def test_reflect_entity_overrides():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    b = Symbol('b')
    m = Symbol('m')
    l = Line((0, b), slope=m)
    p = Point(x, y)
    r = p.reflect(l)
    c = Circle((x, y), 3)
    cr = c.reflect(l)
    assert cr == Circle(r, -3)
    assert c.area == -cr.area

    pent = RegularPolygon((1, 2), 1, 5)
    l = Line(pent.vertices[1], slope=Rational(random() - .5, random() - .5))
    rpent = pent.reflect(l)
    assert rpent.center == pent.center.reflect(l)
    rvert = [i.reflect(l) for i in pent.vertices]
    for v in rpent.vertices:
        for i in range(len(rvert)):
            ri = rvert[i]
            if ri.equals(v):
    assert not rvert
    assert pent.area.equals(-rpent.area)
def test_second_moment_of_area():
    x, y = symbols('x, y')
    # triangle
    p1, p2, p3 = [(0, 0), (4, 0), (0, 2)]
    p = (0, 0)
    # equation of hypotenuse
    eq_y = (1-x/4)*2
    I_yy = integrate((x**2) * (integrate(1, (y, 0, eq_y))), (x, 0, 4))
    I_xx = integrate(1 * (integrate(y**2, (y, 0, eq_y))), (x, 0, 4))
    I_xy = integrate(x * (integrate(y, (y, 0, eq_y))), (x, 0, 4))

    triangle = Polygon(p1, p2, p3)

    assert (I_xx - triangle.second_moment_of_area(p)[0]) == 0
    assert (I_yy - triangle.second_moment_of_area(p)[1]) == 0
    assert (I_xy - triangle.second_moment_of_area(p)[2]) == 0

    # rectangle
    p1, p2, p3, p4=[(0, 0), (4, 0), (4, 2), (0, 2)]
    I_yy = integrate((x**2) * integrate(1, (y, 0, 2)), (x, 0, 4))
    I_xx = integrate(1 * integrate(y**2, (y, 0, 2)), (x, 0, 4))
    I_xy = integrate(x * integrate(y, (y, 0, 2)), (x, 0, 4))

    rectangle = Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4)

    assert (I_xx - rectangle.second_moment_of_area(p)[0]) == 0
    assert (I_yy - rectangle.second_moment_of_area(p)[1]) == 0
    assert (I_xy - rectangle.second_moment_of_area(p)[2]) == 0

    r = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 3)
    assert r.second_moment_of_area() == (1875*sqrt(3)/S(32), 1875*sqrt(3)/S(32), 0)
def test_reflect():
    b = Symbol('b')
    m = Symbol('m')
    l = Line((0, b), slope=m)
    p = Point(x, y)
    r = p.reflect(l)
    dp = l.perpendicular_segment(p).length
    dr = l.perpendicular_segment(r).length
    assert test_numerically(dp, dr)
    t = Triangle((0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 3))
    assert t.area == -t.reflect(l).area
    e = Ellipse((1, 0), 1, 2)
    assert e.area == -e.reflect(Line((1, 0), slope=0)).area
    assert e.area == -e.reflect(Line((1, 0), slope=oo)).area
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: e.reflect(Line((1, 0), slope=m)))
    # test entity overrides
    c = Circle((x, y), 3)
    cr = c.reflect(l)
    assert cr == Circle(r, -3)
    assert c.area == -cr.area
    pent = RegularPolygon((1, 2), 1, 5)
    l = Line((0, pi), slope=sqrt(2))
    rpent = pent.reflect(l)
    poly_pent = Polygon(*pent.vertices)
    assert rpent.center == pent.center.reflect(l)
    assert str([w.n(3) for w in rpent.vertices
                ]) == ('[Point(-0.586, 4.27), Point(-1.69, 4.66), '
                       'Point(-2.41, 3.73), Point(-1.74, 2.76), '
                       'Point(-0.616, 3.10)]')
    assert pent.area.equals(-rpent.area)
def test_reflect():
    b = Symbol('b')
    m = Symbol('m')
    l = Line((0, b), slope=m)
    p = Point(x, y)
    r = p.reflect(l)
    dp = l.perpendicular_segment(p).length
    dr = l.perpendicular_segment(r).length
    assert test_numerically(dp, dr)
    t = Triangle((0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 3))
    assert t.area == -t.reflect(l).area
    e = Ellipse((1, 0), 1, 2)
    assert e.area == -e.reflect(Line((1, 0), slope=0)).area
    assert e.area == -e.reflect(Line((1, 0), slope=oo)).area
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: e.reflect(Line((1,0), slope=m)))
    # test entity overrides
    c = Circle((x, y), 3)
    cr = c.reflect(l)
    assert cr == Circle(r, -3)
    assert c.area == -cr.area
    pent = RegularPolygon((1, 2), 1, 5)
    l = Line((0, pi), slope=sqrt(2))
    rpent = pent.reflect(l)
    poly_pent = Polygon(*pent.vertices)
    assert rpent.center == pent.center.reflect(l)
    assert str([w.n(3) for w in rpent.vertices]) == (
        '[Point(-0.586, 4.27), Point(-1.69, 4.66), '
        'Point(-2.41, 3.73), Point(-1.74, 2.76), '
        'Point(-0.616, 3.10)]')
    assert pent.area.equals(-rpent.area)
def test_reflect_entity_overrides():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    b = Symbol('b')
    m = Symbol('m')
    l = Line((0, b), slope=m)
    p = Point(x, y)
    r = p.reflect(l)
    c = Circle((x, y), 3)
    cr = c.reflect(l)
    assert cr == Circle(r, -3)
    assert c.area == -cr.area

    pent = RegularPolygon((1, 2), 1, 5)
    l = Line(pent.vertices[1],
        slope=Rational(random() - .5, random() - .5))
    rpent = pent.reflect(l)
    assert rpent.center == pent.center.reflect(l)
    rvert = [i.reflect(l) for i in pent.vertices]
    for v in rpent.vertices:
        for i in range(len(rvert)):
            ri = rvert[i]
            if ri.equals(v):
    assert not rvert
    assert pent.area.equals(-rpent.area)
def test_transform():
    pts = [Point(0, 0), Point(S.Half, Rational(1, 4)), Point(1, 1)]
    pts_out = [Point(-4, -10), Point(-3, Rational(-37, 4)), Point(-2, -7)]
    assert Triangle(*pts).scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == Triangle(*pts_out)
    assert RegularPolygon((0, 0), 1, 4).scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == \
        Polygon(Point(-2, -10), Point(-4, -7), Point(-6, -10), Point(-4, -13))
    # Checks for symmetric scaling
    assert RegularPolygon((0, 0), 1, 4).scale(2, 2) == \
        RegularPolygon(Point2D(0, 0), 2, 4, 0)
def test_section_modulus_and_polar_second_moment_of_area():
    a, b = symbols('a, b', positive=True)
    x, y = symbols('x, y')
    rectangle = Polygon((0, b), (0, 0), (a, 0), (a, b))
    assert rectangle.section_modulus(Point(x, y)) == (a*b**3/12/(-b/2 + y), a**3*b/12/(-a/2 + x))
    assert rectangle.polar_second_moment_of_area() == a**3*b/12 + a*b**3/12

    convex = RegularPolygon((0, 0), 1, 6)
    assert convex.section_modulus() == (5/S(8), 5*sqrt(3)/S(16))
    assert convex.polar_second_moment_of_area() == 5*sqrt(3)/S(8)

    concave = Polygon((0, 0), (1, 8), (3, 4), (4, 6), (7, 1))
    assert concave.section_modulus() == (-6371/S(429), -9778/S(519))
    assert concave.polar_second_moment_of_area() == -38669/S(252)
def test_convex_hull():
    p = [Point(-5, -1), Point(-2, 1), Point(-2, -1), Point(-1, -3), \
         Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(2, -1), Point(3, 1), \
         Point(4, -1), Point(6, 2)]
    ch = Polygon(p[0], p[3], p[9], p[10], p[6], p[1])
    #test handling of duplicate points

    #more than 3 collinear points
    another_p = [Point(-45, -85), Point(-45, 85), Point(-45, 26), \
                 Point(-45, -24)]
    ch2 = Segment(another_p[0], another_p[1])

    assert convex_hull(*another_p) == ch2
    assert convex_hull(*p) == ch
    assert convex_hull(p[0]) == p[0]
    assert convex_hull(p[0], p[1]) == Segment(p[0], p[1])

    # no unique points
    assert convex_hull(*[p[-1]]*3) == p[-1]

    # collection of items
    assert convex_hull(*[Point(0, 0), \
                        Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1)), \
                        RegularPolygon(Point(2, 0), 2, 4)]) == \
        Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(2, -2), Point(4, 0), Point(2, 2))
def test_intersection():
    poly1 = Triangle(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))
    poly2 = Polygon(Point(0, 1), Point(-5, 0),
                    Point(0, -4), Point(0, Rational(1, 5)),
                    Point(S.Half, -0.1), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))

    assert poly1.intersection(poly2) == [Point2D(Rational(1, 3), 0),
        Segment(Point(0, Rational(1, 5)), Point(0, 0)),
        Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly2.intersection(poly1) == [Point(Rational(1, 3), 0),
        Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(0, Rational(1, 5))),
        Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly1.intersection(Point(0, 0)) == [Point(0, 0)]
    assert poly1.intersection(Point(-12,  -43)) == []
    assert poly2.intersection(Line((-12, 0), (12, 0))) == [Point(-5, 0),
        Point(0, 0), Point(Rational(1, 3), 0), Point(1, 0)]
    assert poly2.intersection(Line((-12, 12), (12, 12))) == []
    assert poly2.intersection(Ray((-3, 4), (1, 0))) == [Segment(Point(1, 0),
        Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly2.intersection(Circle((0, -1), 1)) == [Point(0, -2),
        Point(0, 0)]
    assert poly1.intersection(poly1) == [Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)),
        Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(0, 0)), Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly2.intersection(poly2) == [Segment(Point(-5, 0), Point(0, -4)),
        Segment(Point(0, -4), Point(0, Rational(1, 5))),
        Segment(Point(0, Rational(1, 5)), Point(S.Half, Rational(-1, 10))),
        Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(-5, 0)),
        Segment(Point(S.Half, Rational(-1, 10)), Point(1, 0)),
        Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly2.intersection(Triangle(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(-1, 1))) \
        == [Point(Rational(-5, 7), Rational(6, 7)), Segment(Point2D(0, 1), Point(1, 0))]
    assert poly1.intersection(RegularPolygon((-12, -15), 3, 3)) == []
def test_cut_section():
    # concave polygon
    p = Polygon((-1, -1), (1, S(5)/2), (2, 1), (3, S(5)/2), (4, 2), (5, 3), (-1, 3))
    l = Line((0, 0), (S(9)/2, 3))
    p1 = p.cut_section(l)[0]
    p2 = p.cut_section(l)[1]
    assert p1 == Polygon(
        Point2D(-S(9)/13, -S(6)/13), Point2D(1, S(5)/2), Point2D(S(24)/13, S(16)/13),
        Point2D(S(12)/5, S(8)/5), Point2D(3, S(5)/2), Point2D(S(24)/7, S(16)/7),
        Point2D(S(9)/2, 3), Point2D(-1, 3), Point2D(-1, -S(2)/3))
    assert p2 == Polygon(Point2D(-1, -1), Point2D(-S(9)/13, -S(6)/13), Point2D(S(24)/13, S(16)/13),
        Point2D(2, 1), Point2D(S(12)/5, S(8)/5), Point2D(S(24)/7, S(16)/7), Point2D(4, 2), Point2D(5, 3),
        Point2D(S(9)/2, 3), Point2D(-1, -S(2)/3))

    # convex polygon
    p = RegularPolygon(Point2D(0,0), 6, 6)
    s = p.cut_section(Line((0, 0), slope=1))
    assert s[0] == Polygon(Point2D(-3*sqrt(3) + 9, -3*sqrt(3) + 9), Point2D(3, 3*sqrt(3)),
        Point2D(-3, 3*sqrt(3)), Point2D(-6, 0), Point2D(-9 + 3*sqrt(3), -9 + 3*sqrt(3)))
    assert s[1] == Polygon(Point2D(6, 0), Point2D(-3*sqrt(3) + 9, -3*sqrt(3) + 9),
        Point2D(-9 + 3*sqrt(3), -9 + 3*sqrt(3)), Point2D(-3, -3*sqrt(3)), Point2D(3, -3*sqrt(3)))

