def __init__(self, name, model):
        super().__init__(name, model)
        self.wealth = 1
        self.location = ()

        self.direction = model.random.rand() * (2 * np.pi)
        self.speed = 2
        self.radius = 3

        self.moveable = True
        self.shared_content = dict()

        # Defining the composite behavior
        explore = Explore('Explore')

        # Setup for the behavior
        explore.setup(0, self, None)

        # This behavior is just defined to check if the composite tree
        # can be combined with other primite behaviors
        is_carrying = IsCarrying('IsCarrying')
        is_carrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        seq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('Seq')
        seq.add_children([explore, is_carrying])

        # Since its root is a sequence, we can use it directly
        self.behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(seq)
    def __init__(self, name, model):
        super().__init__(name, model)
        self.location = ()

        self.direction = model.random.rand() * (2 * np.pi)
        # self.speed = 2
        self.radius = 3

        self.moveable = True
        self.shared_content = dict()

        root = py_trees.composites.Sequence("Sequence")
        # Sensing the environemnt to find object to carry
        lowest = NeighbourObjects('0')
        lowest.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # First check if the item is carrable?
        carryable = IsCarryable('SC_IsCarryable_1')
        carryable.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # Then check if the item can be carried by a single agent
        issinglecarry = IsSingleCarry('SC_IsSingleCarry_2')
        issinglecarry.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # Finally, carry the object
        singlecarry = SingleCarry('SC_SingleCarry_3')
        singlecarry.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # Define a sequence to combine the primitive behavior
        sc_sequence = py_trees.composites.Sequence('SC_SEQUENCE')
        sc_sequence.add_children([carryable, issinglecarry, singlecarry])

        # Creating composite single carry object
        # singlecarry = CompositeSingleCarry('SingleCarry')
        # singlecarry.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        high = Explore('Explore')
        high.setup(0, self)

        root.add_children([lowest, sc_sequence, high])
        self.behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(root)
    def __init__(self, name, model):
        super().__init__(name, model)
        self.location = ()

        self.direction = model.random.rand() * (2 * np.pi)
        # self.speed = 2
        self.radius = 3

        self.moveable = True
        self.shared_content = dict()
        self.shared_content['Hub'] = {model.hub}
        self.shared_content['Sites'] = {}

        # Drop branch
        dseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('DSequence')

        iscarrying = IsInPartialAttached('8')
        iscarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # If near hub and carrying food with other agents drop
        neighhub = NeighbourObjects('2')
        neighhub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        drop = CompositeDropPartial('4')
        drop.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        dseq.add_children([neighhub, drop])

        # Carry branch
        cseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('CSequence')

        # neighsite = NeighbourObjects('5')
        # neighsite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')
        neighhub = py_trees.meta.inverter(NeighbourObjects)('40')
        neighhub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        neighfood = NeighbourObjects('50')
        neighfood.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        invcarrying = py_trees.meta.inverter(IsInPartialAttached)('8')
        invcarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        carry = CompositeMultipleCarry('9')
        carry.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # Move to hub
        hubseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('HubSeq')
        # If carrying something to go to hub
        gotohub = MoveTowards('10')
        gotohub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        hubseq.add_children([iscarrying, gotohub])

        cseq.add_children([neighhub, neighfood, carry, hubseq])

        # Locomotion branch

        # Move to site
        siteseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('SiteSeq')
        # If site already found and not carrying anything go to site
        sitefound = IsVisitedBefore('7')
        sitefound.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        gotosite = MoveTowards('9')
        gotosite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        siteseq.add_children([sitefound, invcarrying, gotosite])

