文件: lambdify.py 项目: cmarqu/sympy
    def doprint(self, funcname, args, expr):
        """Returns the function definition code as a string."""
        from sympy import Dummy

        funcbody = []

        if not iterable(args):
            args = [args]

        argstrs, expr = self._preprocess(args, expr)

        # Generate argument unpacking and final argument list
        funcargs = []
        unpackings = []

        for argstr in argstrs:
            if iterable(argstr):
                unpackings.extend(self._print_unpacking(argstr, funcargs[-1]))

        funcsig = 'def {}({}):'.format(funcname, ', '.join(funcargs))

        # Wrap input arguments before unpacking


        funcbody.append('return ({})'.format(self._exprrepr(expr)))

        funclines = [funcsig]
        funclines.extend('    ' + line for line in funcbody)

        return '\n'.join(funclines) + '\n'
def reduce_inequalities(inequalities, symbols=[]):
    """Reduce a system of inequalities with rational coefficients.


    >>> from sympy import sympify as S, Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> from sympy.solvers.inequalities import reduce_inequalities

    >>> reduce_inequalities(0 <= x + 3, [])
    And(-3 <= x, x < oo)

    >>> reduce_inequalities(0 <= x + y*2 - 1, [x])
    x >= -2*y + 1
    if not iterable(inequalities):
        inequalities = [inequalities]
    inequalities = [sympify(i) for i in inequalities]

    gens = set().union(*[i.free_symbols for i in inequalities])

    if not iterable(symbols):
        symbols = [symbols]
    symbols = (set(symbols) or gens) & gens
    if any(i.is_real is False for i in symbols):
        raise TypeError(
            inequalities cannot contain symbols that are not real."""

    # make vanilla symbol real
    recast = dict([(i, Dummy(i.name, real=True)) for i in gens if i.is_real is None])
    inequalities = [i.xreplace(recast) for i in inequalities]
    symbols = set([i.xreplace(recast) for i in symbols])

    # prefilter
    keep = []
    for i in inequalities:
        if isinstance(i, Relational):
            i = i.func(i.lhs.as_expr() - i.rhs.as_expr(), 0)
        elif i not in (True, False):
            i = Eq(i, 0)
        if i == True:
        elif i == False:
            return S.false
        if i.lhs.is_number:
            raise NotImplementedError("could not determine truth value of %s" % i)
    inequalities = keep
    del keep

    # solve system
    rv = _reduce_inequalities(inequalities, symbols)

    # restore original symbols and return
    return rv.xreplace(dict([(v, k) for k, v in recast.items()]))
def test_iterable_is_sequence():
    ordered = [list(), tuple(), Tuple(), Matrix([[]])]
    unordered = [set()]
    not_sympy_iterable = [{}, '', u('')]
    assert all(is_sequence(i) for i in ordered)
    assert all(not is_sequence(i) for i in unordered)
    assert all(iterable(i) for i in ordered + unordered)
    assert all(not iterable(i) for i in not_sympy_iterable)
    assert all(iterable(i, exclude=None) for i in not_sympy_iterable)
def test_iterable_ordered_iter():
    ordered = [list(), tuple(), Tuple(), Matrix([[]])]
    unordered = [set()]
    not_sympy_iterable = [{}, '']
    assert all(ordered_iter(i) for i in ordered)
    assert all(not ordered_iter(i) for i in unordered)
    assert all(iterable(i) for i in ordered + unordered)
    assert all(not iterable(i) for i in not_sympy_iterable)
    assert all(iterable(i, exclude=None) for i in not_sympy_iterable)
def test_iterable():
    assert iterable(0) is False
    assert iterable(1) is False
    assert iterable(None) is False

    class Test1(NotIterable):

    assert iterable(Test1()) is False

    class Test2(NotIterable):
        _iterable = True

    assert iterable(Test2()) is True

    class Test3(object):

    assert iterable(Test3()) is False

    class Test4(object):
        _iterable = True

    assert iterable(Test4()) is True

    class Test5(object):
        def __iter__(self):
            yield 1

    assert iterable(Test5()) is True

    class Test6(Test5):
        _iterable = False

    assert iterable(Test6()) is False
文件: cse_main.py 项目: B-Rich/sympy
    def _find_opts(expr):

        if expr.is_Atom or expr.is_Order:

        if iterable(expr):
            list(map(_find_opts, expr))

        if expr in seen_subexp:
            return expr

        list(map(_find_opts, expr.args))

        if _coeff_isneg(expr):
            neg_expr = -expr
            if not neg_expr.is_Atom:
                opt_subs[expr] = Mul(S.NegativeOne, neg_expr, evaluate=False)
                expr = neg_expr

        if expr.is_Mul:

        elif expr.is_Add:

        elif expr.is_Pow:
            if _coeff_isneg(expr.exp):
                opt_subs[expr] = Pow(Pow(expr.base, -expr.exp), S.NegativeOne,
文件: cse_main.py 项目: chaffra/sympy
    def _find_repeated(expr):
        if not isinstance(expr, Basic):

        if expr.is_Atom or expr.is_Order:

        if iterable(expr):
            args = expr

            if expr in seen_subexp:
                for ign in ignore:
                    if ign in expr.free_symbols:


            if expr in opt_subs:
                expr = opt_subs[expr]

            args = expr.args

        list(map(_find_repeated, args))
文件: cse_main.py 项目: chaffra/sympy
    def _find_opts(expr):

        if not isinstance(expr, Basic):

        if expr.is_Atom or expr.is_Order:

        if iterable(expr):
            list(map(_find_opts, expr))

        if expr in seen_subexp:
            return expr

        list(map(_find_opts, expr.args))

        if _coeff_isneg(expr):
            neg_expr = -expr
            if not neg_expr.is_Atom:
                opt_subs[expr] = Mul(S.NegativeOne, neg_expr, evaluate=False)
                expr = neg_expr

        if isinstance(expr, (Mul, MatMul)):

        elif isinstance(expr, (Add, MatAdd)):

        elif isinstance(expr, (Pow, MatPow)):
            if _coeff_isneg(expr.exp):
                opt_subs[expr] = Pow(Pow(expr.base, -expr.exp), S.NegativeOne,
文件: logic.py 项目: wxgeo/sympy
def fuzzy_and(*args):
    """Return True (all True), False (any False) or None.

    If `a` is an iterable it must have more than one element."""

    if (len(args) == 1 and iterable(args[0]) or
        len(args) > 2):
        if len(args) == 1:
            args = args[0]
        rv = True
        i = 0
        for ai in args:
            ai = fuzzy_bool(ai)
            if ai is False:
                return False
            if rv: # this will stop updating if a None is ever trapped
                rv = ai
            i += 1
        if i < 2:
            raise ValueError('iterables must have 2 or more elements')
        return rv

    a, b = [fuzzy_bool(i) for i in args]
    if a is True and b is True:
        return True
    elif a is False or b is False:
        return False
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])

        if iterable(args[0]):
            if isinstance(args[0], Point) and not evaluate:
                return args[0]
            args = args[0]

        # unpack the arguments into a friendly Tuple
        # if we were already a Point, we're doing an excess
        # iteration, but we'll worry about efficiency later
        coords = Tuple(*args)
        if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
            raise ValueError('Imaginary coordinates not permitted.')

        # Turn any Floats into rationals and simplify
        # any expressions before we instantiate
        if evaluate:
            coords = coords.xreplace(dict(
                [(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
        if len(coords) == 2:
            return Point2D(coords, **kwargs)
        if len(coords) == 3:
            return Point3D(coords, **kwargs)

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
文件: lambdify.py 项目: Acebulf/sympy
def lambdastr(args, expr, printer=None):
    Returns a string that can be evaluated to a lambda function.

    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    >>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdastr
    >>> lambdastr(x, x**2)
    'lambda x: (x**2)'
    >>> lambdastr((x,y,z), [z,y,x])
    'lambda x,y,z: ([z, y, x])'

    if printer is not None:
        if inspect.isfunction(printer):
            lambdarepr = printer
            if inspect.isclass(printer):
                lambdarepr = lambda expr: printer().doprint(expr)
                lambdarepr = lambda expr: printer.doprint(expr)
        #XXX: This has to be done here because of circular imports
        from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import lambdarepr

    # Transform everything to strings.
    from sympy.matrices import DeferredVector
    expr = lambdarepr(expr)
    if isinstance(args, str):
    elif iterable(args, exclude=DeferredVector):
        args = ",".join(str(a) for a in args)
        args = str(args)

    return "lambda %s: (%s)" % (args, expr)
def _walsh_hadamard_transform(seq, inverse=False):
    """Utility function for the Walsh Hadamard Transform"""

    if not iterable(seq):
        raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of coefficients "
                        "for Walsh Hadamard Transform")

    a = [sympify(arg) for arg in seq]
    n = len(a)
    if n < 2:
        return a

    if n&(n - 1):
        n = 2**n.bit_length()

    a += [S.Zero]*(n - len(a))
    h = 2
    while h <= n:
        hf, ut = h // 2, n // h
        for i in range(0, n, h):
            for j in range(hf):
                u, v = a[i + j], a[i + j + hf]
                a[i + j], a[i + j + hf] = u + v, u - v
        h *= 2

    if inverse:
        a = [x/n for x in a]

    return a
文件: lambdify.py 项目: cmarqu/sympy
    def _preprocess(self, args, expr):
        """Preprocess args, expr to replace arguments that do not map
        to valid Python identifiers.

        Returns string form of args, and updated expr.
        from sympy import Dummy, Function, flatten, Derivative, ordered, Basic
        from sympy.matrices import DeferredVector

        # Args of type Dummy can cause name collisions with args
        # of type Symbol.  Force dummify of everything in this
        # situation.
        dummify = self._dummify or any(
            isinstance(arg, Dummy) for arg in flatten(args))

        argstrs = [None]*len(args)
        for arg, i in reversed(list(ordered(zip(args, range(len(args)))))):
            if iterable(arg):
                s, expr = self._preprocess(arg, expr)
            elif isinstance(arg, DeferredVector):
                s = str(arg)
            elif isinstance(arg, Basic) and arg.is_symbol:
                s = self._argrepr(arg)
                if dummify or not self._is_safe_ident(s):
                    dummy = Dummy()
                    s = self._argrepr(dummy)
                    expr = self._subexpr(expr, {arg: dummy})
            elif dummify or isinstance(arg, (Function, Derivative)):
                dummy = Dummy()
                s = self._argrepr(dummy)
                expr = self._subexpr(expr, {arg: dummy})
                s = str(arg)
            argstrs[i] = s
        return argstrs, expr
    def convert(self, elem, M=None):
        Convert ``elem`` into the internal representation.

        This method is called implicitly whenever computations involve elements
        not in the internal representation.

        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> from sympy import QQ
        >>> F = QQ.old_poly_ring(x).free_module(2)
        >>> F.convert([1, 0])
        [1, 0]
        if isinstance(elem, FreeModuleElement):
            if elem.module is self:
                return elem
            if elem.module.rank != self.rank:
                raise CoercionFailed
            return FreeModuleElement(self,
                     tuple(self.ring.convert(x, elem.module.ring) for x in elem.data))
        elif iterable(elem):
            tpl = tuple(self.ring.convert(x) for x in elem)
            if len(tpl) != self.rank:
                raise CoercionFailed
            return FreeModuleElement(self, tpl)
        elif elem is 0:
            return FreeModuleElement(self, (self.ring.convert(0),)*self.rank)
            raise CoercionFailed
def is_sequence(i, include=None):
    Return a boolean indicating whether ``i`` is a sequence in the SymPy
    sense. If anything that fails the test below should be included as
    being a sequence for your application, set 'include' to that object's
    type; multiple types should be passed as a tuple of types.

    Note: although generators can generate a sequence, they often need special
    handling to make sure their elements are captured before the generator is
    exhausted, so these are not included by default in the definition of a

    See also: iterable


    >>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import is_sequence
    >>> from types import GeneratorType
    >>> is_sequence([])
    >>> is_sequence(set())
    >>> is_sequence('abc')
    >>> is_sequence('abc', include=str)
    >>> generator = (c for c in 'abc')
    >>> is_sequence(generator)
    >>> is_sequence(generator, include=(str, GeneratorType))

    return hasattr(i, "__getitem__") and iterable(i) or bool(include) and isinstance(i, include)
文件: lambdify.py 项目: Frifon/sympy
 def sub_args(args, dummies_dict):
     if isinstance(args, str):
         return args
     elif isinstance(args, DeferredVector):
         return str(args)
     elif iterable(args):
         flatten = lambda *n: (e for a in n for e in
                               (flatten(*a) if iterable(a) else (a,)))
         dummies = flatten([sub_args(a, dummies_dict) for a in args])
         return ",".join(str(a) for a in dummies)
         if isinstance(args, Function):
             dummies = Dummy()
             dummies_dict.update({args : dummies})
             return str(dummies)
             return str(args)
文件: sets.py 项目: alphaitis/sympy
 def flatten(arg):
     if isinstance(arg, Set):
         if arg.is_ProductSet:
             return sum(map(flatten, arg.args), [])
             return [arg]
     elif iterable(arg):
         return sum(map(flatten, arg), [])
     raise TypeError("Input must be Sets or iterables of Sets")
文件: sets.py 项目: alphaitis/sympy
 def flatten(arg):
     if isinstance(arg, Set):
         if arg.is_Intersection:
             return sum(map(flatten, arg.args), [])
             return [arg]
     if iterable(arg):  # and not isinstance(arg, Set) (implicit)
         return sum(map(flatten, arg), [])
     raise TypeError("Input must be Sets or iterables of Sets")
 def group_to_finiteset(group):
     Converts ``group`` to a :class:``FiniteSet`` if it is an
     if iterable(group):
         return FiniteSet(group)
         return group
 def _flatten(arg):
     if isinstance(arg, SeqBase):
         if isinstance(arg, SeqMul):
             return sum(map(_flatten, arg.args), [])
             return [arg]
     elif iterable(arg):
         return sum(map(_flatten, arg), [])
     raise TypeError("Input must be Sequences or " " iterables of Sequences")
文件: cse_main.py 项目: chaffra/sympy
    def _rebuild(expr):
        if not isinstance(expr, Basic):
            return expr

        if not expr.args:
            return expr

        if iterable(expr):
            new_args = [_rebuild(arg) for arg in expr]
            return expr.func(*new_args)

        if expr in subs:
            return subs[expr]

        orig_expr = expr
        if expr in opt_subs:
            expr = opt_subs[expr]

        # If enabled, parse Muls and Adds arguments by order to ensure
        # replacement order independent from hashes
        if order != 'none':
            if isinstance(expr, (Mul, MatMul)):
                c, nc = expr.args_cnc()
                if c == [1]:
                    args = nc
                    args = list(ordered(c)) + nc
            elif isinstance(expr, (Add, MatAdd)):
                args = list(ordered(expr.args))
                args = expr.args
            args = expr.args

        new_args = list(map(_rebuild, args))
        if new_args != args:
            new_expr = expr.func(*new_args)
            new_expr = expr

        if orig_expr in to_eliminate:
                sym = next(symbols)
            except StopIteration:
                raise ValueError("Symbols iterator ran out of symbols.")

            if isinstance(orig_expr, MatrixExpr):
                sym = MatrixSymbol(sym.name, orig_expr.rows,

            subs[orig_expr] = sym
            replacements.append((sym, new_expr))
            return sym

            return new_expr
def _number_theoretic_transform(seq, prime, inverse=False):
    """Utility function for the Number Theoretic Transform"""

    if not iterable(seq):
        raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of integer coefficients "
                        "for Number Theoretic Transform")

    p = as_int(prime)
    if isprime(p) == False:
        raise ValueError("Expected prime modulus for "
                        "Number Theoretic Transform")

    a = [as_int(x) % p for x in seq]

    n = len(a)
    if n < 1:
        return a

    b = n.bit_length() - 1
    if n&(n - 1):
        b += 1
        n = 2**b

    if (p - 1) % n:
        raise ValueError("Expected prime modulus of the form (m*2**k + 1)")

    a += [0]*(n - len(a))
    for i in range(1, n):
        j = int(ibin(i, b, str=True)[::-1], 2)
        if i < j:
            a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]

    pr = primitive_root(p)

    rt = pow(pr, (p - 1) // n, p)
    if inverse:
        rt = pow(rt, p - 2, p)

    w = [1]*(n // 2)
    for i in range(1, n // 2):
        w[i] = w[i - 1]*rt % p

    h = 2
    while h <= n:
        hf, ut = h // 2, n // h
        for i in range(0, n, h):
            for j in range(hf):
                u, v = a[i + j], a[i + j + hf]*w[ut * j]
                a[i + j], a[i + j + hf] = (u + v) % p, (u - v) % p
        h *= 2

    if inverse:
        rv = pow(n, p - 2, p)
        a = [x*rv % p for x in a]

    return a
def posify(eq):
    """Return eq (with generic symbols made positive) and a
    dictionary containing the mapping between the old and new

    Any symbol that has positive=None will be replaced with a positive dummy
    symbol having the same name. This replacement will allow more symbolic
    processing of expressions, especially those involving powers and

    A dictionary that can be sent to subs to restore eq to its original
    symbols is also returned.

