def save2surfgord(lsurf, rsurf, out_dir, surf_name, bfp_path='.', save_png=True): # if label is zero, black out surface, attribute should be nan num_vert = lsurf.vertices.shape[0] lab = spio.loadmat( os.path.join(bfp_path, 'supp_data/USCBrain_grayordinate_labels.mat')) labs = lab['labels'].squeeze() labs = sp.float64(labs) lsurf.attributes[labs[:num_vert] == 0] = sp.nan rsurf.attributes[labs[num_vert:2 * num_vert] == 0] = sp.nan lsurf.vColor[sp.isnan(lsurf.attributes), :] = 0 rsurf.vColor[sp.isnan(lsurf.attributes), :] = 0 writedfs(out_dir + '/Right_' + surf_name + '.dfs', rsurf) writedfs(out_dir + '/Left_' + surf_name + '.dfs', lsurf) if VTK_INSTALLED == 0: print('VTK is not installed, screenshots will not be saved.') save_png = False if save_png == True: # Visualize left hemisphere view_patch_vtk(lsurf, azimuth=100, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile=out_dir + '/LeftLateral_' + surf_name + '.png', show=0) view_patch_vtk(lsurf, azimuth=-100, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile=out_dir + '/LeftMedial_' + surf_name + '.png', show=0) # Visualize right hemisphere view_patch_vtk(rsurf, azimuth=-100, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile=out_dir + '/RightLateral_' + surf_name + '.png', show=0) view_patch_vtk(rsurf, azimuth=100, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile=out_dir + '/RightMedial_' + surf_name + '.png', show=0)
# # for jj in range(rho_all.shape[0]): # _, pval[jj] = sp.stats.mannwhitneyu(rho_null[jj,:], rho_all[jj,:]) #, # # alternative='greater') # print jj # sns.distplot(pval) dfs_hemi_sm = readdfs( os.path.join( p_dir_ref, 'reference', ref + '.aparc\ .a2009s.32k_fs.reduce3.smooth.' + hemi + '.dfs')) dfs_hemi_sm.attributes = sp.squeeze(rho_all.mean(axis=1)) dfs_hemi_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_hemi_sm, clim=[0, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_hemi_sm, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='rest_rot1_fcon1000_subject1_' + hemi + '.png', show=1) view_patch_vtk(dfs_hemi_sm, azimuth=-90, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile='rest_rot2_fcon1000_subject1_' + hemi + '.png', show=1) rho_null = rho_null.T rho_all1 = sp.mean(rho_all, axis=1)[:, None] pval = 0 * rho_all1 for jj in range(rho_all1.shape[1]): pval[:, jj] = sp.sum(rho_null > rho_all1[:, jj][:, None], axis=1)
sqrt_DT = (np.abs((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) + (x2 * y3 - y2 * x3) + (x3 * y1 - y3 * x1))) Ar = 0.5 * (np.abs((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) + (x2 * y3 - y2 * x3) + (x3 * y1 - y3 * x1))) TC = face_v_conn(surf1) Wt = (1.0 / 3.0) * (TC) # Wt = sp.sparse.spdiags(Wt*Ar, (0), NumTri, NumTri) surf_weight = Wt * Ar surf1.attributes = surf_weight surf_weight = surf_weight[:, None] # smooth_surf_function(dfs_left_sm, Wt*Ar*0.1, a1=0, a2=1) surf1.attributes = ind_rois surf1 = patch_color_attrib(surf1) view_patch_vtk(surf1, show=1) # sub = '110411' # p_dir = '/home/ajoshi/data/HCP_data' lst = os.listdir('/big_disk/ajoshi/HCP5') rho1 = 0 rho1rot = 0 rho2 = 0 rho2rot = 0 # lst = [lst[0]] diffbefore = 0 diffafter = 0 sub = lst[0] vrest ='/big_disk/ajoshi/with_andrew/100307/100307.\
