def test_inverse_transformations():
    p, q, r, s = symbols('p q r s')

    relations_quarter_rotation = {('first', 'second'): (q, -p)}

    R2_pq = CoordSystem('first', R2_origin, [p, q], relations_quarter_rotation)
    R2_rs = CoordSystem('second', R2_origin, [r, s],

    # The transform method should derive the inverse transformation if not given explicitly
    assert R2_rs.transform(R2_pq) == Matrix([[-R2_rs.symbols[1]],

    a, b = symbols('a b', positive=True)
    relations_uninvertible_transformation = {('first', 'second'): (-a, )}

    R2_a = CoordSystem('first', R2_origin, [a],
    R2_b = CoordSystem('second', R2_origin, [b],

    # The transform method should throw if it cannot invert the coordinate transformation.
    # This transformation is uninvertible because there is no positive a, b satisfying a = -b
    with raises(NotImplementedError):

    c, d = symbols('c d')
    relations_ambiguous_inverse = {('first', 'second'): (c**2, )}

    R2_c = CoordSystem('first', R2_origin, [c], relations_ambiguous_inverse)
    R2_d = CoordSystem('second', R2_origin, [d], relations_ambiguous_inverse)

    # The transform method should throw if it finds multiple inverses for a coordinate transformation.
    with raises(ValueError):
def test_coordsys_transform():
    # test inverse transforms
    p, q, r, s = symbols('p q r s')
    rel = {('first', 'second'): [(p, q), (q, -p)]}
    R2_pq = CoordSystem('first', R2_origin, [p, q], rel)
    R2_rs = CoordSystem('second', R2_origin, [r, s], rel)
    r, s = R2_rs.symbols
    assert R2_rs.transform(R2_pq) == Matrix([[-s], [r]])

    # inverse transform impossible case
    a, b = symbols('a b', positive=True)
    rel = {('first', 'second'): [(a,), (-a,)]}
    R2_a = CoordSystem('first', R2_origin, [a], rel)
    R2_b = CoordSystem('second', R2_origin, [b], rel)
    # This transformation is uninvertible because there is no positive a, b satisfying a = -b
    with raises(NotImplementedError):

    # inverse transform ambiguous case
    c, d = symbols('c d')
    rel = {('first', 'second'): [(c,), (c**2,)]}
    R2_c = CoordSystem('first', R2_origin, [c], rel)
    R2_d = CoordSystem('second', R2_origin, [d], rel)
    # The transform method should throw if it finds multiple inverses for a coordinate transformation.
    with raises(ValueError):

    # test indirect transformation
    a, b, c, d, e, f = symbols('a, b, c, d, e, f')
    rel = {('C1', 'C2'): [(a, b), (2*a, 3*b)],
        ('C2', 'C3'): [(c, d), (3*c, 2*d)]}
    C1 = CoordSystem('C1', R2_origin, (a, b), rel)
    C2 = CoordSystem('C2', R2_origin, (c, d), rel)
    C3 = CoordSystem('C3', R2_origin, (e, f), rel)
    a, b = C1.symbols
    c, d = C2.symbols
    e, f = C3.symbols
    assert C2.transform(C1) == Matrix([c/2, d/3])
    assert C1.transform(C3) == Matrix([6*a, 6*b])
    assert C3.transform(C1) == Matrix([e/6, f/6])
    assert C3.transform(C2) == Matrix([e/3, f/2])

    a, b, c, d, e, f = symbols('a, b, c, d, e, f')
    rel = {('C1', 'C2'): [(a, b), (2*a, 3*b + 1)],
        ('C3', 'C2'): [(e, f), (-e - 2, 2*f)]}
    C1 = CoordSystem('C1', R2_origin, (a, b), rel)
    C2 = CoordSystem('C2', R2_origin, (c, d), rel)
    C3 = CoordSystem('C3', R2_origin, (e, f), rel)
    a, b = C1.symbols
    c, d = C2.symbols
    e, f = C3.symbols
    assert C2.transform(C1) == Matrix([c/2, (d - 1)/3])
    assert C1.transform(C3) == Matrix([-2*a - 2, (3*b + 1)/2])
    assert C3.transform(C1) == Matrix([-e/2 - 1, (2*f - 1)/3])
    assert C3.transform(C2) == Matrix([-e - 2, 2*f])

    # old signature uses Lambda
    a, b, c, d, e, f = symbols('a, b, c, d, e, f')
    rel = {('C1', 'C2'): Lambda((a, b), (2*a, 3*b + 1)),
        ('C3', 'C2'): Lambda((e, f), (-e - 2, 2*f))}
    C1 = CoordSystem('C1', R2_origin, (a, b), rel)
    C2 = CoordSystem('C2', R2_origin, (c, d), rel)
    C3 = CoordSystem('C3', R2_origin, (e, f), rel)
    a, b = C1.symbols
    c, d = C2.symbols
    e, f = C3.symbols
    assert C2.transform(C1) == Matrix([c/2, (d - 1)/3])
    assert C1.transform(C3) == Matrix([-2*a - 2, (3*b + 1)/2])
    assert C3.transform(C1) == Matrix([-e/2 - 1, (2*f - 1)/3])
    assert C3.transform(C2) == Matrix([-e - 2, 2*f])