        # Do Random walk
        explore = Explore('12')
        explore.setup(0, self)

        randwalk = py_trees.composites.Sequence('Randwalk')
        # Try to got to site and hub if not explore
        locoselect = py_trees.composites.Selector('Move')
        locoselect.add_children([iscarrying, siteseq, explore])
        # First try to drop then collect or explore
        select = py_trees.composites.Selector('Main')
        select.add_children([dseq, cseq, locoselect])

        self.behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(select)
    def __init__(self, name, model, xmlstring=None):
        super().__init__(name, model)
        self.location = ()

        self.direction = model.random.rand() * (2 * np.pi)
        self.speed = 2
        self.radius = 3

        self.moveable = True
        self.shared_content = dict()

        self.carryable = False
        # Define a BTContruct object = BTConstruct(None, self)

        class DummyIndividual:
            def __init__(self):
                self.phenotype = None

        dummyind = DummyIndividual()
        self.individual = [dummyind]
        self.individual[0].phenotype = xmlstring

        # = xmlstring

        # Drop branch
        dseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('DSequence')
        iscarrying = IsCarrying('IsCarrying_Food')
        iscarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        neighhub = NeighbourObjects('NeighbourObjects_Hub')
        neighhub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        notneighhub = py_trees.meta.inverter(NeighbourObjects)(
        notneighhub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        drop = CompositeDrop('CompositeDrop_Food')
        drop.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        dseq.add_children([neighhub, drop])

        # Carry branch
        cseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('CSequence')

        neighsite = NeighbourObjects('NeighbourObjects_Sites')
        neighsite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        neighfood = NeighbourObjects('NeighbourObjects_Food')
        neighfood.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        invcarrying = py_trees.meta.inverter(IsCarrying)('IsCarrying_Food')
        invcarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        carry = CompositeSingleCarry('CompositeSingleCarry_Food')
        carry.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        cseq.add_children([neighsite, neighfood, invcarrying, carry])

        # Locomotion branch

        # Move to site
        siteseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('SiteSeq')

        sitefound = IsVisitedBefore('IsVisitedBefore_Sites')
        sitefound.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        gotosite = MoveTowards('MoveTowards_Sites')
        gotosite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        siteseq.add_children([sitefound, invcarrying, gotosite])
        # siteseq.add_children([invcarrying])

        # Move to hub
        hubseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('HubSeq')

        gotohub = MoveTowards('MoveTowards_Hub')
        gotohub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        hubseq.add_children([iscarrying, gotohub])

        sitenotfound = py_trees.meta.inverter(IsVisitedBefore)(
        sitenotfound.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        explore = Explore('Explore')
        explore.setup(0, self)

        randwalk = py_trees.composites.Sequence('Randwalk')
        randwalk.add_children([sitenotfound, explore])

        locoselect = py_trees.composites.Selector('Move')
        # locoselect.add_children([siteseq, hubseq, explore])
        locoselect.add_children([hubseq, randwalk])

        select = py_trees.composites.Selector('Main')

        select.add_children([dseq, cseq, locoselect])

        self.behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(select)

                                         name=model.pname + '/forgehc')
    def __init__(self, name, model, xmlstring=None):
        super().__init__(name, model)
        self.location = ()

        self.direction = model.random.rand() * (2 * np.pi)
        self.speed = 2
        self.radius = 3

        self.moveable = True
        self.shared_content = dict()

        self.carryable = False
        # Define a BTContruct object = BTConstruct(None, self)

        class DummyIndividual:
            def __init__(self):
                self.phenotype = None

        dummyind = DummyIndividual()
        self.individual = [dummyind]
        self.individual[0].phenotype = xmlstring

        # = xmlstring

        # self.shared_content['Hub'] = {model.hub}
        # self.shared_content['Sites'] = {}

        # Drop branch
        dseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('DSequence')

        iscarrying = IsInPartialAttached('IsInPartialAttached_Food')
        iscarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # If near hub and carrying food with other agents drop
        neighhub = NeighbourObjects('NeighbourObjects_Hub')
        neighhub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        drop = CompositeDropPartial('CompositeDropPartial_Food')
        drop.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        dseq.add_children([neighhub, drop])