lsurf = ls #lind = np.where(ls.labels > -10)[0] lsurf.attributes = np.zeros((lsurf.vertices.shape[0])) #lsurf.attributes = X[150,:lsurf.vertices.shape[0]] # nVert = lsurf.vertices.shape[0] diffafter = Xtsk - Xnew lsurf.attributes = np.sum((diffafter)**2, axis=0) lsurf.attributes = lsurf.attributes[nVert:] #lsurf.attributes = smooth_surf_function(lsurf, lsurf.attributes)#, a1=1.1, a2=1.1) lsurf = patch_color_attrib(lsurf, clim=[1, 2]) view_patch_vtk(lsurf, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile=fname1, show=0) view_patch_vtk(lsurf, azimuth=-90, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile=fname2, show=0) #%% for ind in np.arange(Xtsk.shape[0]): lsurf.attributes = (diffafter[ind, nVert:])**2 #diffafter[ind, nVert:] fname1 = 'rest2motor_right_%d_d.png' % ind fname2 = 'rest2motor_right_%d_m.png' % ind # lsurf.attributes = smooth_surf_function(lsurf, lsurf.attributes, a1=1.1, a2=1.1)
faceseg1 = faceseg1[:180] faceseg2 = faceseg2[:180] faceseg1_2 = faceseg1_2[:180] print(sp.linalg.norm(fseg1 - fseg2), sp.linalg.norm(fseg1_2 - fseg2), sp.linalg.norm(fseg1_2 - fseg1)) print(, faceseg2) / len(faceseg2),, faceseg2) / len(faceseg2),, faceseg1) / len(faceseg2)) plt.plot(faceseg1, 'b') plt.plot(faceseg2, 'r') plt.plot(faceseg1_2, 'k') plt.savefig('face_annotation_sync.png') rho_21 = sp.sum(fseg1_2 * fseg2, axis=1) / fseg2.shape[1] dfs_ref = patch_color_attrib(dfs_ref, rho_21, clim=[0.5, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_ref, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='sync1_2_1_right.png') view_patch_vtk(dfs_ref, azimuth=-90, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile='sync1_2_2_right.png') plt.figure() plt.imshow(sp.absolute(diffafter), aspect='auto', clim=(0, .1)) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('dist_motor_after.pdf', dpi=300) #diffafter = gaussian_filter(diffafter, [2, 0]) nV = len(dfs_right_sm.vertices) dfs_right_sm.attributes = np.sum(frest * fmotor, axis=0) dfs_right_sm.attributes = dfs_right_sm.attributes[nV:] fname1 = 'rest_after_1.png' fname2 = 'rest_after_2.png' dfs_right_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_right_sm, clim=[0.8, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_right_sm, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile=fname1, show=0) view_patch_vtk(dfs_right_sm, azimuth=-90, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile=fname2, show=0) for ind in sp.arange(frest.shape[0]): dfs_right_sm.attributes = sp.absolute(diffafter[ind, (nV):]) fname1 = 'rest_after_rot_right_%d_d.png' % ind fname2 = 'rest_after_rot_right_%d_m.png' % ind dfs_right_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_right_sm, clim=[0.8, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_right_sm,
outfile = 'BCI-DNI_Perirhinal' + '.' + hemi + '.mid.cortex.dfs' ''' BCI to FS processed BCI ''' bci_bsti = readdfs( '/home/ajoshi/BrainSuite19b/svreg/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas/BCI-DNI_brain.' + hemi + '.inner.cortex.dfs') bci_bst_mid = readdfs( '/home/ajoshi/BrainSuite19b/svreg/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas/BCI-DNI_brain.' + hemi + '.mid.cortex.dfs') bci_bsti.vertices[:, 0] -= 96 * 0.8 bci_bsti.vertices[:, 1] -= 192 * 0.546875 bci_bsti.vertices[:, 2] -= 192 * 0.546875 bci.vertices, bci.faces = fsio.read_geometry( '/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_DNI_Atlas/surf/' + fshemi + '.white') bci.labels = np.zeros(bci.vertices.shape[0]) for i in range(len(broadmann)): labind = fsio.read_label('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_DNI_Atlas/label/' + fshemi + '.' + broadmann[i] + '.label') bci.labels[labind] = i + 1 bci = patch_color_labels(bci) view_patch_vtk(bci) bci_bsti = interpolate_labels(bci, bci_bsti) bci_bst_mid.labels = bci_bsti.labels bci_bst_mid = smooth_patch(bci_bst_mid, iterations=3000, relaxation=.5) bci_bst_labels = patch_color_labels(bci_bst_mid) view_patch_vtk(bci_bst_labels) writedfs(outfile, bci_bst_labels)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Aug 16 15:51:16 2016 @author: ajoshi """ from dfsio import readdfs from surfproc import view_patch_vtk subbasename = '/big_disk/ajoshi/fs_dir/co20050723_090747MPRAGET1Coronals002a001' hemi = 'left' s = readdfs(subbasename + '/' + hemi + '.mid.dfs') view_patch_vtk(s, outfile=subbasename + '/mri/BST/fs_' + hemi + '1.png', show=0) view_patch_vtk(s, outfile=subbasename + '/mri/BST/fs_' + hemi + '2.png', azimuth=-90, roll=90, show=0) s = readdfs(subbasename + '/mri/BST/orig.' + hemi + '.mid.cortex.svreg.dfs') view_patch_vtk(s, outfile=subbasename + '/mri/BST/bst_' + hemi + '1.png', show=0) view_patch_vtk(s, outfile=subbasename + '/mri/BST/bst_' + hemi + '2.png', azimuth=-90,
inear/fsaverage_LR32k/') s.vertices = g_surf.darrays[0].data s.faces = g_surf.darrays[1].data s.labels = np.zeros(s.vertices.shape[0]) s.labels[idxs] = labels '''h32k to full res FS''' g_surf = nib.load('/data_disk/HCP5-fMRI-NLM/reference/100307/MNINonLinear/N\ ative/') h.vertices = g_surf.darrays[0].data h.faces = g_surf.darrays[1].data h = interpolate_labels(s, h) h = patch_color_labels(h) s = patch_color_labels(s) view_patch_vtk(s) view_patch_vtk(h) ''' native FS ref to native FS BCI''' g_surf = nib.load('/data_disk/HCP5-fMRI-NLM/reference/100307/MNINon\ Linear/Native/') s.vertices = g_surf.darrays[0].data s.faces = g_surf.darrays[1].data s.labels = h.labels ''' map to bc sphere''' bs.vertices, bs.faces = fsio.read_geometry( '/big_disk/ajoshi/fs_sub/BCI_DNI_Atlas/surf/lh.sphere.reg') bs = interpolate_labels(s, bs) bci.vertices, bci.faces = fsio.read_geometry( '/big_disk/ajoshi/fs_sub/BCI_DNI_Atlas/surf/lh.white') bci.labels = bs.labels
lsurf.attributes = np.zeros((lsurf.vertices.shape[0])) rsurf.attributes = np.zeros((rsurf.vertices.shape[0])) smooth_surf_ nVert = lsurf.vertices.shape[0] #%% Visualization of normal diff from the atlas lsurf.attributes = np.sqrt(np.sum((diff), axis=0)) lsurf.attributes = lsurf.attributes[:nVert] / 15 rsurf.attributes = np.sqrt(np.sum((diff), axis=0)) rsurf.attributes = rsurf.attributes[nVert:2 * nVert] / 15 lsurf = patch_color_attrib(lsurf, clim=[0.1, .3]) rsurf = patch_color_attrib(rsurf, clim=[0.1, .3]) view_patch_vtk(lsurf, azimuth=-90, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile='l1normal.png', show=1) view_patch_vtk(rsurf, azimuth=-90, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile='r1normal.png', show=1) #%% lsurf.attributes = np.sqrt(np.sum((diffAdhdInatt), axis=0)) lsurf.attributes = lsurf.attributes[nVert:2 * nVert] / 15 #lsurf.attributes = smooth_surf_function(lsurf, lsurf.attributes)#, a1=1.1, a2=1.1) lsurf = patch_color_attrib(lsurf, clim=[0.1, .3]) view_patch_vtk(lsurf,
