def random_word(corpus):
    """Return a random word and syllable count from the corpus"""
    syllables = 5
    while syllables > 4:
        word = random.choice(corpus)
        syllables = count_syllables(word)
    return (word, syllables)
def random_word(corpus):
    """Return a random word and syllable count from the corpus"""
    syllables = 5
    while syllables > 4:
        word = random.choice(corpus)
        syllables = count_syllables(word)
    logging.debug("random word & syllables = %s %s\n", word, syllables)
    return (word, syllables)
def word_after_one(word, dictionary, current_syllables, target_syllables):
    """Return all acceptable words in a corpus that follow a given word"""
    accepted_words = []
    options = dictionary.get(word)
    if options != None:
        accepted_words = [w for w in options if
                          current_syllables + count_syllables(w) <=
    return accepted_words
def word_after_one(word, dictionary, current_syllables, target_syllables):
    """Return all acceptable words in a corpus that follow a given word"""
    accepted_words = []
    options = dictionary.get(word)
    if options != None:
        accepted_words = [w for w in options if
                          current_syllables + count_syllables(w) <=
    logging.debug("accepted words after \"%s\" = %s\n", word,
    return accepted_words
def main():
    """Load the dictionary. Ask for number of words to count. Create
    the list of words. Print."""
    dict_file = load('words.txt')
    num_words = int(input("\nNumber of words to check: "))
    words_count_list = {}
    for n in range(0, num_words):
        word = random.choice(dict_file)
        if word not in words_count_list.keys():
            count = sc.count_syllables(word)
            if count == None:
                words_count_list[word] = "not found"
                words_count_list[word] = count
    for word, count in words_count_list.items():
        print("{}: {}".format(word, count))
def select_word(options):
    """Randomly offer 10 words from the options. User selects one.
    Returns that word and its syllable count"""
    options = list(set(options)) # Remove duplicate words
    selection = []
    if len(options) > 10:
        for n in range(10):
            word = random.choice(options)
            while word in selection:
                word = random.choice(options)
        selection = options
    # Print selection options
    for n in range(len(selection)):
        index = n + 1
        print("{}. {}".format(index, selection[n]))
    choice = input("Choice: ")
    if choice == 'x':
    choice = int(choice) - 1
    word = selection[choice]
    syllables = count_syllables(word)
    return word, syllables
def main():
    """Load the corpus and the dictionaries, then build the haiku"""

    # Loading and preparation
    corpus = load_training_file('train.txt')
    corpus = prep_training(corpus)
    dict_1 = map_one_to_one(corpus)
    dict_2 = map_two_to_one(corpus)
    haiku = [[] for l in range(3)]
    syllables = [0 for l in range(3)]
    target_syllables = [5, 7, 5]

    # Build the first line
    # Select the first word
    next_word, syls = random_word(corpus)
    syllables[0] = syls
    logging.debug("first word & syllables = %s %s", haiku[0][0], syllables[0])
    # Then get the second from the 1-to-1 corpus
    last_word = haiku[0][0]
    options = word_after_one(last_word, dict_1, syllables[0],
    next_word = random.choice(options)
    syllables[0] += count_syllables(next_word)
    logging.debug("second word & syllables = %s %s", next_word, syllables[0])
    # Complete the line
    while syllables[0] < 5:
        last_words = "{} {}".format(haiku[0][-2], haiku[0][-1])
        options = word_after_two(last_words, dict_2, syllables[0],
        while len(options) == 0:
            index = random.randint(0, len(corpus) - 2)
            last_words = "{} {}".format(corpus[index], corpus[index+1])
            logging.debug("empty list, new words are %s", last_words)
            options = word_after_two(last_words, dict_2, syllables[0],
        next_word = random.choice(options)
        syllables[0] += count_syllables(next_word)
        logging.debug("next word & syllables = %s %s", next_word, 

    # Build the next two lines in a loop
    running = True
    while running:
        for i in range(1, 3):
            last_words = "{} {}".format(haiku[i-1][-2], haiku[i-1][-1])
            while syllables[i] < target_syllables[i]:
                options = word_after_two(last_words, dict_2, syllables[i],
                while len(options) == 0:
                    index = random.randint(0, len(corpus) - 2)
                    last_words = "{} {}".format(corpus[index],
                    logging.debug("empty list, new words are %s", last_words)
                    options = word_after_two(last_words, dict_2, syllables[i],
                next_word = random.choice(options)
                syllables[i] += count_syllables(next_word)
                if len(haiku[i]) == 1:
                    last_words = "{} {}".format(haiku[i-1][-1], haiku[i][0])
                    last_words = "{} {}".format(haiku[i][-2], haiku[i][-1])
        haiku_string = ""
        for line in haiku:
            for index, word in enumerate(line):
                if index == len(line) - 1:
                    haiku_string += "{}\n".format(word)
                    haiku_string += "{} ".format(word)
        regen = ''
        while regen != 'y' and regen != 'n':
            regen = input("Regenerate last two lines? ").lower()
        if regen == 'n':
            running = False
        elif regen == 'y':
            haiku = [haiku[0], [], []]
            syllables = [syllables[0], 0, 0]