def get_cov_time(proj_str, subfolder, num_snapshots, num_synth_els): source_freq = get_proj_tones(proj_str)[0] fc = ms.get_fc(source_freq, 0) t, x = load_x(fc, proj_str, subfolder) t, x, rt, rr, vvv, r_interp = deal_with_t_x_r(t, x, source_freq) stride = num_snapshots r_center, cov_t, K_samps = get_r_super_cov_seq(t, x, num_snapshots, r_interp, num_synth_els, stride) return cov_t
def run_vel_mfp(proj_str, subfolder, num_snapshots, num_synth_els): incoh = False wnc = False freqs = get_proj_tones(proj_str) num_snap_list = [num_snapshots] num_freq_list = [13] num_synth_el_list = [num_synth_els] tilt_angles = np.array([-1]) dr_runs = DRPRuns(proj_str, subfolder, num_snap_list, num_freq_list, num_synth_el_list, vv, tilt_angles, incoh, wnc) dr_runs.run_all()'vel_est_' + str(num_snapshots))
def get_stacked_bart(proj_str, subfolder, num_synth_els, v, num_snapshots, cov_index, incoh=False, num_freqs=None): if type(num_freqs) == type(None): tones = get_proj_tones(proj_str) else: tones = get_proj_tones(proj_str)[:num_freqs] for source_freq in tones: r, z, r_center, zs, out_db, cov_t = get_single_freq_bart( proj_str, subfolder, source_freq, num_synth_els, v, num_snapshots, cov_index, incoh) out_db += np.max(out_db) if source_freq == tones[0]: out = out_db else: out += out_db out /= len(tones) return r, z, r_center, zs, out, cov_t
def synth_stacked_bart(drp, **kwargs): """ Run a bartlett proc on the dta from proj_str with num_synth_els synthetic elements drp - DataRunParams obj holds errythagn """ wnc = drp.wnc freqs = get_proj_tones(drp.proj_str) freqs = freqs[:drp.num_freqs] if wnc == False: r_center, cov_t, r, z, outputs, max_vals = get_outputs(drp) return r_center, cov_t, r, z, outputs, max_vals if wnc == True: r_center, cov_t, r, z, outputs, max_vals, wnc_outs, wnc_max_vals = get_outputs( drp, wnc=wnc, **kwargs) return r_center, cov_t, r, z, outputs, max_vals, wnc_outs, wnc_max_vals
def run_tilt_mfp(): incoh = False wnc = False proj_str = 's5_deep' freqs = get_proj_tones(proj_str) subfolder = '2048' vv = np.linspace(-1.8, -2.5, 12) vv = np.array([round(x, 4) for x in vv]) num_snap_list = [4] num_freq_list = [13] num_synth_el_list = [1] tilt_angles = np.linspace(0, -2, 21) tilt_angles = np.array([round(x, 4) for x in tilt_angles]) dr_runs = DRPRuns(proj_str, subfolder, num_snap_list, num_freq_list, num_synth_el_list, vv, tilt_angles, incoh, wnc) dr_runs.run_all()'tilt_est')
3/18/2021 Author: Hunter Akins Institution: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego """ base_Nfft = 2048 base_num_snapshots = 36 vv = ms.get_vv() fig_name = 'snr.png' proj_str = 's5_deep' tones = get_proj_tones(proj_str) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) fig.set_size_inches(3.5, 1.75) plt.grid(linestyle='--', color='k') freq_count = 0 freqs = [tones[0], tones[4], tones[8], tones[12]] freqs = freqs[::-1] num_freqs = len(freqs) ax_list = [] for freq_count, source_freq in enumerate(freqs): cmap = plt.get_cmap('hsv') col = cmap(1 * freq_count / (num_freqs))
Description: Date: Author: Hunter Akins Institution: UC San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ''' proj_str = 's5_quiet_tones' num_snaps = 2 subfolder = '4096' rcvr_stride = 4 num_freqs = 10 freqs = get_proj_tones(proj_str)[:num_freqs] num_synth_els = 1 zs = get_proj_zs(proj_str) max_val_list = [] #vv = np.linspace(-2.6, -1.8, 15) vv = [-2.5] #num_synth_els = 1 output_list = [] max_val_list = [] for v in vv: v = round(v, 4) drp = DataRunParams(proj_str, num_snaps, v, subfolder, rcvr_stride, num_freqs, num_synth_els) r_center, cov_t, r, z, outputs, max_vals = load_results(drp) max_val_list.append(max_vals) output_list.append(outputs)
