 def water_orientation_is_valid(self, water_orientation, water_orient, molecule_no):
          go through all neighbors and check that there are no breakage of ice rules
             if there is: return False
             else return True
     nn = self.nearest_neighbors_nos[0][molecule_no]
     nps = self.nearest_neighbors_nos[1][molecule_no]
     bvv = get_bond_variable_values_from_water_orientation(water_orientation)
     assert not self.periodic or len(nn)==4
     for l, nearest_neighbor_no in enumerate(nn):
         periodic = nps[l]
         periodicity_axis = self.nearest_neighbors_nos[2][molecule_no][l]
         neighbor_set = True
         neighbor_bv_value = 0
         opposite = get_opposite_periodicity_axis_number(periodicity_axis)
         # get corresponding water_orientation_value of neighbor and store it to neighbor_bv_value 
         #   -first check that the neighbor has a value
         #      - if not then no breakage happens
         if water_orient[nearest_neighbor_no] != -1:
             # current neighbors bond variable values
             nbbv = get_bond_variable_values_from_water_orientation(water_orient[nearest_neighbor_no])
             for x, n in  enumerate(self.nearest_neighbors_nos[0][nearest_neighbor_no]):
                 # find the neighbor that corresponds to the molecule currently handled (i) [and has the same periodicity and the periodicity axis correspond]
                 if n == molecule_no and self.nearest_neighbors_nos[1][nearest_neighbor_no][x] == periodic and self.nearest_neighbors_nos[2][nearest_neighbor_no][x] == opposite:                       
                     neighbor_bv_value = nbbv[x]
             neighbor_set = False
         if water_orientation > 9 and nearest_neighbor_no == molecule_no and bvv[l] != -1:
             return False
          # if both bond variables have the same value, then we have not succeeded
         if neighbor_set and bvv[l] == neighbor_bv_value:
             return False 
     return True
 def get_single_molecule_hydrogen_coordinates(self, site, water_orientation, i, oxygen_positions,  nearest_neighbors_nos, nn_periodicity, periodicity_axis, cell):
     bvv = get_bond_variable_values_from_water_orientation(water_orientation)
     result = np.zeros((0,3))
     index = 0
     for n,  x in enumerate(nearest_neighbors_nos):
         if bvv[n] == 1:
             if i != x or nn_periodicity[n]:
                 if nn_periodicity[n]:
                     distance,  real_position = get_periodic_distance(oxygen_positions[i], oxygen_positions[x], cell, periodicity_axis[n])
                     distance = get_distance(oxygen_positions[i], oxygen_positions[x], False, None)
                     real_position = oxygen_positions[x]
                 result = np.vstack((result, oxygen_positions[i] - (( self.O_H_distance * (oxygen_positions[i]-real_position)) / distance))) 
                 index += 1
             elif i == x and not nn_periodicity[n]:
                 vector = np.array([0, 0, 1])
                 if i % 8 in [0, 1, 4, 5]:
                     result = np.vstack((result, oxygen_positions[i] - (self.O_H_distance * vector)))
                     result = np.vstack((result, oxygen_positions[i] + (self.O_H_distance * vector)))
                 site = np.mod(i, 8)
                 if site == 2 or site == 6:
                     add = np.array(oxygen_positions[i])
                     add[2] += self.O_H_distance
                     result = np.vstack((result, add))
                 elif site == 0 or site == 4:
                     add = np.array(oxygen_positions[i])
                     add[2] -= self.O_H_distance
                     result = np.vstack((result, add))
                 index += 1
     return result
 def get_single_molecule_hydrogen_coordinates(self, site, water_orientation, i, oxygen_positions,  nearest_neighbors_nos, nn_periodicity, nn_periodicity_axis, cell):
     bvv = get_bond_variable_values_from_water_orientation(water_orientation)
     if water_orientation > 9:
         result = np.zeros((3,3))
         result = np.zeros((2,3))
     index = 0
     #print nearest_neighbors_nos
     for n,  x in enumerate(nearest_neighbors_nos):
         if bvv[n] == 1:
             # i == x means that this is a dangling bond
             if i == x:
                 com = oxygen_positions[3]
                 vector = oxygen_positions[i] - com
                 # normalize the vector  
                 vector_length = scipy.linalg.norm(vector)
                 vector /= vector_length
                 # the dangling hydrogen is along this vector
                 result[index] = np.array(oxygen_positions[i] + self.O_H_distance * vector)
                 result[index] = np.array(oxygen_positions[i] - (( self.O_H_distance * (oxygen_positions[i]-oxygen_positions[x])) / get_distance(oxygen_positions[i], oxygen_positions[x], False, None))) 
             index += 1
     #print result
     return result
def get_water_molecule_type(self, molecule_no, water_orientations, nearest_neighbors_nos):
