (self.summary.getRawData()[strSummaryMedian][i], self.summary.getRawData()[strSummaryLowCredLim][i], self.summary.getRawData()[strSummaryUpCredLim][i])) if self._backgroundParameter[i].getData() is None: self._psdOnlyFlag = True except Exception as e: pass
def _readFile(self, file): try: data = np.loadtxt(file).T except FileNotFoundError as e: print_int("Failed to open File " + file, kwargs) print_int(e, kwargs) raise IOError("Failed to open file. " + file) return data
def _getValueFromDict(self, dict, key): if key is None: return dict else: try: return dict[key] except: print_int("No value for key '" + key + "',returning full dict", kwargs) return dict
def _logRatio(self, runID, line, counter, r, runCounter): match = r.findall(line) if len(match) > 0 and counter >= 5: for it, ratio in match: print_int(f"{runID} model: run {runCounter} --> {it},{ratio}", self.kwargs) counter = 0 elif len(match) == 0 and counter >= 5: print_int(f"{runID} model: run {runCounter} --> {line}", self.kwargs) counter = 0 return counter
def _checkIfAllFilesExist(self, runID, oldStatus): content = os.listdir(self.check_paths[runID]) if "background_evidenceInformation.txt" not in content: print_int( f"Cant fine evidence in {self.check_paths[runID]}. Repeat!", self.kwargs) return strDiamondsStatusAssertion elif "background_parameterSummary.txt" not in content: print_int( f"Cant fine summary in {self.check_paths[runID]}. Repeat!", self.kwargs) return strDiamondsStatusAssertion return oldStatus
def create_files(data: np.ndarray, nyq_f: float, priors: List[List[float]], kwargs: Dict): """ Creates all files for a DIAMONDS run :param data: Lightcurve dataset :param nyq_f: Nyquist frequency :param priors: List of priors :param kwargs: Run configuratio """ print_int(f"Path: {full_result_path(kwargs)}", kwargs) create_folder(full_result_path(kwargs), kwargs) create_data(compute_periodogram(data, kwargs), kwargs) create_priors(np.array(priors), full_result_path(kwargs)) create_nsmc_configuring_parameters(full_result_path(kwargs)) create_xmeans_configuring_parameters(full_result_path(kwargs)) create_nyquist_frequency(nyq_f, full_result_path(kwargs))
def _getValueFromDict(self, dict: dict, key: str = None): ''' This is a helper method, which returns a single item from a list if the item exists or the whole dict otherwhise :param dict: The list to search in :param key: The key. Optional :return: The appropriate Value(s) ''' if key is None: return dict else: for i in dict: if == key: return i print_int("Found no object for '" + key + "'", self.kwargs) print_int("Returning full list", self.kwargs) return dict
def getData(self,key=None): ''' Returns the evidence map. Reads it if necessary :param key: One of the three used to setup the dict -> see :type key: string :return: The dictionary or single value of the gathered data :rtype: dict{string:float}/float ''' if any(self._evidence) is False: self._readData() if key is None: return self._evidence else: try: return self._evidence[key] except: print_int("No value for key '"+key+"', returning full dict",self.kwargs) return self._evidence
def _getFullPath(self,path): ''' This method will create an absolute path if the path it inputs wasn't that already :param path: The path you want to have the absolute of :type path: str :return: Absolute path :rtype: str ''' if path[0] not in ["~", "/", "\\"]: print_int("Setting priors to full path",self.kwargs) print_int("Prepending" + ROOT_PATH,self.kwargs) path = ROOT_PATH + "/" + path print_int("New path: "+path,self.kwargs) else: print_int("Path is already absolute path",self.kwargs) return path
def _readData(self, kwargs: Dict): ''' Internal reader function. Reads the file according to the settings ''' if general_background_data_path in kwargs.keys(): dataFolder = kwargs[general_background_data_path] else: dataFolder = kwargs[internal_path] + "/Background/data/" file = dataFolder + kwargs[analysis_folder_prefix] + self.kicID + ".txt" try: self._psd = np.loadtxt(file) except FileNotFoundError as e: print_int("Cannot read PSD file, setting PSD to none", kwargs) print_int("File is " + file, kwargs) print_int(e, kwargs) raise IOError("Cannot read PSD file, setting PSD to none")