    # case where line does not intersects but coincides with the edge of polygon
    a, b = 20, 10
    t1, t2, t3, t4 = [(0, b), (0, 0), (a, 0), (a, b)]
    p = Polygon(t1, t2, t3, t4)
    p1, p2 = p.cut_section(Line((0, b), slope=0))
    assert p1 == None
    assert p2 == Polygon(Point2D(0, 10), Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(20, 0), Point2D(20, 10))

    p3, p4 = p.cut_section(Line((0, 0), slope=0))
    assert p3 == Polygon(Point2D(0, 10), Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(20, 0), Point2D(20, 10))
    assert p4 == None
def test_intersection():
    poly1 = Triangle(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))
    poly2 = Polygon(Point(0, 1), Point(-5, 0),
                    Point(0, -4), Point(0, S(1)/5),
                    Point(S(1)/2, -0.1), Point(1,0), Point(0, 1))

    assert poly1.intersection(poly2) == [Point2D(S(1)/3, 0),
        Segment(Point(0, S(1)/5), Point(0, 0)),
        Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly2.intersection(poly1) == [Point(S(1)/3, 0),
        Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(0, S(1)/5)),
        Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly1.intersection(Point(0, 0)) == [Point(0, 0)]
    assert poly1.intersection(Point(-12,  -43)) == []
    assert poly2.intersection(Line((-12, 0), (12, 0))) == [Point(-5, 0),
        Point(0, 0),Point(S(1)/3, 0), Point(1, 0)]
    assert poly2.intersection(Line((-12, 12), (12, 12))) == []
    assert poly2.intersection(Ray((-3,4), (1,0))) == [Segment(Point(1, 0),
        Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly2.intersection(Circle((0, -1), 1)) == [Point(0, -2),
        Point(0, 0)]
    assert poly1.intersection(poly1) == [Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)),
        Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(0, 0)), Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly2.intersection(poly2) == [Segment(Point(-5, 0), Point(0, -4)),
        Segment(Point(0, -4), Point(0, S(1)/5)),
        Segment(Point(0, S(1)/5), Point(S(1)/2, -S(1)/10)),
        Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(-5, 0)),
        Segment(Point(S(1)/2, -S(1)/10), Point(1, 0)),
        Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert poly2.intersection(Triangle(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(-1, 1))) \
        == [Point(-S(5)/7, S(6)/7), Segment(Point2D(0, 1), Point(1, 0))]
    assert poly1.intersection(RegularPolygon((-12, -15), 3, 3)) == []
def test_cut_section():
    # concave polygon
    p = Polygon((-1, -1), (1, Rational(5, 2)), (2, 1), (3, Rational(5, 2)), (4, 2), (5, 3), (-1, 3))
    l = Line((0, 0), (Rational(9, 2), 3))
    p1 = p.cut_section(l)[0]
    p2 = p.cut_section(l)[1]
    assert p1 == Polygon(
        Point2D(Rational(-9, 13), Rational(-6, 13)), Point2D(1, Rational(5, 2)), Point2D(Rational(24, 13), Rational(16, 13)),
        Point2D(Rational(12, 5), Rational(8, 5)), Point2D(3, Rational(5, 2)), Point2D(Rational(24, 7), Rational(16, 7)),
        Point2D(Rational(9, 2), 3), Point2D(-1, 3), Point2D(-1, Rational(-2, 3)))
    assert p2 == Polygon(Point2D(-1, -1), Point2D(Rational(-9, 13), Rational(-6, 13)), Point2D(Rational(24, 13), Rational(16, 13)),
        Point2D(2, 1), Point2D(Rational(12, 5), Rational(8, 5)), Point2D(Rational(24, 7), Rational(16, 7)), Point2D(4, 2), Point2D(5, 3),
        Point2D(Rational(9, 2), 3), Point2D(-1, Rational(-2, 3)))

    # convex polygon
    p = RegularPolygon(Point2D(0,0), 6, 6)
    s = p.cut_section(Line((0, 0), slope=1))
    assert s[0] == Polygon(Point2D(-3*sqrt(3) + 9, -3*sqrt(3) + 9), Point2D(3, 3*sqrt(3)),
        Point2D(-3, 3*sqrt(3)), Point2D(-6, 0), Point2D(-9 + 3*sqrt(3), -9 + 3*sqrt(3)))
    assert s[1] == Polygon(Point2D(6, 0), Point2D(-3*sqrt(3) + 9, -3*sqrt(3) + 9),
        Point2D(-9 + 3*sqrt(3), -9 + 3*sqrt(3)), Point2D(-3, -3*sqrt(3)), Point2D(3, -3*sqrt(3)))

    # case where line does not intersects but coincides with the edge of polygon
    a, b = 20, 10
    t1, t2, t3, t4 = [(0, b), (0, 0), (a, 0), (a, b)]
    p = Polygon(t1, t2, t3, t4)
    p1, p2 = p.cut_section(Line((0, b), slope=0))
    assert p1 == None
    assert p2 == Polygon(Point2D(0, 10), Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(20, 0), Point2D(20, 10))

    p3, p4 = p.cut_section(Line((0, 0), slope=0))
    assert p3 == Polygon(Point2D(0, 10), Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(20, 0), Point2D(20, 10))
    assert p4 == None
def test_subs():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    p = Point(x, 2)
    q = Point(1, 1)
    r = Point(3, 4)
    for o in [
            Segment(p, q),
            Ray(p, q),
            Line(p, q),
            Triangle(p, q, r),
            RegularPolygon(p, 3, 6),
            Polygon(p, q, r, Point(5, 4)),
            Circle(p, 3),
            Ellipse(p, 3, 4)
        assert 'y' in str(o.subs(x, y))
    assert p.subs({x: 1}) == Point(1, 2)
    assert Point(1, 2).subs(Point(1, 2), Point(3, 4)) == Point(3, 4)
    assert Point(1, 2).subs((1, 2), Point(3, 4)) == Point(3, 4)
    assert Point(1, 2).subs(Point(1, 2), Point(3, 4)) == Point(3, 4)
    assert Point(1, 2).subs(set([(1, 2)])) == Point(2, 2)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(1, 2).subs(1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(1, 1).subs(
        (Point(1, 1), Point(1, 2)), 1, 2))
def regular_polygons(draw, not_centre=None):
    centre = points()
    if not_centre:
        centre = centre.filter(centre.__ne__)

    return RegularPolygon(draw(centre),
                          draw(integers(min_value=1, max_value=100)),
                          draw(integers(min_value=3, max_value=6)))
def test_reflect_entity_overrides():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    b = Symbol('b')
    m = Symbol('m')
    l = Line((0, b), slope=m)
    p = Point(x, y)
    r = p.reflect(l)
    c = Circle((x, y), 3)
    cr = c.reflect(l)
    assert cr == Circle(r, -3)
    assert c.area == -cr.area

    pent = RegularPolygon((1, 2), 1, 5)
    l = Line((0, pi), slope=sqrt(2))
    rpent = pent.reflect(l)
    assert rpent.center == pent.center.reflect(l)
    assert str([w.n(3) for w in rpent.vertices]) == (
        '[Point2D(-0.586, 4.27), Point2D(-1.69, 4.66), '
        'Point2D(-2.41, 3.73), Point2D(-1.74, 2.76), '
        'Point2D(-0.616, 3.10)]')
    assert pent.area.equals(-rpent.area)
def test_reflect_entity_overrides():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    b = Symbol('b')
    m = Symbol('m')
    l = Line((0, b), slope=m)
    p = Point(x, y)
    r = p.reflect(l)
    c = Circle((x, y), 3)
    cr = c.reflect(l)
    assert cr == Circle(r, -3)
    assert c.area == -cr.area

    pent = RegularPolygon((1, 2), 1, 5)
    l = Line((0, pi), slope=sqrt(2))
    rpent = pent.reflect(l)
    assert rpent.center == pent.center.reflect(l)
    assert str([w.n(3) for w in rpent.vertices
                ]) == ('[Point2D(-0.586, 4.27), Point2D(-1.69, 4.66), '
                       'Point2D(-2.41, 3.73), Point2D(-1.74, 2.76), '
                       'Point2D(-0.616, 3.10)]')
    assert pent.area.equals(-rpent.area)
def test_subs():
    p = Point(x, 2)
    q = Point(1, 1)
    r = Point(3, 4)
    for o in [p,
              Segment(p, q),
              Ray(p, q),
              Line(p, q),
              Triangle(p, q, r),
              RegularPolygon(p, 3, 6),
              Polygon(p, q, r, Point(5,4)),
              Circle(p, 3),
              Ellipse(p, 3, 4)]:
        assert 'y' in str(o.subs(x, y))
def test_free_symbols():
    a, b, c, d, e, f, s = symbols('a:f,s')
    assert Point(a,b).free_symbols == set([a, b])
    assert Line((a,b),(c,d)).free_symbols == set([a, b, c, d])
    assert Ray((a,b),(c,d)).free_symbols == set([a, b, c, d])
    assert Ray((a,b),angle=c).free_symbols == set([a, b, c])
    assert Segment((a,b),(c,d)).free_symbols == set([a, b, c, d])
    assert Line((a,b),slope=c).free_symbols == set([a, b, c])
    assert Curve((a*s,b*s),(s,c,d)).free_symbols == set([a, b, c, d])
    assert Ellipse((a,b),c,d).free_symbols == set([a, b, c, d])
    assert Ellipse((a,b),c, eccentricity=d).free_symbols == set([a, b, c, d])
    assert Ellipse((a,b),vradius=c, eccentricity=d).free_symbols == set([a, b, c, d])
    assert Circle((a,b),c).free_symbols == set([a, b, c])
    assert Circle((a,b),(c,d),(e,f)).free_symbols == set([e, d, c, b, f, a])
    assert Polygon((a,b),(c,d),(e,f)).free_symbols == set([e, b, d, f, a, c])
    assert RegularPolygon((a,b),c,d,e).free_symbols == set([e, a, b, c, d])
def test_entity():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)

    assert GeometryEntity(x, y) in GeometryEntity(x, y)
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: Point(0, 0) in GeometryEntity(x, y))

    assert GeometryEntity(x, y) == GeometryEntity(x, y)
    assert GeometryEntity(x, y).equals(GeometryEntity(x, y))

    c = Circle((0, 0), 5)
    assert GeometryEntity.encloses(c, Point(0, 0))
    assert GeometryEntity.encloses(c, Segment((0, 0), (1, 1)))
    assert GeometryEntity.encloses(c, Line((0, 0), (1, 1))) is False
    assert GeometryEntity.encloses(c, Circle((0, 0), 4))
    assert GeometryEntity.encloses(c, Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1)))
    assert GeometryEntity.encloses(c, RegularPolygon(Point(8, 8), 1, 3)) is False
def test_geometry_EvalfMixin():
    x = pi
    t = Symbol('t')
    for g in [
            Point(x, x),
            Plane(Point(0, x, 0), (0, 0, x)),
            Curve((x * t, x), (t, 0, x)),
            Ellipse((x, x), x, -x),
            Circle((x, x), x),
            Line((0, x), (x, 0)),
            Segment((0, x), (x, 0)),
            Ray((0, x), (x, 0)),
            Parabola((0, x), Line((-x, 0), (x, 0))),
            Polygon((0, 0), (0, x), (x, 0), (x, x)),
            RegularPolygon((0, x), x, 4, x),
            Triangle((0, 0), (x, 0), (x, x)),
        assert str(g).replace('pi', '3.1') == str(g.n(2))
def test_geometry_transforms():
    from sympy import Tuple
    c = Curve((x, x**2), (x, 0, 1))
    pts = [Point(0, 0), Point(S(1) / 2, S(1) / 4), Point(1, 1)]
    cout = Curve((2 * x - 4, 3 * x**2 - 10), (x, 0, 1))
    pts_out = [Point(-4, -10), Point(-3, -S(37) / 4), Point(-2, -7)]
    assert c.scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == cout
    assert [c.subs(x, xi / 2) for xi in Tuple(0, 1, 2)] == pts
    assert [cout.subs(x, xi / 2) for xi in Tuple(0, 1, 2)] == pts_out
    assert Triangle(*pts).scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == Triangle(*pts_out)

    assert Ellipse((0, 0), 2, 3).scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == \
        Ellipse(Point(-4, -10), 4, 9)
    assert Circle((0, 0), 2).scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == \
        Ellipse(Point(-4, -10), 4, 6)
    assert Ellipse((0, 0), 2, 3).scale(3, 3, (4, 5)) == \
        Ellipse(Point(-8, -10), 6, 9)
    assert Circle((0, 0), 2).scale(3, 3, (4, 5)) == \
        Circle(Point(-8, -10), 6)
    assert Circle(Point(-8, -10), 6).scale(S(1)/3, S(1)/3, (4, 5)) == \
        Circle((0, 0), 2)
    assert Curve((x + y, 3*x), (x, 0, 1)).subs(y, S.Half) == \
        Curve((x + S(1)/2, 3*x), (x, 0, 1))
    assert Curve((x, 3*x), (x, 0, 1)).translate(4, 5) == \
        Curve((x + 4, 3*x + 5), (x, 0, 1))
    assert Circle((0, 0), 2).translate(4, 5) == \
        Circle((4, 5), 2)
    assert Circle((0, 0), 2).scale(3, 3) == \
        Circle((0, 0), 6)
    assert Point(1, 1).scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == \
        Point(-2, -7)
    assert Point(1, 1).translate(4, 5) == \
        Point(5, 6)
    assert scale(1, 2, (3, 4)).tolist() == \
        [[1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, -4, 1]]
    assert RegularPolygon((0, 0), 1, 4).scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == \
        Polygon(Point(-2, -10), Point(-4, -7), Point(-6, -10), Point(-4, -13))
def test_ellipse():
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(1, 1)
    p4 = Point(0, 1)

    e1 = Ellipse(p1, 1, 1)
    e2 = Ellipse(p2, half, 1)
    e3 = Ellipse(p1, y1, y1)
    c1 = Circle(p1, 1)
    c2 = Circle(p2, 1)
    c3 = Circle(Point(sqrt(2), sqrt(2)), 1)

    # Test creation with three points
    cen, rad = Point(3 * half, 2), 5 * half
    assert Circle(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(0, 4)) == Circle(cen, rad)
    raises(GeometryError, "Circle(Point(0,0), Point(1,1), Point(2,2))")

    raises(ValueError, "Ellipse(None, None, None, 1)")
    raises(GeometryError, "Circle(Point(0,0))")

    # Basic Stuff
    assert Ellipse(None, 1, 1).center == Point(0, 0)
    assert e1 == c1
    assert e1 != e2
    assert p4 in e1
    assert p2 not in e2
    assert e1.area == pi
    assert e2.area == pi / 2
    assert e3.area == pi * (y1**2)
    assert c1.area == e1.area
    assert c1.circumference == e1.circumference
    assert e3.circumference == 2 * pi * y1
    assert e1.plot_interval() == e2.plot_interval() == [t, -pi, pi]
    assert e1.plot_interval(x) == e2.plot_interval(x) == [x, -pi, pi]
    assert Ellipse(None, 1, None, 1).circumference == 2 * pi
    assert c1.minor == 1

    # Private Functions
    assert hash(c1) == hash(Circle(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1)))
    assert c1 in e1
    assert (Line(p1, p2) in e1) == False
    assert e1.__cmp__(e1) == 0
    assert e1.__cmp__(Point(0, 0)) > 0

    # Encloses
    assert e1.encloses(Segment(Point(-0.5, -0.5), Point(0.5, 0.5))) == True
    assert e1.encloses(Line(p1, p2)) == False
    assert e1.encloses(Ray(p1, p2)) == False
    assert e1.encloses(e1) == False
    assert e1.encloses(
        Polygon(Point(-0.5, -0.5), Point(-0.5, 0.5), Point(0.5, 0.5))) == True
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p1, 0.5, 3)) == True
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p1, 5, 3)) == False
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p2, 5, 3)) == False