    >>> from sympy import posify, Symbol, log, solve
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> posify(x + Symbol('p', positive=True) + Symbol('n', negative=True))
    (_x + n + p, {_x: x})

    >>> eq = 1/x
    >>> log(eq).expand()
    >>> log(posify(eq)[0]).expand()
    >>> p, rep = posify(eq)
    >>> log(p).expand().subs(rep)

    It is possible to apply the same transformations to an iterable
    of expressions:

    >>> eq = x**2 - 4
    >>> solve(eq, x)
    [-2, 2]
    >>> eq_x, reps = posify([eq, x]); eq_x
    [_x**2 - 4, _x]
    >>> solve(*eq_x)
    eq = sympify(eq)
    if iterable(eq):
        f = type(eq)
        eq = list(eq)
        syms = set()
        for e in eq:
            syms = syms.union(e.atoms(Symbol))
        reps = {}
        for s in syms:
            reps.update(dict((v, k) for k, v in posify(s)[1].items()))
        for i, e in enumerate(eq):
            eq[i] = e.subs(reps)
        return f(eq), dict([(r, s) for s, r in reps.items()])

    reps = dict([(s, Dummy(s.name, positive=True))
                 for s in eq.free_symbols if s.is_positive is None])
    eq = eq.subs(reps)
    return eq, dict([(r, s) for s, r in reps.items()])
文件: monomials.py 项目: AALEKH/sympy
    def __init__(self, monom, gens=None):
        if not iterable(monom):
            rep, gens = dict_from_expr(sympify(monom), gens=gens)
            if len(rep) == 1 and list(rep.values())[0] == 1:
                monom = list(rep.keys())[0]
                raise ValueError("Expected a monomial got %s" % monom)

        self.exponents = tuple(map(int, monom))
        self.gens = gens
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if iterable(args[0]):
            coords = tuple([sympify(x) for x in args[0]])
            coords = tuple([sympify(x) for x in args])

        if len(coords) != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("Only two dimensional points currently supported")

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
文件: basic.py 项目: bladewang/sympy
    def rewrite(self, *args, **hints):
        """ Rewrite functions in terms of other functions.

        Rewrites expression containing applications of functions
        of one kind in terms of functions of different kind. For
        example you can rewrite trigonometric functions as complex
        exponentials or combinatorial functions as gamma function.

        As a pattern this function accepts a list of functions to
        to rewrite (instances of DefinedFunction class). As rule
        you can use string or a destination function instance (in
        this case rewrite() will use the str() function).

        There is also possibility to pass hints on how to rewrite
        the given expressions. For now there is only one such hint
        defined called 'deep'. When 'deep' is set to False it will
        forbid functions to rewrite their contents.

        >>> from sympy import sin, exp, I
        >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

        Unspecified pattern:
        >>> sin(x).rewrite(exp)
        -I*(exp(I*x) - exp(-I*x))/2

        Pattern as a single function:
        >>> sin(x).rewrite(sin, exp)
        -I*(exp(I*x) - exp(-I*x))/2

        Pattern as a list of functions:
        >>> sin(x).rewrite([sin, ], exp)
        -I*(exp(I*x) - exp(-I*x))/2

        if self.is_Atom or not args:
            return self
            pattern = args[:-1]
            if isinstance(args[-1], basestring):
                rule = '_eval_rewrite_as_' + args[-1]
                rule = '_eval_rewrite_as_' + args[-1].__name__

            if not pattern:
                return self._eval_rewrite(None, rule, **hints)
                if iterable(pattern[0]):
                    pattern = pattern[0]

                pattern = [ p.__class__ for p in pattern if self.has(p) ]

                if pattern:
                    return self._eval_rewrite(tuple(pattern), rule, **hints)
                    return self
文件: lambdify.py 项目: cmarqu/sympy
        def flat_indexes(elems):
            n = 0

            for el in elems:
                if iterable(el):
                    for ndeep in flat_indexes(el):
                        yield (n,) + ndeep
                    yield (n,)

                n += 1
文件: point.py 项目: arnet95/sympy
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if iterable(args[0]):
            coords = Tuple(*args[0])
        elif isinstance(args[0], Point):
            coords = args[0].args
            coords = Tuple(*args)

        if len(coords) != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("Only two dimensional points currently supported")

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kw_args):
        """The constructor for the Prufer object.


        >>> from sympy.combinatorics.prufer import Prufer

        A Prufer object can be constructed from a list of edges:

        >>> a = Prufer([[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3]])
        >>> a.prufer_repr
        [0, 0]

        If the number of nodes is given, no checking of the nodes will
        be performed; it will be assumed that nodes 0 through n - 1 are

        >>> Prufer([[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3]], 4)
        Prufer([[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3]], 4)

        A Prufer object can be constructed from a Prufer sequence:

        >>> b = Prufer([1, 3])
        >>> b.tree_repr
        [[0, 1], [1, 3], [2, 3]]

        ret_obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *args, **kw_args)
        args = [list(args[0])]
        if args[0] and iterable(args[0][0]):
            if not args[0][0]:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Prufer expects at least one edge in the tree.')
            if len(args) > 1:
                nnodes = args[1]
                nodes = set(flatten(args[0]))
                nnodes = max(nodes) + 1
                if nnodes != len(nodes):
                    missing = set(range(nnodes)) - nodes
                    if len(missing) == 1:
                        msg = 'Node %s is missing.' % missing.pop()
                        msg = 'Nodes %s are missing.' % list(sorted(missing))
                    raise ValueError(msg)
            ret_obj._tree_repr = [list(i) for i in args[0]]
            ret_obj._nodes = nnodes
            ret_obj._prufer_repr = args[0]
            ret_obj._nodes = len(ret_obj._prufer_repr) + 2
        return ret_obj
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        if len(args) == 1 and iterable(args[0]):
            args = args[0]

        args = map(sympify, args)

        if len(args) == 0:
            return EmptySet()

        args = frozenset(args)  # remove duplicates
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
        obj._elements = args
        return obj
文件: point.py 项目: kpsychas/sympy
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     eval = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
     check = True
     if isinstance(args[0], Point2D):
         if not eval:
             return args[0]
         args = args[0].args
         check = False
         if iterable(args[0]):
             args = args[0]
         if len(args) != 2:
             raise ValueError(
                 "Only two dimensional points currently supported")
     coords = Tuple(*args)
     if check:
         if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
             raise ValueError('Imaginary args not permitted.')
     if eval:
         coords = coords.xreplace(
             dict([(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                   for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
     return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
    def _find_repeated(expr):
        if not isinstance(expr, Basic):

        if expr.is_Atom or expr.is_Order:

        if iterable(expr):
            args = expr

            if expr in seen_subexp:


            if expr in opt_subs:
                expr = opt_subs[expr]

            args = expr.args

        list(map(_find_repeated, args))
    def _find_opts(expr):

        if not isinstance(expr, Basic):

        if expr.is_Atom or expr.is_Order:

        if iterable(expr):
            list(map(_find_opts, expr))

        if expr in seen_subexp:
            return expr

        list(map(_find_opts, expr.args))

        if _coeff_isneg(expr):
            neg_expr = -expr
            if not neg_expr.is_Atom:
                opt_subs[expr] = Mul(S.NegativeOne, neg_expr, evaluate=False)
                expr = neg_expr

        if isinstance(expr, (Mul, MatMul)):

        elif isinstance(expr, (Add, MatAdd)):

        elif isinstance(expr, (Pow, MatPow)):
            if _coeff_isneg(expr.exp):
                opt_subs[expr] = Pow(Pow(expr.base, -expr.exp),
def postorder_traversal(node):
    Do a postorder traversal of a tree.

    This generator recursively yields nodes that it has visited in a postorder
    fashion. That is, it descends through the tree depth-first to yield all of
    a node's children's postorder traversal before yielding the node itself.

    node : sympy expression
        The expression to traverse.

    subtree : sympy expression
        All of the subtrees in the tree.

    >>> from sympy import symbols
    >>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import postorder_traversal
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    >>> set(postorder_traversal((x+y)*z)) == set([z, y, x, x + y, z*(x + y)])

    if isinstance(node, Basic):
        for arg in node.args:
            for subtree in postorder_traversal(arg):
                yield subtree
    elif iterable(node):
        for item in node:
            for subtree in postorder_traversal(item):
                yield subtree
    yield node
def _mobius_transform(seq, sgn, subset):
    r"""Utility function for performing Möbius Transform using
    Yate's Dynamic Programming (DP)"""

    if not iterable(seq):
        raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of coefficients")

    a = [sympify(arg) for arg in seq]

    n = len(a)
    if n < 2:
        return a

    if n & (n - 1):
        n = 2**n.bit_length()

    a += [S.Zero] * (n - len(a))

    if subset:
        i = 1
        while i < n:
            for j in range(n):
                if j & i:
                    a[j] += sgn * a[j ^ i]
            i *= 2

        i = 1
        while i < n:
            for j in range(n):
                if j & i:
                a[j] += sgn * a[j ^ i]
            i *= 2

    return a
def is_sequence(i, include=None):
    Return a boolean indicating whether ``i`` is a sequence in the SymPy
    sense. If anything that fails the test below should be included as
    being a sequence for your application, set 'include' to that object's
    type; multiple types should be passed as a tuple of types.

    Note: although generators can generate a sequence, they often need special
    handling to make sure their elements are captured before the generator is
    exhausted, so these are not included by default in the definition of a

    See also: iterable


    >>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import is_sequence
    >>> from types import GeneratorType
    >>> is_sequence([])
    >>> is_sequence(set())
    >>> is_sequence('abc')
    >>> is_sequence('abc', include=str)
    >>> generator = (c for c in 'abc')
    >>> is_sequence(generator)
    >>> is_sequence(generator, include=(str, GeneratorType))

    return (hasattr(i, '__getitem__') and iterable(i)
            or bool(include) and isinstance(i, include))
def PolynomialRing(dom, *gens, **opts):
    Create a generalized multivariate polynomial ring.

    A generalized polynomial ring is defined by a ground field `K`, a set
    of generators (typically `x_1, \dots, x_n`) and a monomial order `<`.
    The monomial order can be global, local or mixed. In any case it induces
    a total ordering on the monomials, and there exists for every (non-zero)
    polynomial `f \in K[x_1, \dots, x_n]` a well-defined "leading monomial"
    `LM(f) = LM(f, >)`. One can then define a multiplicative subset
    `S = S_> = \{f \in K[x_1, \dots, x_n] | LM(f) = 1\}`. The generalized
    polynomial ring corresponding to the monomial order is
    `R = S^{-1}K[x_1, \dots, x_n]`.

    If `>` is a so-called global order, that is `1` is the smallest monomial,
    then we just have `S = K` and `R = K[x_1, \dots, x_n]`.


    A few examples may make this clearer.

    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> from sympy import QQ

    Our first ring uses global lexicographic order.

    >>> R1 = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y, order=(("lex", x, y),))

    The second ring uses local lexicographic order. Note that when using a
    single (non-product) order, you can just specify the name and omit the

    >>> R2 = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y, order="ilex")

    The third and fourth rings use a mixed orders:

    >>> o1 = (("ilex", x), ("lex", y))
    >>> o2 = (("lex", x), ("ilex", y))
    >>> R3 = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y, order=o1)
    >>> R4 = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y, order=o2)

    We will investigate what elements of `K(x, y)` are contained in the various

    >>> L = [x, 1/x, y/(1 + x), 1/(1 + y), 1/(1 + x*y)]
    >>> test = lambda R: [f in R for f in L]

    The first ring is just `K[x, y]`:

    >>> test(R1)
    [True, False, False, False, False]

    The second ring is R1 localised at the maximal ideal (x, y):

    >>> test(R2)
    [True, False, True, True, True]

    The third ring is R1 localised at the prime ideal (x):

    >>> test(R3)
    [True, False, True, False, True]

    Finally the fourth ring is R1 localised at `S = K[x, y] \setminus yK[y]`:

    >>> test(R4)
    [True, False, False, True, False]

    order = opts.get("order", GeneralizedPolynomialRing.default_order)
    if iterable(order):
        order = build_product_order(order, gens)
    order = monomial_key(order)
    opts['order'] = order

    if order.is_global:
        return GlobalPolynomialRing(dom, *gens, **opts)
        return GeneralizedPolynomialRing(dom, *gens, **opts)
 def isiter(l):
     return iterable(l, exclude=(str, DeferredVector))
文件: lambdify.py 项目: hugovk/sympy
 def unpack_lhs(lvalues):
     return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(
         unpack_lhs(val) if iterable(val) else val for val in lvalues))
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        Construct a new instance of Diagram.

        If no arguments are supplied, an empty diagram is created.

        If at least an argument is supplied, ``args[0]`` is
        interpreted as the premises of the diagram.  If ``args[0]`` is
        a list, it is interpreted as a list of :class:`Morphism`'s, in
        which each :class:`Morphism` has an empty set of properties.
        If ``args[0]`` is a Python dictionary or a :class:`Dict`, it
        is interpreted as a dictionary associating to some
        :class:`Morphism`'s some properties.

        If at least two arguments are supplied ``args[1]`` is
        interpreted as the conclusions of the diagram.  The type of
        ``args[1]`` is interpreted in exactly the same way as the type
        of ``args[0]``.  If only one argument is supplied, the diagram
        has no conclusions.