dfs_ref = readdfs( os.path.join( p_dir_ref, 'reference', ref + '.aparc\ .a2009s.32k_fs.reduce3.smooth.' + hemi + '.dfs')) sub1seg1 = normdata(fmri_sub11['func_' + hemi][:, :420]) sub1seg2 = normdata(fmri_sub12['func_' + hemi][:, :420]) sub2seg1 = normdata(fmri_sub21['func_' + hemi][:, :420]) sub2seg2 = normdata(fmri_sub22['func_' + hemi][:, :420]) rho_before = sp.sum(sub1seg1 * sub1seg2, axis=1) / sub1seg1.shape[1] dfs_ref = patch_color_attrib(dfs_ref, rho_before, clim=[0, .7]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_ref, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='before2_seg1to2_1.png') view_patch_vtk(dfs_ref, azimuth=-90, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile='before2_seg1to2_2.png') _, Rot12 = rot_sub_data(ref=sub2seg2, sub=sub1seg1) sub1seg1rot =, Rot12.T) rho_after = sp.sum(sub1seg1rot * sub1seg2, axis=1) / sub2seg2.shape[1] dfs_ref = patch_color_attrib(dfs_ref, rho_after, clim=[0, .7]) writedfs('temp.dfs', dfs_ref)
_fsaverage/') g32k.vertices = g32ktmp.get_arrays_from_intent('NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET')[0].data g32k.faces = g32ktmp.get_arrays_from_intent('NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE')[0].data g32k.vColor = sp.ones(g32k.vertices.shape) bci.vertices, bci.faces = fsio.read_geometry('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_\ DNI_Atlas/surf/rh.sphere.reg') bci.labels = fsio.read_annot('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_DNI_Atlas/label/rh\ .BA.thresh.annot')[0] g32k = interpolate_labels(fromsurf=bci, tosurf=g32k) g32ktmp = gread('/big_disk/ajoshi/HCP_data/32k_ConteAtlas_v2/Conte69.R\') g32k.vertices = g32ktmp.get_arrays_from_intent('NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET')[0].data g32k = patch_color_labels(g32k) view_patch_vtk(g32k) writedfs('Boradmann_32k_right.dfs', g32k) ''' Left Hemisphere ''' g32ktmp = gread('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/standard_mesh_atlases/resample\ _fsaverage/') g32k.vertices = g32ktmp.get_arrays_from_intent('NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET')[0].data g32k.faces = g32ktmp.get_arrays_from_intent('NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE')[0].data g32k.vColor = sp.ones(g32k.vertices.shape) bci.vertices, bci.faces = fsio.read_geometry('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_\ DNI_Atlas/surf/lh.sphere.reg') bci.labels = fsio.read_annot('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_DNI_Atlas/label/lh\ .BA.thresh.annot')[0]
from sklearn.utils.linear_assignment_ import linear_assignment from sklearn.metrics import adjusted_rand_score s = readdfs( '/big_disk/ajoshi/coding_ground/svreg-matlab/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas_refined/BCI-DNI_brain.left.mid.cortex.mod.dfs' ) sl = readdfs( '/big_disk/ajoshi/coding_ground/svreg-matlab/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas_refined/BCI-DNI_brain.left.mid.cortex.dfs' ) sm = readdfs( '/big_disk/ajoshi/coding_ground/svreg-matlab/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas_refined/BCI-DNI_brain.left.mid.cortex_smooth10.dfs' ) s.labels = sl.labels.copy() flg = (s.labels != 187) & (s.labels != 189) & (s.labels != 191) #131 middle frontal s.attributes[flg] = 0 s.labels[flg] = 0 s.attributes = 2.0 * sp.maximum(s.attributes - 0.5, 0) s = patch_color_labels(s, freq=s.attributes, cmap='hsv') #s = patch_color_attrib(s,cmap='gray',clim=[0,1]) s.vertices = sm.vertices view_patch_vtk(s, outfile='mod_map_cingulate2.png', show=0, azimuth=90, elevation=0, roll=-90)