    # with generic symbols, the hradius is assumed to contain the major radius
    M = Symbol('M')
    m = Symbol('m')
    c = Ellipse(p1, M, m).circumference
    _x = c.atoms(Dummy).pop()
    assert c == \
        4*M*C.Integral(sqrt((1 - _x**2*(M**2 - m**2)/M**2)/(1 - _x**2)), (_x, 0, 1))

    assert e2.arbitrary_point() in e2

    # Foci
    f1, f2 = Point(sqrt(12), 0), Point(-sqrt(12), 0)
    ef = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 4, 2)
    assert ef.foci in [(f1, f2), (f2, f1)]

    # Tangents
    v = sqrt(2) / 2
    p1_1 = Point(v, v)
    p1_2 = p2 + Point(half, 0)
    p1_3 = p2 + Point(0, 1)
    assert e1.tangent_lines(p4) == c1.tangent_lines(p4)
    assert e2.tangent_lines(p1_2) == [Line(p1_2, p2 + Point(half, 1))]
    assert e2.tangent_lines(p1_3) == [Line(p1_3, p2 + Point(half, 1))]
    assert c1.tangent_lines(p1_1) == [Line(p1_1, Point(0, sqrt(2)))]
    assert c1.tangent_lines(p1) == []
    assert e2.is_tangent(Line(p1_2, p2 + Point(half, 1)))
    assert e2.is_tangent(Line(p1_3, p2 + Point(half, 1)))
    assert c1.is_tangent(Line(p1_1, Point(0, sqrt(2))))
    assert e1.is_tangent(Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))) == False
    assert c1.is_tangent(e1) == False
    assert c1.is_tangent(Ellipse(Point(2, 0), 1, 1)) == True
    assert c1.is_tangent(Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(1, -1), Point(2,
                                                                  0))) == True
    assert c1.is_tangent(Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(2,
                                                                 0))) == False

    assert Ellipse(Point(5, 5), 2, 1).tangent_lines(Point(0, 0)) == \
    [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(S(77)/25, S(132)/25)),
     Line(Point(0, 0), Point(S(33)/5, S(22)/5))]
    assert Ellipse(Point(5, 5), 2, 1).tangent_lines(Point(3, 4)) == \
    [Line(Point(3, 4), Point(4, 4)), Line(Point(3, 4), Point(3, 5))]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 2).tangent_lines(Point(3, 3)) == \
    [Line(Point(3, 3), Point(4, 3)), Line(Point(3, 3), Point(3, 4))]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 2).tangent_lines(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5)) == \
    [Line(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5), Point(5 - sqrt(2), 5 - sqrt(2))),
     Line(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5), Point(5 - sqrt(2), 5 + sqrt(2))),]

    # Properties
    major = 3
    minor = 1
    e4 = Ellipse(p2, minor, major)
    assert e4.focus_distance == sqrt(major**2 - minor**2)
    ecc = e4.focus_distance / major
    assert e4.eccentricity == ecc
    assert e4.periapsis == major * (1 - ecc)
    assert e4.apoapsis == major * (1 + ecc)
    # independent of orientation
    e4 = Ellipse(p2, major, minor)
    assert e4.focus_distance == sqrt(major**2 - minor**2)
    ecc = e4.focus_distance / major
    assert e4.eccentricity == ecc
    assert e4.periapsis == major * (1 - ecc)
    assert e4.apoapsis == major * (1 + ecc)

    # Intersection
    l1 = Line(Point(1, -5), Point(1, 5))
    l2 = Line(Point(-5, -1), Point(5, -1))
    l3 = Line(Point(-1, -1), Point(1, 1))
    l4 = Line(Point(-10, 0), Point(0, 10))
    pts_c1_l3 = [
        Point(sqrt(2) / 2,
              sqrt(2) / 2),
        Point(-sqrt(2) / 2, -sqrt(2) / 2)

    assert intersection(e2, l4) == []
    assert intersection(c1, Point(1, 0)) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, l1) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, l2) == [Point(0, -1)]
    assert intersection(c1, l3) in [pts_c1_l3, [pts_c1_l3[1], pts_c1_l3[0]]]
    assert intersection(c1, c2) in [[(1, 0), (0, 1)], [(0, 1), (1, 0)]]
    assert intersection(c1, c3) == [(sqrt(2) / 2, sqrt(2) / 2)]
    assert e1.intersection(l1) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert e2.intersection(l4) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Circle(Point(0, 2), 1)) == [Point(0, 1)]
    assert e1.intersection(Circle(Point(5, 0), 1)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Ellipse(Point(2, 0), 1, 1)) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert e1.intersection(Ellipse(
        Point(5, 0),
    )) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Point(2, 0)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(e1) == e1

    # some special case intersections
    csmall = Circle(p1, 3)
    cbig = Circle(p1, 5)
    cout = Circle(Point(5, 5), 1)
    # one circle inside of another
    assert csmall.intersection(cbig) == []
    # separate circles
    assert csmall.intersection(cout) == []
    # coincident circles
    assert csmall.intersection(csmall) == csmall

    v = sqrt(2)
    t1 = Triangle(Point(0, v), Point(0, -v), Point(v, 0))
    points = intersection(t1, c1)
    assert len(points) == 4
    assert Point(0, 1) in points
    assert Point(0, -1) in points
    assert Point(v / 2, v / 2) in points
    assert Point(v / 2, -v / 2) in points

    circ = Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    elip = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 20)
    assert intersection(circ, elip) in \
        [[Point(5, 0), Point(-5, 0)], [Point(-5, 0), Point(5, 0)]]
    assert elip.tangent_lines(Point(0, 0)) == []
    elip = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 3, 2)
    assert elip.tangent_lines(Point(3,
                                    0)) == [Line(Point(3, 0), Point(3, -12))]

    e1 = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 10)
    e2 = Ellipse(Point(2, 1), 4, 8)
    a = S(53) / 17
    c = 2 * sqrt(3991) / 17
    ans = [Point(a - c / 8, a / 2 + c), Point(a + c / 8, a / 2 - c)]
    assert e1.intersection(e2) == ans
    e2 = Ellipse(Point(x, y), 4, 8)
    ans = list(reversed(ans))
    assert [p.subs({x: 2, y: 1}) for p in e1.intersection(e2)] == ans

    # Combinations of above
    assert e3.is_tangent(e3.tangent_lines(p1 + Point(y1, 0))[0])

    e = Ellipse((1, 2), 3, 2)
    assert e.tangent_lines(Point(10, 0)) == \
       [Line(Point(10, 0), Point(1, 0)),
        Line(Point(10, 0), Point(S(14)/5, S(18)/5))]

    # encloses_point
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 1, 2)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(0, e.vradius - Rational(1, 10)))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius - Rational(1, 10), 0))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius, 0)) is False
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center +
                            Point(e.hradius + Rational(1, 10), 0)) is False
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2, 1)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(0, e.vradius - Rational(1, 10)))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius - Rational(1, 10), 0))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius, 0)) is False
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center +
                            Point(e.hradius + Rational(1, 10), 0)) is False
    assert c1.encloses_point(Point(1, 0)) is False
    assert c1.encloses_point(Point(0.3, 0.4)) is True
def HexArray(Separation = 14.6, hexNum = 11, 
             SplitCore = False,
             NineWaySplitCore = False,
             SplitCoreOutriggers = False,
             JoshsOutriggers = False, 
             RedundantOutriggers = False, 
             LoadHERAOutriggers = False,
             fiducialInriggers = False, 
             redundantTriangleInriggers = False,
             redundantPairInriggers = False,
             redundantHexInriggers = False,
             halfCornerInriggers = False,
             fullCornerInriggers = False, **kwargs):

    precisionFactor = 1000000        
    #Calculating Positions:
    #Main Hex
    positions = [];
    for row in range(hexNum-1,-(hexNum)+SplitCore,-1):
   # for row in range(hexNum-1,-(hexNum),-1):
        for col in range(2*hexNum-abs(row)-1):
            xPos = ((-(2*hexNum-abs(row))+2)/2.0 + col)*Separation;
            yPos = row*Separation*3**.5/2;
            positions.append([xPos, yPos, 0])
    nCore = len(positions)

    right = Separation*np.asarray([1,0,0])
    up = Separation*np.asarray([0,1,0])
    upRight = Separation*np.asarray([.5,3**.5/2,0])
    upLeft = Separation*np.asarray([-.5,3**.5/2,0])

#    #Split the core into 3 pieces
    if SplitCore:
        for i,pos in enumerate(positions):          
            theta = np.arctan2(pos[1],pos[0])
            if not (pos[0]==0 and pos[1]==0):
                if (theta > -np.pi/3 and theta < np.pi/3):
                    positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) + (upRight + upLeft)/3
                if (theta >= np.pi/3 and theta < np.pi):
                    positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) +upLeft  - (upRight + upLeft)/3

    if NineWaySplitCore:
        from sympy.geometry import RegularPolygon, Point, Polygon
        distances = np.asarray([np.linalg.norm(pos) for pos in positions])
        fullRadius = np.max(distances)
        interiorHex = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1.001*3**-.5*fullRadius, 6)
        interiorHex = Polygon(*[Point(vert.x.evalf(), vert.y.evalf()) for vert in interiorHex.vertices])

        isInterior = np.zeros(len(positions),dtype=bool)    
        for i,pos in enumerate(positions):
            if distances[i] < fullRadius/2.0: isInterior[i] = True
            elif distances[i] <= 3**-.5*fullRadius and interiorHex.encloses_point(Point(pos[0],pos[1])): isInterior[i] = True

        v1 = (upRight + upLeft)/3       
        v2 = right/3
        for i,pos in enumerate(positions):
            theta = np.arctan2(pos[1],pos[0])
            if isInterior[i]:
                if not (pos[0]==0 and pos[1]==0):
                    if (theta > -np.pi/3 and theta < np.pi/3): #right
                        positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) +v1
                    if (theta >= np.pi/3 and theta < np.pi): #top left
                        positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) +upLeft  - v1
                if (theta > -np.pi/6 and theta < np.pi/6): #right
                    positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) + 2*v2
                if (theta <= -5*np.pi/6 or theta >= 5*np.pi/6): #left
                    positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) -v2 - right
                if (theta > -np.pi/2 and theta <= -np.pi/6): #bottom right
                    positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) -v1 +v2
                if (theta > -5*np.pi/6 and theta <= -np.pi/2): #bottom left
                    positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) -v1-v2
                if (theta >= np.pi/6 and theta < np.pi/2): #top right
                    positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) + v1 + 2*v2
                if (theta >= np.pi/2 and theta < 5*np.pi/6): #top left
                    positions[i] = np.asarray(pos) +v1-2*v2 

    nCore = len(positions)

    #Aaron's fiducial inriggers
    if fiducialInriggers:
        print "adding Aaron's inriggers"        
        if hexNum % 2 == 1:
            positions.append(upRight + ((hexNum-1)/2 + 1.0/3**.5/2.0) * (upLeft + upRight))
            positions.append(right + ((hexNum-1)/2 + 1.0/3**.5/2.0) * (right + upRight))
            positions.append(right + ((hexNum+1)/2 + 1.0/3**.5/2.0) * (-right + upLeft))
            positions.append(((hexNum)/2 + 1.0/3**.5/2.0) * (upLeft + upRight))
            positions.append(((hexNum)/2 + 1.0/3**.5/2.0) * (right + upRight))
            positions.append(((hexNum)/2 + 1.0/3**.5/2.0) * (-right + upLeft))

    #Redundant Inriggers
    if redundantTriangleInriggers or redundantPairInriggers or redundantHexInriggers:
        hexNumInrigger = 2
        if hexNum % 2 == 1:            
            inriggerCenters = [((hexNum-1)/2) * (upLeft + upRight) + upLeft + upLeft + right + (right + upRight)/3,       #top
                               -((hexNum-1)/2) * (upLeft + upRight) - upLeft - upLeft - 2*(right + upRight)/3,    #bottom
                                -(-(hexNum-1)/2 * (upRight + right) - upRight - right - (right + upRight)/3),     #top right  
                                -((hexNum-1)/2 * (upRight + right) + upRight  + 2*(right + upRight)/3),      #bottom left
                                (hexNum-1)/2 * (upLeft - right) + upLeft + upRight - right - 2*(right + upRight)/3,   #top left
                                -(hexNum-1)/2 * (upLeft - right) - upLeft + right + (right + upRight)/3]        #top right
            inriggerCenters = [hexNum/2 * (upLeft + upRight) + upLeft  + (right + upRight)/3,       #top
                               -hexNum/2 * (upLeft + upRight) - upLeft - 2*(right + upRight)/3,    #bottom
                                hexNum/2 * (upRight + right)   + 2*(right + upRight)/3,      #top right
                                -hexNum/2 * (upRight + right) - right - (right + upRight)/3,       #bottom left
                                hexNum/2 * (upLeft - right) + upRight - right - 2*(right + upRight)/3,   #top left
                                -hexNum/2 * (upLeft - right) - upLeft  + (right + upRight)/3]        #top right
        for newCenter in inriggerCenters:            
            for row in range(hexNumInrigger-1,-(hexNumInrigger),-1):
                for col in range(2*hexNumInrigger-abs(row)-1):
                    xPos = ((-(2*hexNumInrigger-abs(row))+2)/2.0 + col)*Separation + newCenter[0]
                    yPos = row*Separation*3**.5/2 + newCenter[1]
                    if redundantHexInriggers: positions.append([xPos, yPos, 0])
                    elif redundantTriangleInriggers:
                        if (xPos**2+yPos**2)**.5 < np.linalg.norm(newCenter) or np.array_equal(np.array([xPos, yPos, 0]), newCenter): positions.append([xPos, yPos, 0])
                    elif redundantPairInriggers:
                        if (xPos**2+yPos**2)**.5 < np.linalg.norm(newCenter): positions.append([xPos, yPos, 0])
    #Redundantly calibratable inriggers with full UV coverage
    if fullCornerInriggers or halfCornerInriggers:
        positions.append(hexNum * (upLeft) + (right + upRight)/3)
        positions.append(hexNum * (upLeft) - (right + upRight)/3)
        positions.append(hexNum * (upRight) + (-right + upLeft)/3)
        positions.append(hexNum * (upRight) - (-right + upLeft)/3)
        positions.append(hexNum * (right) + (upRight + upLeft)/3)
        positions.append(hexNum * (right) - (upRight + upLeft)/3)        
        if fullCornerInriggers:
            positions.append(-(hexNum * (upLeft) + (right + upRight)/3))
            positions.append(-(hexNum * (upLeft)  - (right + upRight)/3))
            positions.append(-(hexNum * (upRight) + (-right + upLeft)/3))
            positions.append(-(hexNum * (upRight) - (-right + upLeft)/3))
            positions.append(-(hexNum * (right) + (upRight + upLeft)/3))
            positions.append(-(hexNum * (right) - (upRight + upLeft)/3))