        >>> from sympy.categories import Object, NamedMorphism
        >>> from sympy.categories import IdentityMorphism, Diagram
        >>> A = Object("A")
        >>> B = Object("B")
        >>> C = Object("C")
        >>> f = NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")
        >>> g = NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
        >>> d = Diagram([f, g])
        >>> IdentityMorphism(A) in d.premises.keys()
        >>> g * f in d.premises.keys()
        >>> d = Diagram([f, g], {g * f: "unique"})
        >>> d.conclusions[g * f]

        premises = {}
        conclusions = {}

        # Here we will keep track of the objects which appear in the
        # premises.
        objects = EmptySet()

        if len(args) >= 1:
            # We've got some premises in the arguments.
            premises_arg = args[0]

            if isinstance(premises_arg, list):
                # The user has supplied a list of morphisms, none of
                # which have any attributes.
                empty = EmptySet()

                for morphism in premises_arg:
                    objects |= FiniteSet(morphism.domain, morphism.codomain)
                    Diagram._add_morphism_closure(premises, morphism, empty)
            elif isinstance(premises_arg, dict) or isinstance(
                    premises_arg, Dict):
                # The user has supplied a dictionary of morphisms and
                # their properties.
                for morphism, props in premises_arg.items():
                    objects |= FiniteSet(morphism.domain, morphism.codomain)
                        premises, morphism,
                            *props) if iterable(props) else FiniteSet(props))

        if len(args) >= 2:
            # We also have some conclusions.
            conclusions_arg = args[1]

            if isinstance(conclusions_arg, list):
                # The user has supplied a list of morphisms, none of
                # which have any attributes.
                empty = EmptySet()

                for morphism in conclusions_arg:
                    # Check that no new objects appear in conclusions.
                    if (morphism.domain in objects) and \
                       (morphism.codomain in objects):
                        # No need to add identities and recurse
                        # composites this time.
            elif isinstance(conclusions_arg, dict) or \
                    isinstance(conclusions_arg, Dict):
                # The user has supplied a dictionary of morphisms and
                # their properties.
                for morphism, props in conclusions_arg.items():
                    # Check that no new objects appear in conclusions.
                    if (morphism.domain in objects) and \
                       (morphism.codomain in objects):
                        # No need to add identities and recurse
                        # composites this time.
                            if iterable(props) else FiniteSet(props),

        return Basic.__new__(cls, Dict(premises), Dict(conclusions), objects)
def lambdastr(args, expr, printer=None, dummify=False):
    Returns a string that can be evaluated to a lambda function.


    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    >>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdastr
    >>> lambdastr(x, x**2)
    'lambda x: (x**2)'
    >>> lambdastr((x,y,z), [z,y,x])
    'lambda x,y,z: ([z, y, x])'

    Although tuples may not appear as arguments to lambda in Python 3,
    lambdastr will create a lambda function that will unpack the original
    arguments so that nested arguments can be handled:

    >>> lambdastr((x, (y, z)), x + y)
    'lambda _0,_1: (lambda x,y,z: (x + y))(*list(__flatten_args__([_0,_1])))'
    # Transforming everything to strings.
    from sympy.matrices import DeferredVector
    from sympy import Dummy, sympify, Symbol, Function, flatten

    if printer is not None:
        if inspect.isfunction(printer):
            lambdarepr = printer
            if inspect.isclass(printer):
                lambdarepr = lambda expr: printer().doprint(expr)
                lambdarepr = lambda expr: printer.doprint(expr)
        #XXX: This has to be done here because of circular imports
        from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import lambdarepr

    def sub_args(args, dummies_dict):
        if isinstance(args, str):
            return args
        elif isinstance(args, DeferredVector):
            return str(args)
        elif iterable(args):
            dummies = flatten([sub_args(a, dummies_dict) for a in args])
            return ",".join(str(a) for a in dummies)
            #Sub in dummy variables for functions or symbols
            if isinstance(args, (Function, Symbol)):
                dummies = Dummy()
                dummies_dict.update({args: dummies})
                return str(dummies)
                return str(args)

    def sub_expr(expr, dummies_dict):
            expr = sympify(expr).xreplace(dummies_dict)
        except Exception:
            if isinstance(expr, DeferredVector):
            elif isinstance(expr, dict):
                k = [sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr.keys()]
                v = [sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr.values()]
                expr = dict(zip(k, v))
            elif isinstance(expr, tuple):
                expr = tuple(sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr)
            elif isinstance(expr, list):
                expr = [sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr]
        return expr

    # Transform args
    def isiter(l):
        return iterable(l, exclude=(str, DeferredVector))

    if isiter(args) and any(isiter(i) for i in args):
        from sympy.utilities.iterables import flatten
        import re
        dum_args = [str(Dummy(str(i))) for i in range(len(args))]
        iter_args = ','.join(
            [i if isiter(a) else i for i, a in zip(dum_args, args)])
        lstr = lambdastr(flatten(args), expr, printer=printer, dummify=dummify)
        flat = '__flatten_args__'
        rv = 'lambda %s: (%s)(*list(%s([%s])))' % (','.join(dum_args), lstr,
                                                   flat, iter_args)
        if len(re.findall(r'\b%s\b' % flat, rv)) > 1:
            raise ValueError('the name %s is reserved by lambdastr' % flat)
        return rv

    dummies_dict = {}
    if dummify:
        args = sub_args(args, dummies_dict)
        if isinstance(args, str):
        elif iterable(args, exclude=DeferredVector):
            args = ",".join(str(a) for a in args)

    # Transform expr
    if dummify:
        if isinstance(expr, str):
            expr = sub_expr(expr, dummies_dict)
    expr = lambdarepr(expr)

    return "lambda %s: (%s)" % (args, expr)
 def inv(l):
     if iterable(l):
         return tuple(inv(x) for x in l)
     return -l
def autowrap(expr,
    """Generates python callable binaries based on the math expression.

        The SymPy expression that should be wrapped as a binary routine.
    language : string, optional
        If supplied, (options: 'C' or 'F95'), specifies the language of the
        generated code. If ``None`` [default], the language is inferred based
        upon the specified backend.
    backend : string, optional
        Backend used to wrap the generated code. Either 'f2py',
        or 'cython' [default].
    tempdir : string, optional
        Path to directory for temporary files. If this argument is supplied,
        the generated code and the wrapper input files are left intact in the
        specified path.
    args : iterable, optional
        An ordered iterable of symbols. Specifies the argument sequence for the
    flags : iterable, optional
        Additional option flags that will be passed to the backend.
    verbose : bool, optional
        If True, autowrap will not mute the command line backends. This can be
        helpful for debugging.
    helpers : iterable, optional
        Used to define auxillary expressions needed for the main expr. If the
        main expression needs to call a specialized function it should be put
        in the ``helpers`` iterable. Autowrap will then make sure that the
        compiled main expression can link to the helper routine. Items should
        be tuples with (<funtion_name>, <sympy_expression>, <arguments>). It
        is mandatory to supply an argument sequence to helper routines.

    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    >>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap
    >>> expr = ((x - y + z)**(13)).expand()
    >>> binary_func = autowrap(expr)
    >>> binary_func(1, 4, 2)
    if language:
        _validate_backend_language(backend, language)
        language = _infer_language(backend)

    helpers = [helpers] if helpers else ()
    flags = flags if flags else ()
    args = list(args) if iterable(args, exclude=set) else args

    code_generator = get_code_generator(language, "autowrap")
    CodeWrapperClass = _get_code_wrapper_class(backend)
    code_wrapper = CodeWrapperClass(code_generator, tempdir, flags, verbose)

    helps = []
    for name_h, expr_h, args_h in helpers:
        helps.append(make_routine(name_h, expr_h, args_h))

    for name_h, expr_h, args_h in helpers:
        if expr.has(expr_h):
            name_h = binary_function(name_h, expr_h, backend='dummy')
            expr = expr.subs(expr_h, name_h(*args_h))
        routine = make_routine('autofunc', expr, args)
    except CodeGenArgumentListError as e:
        # if all missing arguments are for pure output, we simply attach them
        # at the end and try again, because the wrappers will silently convert
        # them to return values anyway.
        new_args = []
        for missing in e.missing_args:
            if not isinstance(missing, OutputArgument):
        routine = make_routine('autofunc', expr, args + new_args)

    return code_wrapper.wrap_code(routine, helpers=helps)
def convolution_subset(a, b):
    Performs Subset Convolution of given sequences.

    The indices of each argument, considered as bit strings, correspond to
    subsets of a finite set.

    The sequence is automatically padded to the right with zeros, as the
    definition of subset based on bitmasks (indices) requires the size of
    sequence to be a power of 2.


    a, b : iterables
        The sequences for which convolution is performed.


    >>> from sympy import symbols, S, I
    >>> from sympy.discrete.convolutions import convolution_subset
    >>> u, v, x, y, z = symbols('u v x y z')

    >>> convolution_subset([u, v], [x, y])
    [u*x, u*y + v*x]
    >>> convolution_subset([u, v, x], [y, z])
    [u*y, u*z + v*y, x*y, x*z]

    >>> convolution_subset([1, S(2)/3], [3, 4])
    [3, 6]
    >>> convolution_subset([1, 3, S(5)/7], [7])
    [7, 21, 5, 0]


    .. [1] https://people.csail.mit.edu/rrw/presentations/subset-conv.pdf


    if not a or not b:
        return []

    if not iterable(a) or not iterable(b):
        raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of coefficients for convolution")

    a = [sympify(arg) for arg in a]
    b = [sympify(arg) for arg in b]
    n = max(len(a), len(b))

    if n & (n - 1):  # not a power of 2
        n = 2**n.bit_length()

    # padding with zeros
    a += [S.Zero] * (n - len(a))
    b += [S.Zero] * (n - len(b))

    c = [S.Zero] * n

    for mask in range(n):
        smask = mask
        while smask > 0:
            c[mask] += expand_mul(a[smask] * b[mask ^ smask])
            smask = (smask - 1) & mask

        c[mask] += expand_mul(a[smask] * b[mask ^ smask])

    return c
def default_sort_key(item, order=None):
    """Return a key that can be used for sorting.

    The key has the structure:

    (class_key, (len(args), args), exponent.sort_key(), coefficient)

    This key is supplied by the sort_key routine of Basic objects when
    ``item`` is a Basic object or an object (other than a string) that
    sympifies to a Basic object. Otherwise, this function produces the

    The ``order`` argument is passed along to the sort_key routine and is
    used to determine how the terms *within* an expression are ordered.
    (See examples below) ``order`` options are: 'lex', 'grlex', 'grevlex',
    and reversed values of the same (e.g. 'rev-lex'). The default order
    value is None (which translates to 'lex').


    >>> from sympy import S, I, default_sort_key, sin, cos, sqrt
    >>> from sympy.core.function import UndefinedFunction
    >>> from sympy.abc import x

    The following are equivalent ways of getting the key for an object:

    >>> x.sort_key() == default_sort_key(x)

    Here are some examples of the key that is produced:

    >>> default_sort_key(UndefinedFunction('f'))
    ((0, 0, 'UndefinedFunction'), (1, ('f',)), ((1, 0, 'Number'),
        (0, ()), (), 1), 1)
    >>> default_sort_key('1')
    ((0, 0, 'str'), (1, ('1',)), ((1, 0, 'Number'), (0, ()), (), 1), 1)
    >>> default_sort_key(S.One)
    ((1, 0, 'Number'), (0, ()), (), 1)
    >>> default_sort_key(2)
    ((1, 0, 'Number'), (0, ()), (), 2)

    While sort_key is a method only defined for SymPy objects,
    default_sort_key will accept anything as an argument so it is
    more robust as a sorting key. For the following, using key=
    lambda i: i.sort_key() would fail because 2 doesn't have a sort_key
    method; that's why default_sort_key is used. Note, that it also
    handles sympification of non-string items likes ints:

    >>> a = [2, I, -I]
    >>> sorted(a, key=default_sort_key)
    [2, -I, I]

    The returned key can be used anywhere that a key can be specified for
    a function, e.g. sort, min, max, etc...:

    >>> a.sort(key=default_sort_key); a[0]
    >>> min(a, key=default_sort_key)


    The key returned is useful for getting items into a canonical order
    that will be the same across platforms. It is not directly useful for
    sorting lists of expressions:

    >>> a, b = x, 1/x

    Since ``a`` has only 1 term, its value of sort_key is unaffected by

    >>> a.sort_key() == a.sort_key('rev-lex')

    If ``a`` and ``b`` are combined then the key will differ because there
    are terms that can be ordered:

    >>> eq = a + b
    >>> eq.sort_key() == eq.sort_key('rev-lex')
    >>> eq.as_ordered_terms()
    [x, 1/x]
    >>> eq.as_ordered_terms('rev-lex')
    [1/x, x]

    But since the keys for each of these terms are independent of ``order``'s
    value, they don't sort differently when they appear separately in a list:

    >>> sorted(eq.args, key=default_sort_key)
    [1/x, x]
    >>> sorted(eq.args, key=lambda i: default_sort_key(i, order='rev-lex'))
    [1/x, x]

    The order of terms obtained when using these keys is the order that would
    be obtained if those terms were *factors* in a product.

    Although it is useful for quickly putting expressions in canonical order,
    it does not sort expressions based on their complexity defined by the
    number of operations, power of variables and others:

    >>> sorted([sin(x)*cos(x), sin(x)], key=default_sort_key)
    [sin(x)*cos(x), sin(x)]
    >>> sorted([x, x**2, sqrt(x), x**3], key=default_sort_key)
    [sqrt(x), x, x**2, x**3]

    See Also

    ordered, sympy.core.expr.as_ordered_factors, sympy.core.expr.as_ordered_terms


    from sympy.core import S, Basic
    from sympy.core.sympify import sympify, SympifyError
    from sympy.core.compatibility import iterable

    if isinstance(item, Basic):
        return item.sort_key(order=order)

    if iterable(item, exclude=string_types):
        if isinstance(item, dict):
            args = item.items()
            unordered = True
        elif isinstance(item, set):
            args = item
            unordered = True
            # e.g. tuple, list
            args = list(item)
            unordered = False

        args = [default_sort_key(arg, order=order) for arg in args]

        if unordered:
            # e.g. dict, set
            args = sorted(args)

        cls_index, args = 10, (len(args), tuple(args))
        if not isinstance(item, string_types):
                item = sympify(item)
            except SympifyError:
                # e.g. lambda x: x
                if isinstance(item, Basic):
                    # e.g int -> Integer
                    return default_sort_key(item)
                # e.g. UndefinedFunction

        # e.g. str
        cls_index, args = 0, (1, (str(item), ))

    return (cls_index, 0,
            item.__class__.__name__), args, S.One.sort_key(), S.One
文件: lambdify.py 项目: hugovk/sympy
def lambdify(args,
    Translates a SymPy expression into an equivalent numeric function

    For example, to convert the SymPy expression ``sin(x) + cos(x)`` to an
    equivalent NumPy function that numerically evaluates it:

    >>> from sympy import sin, cos, symbols, lambdify
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> x = symbols('x')
    >>> expr = sin(x) + cos(x)
    >>> expr
    sin(x) + cos(x)
    >>> f = lambdify(x, expr, 'numpy')
    >>> a = np.array([1, 2])
    >>> f(a)
    [1.38177329 0.49315059]

    The primary purpose of this function is to provide a bridge from SymPy
    expressions to numerical libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, NumExpr, mpmath,
    and tensorflow. In general, SymPy functions do not work with objects from
    other libraries, such as NumPy arrays, and functions from numeric
    libraries like NumPy or mpmath do not work on SymPy expressions.
    ``lambdify`` bridges the two by converting a SymPy expression to an
    equivalent numeric function.

    The basic workflow with ``lambdify`` is to first create a SymPy expression
    representing whatever mathematical function you wish to evaluate. This
    should be done using only SymPy functions and expressions. Then, use
    ``lambdify`` to convert this to an equivalent function for numerical
    evaluation. For instance, above we created ``expr`` using the SymPy symbol
    ``x`` and SymPy functions ``sin`` and ``cos``, then converted it to an
    equivalent NumPy function ``f``, and called it on a NumPy array ``a``.

    .. warning::
       This function uses ``exec``, and thus shouldn't be used on unsanitized


    The first argument of ``lambdify`` is a variable or list of variables in
    the expression. Variable lists may be nested. Variables can be Symbols,
    undefined functions, or matrix symbols. The order and nesting of the
    variables corresponds to the order and nesting of the parameters passed to
    the lambdified function. For instance,

    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    >>> f = lambdify([x, (y, z)], x + y + z)
    >>> f(1, (2, 3))

    The second argument of ``lambdify`` is the expression, list of
    expressions, or matrix to be evaluated. Lists may be nested. If the
    expression is a list, the output will also be a list.

