def generate_image_grid():
    generates the image grid by sampling the latent space and returning it

    # check if we have an autoencoder
    if not Storage.get_aae():
        return "Error: autoencoder not found", 404

    # get the autoencoder
    aae = Storage.get_aae()

    # we don't need a parameter for the image grid
    operation = {"generate_image_grid": ""}


    # training has already stopped ..
    if aae.get_train_status() == "stop":
        # .. so we restart the aae

    total_waiting_time = 0

    # wait for the response from the aae (at maximum 30s)
    while aae.get_requested_operations_by_swagger_results(
    ) is None and total_waiting_time <= 30:
        # wait for 200 ms, then check again
        total_waiting_time += 0.2

    # response took too long..
    if total_waiting_time > 30:
        return "Request timed out", 408

    # aae has responded
    result = aae.get_requested_operations_by_swagger_results()

    # reset the variable holding the results

    # we need to convert it, since np arrays are not json serializable
    result = [a.astype("float64").tolist() for a in result]

    return result, 200
def generate_image_from_single_point(single_point):
    generates the aae output from a given point on the latent space
    :param single_point: point on the latent space
    :return: 2 or 3D (depending on colorscale) list holding the image pixels

    if not Storage.get_aae_parameters():
        return "Error: autoencoder not found", 404
    z_dim = Storage.get_aae_parameters()["z_dim"]

    if Storage.get_selected_autoencoder() != "Unsupervised":
        return "Error: This function is supposed to work for unsupervised autoencoders only!", 412

    if len(single_point) != z_dim:
        return "Error: Invalid dimension! Dimension should be %s." % z_dim, 400

    # get the autoencoder
    aae = Storage.get_aae()

    # check if we have an autoencoder
    if not aae:
        return "Error: autoencoder not found", 404

    # create the operation for the aae and add it
    operation = {"generate_image_from_single_point": single_point}

    # training has already stopped ..
    if aae.get_train_status() == "stop":
        # .. so we restart the aae

    total_waiting_time = 0

    # wait for the response from the aae (at maximum 30s)
    while aae.get_requested_operations_by_swagger_results(
    ) is None and total_waiting_time <= 30:
        # wait for 200 ms, then check again
        total_waiting_time += 0.2

    # response took too long..
    if total_waiting_time > 30:
        return "Request timed out", 408

    # aae has responded
    result = aae.get_requested_operations_by_swagger_results()

    # reset the variable holding the results

    # we need to convert it, since np arrays are not json serializable
    if not aae.selected_dataset == "mass_spec":
        result = result.astype("float64").tolist()

    return result, 200
def stop_tuning():
    stops the tuning

    # stop the tuning

    # get the adv. autoencoder
    if Storage.get_aae():
        aae = Storage.get_aae()
        return "No autoencoder found", 404

    # stop the training of the current autoencoder

    return "Tuning stopped", 200
def control_training(train_status):
    starts and stops the training
    :param train_status: one of ["start", "stop"]; whether to start or stop the training
    if connexion.request.is_json:
        if train_status == "start":
            # get the adv. autoencoder
            aae = Storage.get_aae()

            # set the train status

                # define background thread:
                aae_thread = threading.Thread(target=aae.train, args=(True, ))
            except AttributeError:
                return "No autoencoder found", 404

            # the adv autoencoder is currently training, so we need to stop it first
            if Storage.get_aae_thread():
                # stop training

            # set the new training thread

            # start training:

            return "Training started", 200

        if train_status == "stop":
            # get aae
            aae = Storage.get_aae()

            # stop training

            return "Training stopped", 200
def reset_tensorflow_graph():
    resets the tensorflow graph to enable training another autoencoder

    # get the adversarial autoencoder
    aae = Storage.get_aae()

    # check if we have an autoencoder
    if not aae:
        return "Error: no autoencoder found", 404


    return "Graph successfully reset", 200
def get_spectra_original_and_reconstruction():