        Return if the molecule is an acceptor or donor
        -1 : not set
         0 : AADD
         1 : AAD
         2 : ADD
         3 : DDD
    # FIXME: When doing at middle of execution, returns false numbers
    # Find the indeces of dangling bonds
    if water_orientations[molecule_no] == -1:
        return -1;
        bvv = get_bond_variable_values_from_water_orientation(water_orientations[molecule_no])
        index = numpy.where(nearest_neighbors_nos[0][molecule_no]==molecule_no)[0]
        if len(index) == 0:
            return 0
        if water_orientations[molecule_no] > 9:
            return 3
            if bvv[index] == -1:
                return 2
                return 1
def get_bond_variables_2(water_orientations, nearest_neighbors_nos):
    result = {}
    for i,  nn in enumerate(nearest_neighbors_nos[0]):
        result[i] = {}
        water_orientation = water_orientations[i]
        bvv = get_bond_variable_values_from_water_orientation(water_orientation)
        for j,  neighbor_no in enumerate(nn):
            if neighbor_no not in result[i]:
                result[i][neighbor_no] = {}
            periodic_axis = nearest_neighbors_nos[2][i][j]
            assert periodic_axis not in result[i][neighbor_no]
            result[i][neighbor_no][periodic_axis] = bvv[j]
    return result
def get_bond_variables(water_orientations, nearest_neighbors_nos):
    bond_variables = np.zeros((2, len(nearest_neighbors_nos[0]),  len(nearest_neighbors_nos[0])),  dtype='int8')
    for i,  nn in enumerate(nearest_neighbors_nos[0]):
        water_orientation = water_orientations[i]
        bvv = get_bond_variable_values_from_water_orientation(water_orientation)
        for l,  neighbor_no in enumerate(nn):
            periodic = nearest_neighbors_nos[1][i][l]
            if neighbor_no > i:
                bond_variables[periodic][i][neighbor_no][0] = bvv[l]
                bond_variables[periodic][i][neighbor_no][1] = nearest_neighbors_nos[2][i][l]
                bond_variables[periodic][neighbor_no][i][0] = -bvv[l]
                bond_variables[periodic][neighbor_no][i][1] = get_opposite_periodicity_axis_number(nearest_neighbors_nos[2][i][l])
            elif neighbor_no == i:
                bond_variables[periodic][i][neighbor_no][0] = bvv[l]
                bond_variables[periodic][i][neighbor_no][1] = nearest_neighbors_nos[2][i][l]
    return bond_variables
    def get_bond_types(self, water_orientations):
            return get_bond_types(water_orientations, self.nearest_neighbors_nos)
                Bond types:
                     0: AADD - AADD or a dangling bond
                     1: AADD - AAD
                     2: AADD - ADD
                     3: 1 - 0 : AAD - AADD 
                     4: 1 - 1 : AAD - AAD
                     5: 1 - 2 : AAD - ADD
                     6: 2 - 0 : ADD - AADD
                     7: 2 - 1 : ADD - AAD
                     8: 2 - 2 : ADD - ADD
                     9: Dangling bond

                    10: 3 - 0 : DDD - AADD
                    11: 3 - 1 : DDD - AAD
                    12: 3 - 2 : DDD - ADD
                    13: 3 - 3 : DDD - DDD

                    14 - 16   : DDD:s other way around
            bond_type_matrix = [[0, 1, 2, 14], [3, 4, 5, 15], [6, 7, 8, 16], [10, 11, 12, 13]]
            water_molecule_types = self.get_water_molecule_types(water_orientations)
            result = numpy.zeros((len(water_orientations), len(self.nearest_neighbors_nos[0]), 2), dtype=int)
            # counts contains the number of bond types
            #  1:st slot contains the number of donor types ie AAD*-AAD where the one marked with star is doning
            #      the hydrogen bond        
            #  2:nd slot contains the number of acceptor types ie AAD-AAD*
            counts = numpy.zeros((17, 2), dtype=int)
            for molecule_no in range(len(water_orientations)):
                type_a = water_molecule_types[molecule_no]
                if type_a != -1 :
                    bvv = get_bond_variable_values_from_water_orientation(water_orientations[molecule_no])
                    for i, nn in enumerate(self.nearest_neighbors_nos[0][molecule_no]):
                         # IF a dangling bond
                         if nn == molecule_no:
                            result[molecule_no][i][0] = 9
                            if bvv[i] == 1:
                                counts[9][1] += 1
                                counts[9][0] += 1
                            type_b = water_molecule_types[nn]
                            if type_b != -1:
                                bt = bond_type_matrix[type_a][type_b]
                                result[molecule_no][i][0] = bt
                                if bvv[i] == 1:
                                    counts[bt][0] += 1
                                    result[molecule_no][i][1] = 0
                                elif bvv[i] == -1:
                                    counts[bt][1] += 1 
                                    result[molecule_no][i][1] = 1
            return result, counts