    def generate_multipliers_neuron(self, multipliers_list, neuron_index):
        # Method to return extended multipliers list for a given neuron
        # used for the reduced density operations

        # 1. Define a fixed tuple of unit vectors
        ones = tuple([svect.unit()] * self.num_neurons)

        # 2. Define the extended multipliers list
        M = []

        # 3. Get the extended multipliers per neuron
        for multiplier in multipliers_list:
            # Change at the neuron's position for the multiplier
            a = list(ones)
            a[neuron_index] = multiplier
            # Get the tensor product for the extension to the firing
            # pattern basis
            multiplier_extended = svect.tensorProd(a)
            # Append the multiplier to the multipliers list

        # 4. Return extended multipliers list on the N neurons Hilbert space
        return M
def get_unitaries(angle):
    U_angle = np.cos(angle / 2) * one + np.sin(angle / 2) * V
    U01 = sv.tensorProd([P0, one]) + sv.tensorProd([P1, U_angle])
    U10 = sv.tensorProd([one, P0]) + sv.tensorProd([U_angle, P1])
    return [U01, U10]
# =============================================================================
# Mean Firing Energy vs Mutual Information Plots for a Stochastic Map
# with the initial density set equal to an eigendensity
# =============================================================================

# =============================================================================
# Part 1 - Definition of function needed for the stochastic updade and of
# the Hamiltonian for the mean firing energy calculation
# =============================================================================

V = np.matrix([[0, -1], [1, 0]])

P0 = sv.proj2x2(False)
P1 = sv.proj2x2(True)
one = sv.unit()
P01 = sv.tensorProd([P0, P1])
P10 = sv.tensorProd([P1, P0])
P11 = sv.tensorProd([P1, P1])

# Get the unitary operators list for the quantum neural map
def get_unitaries(angle):
    U_angle = np.cos(angle / 2) * one + np.sin(angle / 2) * V
    U01 = sv.tensorProd([P0, one]) + sv.tensorProd([P1, U_angle])
    U10 = sv.tensorProd([one, P0]) + sv.tensorProd([U_angle, P1])
    return [U01, U10]

# Get the Hamiltonian for the quantum mean firing energy, the
# factor is equal to the angular frequency multiplied by the
# reduced Planck constant
import svect as sv
import numpy as np
from math import pi
import qneural as qn
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# =============================================================================
# Entropy Dynamics for a Unitary Quantum Neural Map
# =============================================================================

# =============================================================================
# Part 1 - Preparation
# =============================================================================

# Setup the initial operator to get the initial density
U0 = sv.tensorProd([sv.WHGate(), sv.WHGate()])

# Initialize the network
Net, mult_2 = qn.initialize_network(num_neurons=2,

print("\nInitial Density")

print("\nLocal Operators")

print("\nNeuron 0")
# =============================================================================
# Simulating the iterations of a Quantum Neural Map
# for a Quantum Recurrent Neural Network 
# =============================================================================

# =============================================================================
# Part 1 - Preparation
# =============================================================================

P0 = sv.proj2x2(False) # operator |0><0|
P1 = sv.proj2x2(True) # operator |1><1|
I = sv.unit() # operator |0><0|+|1><1|

# Setup the initial operator to get the initial density
U0 = sv.tensorProd([sv.WHGate(),sv.WHGate()])
# Initialize the network
Net = qn.initialize_network(num_neurons=2,
print("\nInitial Density")
print("\nLocal Operators")
print("\nNeuron 0")
print("\nNeuron 1")

# Prepare the Quantum Circuit
P1 = sv.proj2x2(True)
one = sv.unit()

def get_unitaries(angle):
    U_angle = np.cos(angle/2)*one + np.sin(angle/2)*V
    U01 = sv.tensorProd([P0,one])+sv.tensorProd([P1,U_angle])
    U10 = sv.tensorProd([one,P0])+sv.tensorProd([U_angle,P1])
    return [U01, U10]

# =============================================================================
# Part 2 - Preparation of neural network
# =============================================================================