def _runCmd(self, runID, cmd): for runCounter in range(1, 11): self.run_count[runID] = runCounter print_int(f"Starting {runID} model: run {runCounter}", self.kwargs) with cd(self.binaryPath): self.status[runID] = strDiStatRunning p = self._runBinary(cmd) logCounter = 0 r = re.compile(r"(Nit:\s\d+).+(Ratio: [\w\d\.\+]+)") time.sleep(5) total = "" while p.poll() is None: line = p.stderr.readline().decode("utf-8") total += line logCounter = self._logRatio(runID, line, logCounter, r, runCounter) self.status[runID] = self._checkDiamondsStdOut( self.status[runID], line) logCounter += 1 line ="utf-8") total += line self._logRatio(runID, line, 10, r, runCounter) self.status[runID] = self._checkDiamondsStdOut( self.status[runID], line) time.sleep(1) self.status[runID] = self._checkIfAllFilesExist( runID, self.status[runID]) if self.status[runID] == strDiStatRunning: self.status[runID] = strDiamondsStatusGood print_int(f"{runID} model: Finished!", self.kwargs) return else: print_int( f"{runID} model: Run {runCounter} --> Repeating run, due to failure due to {self.status[runID]}", self.kwargs) raise ValueError( f"{runID} model: FAILED! Tried 10 runs, failed to find result", self.kwargs)
def run_star(kwargs: Dict): """ Runs a full analysis for a given kwargs file. :param kwargs: Run conf """ t1 = time.time() if analysis_folder_prefix in kwargs.keys(): prefix = kwargs[analysis_folder_prefix] else: prefix = "KIC" path = f"{kwargs[general_analysis_result_path]}{prefix}_{kwargs[general_kic]}/" if os.path.exists(path) and ((internal_force_run in kwargs.keys() and not kwargs[internal_force_run]) or internal_force_run not in kwargs.keys()): with cd(path): if os.path.exists( "results.json") and not os.path.exists("errors.txt"): with open('results.json', 'r') as f: old_res = json.load(f) kwargs["time"] = float(old_res['Runtime']) print_int("Done", kwargs) return try: shutil.rmtree(path) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: makedirs(path) except FileExistsError: pass with cd(path): try: #print_int("Starting run", kwargs) # load and refine data data = load_file(kwargs) with open("conf.json", 'w') as f: if internal_literature_value in kwargs.keys(): kwargs[ internal_literature_value] = f"{kwargs[internal_literature_value]}" if internal_delta_nu in kwargs.keys(): kwargs[internal_delta_nu] = f"{kwargs[internal_delta_nu]}" json.dump(kwargs, f, indent=4) if internal_literature_value in kwargs.keys(): kwargs[internal_literature_value] = ufloat_fromstr( kwargs[internal_literature_value]) if internal_delta_nu in kwargs.keys(): kwargs[internal_delta_nu] = ufloat_fromstr( kwargs[internal_delta_nu]) data, kwargs = refine_data(data, kwargs)"lc", data) # compute nu_max print_int("Computing nu_max", kwargs) """ sigma_ampl = calculate_flicker_amplitude(data) f_ampl = flicker_amplitude_to_frequency(sigma_ampl) nu_max, f_list, f_fliper = compute_nu_max(data, f_ampl, kwargs) """ # if internal_literature_value in kwargs: # nu_max = kwargs[internal_literature_value].nominal_value # else: if analysis_nu_max_outer_guess in kwargs.keys(): nu_max = kwargs[analysis_nu_max_outer_guess] else: nu_max = compute_fliper_exact(data, kwargs) #nu_max = kwargs[internal_literature_value].nominal_value f_fliper = nu_max f_list = [] if internal_literature_value in kwargs.keys(): print_int( f"Nu_max guess: {'%.2f' % nu_max}, fliper: {f_fliper} literature: {kwargs[internal_literature_value]}", kwargs) else: print_int( f"Nu max guess: {'%.2f' % nu_max}, fliper: {f_fliper}", kwargs) # create files for diamonds and run prior, params = priors(nu_max, data, kwargs) print_int(f"Priors: {prior}", kwargs) cnt = 1 while cnt <= 3: create_files(data, nyqFreq(data), prior, kwargs) proc = BackgroundProcess(kwargs) if general_run_diamonds in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs[general_run_diamonds]: else: if general_check_bayes_run in kwargs.keys(): if is_bayes_factor_good(kwargs): break else: break cnt += 1 kwargs['Number of DIAMONDS runs'] = cnt print_int("Saving results", kwargs) # save results save_results(prior, data, nu_max, params, proc, f_list, f_fliper, t1, kwargs) delta_t = time.time() - t1 kwargs["time"] = delta_t print_int("Done", kwargs) except (EvidenceFileNotFound, ResultFileNotFound, InputFileNotFound) as e: error = f"{e.