    # get the autoencoder
    aae = Storage.get_aae()

    # check if we have an autoencoder
    if not aae:
        return "Error: no autoencoder found", 404

    # get the vars for the minibatch summary
    spectra_original_and_reconstruction = aae.get_spectra_original_and_reconstruction(

    # convert the numpy arrays in the dictionary to lists (np array is not json serializable..)
    for key in spectra_original_and_reconstruction:
        if spectra_original_and_reconstruction[key] is not None:
                key] = spectra_original_and_reconstruction[key].tolist()

    return spectra_original_and_reconstruction, 200
def load_aae(selected_autoencoder, filepath):
    loads a trained autoencoder
    :param selected_autoencoder: autoencoder to load, e.g. Unsupervised, Supervised, etc.
    :param filepath:

    # reset previous autoencoders (if they exist)
    aae = Storage.get_aae()
    if aae:

    selected_dataset = Storage.get_selected_dataset()

    # check if we have a dataset selected
    if not selected_dataset:
        return "Error: data set not found", 404

    adv_autoencoder = None

        params = get_params_from_params_file(filepath)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return "Error: No such file or directory: '" + filepath + "'", 404

        if selected_autoencoder == "Unsupervised":
            adv_autoencoder = UnsupervisedAdversarialAutoencoder(params)
        elif selected_autoencoder == "Supervised":
            adv_autoencoder = SupervisedAdversarialAutoencoder(params)
        elif selected_autoencoder == "SemiSupervised":
            adv_autoencoder = SemiSupervisedAdversarialAutoencoder(params)
        elif selected_autoencoder == "IncorporatingLabelInformation":
            adv_autoencoder = IncorporatingLabelInformationAdversarialAutoencoder(
        elif selected_autoencoder == "UnsupervisedClustering":
            adv_autoencoder = UnsupervisedClusteringAdversarialAutoencoder(
        elif selected_autoencoder == "DimensionalityReduction":
            adv_autoencoder = DimensionalityReductionAdversarialAutoencoder(
    except KeyError:
        return 'Error: Parameter %s not found' % sys.exc_info()[1], 404
    except IndexError:
        return 'Error: The parameters seems to be invalid. Make sure you selected the correct autoencoder', 400

    # building the autoencoder sets the train status to start, so we need to manually set it to stop, since the
    # autoencoder is already trained

        # get the last part: e.g. "\2018-08-02_17_48_33_MNIST\log\params.txt"
        result_folder_name = filepath.split(selected_autoencoder)[1]
        # get the first part: "\2018-08-02_17_48_33_MNIST\"
        result_folder_name = result_folder_name.split("log")[0]
        # remove the trailing separator: "\2018-08-02_17_48_33_MNIST\"
        result_folder_name = result_folder_name.split(
            selected_dataset)[0] + selected_dataset
    except IndexError:
        return 'Error: The parameters seems to be invalid. Make sure you selected the correct autoencoder', 400


    # store the parameters and the adv. autoencoder in the storage class

    return "AAE successfully loaded", 200
def build_aae(selected_autoencoder, aae_parameters):
    builds the adversarial autoencoder with the parameters provided
    :param selected_autoencoder: one of ["Unsupervised", "Supervised", "SemiSupervised"]
    :param aae_parameters: parameters for the adv. autoencoder

    if connexion.request.is_json:

        # get the parameters for the adv autoencoder
        aae_parameters = connexion.request.get_json()

        # check if we have a dataset selected
        if not Storage.get_selected_dataset():
            return "Error: data set not found", 404

        # get the selected dataset ["MNIST", "SVHN", "cifar10", "custom"]
        selected_dataset = Storage.get_selected_dataset()
        aae_parameters["selected_dataset"] = selected_dataset

        # get the results_path based on the selected autoencoder
            "results_path"] = get_result_path_for_selected_autoencoder(