    #Half Wavelength Stuff
#    for i in range(1,14):
#        positions.append(i*(upLeft + upRight)/27)

    if SplitCoreOutriggers:
        exteriorHexNum = 4
        for row in range(exteriorHexNum-1,-(exteriorHexNum),-1):
            for col in range(2*exteriorHexNum-abs(row)-1):
                xPos = ((-(2*exteriorHexNum-abs(row))+2)/2.0 + col)*Separation*(hexNum-1)
                yPos = row*Separation*(hexNum-1)*3**.5/2
                theta = np.arctan2(yPos,xPos)       
                if ((xPos**2 + yPos**2)**.5 > Separation*(hexNum+1)):
                    if (theta > -np.pi/3 and theta < np.pi/3):
                        positions.append(np.asarray([xPos, yPos, 0]) + (upRight + upLeft)/3)
                    elif (theta >= np.pi/3 and theta < np.pi):
                        positions.append(np.asarray([xPos, yPos, 0]) +upLeft - (upRight + upLeft)/3)
                        positions.append([xPos, yPos, 0])

    if JoshsOutriggers:
        outriggerHexNum = 3
        for row in range(outriggerHexNum-1,-(outriggerHexNum),-1):
            for col in range(2*outriggerHexNum-abs(row)-1):
                xPos = ((-(2*outriggerHexNum-abs(row))+2)/2.0 + col)*Separation*(np.floor(1.5*hexNum));
                yPos = row*Separation*(np.floor(1.5*hexNum))*3**.5/2;
                if xPos != 0 or yPos != 0:    
                    positions.append([xPos, yPos, 0])

    if RedundantOutriggers:
        outriggerHexNum = 3
        for row in range(outriggerHexNum-1,-(outriggerHexNum),-1):
            for col in range(2*outriggerHexNum-abs(row)-1):
                yPos = ((-(2*outriggerHexNum-abs(row))+2)/2.0 + col)*Separation*(3**.5*(hexNum-1));
                xPos = row*Separation*(3**.5*(hexNum-1))*3**.5/2;
                if xPos != 0 or yPos != 0:    
                    positions.append([xPos, yPos, 0])
    if LoadHERAOutriggers:
        outriggerPositions = np.loadtxt(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/hexconfig352_outriggers_only.dat')
        for outrigger in outriggerPositions:
        precisionFactor = 10000

    #Calculating Baselines    
    nAntennas = len(positions)
    baselines = []
    baselinePairs = []
    for ant1 in range(nAntennas):
        for ant2 in range(ant1+1,nAntennas):
            deltax = int(np.round(precisionFactor*(positions[ant1][0]-positions[ant2][0])))
            deltay = int(np.round(precisionFactor*(positions[ant1][1]-positions[ant2][1])))
            deltaz = int(np.round(precisionFactor*(positions[ant1][2]-positions[ant2][2])))
            if (deltax**2+deltay**2+deltaz**2 < precisionFactor**2*Separation**2): print "WARNING: antennas " + str(ant1) + " and " + str(ant2) + " are too close together!"
            if deltay > 0 or (deltay == 0 and deltax > 0):                
                baselines.append((deltax, deltay, deltaz))
                baselinePairs.append((ant1, ant2))
                baselines.append((-deltax, -deltay, -deltaz))
                baselinePairs.append((ant2, ant1))                
    #Calculating Unique Baselines
    baselineDict = {}
    for b in range(len(baselines)):
        if baselineDict.has_key(baselines[b]):
            baselineDict[baselines[b]] = [baselinePairs[b]]
    print "With", len(positions), "antennas there are", len(baselineDict.items()), "unique baselines."
    #Saving results
    scriptDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    np.savetxt(scriptDirectory + "/antenna_positions.dat",np.asarray(positions))
    np.savetxt(scriptDirectory + "/all_baselines.dat",np.asarray(baselines)/(1.0*precisionFactor))
    np.savetxt(scriptDirectory + "/all_baseline_pairs.dat",np.asarray(baselinePairs),fmt='%i')
    np.savetxt(scriptDirectory + "/unique_baselines.dat",np.asarray([uniqueBaseline[0] for uniqueBaseline in baselineDict.items()])/(1.0*precisionFactor))
    np.savetxt(scriptDirectory + "/redundancy.dat",np.asarray([len(uniqueBaseline[1]) for uniqueBaseline in baselineDict.items()]),fmt='%i')
    antennaPairDict = {}
    for uniqueIndex in range(len(baselineDict.items())):
        allItems = baselineDict.items()
        for antennaPair in allItems[uniqueIndex][1]:
            antennaPairDict[antennaPair] = uniqueIndex
    pickle.dump(antennaPairDict, open(scriptDirectory + "/antennaPairUniqueBaselineIndexDict.p", 'w'))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        from mpldatacursor import datacursor        
        uniqueBaselines = np.asarray([uniqueBaseline[0] for uniqueBaseline in baselineDict.items()])/(1.0*precisionFactor)
        redundancy = np.asarray([len(uniqueBaseline[1]) for uniqueBaseline in baselineDict.items()])
        uniqueBaselines = np.append(uniqueBaselines, -uniqueBaselines, axis=0)
        redundancy = np.append(redundancy, redundancy, axis=0)
#        plt.scatter(uniqueBaselines[:,0]/1.0/Separation, uniqueBaselines[:,1]/1.0/Separation,c=np.minimum(redundancy,100000),s=40)
        plt.scatter(uniqueBaselines[:,0]/1.0/1.5, uniqueBaselines[:,1]/1.0/1.5,c=np.minimum(redundancy,100000),s=40)
        plt.title('Baseline Redundancy')
        return np.asarray(positions)
def test_polygon():
    t = Triangle(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3))
    assert Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3)) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3), Point(0, 0)) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3), Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)) == t

    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(6, 0), Point(4, 5),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(0, 3))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(6, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 3),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(4, 5))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(5, 2), Point(4, 4))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(5, 2), Point(3, 0))

    # General polygon
    assert p1 == p2
    assert len(p1) == 6
    assert len(p1.sides) == 6
    assert p1.perimeter == 5 + 2 * sqrt(10) + sqrt(29) + sqrt(8)
    assert p1.area == 22
    assert not p1.is_convex()
    assert p3.is_convex()
    assert p4.is_convex(
    )  # ensure convex for both CW and CCW point specification

    # Regular polygon
    p1 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)
    p2 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 5)

    assert p1 != p2
    assert p1.interior_angle == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.exterior_angle == 2 * pi / 5
    assert p2.apothem == 5 * cos(pi / 5)
    assert p2.circumcircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    assert p2.incircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), p2.apothem)
    assert p1.is_convex()
    assert p1.rotation == 0
    p1.spin(pi / 3)
    assert p1.rotation == pi / 3
    assert p1[0] == Point(5, 5 * sqrt(3))
    # while spin works in place (notice that rotation is 2pi/3 below)
    # rotate returns a new object
    p1_old = p1
    assert p1.rotate(pi / 3) == RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5, 2 * pi / 3)
    assert p1 == p1_old

    # Angles
    angles = p4.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    angles = p3.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    # Triangle
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(5, 0)
    p3 = Point(0, 5)
    t1 = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
    t2 = Triangle(p1, p2, Point(Rational(5, 2), sqrt(Rational(75, 4))))
    t3 = Triangle(p1, Point(x1, 0), Point(0, x1))
    s1 = t1.sides

    # Basic stuff
    assert Triangle(p1, p1, p1) == p1
    assert Triangle(p2, p2 * 2, p2 * 3) == Segment(p2, p2 * 3)
    assert t1.area == Rational(25, 2)
    assert t1.is_right()
    assert t2.is_right() == False
    assert t3.is_right()
    assert p1 in t1
    assert t1.sides[0] in t1
    assert Segment((0, 0), (1, 0)) in t1
    assert Point(5, 5) not in t2
    assert t1.is_convex()
    assert feq(t1.angles[p1].evalf(), pi.evalf() / 2)

    assert t1.is_equilateral() == False
    assert t2.is_equilateral()
    assert t3.is_equilateral() == False
    assert are_similar(t1, t2) == False
    assert are_similar(t1, t3)
    assert are_similar(t2, t3) == False

    # Bisectors
    bisectors = t1.bisectors()
    assert bisectors[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    ic = (250 - 125 * sqrt(2)) / 50
    assert t1.incenter == Point(ic, ic)

    # Inradius
    assert t1.inradius == 5 - 5 * sqrt(2) / 2
    assert t2.inradius == 5 * sqrt(3) / 6
    assert t3.inradius == x1**2 / ((2 + sqrt(2)) * Abs(x1))

    # Medians + Centroid
    m = t1.medians
    assert t1.centroid == Point(Rational(5, 3), Rational(5, 3))
    assert m[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert t3.medians[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(x1 / 2, x1 / 2))
    assert intersection(m[p1], m[p2], m[p3]) == [t1.centroid]

    # Perpendicular
    altitudes = t1.altitudes
    assert altitudes[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert altitudes[p2] == s1[0]
    assert altitudes[p3] == s1[2]

    # Ensure
    assert len(intersection(*bisectors.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*altitudes.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*m.values())) == 1

    # Distance
    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(0, 1))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(0,
                       Rational(5) / 4), Point(1,
                                               Rational(5) / 4),
                       Rational(9) / 4), Point(0,
                                               Rational(9) / 4))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(1, 2), Point(2, 2), Point(2, 1))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(Rational(6) / 5, 1),
                       Rational(6) / 5))
    pt1 = Point(half, half)
    pt2 = Point(1, 1)
    '''Polygon to Point'''
    assert p1.distance(pt1) == half
    assert p1.distance(pt2) == 0
    assert p2.distance(pt1) == Rational(3) / 4
    assert p3.distance(pt2) == sqrt(2) / 2
def test_polygon():
    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(6, 0), Point(4, 5),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(0, 3))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(6, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 3),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(4, 5))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(5, 2), Point(4, 4))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(5, 2), Point(3, 0))

    # General polygon
    assert p1 == p2
    assert len(p1) == Rational(6)
    assert len(p1.sides) == 6
    assert p1.perimeter == 5 + 2 * sqrt(10) + sqrt(29) + sqrt(8)
    assert p1.area == 22
    assert not p1.is_convex()
    assert p3.is_convex()
    assert p4.is_convex(
    )  # ensure convex for both CW and CCW point specification

    # Regular polygon
    p1 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)
    p2 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 5)

    assert p1 != p2
    assert p1.interior_angle == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.exterior_angle == 2 * pi / 5
    assert p2.apothem == 5 * cos(pi / 5)
    assert p2.circumcircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    assert p2.incircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), p2.apothem)
    assert p1.is_convex()

    # Angles
    angles = p4.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Real("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Real("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Real("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Real("2.3561944901923449"))

    angles = p3.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Real("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Real("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Real("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Real("2.3561944901923449"))

    # Triangle
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(5, 0)
    p3 = Point(0, 5)
    t1 = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
    t2 = Triangle(p1, p2, Point(Rational(5, 2), sqrt(Rational(75, 4))))
    t3 = Triangle(p1, Point(x1, 0), Point(0, x1))
    s1 = t1.sides
    s2 = t2.sides
    s3 = t3.sides

    # Basic stuff
    assert t1.area == Rational(25, 2)
    assert t1.is_right()
    assert t2.is_right() == False
    assert t3.is_right()
    assert p1 in t1
    assert Point(5, 5) not in t2
    assert t1.is_convex()
    assert feq(t1.angles[p1].evalf(), pi.evalf() / 2)

    assert t1.is_equilateral() == False
    assert t2.is_equilateral()
    assert t3.is_equilateral() == False
    assert are_similar(t1, t2) == False
    assert are_similar(t1, t3)
    assert are_similar(t2, t3) == False

    # Bisectors
    bisectors = t1.bisectors
    assert bisectors[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    ic = (250 - 125 * sqrt(2)) / 50
    assert t1.incenter == Point(ic, ic)

    # Inradius
    assert t1.inradius == 5 - 5 * 2**(S(1) / 2) / 2
    assert t2.inradius == 5 * 3**(S(1) / 2) / 6
    assert t3.inradius == (2 * x1**2 * Abs(x1) -
                           2**(S(1) / 2) * x1**2 * Abs(x1)) / (2 * x1**2)

    # Medians + Centroid
    m = t1.medians
    assert t1.centroid == Point(Rational(5, 3), Rational(5, 3))
    assert m[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert t3.medians[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(x1 / 2, x1 / 2))
    assert intersection(m[p1], m[p2], m[p3]) == [t1.centroid]

    # Perpendicular
    altitudes = t1.altitudes
    assert altitudes[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert altitudes[p2] == s1[0]
    assert altitudes[p3] == s1[2]

    # Ensure
    assert len(intersection(*bisectors.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*altitudes.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*m.values())) == 1