    >>> f = lambdify(x, [x, [x + 1, x + 2]])
    >>> f(1)
    [1, [2, 3]]

    If it is a matrix, an array will be returned (for the NumPy module).

    >>> from sympy import Matrix
    >>> f = lambdify(x, Matrix([x, x + 1]))
    >>> f(1)

    Note that the argument order here, variables then expression, is used to
    emulate the Python ``lambda`` keyword. ``lambdify(x, expr)`` works
    (roughly) like ``lambda x: expr`` (see :ref:`lambdify-how-it-works` below).

    The third argument, ``modules`` is optional. If not specified, ``modules``
    defaults to ``["scipy", "numpy"]`` if SciPy is installed, ``["numpy"]`` if
    only NumPy is installed, and ``["math", "mpmath", "sympy"]`` if neither is
    installed. That is, SymPy functions are replaced as far as possible by
    either ``scipy`` or ``numpy`` functions if available, and Python's
    standard library ``math``, or ``mpmath`` functions otherwise.

    ``modules`` can be one of the following types

     - the strings ``"math"``, ``"mpmath"``, ``"numpy"``, ``"numexpr"``,
       ``"scipy"``, ``"sympy"``, or ``"tensorflow"``. This uses the
       corresponding printer and namespace mapping for that module.
     - a module (e.g., ``math``). This uses the global namespace of the
       module. If the module is one of the above known modules, it will also
       use the corresponding printer and namespace mapping (i.e.,
       ``modules=numpy`` is equivalent to ``modules="numpy"``).
     - a dictionary that maps names of SymPy functions to arbitrary functions
       (e.g., ``{'sin': custom_sin}``).
     - a list that contains a mix of the arguments above, with higher priority
       given to entries appearing first (e.g., to use the NumPy module but
       override the ``sin`` function with a custom version, you can use
       ``[{'sin': custom_sin}, 'numpy']``).

    The ``dummify`` keyword argument controls whether or not the variables in
    the provided expression that are not valid Python identifiers are
    substituted with dummy symbols. This allows for undefined functions like
    ``Function('f')(t)`` to be supplied as arguments. By default, the
    variables are only dummified if they are not valid Python identifiers. Set
    ``dummify=True`` to replace all arguments with dummy symbols (if ``args``
    is not a string) - for example, to ensure that the arguments do not
    redefine any built-in names.

    .. _lambdify-how-it-works:

    How it works

    When using this function, it helps a great deal to have an idea of what it
    is doing. At its core, lambdify is nothing more than a namespace
    translation, on top of a special printer that makes some corner cases work

    To understand lambdify, first we must properly understand how Python
    namespaces work. Say we had two files. One called ``sin_cos_sympy.py``,

    .. code:: python

        # sin_cos_sympy.py

        from sympy import sin, cos

        def sin_cos(x):
            return sin(x) + cos(x)

    and one called ``sin_cos_numpy.py`` with

    .. code:: python

        # sin_cos_numpy.py

        from numpy import sin, cos

        def sin_cos(x):
            return sin(x) + cos(x)

    The two files define an identical function ``sin_cos``. However, in the
    first file, ``sin`` and ``cos`` are defined as the SymPy ``sin`` and
    ``cos``. In the second, they are defined as the NumPy versions.

    If we were to import the first file and use the ``sin_cos`` function, we
    would get something like

    >>> from sin_cos_sympy import sin_cos # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> sin_cos(1) # doctest: +SKIP
    cos(1) + sin(1)

    On the other hand, if we imported ``sin_cos`` from the second file, we
    would get

    >>> from sin_cos_numpy import sin_cos # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> sin_cos(1) # doctest: +SKIP

    In the first case we got a symbolic output, because it used the symbolic
    ``sin`` and ``cos`` functions from SymPy. In the second, we got a numeric
    result, because ``sin_cos`` used the numeric ``sin`` and ``cos`` functions
    from NumPy. But notice that the versions of ``sin`` and ``cos`` that were
    used was not inherent to the ``sin_cos`` function definition. Both
    ``sin_cos`` definitions are exactly the same. Rather, it was based on the
    names defined at the module where the ``sin_cos`` function was defined.

    The key point here is that when function in Python references a name that
    is not defined in the function, that name is looked up in the "global"
    namespace of the module where that function is defined.

    Now, in Python, we can emulate this behavior without actually writing a
    file to disk using the ``exec`` function. ``exec`` takes a string
    containing a block of Python code, and a dictionary that should contain
    the global variables of the module. It then executes the code "in" that
    dictionary, as if it were the module globals. The following is equivalent
    to the ``sin_cos`` defined in ``sin_cos_sympy.py``:

    >>> import sympy
    >>> module_dictionary = {'sin': sympy.sin, 'cos': sympy.cos}
    >>> exec('''
    ... def sin_cos(x):
    ...     return sin(x) + cos(x)
    ... ''', module_dictionary)
    >>> sin_cos = module_dictionary['sin_cos']
    >>> sin_cos(1)
    cos(1) + sin(1)

    and similarly with ``sin_cos_numpy``:

    >>> import numpy
    >>> module_dictionary = {'sin': numpy.sin, 'cos': numpy.cos}
    >>> exec('''
    ... def sin_cos(x):
    ...     return sin(x) + cos(x)
    ... ''', module_dictionary)
    >>> sin_cos = module_dictionary['sin_cos']
    >>> sin_cos(1)

    So now we can get an idea of how ``lambdify`` works. The name "lambdify"
    comes from the fact that we can think of something like ``lambdify(x,
    sin(x) + cos(x), 'numpy')`` as ``lambda x: sin(x) + cos(x)``, where
    ``sin`` and ``cos`` come from the ``numpy`` namespace. This is also why
    the symbols argument is first in ``lambdify``, as opposed to most SymPy
    functions where it comes after the expression: to better mimic the
    ``lambda`` keyword.

    ``lambdify`` takes the input expression (like ``sin(x) + cos(x)``) and

    1. Converts it to a string
    2. Creates a module globals dictionary based on the modules that are
       passed in (by default, it uses the NumPy module)
    3. Creates the string ``"def func({vars}): return {expr}"``, where ``{vars}`` is the
       list of variables separated by commas, and ``{expr}`` is the string
       created in step 1., then ``exec``s that string with the module globals
       namespace and returns ``func``.

    In fact, functions returned by ``lambdify`` support inspection. So you can
    see exactly how they are defined by using ``inspect.getsource``, or ``??`` if you
    are using IPython or the Jupyter notebook.

    >>> f = lambdify(x, sin(x) + cos(x))
    >>> import inspect
    >>> print(inspect.getsource(f))
    def _lambdifygenerated(x):
        return (sin(x) + cos(x))

    This shows us the source code of the function, but not the namespace it
    was defined in. We can inspect that by looking at the ``__globals__``
    attribute of ``f``:

    >>> f.__globals__['sin']
    <ufunc 'sin'>
    >>> f.__globals__['cos']
    <ufunc 'cos'>
    >>> f.__globals__['sin'] is numpy.sin

    This shows us that ``sin`` and ``cos`` in the namespace of ``f`` will be
    ``numpy.sin`` and ``numpy.cos``.

    Note that there are some convenience layers in each of these steps, but at
    the core, this is how ``lambdify`` works. Step 1 is done using the
    ``LambdaPrinter`` printers defined in the printing module (see
    :mod:`sympy.printing.lambdarepr`). This allows different SymPy expressions
    to define how they should be converted to a string for different modules.
    You can change which printer ``lambdify`` uses by passing a custom printer
    in to the ``printer`` argument.

    Step 2 is augmented by certain translations. There are default
    translations for each module, but you can provide your own by passing a
    list to the ``modules`` argument. For instance,

    >>> def mysin(x):
    ...     print('taking the sin of', x)
    ...     return numpy.sin(x)
    >>> f = lambdify(x, sin(x), [{'sin': mysin}, 'numpy'])
    >>> f(1)
    taking the sin of 1

    The globals dictionary is generated from the list by merging the
    dictionary ``{'sin': mysin}`` and the module dictionary for NumPy. The
    merging is done so that earlier items take precedence, which is why
    ``mysin`` is used above instead of ``numpy.sin``.

    If you want to modify the way ``lambdify`` works for a given function, it
    is usually easiest to do so by modifying the globals dictionary as such.
    In more complicated cases, it may be necessary to create and pass in a
    custom printer.

    Finally, step 3 is augmented with certain convenience operations, such as
    the addition of a docstring.

    Understanding how ``lambdify`` works can make it easier to avoid certain
    gotchas when using it. For instance, a common mistake is to create a
    lambdified function for one module (say, NumPy), and pass it objects from
    another (say, a SymPy expression).

    For instance, say we create

    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> f = lambdify(x, x + 1, 'numpy')

    Now if we pass in a NumPy array, we get that array plus 1

    >>> import numpy
    >>> a = numpy.array([1, 2])
    >>> f(a)
    [2 3]

    But what happens if you make the mistake of passing in a SymPy expression
    instead of a NumPy array:

    >>> f(x + 1)
    x + 2

    This worked, but it was only by accident. Now take a different lambdified

    >>> from sympy import sin
    >>> g = lambdify(x, x + sin(x), 'numpy')

    This works as expected on NumPy arrays:

    >>> g(a)
    [1.84147098 2.90929743]

    But if we try to pass in a SymPy expression, it fails

    >>> try:
    ...     g(x + 1)
    ... # NumPy release after 1.17 raises TypeError instead of
    ... # AttributeError
    ... except (AttributeError, TypeError):
    ...     raise AttributeError() # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):

    Now, let's look at what happened. The reason this fails is that ``g``
    calls ``numpy.sin`` on the input expression, and ``numpy.sin`` does not
    know how to operate on a SymPy object. **As a general rule, NumPy
    functions do not know how to operate on SymPy expressions, and SymPy
    functions do not know how to operate on NumPy arrays. This is why lambdify
    exists: to provide a bridge between SymPy and NumPy.**

    However, why is it that ``f`` did work? That's because ``f`` doesn't call
    any functions, it only adds 1. So the resulting function that is created,
    ``def _lambdifygenerated(x): return x + 1`` does not depend on the globals
    namespace it is defined in. Thus it works, but only by accident. A future
    version of ``lambdify`` may remove this behavior.

    Be aware that certain implementation details described here may change in
    future versions of SymPy. The API of passing in custom modules and
    printers will not change, but the details of how a lambda function is
    created may change. However, the basic idea will remain the same, and
    understanding it will be helpful to understanding the behavior of

    **In general: you should create lambdified functions for one module (say,
    NumPy), and only pass it input types that are compatible with that module
    (say, NumPy arrays).** Remember that by default, if the ``module``
    argument is not provided, ``lambdify`` creates functions using the NumPy
    and SciPy namespaces.


    >>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import implemented_function
    >>> from sympy import sqrt, sin, Matrix
    >>> from sympy import Function
    >>> from sympy.abc import w, x, y, z

    >>> f = lambdify(x, x**2)
    >>> f(2)
    >>> f = lambdify((x, y, z), [z, y, x])
    >>> f(1,2,3)
    [3, 2, 1]
    >>> f = lambdify(x, sqrt(x))
    >>> f(4)
    >>> f = lambdify((x, y), sin(x*y)**2)
    >>> f(0, 5)
    >>> row = lambdify((x, y), Matrix((x, x + y)).T, modules='sympy')
    >>> row(1, 2)
    Matrix([[1, 3]])

    ``lambdify`` can be used to translate SymPy expressions into mpmath
    functions. This may be preferable to using ``evalf`` (which uses mpmath on
    the backend) in some cases.

    >>> import mpmath
    >>> f = lambdify(x, sin(x), 'mpmath')
    >>> f(1)

    Tuple arguments are handled and the lambdified function should
    be called with the same type of arguments as were used to create
    the function:

    >>> f = lambdify((x, (y, z)), x + y)
    >>> f(1, (2, 4))

    The ``flatten`` function can be used to always work with flattened

    >>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import flatten
    >>> args = w, (x, (y, z))
    >>> vals = 1, (2, (3, 4))
    >>> f = lambdify(flatten(args), w + x + y + z)
    >>> f(*flatten(vals))

    Functions present in ``expr`` can also carry their own numerical
    implementations, in a callable attached to the ``_imp_`` attribute. This
    can be used with undefined functions using the ``implemented_function``

    >>> f = implemented_function(Function('f'), lambda x: x+1)
    >>> func = lambdify(x, f(x))
    >>> func(4)

    ``lambdify`` always prefers ``_imp_`` implementations to implementations
    in other namespaces, unless the ``use_imps`` input parameter is False.

    Usage with Tensorflow:

    >>> import tensorflow as tf
    >>> from sympy import Max, sin, lambdify
    >>> from sympy.abc import x

    >>> f = Max(x, sin(x))
    >>> func = lambdify(x, f, 'tensorflow')

    After tensorflow v2, eager execution is enabled by default.
    If you want to get the compatible result across tensorflow v1 and v2
    as same as this tutorial, run this line.

    >>> tf.compat.v1.enable_eager_execution()

    If you have eager execution enabled, you can get the result out
    immediately as you can use numpy.

    If you pass tensorflow objects, you may get an ``EagerTensor``
    object instead of value.

    >>> result = func(tf.constant(1.0))
    >>> print(result)
    tf.Tensor(1.0, shape=(), dtype=float32)
    >>> print(result.__class__)
    <class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor'>

    You can use ``.numpy()`` to get the numpy value of the tensor.

    >>> result.numpy()

    >>> var = tf.Variable(2.0)
    >>> result = func(var) # also works for tf.Variable and tf.Placeholder
    >>> result.numpy()

    And it works with any shape array.

    >>> tensor = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
    >>> result = func(tensor)
    >>> result.numpy()
    [[1. 2.]
     [3. 4.]]


    - For functions involving large array calculations, numexpr can provide a
      significant speedup over numpy. Please note that the available functions
      for numexpr are more limited than numpy but can be expanded with
      ``implemented_function`` and user defined subclasses of Function. If
      specified, numexpr may be the only option in modules. The official list
      of numexpr functions can be found at:

    - In previous versions of SymPy, ``lambdify`` replaced ``Matrix`` with
      ``numpy.matrix`` by default. As of SymPy 1.0 ``numpy.array`` is the
      default. To get the old default behavior you must pass in
      ``[{'ImmutableDenseMatrix':  numpy.matrix}, 'numpy']`` to the
      ``modules`` kwarg.

