def _detail_dictionary(worker: AbstractWorker, my_dict: Tuple) -> Dict:
    This function is designed to operate in the opposite direction of
    _simplify_dictionary. It takes a dictionary of simple python objects
    and iterates through it to determine whether objects in the collection
    need to be converted into more advanced types. In particular, it
    converts binary objects into torch Tensors where appropriate.

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        my_dict (Tuple): a simplified dictionary of simple python objects (including binary).

        Dict: a collection of the same type as the input where the objects
            in the collection have been detailed.
    pieces = {}
    # for dictionaries we want to detail both the key and the value
    for key, value in my_dict:
        detailed_key = serde._detail(worker, key)
        if isinstance(detailed_key, bytes):
            detailed_key = detailed_key.decode("utf-8")

        detailed_value = serde._detail(worker, value)
        if isinstance(detailed_value, bytes):
            detailed_value = detailed_value.decode("utf-8")
        pieces[detailed_key] = detailed_value

    return pieces
def _detail_collection_set(worker: AbstractWorker,
                           my_collection: Tuple) -> Collection:
    This function is designed to operate in the opposite direction of
    _simplify_collection. It takes a tuple of simple python objects
    and iterates through it to determine whether objects in the collection
    need to be converted into more advanced types. In particular, it
    converts binary objects into torch Tensors where appropriate.

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        my_collection (Tuple): a tuple of simple python objects (including binary).

        Collection: a collection of the same type as the input where the objects
            in the collection have been detailed.

    pieces = list()

    # Step 1: deserialize each part of the collection
    for part in my_collection:
                part).decode("utf-8"))  # transform bytes back to string
        except AttributeError:
            pieces.append(serde._detail(worker, part))
    return set(pieces)
def _detail_ndarray(
        worker: AbstractWorker,
        arr_representation: Tuple[bin, Tuple, str]) -> numpy.ndarray:
    This function reconstruct a numpy array from it's byte data, the shape and the dtype
        by first loading the byte data with the appropiate dtype and then reshaping it into the
        original shape

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        arr_representation (tuple): a tuple holding the byte representation, shape
        and dtype of the array

        numpy.ndarray: a numpy array

        arr = _detail_ndarray(arr_representation)

    arr_shape = serde._detail(worker, arr_representation[1])
    arr_dtype = serde._detail(worker, arr_representation[2])
    res = numpy.frombuffer(arr_representation[0],

    assert type(res) == numpy.ndarray

    return res
def _detail_collection_tuple(worker: AbstractWorker, my_tuple: Tuple) -> Tuple:
    This function is designed to operate in the opposite direction of
    _simplify_collection. It takes a tuple of simple python objects
    and iterates through it to determine whether objects in the collection
    need to be converted into more advanced types. In particular, it
    converts binary objects into torch Tensors where appropriate.
    This is only applicable to tuples. They need special handling because
    `msgpack` is encoding a tuple as a list.

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        my_tuple (Tuple): a collection of simple python objects (including binary).

        tuple: a collection of the same type as the input where the objects
            in the collection have been detailed.

    pieces = list()

    # Step 1: deserialize each part of the collection
    for part in my_tuple:
        pieces.append(serde._detail(worker, part))

    return tuple(pieces)
def _detail_collection_set(worker: AbstractWorker,
                           my_collection: Tuple,
                           shallow: bool = False) -> Collection:
    This function is designed to operate in the opposite direction of
    _simplify_collection. It takes a tuple of simple python objects
    and iterates through it to determine whether objects in the collection
    need to be converted into more advanced types. In particular, it
    converts binary objects into torch Tensors where appropriate.

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        my_collection (Tuple): a tuple of simple python objects (including binary).

        Collection: a collection of the same type as the input where the objects
            in the collection have been detailed.

    # Don't detail contents
    if shallow:
        return set(my_collection)

    pieces = list()

    # Step 1: deserialize each part of the collection
    for part in my_collection:
        detailed = serde._detail(worker, part)
    return set(pieces)
def _detail_numpy_number(
    worker: AbstractWorker, nb_representation: Tuple[bin, Tuple, str]
) -> Union[numpy.int32, numpy.int64, numpy.float32, numpy.float64]:
    This function reconstruct a numpy number from it's byte data, dtype
        by first loading the byte data with the appropiate dtype

        worker: the worker doing the deserialization
        np_representation (tuple): a tuple holding the byte representation
        and dtype of the numpy number

        numpy.float or numpy.int: a numpy number

        nb = _detail_numpy_number(nb_representation)

    nb_dtype = serde._detail(worker, nb_representation[1])
    nb = numpy.frombuffer(nb_representation[0], dtype=nb_dtype)[0]

    assert type(nb) in [numpy.float32, numpy.float64, numpy.int32, numpy.int64]

    return nb