    # Distance
    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(0, 1))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(0,
                       Rational(5) / 4), Point(1,
                                               Rational(5) / 4),
                       Rational(9) / 4), Point(0,
                                               Rational(9) / 4))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(1, 2), Point(2, 2), Point(2, 1))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(Rational(6) / 5, 1),
                       Rational(6) / 5))
    p5 = Polygon(Point(half, 3**(half) / 2), Point(-half, 3**(half) / 2),
                 Point(-1, 0), Point(-half, -(3)**(half) / 2),
                 Point(half, -(3)**(half) / 2), Point(1, 0))
    p6 = Polygon(Point(2,
                       Rational(3) / 10), Point(Rational(17) / 10, 0),
                 Point(2, -Rational(3) / 10), Point(Rational(23) / 10, 0))
    pt1 = Point(half, half)
    pt2 = Point(1, 1)
    '''Polygon to Point'''
    assert p1.distance(pt1) == half
    assert p1.distance(pt2) == 0
    assert p2.distance(pt1) == Rational(3) / 4
    assert p3.distance(pt2) == sqrt(2) / 2
    '''Polygon to Polygon'''
    assert p1.distance(p2) == half / 2
    assert p1.distance(p3) == sqrt(2) / 2
    assert p3.distance(p4) == (sqrt(2) / 2 - sqrt(Rational(2) / 25) / 2)
    assert p5.distance(p6) == Rational(7) / 10
def test_polygon():
    t = Triangle(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3))
    assert Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3)) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3), Point(0, 0)) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3), Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)) == t

    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(6, 0), Point(4, 5),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(0, 3))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(6, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 3),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(4, 5))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(5, 2), Point(4, 4))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(5, 2), Point(3, 0))
    p5 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4))

    # General polygon
    assert p1 == p2
    assert len(p1.args) == 6
    assert len(p1.sides) == 6
    assert p1.perimeter == 5 + 2 * sqrt(10) + sqrt(29) + sqrt(8)
    assert p1.area == 22
    assert not p1.is_convex()
    # ensure convex for both CW and CCW point specification
    assert p3.is_convex()
    assert p4.is_convex()
    dict5 = p5.angles
    assert dict5[Point(0, 0)] == pi / 4
    assert dict5[Point(0, 4)] == pi / 2
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(x, y)) is None
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(1, 3))
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(0, 0)) is False
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(4, 0)) is False
    p5.plot_interval('x') == [x, 0, 1]
    assert p5.distance(Polygon(Point(10, 10), Point(14, 14),
                               Point(10, 14))) == 6 * sqrt(2)
    assert p5.distance(
        Polygon(Point(1, 8), Point(5, 8), Point(8, 12), Point(1, 12))) == 4
        "error", message="Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output")
        lambda: Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1)).distance(
            Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1))))
        "ignore", message="Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output")
    assert hash(p5) == hash(Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4)))
    assert p5 == Polygon(Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4), Point(0, 0))
    assert Polygon(Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4), Point(0, 0)) in p5
    assert p5 != Point(0, 4)
    assert Point(0, 1) in p5
    assert p5.arbitrary_point('t').subs(Symbol('t', real=True), 0) == \
        Point(0, 0)
        ValueError, lambda: Polygon(Point(x, 0), Point(0, y), Point(x, y)).

    # Regular polygon
    p1 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)
    p2 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 5)
           lambda: RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)))
    raises(GeometryError, lambda: RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 2.5))

    assert p1 != p2
    assert p1.interior_angle == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.exterior_angle == 2 * pi / 5
    assert p2.apothem == 5 * cos(pi / 5)
    assert p2.circumcenter == p1.circumcenter == Point(0, 0)
    assert p1.circumradius == p1.radius == 10
    assert p2.circumcircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    assert p2.incircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), p2.apothem)
    assert p2.inradius == p2.apothem == (5 * (1 + sqrt(5)) / 4)
    p2.spin(pi / 10)
    dict1 = p2.angles
    assert dict1[Point(0, 5)] == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.is_convex()
    assert p1.rotation == 0
    assert p1.encloses_point(Point(0, 0))
    assert p1.encloses_point(Point(11, 0)) is False
    assert p2.encloses_point(Point(0, 4.9))
    p1.spin(pi / 3)
    assert p1.rotation == pi / 3
    assert p1.vertices[0] == Point(5, 5 * sqrt(3))
    for var in p1.args:
        if isinstance(var, Point):
            assert var == Point(0, 0)
            assert var == 5 or var == 10 or var == pi / 3
    assert p1 != Point(0, 0)
    assert p1 != p5

    # while spin works in place (notice that rotation is 2pi/3 below)
    # rotate returns a new object
    p1_old = p1
    assert p1.rotate(pi / 3) == RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5, 2 * pi / 3)
    assert p1 == p1_old

    assert p1.area == (-250 * sqrt(5) + 1250) / (4 * tan(pi / 5))
    assert p1.length == 20 * sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + S(5) / 8)
    assert p1.scale(2, 2) == \
        RegularPolygon(p1.center, p1.radius*2, p1._n, p1.rotation)
    assert RegularPolygon((0, 0), 1, 4).scale(2, 3) == \
        Polygon(Point(2, 0), Point(0, 3), Point(-2, 0), Point(0, -3))

    assert repr(p1) == str(p1)

    # Angles
    angles = p4.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    angles = p3.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    # Triangle
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(5, 0)
    p3 = Point(0, 5)
    t1 = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
    t2 = Triangle(p1, p2, Point(Rational(5, 2), sqrt(Rational(75, 4))))
    t3 = Triangle(p1, Point(x1, 0), Point(0, x1))
    s1 = t1.sides
    assert Triangle(p1, p2, p1) == Polygon(p1, p2, p1) == Segment(p1, p2)
    raises(GeometryError, lambda: Triangle(Point(0, 0)))

    # Basic stuff
    assert Triangle(p1, p1, p1) == p1
    assert Triangle(p2, p2 * 2, p2 * 3) == Segment(p2, p2 * 3)
    assert t1.area == Rational(25, 2)
    assert t1.is_right()
    assert t2.is_right() is False
    assert t3.is_right()
    assert p1 in t1
    assert t1.sides[0] in t1
    assert Segment((0, 0), (1, 0)) in t1
    assert Point(5, 5) not in t2
    assert t1.is_convex()
    assert feq(t1.angles[p1].evalf(), pi.evalf() / 2)

    assert t1.is_equilateral() is False
    assert t2.is_equilateral()
    assert t3.is_equilateral() is False
    assert are_similar(t1, t2) is False
    assert are_similar(t1, t3)
    assert are_similar(t2, t3) is False
    assert t1.is_similar(Point(0, 0)) is False

    # Bisectors
    bisectors = t1.bisectors()
    assert bisectors[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    ic = (250 - 125 * sqrt(2)) / 50
    assert t1.incenter == Point(ic, ic)

    # Inradius
    assert t1.inradius == t1.incircle.radius == 5 - 5 * sqrt(2) / 2
    assert t2.inradius == t2.incircle.radius == 5 * sqrt(3) / 6
    assert t3.inradius == t3.incircle.radius == x1**2 / (
        (2 + sqrt(2)) * Abs(x1))

    # Circumcircle
    assert t1.circumcircle.center == Point(2.5, 2.5)

    # Medians + Centroid
    m = t1.medians
    assert t1.centroid == Point(Rational(5, 3), Rational(5, 3))
    assert m[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert t3.medians[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(x1 / 2, x1 / 2))
    assert intersection(m[p1], m[p2], m[p3]) == [t1.centroid]
    assert t1.medial == Triangle(Point(2.5, 0), Point(0, 2.5), Point(2.5, 2.5))

    # Perpendicular
    altitudes = t1.altitudes
    assert altitudes[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert altitudes[p2] == s1[0]
    assert altitudes[p3] == s1[2]
    assert t1.orthocenter == p1
    t = S('''Triangle(
    Point(100080156402737/5000000000000, 79782624633431/500000000000),
    Point(39223884078253/2000000000000, 156345163124289/1000000000000),
    Point(31241359188437/1250000000000, 338338270939941/1000000000000000))''')
    assert t.orthocenter == S(

    # Ensure
    assert len(intersection(*bisectors.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*altitudes.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*m.values())) == 1

    # Distance
    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(0, 1))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(0,
                       Rational(5) / 4), Point(1,
                                               Rational(5) / 4),
                       Rational(9) / 4), Point(0,
                                               Rational(9) / 4))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(1, 2), Point(2, 2), Point(2, 1))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(Rational(6) / 5, 1),
                       Rational(6) / 5))
    pt1 = Point(half, half)
    pt2 = Point(1, 1)
    '''Polygon to Point'''
    assert p1.distance(pt1) == half
    assert p1.distance(pt2) == 0
    assert p2.distance(pt1) == Rational(3) / 4
    assert p3.distance(pt2) == sqrt(2) / 2
    '''Polygon to Polygon'''
    # p1.distance(p2) emits a warning
    # First, test the warning
        "error", message="Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output")
    raises(UserWarning, lambda: p1.distance(p2))
    # now test the actual output
        "ignore", message="Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output")
    assert p1.distance(p2) == half / 2

    assert p1.distance(p3) == sqrt(2) / 2
    assert p3.distance(p4) == (sqrt(2) / 2 - sqrt(Rational(2) / 25) / 2)
def test_polygon():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    q = Symbol('q', real=True)
    u = Symbol('u', real=True)
    v = Symbol('v', real=True)
    w = Symbol('w', real=True)
    x1 = Symbol('x1', real=True)
    half = S.Half
    a, b, c = Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3)
    t = Triangle(a, b, c)
    assert Polygon(Point(0, 0)) == Point(0, 0)
    assert Polygon(a, Point(1, 0), b, c) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(1, 0), b, c, a) == t
    assert Polygon(b, c, a, Point(1, 0)) == t
    # 2 "remove folded" tests
    assert Polygon(a, Point(3, 0), b, c) == t
    assert Polygon(a, b, Point(3, -1), b, c) == t
    # remove multiple collinear points
    assert Polygon(Point(-4, 15), Point(-11, 15), Point(-15, 15),
        Point(-15, 33/5), Point(-15, -87/10), Point(-15, -15),
        Point(-42/5, -15), Point(-2, -15), Point(7, -15), Point(15, -15),
        Point(15, -3), Point(15, 10), Point(15, 15)) == \
        Polygon(Point(-15, -15), Point(15, -15), Point(15, 15), Point(-15, 15))

    p1 = Polygon(
        Point(0, 0), Point(3, -1),
        Point(6, 0), Point(4, 5),
        Point(2, 3), Point(0, 3))
    p2 = Polygon(
        Point(6, 0), Point(3, -1),
        Point(0, 0), Point(0, 3),
        Point(2, 3), Point(4, 5))
    p3 = Polygon(
        Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0),
        Point(5, 2), Point(4, 4))
    p4 = Polygon(
        Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4),
        Point(5, 2), Point(3, 0))
    p5 = Polygon(
        Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4),
        Point(0, 4))
    p6 = Polygon(
        Point(-11, 1), Point(-9, 6.6),
        Point(-4, -3), Point(-8.4, -8.7))
    p7 = Polygon(
        Point(x, y), Point(q, u),
        Point(v, w))
    p8 = Polygon(
        Point(x, y), Point(v, w),
        Point(q, u))
    p9 = Polygon(
        Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4),
        Point(3, 0), Point(5, 2))
    p10 = Polygon(
        Point(0, 2), Point(2, 2),
        Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0))
    p11 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), 1, n=3)
    p12 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 0, n=3)

    r = Ray(Point(-9, 6.6), Point(-9, 5.5))
    # General polygon
    assert p1 == p2
    assert len(p1.args) == 6
    assert len(p1.sides) == 6
    assert p1.perimeter == 5 + 2*sqrt(10) + sqrt(29) + sqrt(8)
    assert p1.area == 22
    assert not p1.is_convex()
    assert Polygon((-1, 1), (2, -1), (2, 1), (-1, -1), (3, 0)
        ).is_convex() is False
    # ensure convex for both CW and CCW point specification
    assert p3.is_convex()
    assert p4.is_convex()
    dict5 = p5.angles
    assert dict5[Point(0, 0)] == pi / 4
    assert dict5[Point(0, 4)] == pi / 2
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(x, y)) is None
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(1, 3))
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(0, 0)) is False
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(4, 0)) is False
    assert p1.encloses(Circle(Point(2.5, 2.5), 5)) is False
    assert p1.encloses(Ellipse(Point(2.5, 2), 5, 6)) is False
    p5.plot_interval('x') == [x, 0, 1]
    assert p5.distance(
        Polygon(Point(10, 10), Point(14, 14), Point(10, 14))) == 6 * sqrt(2)
    assert p5.distance(
        Polygon(Point(1, 8), Point(5, 8), Point(8, 12), Point(1, 12))) == 4
    with warns(UserWarning, \
               match="Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output"):
        Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1)).distance(
                Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)))
    assert hash(p5) == hash(Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4)))
    assert hash(p1) == hash(p2)
    assert hash(p7) == hash(p8)
    assert hash(p3) != hash(p9)
    assert p5 == Polygon(Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4), Point(0, 0))
    assert Polygon(Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4), Point(0, 0)) in p5
    assert p5 != Point(0, 4)
    assert Point(0, 1) in p5
    assert p5.arbitrary_point('t').subs(Symbol('t', real=True), 0) == \
        Point(0, 0)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Polygon(
        Point(x, 0), Point(0, y), Point(x, y)).arbitrary_point('x'))
    assert p6.intersection(r) == [Point(-9, Rational(-84, 13)), Point(-9, Rational(33, 5))]
    assert p10.area == 0
    assert p11 == RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 3, 0)
    assert p11 == p12
    assert p11.vertices[0] == Point(1, 0)
    assert p11.args[0] == Point(0, 0)
    assert p11.vertices[0] == Point(0, 1)
    # Regular polygon
    p1 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)
    p2 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 5)
    raises(GeometryError, lambda: RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0,
           1), Point(1, 1)))
    raises(GeometryError, lambda: RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 2.5))

    assert p1 != p2
    assert p1.interior_angle == pi*Rational(3, 5)
    assert p1.exterior_angle == pi*Rational(2, 5)
    assert p2.apothem == 5*cos(pi/5)
    assert p2.circumcenter == p1.circumcenter == Point(0, 0)
    assert p1.circumradius == p1.radius == 10
    assert p2.circumcircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    assert p2.incircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), p2.apothem)
    assert p2.inradius == p2.apothem == (5 * (1 + sqrt(5)) / 4)
    p2.spin(pi / 10)
    dict1 = p2.angles
    assert dict1[Point(0, 5)] == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.is_convex()
    assert p1.rotation == 0
    assert p1.encloses_point(Point(0, 0))
    assert p1.encloses_point(Point(11, 0)) is False
    assert p2.encloses_point(Point(0, 4.9))
    assert p1.rotation == pi/3
    assert p1.vertices[0] == Point(5, 5*sqrt(3))
    for var in p1.args:
        if isinstance(var, Point):
            assert var == Point(0, 0)
            assert var == 5 or var == 10 or var == pi / 3
    assert p1 != Point(0, 0)
    assert p1 != p5