# Setup the initial operator to get the initial density
U0 = sv.tensorProd([sv.WHGate(),sv.WHGate()])

# Initialize the network
Net = qn.initialize_network(num_neurons=2,

print("\nInitial Density")

print("\nLocal Operators")

print("\nNeuron 0")
# =============================================================================
# Mean Firing Energy vs Mutual Information Plots for a Stochastic Map
# =============================================================================

# =============================================================================
# Part 1 - Definition of function needed for the stochastic updade and of
# the Hamiltonian for the mean firing energy calculation
# =============================================================================

V = np.matrix([[0, -1], [1, 0]])

P0 = sv.proj2x2(False)
P1 = sv.proj2x2(True)
one = sv.unit()
P01 = sv.tensorProd([P0, P1])
P10 = sv.tensorProd([P1, P0])
P11 = sv.tensorProd([P1, P1])

# Get the unitary operators list for the quantum neural map
def get_unitaries(angle):
    U_angle = np.cos(angle / 2) * one + np.sin(angle / 2) * V
    U01 = sv.tensorProd([P0, one]) + sv.tensorProd([P1, U_angle])
    U10 = sv.tensorProd([one, P0]) + sv.tensorProd([U_angle, P1])
    return [U01, U10]

# Get the Hamiltonian for the quantum mean firing energy, the
# factor is equal to the angular frequency multiplied by the
# reduced Planck constant
import svect as sv
import numpy as np

# Main Operators Used in the Circuit:
H = sv.WHGate()  # Walsh-Haddamard transform
I = sv.unit()  # Unit gate
X = sv.PauliX()  # Pauli X
P0 = sv.proj2x2(False)  # Projector P0 = |0><0|
P1 = sv.proj2x2(True)  # projector P1 = |1><1|

# Circuit Operator
UCircuit = np.dot(
    sv.tensorProd([P0, I]) + sv.tensorProd([P1, X]), sv.tensorProd([H, I]))

# Basis:
basis = sv.basisDef(2)  # we are working with a two register basis

# Initial amplitude:
psi0 = np.zeros(len(basis))
psi0[0] = 1

# Initial ket:
ket = sv.getKet(basis, psi0)

# Implementing the quatum circuit:
print("\nInitial ket vector:")

print("\nFinal ket vector:")
ket = sv.transformKet(UCircuit, ket)
import svect as sv
import numpy as np

# Main Operators Used in the Circuit:
H = sv.WHGate()  # Walsh-Haddamard transform
I = sv.unit()  # Unit gate
X = sv.PauliX()  # Pauli X
P0 = sv.proj2x2(False)  # Projector P0 = |0><0|
P1 = sv.proj2x2(True)  # projector P1 = |1><1|

# Circuit Design:
U0 = sv.tensorProd([H, I])  # First transition in circuit
CNOT = sv.tensorProd([P0, I]) + sv.tensorProd([P1, X])  # CNOT gate

# Basis:
basis = sv.basisDef(2)  # we are working with a two register basis

# Initial amplitude:
psi0 = np.zeros(len(basis))
psi0[0] = 1

# Initial ket:
ket = sv.getKet(basis, psi0)

# Implementing the quatum circuit:
print("\nInitial ket vector:")

print("\nStep 1:")
ket = sv.transformKet(U0, ket)
def get_unitaries(angle):
    U_angle = np.cos(angle / 2) * one + np.sin(angle / 2) * V
    U01 = sv.tensorProd([P0, one]) + sv.tensorProd([P1, U_angle])
    U10 = sv.tensorProd([one, P0]) + sv.tensorProd([U_angle, P1])
    return [U01, U10]

# =============================================================================
# Part 2 - Preparation of the neural network
# =============================================================================

# Initialize the network to one of the eigenvectors

Net, mult_2 = qn.initialize_network(num_neurons=2,
                                    initial_operator=sv.tensorProd([P0, P0]),

# =============================================================================
# Part 3 - Eigenvalue and entropy analysis
# =============================================================================

step = 0.001
r = 0

neural_map = Net.build_quantum_neural_map(get_unitaries(r * pi))
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = Net.get_eigenvectors(neural_map, printout=False)

r_values = []
phases_values = []