dist_all_rot += sp.mean((sub_data1[:, :, ind] - sub_data2[:, :, ind])**2.0, axis=(1)) print ind, dist_all_rot = dist_all_rot / (nSub) dist_all_orig = dist_all_orig / (nSub) var_all = sp.zeros((sub_data1.shape[0], sub_data2.shape[1])) avg_sub_data = sp.mean(sub_data1, axis=2) dfs_right_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_right_sm, (2 - dist_all_orig) / 2.0, clim=[0, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_right_sm, azimuth=-90, elevation=-180, roll=-90, outfile='dist_sess_orig_view1_1sub_right.png', show=0) view_patch_vtk(dfs_right_sm, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='dist_sess_orig_view2_1sub_right.png', show=0) dfs_right_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_right_sm, (2 - dist_all_rot) / 2.0, clim=[0.75, 1]) ind = (dist_all_rot < 1e-6) dfs_right_sm.vColor[ind, :] = 0.5 view_patch_vtk(dfs_right_sm, azimuth=-90,
fs.labels = bci_labs[ind] ts = interpolate_labels(fs, ts) bci_labs[indt] = ts.labels freq1[(bci_labs > 0) & (freq1 == 0)] = \ sp.amin(freq1[(bci_labs_orig > 0) & (freq1 != 0)]) freq[(bci_bst.labels == roino * 10)] += freq1[(bci_bst.labels == roino * 10)] bci_bst.labels += sp.uint16(bci_labs) freq[freq == 0] = 1 bci_bst.attributes = freq bci_bst = patch_color_labels(bci_bst, freq=freq, cmap='Paired') # bci_bst = smooth_patch(bci_bst, iterations=90, relaxation=10.8) view_patch_vtk(bci_bst, show=1) ####writedfs('/home/ajoshi/data/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas/BCI-DNI_brain.left.\ ####mid.cortex_refined_labs_uncorr.dfs', bci_bst) bci_bst = patch_color_attrib(bci_bst, bci_bst.attributes) view_patch_vtk(bci_bst, show=1) bci_bst = patch_color_labels(bci_bst, freq=freq, cmap='Paired') view_patch_vtk(bci_bst, show=1) ####writedfs('/home/ajoshi/data/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas/BCI-DNI_brain.left.\ ####mid.cortex_refined_labs_mod_freq_uncorr.dfs', bci_bst) bci_labs = reduce3_to_bci_lh(bci_bst.labels) bci_freq = reduce3_to_bci_lh(bci_bst.attributes) bci_bst = readdfs('/big_disk/ajoshi/coding_ground/hbci_atlas/BCI-DNI_brain_\ atlas_refined_4_11_2017/BCI-DNI_brain.left.mid.cortex.dfs')
sqrt_DT = (np.abs((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) + (x2 * y3 - y2 * x3) + (x3 * y1 - y3 * x1))) Ar = 0.5 * (np.abs((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) + (x2 * y3 - y2 * x3) + (x3 * y1 - y3 * x1))) TC = face_v_conn(surf1) Wt = (1.0 / 3.0) * (TC) # Wt = sp.sparse.spdiags(Wt*Ar, (0), NumTri, NumTri) surf_weight = Wt * Ar surf1.attributes = surf_weight surf_weight = surf_weight[:, None] # smooth_surf_function(dfs_right_sm, Wt*Ar*0.1, a1=0, a2=1) surf1.attributes = ind_rois surf1 = patch_color_attrib(surf1) view_patch_vtk(surf1, show=1) # sub = '110411' # p_dir = '/home/ajoshi/data/HCP_data' lst = os.listdir('/big_disk/ajoshi/HCP5') rho1 = 0 rho1rot = 0 rho2 = 0 rho2rot = 0 # lst = [lst[0]] diffbefore = 0 diffafter = 0 sub = lst[0] vrest1 ='/big_disk/ajoshi/epilepsy/\
plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.abs(B)) for nClusters in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]: SC = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=nClusters, affinity='precomputed') #SC=SpectralClustering(n_clusters=nClusters,assign_labels='discretize') labs = SC.fit_predict(B) r = dfs_left_sm r.labels = r.labels * 0 r.labels[msk_small_region] = labs + 1 dfs_left_sm = patch_color_labels(dfs_left_sm) #dfs_left_sm.vColor[sp.absolute(rho) < 1e-116, :] = 0.5 filename = 'c' + str(nClusters) + 'labels_1.png' view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile=filename, show=1) filename = 'c' + str(nClusters) + 'labels_2.png' view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=-90, elevation=-180, roll=-90, outfile=filename, show=1)