        # set the input dim and the color scale according to the selected dataset
        if selected_dataset == "MNIST":
            aae_parameters["input_dim_x"] = 28
            aae_parameters["input_dim_y"] = 28
            aae_parameters["color_scale"] = "gray_scale"
        elif selected_dataset == "SVHN":
            aae_parameters["input_dim_x"] = 32
            aae_parameters["input_dim_y"] = 32
            aae_parameters["color_scale"] = "rgb_scale"
        elif selected_dataset == "cifar10":
            aae_parameters["input_dim_x"] = 32
            aae_parameters["input_dim_y"] = 32
            aae_parameters["color_scale"] = "rgb_scale"
        elif selected_dataset == "custom":
            return "Error: not implemented", 404

        if Storage.get_aae() is not None:
            # reset the tensorflow graph

        # create the AAE with the current parameters
        adv_autoencoder = None
            if selected_autoencoder == "Unsupervised":
                adv_autoencoder = UnsupervisedAdversarialAutoencoder(
            elif selected_autoencoder == "Supervised":
                adv_autoencoder = SupervisedAdversarialAutoencoder(
            elif selected_autoencoder == "SemiSupervised":
                adv_autoencoder = SemiSupervisedAdversarialAutoencoder(
            elif selected_autoencoder == "IncorporatingLabelInformation":
                adv_autoencoder = IncorporatingLabelInformationAdversarialAutoencoder(
            elif selected_autoencoder == "UnsupervisedClustering":
                adv_autoencoder = UnsupervisedClusteringAdversarialAutoencoder(
            elif selected_autoencoder == "DimensionalityReduction":
                adv_autoencoder = DimensionalityReductionAdversarialAutoencoder(
        except KeyError:
            return 'Error: Parameter %s not found' % sys.exc_info()[1], 404

        # store the parameters and the adv. autoencoder in the storage class

        return "Success: AAE successfully built", 200
    return 'Error: parameters not in .json format', 415
def get_performance_over_time():
    returns the performance over time (losses (and accuracy for the semi-supervised aae)) for the current autoencoder

    # get the adversarial autoencoder
    aae = Storage.get_aae()

    # check if we have an autoencoder
    if not aae:
        return "Error: no autoencoder found", 404

    # get the performance over time
    performance_over_time = aae.get_performance_over_time()

    # since swagger doesn't allow different return values for the same function, we return all of them
    discriminator_losses = []  # only (un)-supervised
    discriminator_gaussian_losses = []  # only semi-supervised
    discriminator_categorical_losses = []  # only semi-supervised
    supervised_encoder_loss = []  # only semi-supervised
    accuracy = []  # only semi-supervised
    accuracy_epochs = []  # only semi-supervised

    autoencoder_losses = performance_over_time["autoencoder_losses"]
    autoencoder_losses = [float(number) for number in autoencoder_losses]

    list_of_epochs = performance_over_time["list_of_epochs"]
    list_of_epochs = [float(number) for number in list_of_epochs]

    mz_values_losses = performance_over_time["mz_values_losses"]
    mz_values_losses = [float(number) for number in mz_values_losses]

    intensities_losses = performance_over_time["intensities_losses"]
    intensities_losses = [float(number) for number in intensities_losses]

    # distinguish between semi-supervised or (un-)supervised autoencoder
    if Storage.get_selected_autoencoder() == "SemiSupervised":

        discriminator_gaussian_losses = performance_over_time[
        discriminator_gaussian_losses = [
            float(number) for number in discriminator_gaussian_losses

        discriminator_categorical_losses = performance_over_time[
        discriminator_categorical_losses = [
            float(number) for number in discriminator_categorical_losses

        generator_losses = performance_over_time["generator_losses"]
        generator_losses = [float(number) for number in generator_losses]

        supervised_encoder_loss = performance_over_time[
        supervised_encoder_loss = [
            float(number) for number in supervised_encoder_loss

        accuracy = performance_over_time["accuracy"]
        accuracy = [float(number) for number in accuracy]

        accuracy_epochs = performance_over_time["accuracy_epochs"]
        accuracy_epochs = [float(number) for number in accuracy_epochs]