      >>> from sympy import lambdify, Matrix
      >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
      >>> import numpy
      >>> array2mat = [{'ImmutableDenseMatrix': numpy.matrix}, 'numpy']
      >>> f = lambdify((x, y), Matrix([x, y]), modules=array2mat)
      >>> f(1, 2)

    - In the above examples, the generated functions can accept scalar
      values or numpy arrays as arguments.  However, in some cases
      the generated function relies on the input being a numpy array:

      >>> from sympy import Piecewise
      >>> from sympy.utilities.pytest import ignore_warnings
      >>> f = lambdify(x, Piecewise((x, x <= 1), (1/x, x > 1)), "numpy")

      >>> with ignore_warnings(RuntimeWarning):
      ...     f(numpy.array([-1, 0, 1, 2]))
      [-1.   0.   1.   0.5]

      >>> f(0)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

      In such cases, the input should be wrapped in a numpy array:

      >>> with ignore_warnings(RuntimeWarning):
      ...     float(f(numpy.array([0])))

      Or if numpy functionality is not required another module can be used:

      >>> f = lambdify(x, Piecewise((x, x <= 1), (1/x, x > 1)), "math")
      >>> f(0)

    from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol

    # If the user hasn't specified any modules, use what is available.
    if modules is None:
        except ImportError:
            except ImportError:
                # Use either numpy (if available) or python.math where possible.
                # XXX: This leads to different behaviour on different systems and
                #      might be the reason for irreproducible errors.
                modules = ["math", "mpmath", "sympy"]
                modules = ["numpy"]
            modules = ["numpy", "scipy"]

    # Get the needed namespaces.
    namespaces = []
    # First find any function implementations
    if use_imps:
    # Check for dict before iterating
    if isinstance(modules,
                  (dict, string_types)) or not hasattr(modules, '__iter__'):
        # consistency check
        if _module_present('numexpr', modules) and len(modules) > 1:
            raise TypeError("numexpr must be the only item in 'modules'")
        namespaces += list(modules)
    # fill namespace with first having highest priority
    namespace = {}
    for m in namespaces[::-1]:
        buf = _get_namespace(m)

    if hasattr(expr, "atoms"):
        #Try if you can extract symbols from the expression.
        #Move on if expr.atoms in not implemented.
        syms = expr.atoms(Symbol)
        for term in syms:
            namespace.update({str(term): term})

    if printer is None:
        if _module_present('mpmath', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.pycode import MpmathPrinter as Printer
        elif _module_present('scipy', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.pycode import SciPyPrinter as Printer
        elif _module_present('numpy', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.pycode import NumPyPrinter as Printer
        elif _module_present('numexpr', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import NumExprPrinter as Printer
        elif _module_present('tensorflow', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.tensorflow import TensorflowPrinter as Printer
        elif _module_present('sympy', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.pycode import SymPyPrinter as Printer
            from sympy.printing.pycode import PythonCodePrinter as Printer
        user_functions = {}
        for m in namespaces[::-1]:
            if isinstance(m, dict):
                for k in m:
                    user_functions[k] = k
        printer = Printer({
            'fully_qualified_modules': False,
            'inline': True,
            'allow_unknown_functions': True,
            'user_functions': user_functions

    # Get the names of the args, for creating a docstring
    if not iterable(args):
        args = (args, )
    names = []
    # Grab the callers frame, for getting the names by inspection (if needed)
    callers_local_vars = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals.items()
    for n, var in enumerate(args):
        if hasattr(var, 'name'):
            # It's an iterable. Try to get name by inspection of calling frame.
            name_list = [
                var_name for var_name, var_val in callers_local_vars
                if var_val is var
            if len(name_list) == 1:
                # Cannot infer name with certainty. arg_# will have to do.
                names.append('arg_' + str(n))

    # Create the function definition code and execute it
    funcname = '_lambdifygenerated'
    if _module_present('tensorflow', namespaces):
        funcprinter = _TensorflowEvaluatorPrinter(printer, dummify)
        funcprinter = _EvaluatorPrinter(printer, dummify)
    funcstr = funcprinter.doprint(funcname, args, expr)

    # Collect the module imports from the code printers.
    imp_mod_lines = []
    for mod, keys in (getattr(printer, 'module_imports', None) or {}).items():
        for k in keys:
            if k not in namespace:
                ln = "from %s import %s" % (mod, k)
                    exec_(ln, {}, namespace)
                except ImportError:
                    # Tensorflow 2.0 has issues with importing a specific
                    # function from its submodule.
                    # https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/33022
                    ln = "%s = %s.%s" % (k, mod, k)
                    exec_(ln, {}, namespace)

    # Provide lambda expression with builtins, and compatible implementation of range
    namespace.update({'builtins': builtins, 'range': range})

    funclocals = {}
    global _lambdify_generated_counter
    filename = '<lambdifygenerated-%s>' % _lambdify_generated_counter
    _lambdify_generated_counter += 1
    c = compile(funcstr, filename, 'exec')
    exec_(c, namespace, funclocals)
    # mtime has to be None or else linecache.checkcache will remove it
    linecache.cache[filename] = (len(funcstr), None, funcstr.splitlines(True),

    func = funclocals[funcname]

    # Apply the docstring
    sig = "func({0})".format(", ".join(str(i) for i in names))
    sig = textwrap.fill(sig, subsequent_indent=' ' * 8)
    expr_str = str(expr)
    if len(expr_str) > 78:
        expr_str = textwrap.wrap(expr_str, 75)[0] + '...'
    func.__doc__ = ("Created with lambdify. Signature:\n\n"
                    "Source code:\n\n"
                    "Imported modules:\n\n"
    return func
def factor_terms(expr, radical=False, clear=False, fraction=False):
    """Remove common factors from terms in all arguments without
    changing the underlying structure of the expr. No expansion or
    simplification (and no processing of non-commutatives) is performed.

    If radical=True then a radical common to all terms will be factored
    out of any Add sub-expressions of the expr.

    If clear=False (default) then coefficients will not be separated
    from a single Add if they can be distributed to leave one or more
    terms with integer coefficients.

    If fraction=True (default is False) then a common denominator will be
    constructed for the expression.


    >>> from sympy import factor_terms, Symbol, Mul, primitive
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> factor_terms(x + x*(2 + 4*y)**3)
    x*(8*(2*y + 1)**3 + 1)
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_terms(x*A + x*A + x*y*A)
    x*(y*A + 2*A)

    When ``clear`` is False, a rational will only be factored out of an
    Add expression if all terms of the Add have coefficients that are

    >>> factor_terms(x/2 + 1, clear=False)
    x/2 + 1
    >>> factor_terms(x/2 + 1, clear=True)
    (x + 2)/2

    This only applies when there is a single Add that the coefficient

    >>> factor_terms(x*y/2 + y, clear=True)
    y*(x + 2)/2
    >>> factor_terms(x*y/2 + y, clear=False) == _

    See Also
    gcd_terms, sympy.polys.polytools.terms_gcd


    expr = sympify(expr)
    is_iterable = iterable(expr)

    if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or expr.is_Atom:
        if is_iterable:
            return type(expr)([factor_terms(i,
                fraction=fraction) for i in expr])
        return expr

    if expr.is_Pow or expr.is_Function or is_iterable or not hasattr(expr, 'args_cnc'):
        args = expr.args
        newargs = tuple([factor_terms(i,
            fraction=fraction) for i in args])
        if newargs == args:
            return expr
        return expr.func(*newargs)

    cont, p = expr.as_content_primitive(radical=radical)
    if p.is_Add:
        list_args = [gcd_terms(a,
        fraction=fraction) for a in Add.make_args(p)]
        p = Add._from_args(list_args)  # gcd_terms will fix up ordering
    elif p.args:
        p = p.func(
            *[factor_terms(a, radical, clear, fraction) for a in p.args])
    p = gcd_terms(p,
    return _keep_coeff(cont, p, clear=clear)
def lambdify(args,
    Returns a lambda function for fast calculation of numerical values.

    If not specified differently by the user, ``modules`` defaults to
    ``["numpy"]`` if NumPy is installed, and ``["math", "mpmath", "sympy"]``
    if it isn't, that is, SymPy functions are replaced as far as possible by
    either ``numpy`` functions if available, and Python's standard library
    ``math``, or ``mpmath`` functions otherwise. To change this behavior, the
    "modules" argument can be used. It accepts:

     - the strings "math", "mpmath", "numpy", "numexpr", "sympy", "tensorflow"
     - any modules (e.g. math)
     - dictionaries that map names of sympy functions to arbitrary functions
     - lists that contain a mix of the arguments above, with higher priority
       given to entries appearing first.

    .. warning::
        Note that this function uses ``eval``, and thus shouldn't be used on
        unsanitized input.

    The default behavior is to substitute all arguments in the provided
    expression with dummy symbols. This allows for applied functions (e.g.
    f(t)) to be supplied as arguments. Call the function with dummify=False if
    dummy substitution is unwanted (and `args` is not a string). If you want
    to view the lambdified function or provide "sympy" as the module, you
    should probably set dummify=False.

    For functions involving large array calculations, numexpr can provide a
    significant speedup over numpy.  Please note that the available functions
    for numexpr are more limited than numpy but can be expanded with
    implemented_function and user defined subclasses of Function.  If specified,
    numexpr may be the only option in modules. The official list of numexpr
    functions can be found at:

    In previous releases ``lambdify`` replaced ``Matrix`` with ``numpy.matrix``
    by default. As of release 1.0 ``numpy.array`` is the default.
    To get the old default behavior you must pass in ``[{'ImmutableDenseMatrix':
    numpy.matrix}, 'numpy']`` to the ``modules`` kwarg.

    >>> from sympy import lambdify, Matrix
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> import numpy
    >>> array2mat = [{'ImmutableDenseMatrix': numpy.matrix}, 'numpy']
    >>> f = lambdify((x, y), Matrix([x, y]), modules=array2mat)
    >>> f(1, 2)


    (1) Use one of the provided modules:

        >>> from sympy import sin, tan, gamma
        >>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdastr
        >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
        >>> f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "math")

        Attention: Functions that are not in the math module will throw a name
                   error when the lambda function is evaluated! So this would
                   be better:

        >>> f = lambdify(x, sin(x)*gamma(x), ("math", "mpmath", "sympy"))

    (2) Use some other module:

        >>> import numpy
        >>> f = lambdify((x,y), tan(x*y), numpy)

        Attention: There are naming differences between numpy and sympy. So if
                   you simply take the numpy module, e.g. sympy.atan will not be
                   translated to numpy.arctan. Use the modified module instead
                   by passing the string "numpy":

        >>> f = lambdify((x,y), tan(x*y), "numpy")
        >>> f(1, 2)
        >>> from numpy import array
        >>> f(array([1, 2, 3]), array([2, 3, 5]))
        [-2.18503986 -0.29100619 -0.8559934 ]

    (3) Use a dictionary defining custom functions:

        >>> def my_cool_function(x): return 'sin(%s) is cool' % x
        >>> myfuncs = {"sin" : my_cool_function}
        >>> f = lambdify(x, sin(x), myfuncs); f(1)
        'sin(1) is cool'


    >>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import implemented_function
    >>> from sympy import sqrt, sin, Matrix
    >>> from sympy import Function
    >>> from sympy.abc import w, x, y, z

    >>> f = lambdify(x, x**2)
    >>> f(2)
    >>> f = lambdify((x, y, z), [z, y, x])
    >>> f(1,2,3)
    [3, 2, 1]
    >>> f = lambdify(x, sqrt(x))
    >>> f(4)
    >>> f = lambdify((x, y), sin(x*y)**2)
    >>> f(0, 5)
    >>> row = lambdify((x, y), Matrix((x, x + y)).T, modules='sympy')
    >>> row(1, 2)
    Matrix([[1, 3]])

    Tuple arguments are handled and the lambdified function should
    be called with the same type of arguments as were used to create
    the function.:

    >>> f = lambdify((x, (y, z)), x + y)
    >>> f(1, (2, 4))

    A more robust way of handling this is to always work with flattened

    >>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import flatten
    >>> args = w, (x, (y, z))
    >>> vals = 1, (2, (3, 4))
    >>> f = lambdify(flatten(args), w + x + y + z)
    >>> f(*flatten(vals))

    Functions present in `expr` can also carry their own numerical
    implementations, in a callable attached to the ``_imp_``
    attribute.  Usually you attach this using the
    ``implemented_function`` factory:

    >>> f = implemented_function(Function('f'), lambda x: x+1)
    >>> func = lambdify(x, f(x))
    >>> func(4)

    ``lambdify`` always prefers ``_imp_`` implementations to implementations
    in other namespaces, unless the ``use_imps`` input parameter is False.

    Usage with Tensorflow module:

    >>> import tensorflow as tf
    >>> f = Max(x, sin(x))
    >>> func = lambdify(x, f, 'tensorflow')
    >>> result = func(tf.constant(1.0))
    >>> result # a tf.Tensor representing the result of the calculation
    <tf.Tensor 'Maximum:0' shape=() dtype=float32>
    >>> sess = tf.Session()
    >>> sess.run(result) # compute result
    >>> var = tf.Variable(1.0)
    >>> sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
    >>> sess.run(func(var)) # also works for tf.Variable and tf.Placeholder
    >>> tensor = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]) # works with any shape tensor
    >>> sess.run(func(tensor))
    array([[ 1.,  2.],
           [ 3.,  4.]], dtype=float32)

    from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
    from sympy.utilities.iterables import flatten

    # If the user hasn't specified any modules, use what is available.
    module_provided = True
    if modules is None:
        module_provided = False

        except ImportError:
            # Use either numpy (if available) or python.math where possible.
            # XXX: This leads to different behaviour on different systems and
            #      might be the reason for irreproducible errors.
            modules = ["math", "mpmath", "sympy"]
            modules = ["numpy"]

    # Get the needed namespaces.
    namespaces = []
    # First find any function implementations
    if use_imps:
    # Check for dict before iterating
    if isinstance(modules, (dict, str)) or not hasattr(modules, '__iter__'):
        # consistency check
        if _module_present('numexpr', modules) and len(modules) > 1:
            raise TypeError("numexpr must be the only item in 'modules'")
        namespaces += list(modules)
    # fill namespace with first having highest priority
    namespace = {}
    for m in namespaces[::-1]:
        buf = _get_namespace(m)

    if hasattr(expr, "atoms"):
        #Try if you can extract symbols from the expression.
        #Move on if expr.atoms in not implemented.
        syms = expr.atoms(Symbol)
        for term in syms:
            namespace.update({str(term): term})

    if printer is None:
        if _module_present('mpmath', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.pycode import MpmathPrinter as Printer
        elif _module_present('numpy', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.pycode import NumPyPrinter as Printer
        elif _module_present('numexpr', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import NumExprPrinter as Printer
        elif _module_present('tensorflow', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import TensorflowPrinter as Printer
        elif _module_present('sympy', namespaces):
            from sympy.printing.pycode import SymPyPrinter as Printer
            from sympy.printing.pycode import PythonCodePrinter as Printer
        user_functions = {}
        for m in namespaces[::-1]:
            if isinstance(m, dict):
                for k in m:
                    user_functions[k] = k
        printer = Printer({
            'fully_qualified_modules': False,
            'inline': True,
            'user_functions': user_functions

    # Get the names of the args, for creating a docstring
    if not iterable(args):
        args = (args, )
    names = []
    # Grab the callers frame, for getting the names by inspection (if needed)
    callers_local_vars = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals.items()
    for n, var in enumerate(args):
        if hasattr(var, 'name'):
            # It's an iterable. Try to get name by inspection of calling frame.
            name_list = [
                var_name for var_name, var_val in callers_local_vars
                if var_val is var
            if len(name_list) == 1:
                # Cannot infer name with certainty. arg_# will have to do.
                names.append('arg_' + str(n))

    # Create lambda function.
    lstr = lambdastr(args, expr, printer=printer, dummify=dummify)
    flat = '__flatten_args__'
    imp_mod_lines = []
    for mod, keys in (getattr(printer, 'module_imports', None) or {}).items():
        for k in keys:
            if k not in namespace:
                imp_mod_lines.append("from %s import %s" % (mod, k))
    for ln in imp_mod_lines:
        exec_(ln, {}, namespace)

    if flat in lstr:
        namespace.update({flat: flatten})

    # Provide lambda expression with builtins, and compatible implementation of range
    namespace.update({'builtins': builtins, 'range': range})

    func = eval(lstr, namespace)
    # For numpy lambdify, wrap all input arguments in arrays.
    # This is a fix for gh-11306.
    if module_provided and _module_present('numpy', namespaces):

        def array_wrap(funcarg):
            def wrapper(*argsx, **kwargsx):
                asarray = namespace['asarray']
                newargs = [
                    asarray(i) if isinstance(i, integer_types +
                                             (float, complex)) else i
                    for i in argsx
                return funcarg(*newargs, **kwargsx)

            return wrapper

        func = array_wrap(func)
    # Apply the docstring
    sig = "func({0})".format(", ".join(str(i) for i in names))
    sig = textwrap.fill(sig, subsequent_indent=' ' * 8)
    expr_str = str(expr)
    if len(expr_str) > 78:
        expr_str = textwrap.wrap(expr_str, 75)[0] + '...'
    func.__doc__ = ("Created with lambdify. Signature:\n\n"
                    "Source code:\n\n"
                    "Imported modules:\n\n"
    return func
def _as_finite_diff(derivative, points=1, x0=None, wrt=None):
    Returns an approximation of a derivative of a function in
    the form of a finite difference formula. The expression is a
    weighted sum of the function at a number of discrete values of
    (one of) the independent variable(s).


    derivative: a Derivative instance

    points: sequence or coefficient, optional
        If sequence: discrete values (length >= order+1) of the
        independent variable used for generating the finite
        difference weights.
        If it is a coefficient, it will be used as the step-size
        for generating an equidistant sequence of length order+1
        centered around ``x0``. default: 1 (step-size 1)

    x0: number or Symbol, optional
        the value of the independent variable (``wrt``) at which the
        derivative is to be approximated. Default: same as ``wrt``.

    wrt: Symbol, optional
        "with respect to" the variable for which the (partial)
        derivative is to be approximated for. If not provided it
        is required that the Derivative is ordinary. Default: ``None``.


