def test_server_version_checks(): """Test that server version is checked by default, raising InvalidServerVersion exception when failing""" with mock.patch('swimlane.core.client.requests.Session', mock.MagicMock()): with mock.patch.object(SwimlaneJwtAuth, 'authenticate', return_value=(None, {})): with mock.patch.object(Swimlane, 'settings', new_callable=mock.PropertyMock) as mock_settings: mock_settings.return_value = {'apiVersion': '2.18+4.0.0+123456'} with mock.patch('swimlane.core.client.compare_versions', return_value=0): Swimlane('http://host', 'admin', 'password') with mock.patch('swimlane.core.client.compare_versions', return_value=1): with pytest.raises(InvalidSwimlaneProductVersion): Swimlane('http://host', 'admin', 'password')
def test_host_url_scheme_coercion(): """Test host URL scheme defaults to 'https' when not provided and is forced to lowercase""" with mock.patch.object(Swimlane, 'request') as mock_request: with mock.patch.object(SwimlaneJwtAuth, 'authenticate', return_value=(None, {})): mock_response = mock.MagicMock() mock_request.return_value = mock_response # Only include apiVersion setting for current tests data = { 'apiVersion': '2.15.0-1234' } mock_response.json.return_value = data mock_swimlane = Swimlane('host', 'user', 'pass', verify_server_version=False) assert == 'https' mock_swimlane = Swimlane('HTTP://host', 'user', 'pass', verify_server_version=False) assert == 'http'
def test_new_version_breakdown(): """Test that product version, build version, and build number produce expected values in new multi value format""" with mock.patch('swimlane.core.client.requests.Session', mock.MagicMock()): with mock.patch.object(SwimlaneJwtAuth, 'authenticate', return_value=(None, {})): with mock.patch.object(Swimlane, 'settings', new_callable=mock.PropertyMock) as mock_settings: version = '2.18+4.0.0+123456' mock_settings.return_value = {'apiVersion': version} sw = Swimlane('http://host', 'admin', 'password', verify_server_version=False) assert sw.version == version assert sw.product_version == '2.18' assert sw.build_version == '4.0.0' assert sw.build_number == '123456'
def test_api_credential_handling(mock_swimlane): """Test that __init__ handles username/password pairs and access tokens correctly """ error_message = "Must supply a username/password or access token" with mock.patch.object(Swimlane, 'request') as mock_request: mock_request.return_value = mock.MagicMock() # Throws when all credentials are missing try: mock_swimlane = Swimlane('http://host', verify_server_version=False) except ValueError as error: message = error.args[0] assert message == error_message else: raise RuntimeError # Throws when username specified but password is not try: mock_swimlane = Swimlane('http://host', 'username', verify_server_version=False) except ValueError as error: message = error.args[0] assert message == error_message else: raise RuntimeError # Thows when password specified but username is not try: mock_swimlane = Swimlane('http://host', password='******', verify_server_version=False) except ValueError as error: message = error.args[0] assert message == error_message else: raise RuntimeError # Throws when username, password, and access_token specified try: mock_swimlane = Swimlane( 'http://host', 'username', 'password', access_token='abcdefg', verify_server_version=False) except ValueError as error: message = error.args[0] assert message == 'Cannot supply a username/password and a access token' else: raise RuntimeError # Does not throw when username and password supplied, correct auth is used mock_swimlane = Swimlane('http://host', 'username', 'password', verify_server_version=False) assert isinstance(mock_swimlane._session.auth, SwimlaneJwtAuth) # Does not throw when access token supplied, correct auth is used mock_swimlane = Swimlane('http://host', access_token='abcdefg', verify_server_version=False) assert isinstance(mock_swimlane._session.auth, SwimlaneTokenAuth)
def test_lazy_settings(): """Test accessing settings is evaluated lazily and cached after first retrieval""" with mock.patch.object(Swimlane, 'request') as mock_request: with mock.patch.object(SwimlaneJwtAuth, 'authenticate', return_value=(None, {})): mock_response = mock.MagicMock() mock_request.return_value = mock_response # Only include apiVersion setting for current tests data = { 'apiVersion': '2.15.0-1234' } mock_response.json.return_value = data mock_swimlane = Swimlane('http://host', 'user', 'pass', verify_server_version=False) assert mock_request.call_count == 0 assert mock_swimlane.settings == data assert mock_swimlane.version == data['apiVersion'] assert mock_request.call_count == 1