def _eval_rewrite_as_harmonic(self, n, z, **kwargs): if n.is_integer: if n.is_zero: return harmonic(z - 1) - S.EulerGamma else: return S.NegativeOne**(n + 1) * factorial(n) * ( zeta(n + 1) - harmonic(z - 1, n + 1))
def test_limit_seq_fail(): # improve Summation algorithm or add ad-hoc criteria e = (harmonic(n)**3 * Sum(1 / harmonic(k), (k, 1, n)) / (n * Sum(harmonic(k) / k, (k, 1, n)))) assert limit_seq(e, n) == 2 # No unique dominant term e = (Sum(2**k * binomial(2 * k, k) / k**2, (k, 1, n)) / (Sum(2**k / k * 2, (k, 1, n)) * Sum(binomial(2 * k, k), (k, 1, n)))) assert limit_seq(e, n) == S(3) / 7 # Simplifications of summations needs to be improved. e = n**3 * Sum(2**k / k**2, (k, 1, n))**2 / (2**n * Sum(2**k / k, (k, 1, n))) assert limit_seq(e, n) == 2 e = (harmonic(n) * Sum(2**k / k, (k, 1, n)) / (n * Sum(2**k * harmonic(k) / k**2, (k, 1, n)))) assert limit_seq(e, n) == 1 e = (Sum(2**k * factorial(k) / k**2, (k, 1, 2 * n)) / (Sum(4**k / k**2, (k, 1, n)) * Sum(factorial(k), (k, 1, 2 * n)))) assert limit_seq(e, n) == S(3) / 16
def test_ideal_soliton(): raises(ValueError, lambda: IdealSoliton('sol', -12)) raises(ValueError, lambda: IdealSoliton('sol', 13.2)) raises(ValueError, lambda: IdealSoliton('sol', 0)) f = Function('f') raises(ValueError, lambda: density(IdealSoliton('sol', 10)).pmf(f)) k = Symbol('k', integer=True, positive=True) x = Symbol('x', integer=True, positive=True) t = Symbol('t') sol = IdealSoliton('sol', k) assert density(sol).low == S.One assert density(sol).high == k assert density(sol).dict == Density(density(sol)) assert density(sol).pmf(x) == Piecewise( (1 / k, Eq(x, 1)), (1 / (x * (x - 1)), k >= x), (0, True)) k_vals = [5, 20, 50, 100, 1000] for i in k_vals: assert E(sol.subs(k, i)) == harmonic(i) == moment(sol.subs(k, i), 1) assert variance(sol.subs( k, i)) == (i - 1) + harmonic(i) - harmonic(i)**2 == cmoment( sol.subs(k, i), 2) assert skewness(sol.subs(k, i)) == smoment(sol.subs(k, i), 3) assert kurtosis(sol.subs(k, i)) == smoment(sol.subs(k, i), 4) assert exp(I * t) / 10 + Sum(exp(I * t * x) / (x * x - x), (x, 2, k)).subs( k, 10).doit() == characteristic_function(sol.subs(k, 10))(t) assert exp(t) / 10 + Sum(exp(t * x) / (x * x - x), (x, 2, k)).subs( k, 10).doit() == moment_generating_function(sol.subs(k, 10))(t)
def _eval_rewrite_as_harmonic(self, n, z): if n.is_integer: if n == S.Zero: return harmonic(z - 1) - S.EulerGamma else: return S.NegativeOne**(n + 1) * C.factorial(n) * ( C.zeta(n + 1) - harmonic(z - 1, n + 1))
async def collect(self, bot, event: Message, query: str): match = COLLECT_QUERY1.match(query) if match: n = int('n')) total = int('total')) if'total') else n else: match = COLLECT_QUERY2.match(query) if match: n = int('n')) total = int('total')) else: await bot.say(, '요청을 해석하는데에 실패했어요!') return if total < 2 or total > 512: await bot.say(, '정상적인 전체 갯수를 입력해주세요! (2개 이상 512개 이하)') return if n < 1 or n > 512: await bot.say(, '정상적인 수집 갯수를 입력해주세요! (1개 이상 512개 이하)') return if total < n: await bot.say(, '원하는 갯수가 전체 갯수보다 많을 수 없어요!') return result = n * harmonic(n) if total > n: result /= n / total text = '부분적으로' else: text = '모두' await bot.say(, f'상품 1개 구입시 {total}종류의 특전 중 하나를 무작위로 100%' f'확률로 준다고 가정할 때 {n}종류의 특전을 {text} 모으려면, 평균적으로' f' {math.ceil(result)}(`{float(result):.2f}`)개의 상품을' ' 구입해야 수집에 성공할 수 있어요!')