        # Carry branch
        cseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('CSequence')

        # neighsite = NeighbourObjects('5')
        # neighsite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')
        neighhub = py_trees.meta.inverter(NeighbourObjects)(
        neighhub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        neighfood = NeighbourObjects('NeighbourObjects_Food')
        neighfood.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        invcarrying = py_trees.meta.inverter(IsInPartialAttached)(
        invcarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        carry = CompositeMultipleCarry('CompositeMultipleCarry_Food')
        carry.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # Move to hub
        hubseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('HubSeq')
        # If carrying something to go to hub
        gotohub = MoveTowards('MoveTowards_Hub')
        gotohub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        hubseq.add_children([iscarrying, gotohub])

        cseq.add_children([neighhub, neighfood, carry, hubseq])

        # Locomotion branch

        # Move to site
        siteseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('SiteSeq')
        # If site already found and not carrying anything go to site
        sitefound = IsVisitedBefore('IsVisitedBefore_Sites')
        sitefound.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        gotosite = MoveTowards('MoveTowards_Sites')
        gotosite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        siteseq.add_children([sitefound, invcarrying, gotosite])

        # Do Random walk
        explore = Explore('Explore')
        explore.setup(0, self)

        randwalk = py_trees.composites.Sequence('Randwalk')
        # Try to got to site and hub if not explore
        locoselect = py_trees.composites.Selector('Move')
        locoselect.add_children([iscarrying, siteseq, explore])
        # First try to drop then collect or explore
        select = py_trees.composites.Selector('Main')
        select.add_children([dseq, cseq, locoselect])

        self.behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(select)
                                         name=model.pname + '/cthc')
    def __init__(self, name, model):
        super().__init__(name, model)
        self.location = ()

        self.direction = model.random.rand() * (2 * np.pi)
        self.speed = 2
        self.radius = 3

        self.moveable = True
        self.shared_content = dict()

        self.shared_content['Hub'] = {model.hub}
        # Drop branch
        dseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('DSequence')
        iscarrying = IsCarrying('1')
        iscarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        neighhub = NeighbourObjects('2')
        neighhub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        drop = CompositeDrop('4')
        drop.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        dseq.add_children([neighhub, drop])

        # Carry branch
        cseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('CSequence')

        neighsite = NeighbourObjects('5')
        neighsite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        neighfood = NeighbourObjects('50')
        neighfood.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        invcarrying = py_trees.meta.inverter(IsCarrying)('8')
        invcarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        carry = CompositeSingleCarry('6')
        carry.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        cseq.add_children([neighsite, neighfood, invcarrying, carry])

        # Locomotion branch

        # Move to site
        siteseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('SiteSeq')

        sitefound = IsVisitedBefore('7')
        sitefound.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        gotosite = MoveTowards('9')
        gotosite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        siteseq.add_children([sitefound, invcarrying, gotosite])

        # Move to hub
        hubseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('HubSeq')

        gotohub = MoveTowards('10')
        gotohub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        hubseq.add_children([iscarrying, gotohub])

        sitenotfound = py_trees.meta.inverter(IsVisitedBefore)('11')
        sitenotfound.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        explore = Explore('12')
        explore.setup(0, self)

        randwalk = py_trees.composites.Sequence('Randwalk')

        locoselect = py_trees.composites.Selector('Move')
        locoselect.add_children([siteseq, hubseq, explore])
        select = py_trees.composites.Selector('Main')

        select.add_children([dseq, cseq, locoselect])

        self.behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(select)
文件: 项目: foton263/swarm
    def construct_bt(self):
        """Construct BT."""
        # Get the phenotype of the genome and store as xmlstring
        # = self.xmlstring
        # Drop branch
        # Drop branch
        dseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('DSequence')
        iscarrying = IsCarrying('IsCarrying_Debris')
        iscarrying.setup(0, self, 'Debris')

        neighhub = NeighbourObjects('NeighbourObjects')
        neighhub.setup(0, self, 'Obstacles')

        drop = CompositeDrop('CompositeDrop_Debris')
        drop.setup(0, self, 'Debris')

        dseq.add_children([neighhub, drop])