    # we have an unsupervised or a supervised autoencoder

        discriminator_losses = performance_over_time["discriminator_losses"]
        discriminator_losses = [
            float(number) for number in discriminator_losses

        generator_losses = performance_over_time["generator_losses"]
        generator_losses = [float(number) for number in generator_losses]

    # since swagger doesn't allow multiple return values, we have to pack them in a dictionary and return it
    performance_dict = {
        "autoencoder_losses:": autoencoder_losses,
        "discriminator_losses:": discriminator_losses,
        "generator_losses:": generator_losses,
        "list_of_epochs:": list_of_epochs,
        "discriminator_gaussian_losses": discriminator_gaussian_losses,
        "discriminator_categorical_losses": discriminator_categorical_losses,
        "supervised_encoder_loss": supervised_encoder_loss,
        "accuracy": accuracy,
        "accuracy_epochs": accuracy_epochs,
        "mz_values_losses": mz_values_losses,
        "intensities_losses": intensities_losses

    return performance_dict, 200
def get_epoch_summary_vars():

    # get the autoencoder
    aae = Storage.get_aae()

    # check if we have an autoencoder
    if not aae:
        return "Error: no autoencoder found", 404

    # get the vars for the minibatch summary
    minibatch_summary_vars = aae.get_epoch_summary_vars()

    # since swagger doesn't allow different return values for the same function, we return all of them
    discriminator_neg = []  # only (un)-supervised
    discriminator_pos = []  # only (un)-supervised
    batch_x = []  # only (un)-supervised
    decoder_output = []  # only (un)-supervised
    batch_labels = []  # only (un)-supervised

    batch_X_unlabeled = []  # only semi-supervised
    reconstructed_image = []  # only semi-supervised
    real_cat_dist = []  # only semi-supervised
    encoder_cat_dist = []  # only semi-supervised
    batch_labels = []  # only semi-supervised
    discriminator_gaussian_neg = []  # only semi-supervised
    discriminator_gaussian_pos = []  # only semi-supervised
    discriminator_cat_neg = []  # only semi-supervised
    discriminator_cat_pos = []  # only semi-supervised

    # TODO: fix this

    # distinguish between semi-supervised or (un-)supervised autoencoder
    if Storage.get_selected_autoencoder() == "SemiSupervised":

        real_dist = np.array(minibatch_summary_vars["real_dist"]
                             )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        real_dist = real_dist.astype("float64").tolist()

        latent_representation = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        latent_representation = latent_representation.astype(

        batch_X_unlabeled = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        batch_X_unlabeled = batch_X_unlabeled.astype("float64").tolist()

        reconstructed_images = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        reconstructed_images = reconstructed_images.astype("float64").tolist()

        real_cat_dist = np.array(minibatch_summary_vars["real_cat_dist"]
                                 )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        real_cat_dist = real_cat_dist.astype("float64").tolist()

        encoder_cat_dist = np.array(minibatch_summary_vars["encoder_cat_dist"]
                                    )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        encoder_cat_dist = encoder_cat_dist.astype("float64").tolist()

        batch_labels = np.array(minibatch_summary_vars["batch_labels"]
                                )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        batch_labels = batch_labels.astype("float64").tolist()

        discriminator_gaussian_neg = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size) array of floats
        discriminator_gaussian_neg = discriminator_gaussian_neg.astype(

        discriminator_gaussian_pos = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size) array of floats
        discriminator_gaussian_pos = discriminator_gaussian_pos.astype(

        discriminator_cat_neg = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size) array of floats
        discriminator_cat_neg = discriminator_cat_neg.astype(

        discriminator_cat_pos = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        discriminator_cat_pos = discriminator_cat_pos.astype(

        epoch = minibatch_summary_vars["epoch"]  # single integer

    # we have an unsupervised or a supervised autoencoder
        real_dist = np.array(minibatch_summary_vars["real_dist"]
                             )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        real_dist = real_dist.astype("float64").tolist()