    >>> from sympy import symbols, Function, exp, sqrt, Symbol, as_finite_diff
    >>> from sympy.utilities.exceptions import SymPyDeprecationWarning
    >>> import warnings
    >>> warnings.simplefilter("ignore", SymPyDeprecationWarning)
    >>> x, h = symbols('x h')
    >>> f = Function('f')
    >>> as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x))
    -f(x - 1/2) + f(x + 1/2)

    The default step size and number of points are 1 and ``order + 1``
    respectively. We can change the step size by passing a symbol
    as a parameter:

    >>> as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), h)
    -f(-h/2 + x)/h + f(h/2 + x)/h

    We can also specify the discretized values to be used in a sequence:

    >>> as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x, x+h, x+2*h])
    -3*f(x)/(2*h) + 2*f(h + x)/h - f(2*h + x)/(2*h)

    The algorithm is not restricted to use equidistant spacing, nor
    do we need to make the approximation around ``x0``, but we can get
    an expression estimating the derivative at an offset:

    >>> e, sq2 = exp(1), sqrt(2)
    >>> xl = [x-h, x+h, x+e*h]
    >>> as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 1), xl, x+h*sq2)
    2*h*((h + sqrt(2)*h)/(2*h) - (-sqrt(2)*h + h)/(2*h))*f(E*h + x)/((-h + E*h)*(h + E*h)) +
    (-(-sqrt(2)*h + h)/(2*h) - (-sqrt(2)*h + E*h)/(2*h))*f(-h + x)/(h + E*h) +
    (-(h + sqrt(2)*h)/(2*h) + (-sqrt(2)*h + E*h)/(2*h))*f(h + x)/(-h + E*h)

    Partial derivatives are also supported:

    >>> y = Symbol('y')
    >>> d2fdxdy=f(x,y).diff(x,y)
    >>> as_finite_diff(d2fdxdy, wrt=x)
    -Derivative(f(x - 1/2, y), y) + Derivative(f(x + 1/2, y), y)

    See also


    if derivative.is_Derivative:
    elif derivative.is_Atom:
        return derivative
        return derivative.fromiter(
            [_as_finite_diff(ar, points, x0, wrt) for ar
             in derivative.args], **derivative.assumptions0)

    if wrt is None:
        old = None
        for v in derivative.variables:
            if old is v:
            derivative = _as_finite_diff(derivative, points, x0, v)
            old = v
        return derivative

    order = derivative.variables.count(wrt)

    if x0 is None:
        x0 = wrt

    if not iterable(points):
        if getattr(points, 'is_Function', False) and wrt in points.args:
            points = points.subs(wrt, x0)
        # points is simply the step-size, let's make it a
        # equidistant sequence centered around x0
        if order % 2 == 0:
            # even order => odd number of points, grid point included
            points = [x0 + points*i for i
                      in range(-order//2, order//2 + 1)]
            # odd order => even number of points, half-way wrt grid point
            points = [x0 + points*S(i)/2 for i
                      in range(-order, order + 1, 2)]
    others = [wrt, 0]
    for v in set(derivative.variables):
        if v == wrt:
        others += [v, derivative.variables.count(v)]
    if len(points) < order+1:
        raise ValueError("Too few points for order %d" % order)
    return apply_finite_diff(order, points, [
        Derivative(derivative.expr.subs({wrt: x}), *others) for
        x in points], x0)
文件: solvers.py 项目: Jerryy/sympy
def solve(f, *symbols, **flags):
    Algebraically solves equations and systems of equations.

        Currently supported are:
            - univariate polynomial,
            - transcendental
            - piecewise combinations of the above
            - systems of linear and polynomial equations
            - sytems containing relational expressions.

        Input is formed as:
                - a single Expr or Poly that must be zero,
                - an Equality
                - a Relational expression or boolean
                - iterable of one or more of the above

            symbols (Symbol, Function or Derivative) specified as
                - none given (all free symbols will be used)
                - single symbol
                - denested list of symbols
                  e.g. solve(f, x, y)
                - ordered iterable of symbols
                  e.g. solve(f, [x, y])

                - ``simplified``, when False, will not simplify solutions
                                 (default=True except for polynomials of
                                  order 3 or greater)

        The output varies according to the input and can be seen by example:

            >>> from sympy import solve, Poly, Eq, Function, exp
            >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z, a, b

            o boolean or univariate Relational

                >>> solve(x < 3)
                And(im(x) == 0, re(x) < 3)

            o single expression and single symbol that is in the expression

                >>> solve(x - y, x)
                >>> solve(x - 3, x)
                >>> solve(Eq(x, 3), x)
                >>> solve(Poly(x - 3), x)
                >>> solve(x**2 - y**2, x)
                [y, -y]
                >>> solve(x**4 - 1, x)
                [1, -1, -I, I]

            o single expression with no symbol that is in the expression

                >>> solve(3, x)
                >>> solve(x - 3, y)

            o when no symbol is given then all free symbols will be used
              and sorted with default_sort_key and the result will be the
              same as above as if those symbols had been supplied

                >>> solve(x - 3)
                >>> solve(x**2 - y**2)
                [y, -y]

            o when a Function or Derivative is given as a symbol, it is isolated
              algebraically and an implicit solution may be obtained

                >>> f = Function('f')
                >>> solve(f(x) - x, f(x))
                >>> solve(f(x).diff(x) - f(x) - x, f(x).diff(x))
                [x + f(x)]

            o single expression and more than 1 symbol

                when there is a linear solution
                    >>> solve(x - y**2, x, y)
                    {x: y**2}
                    >>> solve(x**2 - y, x, y)
                    {y: x**2}

                when undetermined coefficients are identified
                    that are linear
                        >>> solve((a + b)*x - b + 2, a, b)
                        {a: -2, b: 2}

                    that are nonlinear
                        >>> solve((a + b)*x - b**2 + 2, a, b)
                        [(-2**(1/2), 2**(1/2)), (2**(1/2), -2**(1/2))]

                if there is no linear solution then the first successful
                attempt for a nonlinear solution will be returned
                    >>> solve(x**2 - y**2, x, y)
                    [y, -y]
                    >>> solve(x**2 - y**2/exp(x), x, y)
                    [x*exp(x/2), -x*exp(x/2)]

            o iterable of one or more of the above

                involving relationals or bools
                    >>> solve([x < 3, x - 2])
                    And(im(x) == 0, re(x) == 2)
                    >>> solve([x > 3, x - 2])

                when the system is linear
                    with a solution
                        >>> solve([x - 3], x)
                        {x: 3}
                        >>> solve((x + 5*y - 2, -3*x + 6*y - 15), x, y)
                        {x: -3, y: 1}
                        >>> solve((x + 5*y - 2, -3*x + 6*y - 15), x, y, z)
                        {x: -3, y: 1}
                        >>> solve((x + 5*y - 2, -3*x + 6*y - z), z, x, y)
                        {x: -5*y + 2, z: 21*y - 6}

                    without a solution
                        >>> solve([x + 3, x - 3])

                when the system is not linear
                    >>> solve([x**2 + y -2, y**2 - 4], x, y)
                    [(-2, -2), (0, 2), (0, 2), (2, -2)]

                Warning: there is a possibility of obtaining ambiguous results
                if no symbols are given for a nonlinear system of equations or
                are given as a set since the symbols are not presently reported
                with the solution. A warning will be issued in this situation.
                    >>> solve([x - 2, x**2 + y])
                        For nonlinear systems of equations, symbols should be
                        given as a list so as to avoid ambiguity in the results.
                        solve sorted the symbols as [x, y]
                    [(2, -4)]

                    >>> solve([x - 2, x**2 + f(x)], set([f(x), x]))
                        For nonlinear systems of equations, symbols should be
                        given as a list so as to avoid ambiguity in the results.
                        solve sorted the symbols as [x, f(x)]
                    [(2, -4)]

       See also:
          rsolve() for solving recurrence relationships
          dsolve() for solving differential equations


    # make f and symbols into lists of sympified quantities
    # keeping track of how f was passed since if it is a list
    # a dictionary of results will be returned.
    def sympified_list(w):
        return map(sympify, iff(iterable(w), w, [w]))

    bare_f = not iterable(f)
    ordered_symbols = (symbols and symbols[0] and
                       (isinstance(symbols[0], Symbol)
                        or ordered_iter(symbols[0], include=GeneratorType)))
    f, symbols = (sympified_list(w) for w in [f, symbols])

    # preprocess equation(s)
    for i, fi in enumerate(f):
        if isinstance(fi, Equality):
            f[i] = fi.lhs - fi.rhs
        elif isinstance(fi, Poly):
            f[i] = fi.as_expr()
        elif isinstance(fi, bool) or fi.is_Relational:
            return reduce_inequalities(f, assume=flags.get('assume'))
        # Any embedded piecewise functions need to be brought out to the
        # top level so that the appropriate strategy gets selected.
        f[i] = piecewise_fold(f[i])

    # preprocess symbol(s)
    if not symbols:
        # get symbols from equations or supply dummy symbols so solve(3) behaves
        # like solve(3, x).
        symbols = set([])
        for fi in f:
            symbols |= fi.free_symbols or set([Dummy()])
        ordered_symbols = False
    elif len(symbols) == 1 and iterable(symbols[0]):
        symbols = symbols[0]
    if not ordered_symbols:
        # we do this to make the results returned canonical in case f
        # contains a system of nonlinear equations; all other cases should
        # be unambiguous
        symbols = sorted(symbols, key=lambda i: i.sort_key())

    # we can solve for Function and Derivative instances by replacing them
    # with Dummy symbols
    symbols_new = []
    symbol_swapped = False
    symbols_passed = list(symbols)

    for i, s in enumerate(symbols):
        if s.is_Symbol:
            s_new = s
        elif s.is_Function:
            symbol_swapped = True
            s_new = Dummy('F%d' % i)
        elif s.is_Derivative:
            symbol_swapped = True
            s_new = Dummy('D%d' % i)
            msg = 'expected Symbol, Function or Derivative but got %s'
            raise TypeError(msg % type(s))

    if symbol_swapped:
        swap_back_dict = dict(zip(symbols_new, symbols))
        swap_dict = zip(symbols, symbols_new)
        f = [fi.subs(swap_dict) for fi in f]
        symbols = symbols_new

    # try to get a solution
    if bare_f:
        # pass f the way it was passed to solve; if it wasn't a list then
        # a list of solutions will be returned, otherwise a dictionary is
        # going to be returned
        f = f[0]
    solution = _solve(f, *symbols, **flags)

    # postprocessing
    # Restore original Functions and Derivatives if a dictionary is returned.
    # This is not necessary for
    #   - the single equation, single unknown case
    #     since the symbol will have been removed from the solution;
    #   - the nonlinear poly_system since that only support zero-dimensional
    #     systems and those results come back as a list
    if symbol_swapped and type(solution) is dict:
        solution = dict([(swap_back_dict[k], v.subs(swap_back_dict))
                         for k, v in solution.iteritems()])
    # warn if ambiguous results are being obtained
    # XXX agree on how to make this unambiguous
    # see issue 2405 for logic in how Polys chooses ordering and
    # for discussion of what to return see http://groups.google.com/group/sympy
    #                           Apr 18, 2011 posting 'using results from solve'
    elif (not ordered_symbols and len(symbols) > 1 and solution
          and ordered_iter(solution) and ordered_iter(solution[0])
          and any(len(set(s)) > 1 for s in solution)):
        msg = ('\n\tFor nonlinear systems of equations, symbols should be' +
               '\n\tgiven as a list so as to avoid ambiguity in the results.' +
               '\n\tsolve sorted the symbols as %s')
        print msg % str(
            bool(symbol_swapped) and list(zip(*swap_dict)[0]) or symbols)
    # done
    return solution
def test_not_interable():
    i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True)
    A = Indexed('A', i, i + j)
    assert not iterable(A)
def euler_equations(L, funcs=(), vars=()):
    Find the Euler-Lagrange equations [1]_ for a given Lagrangian.


    L : Expr
        The Lagrangian that should be a function of the functions listed
        in the second argument and their derivatives.

        For example, in the case of two functions `f(x,y)`, `g(x,y)` and
        two independent variables `x`, `y` the Lagrangian would have the form:

            .. math:: L\left(f(x,y),g(x,y),\frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x},
                      \frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial y},
                      \frac{\partial g(x,y)}{\partial x},
                      \frac{\partial g(x,y)}{\partial y},x,y\right)

        In many cases it is not necessary to provide anything, except the
        Lagrangian, it will be auto-detected (and an error raised if this
        couldn't be done).

    funcs : Function or an iterable of Functions
        The functions that the Lagrangian depends on. The Euler equations
        are differential equations for each of these functions.

    vars : Symbol or an iterable of Symbols
        The Symbols that are the independent variables of the functions.


    eqns : list of Eq
        The list of differential equations, one for each function.


    >>> from sympy import Symbol, Function
    >>> from sympy.calculus.euler import euler_equations
    >>> x = Function('x')
    >>> t = Symbol('t')
    >>> L = (x(t).diff(t))**2/2 - x(t)**2/2
    >>> euler_equations(L, x(t), t)
    [Eq(-x(t) - Derivative(x(t), t, t), 0)]
    >>> u = Function('u')
    >>> x = Symbol('x')
    >>> L = (u(t, x).diff(t))**2/2 - (u(t, x).diff(x))**2/2
    >>> euler_equations(L, u(t, x), [t, x])
    [Eq(-Derivative(u(t, x), t, t) + Derivative(u(t, x), x, x), 0)]


    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%E2%80%93Lagrange_equation


    funcs = tuple(funcs) if iterable(funcs) else (funcs, )

    if not funcs:
        funcs = tuple(L.atoms(Function))
        for f in funcs:
            if not isinstance(f, Function):
                raise TypeError('Function expected, got: %s' % f)

    vars = tuple(vars) if iterable(vars) else (vars, )

    if not vars:
        vars = funcs[0].args
        vars = tuple(sympify(var) for var in vars)

    if not all(isinstance(v, Symbol) for v in vars):
        raise TypeError('Variables are not symbols, got %s' % vars)

    for f in funcs:
        if not vars == f.args:
            raise ValueError("Variables %s don't match args: %s" % (vars, f))

    order = max(
        len(d.variables) for d in L.atoms(Derivative) if d.expr in funcs)

    eqns = []
    for f in funcs:
        eq = diff(L, f)
        for i in range(1, order + 1):
            for p in combinations_with_replacement(vars, i):
                eq = eq + S.NegativeOne**i * diff(L, diff(f, *p), *p)

    return eqns
文件: sympify.py 项目: tuhina/sympy
def sympify(a, locals=None, convert_xor=True, strict=False, rational=False):
    Converts an arbitrary expression to a type that can be used inside sympy.