    # while spin works in place (notice that rotation is 2pi/3 below)
    # rotate returns a new object
    p1_old = p1
    assert p1.rotate(pi/3) == RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5, pi*Rational(2, 3))
    assert p1 == p1_old

    assert p1.area == (-250*sqrt(5) + 1250)/(4*tan(pi/5))
    assert p1.length == 20*sqrt(-sqrt(5)/8 + Rational(5, 8))
    assert p1.scale(2, 2) == \
        RegularPolygon(p1.center, p1.radius*2, p1._n, p1.rotation)
    assert RegularPolygon((0, 0), 1, 4).scale(2, 3) == \
        Polygon(Point(2, 0), Point(0, 3), Point(-2, 0), Point(0, -3))

    assert repr(p1) == str(p1)

    # Angles
    angles = p4.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    angles = p3.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    # Triangle
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(5, 0)
    p3 = Point(0, 5)
    t1 = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
    t2 = Triangle(p1, p2, Point(Rational(5, 2), sqrt(Rational(75, 4))))
    t3 = Triangle(p1, Point(x1, 0), Point(0, x1))
    s1 = t1.sides
    assert Triangle(p1, p2, p1) == Polygon(p1, p2, p1) == Segment(p1, p2)
    raises(GeometryError, lambda: Triangle(Point(0, 0)))

    # Basic stuff
    assert Triangle(p1, p1, p1) == p1
    assert Triangle(p2, p2*2, p2*3) == Segment(p2, p2*3)
    assert t1.area == Rational(25, 2)
    assert t1.is_right()
    assert t2.is_right() is False
    assert t3.is_right()
    assert p1 in t1
    assert t1.sides[0] in t1
    assert Segment((0, 0), (1, 0)) in t1
    assert Point(5, 5) not in t2
    assert t1.is_convex()
    assert feq(t1.angles[p1].evalf(), pi.evalf()/2)

    assert t1.is_equilateral() is False
    assert t2.is_equilateral()
    assert t3.is_equilateral() is False
    assert are_similar(t1, t2) is False
    assert are_similar(t1, t3)
    assert are_similar(t2, t3) is False
    assert t1.is_similar(Point(0, 0)) is False
    assert t1.is_similar(t2) is False

    # Bisectors
    bisectors = t1.bisectors()
    assert bisectors[p1] == Segment(
        p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert t2.bisectors()[p2] == Segment(
        Point(5, 0), Point(Rational(5, 4), 5*sqrt(3)/4))
    p4 = Point(0, x1)
    assert t3.bisectors()[p4] == Segment(p4, Point(x1*(sqrt(2) - 1), 0))
    ic = (250 - 125*sqrt(2))/50
    assert t1.incenter == Point(ic, ic)

    # Inradius
    assert t1.inradius == t1.incircle.radius == 5 - 5*sqrt(2)/2
    assert t2.inradius == t2.incircle.radius == 5*sqrt(3)/6
    assert t3.inradius == t3.incircle.radius == x1**2/((2 + sqrt(2))*Abs(x1))

    # Exradius
    assert t1.exradii[t1.sides[2]] == 5*sqrt(2)/2

    # Excenters
    assert t1.excenters[t1.sides[2]] == Point2D(25*sqrt(2), -5*sqrt(2)/2)

    # Circumcircle
    assert t1.circumcircle.center == Point(2.5, 2.5)

    # Medians + Centroid
    m = t1.medians
    assert t1.centroid == Point(Rational(5, 3), Rational(5, 3))
    assert m[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert t3.medians[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(x1/2, x1/2))
    assert intersection(m[p1], m[p2], m[p3]) == [t1.centroid]
    assert t1.medial == Triangle(Point(2.5, 0), Point(0, 2.5), Point(2.5, 2.5))

    # Nine-point circle
    assert t1.nine_point_circle == Circle(Point(2.5, 0),
                                          Point(0, 2.5), Point(2.5, 2.5))
    assert t1.nine_point_circle == Circle(Point(0, 0),
                                          Point(0, 2.5), Point(2.5, 2.5))

    # Perpendicular
    altitudes = t1.altitudes
    assert altitudes[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert altitudes[p2].equals(s1[0])
    assert altitudes[p3] == s1[2]
    assert t1.orthocenter == p1
    t = S('''Triangle(
    Point(100080156402737/5000000000000, 79782624633431/500000000000),
    Point(39223884078253/2000000000000, 156345163124289/1000000000000),
    Point(31241359188437/1250000000000, 338338270939941/1000000000000000))''')
    assert t.orthocenter == S('''Point(-780660869050599840216997'''

    # Ensure
    assert len(intersection(*bisectors.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*altitudes.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*m.values())) == 1

    # Distance
    p1 = Polygon(
        Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0),
        Point(1, 1), Point(0, 1))
    p2 = Polygon(
        Point(0, Rational(5)/4), Point(1, Rational(5)/4),
        Point(1, Rational(9)/4), Point(0, Rational(9)/4))
    p3 = Polygon(
        Point(1, 2), Point(2, 2),
        Point(2, 1))
    p4 = Polygon(
        Point(1, 1), Point(Rational(6)/5, 1),
        Point(1, Rational(6)/5))
    pt1 = Point(half, half)
    pt2 = Point(1, 1)

    '''Polygon to Point'''
    assert p1.distance(pt1) == half
    assert p1.distance(pt2) == 0
    assert p2.distance(pt1) == Rational(3)/4
    assert p3.distance(pt2) == sqrt(2)/2

    '''Polygon to Polygon'''
    # p1.distance(p2) emits a warning
    with warns(UserWarning, \
               match="Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output"):
        assert p1.distance(p2) == half/2

    assert p1.distance(p3) == sqrt(2)/2

    # p3.distance(p4) emits a warning
    with warns(UserWarning, \
               match="Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output"):
        assert p3.distance(p4) == (sqrt(2)/2 - sqrt(Rational(2)/25)/2)
def test_polygon():
    t = Triangle(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3))
    assert Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3)) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3), Point(0, 0)) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3), Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)) == t

    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(6, 0), Point(4, 5),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(0, 3))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(6, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 3),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(4, 5))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(5, 2), Point(4, 4))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(5, 2), Point(3, 0))
    p5 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4))

    # General polygon
    assert p1 == p2
    assert len(p1) == 6
    assert len(p1.sides) == 6
    assert p1.perimeter == 5 + 2 * sqrt(10) + sqrt(29) + sqrt(8)
    assert p1.area == 22
    assert not p1.is_convex()
    assert p3.is_convex()
    assert p4.is_convex(
    )  # ensure convex for both CW and CCW point specification
    dict5 = p5.angles
    assert dict5[Point(0, 0)] == pi / 4
    assert dict5[Point(0, 4)] == pi / 2
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(x, y)) == None
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(1, 3))
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(0, 0)) == False
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(4, 0)) == False
    p5.plot_interval('x') == [x, 0, 1]
    assert p5.distance(Polygon(Point(10, 10), Point(14, 14),
                               Point(10, 14))) == 6 * sqrt(2)
    assert p5.distance(
        Polygon(Point(1, 8), Point(5, 8), Point(8, 12), Point(1, 12))) == 4
        'Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1,1)).distance(Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)))'
    assert hash(p5) == hash(Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4)))
    assert p5 == Polygon(Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4), Point(0, 0))
    assert Polygon(Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4), Point(0, 0)) in p5
    assert p5 != Point(0, 4)
    assert Point(0, 1) in p5
    assert p5.arbitrary_point('t').subs(Symbol('t', real=True),
                                        0) == Point(0, 0)
        "Polygon(Point(x, 0), Point(0, y), Point(x, y)).arbitrary_point('x')")

    # Regular polygon
    p1 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)
    p2 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 5)
           'RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1))')
    raises(GeometryError, 'RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 2)')

    assert p1 != p2
    assert p1.interior_angle == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.exterior_angle == 2 * pi / 5
    assert p2.apothem == 5 * cos(pi / 5)
    assert p2.circumcenter == p1.circumcenter == Point(0, 0)
    assert p1.circumradius == p1.radius == 10
    assert p2.circumcircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    assert p2.incircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), p2.apothem)
    assert p2.inradius == p2.apothem == (5 * (1 + sqrt(5)) / 4)
    p2.spin(pi / 10)
    dict1 = p2.angles
    assert dict1[Point(0, 5)] == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.is_convex()
    assert p1.rotation == 0
    assert p1.encloses_point(Point(0, 0))
    assert p1.encloses_point(Point(11, 0)) == False
    assert p2.encloses_point(Point(0, 4.9))
    p1.spin(pi / 3)
    assert p1.rotation == pi / 3
    assert p1[0] == Point(5, 5 * sqrt(3))
    for var in p1:
        if isinstance(var, Point):
            assert var == Point(0, 0)
            assert var == 5 or var == 10 or var == pi / 3
    assert p1 != Point(0, 0)
    assert p1 != p5
    raises(IndexError, 'RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 3)[4]')

    # while spin works in place (notice that rotation is 2pi/3 below)
    # rotate returns a new object
    p1_old = p1
    assert p1.rotate(pi / 3) == RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5, 2 * pi / 3)
    assert p1 == p1_old

    assert ` p1 ` == str(p1)

    # Angles
    angles = p4.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    angles = p3.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    # Triangle
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(5, 0)
    p3 = Point(0, 5)
    t1 = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
    t2 = Triangle(p1, p2, Point(Rational(5, 2), sqrt(Rational(75, 4))))
    t3 = Triangle(p1, Point(x1, 0), Point(0, x1))
    s1 = t1.sides
    assert Triangle(p1, p2, p1) == Polygon(p1, p2, p1) == Segment(p1, p2)
    raises(GeometryError, 'Triangle(Point(0, 0))')

    # Basic stuff
    assert Triangle(p1, p1, p1) == p1
    assert Triangle(p2, p2 * 2, p2 * 3) == Segment(p2, p2 * 3)
    assert t1.area == Rational(25, 2)
    assert t1.is_right()
    assert t2.is_right() == False
    assert t3.is_right()
    assert p1 in t1
    assert t1.sides[0] in t1
    assert Segment((0, 0), (1, 0)) in t1
    assert Point(5, 5) not in t2
    assert t1.is_convex()
    assert feq(t1.angles[p1].evalf(), pi.evalf() / 2)

    assert t1.is_equilateral() == False
    assert t2.is_equilateral()
    assert t3.is_equilateral() == False
    assert are_similar(t1, t2) == False
    assert are_similar(t1, t3)
    assert are_similar(t2, t3) == False
    assert t1.is_similar(Point(0, 0)) == False

    # Bisectors
    bisectors = t1.bisectors()
    assert bisectors[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    ic = (250 - 125 * sqrt(2)) / 50
    assert t1.incenter == Point(ic, ic)

    # Inradius
    assert t1.inradius == t1.incircle.radius == 5 - 5 * sqrt(2) / 2
    assert t2.inradius == t2.incircle.radius == 5 * sqrt(3) / 6
    assert t3.inradius == t3.incircle.radius == x1**2 / (
        (2 + sqrt(2)) * Abs(x1))

    # Circumcircle
    assert t1.circumcircle.center == Point(2.5, 2.5)

    # Medians + Centroid
    m = t1.medians
    assert t1.centroid == Point(Rational(5, 3), Rational(5, 3))
    assert m[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert t3.medians[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(x1 / 2, x1 / 2))
    assert intersection(m[p1], m[p2], m[p3]) == [t1.centroid]
    assert t1.medial == Triangle(Point(2.5, 0), Point(0, 2.5), Point(2.5, 2.5))

    # Perpendicular
    altitudes = t1.altitudes
    assert altitudes[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert altitudes[p2] == s1[0]
    assert altitudes[p3] == s1[2]
    assert t1.orthocenter == p1

    # Ensure
    assert len(intersection(*bisectors.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*altitudes.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*m.values())) == 1

    # Distance
    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(0, 1))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(0,
                       Rational(5) / 4), Point(1,
                                               Rational(5) / 4),
                       Rational(9) / 4), Point(0,
                                               Rational(9) / 4))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(1, 2), Point(2, 2), Point(2, 1))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(Rational(6) / 5, 1),
                       Rational(6) / 5))
    pt1 = Point(half, half)
    pt2 = Point(1, 1)
    '''Polygon to Point'''
    assert p1.distance(pt1) == half
    assert p1.distance(pt2) == 0
    assert p2.distance(pt1) == Rational(3) / 4
    assert p3.distance(pt2) == sqrt(2) / 2
def test_polygon():
    t = Triangle(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3))
    assert Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3)) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3), Point(0, 0)) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3), Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)) == t

    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(6, 0), Point(4, 5),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(0, 3))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(6, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 3),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(4, 5))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(5, 2), Point(4, 4))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(5, 2), Point(3, 0))

    # General polygon
    assert p1 == p2
    assert len(p1) == 6
    assert len(p1.sides) == 6
    assert p1.perimeter == 5 + 2 * sqrt(10) + sqrt(29) + sqrt(8)
    assert p1.area == 22
    assert not p1.is_convex()
    assert p3.is_convex()
    assert p4.is_convex(
    )  # ensure convex for both CW and CCW point specification

    # Regular polygon
    p1 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)
    p2 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 5)

    assert p1 != p2
    assert p1.interior_angle == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.exterior_angle == 2 * pi / 5
    assert p2.apothem == 5 * cos(pi / 5)
    assert p2.circumcircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    assert p2.incircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), p2.apothem)
    assert p1.is_convex()
    assert p1.rotation == 0
    p1.spin(pi / 3)
    assert p1.rotation == pi / 3
    assert p1[0] == Point(5, 5 * sqrt(3))
    # while spin works in place (notice that rotation is 2pi/3 below)
    # rotate returns a new object
    p1_old = p1
    assert p1.rotate(pi / 3) == RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5, 2 * pi / 3)
    assert p1 == p1_old

    # Angles
    angles = p4.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    angles = p3.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float("0.7853981633974483"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float("1.2490457723982544"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float("1.8925468811915388"))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float("2.3561944901923449"))