__class__.__name__} : {str(e)}\n" print_int("Done", kwargs) trace = traceback.format_exc() with open("errors.txt", "w") as f: f.write(error) f.write(trace) except Exception as e: print_int("Done", kwargs) error = f"{e.__class__.__name__} : {str(e)}\n" trace = traceback.format_exc() with open("errors.txt", "w") as f: f.write(error) f.write(trace)
def compute_nu_max( data: np.ndarray, f_flicker: float, kwargs: Dict) -> Tuple[float, Dict[str, float], Union[float, None]]: """ Performs the full procedure introduced by Kallinger (2016) :param data: Full dataset from the lightcurve :param f_flicker: flicker frequency from the flicker amplitude. In uHz :return: guess for nu_max. In uHz """ f_fliper = compute_fliper_nu_max(compute_periodogram(data, kwargs), kwargs) if f_fliper != {}: if "Fliper exact" in f_fliper.keys(): f = f_fliper["Fliper exact"] else: f = f_fliper["Fliper rough"] return f, {}, f_fliper f_list = [] f_list.append((f_flicker, rf"F_flicker_{'%.2f' % f_flicker}$\mu Hz$")) plot_peridogramm_from_timeseries(data, kwargs, True, f_list) print_int(f"Flicker frequency {'%.2f' % f_flicker}", kwargs) tau = single_step_procedure(data, (f_to_t(f_flicker) / 60) + 5, kwargs) f = f_from_tau(tau) print_int(f"1. frequency {'%.2f' % f}", kwargs) f_list.append((f, rf"F_filter_0_{'%.2f' % f}$\mu Hz$")) plot_peridogramm_from_timeseries(data, kwargs, True, f_list) # for frequencies below 70 the first guess seems good enough n = 1 # repeat process n-times for i in range(0, n): try: f_guess = np.amax([ f_list[-2][0], f_list[-1][0] ]) - (1 / 3) * np.abs(f_list[-1][0] - f_list[-2][0]) tau = single_step_procedure(data, (f_to_t(f_guess) / 60), kwargs) except ValueError: break f_new = f_from_tau(tau) f = f_new print_int(f"{i + 2}. frequency {'%.2f' % f}", kwargs) f_list.append((f, rf"F_filter_{i + 1}_{'%.2f' % f}$\mu Hz$")) plot_peridogramm_from_timeseries(data, kwargs, True, f_list) print_int(f"Nu_max: {'%.2f' % f}", kwargs) f_list_ret = {} for val, name in f_list: f_list_ret[name] = val f_fliper = compute_fliper_nu_max(compute_periodogram(data, kwargs), kwargs) if f_fliper != {}: if "Fliper exact" in f_fliper.keys(): f = f_fliper["Fliper exact"] else: f = f_fliper["Fliper rough"] return f, f_list_ret, f_fliper
def _checkDiamondsStdOut(self, oldStatus, text): """ Checks the stdout of DIAMONDS and returns the status, that DIAMONDS has. :param text: stderr/stdout of diamonds that is analyzed. :type text: str :return: Statusflag :rtype: str """ status = oldStatus if strDiamondsErrBetterLikelihood in str(text): print_int( "Diamonds cannot find point with better likelihood. Repeat!", self.kwargs) status = strDiamondsStatusLikelihood elif strDiamondsErrCovarianceFailed in str(text): print_int("Diamonds cannot decompose covariance. Repeat!", self.kwargs) status = strDiamondsStatusCovariance elif strDiamondsErrAssertionFailed in str(text): print_int("Diamonds assertion failed. Repeat!", self.kwargs) status = strDiamondsStatusAssertion elif strDiamondsErrMatrixCompositionFailed in str(text): print_int("Diamonds matrix decomposition failed. Repeat!", self.kwargs) status = strDiamondsStatusMatrixDecomp elif strDiamondsErrCoreDumped in str(text): print_int("Diamonds matrix decomposition failed. Repeat!", self.kwargs) status = strDiamondsStatusMatrixDecomp elif strDiamondsErrAborted in str(text): print_int("Diamonds matrix decomposition failed. Repeat!", self.kwargs) status = strDiamondsStatusMatrixDecomp elif strDiamondsErrQuitting in str(text): print_int("Diamonds matrix decomposition failed. Repeat!", self.kwargs) status = strDiamondsStatusMatrixDecomp elif strDiamondsErrSegmentation in str(text): print_int("Diamonds matrix decomposition failed. Repeat!", self.kwargs) status = strDiamondsStatusMatrixDecomp return status