def eval(cls, n, z): n, z = map(sympify, (n, z)) from sympy import unpolarify if n.is_integer: if n.is_nonnegative: nz = unpolarify(z) if z != nz: return polygamma(n, nz) if n.is_positive: if z is S.Half: return ( (-1) ** (n + 1) * factorial(n) * (2 ** (n + 1) - 1) * zeta(n + 1) ) if n is S.NegativeOne: return loggamma(z) else: if z.is_Number: if z is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif z is S.Infinity: if n.is_Number: if n.is_zero: return S.Infinity else: return S.Zero if n.is_zero: return S.Infinity elif z.is_Integer: if z.is_nonpositive: return S.ComplexInfinity else: if n.is_zero: return -S.EulerGamma + harmonic(z - 1, 1) elif n.is_odd: return (-1) ** (n + 1) * factorial(n) * zeta(n + 1, z) if n.is_zero: if z is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif z.is_Rational: p, q = z.as_numer_denom() # only expand for small denominators to avoid creating long expressions if q <= 5: return expand_func(polygamma(S.Zero, z, evaluate=False)) elif z in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity): return S.Infinity else: t = z.extract_multiplicatively(S.ImaginaryUnit) if t in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity): return S.Infinity
def eval(cls, n, z): n, z = list(map(sympify, (n, z))) from sympy import unpolarify if n.is_integer: if n.is_nonnegative: nz = unpolarify(z) if z != nz: return polygamma(n, nz) if n == -1: return loggamma(z) else: if z.is_Number: if z is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif z is S.Infinity: if n.is_Number: if n is S.Zero: return S.Infinity else: return S.Zero elif z.is_Integer: if z.is_nonpositive: return S.ComplexInfinity else: if n is S.Zero: return -S.EulerGamma + harmonic(z - 1, 1) elif n.is_odd: return (-1)**(n + 1)*factorial(n)*zeta(n + 1, z) if n == 0: if z is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif z.is_Rational: # TODO actually *any* n/m can be done, but that is messy lookup = {S(1)/2: -2*log(2) - S.EulerGamma, S(1)/3: -S.Pi/2/sqrt(3) - 3*log(3)/2 - S.EulerGamma, S(1)/4: -S.Pi/2 - 3*log(2) - S.EulerGamma, S(3)/4: -3*log(2) - S.EulerGamma + S.Pi/2, S(2)/3: -3*log(3)/2 + S.Pi/2/sqrt(3) - S.EulerGamma} if z > 0: n = floor(z) z0 = z - n if z0 in lookup: return lookup[z0] + Add(*[1/(z0 + k) for k in range(n)]) elif z < 0: n = floor(1 - z) z0 = z + n if z0 in lookup: return lookup[z0] - Add(*[1/(z0 - 1 - k) for k in range(n)]) elif z in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity): return S.Infinity else: t = z.extract_multiplicatively(S.ImaginaryUnit) if t in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity): return S.Infinity
async def collect(self, bot, event: Message, n: int): result = n * harmonic(n) await bot.say(, f'상품 1개 구입시 {n}종류의 특전 중 하나를 무작위로 100% 확률로 준다고 가정할 때' f' {n}종류의 특전을 모두 모으려면, 평균적으로 {math.ceil(result)}' f'(`{float(result):.2f}`)개의 상품을 구입해야 전체 수집에 성공할 수 있어요!' )
def test_difference_delta__Sum(): e = Sum(1 / k, (k, 1, n)) assert dd(e, n) == 1 / (n + 1) assert dd(e, n, 5) == Add(*[1 / (i + n + 1) for i in range(5)]) e = Sum(1 / k, (k, 1, 3 * n)) assert dd(e, n) == Add(*[1 / (i + 3 * n + 1) for i in range(3)]) e = n * Sum(1 / k, (k, 1, n)) assert dd(e, n) == 1 + Sum(1 / k, (k, 1, n)) e = Sum(1 / k, (k, 1, n), (m, 1, n)) assert dd(e, n) == harmonic(n)