        latent_representation = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        latent_representation = latent_representation.astype(

        discriminator_neg = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size) array of floats
        discriminator_neg = discriminator_neg.astype("float64").tolist()

        discriminator_pos = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size, z_dim) array of floats
        discriminator_pos = discriminator_pos.astype("float64").tolist()

        batch_x = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size, input_dim_x*input_dim_x*color_scale) array of floats
        batch_x = batch_x.astype("float64").tolist()

        reconstructed_images = np.array(
        )  # (batch_size, input_dim_x*input_dim_x*color_scale)
        reconstructed_images = reconstructed_images.astype(
            "float64").tolist()  # array of floats

        batch_labels = np.array(minibatch_summary_vars["batch_labels"]
                                )  # (batch_size, n_classes) array of ints
        batch_labels = batch_labels.astype("float64").tolist()

        epoch = minibatch_summary_vars["epoch"]  # single integer

    minibatch_summary_vars_dict = {
        "real_dist": real_dist,
        "latent_representation": latent_representation,
        "discriminator_neg": discriminator_neg,
        "discriminator_pos": discriminator_pos,
        "batch_x": batch_x,
        "reconstructed_images": reconstructed_images,
        "epoch": epoch,
        "batch_labels": batch_labels,
        "batch_X_unlabeled": batch_X_unlabeled,
        "real_cat_dist": real_cat_dist,
        "encoder_cat_dist": encoder_cat_dist,
        "discriminator_gaussian_neg": discriminator_gaussian_neg,
        "discriminator_gaussian_pos": discriminator_gaussian_pos,
        "discriminator_cat_neg": discriminator_cat_neg,
        "discriminator_cat_pos": discriminator_cat_pos

    return minibatch_summary_vars_dict, 200
def get_learning_rates():
    returns the learning rates over time for the current autoencoder

    # get the autoencoder
    aae = Storage.get_aae()

    # check if we have an autoencoder
    if not aae:
        return "Error: no autoencoder found", 404

    # get the learning rates
    learning_rates = aae.get_learning_rates()

    # since swagger doesn't allow different return values for the same function, we return all of them
    discriminator_lr = []  # only (un)-supervised
    discriminator_g_lr = []  # only semi-supervised
    discriminator_c_lr = []  # only semi-supervised
    supervised_encoder_lr = []  # only semi-supervised

    # distinguish between semi-supervised or (un-)supervised autoencoder
    if Storage.get_selected_autoencoder() == "SemiSupervised":
        autoencoder_lr = learning_rates["autoencoder_lr"]
        autoencoder_lr = [float(number) for number in autoencoder_lr]

        discriminator_g_lr = learning_rates["discriminator_g_lr"]
        discriminator_g_lr = [float(number) for number in discriminator_g_lr]

        discriminator_c_lr = learning_rates["discriminator_c_lr"]
        discriminator_c_lr = [float(number) for number in discriminator_c_lr]

        generator_lr = learning_rates["generator_lr"]
        generator_lr = [float(number) for number in generator_lr]

        supervised_encoder_lr = learning_rates["supervised_encoder_lr"]
        supervised_encoder_lr = [
            float(number) for number in supervised_encoder_lr

        list_of_epochs = learning_rates["list_of_epochs"]
        list_of_epochs = [float(number) for number in list_of_epochs]

    # we have an unsupervised or a supervised autoencoder

        autoencoder_lr = learning_rates["autoencoder_lr"]
        autoencoder_lr = [float(number) for number in autoencoder_lr]

        discriminator_lr = learning_rates["discriminator_lr"]
        discriminator_lr = [float(number) for number in discriminator_lr]

        generator_lr = learning_rates["generator_lr"]
        generator_lr = [float(number) for number in generator_lr]

        list_of_epochs = learning_rates["list_of_epochs"]
        list_of_epochs = [float(number) for number in list_of_epochs]