    For example, it will convert python ints into instance of sympy.Rational,
    floats into instances of sympy.Float, etc. It is also able to coerce symbolic
    expressions which inherit from Basic. This can be useful in cooperation
    with SAGE.

    It currently accepts as arguments:
       - any object defined in sympy (except matrices [TODO])
       - standard numeric python types: int, long, float, Decimal
       - strings (like "0.09" or "2e-19")
       - booleans, including ``None`` (will leave them unchanged)
       - lists, sets or tuples containing any of the above

    If the argument is already a type that sympy understands, it will do
    nothing but return that value. This can be used at the beginning of a
    function to ensure you are working with the correct type.

    >>> from sympy import sympify

    >>> sympify(2).is_integer
    >>> sympify(2).is_real

    >>> sympify(2.0).is_real
    >>> sympify("2.0").is_real
    >>> sympify("2e-45").is_real

    If the expression could not be converted, a SympifyError is raised.

    >>> sympify("x***2")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    SympifyError: SympifyError: "could not parse u'x***2'"

    If the option ``strict`` is set to ``True``, only the types for which an
    explicit conversion has been defined are converted. In the other
    cases, a SympifyError is raised.

    >>> sympify(True)
    >>> sympify(True, strict=True)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    SympifyError: SympifyError: True

    To extend `sympify` to convert custom objects (not derived from `Basic`),
    the static dictionary `convert` is provided. The custom converters are
    usually added at import time, and will apply to all objects of the given
    class or its derived classes.

    For example, all geometry objects derive from `GeometryEntity` class, and
    should not be altered by the converter, so we add the following after
    defining that class:

    >>> from sympy.core.sympify import converter
    >>> from sympy.geometry.entity import GeometryEntity
    >>> converter[GeometryEntity] = lambda x: x

        cls = a.__class__
    except AttributeError:  #a is probably an old-style class object
        cls = type(a)
    if cls in sympy_classes:
        return a
    if cls in (bool, type(None)):
        if strict:
            raise SympifyError(a)
            return a

        return converter[cls](a)
    except KeyError:
        for superclass in getmro(cls):
                return converter[superclass](a)
            except KeyError:

        return a._sympy_()
    except AttributeError:

    if not isinstance(a, basestring):
        for coerce in (float, int):
                return sympify(coerce(a))
            except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError, SympifyError):

    if strict:
        raise SympifyError(a)

    if isinstance(a, tuple):
        from containers import Tuple
        return Tuple(*[sympify(x, locals=locals, convert_xor=convert_xor,
            rational=rational) for x in a])
    if iterable(a):
            return type(a)([sympify(x, locals=locals, convert_xor=convert_xor,
                rational=rational) for x in a])
        except TypeError:
            # Not all iterables are rebuildable with their type.
    if isinstance(a, dict):
            return type(a)([sympify(x, locals=locals, convert_xor=convert_xor,
                rational=rational) for x in a.iteritems()])
        except TypeError:
            # Not all iterables are rebuildable with their type.

    # At this point we were given an arbitrary expression
    # which does not inherit from Basic and doesn't implement
    # _sympy_ (which is a canonical and robust way to convert
    # anything to SymPy expression).
    # As a last chance, we try to take "a"'s normal form via unicode()
    # and try to parse it. If it fails, then we have no luck and
    # return an exception
        a = unicode(a)
    except Exception, exc:
        raise SympifyError(a, exc)
文件: solvers.py 项目: Jerryy/sympy
 def sympified_list(w):
     return map(sympify, iff(iterable(w), w, [w]))
def linrec(coeffs, init, n):
    Evaluation of univariate linear recurrences of homogeneous type
    having coefficients independent of the recurrence variable.


    coeffs : iterable
        Coefficients of the recurrence
    init : iterable
        Initial values of the recurrence
    n : Integer
        Point of evaluation for the recurrence


    Let `y(n)` be the recurrence of given type, ``c`` be the sequence
    of coefficients, ``b`` be the sequence of initial/base values of the
    recurrence and ``k`` (equal to ``len(c)``) be the order of recurrence.

    .. math :: y(n) = \begin{cases} b_n & 0 \le n < k \\
        c_0 y(n-1) + c_1 y(n-2) + \cdots + c_{k-1} y(n-k) & n \ge k

    Let `x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_n` be a sequence and consider the transformation
    that maps each polynomial `f(x)` to `T(f(x))` where each power `x^i` is
    replaced by the corresponding value `x_i`. The sequence is then a solution
    of the recurrence if and only if `T(x^i p(x)) = 0` for each `i \ge 0` where
    `p(x) = x^k - c_0 x^(k-1) - \cdots - c_{k-1}` is the characteristic

    Then `T(f(x)p(x)) = 0` for each polynomial `f(x)` (as it is a linear
    combination of powers `x^i`). Now, if `x^n` is congruent to
    `g(x) = a_0 x^0 + a_1 x^1 + \cdots + a_{k-1} x^{k-1}` modulo `p(x)`, then
    `T(x^n) = x_n` is equal to
    `T(g(x)) = a_0 x_0 + a_1 x_1 + \cdots + a_{k-1} x_{k-1}`.

    Computation of `x^n`,
    given `x^k = c_0 x^{k-1} + c_1 x^{k-2} + \cdots + c_{k-1}`
    is performed using exponentiation by squaring (refer to [1]_) with
    an additional reduction step performed to retain only first `k` powers
    of `x` in the representation of `x^n`.


    >>> from sympy.discrete.recurrences import linrec
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z

    >>> linrec(coeffs=[1, 1], init=[0, 1], n=10)

    >>> linrec(coeffs=[1, 1], init=[x, y], n=10)
    34*x + 55*y

    >>> linrec(coeffs=[x, y], init=[0, 1], n=5)
    x**2*y + x*(x**3 + 2*x*y) + y**2

    >>> linrec(coeffs=[1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 4], init=[x, y, z], n=16)
    13576*x + 5676*y + 2356*z


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring
    .. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Modular_exponentiation&section=6#Matrices

    See Also



    if not coeffs:
        return S.Zero

    if not iterable(coeffs):
        raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of coefficients for"
                        " the recurrence")

    if not iterable(init):
        raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of values for the initialization"
                        " of the recurrence")

    n = as_int(n)
    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError("Point of evaluation of recurrence must be a "
                        "non-negative integer")

    c = [sympify(arg) for arg in coeffs]
    b = [sympify(arg) for arg in init]
    k = len(c)

    if len(b) > k:
        raise TypeError("Count of initial values should not exceed the "
                        "order of the recurrence")
        b += [S.Zero]*(k - len(b)) # remaining initial values default to zero

    def _square_and_reduce(u, offset):
        # squares `(u_0 + u_1 x + u_2 x^2 + \cdots + u_{k-1} x^k)` (and
        # multiplies by `x` if offset is 1) and reduces the above result of
        # length upto `2k` to `k` using the characteristic equation of the
        # recurrence given by, `x^k = c_0 x^{k-1} + c_1 x^{k-2} + \cdots + c_{k-1}`

        w = [S.Zero]*(2*len(u) - 1 + offset)
        for i, p in enumerate(u):
            for j, q in enumerate(u):
                w[offset + i + j] += p*q

        for j in range(len(w) - 1, k - 1, -1):
            for i in range(k):
                w[j - i - 1] += w[j]*c[i]

        return w[:k]

    def _final_coeffs(n):
        # computes the final coefficient list - `cf` corresponding to the
        # point at which recurrence is to be evalauted - `n`, such that,
        # `y(n) = cf_0 y(k-1) + cf_1 y(k-2) + \cdots + cf_{k-1} y(0)`

        if n < k:
            return [S.Zero]*n + [S.One] + [S.Zero]*(k - n - 1)
            return _square_and_reduce(_final_coeffs(n//2), n%2)

    return b[n] if n < k else sum(u*v for u, v in zip(_final_coeffs(n), b))
def autowrap(expr,
    """Generates python callable binaries based on the math expression.


        The SymPy expression that should be wrapped as a binary routine.
    language : string, optional
        If supplied, (options: 'C' or 'F95'), specifies the language of the
        generated code. If ``None`` [default], the language is inferred based
        upon the specified backend.
    backend : string, optional
        Backend used to wrap the generated code. Either 'f2py' [default],
        or 'cython'.
    tempdir : string, optional
        Path to directory for temporary files. If this argument is supplied,
        the generated code and the wrapper input files are left intact in the
        specified path.
    args : iterable, optional
        An ordered iterable of symbols. Specifies the argument sequence for the
    flags : iterable, optional
        Additional option flags that will be passed to the backend.
    verbose : bool, optional
        If True, autowrap will not mute the command line backends. This can be
        helpful for debugging.
    helpers : 3-tuple or iterable of 3-tuples, optional
        Used to define auxiliary expressions needed for the main expr. If the
        main expression needs to call a specialized function it should be
        passed in via ``helpers``. Autowrap will then make sure that the
        compiled main expression can link to the helper routine. Items should
        be 3-tuples with (<function_name>, <sympy_expression>,
        <argument_tuple>). It is mandatory to supply an argument sequence to
        helper routines.
    code_gen : CodeGen instance
        An instance of a CodeGen subclass. Overrides ``language``.
    include_dirs : [string]
        A list of directories to search for C/C++ header files (in Unix form
        for portability).
    library_dirs : [string]
        A list of directories to search for C/C++ libraries at link time.
    libraries : [string]
        A list of library names (not filenames or paths) to link against.
    extra_compile_args : [string]
        Any extra platform- and compiler-specific information to use when
        compiling the source files in 'sources'.  For platforms and compilers
        where "command line" makes sense, this is typically a list of
        command-line arguments, but for other platforms it could be anything.
    extra_link_args : [string]
        Any extra platform- and compiler-specific information to use when
        linking object files together to create the extension (or to create a
        new static Python interpreter).  Similar interpretation as for


    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    >>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap
    >>> expr = ((x - y + z)**(13)).expand()
    >>> binary_func = autowrap(expr)
    >>> binary_func(1, 4, 2)

    if language:
        if not isinstance(language, type):
            _validate_backend_language(backend, language)
        language = _infer_language(backend)

    # two cases 1) helpers is an iterable of 3-tuples and 2) helpers is a
    # 3-tuple
    if iterable(helpers) and len(helpers) != 0 and iterable(helpers[0]):
        helpers = helpers if helpers else ()
        helpers = [helpers] if helpers else ()
    args = list(args) if iterable(args, exclude=set) else args

    if code_gen is None:
        code_gen = get_code_generator(language, "autowrap")

    CodeWrapperClass = {
        'F2PY': F2PyCodeWrapper,
        'CYTHON': CythonCodeWrapper,
        'DUMMY': DummyWrapper
    code_wrapper = CodeWrapperClass(code_gen, tempdir, flags if flags else (),
                                    verbose, **kwargs)

    helps = []
    for name_h, expr_h, args_h in helpers:
        helps.append(code_gen.routine(name_h, expr_h, args_h))

    for name_h, expr_h, args_h in helpers:
        if expr.has(expr_h):
            name_h = binary_function(name_h, expr_h, backend='dummy')
            expr = expr.subs(expr_h, name_h(*args_h))
        routine = code_gen.routine('autofunc', expr, args)
    except CodeGenArgumentListError as e:
        # if all missing arguments are for pure output, we simply attach them
        # at the end and try again, because the wrappers will silently convert
        # them to return values anyway.
        new_args = []
        for missing in e.missing_args:
            if not isinstance(missing, OutputArgument):
        routine = code_gen.routine('autofunc', expr, args + new_args)

    return code_wrapper.wrap_code(routine, helpers=helps)
def reduce_inequalities(inequalities, symbols=[]):
    """Reduce a system of inequalities with rational coefficients.


    >>> from sympy import sympify as S, Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> from sympy.solvers.inequalities import reduce_inequalities

    >>> reduce_inequalities(0 <= x + 3, [])
    (-3 <= x) & (x < oo)

    >>> reduce_inequalities(0 <= x + y*2 - 1, [x])
    (x < oo) & (x >= 1 - 2*y)
    if not iterable(inequalities):
        inequalities = [inequalities]
    inequalities = [sympify(i) for i in inequalities]

    gens = set().union(*[i.free_symbols for i in inequalities])

    if not iterable(symbols):
        symbols = [symbols]
    symbols = (set(symbols) or gens) & gens
    if any(i.is_extended_real == False for i in symbols):
        raise TypeError(
            inequalities cannot contain symbols that are not real.

    # make vanilla symbol real
    recast = {
        i: Dummy(i.name, extended_real=True)
        for i in gens if i.is_extended_real is None
    inequalities = [i.xreplace(recast) for i in inequalities]
    symbols = {i.xreplace(recast) for i in symbols}

    # prefilter
    keep = []
    for i in inequalities:
        if isinstance(i, Relational):
            i = i.func(i.lhs.as_expr() - i.rhs.as_expr(), 0)
        elif i not in (True, False):
            i = Eq(i, 0)
        if i == True:
        elif i == False:
            return S.false
        if i.lhs.is_number:
            raise NotImplementedError("could not determine truth value of %s" %
    inequalities = keep
    del keep

    # solve system
    rv = _reduce_inequalities(inequalities, symbols)

    # restore original symbols and return
    return rv.xreplace({v: k for k, v in recast.items()})
def lambdify(args,
    Returns a lambda function for fast calculation of numerical values.

    If not specified differently by the user, SymPy functions are replaced as
    far as possible by either python-math, numpy (if available) or mpmath
    functions - exactly in this order. To change this behavior, the "modules"
    argument can be used. It accepts:

     - the strings "math", "mpmath", "numpy", "numexpr", "sympy"
     - any modules (e.g. math)
     - dictionaries that map names of sympy functions to arbitrary functions
     - lists that contain a mix of the arguments above, with higher priority
       given to entries appearing first.

    The default behavior is to substitute all arguments in the provided
    expression with dummy symbols. This allows for applied functions (e.g.
    f(t)) to be supplied as arguments. Call the function with dummify=False if
    dummy substitution is unwanted (and `args` is not a string). If you want
    to view the lambdified function or provide "sympy" as the module, you
    should probably set dummify=False.

    For functions involving large array calculations, numexpr can provide a
    significant speedup over numpy.  Please note that the available functions
    for numexpr are more limited than numpy but can be expanded with
    implemented_function and user defined subclasses of Function.  If specified,
    numexpr may be the only option in modules. The official list of numexpr
    functions can be found at:

    Deprecation Warnings

    In previous releases ``lambdify`` replaced ``Matrix`` with ``numpy.matrix``
    by default. As of release 0.7.6 ``numpy.array`` is being transitioned to
    the default. In release 0.7.7 this transition will be complete. For now, to
    use the new default behavior you must pass in ``[{'ImmutableMatrix':
    numpy.array}, 'numpy']`` to the ``modules`` kwarg.