def eval(cls, z, a_=None): if a_ is None: z, a = list(map(sympify, (z, 1))) else: z, a = list(map(sympify, (z, a_))) if a.is_Number: if a is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif a is S.One and a_ is not None: return cls(z) # TODO Should a == 0 return S.NaN as well? if z.is_Number: if z is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif z is S.Infinity: return S.One elif z is S.Zero: if a.is_negative: return S.Half - a - 1 else: return S.Half - a elif z is S.One: return S.ComplexInfinity elif z.is_Integer: if a.is_Integer: if z.is_negative: zeta = (-1)**z * bernoulli(-z + 1) / (-z + 1) elif z.is_even: B, F = bernoulli(z), factorial(z) zeta = 2**(z - 1) * abs(B) * pi**z / F else: return if a.is_negative: return zeta + harmonic(abs(a), z) else: return zeta - harmonic(a - 1, z)
def test_limit_seq(): e = binomial(2 * n, n) / Sum(binomial(2 * k, k), (k, 1, n)) assert limit_seq(e) == S(3) / 4 assert limit_seq(e, m) == e e = (5 * n**3 + 3 * n**2 + 4) / (3 * n**3 + 4 * n - 5) assert limit_seq(e, n) == S(5) / 3 e = (harmonic(n) * Sum(harmonic(k), (k, 1, n))) / (n * harmonic(2 * n)**2) assert limit_seq(e, n) == 1 e = Sum(k**2 * Sum(2**m / m, (m, 1, k)), (k, 1, n)) / (2**n * n) assert limit_seq(e, n) == 4 e = (Sum(binomial(3 * k, k) * binomial(5 * k, k), (k, 1, n)) / (binomial(3 * n, n) * binomial(5 * n, n))) assert limit_seq(e, n) == S(84375) / 83351 e = Sum(harmonic(k)**2 / k, (k, 1, 2 * n)) / harmonic(n)**3 assert limit_seq(e, n) == S.One / 3 raises(ValueError, lambda: limit_seq(e * m))
def eval(cls, z, a_=None): if a_ is None: z, a = list(map(sympify, (z, 1))) else: z, a = list(map(sympify, (z, a_))) if a.is_Number: if a is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif a is S.One and a_ is not None: return cls(z) # TODO Should a == 0 return S.NaN as well? if z.is_Number: if z is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif z is S.Infinity: return S.One elif z is S.Zero: if a.is_negative: return S.Half - a - 1 else: return S.Half - a elif z is S.One: return S.ComplexInfinity elif z.is_Integer: if a.is_Integer: if z.is_negative: zeta = (-1)**z * bernoulli(-z + 1)/(-z + 1) elif z.is_even: B, F = bernoulli(z), factorial(z) zeta = 2**(z - 1) * abs(B) * pi**z / F else: return if a.is_negative: return zeta + harmonic(abs(a), z) else: return zeta - harmonic(a - 1, z)
def test_digamma(): assert digamma(nan) == nan assert digamma(oo) == oo assert digamma(-oo) == oo assert digamma(I*oo) == oo assert digamma(-I*oo) == oo assert digamma(-9) == zoo assert digamma(-9) == zoo assert digamma(-1) == zoo assert digamma(0) == zoo assert digamma(1) == -EulerGamma assert digamma(7) == Rational(49, 20) - EulerGamma def t(m, n): x = S(m)/n r = digamma(x) if r.has(digamma): return False return abs(digamma(x.n()).n() - r.n()).n() < 1e-10 assert t(1, 2) assert t(3, 2) assert t(-1, 2) assert t(1, 4) assert t(-3, 4) assert t(1, 3) assert t(4, 3) assert t(3, 4) assert t(2, 3) assert t(123, 5) assert digamma(x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(0, x) assert digamma(x).rewrite(harmonic) == harmonic(x - 1) - EulerGamma assert digamma(I).is_real is None assert digamma(x,evaluate=False).fdiff() == polygamma(1, x) assert digamma(x,evaluate=False).is_real is None assert digamma(x,evaluate=False).is_positive is None assert digamma(x,evaluate=False).is_negative is None assert digamma(x,evaluate=False).rewrite(polygamma) == polygamma(0, x)