labels, _, _ = fsio.read_annot( '/big_disk/ajoshi/freesurfer/subjects/sub06880/label/rh.HCP-MMP1.annot') vert, faces = fsaverage_surf = fsio.read_geometry( '/big_disk/ajoshi/freesurfer/subjects/sub06880/surf/rh.pial') class fs: pass fs.vertices = vert fs.faces = faces fs.labels = labels fs = patch_color_labels(fs) view_patch_vtk(fs, outfile='fs1.png') #, azimuth=-90, roll=90) class bs: pass bs1 = readdfs('/home/ajoshi/Desktop/test/T1.right.pial.cortex.svreg.dfs') bs = readdfs( '/home/ajoshi/Desktop/test/multiparc/T1.right.mid.cortex.svreg.HCP-MMP1.dfs' ) bs.vertices = bs1.vertices bs = patch_color_labels(bs) view_patch_vtk(bs, outfile='bst1.png') #, azimuth=-90, roll=90) bs1 = readdfs(
sub_mean_pc = sub_mean_pc / (sp.std(sub_mean_pc)) rho =, sub1) / ref_mean_pc.shape[0] rho[~np.isfinite(rho)] = 0 simil_mtx = sp.pi / 2.0 + sp.arcsin(rho) # simil_mtx=0.3*sp.ones(rho.shape) #SC = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=nClusters, affinity='precomputed') #labs_all = SC.fit_predict(simil_mtx)+1 #rho = smooth_surf_function(dfs_left_sm, rho) dfs_left_sm.attributes = rho dfs_left_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_left_sm, rho, clim=[-1, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='sub1to1_view1_pc.png', show=1) view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=-90, elevation=-180, roll=-90, outfile='sub1to1_view2_pc.png', show=1) rho =, sub2) / sub_mean_pc.shape[0] rho[~np.isfinite(rho)] = 0 dfs_left_sm.attributes = rho dfs_left_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_left_sm, rho, clim=[-1, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm,
vrest, _, _ = normalizeData(vrest) vrest, Rot = brainSync(X=vsub, Y=vrest) t = sp.sum(vrest*vsub, axis=0) # print('rho(%d)=%g' % (ind1, sp.mean(t)), end=' ') print 'rho(%d)=%g' % (ind1, sp.mean(t)) rho_sub[ind1, :] = t # %% # Hypothesis test rho_sub1 = sp.mean(rho_sub, axis=0) pval = sp.mean(rho_sub1 > rho_null, axis=0) r, corrPval,_,_ = multipletests(pvals=pval, alpha=0.05, method='fdr_bh') sl = readdfs(os.path.join(BFPPATH, 'bci32kleft.dfs')) sl.attributes = corrPval[:sl.vertices.shape[0]] sl = patch_color_attrib(sl, clim=[0, 1]) sr = readdfs(os.path.join(BFPPATH, 'bci32kright.dfs')) sr.attributes = corrPval[sl.vertices.shape[0]:2*sl.vertices.shape[0]] sr = patch_color_attrib(sr, clim=[0, 1]) writedfs('right_pval_sn7915.dfs',sr); writedfs('left_pval_sn7915.dfs',sl); view_patch_vtk(sl, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, show=1) view_patch_vtk(sl, azimuth=-90, elevation=180, roll=-90, show=1)
sub_conn_0 = sub_conn_0 / (np.std(sub_conn_0, axis=1) + 1e-16)[:, None] for ind in range(1, nSub): sub_conn = sp.corrcoef(sub_data[:, :, ind] + 1e-16) sub_conn = sub_conn - sp.mean(sub_conn, axis=1)[:, None] sub_conn = sub_conn / (np.std(sub_conn, axis=1) + 1e-16)[:, None] dist_all_conn[cc_msk] += sp.mean((sub_conn_0 - sub_conn)**2.0, axis=(1)) print ind, dist_all_conn = dist_all_conn / nSub var_all = sp.zeros((sub_data.shape[0], sub_data.shape[1])) avg_sub_data = sp.mean(sub_data, axis=2) # azimuth=-90,elevation=-180, roll=-90, dfs_left_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_left_sm, dist_all_conn, clim=[0, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=-90, elevation=-180, roll=-90, outfile='dist_conn_view1_1sub_left.png', show=0) view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='dist_conn_view2_1sub_left.png', show=0) sp.savez('conn_pairwise_dist.npz', dist_all_conn)