    >>> from sympy import lambdify, Matrix
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> import numpy
    >>> mat2array = [{'ImmutableMatrix': numpy.array}, 'numpy']
    >>> f = lambdify((x, y), Matrix([x, y]), modules=mat2array)
    >>> f(1, 2)


    (1) Use one of the provided modules:

        >>> from sympy import sin, tan, gamma
        >>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdastr
        >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
        >>> f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "math")

        Attention: Functions that are not in the math module will throw a name
                   error when the lambda function is evaluated! So this would
                   be better:

        >>> f = lambdify(x, sin(x)*gamma(x), ("math", "mpmath", "sympy"))

    (2) Use some other module:

        >>> import numpy
        >>> f = lambdify((x,y), tan(x*y), numpy)

        Attention: There are naming differences between numpy and sympy. So if
                   you simply take the numpy module, e.g. sympy.atan will not be
                   translated to numpy.arctan. Use the modified module instead
                   by passing the string "numpy":

        >>> f = lambdify((x,y), tan(x*y), "numpy")
        >>> f(1, 2)
        >>> from numpy import array
        >>> f(array([1, 2, 3]), array([2, 3, 5]))
        [-2.18503986 -0.29100619 -0.8559934 ]

    (3) Use a dictionary defining custom functions:

        >>> def my_cool_function(x): return 'sin(%s) is cool' % x
        >>> myfuncs = {"sin" : my_cool_function}
        >>> f = lambdify(x, sin(x), myfuncs); f(1)
        'sin(1) is cool'


    >>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import implemented_function
    >>> from sympy import sqrt, sin, Matrix
    >>> from sympy import Function
    >>> from sympy.abc import w, x, y, z

    >>> f = lambdify(x, x**2)
    >>> f(2)
    >>> f = lambdify((x, y, z), [z, y, x])
    >>> f(1,2,3)
    [3, 2, 1]
    >>> f = lambdify(x, sqrt(x))
    >>> f(4)
    >>> f = lambdify((x, y), sin(x*y)**2)
    >>> f(0, 5)
    >>> row = lambdify((x, y), Matrix((x, x + y)).T, modules='sympy')
    >>> row(1, 2)
    Matrix([[1, 3]])

    Tuple arguments are handled and the lambdified function should
    be called with the same type of arguments as were used to create
    the function.:

    >>> f = lambdify((x, (y, z)), x + y)
    >>> f(1, (2, 4))

    A more robust way of handling this is to always work with flattened

    >>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import flatten
    >>> args = w, (x, (y, z))
    >>> vals = 1, (2, (3, 4))
    >>> f = lambdify(flatten(args), w + x + y + z)
    >>> f(*flatten(vals))

    Functions present in `expr` can also carry their own numerical
    implementations, in a callable attached to the ``_imp_``
    attribute.  Usually you attach this using the
    ``implemented_function`` factory:

    >>> f = implemented_function(Function('f'), lambda x: x+1)
    >>> func = lambdify(x, f(x))
    >>> func(4)

    ``lambdify`` always prefers ``_imp_`` implementations to implementations
    in other namespaces, unless the ``use_imps`` input parameter is False.
    from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
    from sympy.utilities.iterables import flatten

    # If the user hasn't specified any modules, use what is available.
    module_provided = True
    if modules is None:
        module_provided = False
        # Use either numpy (if available) or python.math where possible.
        # XXX: This leads to different behaviour on different systems and
        #      might be the reason for irreproducible errors.
        modules = ["math", "mpmath", "sympy"]

        #Attempt to import numpy
        except ImportError:
            modules.insert(1, "numpy")

    # Get the needed namespaces.
    namespaces = []
    # First find any function implementations
    if use_imps:
    # Check for dict before iterating
    if isinstance(modules, (dict, str)) or not hasattr(modules, '__iter__'):
        # consistency check
        if 'numexpr' in modules and len(modules) > 1:
            raise TypeError("numexpr must be the only item in 'modules'")
        namespaces += list(modules)
    # fill namespace with first having highest priority
    namespace = {}
    for m in namespaces[::-1]:
        buf = _get_namespace(m)
    _issue_7853_dep_check(namespaces, namespace, expr)

    if hasattr(expr, "atoms"):
        #Try if you can extract symbols from the expression.
        #Move on if expr.atoms in not implemented.
        syms = expr.atoms(Symbol)
        for term in syms:
            namespace.update({str(term): term})

    if 'numexpr' in namespaces and printer is None:
        #XXX: This has to be done here because of circular imports
        from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import NumExprPrinter as printer

    # Get the names of the args, for creating a docstring
    if not iterable(args):
        args = (args, )
    names = []
    # Grab the callers frame, for getting the names by inspection (if needed)
    callers_local_vars = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals.items()
    for n, var in enumerate(args):
        if hasattr(var, 'name'):
            # It's an iterable. Try to get name by inspection of calling frame.
            name_list = [
                var_name for var_name, var_val in callers_local_vars
                if var_val is var
            if len(name_list) == 1:
                # Cannot infer name with certainty. arg_# will have to do.
                names.append('arg_' + str(n))

    # Create lambda function.
    lstr = lambdastr(args, expr, printer=printer, dummify=dummify)
    flat = '__flatten_args__'

    if flat in lstr:
        namespace.update({flat: flatten})
    func = eval(lstr, namespace)
    # Apply the docstring
    sig = "func({0})".format(", ".join(str(i) for i in names))
    sig = textwrap.fill(sig, subsequent_indent=' ' * 8)
    expr_str = str(expr)
    if len(expr_str) > 78:
        expr_str = textwrap.wrap(expr_str, 75)[0] + '...'
    func.__doc__ = ("Created with lambdify. Signature:\n\n{sig}\n\n"
                    "Expression:\n\n{expr}").format(sig=sig, expr=expr_str)
    return func
文件: lambdify.py 项目: hugovk/sympy
def lambdastr(args, expr, printer=None, dummify=None):
    Returns a string that can be evaluated to a lambda function.


    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    >>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdastr
    >>> lambdastr(x, x**2)
    'lambda x: (x**2)'
    >>> lambdastr((x,y,z), [z,y,x])
    'lambda x,y,z: ([z, y, x])'

    Although tuples may not appear as arguments to lambda in Python 3,
    lambdastr will create a lambda function that will unpack the original
    arguments so that nested arguments can be handled:

    >>> lambdastr((x, (y, z)), x + y)
    'lambda _0,_1: (lambda x,y,z: (x + y))(_0,_1[0],_1[1])'
    # Transforming everything to strings.
    from sympy.matrices import DeferredVector
    from sympy import Dummy, sympify, Symbol, Function, flatten, Derivative, Basic

    if printer is not None:
        if inspect.isfunction(printer):
            lambdarepr = printer
            if inspect.isclass(printer):
                lambdarepr = lambda expr: printer().doprint(expr)
                lambdarepr = lambda expr: printer.doprint(expr)
        #XXX: This has to be done here because of circular imports
        from sympy.printing.lambdarepr import lambdarepr

    def sub_args(args, dummies_dict):
        if isinstance(args, string_types):
            return args
        elif isinstance(args, DeferredVector):
            return str(args)
        elif iterable(args):
            dummies = flatten([sub_args(a, dummies_dict) for a in args])
            return ",".join(str(a) for a in dummies)
            # replace these with Dummy symbols
            if isinstance(args, (Function, Symbol, Derivative)):
                dummies = Dummy()
                dummies_dict.update({args: dummies})
                return str(dummies)
                return str(args)

    def sub_expr(expr, dummies_dict):
            expr = sympify(expr).xreplace(dummies_dict)
        except Exception:
            if isinstance(expr, DeferredVector):
            elif isinstance(expr, dict):
                k = [sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr.keys()]
                v = [sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr.values()]
                expr = dict(zip(k, v))
            elif isinstance(expr, tuple):
                expr = tuple(sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr)
            elif isinstance(expr, list):
                expr = [sub_expr(sympify(a), dummies_dict) for a in expr]
        return expr

    # Transform args
    def isiter(l):
        return iterable(l, exclude=(str, DeferredVector, NotIterable))

    def flat_indexes(iterable):
        n = 0

        for el in iterable:
            if isiter(el):
                for ndeep in flat_indexes(el):
                    yield (n, ) + ndeep
                yield (n, )

            n += 1

    if dummify is None:
        dummify = any(
            isinstance(a, Basic) and a.atoms(Function, Derivative)
            for a in (args if isiter(args) else [args]))

    if isiter(args) and any(isiter(i) for i in args):
        dum_args = [str(Dummy(str(i))) for i in range(len(args))]

        indexed_args = ','.join([
            dum_args[ind[0]] + ''.join(["[%s]" % k for k in ind[1:]])
            for ind in flat_indexes(args)

        lstr = lambdastr(flatten(args), expr, printer=printer, dummify=dummify)

        return 'lambda %s: (%s)(%s)' % (','.join(dum_args), lstr, indexed_args)

    dummies_dict = {}
    if dummify:
        args = sub_args(args, dummies_dict)
        if isinstance(args, string_types):
        elif iterable(args, exclude=DeferredVector):
            args = ",".join(str(a) for a in args)

    # Transform expr
    if dummify:
        if isinstance(expr, string_types):
            expr = sub_expr(expr, dummies_dict)
    expr = lambdarepr(expr)
    return "lambda %s: (%s)" % (args, expr)
文件: solvers.py 项目: Jerryy/sympy
def _solve(f, *symbols, **flags):
    """ Return a checked solution for f in terms of one or more of the symbols."""

    if not iterable(f):

        if len(symbols) != 1:
            soln = None
            free = f.free_symbols
            ex = free - set(symbols)
            if len(ex) == 1:
                ex = ex.pop()
                    # may come back as dict or list (if non-linear)
                    soln = solve_undetermined_coeffs(f, symbols, ex)
                except NotImplementedError:
            if not soln is None:
                return soln
            # find first successful solution
            failed = []
            for s in symbols:
                n, d = solve_linear(f, x=[s])
                if n.is_Symbol:
                    soln = {n: cancel(d)}
                    return soln
            for s in failed:
                    soln = _solve(f, s, **flags)
                    return soln
                except NotImplementedError:
                msg = "No algorithms are implemented to solve equation %s"
                raise NotImplementedError(msg % f)

        symbol = symbols[0]

        # first see if it really depends on symbol and whether there
        # is a linear solution
        f_num, sol = solve_linear(f, x=symbols)
        if not symbol in f_num.free_symbols:
            return []
        elif f_num.is_Symbol:
            return [cancel(sol)]

        strategy = guess_solve_strategy(f, symbol)
        result = False  # no solution was obtained

        if strategy == GS_POLY:
            poly = f.as_poly(symbol)
            if poly is None:
                msg = "Cannot solve equation %s for %s" % (f, symbol)
                # for cubics and quartics, if the flag wasn't set, DON'T do it
                # by default since the results are quite long. Perhaps one could
                # base this decision on a certain critical length of the roots.
                if poly.degree() > 2:
                    flags['simplified'] = flags.get('simplified', False)
                result = roots(poly, cubics=True, quartics=True).keys()

        elif strategy == GS_RATIONAL:
            P, _ = f.as_numer_denom()
            dens = denoms(f, x=symbols)
                soln = _solve(P, symbol, **flags)
            except NotImplementedError:
                msg = "Cannot solve equation %s for %s" % (P, symbol)
                result = []
                if dens:
                    # reject any result that makes any denom. affirmatively 0;
                    # if in doubt, keep it
                    result = [
                        s for s in soln
                        if all(not checksol(den, {symbol: s}) for den in dens)
                    result = soln

        elif strategy == GS_POLY_CV_1:
            args = list(f.args)
            if isinstance(f, Pow):
                result = _solve(args[0], symbol, **flags)
            elif isinstance(f, Add):
                # we must search for a suitable change of variables
                # collect exponents
                exponents_denom = list()
                for arg in args:
                    if isinstance(arg, Pow):
                    elif isinstance(arg, Mul):
                        for mul_arg in arg.args:
                            if isinstance(mul_arg, Pow):
                assert len(exponents_denom) > 0
                if len(exponents_denom) == 1:
                    m = exponents_denom[0]
                    # get the LCM of the denominators
                    m = reduce(ilcm, exponents_denom)
                # x -> y**m.
                # we assume positive for simplification purposes
                t = Dummy('t', positive=True)
                f_ = f.subs(symbol, t**m)
                if guess_solve_strategy(f_, t) != GS_POLY:
                    msg = "Could not convert to a polynomial equation: %s" % f_
                    result = []
                    soln = [s**m for s in _solve(f_, t)]
                    # we might have introduced solutions from another branch
                    # when changing variables; check and keep solutions
                    # unless they definitely aren't a solution
                    result = [
                        s for s in soln
                        if checksol(f, {symbol: s}) is not False

            elif isinstance(f, Mul):
                result = []
                for m in f.args:
                    result.extend(_solve(m, symbol, **flags) or [])

        elif strategy == GS_POLY_CV_2:
            m = 0
            args = list(f.args)
            if isinstance(f, Add):
                for arg in args:
                    if isinstance(arg, Pow):
                        m = min(m, arg.exp)
                    elif isinstance(arg, Mul):
                        for mul_arg in arg.args:
                            if isinstance(mul_arg, Pow):
                                m = min(m, mul_arg.exp)
            elif isinstance(f, Mul):
                for mul_arg in args:
                    if isinstance(mul_arg, Pow):
                        m = min(m, mul_arg.exp)

            if m and m != 1:
                f_ = simplify(f * symbol**(-m))
                    sols = _solve(f_, symbol)
                except NotImplementedError:
                    msg = 'Could not solve %s for %s' % (f_, symbol)
                    # we might have introduced unwanted solutions
                    # when multiplying by x**-m; check and keep solutions
                    # unless they definitely aren't a solution
                    if sols:
                        result = [
                            s for s in sols
                            if checksol(f, {symbol: s}) is not False
                msg = 'CV_2 calculated %d but it should have been other than 0 or 1' % m

        elif strategy == GS_PIECEWISE:
            result = set()
            for expr, cond in f.args:
                candidates = _solve(expr, *symbols)
                if isinstance(cond, bool) or cond.is_Number:
                    if not cond:

                    # Only include solutions that do not match the condition
                    # of any of the other pieces.
                    for candidate in candidates:
                        matches_other_piece = False
                        for other_expr, other_cond in f.args:
                            if isinstance(other_cond, bool) \
                               or other_cond.is_Number:
                            if bool(other_cond.subs(symbol, candidate)):
                                matches_other_piece = True
                        if not matches_other_piece:
                    for candidate in candidates:
                        if bool(cond.subs(symbol, candidate)):

            result = list(result)

        elif strategy == -1:
            raise ValueError('Could not parse expression %s' % f)

        # this is the fallback for not getting any other solution
        if result is False or strategy == GS_TRANSCENDENTAL:
            soln = tsolve(f_num, symbol)
            dens = denoms(f, x=symbols)
            if not dens:
                result = soln
                # reject any result that makes any denom. affirmatively 0;
                # if in doubt, keep it
                result = [
                    s for s in soln
                    if all(not checksol(den, {symbol: s}) for den in dens)

        if result is False:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                msg +
                "\nNo algorithms are implemented to solve equation %s" % f)

        if flags.get('simplified', True) and strategy != GS_RATIONAL:
            result = map(simplify, result)

        return result
        if not f:
            return []

            polys = []

            for g in f:

                poly = g.as_poly(*symbols, **{'extension': True})

                if poly is not None:
                    raise NotImplementedError()

            if all(p.is_linear for p in polys):
                n, m = len(f), len(symbols)
                matrix = zeros((n, m + 1))

                for i, poly in enumerate(polys):
                    for monom, coeff in poly.terms():
                            j = list(monom).index(1)
                            matrix[i, j] = coeff
                        except ValueError:
                            matrix[i, m] = -coeff

                # a dictionary of symbols: values or None
                result = solve_linear_system(matrix, *symbols, **flags)
                return result
                # a list of tuples, T, where T[i] [j] corresponds to the ith solution for symbols[j]
                result = solve_poly_system(polys)
                return result