def eval(cls, n, z): n, z = list(map(sympify, (n, z))) from sympy import unpolarify if n.is_integer: if n.is_nonnegative: nz = unpolarify(z) if z != nz: return polygamma(n, nz) if n == -1: return loggamma(z) else: if z.is_Number: if z is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif z is S.Infinity: if n.is_Number: if n is S.Zero: return S.Infinity else: return S.Zero elif z.is_Integer: if z.is_nonpositive: return S.ComplexInfinity else: if n is S.Zero: return -S.EulerGamma + harmonic(z - 1, 1) elif n.is_odd: return (-1)**(n + 1)*factorial(n)*zeta(n + 1, z) if n == 0: if z is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif z.is_Rational: p, q = z.as_numer_denom() # only expand for small denominators to avoid creating long expressions if q <= 5: return expand_func(polygamma(n, z, evaluate=False)) elif z in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity): return S.Infinity else: t = z.extract_multiplicatively(S.ImaginaryUnit) if t in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity): return S.Infinity
async def collect(self, bot, event: Message, query: str): match = COLLECT_QUERY1.match(query) if match: n = int("n")) total = int("total")) if"total") else n else: match = COLLECT_QUERY2.match(query) if match: n = int("n")) total = int("total")) else: await bot.say(, "요청을 해석하는데에 실패했어요!") return if total < 2 or total > 512: await bot.say(, "정상적인 전체 갯수를 입력해주세요! (2개 이상 512개 이하)") return if n < 1 or n > 512: await bot.say(, "정상적인 수집 갯수를 입력해주세요! (1개 이상 512개 이하)") return if total < n: await bot.say(, "원하는 갯수가 전체 갯수보다 많을 수 없어요!") return result = n * harmonic(n) if total > n: result /= n / total text = "부분적으로" else: text = "모두" await bot.say(, f"상품 1개 구입시 {total}종류의 특전 중 하나를 무작위로 100%" f"확률로 준다고 가정할 때 {n}종류의 특전을 {text} 모으려면, 평균적으로" f" {math.ceil(result)}(`{float(result):.2f}`)개의 상품을" " 구입해야 수집에 성공할 수 있어요!", )
def test_sympy__functions__combinatorial__numbers__harmonic(): from sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers import harmonic assert _test_args(harmonic(x, 2))
def _eval_rewrite_as_harmonic(self, z, **kwargs): return -harmonic(z - 1, 2) + S.Pi**2 / 6
def _eval_rewrite_as_harmonic(self, z, **kwargs): return harmonic(z - 1) - S.EulerGamma
def _eval_rewrite_as_harmonic(self, n, z): if n.is_integer: if n == S.Zero: return harmonic(z - 1) - S.EulerGamma else: return S.NegativeOne ** (n + 1) * C.factorial(n) * (C.zeta(n + 1) - harmonic(z - 1, n + 1))
def test_polygamma(): assert polygamma(n, nan) is nan assert polygamma(0, oo) is oo assert polygamma(0, -oo) is oo assert polygamma(0, I*oo) is oo assert polygamma(0, -I*oo) is oo assert polygamma(1, oo) == 0 assert polygamma(5, oo) == 0 assert polygamma(0, -9) is zoo assert polygamma(0, -9) is zoo assert polygamma(0, -1) is zoo assert polygamma(0, 0) is zoo assert polygamma(0, 1) == -EulerGamma assert polygamma(0, 7) == Rational(49, 20) - EulerGamma assert polygamma(1, 1) == pi**2/6 assert polygamma(1, 2) == pi**2/6 - 1 assert polygamma(1, 3) == pi**2/6 - Rational(5, 4) assert polygamma(3, 1) == pi**4 / 15 assert polygamma(3, 5) == 6*(Rational(-22369, 20736) + pi**4/90) assert polygamma(5, 1) == 8 * pi**6 / 63 assert polygamma(1, S.Half) == pi**2 / 2 assert polygamma(2, S.Half) == -14*zeta(3) assert polygamma(11, S.Half) == 176896*pi**12 def t(m, n): x = S(m)/n r = polygamma(0, x) if r.has(polygamma): return False return abs(polygamma(0, x.n()).n() - r.n()).n() < 1e-10 assert t(1, 2) assert t(3, 2) assert t(-1, 2) assert t(1, 4) assert t(-3, 4) assert t(1, 3) assert t(4, 3) assert t(3, 4) assert t(2, 3) assert t(123, 5) assert polygamma(0, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(0, x) assert polygamma(1, x).rewrite(zeta) == zeta(2, x) assert polygamma(2, x).rewrite(zeta) == -2*zeta(3, x) assert polygamma(I, 2).