ind_subsample = sp.arange(start=0, stop=dfs_left.labels.shape[0], step=100) ind_rois_orig = sp.in1d(dfs_left.labels, [46, 3, 4, 28, 29, 68, 69, 70]) ind_rois = sp.full(ind_rois_orig.shape[0], False, dtype=bool) ind_rois = ind_rois_orig.copy() #ind_rois[ind_subsample] = True ind_rois = sp.nonzero(ind_rois)[0] surf1 = dfs_left_sm surf1.attributes = sp.zeros(surf1.vertices.shape[0]) surf1.attributes[ind_rois] = 1 surf1 = patch_color_attrib(surf1) view_patch_vtk(surf1, show=1, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='motor_region.png') # sub = '110411' # p_dir = '/home/ajoshi/data/HCP_data' lst = os.listdir('/big_disk/ajoshi/HCP5') rho1 = 0 rho1rot = 0 rho2 = 0 rho2rot = 0 # lst = [lst[0]] diffbefore = 0 diffafter = 0 sub = lst[0]
s = r s.vColor = sp.zeros(s.vertices.shape) label_vert, lab_count = sp.stats.mode(labs_all.T) colr = get_cmap(nClusters + 1) lab_count = sp.float32(lab_count.squeeze()) s.vColor = s.vColor + 1 for i in range(len(s.vertices)): # print i, (lab_count[i]/sp.amax(lab_count)), colr(label_vert[0,i])[:3], (lab_count[i]/sp.amax(lab_count)), 0.55*sp.array(colr(label_vert[0,i])[:3]) if label_vert[0, i] > 0: freq = ((lab_count[i] / sp.amax(lab_count)) - 1.0 / nClusters) * (sp.float32(nClusters) / (nClusters - 1.0)) s.vColor[i, ] = (1 - freq) + freq * sp.array(colr(label_vert[0, i])[:3]) view_patch(s) view_patch_vtk(s) writedfs('outclustering_pc.dfs', s) # view_patch(r,r.labels) #mesh = mlab.triangular_mesh(r.vertices[:,0], r.vertices[:,1], r.vertices[:,2], r.faces, representation='surface', # opacity=1,scalars=np.float64(r.labels)) # #mlab.pipeline.surface(mesh) #mlab.gcf().scene.parallel_projection = True #mlab.view(azimuth=0, elevation=-90) #mlab.savefig(filename = 'dict_learning_1.png') #mlab.view(azimuth=0, elevation=90) #mlab.savefig(filename = 'dict_learning_2.png') #mlab.close()
sub2L, _, _ = normalizeData(data[~LR_flag, :].T) sub2R, _, _ = normalizeData(data[LR_flag, :].T) _, R = brainSync(X=sub1L, Y=sub2L) avgCorrL += sp.sum(sub1L *, sub2L), axis=0) avgCorrR += sp.sum(sub1R *, sub2R), axis=0) nSub += 1 print nSub, avgCorrL = avgCorrL / nSub avgCorrR = avgCorrR / nSub # plot correlations in right hemisphere dfs_right_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_right_sm, avgCorrR, clim=[0, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_right_sm, azimuth=-90, elevation=-180, roll=-90, outfile='corrLR_right1.png', show=0) view_patch_vtk(dfs_right_sm, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='corr_LR_right2.png', show=0) # Plot correlations in left hemisphere dfs_left_sm = patch_color_attrib(dfs_left_sm, avgCorrL, clim=[0, 1]) view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=-90, elevation=-180, roll=-90,
diff = diff * (labs.T > 0) diffAdhdInatt = diffAdhdInatt * (labs.T > 0) nVert = lsurf.vertices.shape[0] #%% Visualization of normal diff from the atlas lsurf.attributes = np.sqrt(np.sum((diff), axis=1)) lsurf.attributes = lsurf.attributes[:nVert] / 50 rsurf.attributes = np.sqrt(np.sum((diff), axis=1)) rsurf.attributes = rsurf.attributes[nVert:2 * nVert] / 50 lsurf = patch_color_attrib(lsurf, clim=[0, .2]) rsurf = patch_color_attrib(rsurf, clim=[0, .2]) view_patch_vtk(lsurf, azimuth=100, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='l1normal.png', show=1) view_patch_vtk(rsurf, azimuth=-100, elevation=180, roll=-90, outfile='r1normal.png', show=1) #%% Visualization of ADHD diff from the atlas lsurf.attributes = np.sqrt(np.sum((diffAdhdInatt), axis=1)) lsurf.attributes = lsurf.attributes[:nVert] / 50 rsurf.attributes = np.sqrt(np.sum((diffAdhdInatt), axis=1)) rsurf.attributes = rsurf.attributes[nVert:2 * nVert] / 50 lsurf = patch_color_attrib(lsurf, clim=[0, .2])