def get_outputs(drp, wnc=False, **kwargs): """ For data run params drp, calculate the stacked ambiguity surface (incoherently sum log outputs over freq), and return the max vals of the amb surf for each freq and time By default computes a simple bartlett If wnc == True, then also computes wnc and wn_gain is a dict key """ freqs = get_proj_tones(drp.proj_str)[:drp.num_freqs] zs, zr = get_proj_zs(drp.proj_str), get_proj_zr(drp.proj_str) if wnc == True: wn_gain = kwargs['wn_gain'] for freq_ind, source_freq in enumerate(freqs): #print('Now processing freq', source_freq) fc = ms.get_fc(source_freq, drp.v) t, x = load_x(fc, drp.proj_str, drp.subfolder) num_rcvrs = x.shape[0] if freq_ind == 0: rcvr_stride = int(zr.size // num_rcvrs) zr = zr[::rcvr_stride] t, x, rt, rr, vv, r_interp = deal_with_t_x_r(t, x, source_freq) env = get_env(drp.proj_str, source_freq) env = populate_env(env, source_freq, zs, zr, rr, fname=drp.proj_str) kbar = np.mean(env.modes.k.real) delta_k = np.max(env.modes.k.real) - np.min(env.modes.k.real) #print('delta_k', delta_k) #print('range cell', 2 * np.pi / delta_k) time_in_cell = 2 * np.pi / delta_k / 2.5 #print('time in cell', 2*np.pi / delta_k / 2.5) delta_t = t[1] - t[0] #print('good num snaps', time_in_cell/ delta_t) delta_t, stride, T = get_synth_arr_params(source_freq, t, drp.num_snapshots) #print('stride, T', stride, T) r_center, cov_t, K_samps = get_r_super_cov_seq(t, x, drp.num_snapshots, r_interp, drp.num_synth_els, stride, incoh=drp.incoh) #print(' num k samps', cov_t.size) t_before = time.time() r, z, synth_reps = get_mult_el_reps(env, drp.num_synth_els, drp.v, T, fname=drp.proj_str, adiabatic=False, tilt_angle=drp.tilt_angle) #print('Time to compute replcias =' , time.time() - t_before) if source_freq == freqs[0]: bart_outs = np.zeros((len(r_center), z.size, r.size)) max_vals = np.zeros((len(freqs), len(r_center))) if wnc == True: wnc_outs = np.zeros((len(r_center), z.size, r.size)) wnc_max_vals = np.zeros((len(freqs), len(r_center))) """ Annoying thing where I need to truncate based on first freq """ num_times = cov_t.size """ Compute bartlett """ t_before = time.time() for i in range(num_times): K_samp = K_samps[i, ...] #plt.figure() #plt.imshow((K_samp).imag) output, max_val = get_amb_surf(r, z, K_samp, synth_reps, matmul=True) # output is in db ind = np.argmax(output) best_rep = synth_reps[:, ind // r.size, ind % r.size] best_rep = best_rep.reshape(best_rep.size, 1) #plt.figure() #plt.imshow((best_rep.conj()@(best_rep.T)).imag) #print('max_val', max_val) #print(best_rep.T.conj()@K_samp@best_rep) """ Remove normalization """ output += 10 * np.log10(max_val) """ Add to bartlett mat """ bart_outs[i, :, :] += output max_vals[freq_ind, i] = max_val #print('Time to compute bartlett =' , time.time() - t_before) """ Comput wnc if it's a thing """ t_before = time.time() if wnc == True: wnc_out_freq = lookup_run_wnc(K_samps[:num_times, :, :], synth_reps, wn_gain) tmp = wnc_out_freq.reshape( num_times, wnc_out_freq.shape[1] * wnc_out_freq.shape[2]) """ don't normalize """ #wnc_max_val_freq = np.max(tmp, axis=1) #wnc_max_vals[freq_ind, :] = wnc_max_val_freq #for i in range(num_times): # wnc_out_freq[i,:,:] /= wnc_max_val_freq[i] wnc_out_freq = 10 * np.log10(wnc_out_freq) wnc_outs += wnc_out_freq #print('Time to compute wnc =' , time.time() - t_before) r_center = r_center[:num_times] cov_t = cov_t[:num_times] # make sure we truncate based on first freq if wnc == True: #wnc_outs /= len(freqs) return r_center, cov_t, r, z, bart_outs, max_vals, wnc_outs, wnc_max_vals else: return r_center, cov_t, r, z, bart_outs, max_vals
print(drp_obj.vv) return drp_obj def drp_plots(proj_str, subfolder, drp_name): dr_runs = get_drp_runs(proj_str, subfolder, drp_name) print('incoh', dr_runs.incoh) print('num snaps', dr_runs.num_snap_list) #dr_runs.make_amb_mov() dr_runs.get_best_range_guesses() #dr_runs.show_param_corrs() dr_runs.show_vel_best_guess() if __name__ == '__main__': #proj_str = 's5_deep' #proj_str = 's5_quiet2' for proj_str in ['s5_deep', 's5_quiet1']: #, 's5_quiet3', 's5_quiet4']: #proj_str = 's5_quiet1' print(get_proj_tones(proj_str)) #proj_str = 's5_quiet1' #proj_str = 's5_quiet4' subfolder = '2048' drp_plots(proj_str, subfolder, '4_snaps') #drp_plots(proj_str, subfolder, 'beefier_test') #drp_plots(proj_str, subfolder, 'beefier_test')