    # since swagger doesn't allow multiple return values, we have to pack them in a dictionary and return it
    lr_dict = {
        "autoencoder_lr:": autoencoder_lr,
        "discriminator_lr:": discriminator_lr,
        "generator_lr:": generator_lr,
        "list_of_epochs:": list_of_epochs,
        "discriminator_g_lr": discriminator_g_lr,
        "discriminator_c_lr": discriminator_c_lr,
        "supervised_encoder_lr": supervised_encoder_lr

    return lr_dict, 200
def get_biases_or_weights_for_layer(bias_or_weights, layer_name):

    # TODO: layer name as enum

    if bias_or_weights not in ["bias", "weights"]:
        return "invalid input", 400

    if not Storage.get_aae_parameters():
        return "Error: autoencoder not found", 404

    # get the autoencoder
    aae = Storage.get_aae()

    # check if we have an autoencoder
    if not aae:
        return "Error: autoencoder not found", 404

    # check if the layer_name is valid
    subnetwork = layer_name.split("_")[0]  # encoder, decoder, etc
    all_layer_names = aae.get_all_layer_names()
    except KeyError:
        return "Error: layer_name is invalid!", 400
    if layer_name not in all_layer_names[subnetwork]:
        return "Error: layer_name is invalid!", 400

    # request the operation
    operation = {
        "get_biases_or_weights_for_layer": (bias_or_weights, layer_name)

    # training has stopped
    if aae.get_train_status() == "stop":
        # restart aae and get the weights/biases

    total_waiting_time = 0

    # wait for the response from the aae (at maximum 30s)
    while aae.get_requested_operations_by_swagger_results(
    ) is None and total_waiting_time <= 30:
        # wait for 200 ms, then check again
        total_waiting_time += 0.2

    # response took too long..
    if total_waiting_time > 30:
        return "Request timed out! Maybe you need to start training first", 408

    # aae has responded
    result = aae.get_requested_operations_by_swagger_results()

    # reset the variable holding the results

    # we need to convert it, since np arrays are not json serializable
    result = [a.astype("float64").tolist() for a in result]

    return result, 200
def classify_single_image(single_image):
    classifies a single image and returns the predicted class label as integer label
    :param single_image: numpy array of the image to classify
    :return: integer label of the predicted class

    if not Storage.get_aae_parameters():
        return "Error: autoencoder not found", 404
    input_dim_x = Storage.get_aae_parameters()["input_dim_x"]
    input_dim_y = Storage.get_aae_parameters()["input_dim_y"]
    color_scale = Storage.get_aae_parameters()["color_scale"]
    input_dim = 0

    if color_scale == "gray_scale":
        input_dim = input_dim_x * input_dim_y
    elif color_scale == "rgb_scale":
        input_dim = input_dim_x * input_dim_y * 3

    if not Storage.get_selected_autoencoder() == "SemiSupervised":
        return "Error: This function is supposed to work for semi-supervised autoencoders only!", 412

    if len(single_image) != input_dim:
        return "Error: Invalid dimension! Dimension should be %s." % input_dim, 400

    # get the autoencoder
    aae = Storage.get_aae()

    # check if we have an autoencoder
    if not aae:
        return "Error: autoencoder not found", 404

    operation = {"classify_single_image": single_image}

    # training has already stopped ..
    if aae.get_train_status() == "stop":
        # .. so we restart the aae

    total_waiting_time = 0

    # wait for the response from the aae (at maximum 30s)
    while aae.get_requested_operations_by_swagger_results(
    ) is None and total_waiting_time <= 30:
        # wait for 200 ms, then check again
        total_waiting_time += 0.2

    # response took too long..
    if total_waiting_time > 30:
        return "Request timed out", 408

    # aae has responded
    result = aae.get_requested_operations_by_swagger_results()

    # reset the variable holding the results

    # we need to convert it, since np ints are not json serializable
    result = int(result)

    return result, 200