    # Triangle
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(5, 0)
    p3 = Point(0, 5)
    t1 = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
    t2 = Triangle(p1, p2, Point(Rational(5, 2), sqrt(Rational(75, 4))))
    t3 = Triangle(p1, Point(x1, 0), Point(0, x1))
    s1 = t1.sides
    s2 = t2.sides
    s3 = t3.sides

    # Basic stuff
    assert Triangle(p1, p1, p1) == p1
    assert Triangle(p2, p2 * 2, p2 * 3) == Segment(p2, p2 * 3)
    assert t1.area == Rational(25, 2)
    assert t1.is_right()
    assert t2.is_right() == False
    assert t3.is_right()
    assert p1 in t1
    assert Point(5, 5) not in t2
    assert t1.is_convex()
    assert feq(t1.angles[p1].evalf(), pi.evalf() / 2)

    assert t1.is_equilateral() == False
    assert t2.is_equilateral()
    assert t3.is_equilateral() == False
    assert are_similar(t1, t2) == False
    assert are_similar(t1, t3)
    assert are_similar(t2, t3) == False

    # Bisectors
    bisectors = t1.bisectors()
    assert bisectors[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    ic = (250 - 125 * sqrt(2)) / 50
    assert t1.incenter == Point(ic, ic)

    # Inradius
    assert t1.inradius == 5 - 5 * sqrt(2) / 2
    assert t2.inradius == 5 * sqrt(3) / 6
    assert t3.inradius == x1**2 / ((2 + sqrt(2)) * Abs(x1))

    # Medians + Centroid
    m = t1.medians
    assert t1.centroid == Point(Rational(5, 3), Rational(5, 3))
    assert m[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert t3.medians[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(x1 / 2, x1 / 2))
    assert intersection(m[p1], m[p2], m[p3]) == [t1.centroid]

    # Perpendicular
    altitudes = t1.altitudes
    assert altitudes[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert altitudes[p2] == s1[0]
    assert altitudes[p3] == s1[2]

    # Ensure
    assert len(intersection(*bisectors.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*altitudes.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*m.values())) == 1

    # Distance
    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(0, 1))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(0,
                       Rational(5) / 4), Point(1,
                                               Rational(5) / 4),
                       Rational(9) / 4), Point(0,
                                               Rational(9) / 4))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(1, 2), Point(2, 2), Point(2, 1))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(Rational(6) / 5, 1),
                       Rational(6) / 5))
    p5 = Polygon(Point(half, 3**(half) / 2), Point(-half, 3**(half) / 2),
                 Point(-1, 0), Point(-half, -(3)**(half) / 2),
                 Point(half, -(3)**(half) / 2), Point(1, 0))
    p6 = Polygon(Point(2,
                       Rational(3) / 10), Point(Rational(17) / 10, 0),
                 Point(2, -Rational(3) / 10), Point(Rational(23) / 10, 0))
    pt1 = Point(half, half)
    pt2 = Point(1, 1)
    '''Polygon to Point'''
    assert p1.distance(pt1) == half
    assert p1.distance(pt2) == 0
    assert p2.distance(pt1) == Rational(3) / 4
    assert p3.distance(pt2) == sqrt(2) / 2
    '''Polygon to Polygon'''
    import warnings
    # p1.distance(p2) emits a warning
    # First, test the warning
        "error", "Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output")
    raises(UserWarning, "p1.distance(p2)")
    # now test the actual output
        "ignore", "Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output")
    assert p1.distance(p2) == half / 2
    # Keep testing reasonably thread safe, so reset the warning
        "default", "Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output")
    # Note, in Python 2.6+, this can be done more nicely using the
    # warnings.catch_warnings context manager.
    # See http://docs.python.org/library/warnings#testing-warnings.

    assert p1.distance(p3) == sqrt(2) / 2
    assert p3.distance(p4) == (sqrt(2) / 2 - sqrt(Rational(2) / 25) / 2)
    assert p5.distance(p6) == Rational(7) / 10
def test_transform():
    pts = [Point(0, 0), Point(S(1)/2, S(1)/4), Point(1, 1)]
    pts_out = [Point(-4, -10), Point(-3, -S(37)/4), Point(-2, -7)]
    assert Triangle(*pts).scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == Triangle(*pts_out)
    assert RegularPolygon((0, 0), 1, 4).scale(2, 3, (4, 5)) == \
        Polygon(Point(-2, -10), Point(-4, -7), Point(-6, -10), Point(-4, -13))
def test_ellipse_geom():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    t = Symbol('t', real=True)
    y1 = Symbol('y1', real=True)
    half = Rational(1, 2)
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(1, 1)
    p4 = Point(0, 1)

    e1 = Ellipse(p1, 1, 1)
    e2 = Ellipse(p2, half, 1)
    e3 = Ellipse(p1, y1, y1)
    c1 = Circle(p1, 1)
    c2 = Circle(p2, 1)
    c3 = Circle(Point(sqrt(2), sqrt(2)), 1)
    l1 = Line(p1, p2)

    # Test creation with three points
    cen, rad = Point(3*half, 2), 5*half
    assert Circle(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(0, 4)) == Circle(cen, rad)
    assert Circle(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2)) == Segment2D(Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 2))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Ellipse(None, None, None, 1))
    raises(GeometryError, lambda: Circle(Point(0, 0)))

    # Basic Stuff
    assert Ellipse(None, 1, 1).center == Point(0, 0)
    assert e1 == c1
    assert e1 != e2
    assert e1 != l1
    assert p4 in e1
    assert p2 not in e2
    assert e1.area == pi
    assert e2.area == pi/2
    assert e3.area == pi*y1*abs(y1)
    assert c1.area == e1.area
    assert c1.circumference == e1.circumference
    assert e3.circumference == 2*pi*y1
    assert e1.plot_interval() == e2.plot_interval() == [t, -pi, pi]
    assert e1.plot_interval(x) == e2.plot_interval(x) == [x, -pi, pi]

    assert c1.minor == 1
    assert c1.major == 1
    assert c1.hradius == 1
    assert c1.vradius == 1

    assert Ellipse((1, 1), 0, 0) == Point(1, 1)
    assert Ellipse((1, 1), 1, 0) == Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(2, 1))
    assert Ellipse((1, 1), 0, 1) == Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(1, 2))

    # Private Functions
    assert hash(c1) == hash(Circle(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1)))
    assert c1 in e1
    assert (Line(p1, p2) in e1) is False
    assert e1.__cmp__(e1) == 0
    assert e1.__cmp__(Point(0, 0)) > 0

    # Encloses
    assert e1.encloses(Segment(Point(-0.5, -0.5), Point(0.5, 0.5))) is True
    assert e1.encloses(Line(p1, p2)) is False
    assert e1.encloses(Ray(p1, p2)) is False
    assert e1.encloses(e1) is False
    assert e1.encloses(
        Polygon(Point(-0.5, -0.5), Point(-0.5, 0.5), Point(0.5, 0.5))) is True
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p1, 0.5, 3)) is True
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p1, 5, 3)) is False
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p2, 5, 3)) is False

    assert e2.arbitrary_point() in e2

    # Foci
    f1, f2 = Point(sqrt(12), 0), Point(-sqrt(12), 0)
    ef = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 4, 2)
    assert ef.foci in [(f1, f2), (f2, f1)]

    # Tangents
    v = sqrt(2) / 2
    p1_1 = Point(v, v)
    p1_2 = p2 + Point(half, 0)
    p1_3 = p2 + Point(0, 1)
    assert e1.tangent_lines(p4) == c1.tangent_lines(p4)
    assert e2.tangent_lines(p1_2) == [Line(Point(S(3)/2, 1), Point(S(3)/2, S(1)/2))]
    assert e2.tangent_lines(p1_3) == [Line(Point(1, 2), Point(S(5)/4, 2))]
    assert c1.tangent_lines(p1_1) != [Line(p1_1, Point(0, sqrt(2)))]
    assert c1.tangent_lines(p1) == []
    assert e2.is_tangent(Line(p1_2, p2 + Point(half, 1)))
    assert e2.is_tangent(Line(p1_3, p2 + Point(half, 1)))
    assert c1.is_tangent(Line(p1_1, Point(0, sqrt(2))))
    assert e1.is_tangent(Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))) is False
    assert c1.is_tangent(e1) is True
    assert c1.is_tangent(Ellipse(Point(2, 0), 1, 1)) is True
    assert c1.is_tangent(
        Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(1, -1), Point(2, 0))) is True
    assert c1.is_tangent(
        Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0))) is False
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 3).is_tangent(Circle(Point(0, 5), 1)) is False

    assert Ellipse(Point(5, 5), 2, 1).tangent_lines(Point(0, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(S(77)/25, S(132)/25)),
     Line(Point(0, 0), Point(S(33)/5, S(22)/5))]
    assert Ellipse(Point(5, 5), 2, 1).tangent_lines(Point(3, 4)) == \
        [Line(Point(3, 4), Point(4, 4)), Line(Point(3, 4), Point(3, 5))]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 2).tangent_lines(Point(3, 3)) == \
        [Line(Point(3, 3), Point(4, 3)), Line(Point(3, 3), Point(3, 4))]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 2).tangent_lines(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5)) == \
        [Line(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5), Point(5 - sqrt(2), 5 - sqrt(2))),
     Line(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5), Point(5 - sqrt(2), 5 + sqrt(2))), ]

    # for numerical calculations, we shouldn't demand exact equality,
    # so only test up to the desired precision
    def lines_close(l1, l2, prec):
        """ tests whether l1 and 12 are within 10**(-prec)
        of each other """
        return abs(l1.p1 - l2.p1) < 10**(-prec) and abs(l1.p2 - l2.p2) < 10**(-prec)
    def line_list_close(ll1, ll2, prec):
        return all(lines_close(l1, l2, prec) for l1, l2 in zip(ll1, ll2))

    e = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 2, 1)
    assert e.normal_lines(Point(0, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1)), Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))]
    assert e.normal_lines(Point(1, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))]
    assert e.normal_lines((0, 1)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert line_list_close(e.normal_lines(Point(1, 1), 2), [
        Line(Point(-S(51)/26, -S(1)/5), Point(-S(25)/26, S(17)/83)),
        Line(Point(S(28)/29, -S(7)/8), Point(S(57)/29, -S(9)/2))], 2)
    # test the failure of Poly.intervals and checks a point on the boundary
    p = Point(sqrt(3), S.Half)
    assert p in e
    assert line_list_close(e.normal_lines(p, 2), [
        Line(Point(-S(341)/171, -S(1)/13), Point(-S(170)/171, S(5)/64)),
        Line(Point(S(26)/15, -S(1)/2), Point(S(41)/15, -S(43)/26))], 2)
    # be sure to use the slope that isn't undefined on boundary
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2, 2*sqrt(3)/3)
    assert line_list_close(e.normal_lines((1, 1), 2), [
        Line(Point(-S(64)/33, -S(20)/71), Point(-S(31)/33, S(2)/13)),
        Line(Point(1, -1), Point(2, -4))], 2)
    # general ellipse fails except under certain conditions
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), x, 1)
    assert e.normal_lines((x + 1, 0)) == [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))]
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: e.normal_lines((x + 1, 1)))
    # Properties
    major = 3
    minor = 1
    e4 = Ellipse(p2, minor, major)
    assert e4.focus_distance == sqrt(major**2 - minor**2)
    ecc = e4.focus_distance / major
    assert e4.eccentricity == ecc
    assert e4.periapsis == major*(1 - ecc)
    assert e4.apoapsis == major*(1 + ecc)
    assert e4.semilatus_rectum == major*(1 - ecc ** 2)
    # independent of orientation
    e4 = Ellipse(p2, major, minor)
    assert e4.focus_distance == sqrt(major**2 - minor**2)
    ecc = e4.focus_distance / major
    assert e4.eccentricity == ecc
    assert e4.periapsis == major*(1 - ecc)
    assert e4.apoapsis == major*(1 + ecc)

    # Intersection
    l1 = Line(Point(1, -5), Point(1, 5))
    l2 = Line(Point(-5, -1), Point(5, -1))
    l3 = Line(Point(-1, -1), Point(1, 1))
    l4 = Line(Point(-10, 0), Point(0, 10))
    pts_c1_l3 = [Point(sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2), Point(-sqrt(2)/2, -sqrt(2)/2)]

    assert intersection(e2, l4) == []
    assert intersection(c1, Point(1, 0)) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, l1) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, l2) == [Point(0, -1)]
    assert intersection(c1, l3) in [pts_c1_l3, [pts_c1_l3[1], pts_c1_l3[0]]]
    assert intersection(c1, c2) == [Point(0, 1), Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, c3) == [Point(sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2)]
    assert e1.intersection(l1) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert e2.intersection(l4) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Circle(Point(0, 2), 1)) == [Point(0, 1)]
    assert e1.intersection(Circle(Point(5, 0), 1)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Ellipse(Point(2, 0), 1, 1)) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert e1.intersection(Ellipse(Point(5, 0), 1, 1)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Point(2, 0)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(e1) == e1
    assert intersection(Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 2, 1), Ellipse(Point(3, 0), 1, 2)) == [Point(2, 0)]
    assert intersection(Circle(Point(0, 0), 2), Circle(Point(3, 0), 1)) == [Point(2, 0)]
    assert intersection(Circle(Point(0, 0), 2), Circle(Point(7, 0), 1)) == []
    assert intersection(Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 17), Ellipse(Point(4, 0), 1, 0.2)) == [Point(5, 0)]
    assert intersection(Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 17), Ellipse(Point(4, 0), 0.999, 0.2)) == []
    assert Circle((0, 0), S(1)/2).intersection(
        Triangle((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1))) == [
        Point(-S(1)/2, 0), Point(S(1)/2, 0)]
    raises(TypeError, lambda: intersection(e2, Line((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1))))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: intersection(e2, Rational(12)))
    # some special case intersections
    csmall = Circle(p1, 3)
    cbig = Circle(p1, 5)
    cout = Circle(Point(5, 5), 1)
    # one circle inside of another
    assert csmall.intersection(cbig) == []
    # separate circles
    assert csmall.intersection(cout) == []
    # coincident circles
    assert csmall.intersection(csmall) == csmall

    v = sqrt(2)
    t1 = Triangle(Point(0, v), Point(0, -v), Point(v, 0))
    points = intersection(t1, c1)
    assert len(points) == 4
    assert Point(0, 1) in points
    assert Point(0, -1) in points
    assert Point(v/2, v/2) in points
    assert Point(v/2, -v/2) in points

    circ = Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    elip = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 20)
    assert intersection(circ, elip) in \
        [[Point(5, 0), Point(-5, 0)], [Point(-5, 0), Point(5, 0)]]
    assert elip.tangent_lines(Point(0, 0)) == []
    elip = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 3, 2)
    assert elip.tangent_lines(Point(3, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(3, 0), Point(3, -12))]

    e1 = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 10)
    e2 = Ellipse(Point(2, 1), 4, 8)
    a = S(53)/17
    c = 2*sqrt(3991)/17
    ans = [Point(a - c/8, a/2 + c), Point(a + c/8, a/2 - c)]
    assert e1.intersection(e2) == ans
    e2 = Ellipse(Point(x, y), 4, 8)
    c = sqrt(3991)
    ans = [Point(-c/68 + a, 2*c/17 + a/2), Point(c/68 + a, -2*c/17 + a/2)]
    assert [p.subs({x: 2, y:1}) for p in e1.intersection(e2)] == ans