        # Carry branch
        cseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('CSequence')

        neighsite = py_trees.meta.inverter(NeighbourObjects)(
        neighsite.setup(0, self, 'Obstacles')

        neighfood = NeighbourObjects('NeighbourObjects_Debris')
        neighfood.setup(0, self, 'Debris')

        invcarrying = py_trees.meta.inverter(IsCarrying)('IsCarrying_Debris')
        invcarrying.setup(0, self, 'Debris')

        carry = CompositeSingleCarry('CompositeSingleCarry_Debris')
        carry.setup(0, self, 'Debris')

        cseq.add_children([neighsite, neighfood, invcarrying, carry])

        # Locomotion branch

        # Move to site
        siteseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('SiteSeq')

        sitefound = IsVisitedBefore('IsVisitedBefore')
        sitefound.setup(0, self, 'Obstacles')

        gotosite = MoveTowards('MoveTowards')
        gotosite.setup(0, self, 'Obstacles')

        siteseq.add_children([sitefound, iscarrying, gotosite])

        # Move to hub
        hubseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('HubSeq')

        gotohub = MoveTowards('MoveTowards_Hub')
        gotohub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        hubseq.add_children([iscarrying, gotohub])

        sitenotfound = py_trees.meta.inverter(IsVisitedBefore)(
        sitenotfound.setup(0, self, 'Obstacles')

        explore = Explore('Explore')
        explore.setup(0, self)

        randwalk = py_trees.composites.Sequence('Randwalk')

        locoselect = py_trees.composites.Selector('Move')
        locoselect.add_children([siteseq, explore])
        select = py_trees.composites.Selector('Main')

        select.add_children([dseq, cseq, locoselect])

        self.behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(select)
文件: 项目: foton263/swarm
    def construct_bt(self):
        """Construct BT."""
        # Get the phenotype of the genome and store as xmlstring
        # = self.xmlstring
        # Drop branch
        dseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('DSequence')

        iscarrying = IsInPartialAttached('IsInPartialAttached_Food')
        iscarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # If near hub and carrying food with other agents drop
        neighhub = NeighbourObjects('NeighbourObjects_Hub')
        neighhub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        drop = CompositeDropPartial('CompositeDropPartial_Food')
        drop.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        dseq.add_children([neighhub, drop])

        # Carry branch
        cseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('CSequence')

        # neighsite = NeighbourObjects('5')
        # neighsite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')
        neighhub = py_trees.meta.inverter(NeighbourObjects)(
        neighhub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        neighfood = NeighbourObjects('NeighbourObjects_Food')
        neighfood.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        invcarrying = py_trees.meta.inverter(IsInPartialAttached)(
        invcarrying.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        carry = CompositeMultipleCarry('CompositeMultipleCarry_Food')
        carry.setup(0, self, 'Food')

        # Move to hub
        hubseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('HubSeq')
        # If carrying something to go to hub
        gotohub = MoveTowards('MoveTowards_Hub')
        gotohub.setup(0, self, 'Hub')

        hubseq.add_children([iscarrying, gotohub])

        cseq.add_children([neighhub, neighfood, carry, hubseq])

        # Locomotion branch

        # Move to site
        siteseq = py_trees.composites.Sequence('SiteSeq')
        # If site already found and not carrying anything go to site
        sitefound = IsVisitedBefore('IsVisitedBefore_Sites')
        sitefound.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        gotosite = MoveTowards('MoveTowards_Sites')
        gotosite.setup(0, self, 'Sites')

        siteseq.add_children([sitefound, invcarrying, gotosite])

        # Do Random walk
        explore = Explore('Explore')
        explore.setup(0, self)

        randwalk = py_trees.composites.Sequence('Randwalk')
        # Try to got to site and hub if not explore
        locoselect = py_trees.composites.Selector('Move')
        locoselect.add_children([iscarrying, siteseq, explore])
        # First try to drop then collect or explore
        select = py_trees.composites.Selector('Main')
        select.add_children([dseq, cseq, locoselect])

        self.behaviour_tree = py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree(select)