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(I, 2) n1 = Symbol('n1') n2 = Symbol('n2', real=True) n3 = Symbol('n3', integer=True) n4 = Symbol('n4', positive=True) n5 = Symbol('n5', positive=True, integer=True) assert polygamma(n1, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(n1, x) assert polygamma(n2, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(n2, x) assert polygamma(n3, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(n3, x) assert polygamma(n4, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(n4, x) assert polygamma(n5, x).rewrite(zeta) == (-1)**(n5 + 1) * factorial(n5) * zeta(n5 + 1, x) assert polygamma(3, 7*x).diff(x) == 7*polygamma(4, 7*x) assert polygamma(0, x).rewrite(harmonic) == harmonic(x - 1) - EulerGamma assert polygamma(2, x).rewrite(harmonic) == 2*harmonic(x - 1, 3) - 2*zeta(3) ni = Symbol("n", integer=True) assert polygamma(ni, x).rewrite(harmonic) == (-1)**(ni + 1)*(-harmonic(x - 1, ni + 1) + zeta(ni + 1))*factorial(ni) # Polygamma of non-negative integer order is unbranched: k = Symbol('n', integer=True, nonnegative=True) assert polygamma(k, exp_polar(2*I*pi)*x) == polygamma(k, x) # but negative integers are branched! k = Symbol('n', integer=True) assert polygamma(k, exp_polar(2*I*pi)*x).args == (k, exp_polar(2*I*pi)*x) # Polygamma of order -1 is loggamma: assert polygamma(-1, x) == loggamma(x) # But smaller orders are iterated integrals and don't have a special name assert polygamma(-2, x).func is polygamma # Test a bug assert polygamma(0, -x).expand(func=True) == polygamma(0, -x) assert polygamma(2, 2.5).is_positive == False assert polygamma(2, -2.5).is_positive == False assert polygamma(3, 2.5).is_positive == True assert polygamma(3, -2.5).is_positive is True assert polygamma(-2, -2.5).is_positive is None assert polygamma(-3, -2.5).is_positive is None assert polygamma(2, 2.5).is_negative == True assert polygamma(3, 2.5).is_negative == False assert polygamma(3, -2.5).is_negative == False assert polygamma(2, -2.5).is_negative is True assert polygamma(-2, -2.5).is_negative is None assert polygamma(-3, -2.5).is_negative is None assert polygamma(I, 2).is_positive is None assert polygamma(I, 3).is_negative is None # issue 17350 assert polygamma(pi, 3).evalf() == polygamma(pi, 3) assert (I*polygamma(I, pi)).as_real_imag() == \ (-im(polygamma(I, pi)), re(polygamma(I, pi))) assert (tanh(polygamma(I, 1))).rewrite(exp) == \ (exp(polygamma(I, 1)) - exp(-polygamma(I, 1)))/(exp(polygamma(I, 1)) + exp(-polygamma(I, 1))) assert (I / polygamma(I, 4)).rewrite(exp) == \ I*sqrt(re(polygamma(I, 4))**2 + im(polygamma(I, 4))**2)\ /((re(polygamma(I, 4)) + I*im(polygamma(I, 4)))*Abs(polygamma(I, 4))) assert unchanged(polygamma, 2.3, 1.0) # issue 12569 assert unchanged(im, polygamma(0, I)) assert polygamma(Symbol('a', positive=True), Symbol('b', positive=True)).is_real is True assert polygamma(0, I).is_real is None