    # Combinations of above
    assert e3.is_tangent(e3.tangent_lines(p1 + Point(y1, 0))[0])

    e = Ellipse((1, 2), 3, 2)
    assert e.tangent_lines(Point(10, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(10, 0), Point(1, 0)),
        Line(Point(10, 0), Point(S(14)/5, S(18)/5))]

    # encloses_point
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 1, 2)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(0, e.vradius - Rational(1, 10)))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius - Rational(1, 10), 0))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius, 0)) is False
    assert e.encloses_point(
        e.center + Point(e.hradius + Rational(1, 10), 0)) is False
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2, 1)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(0, e.vradius - Rational(1, 10)))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius - Rational(1, 10), 0))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius, 0)) is False
    assert e.encloses_point(
        e.center + Point(e.hradius + Rational(1, 10), 0)) is False
    assert c1.encloses_point(Point(1, 0)) is False
    assert c1.encloses_point(Point(0.3, 0.4)) is True

    assert e.scale(2, 3) == Ellipse((0, 0), 4, 3)
    assert e.scale(3, 6) == Ellipse((0, 0), 6, 6)
    assert e.rotate(pi) == e
    assert e.rotate(pi, (1, 2)) == Ellipse(Point(2, 4), 2, 1)
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: e.rotate(pi/3))

    # Circle rotation tests (Issue #11743)
    # Link - https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/11743
    cir = Circle(Point(1, 0), 1)
    assert cir.rotate(pi/2) == Circle(Point(0, 1), 1)
    assert cir.rotate(pi/3) == Circle(Point(S(1)/2, sqrt(3)/2), 1)
    assert cir.rotate(pi/3, Point(1, 0)) == Circle(Point(1, 0), 1)
    assert cir.rotate(pi/3, Point(0, 1)) == Circle(Point(S(1)/2 + sqrt(3)/2, S(1)/2 + sqrt(3)/2), 1)
def test_ellipse_geom():
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(1, 1)
    p4 = Point(0, 1)

    e1 = Ellipse(p1, 1, 1)
    e2 = Ellipse(p2, half, 1)
    e3 = Ellipse(p1, y1, y1)
    c1 = Circle(p1, 1)
    c2 = Circle(p2, 1)
    c3 = Circle(Point(sqrt(2), sqrt(2)), 1)

    # Test creation with three points
    cen, rad = Point(3*half, 2), 5*half
    assert Circle(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(0, 4)) == Circle(cen, rad)
        GeometryError, lambda: Circle(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2)))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Ellipse(None, None, None, 1))
    raises(GeometryError, lambda: Circle(Point(0, 0)))

    # Basic Stuff
    assert Ellipse(None, 1, 1).center == Point(0, 0)
    assert e1 == c1
    assert e1 != e2
    assert p4 in e1
    assert p2 not in e2
    assert e1.area == pi
    assert e2.area == pi/2
    assert e3.area == pi*y1*abs(y1)
    assert c1.area == e1.area
    assert c1.circumference == e1.circumference
    assert e3.circumference == 2*pi*y1
    assert e1.plot_interval() == e2.plot_interval() == [t, -pi, pi]
    assert e1.plot_interval(x) == e2.plot_interval(x) == [x, -pi, pi]
    assert Ellipse(None, 1, None, 1).circumference == 2*pi
    assert c1.minor == 1
    assert c1.major == 1
    assert c1.hradius == 1
    assert c1.vradius == 1

    # Private Functions
    assert hash(c1) == hash(Circle(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1)))
    assert c1 in e1
    assert (Line(p1, p2) in e1) is False
    assert e1.__cmp__(e1) == 0
    assert e1.__cmp__(Point(0, 0)) > 0

    # Encloses
    assert e1.encloses(Segment(Point(-0.5, -0.5), Point(0.5, 0.5))) is True
    assert e1.encloses(Line(p1, p2)) is False
    assert e1.encloses(Ray(p1, p2)) is False
    assert e1.encloses(e1) is False
    assert e1.encloses(
        Polygon(Point(-0.5, -0.5), Point(-0.5, 0.5), Point(0.5, 0.5))) is True
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p1, 0.5, 3)) is True
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p1, 5, 3)) is False
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p2, 5, 3)) is False

    # with generic symbols, the hradius is assumed to contain the major radius
    M = Symbol('M')
    m = Symbol('m')
    c = Ellipse(p1, M, m).circumference
    _x = c.atoms(Dummy).pop()
    assert c == 4*M*Integral(
        sqrt((1 - _x**2*(M**2 - m**2)/M**2)/(1 - _x**2)), (_x, 0, 1))

    assert e2.arbitrary_point() in e2

    # Foci
    f1, f2 = Point(sqrt(12), 0), Point(-sqrt(12), 0)
    ef = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 4, 2)
    assert ef.foci in [(f1, f2), (f2, f1)]

    # Tangents
    v = sqrt(2) / 2
    p1_1 = Point(v, v)
    p1_2 = p2 + Point(half, 0)
    p1_3 = p2 + Point(0, 1)
    assert e1.tangent_lines(p4) == c1.tangent_lines(p4)
    assert e2.tangent_lines(p1_2) == [Line(Point(3/2, 1), Point(3/2, 1/2))]
    assert e2.tangent_lines(p1_3) == [Line(Point(1, 2), Point(5/4, 2))]
    assert c1.tangent_lines(p1_1) != [Line(p1_1, Point(0, sqrt(2)))]
    assert c1.tangent_lines(p1) == []
    assert e2.is_tangent(Line(p1_2, p2 + Point(half, 1)))
    assert e2.is_tangent(Line(p1_3, p2 + Point(half, 1)))
    assert c1.is_tangent(Line(p1_1, Point(0, sqrt(2))))
    assert e1.is_tangent(Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))) is False
    assert c1.is_tangent(e1) is False
    assert c1.is_tangent(Ellipse(Point(2, 0), 1, 1)) is True
    assert c1.is_tangent(
        Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(1, -1), Point(2, 0))) is True
    assert c1.is_tangent(
        Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0))) is False
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 3).is_tangent(Circle(Point(0, 5), 1)) is False

    assert Ellipse(Point(5, 5), 2, 1).tangent_lines(Point(0, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(77/25, 132/25)),
     Line(Point(0, 0), Point(33/5, 22/5))]
    assert Ellipse(Point(5, 5), 2, 1).tangent_lines(Point(3, 4)) == \
        [Line(Point(3, 4), Point(4, 4)), Line(Point(3, 4), Point(3, 5))]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 2).tangent_lines(Point(3, 3)) == \
        [Line(Point(3, 3), Point(4, 3)), Line(Point(3, 3), Point(3, 4))]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 2).tangent_lines(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5)) == \
        [Line(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5), Point(5 - sqrt(2), 5 - sqrt(2))),
     Line(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5), Point(5 - sqrt(2), 5 + sqrt(2))), ]

    e = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 2, 1)
    assert e.normal_lines(Point(0, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1)), Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))]
    assert e.normal_lines(Point(1, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))]
    assert e.normal_lines((0, 1)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert e.normal_lines(Point(1, 1), 2) == [
        Line(Point(-51/26, -1/5), Point(-25/26, 17/83)),
        Line(Point(28/29, -7/8), Point(57/29, -9/2))]
    # test the failure of Poly.intervals and checks a point on the boundary
    p = Point(sqrt(3), S.Half)
    assert p in e
    assert e.normal_lines(p, 2) == [
        Line(Point(-341/171, -1/13), Point(-170/171, 5/64)),
        Line(Point(26/15, -1/2), Point(41/15, -43/26))]
    # be sure to use the slope that isn't undefined on boundary
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2, 2*sqrt(3)/3)
    assert e.normal_lines((1, 1), 2) == [
        Line(Point(-64/33, -20/71), Point(-31/33, 2/13)),
        Line(Point(1, -1), Point(2, -4))]
    # general ellipse fails except under certain conditions
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), x, 1)
    assert e.normal_lines((x + 1, 0)) == [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))]
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: e.normal_lines((x + 1, 1)))

    # Properties
    major = 3
    minor = 1
    e4 = Ellipse(p2, minor, major)
    assert e4.focus_distance == sqrt(major**2 - minor**2)
    ecc = e4.focus_distance / major
    assert e4.eccentricity == ecc
    assert e4.periapsis == major*(1 - ecc)
    assert e4.apoapsis == major*(1 + ecc)
    # independent of orientation
    e4 = Ellipse(p2, major, minor)
    assert e4.focus_distance == sqrt(major**2 - minor**2)
    ecc = e4.focus_distance / major
    assert e4.eccentricity == ecc
    assert e4.periapsis == major*(1 - ecc)
    assert e4.apoapsis == major*(1 + ecc)

    # Intersection
    l1 = Line(Point(1, -5), Point(1, 5))
    l2 = Line(Point(-5, -1), Point(5, -1))
    l3 = Line(Point(-1, -1), Point(1, 1))
    l4 = Line(Point(-10, 0), Point(0, 10))
    pts_c1_l3 = [Point(sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2), Point(-sqrt(2)/2, -sqrt(2)/2)]

    assert intersection(e2, l4) == []
    assert intersection(c1, Point(1, 0)) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, l1) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, l2) == [Point(0, -1)]
    assert intersection(c1, l3) in [pts_c1_l3, [pts_c1_l3[1], pts_c1_l3[0]]]
    assert intersection(c1, c2) == [Point(0, 1), Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, c3) == [Point(sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2)]
    assert e1.intersection(l1) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert e2.intersection(l4) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Circle(Point(0, 2), 1)) == [Point(0, 1)]
    assert e1.intersection(Circle(Point(5, 0), 1)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Ellipse(Point(2, 0), 1, 1)) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert e1.intersection(Ellipse(Point(5, 0), 1, 1,)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Point(2, 0)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(e1) == e1

    # some special case intersections
    csmall = Circle(p1, 3)
    cbig = Circle(p1, 5)
    cout = Circle(Point(5, 5), 1)
    # one circle inside of another
    assert csmall.intersection(cbig) == []
    # separate circles
    assert csmall.intersection(cout) == []
    # coincident circles
    assert csmall.intersection(csmall) == csmall

    v = sqrt(2)
    t1 = Triangle(Point(0, v), Point(0, -v), Point(v, 0))
    points = intersection(t1, c1)
    assert len(points) == 4
    assert Point(0, 1) in points
    assert Point(0, -1) in points
    assert Point(v/2, v/2) in points
    assert Point(v/2, -v/2) in points

    circ = Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    elip = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 20)
    assert intersection(circ, elip) in \
        [[Point(5, 0), Point(-5, 0)], [Point(-5, 0), Point(5, 0)]]
    assert elip.tangent_lines(Point(0, 0)) == []
    elip = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 3, 2)
    assert elip.tangent_lines(Point(3, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(3, 0), Point(3, -12))]

    e1 = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 10)
    e2 = Ellipse(Point(2, 1), 4, 8)
    a = 53/17
    c = 2*sqrt(3991)/17
    ans = [Point(a - c/8, a/2 + c), Point(a + c/8, a/2 - c)]
    assert e1.intersection(e2) == ans
    e2 = Ellipse(Point(x, y), 4, 8)
    c = sqrt(3991)
    ans = [Point(-c/68 + a, 2*c/17 + a/2), Point(c/68 + a, -2*c/17 + a/2)]
    assert [p.subs({x: 2, y:1}) for p in e1.intersection(e2)] == ans

    # Combinations of above
    assert e3.is_tangent(e3.tangent_lines(p1 + Point(y1, 0))[0])

    e = Ellipse((1, 2), 3, 2)
    assert e.tangent_lines(Point(10, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(10, 0), Point(1, 0)),
        Line(Point(10, 0), Point(14/5, 18/5))]

    # encloses_point
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 1, 2)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(0, e.vradius - Rational(1, 10)))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius - Rational(1, 10), 0))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius, 0)) is False
    assert e.encloses_point(
        e.center + Point(e.hradius + Rational(1, 10), 0)) is False
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2, 1)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(0, e.vradius - Rational(1, 10)))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius - Rational(1, 10), 0))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius, 0)) is False
    assert e.encloses_point(
        e.center + Point(e.hradius + Rational(1, 10), 0)) is False
    assert c1.encloses_point(Point(1, 0)) is False
    assert c1.encloses_point(Point(0.3, 0.4)) is True

    assert e.scale(2, 3) == Ellipse((0, 0), 4, 3)
    assert e.scale(3, 6) == Ellipse((0, 0), 6, 6)
    assert e.rotate(pi) == e
    assert e.rotate(pi, (1, 2)) == Ellipse(Point(2, 4), 2, 1)
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: e.rotate(pi/3))

    # transformations
    c = Circle((1, 1), 2)
    assert c.scale(-1) == Circle((-1, 1), 2)
    assert c.scale(y=-1) == Circle((1, -1), 2)
    assert c.scale(2) == Ellipse((2, 1), 4, 2)