vol_lab = image.load_img(outvol) vol_lab = image.new_img_like(vol_lab, np.int16(vol_lab.get_fdata())) vol_lab.to_filename(outvol) vol_img = vol_lab.get_fdata() xres = vol_lab.header['pixdim'][1] yres = vol_lab.header['pixdim'][2] zres = vol_lab.header['pixdim'][3] sl = readdfs(lmid) sr = readdfs(rmid) xx = np.arange(vol_lab.shape[0]) * xres yy = np.arange(vol_lab.shape[1]) * yres zz = np.arange(vol_lab.shape[2]) * zres sl.labels = interpn((xx, yy, zz), vol_img, sl.vertices, method='nearest') sr.labels = interpn((xx, yy, zz), vol_img, sr.vertices, method='nearest') sl = smooth_patch(sl, iterations=3000, relaxation=.5) sr = smooth_patch(sr, iterations=3000, relaxation=.5) patch_color_labels(sl) view_patch_vtk(sl) patch_color_labels(sr) view_patch_vtk(sr) writedfs(outmidl, sl) writedfs(outmidr, sr)
rho_rho = [] rho_all = [] s1 = sp.load('labs_concat_data_100_clusters.npz') catlab = s1['labs_cat'] tlab = sp.zeros((catlab.shape[0], 2)) tlab[:, 0] = catlab dfs_left_sm.labels = catlab dfs_left_sm = patch_color_labels(dfs_left_sm, shuffle=False) view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='conc_joint1' + str(nClusters) + '_clusters_new2.png', show=0) view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=-90, elevation=-180, roll=-90, outfile='conc_joint2' + str(nClusters) + '_clusters_new2.png', show=0) s1 = sp.load('labs_all_data_bothsessions_' + str(nClusters) + '_clusters.npz') l = s1['lab_sub'] l1 = sp.reshape(l[:, :40], (l.shape[0] * 40), order='F') l2 = sp.reshape(l[:, 40:80], (l.shape[0] * 40), order='F')
nClusters = 30 ref = '100307' print(ref + '.reduce' + str(r_factor) + '.LR_mask.mat') fn1 = ref + '.reduce' + str(r_factor) + '.LR_mask.mat' fname1 = os.path.join(ref_dir, fn1) msk = # h5py.File(fname1); dfs_left = readdfs( os.path.join(p_dir_ref, 'reference', ref + '.aparc.\ a2009s.32k_fs.reduce3.left.dfs')) dfs_left_sm = readdfs( os.path.join(p_dir_ref, 'reference', ref + '.aparc.\ a2009s.32k_fs.reduce3.very_smooth.left.dfs')) view_patch_vtk(dfs_left_sm, azimuth=90, elevation=180, roll=90, outfile='sub.png', show=1) count1 = 0 rho_rho = [] rho_all = [] cc_msk = (dfs_left.labels > 0) sub = lst[0] data = os.path.join(p_dir, sub, sub + '.rfMRI_REST1_LR.\ reduce3.ftdata.NLM_11N_hvar_25.mat')) LR_flag = msk['LR_flag'] LR_flag = np.squeeze(LR_flag) != 0 data = data['ftdata_NLM']
yeomapL, _, _ = fsio.read_label(inputfile_L) vert, faces = fsio.read_geometry(fsAve_sph_L) gL = nib.load(fsAve_sph_32k_L) vert32k = gL.darrays[0].data faces32k = gL.darrays[1].data lh_sph.vertices = vert lh_sph.faces = faces lh_sph.labels = yeomapL lh32k.vertices = vert32k lh32k.faces = faces32k lh32k = interpolate_labels(lh_sph, lh32k) gL = nib.load(fsAve_32k_L) lh32k.vertices = gL.darrays[0].data lh32k.faces = gL.darrays[1].data lh32k = patch_color_labels(lh32k) view_patch_vtk(lh32k) # process right hemisphere yeomapR, _, _ = fsio.read_annot(inputfile_R) vert, faces = fsio.read_geometry(fsAve_sph_R) gR = nib.load(fsAve_sph_32k_R) vert32k = gR.darrays[0].data faces32k = gR.darrays[1].data rh_sph.vertices = vert rh_sph.faces = faces rh_sph.labels = yeomapR rh32k.vertices = vert32k rh32k.faces = faces32k rh32k = interpolate_labels(rh_sph, rh32k) gR = nib.load(fsAve_32k_R) rh32k.vertices = gR.darrays[0].data