def test_correct_solution_count_with_repeated_color_and_text_factors_and_constrained(design):
    crossing = [[color, text], [mix, text]]
    constraints = [
        at_most_k_in_a_row(1, (repeated_color_factor, get_level_from_name(repeated_color_factor, "yes"))),
        at_most_k_in_a_row(1, (repeated_text_factor, get_level_from_name(repeated_text_factor, "yes")))

    block  = multiple_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    experiments  = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 100)

    assert len(experiments) == 96
def test_that_design_is_correctly_constrained(design):
    crossing = [color, motion, task]

    k = 2
    constraints = [
        at_most_k_in_a_row(k, task_transition),
        at_most_k_in_a_row(k, response_transition)

    block = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    experiments = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 100)

    assert len(experiments) == 100, "Design: %s" % str(
        list(map(lambda f: f.factor_name, design)))
    for c in constraints:
        assert_atmostkinarow(c, experiments)
def test_correct_solution_count_with_congruence_factor_and_constrained(design):
    crossing = [[color, text], [text, mix]]
    constraints = [at_most_k_in_a_row(1, (con_factor, get_level_from_name(con_factor, "con")))]

    block  = multiple_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    experiments  = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 100)

    assert len(experiments) == 48
def test_correct_solution_count_when_constrained(design):
    crossing = [direction, congruent_factor]
    constraints = [at_most_k_in_a_row(1, congruent_factor)]

    block = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    experiments = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 500)

    assert len(experiments) == 128
def test_correct_solution_count_with_repeated_color_factor_and_constrained(design):
    crossing = [[color, text], [mix, text]]
    constraints = [at_most_k_in_a_row(1, (repeated_color_factor, get_level_from_name(repeated_color_factor, "yes")))]

    block  = multiple_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    experiments  = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 100)

    # With only two colors, there can never be two color repetitons anyways,
    # so the total should still be the same.
    assert len(experiments) == 96
def test_correct_solution_count_when_bookends_must_not_match_each_other(
    crossing = [color, text]

    # Require both bookends to be incongruent with each other.
    constraints = [at_most_k_in_a_row(1, congruent_bookend)]

    block = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    experiments = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 100)

    assert len(experiments) == 16
def test_correct_solution_count_when_transition_in_crossing_and_constrained(
    crossing = [direction, repeated_color_factor]
    constraints = [
        at_most_k_in_a_row(1, (color, get_level_from_name(color, "red")))

    block = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    experiments = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 100)

    assert len(experiments) == 32
def test_correct_solution_count_with_congruence_factor_and_constrained_cnf(design=[color, text, mix, con_factor]):
    crossing = [[color, text], [text, mix]]
    constraints = [at_most_k_in_a_row(1, (con_factor, get_level_from_name(con_factor, "con")))]

    block  = multiple_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    cnf = build_cnf(block)

    # with open(path_to_cnf_files+'/test_correct_solution_count_with_congruence_factor_and_constrained.cnf', 'w') as f:
    #     f.write(cnf.as_unigen_string())
    with open(path_to_cnf_files+'/test_correct_solution_count_with_congruence_factor_and_constrained.cnf', 'r') as f:
        old_cnf = f.read()

    assert old_cnf == cnf.as_unigen_string()
def test_correct_solution_count_when_bookends_must_not_match_each_other_cnf(
        design=[color, text, congruent_bookend]):
    crossing = [color, text]

    # Require both bookends to be incongruent with each other.
    constraints = [at_most_k_in_a_row(1, congruent_bookend)]

    block = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    cnf = build_cnf(block)

    # with open(path_to_cnf_files+'/test_correct_solution_count_when_bookends_must_not_match_each_other.cnf', 'w') as f:
    #     f.write(cnf.as_unigen_string())
    with open(
            path_to_cnf_files +
            'r') as f:
        old_cnf = f.read()

    assert old_cnf == cnf.as_unigen_string()
def test_correct_solution_count_when_transition_in_crossing_and_constrained_cnf(
        design=[direction, color, repeated_color_factor]):
    crossing = [direction, repeated_color_factor]
    constraints = [
        at_most_k_in_a_row(1, (color, get_level_from_name(color, "red")))

    block = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)
    cnf = build_cnf(block)

    # with open(path_to_cnf_files+'/test_correct_solution_count_when_transition_in_crossing_and_constrained.cnf', 'w') as f:
    #     f.write(cnf.as_unigen_string())
    with open(
            path_to_cnf_files +
            'r') as f:
        old_cnf = f.read()

    assert old_cnf == cnf.as_unigen_string()
response transition (repetition, switch). dependent factor of correct response:
if left-left then task transition = repetition
if right-right then task transition = repetition
if left-right then task transition = switch
if right-left then task transition = switch

def response_repeat(responses):
    return responses[0] == responses[1]

def response_switch(responses):
    return not response_repeat(responses)

resp_transition = factor("resp_transition", [
    derived_level("repeat", transition(response_repeat, [response])),
    derived_level("switch", transition(response_switch, [response]))

k = 7
constraints = [at_most_k_in_a_row(k, task_transition),
               at_most_k_in_a_row(k, resp_transition)]

design       = [color, motion, task, congruency, response, task_transition, resp_transition]
crossing     = [color, motion, task]
block        = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)

experiments  = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 5)

print_experiments(block, experiments)

def response_repeat(responses):
    return responses[0] == responses[1]

def response_switch(responses):
    return not response_repeat(responses)

resp_transition = Factor("resp_transition", [
    derived_level("repeat", Transition(response_repeat, [response])),
    derived_level("switch", Transition(response_switch, [response]))

k = 7
constraints = [
    at_most_k_in_a_row(k, task_transition),
    at_most_k_in_a_row(k, resp_transition)

design = [
    color, motion, task, congruency, response, task_transition, resp_transition
crossing = [color, motion, task]
block = fully_cross_block(design, crossing, constraints)

experiments = synthesize_trials_non_uniform(block, 5)

print_experiments(block, experiments)
def congruent(color, motion):
    return ((color == "red") and (motion == "up")) or ((color == "blue") and
                                                       (motion == "down"))

def some_func(color0, text0, color1, text1, color2):
    return None

derived_level("con", within_trial(op.eq, [color, text]))
derived_level("con", transition(congruent, [color, motion]))
#derived_level("con", window(some_func, [[color, text], [color, text], [color]], 2, stride=2))

k = 1  #TODO this value should change to the intended value from the writing of the original code
at_most_k_in_a_row(k, conLevel)

# congruent   : 3 (red, red) (g, g) (b,b)
# incongruent : 6
# 2 of each congruent --> 6 congruent
# matches the 6 incongruent

# without rep should be a keyword
# balance which figures out the 2-to-1 ratio

weighting = Ratio([WithoutRep(2, conLevel), WithoutRep(1, incLevel)])
# text  = Factor "text"  [Level "red", Level "blue", Level "green"]
# color = Factor "color" [Level "red", Level "blue", Level "green"]