def save_mol_as(root,mollist,gfx): if mollist.curselection()==(): MB.showwarning('Info','Select a molecule in Mol List for saving it') return for molit in mollist.curselection(): for mol in gfx.mol: if mollist.get(molit)==mol.un: fn = FD.asksaveasfilename(parent=root,filetypes=[('PDB files','*.pdb')] ,title="Save molecule %s coordinates as..."%mol.un) if len(fn ) > 0: if not fn.endswith('.pdb'): fn = fn +'.pdb' mat = mol.acteur.GetMatrix() #recuperation de la mat de pv 4x4 R = array(sym.ExtractRotMat(mat)) #extraction de la matrice de rotation depuit la vtk 4x4 t = array([mat.GetElement(0,3),mat.GetElement(1,3),mat.GetElement(2,3)]) #extract tx,ty,tz pdbin=open(mol.mod.fn,"r") pdbout=open(fn,"w") for ligne in pdbin: if (ligne[0:6] == "ATOM " or ligne[0:6] == "HETATM"): x = float(ligne[30:38]) y = float(ligne[38:46]) z = float(ligne[46:54]) r = array([x,y,z]) newr = dot(R,r) + t ligne=ligne[:30]+"%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f"%tuple(newr)+ligne[54:] pdbout.write(ligne) #ferme les fichiers pdbin.close() pdbout.close() return
def frame(self): mol = self.gfx.mol[self.gfx.whichmol - 1] mat = mol.acteur.GetMatrix() (a, b, g) = sym.R2Eul(sym.ExtractRotMat(mat)) (x, y, z) = [ mat.GetElement(0, 3), mat.GetElement(1, 3), mat.GetElement(2, 3) ] return '%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f \n' % (a, b, g, x, y, z)
def build_fitin_file(self): go = open('G0', 'w') for mol in self.gfx.mol: mat = mol.acteur.GetMatrix() nbsymop = len(mol.lnbsm) strsymlist = str(mol.lnbsm)[1:-1].replace(',', '') (a, b, g) = sym.R2Eul(sym.ExtractRotMat(mat)) (x, y, z) = [ mat.GetElement(0, 3), mat.GetElement(1, 3), mat.GetElement(2, 3) ] go.write(' #%2d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %d %s\n' % (, a, b, g, x, y, z, nbsymop, strsymlist)) go.close()
def fitin_io(p, mol): mat = mol.acteur.GetMatrix() (a, b, g) = sym.R2Eul(sym.ExtractRotMat(mat)) (x, y, z) = [mat.GetElement(0, 3), mat.GetElement(1, 3), mat.GetElement(2, 3)] frame = '%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f \n' % (a, b, g, x, y, z) try: p.stdin.write(frame) l = return float(l.split()[-1]) except: MB.showwarning( 'Error', 'Problem in function ccprofile, process fitin must be dead ... RIP' )
def build_nm_fitin_file(self): no = open('N0', 'w') for mol in self.gfx.mol: mat = mol.acteur.GetMatrix() nbsymop = len(mol.lnbsm) strsymlist = str(mol.lnbsm)[1:-1].replace(',', '') (a, b, g) = sym.R2Eul(sym.ExtractRotMat(mat)) (x, y, z) = [ mat.GetElement(0, 3), mat.GetElement(1, 3), mat.GetElement(2, 3) ] if == cur = ' #%2d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %d %s\n' % ( 33, a, b, g, x, y, z, nbsymop, strsymlist) else: no.write(' #%2d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %d %s\n' % (, a, b, g, x, y, z, nbsymop, strsymlist)) no.write(cur) no.close()
def save_conf_as(self, gfx): conf = self.currentmol.nmcl[self.gfx.itf.varconformerSitu.get() + self.nbstep] fn = FD.asksaveasfilename( parent=self.gfx.itf.root, filetypes=[('PDB files', '*.pdb')], title="Save conformer %d coordinates as..." % (self.gfx.itf.varconformerSitu.get() + self.nbstep)) if len(fn) > 0: if not fn.endswith('.pdb'): fn = fn + '.pdb' mat = conf.GetMatrix() #recuperation de la mat de pv 4x4 R = array(sym.ExtractRotMat( mat)) #extraction de la matrice de rotation depuit la vtk 4x4 t = array([ mat.GetElement(0, 3), mat.GetElement(1, 3), mat.GetElement(2, 3) ]) #extract tx,ty,tz pdbin = open( gfx.tmpdir + '/%s/' % self.currentmol.mod.un + 'out%s' % (self.gfx.itf.varconformerSitu.get()), "r") pdbout = open(fn, "w") for ligne in pdbin: if (ligne[0:6] == "ATOM " or ligne[0:6] == "HETATM"): x = float(ligne[30:38]) y = float(ligne[38:46]) z = float(ligne[46:54]) r = array([x, y, z]) newr = dot(R, r) + t ligne = ligne[:30] + "%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f" % tuple( newr) + ligne[54:] pdbout.write(ligne) pdbin.close() pdbout.close() return
def cc_profile(gfx, mollist, anglemin, anglemax, step, axe): if gfx.ifit != None: MB.showwarning('Info', 'Stop Interactve Fitting') return for mol in gfx.mol: if mollist.get(tk.ACTIVE) == mol.un: chdir(gfx.workdir) init_ifit_file(gfx,, p = Popen(['e/fitin', 'G0'], bufsize=0, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print 'Automatic Sampling Started' profile = open('%s.%s.profile' % (axe, mol.un), 'w') p.stdin.write('#%2d \n' % l = print l if axe == 'X': v = (1, 0, 0) elif axe == 'Y': v = (0, 1, 0) elif axe == 'Z': v = (0, 0, 1) else: print 'strange axe ...' return mat = mol.acteur.GetMatrix() mat3x3 = sym.ExtractRotMat(mat) R = array(mat3x3) ivect = dot(R, v) (sa, sb, sg) = sym.R2Eul(mat3x3) angle = anglemin while angle < anglemax: gfx.sym.render = 0 mol.acteur.SetOrientation(0, 0, 0) RotaEuler(mol.acteur, sa, sb, sg) gfx.sym.render = 1 mol.acteur.RotateWXYZ(angle, ivect[0], ivect[1], ivect[2]) cc = fitin_io(p, mol) try: print '%f %f' % (angle, cc) except TypeError: MB.showwarning( 'Error', 'cc_profile : Interactive Fitting encountered a problem; go to help' ) return profile.write('%f %f \n' % (angle, cc)) angle += step profile.close() gfx.sym.render = 0 mol.acteur.SetOrientation(0, 0, 0) RotaEuler(mol.acteur, sa, sb, sg) gfx.renwin.Render() gfx.sym.render = 1 try: p.stdin.write('\n') except: MB.showwarning( 'Error', 'cc_profile : Interactive Fitting terminated badly') print 'Automatic Sampling Stopped' system("gnuplot -persist <<ENDOF\n plot '%s' with line\nENDOF" % '%s.%s.profile' % (axe, mol.un))
def printmolpv(gfx): for mol in gfx.mol: mat=mol.acteur.GetMatrix() (a,b,g) = sym.R2Eul(sym.ExtractRotMat(mat)) (x,y,z) = [mat.GetElement(0,3),mat.GetElement(1,3),mat.GetElement(2,3)] print' mol : %d : %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n'%(,a,b,g,x,y,z)