from web.responder import Html
html_out = Html('templates/index.html')

# check for form posting
import cgi
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
if 'username' in form and 'password' in form:
    # pull username and pasword
    username = form['username'].value
    password = form['password'].value
    # do imports for authentication
    from web.auth import SimpleAuth
    from db.mongodb.connection import Connection
    from sweetscomplete.domain.customer import CustomerService
    from sweetscomplete.entity.customer import Customer
    # create CustomerService instance
    conn = Connection('localhost', 27017, Customer)
    cust_service = CustomerService(conn, 'sweetscomplete')
    # perform simple auth
    auth = SimpleAuth(cust_service, sess_storage)
    if auth.authenticate(username, password):
        success = True
        html_out.addHeader('Set-Cookie: token=' + auth.getToken() + ';path=/')
        message = "<b>HOORAY!  Successful Login.</b>"
        message = "<b>SORRY!  Unable to Login.</b>"

# output login form + message
html_out.addInsert('%message%', message)
from db.mongodb.connection import Connection
from datetime import date
from sweetscomplete.entity.customer import Customer
from sweetscomplete.domain.customer import CustomerService
from sweetscomplete.authenticate.auth import SimpleAuth

# seed for random password generation
abc = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~!@#$%^&*()_+=-{}|[];:<>?,.'
length = len(abc) - 1

# open CSV file
f = open('sweetscomplete_customers_passwords.csv', 'w')

# setting up the connection + collection + auth
conn = Connection('localhost', 27017, Customer)
service = CustomerService(conn, 'sweetscomplete')
auth = SimpleAuth(service, os.path.realpath('.'))

# running a query all customers
print("\nResetting all passwords")
for doc in service.fetchAll():

    print('Processing: ' + doc.getFullName() + '  [' + doc.getKey() + ']')
    newPass = ''

    # generate random password
    pos = random.randint(0, length)
    newPass += abc[pos:pos + 1]
    newPass += str(random.randint(0, 99))
    pos = random.randint(0, length)
    newPass += abc[pos:pos + 1]
import os, sys


import pprint
import db.mongodb.connection

test = Customer()

from datetime import date
from sweetscomplete.entity.customer import Customer
from sweetscomplete.domain.customer import CustomerService

# setting up the connection + collection
conn = db.mongodb.connection.Connection()
service = CustomerService(conn, 'sweetscomplete')

# initialize test data
key = '00000000000'
doc = '''\
    "customerKey"                  : "%key%",
    "PrimaryContactInfo": {
        "firstName"                : "Fred",
        "lastName"                 : "Flintstone",
        "phoneNumber"              : "+0-000-000-0000",
        "email"                    : "*****@*****.**",
        "socialMedia": {
            "GO": {
                "label": "google",
                "url": "https:\/\/google.com\/fflintstone"
# custom imports
from config.config import Config
from web.responder.html import HtmlResponder
from web.auth import SimpleAuth
from db.mongodb.connection import Connection
from sweetscomplete.domain.customer import CustomerService
from sweetscomplete.entity.customer import Customer
from sweetscomplete.domain.product import ProductService
from sweetscomplete.entity.product import Product

# create CustomerService instance
config       = Config()
db_config    = config.getConfig('db')
cust_conn    = Connection(db_config['host'], db_config['port'], Customer)
cust_service = CustomerService(cust_conn, db_config['database'])
prod_conn    = Connection(db_config['host'], db_config['port'], Product)
prod_service = ProductService(prod_conn, db_config['database'])

# init vars
auth     = SimpleAuth(cust_service, config.getConfig('session_storage'))
cust     = auth.getIdentity()

# HTML output
response = HtmlResponder('templates/select.html')
response.addInsert('%message%', '<br>')
response.addInsert('%ajax_url%', config.getConfig('ajax_url'))

# output
if cust :
    # display customer name
# sweetscomplete.entity.customer.Customer read/add/edit/delete

# tell python where to find module source code
import os, sys

import pprint
import db.mongodb.connection

from datetime import date
from sweetscomplete.entity.customer import Customer
from sweetscomplete.domain.customer import CustomerService

# setting up the connection + collection
conn = db.mongodb.connection.Connection('localhost', 27017, Customer)
service = CustomerService(conn, 'sweetscomplete')

# initialize test data
key = '00000000000'
doc = '''\
    "customerKey"              : "%key%",
    "firstName"                : "Fred",
    "lastName"                 : "Flintstone",
    "phoneNumber"              : "+0-000-000-0000",
    "email"                    : "*****@*****.**",
    "socialMedia": {
        "GO": {
            "label": "google",
            "url": "https:\/\/google.com\/fflintstone"