 def pdf(self, *args):
     from sympy.functions.special.bessel import besselk
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     mu_T = mu.transpose()
     k = S(len(mu))
     sigma_inv = sigma.inv()
     args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     args_T = args.transpose()
     x = (mu_T*sigma_inv*mu)[0]
     y = (args_T*sigma_inv*args)[0]
     v = 1 - k/2
     return S(2)/((2*pi)**(S(k)/2)*sqrt(det(sigma)))\
     *(y/(2 + x))**(S(v)/2)*besselk(v, sqrt((2 + x)*(y)))\
 def pdf(self, *args):
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.shape_mat
     v = S(self.dof)
     k = S(mu.shape[0])
     sigma_inv = sigma.inv()
     args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     x = args - mu
     return gamma((k + v)/2)/(gamma(v/2)*(v*pi)**(k/2)*sqrt(det(sigma)))\
     *(1 + 1/v*(x.transpose()*sigma_inv*x)[0])**((-v - k)/2)
def test_classof():
    A = Matrix(3, 3, range(9))
    B = ImmutableMatrix(3, 3, range(9))
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', 3, 3)
    assert classof(A, A) == Matrix
    assert classof(B, B) == ImmutableMatrix
    assert classof(A, B) == ImmutableMatrix
    assert classof(B, A) == ImmutableMatrix
    raises(TypeError, lambda: classof(A, C))
def test_UGate_OneQubitGate_combo():
    v, w, f, g = symbols('v w f g')
    uMat1 = ImmutableMatrix([[v, w], [f, g]])
    cMat1 = Matrix([[v, w + 1, 0, 0], [f + 1, g, 0, 0], [0, 0, v, w + 1],
                    [0, 0, f + 1, g]])
    u1 = X(0) + UGate(0, uMat1)
    assert represent(u1, nqubits=2) == cMat1

    uMat2 = ImmutableMatrix([[1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2)],
                             [I / sqrt(2), -I / sqrt(2)]])
    cMat2_1 = Matrix([[Rational(1, 2) + I / 2,
                       Rational(1, 2) - I / 2],
                      [Rational(1, 2) - I / 2,
                       Rational(1, 2) + I / 2]])
    cMat2_2 = Matrix([[1, 0], [0, I]])
    u2 = UGate(0, uMat2)
    assert represent(H(0) * u2, nqubits=1) == cMat2_1
    assert represent(u2 * H(0), nqubits=1) == cMat2_2
 def pdf(self, *args):
     from sympy.functions.special.gamma_functions import gamma
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.shape_mat
     v = S(self.dof)
     k = S(len(mu))
     sigma_inv = sigma.inv()
     args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     x = args - mu
     return gamma((k + v)/2)/(gamma(v/2)*(v*pi)**(k/2)*sqrt(det(sigma)))\
     *(1 + 1/v*(x.transpose()*sigma_inv*x)[0])**((-v - k)/2)
def test_doit_with_MatrixBase():
    X = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert MatPow(X, 0).doit() == ImmutableMatrix(Identity(2))
    assert MatPow(X, 1).doit() == X
    assert MatPow(X, 2).doit() == X**2
    assert MatPow(X, -1).doit() == X.inv()
    assert MatPow(X, -2).doit() == (X.inv())**2
    # less expensive than testing on a 2x2
    assert MatPow(ImmutableMatrix([4]), S.Half).doit() == ImmutableMatrix([2])
 def pdf(self, *args):
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     k = mu.shape[0]
     if len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_Matrix:
         args = args[0]
         args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     x = args - mu
     density = S.One / sqrt((2 * pi)**(k) * det(sigma)) * exp(
         Rational(-1, 2) * x.transpose() * (sigma.inv() * x))
     return MatrixElement(density, 0, 0)
 def pdf(self, x):
     M , U , V = self.location_matrix, self.scale_matrix_1, self.scale_matrix_2
     n, p = M.shape
     if isinstance(x, list):
         x = ImmutableMatrix(x)
     if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)):
         raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix "
                 "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x))
     term1 = Inverse(V)*Transpose(x - M)*Inverse(U)*(x - M)
     num = exp(-Trace(term1)/S(2))
     den = (2*pi)**(S(n*p)/2) * Determinant(U)**S(p)/2 * Determinant(V)**S(n)/2
     return num/den
 def _marginal_distribution(self, indices, sym):
     sym = ImmutableMatrix([Indexed(sym, i) for i in indices])
     _mu, _sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     k = self.mu.shape[0]
     for i in range(k):
         if i not in indices:
             _mu = _mu.row_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.col_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.row_del(i)
     return Lambda(tuple(sym), S.One/sqrt((2*pi)**(len(_mu))*det(_sigma))*exp(
         Rational(-1, 2)*(_mu - sym).transpose()*(_sigma.inv()*\
             (_mu - sym)))[0])
def test_as_explicit():
    A = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert MatPow(A, 0).as_explicit() == ImmutableMatrix(Identity(2))
    assert MatPow(A, 1).as_explicit() == A
    assert MatPow(A, 2).as_explicit() == A**2
    assert MatPow(A, -1).as_explicit() == A.inv()
    assert MatPow(A, -2).as_explicit() == (A.inv())**2
    # less expensive than testing on a 2x2
    A = ImmutableMatrix([4]);
    assert MatPow(A, S.Half).as_explicit() == A**S.Half
 def marginal_distribution(self, indices, sym):
     sym = ImmutableMatrix([Indexed(sym, i) for i in indices])
     _mu, _sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     k = len(self.mu)
     for i in range(k):
         if i not in indices:
             _mu = _mu.row_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.col_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.row_del(i)
     return Lambda(sym, S(1)/sqrt((2*pi)**(len(_mu))*det(_sigma))*exp(
         -S(1)/2*(_mu - sym).transpose()*(_sigma.inv()*\
             (_mu - sym)))[0])
 def pdf(self, x):
     n, scale_matrix = self.n, self.scale_matrix
     p = scale_matrix.shape[0]
     if isinstance(x, list):
         x = ImmutableMatrix(x)
     if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)):
         raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix "
                 "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x))
     sigma_inv_x = - Inverse(scale_matrix)*x / S(2)
     term1 = exp(Trace(sigma_inv_x))/((2**(p*n/S(2))) * multigamma(n/S(2), p))
     term2 = (Determinant(scale_matrix))**(-n/S(2))
     term3 = (Determinant(x))**(S(n - p - 1)/2)
     return term1 * term2 * term3
 def pdf(self, x):
     alpha , beta , scale_matrix = self.alpha, self.beta, self.scale_matrix
     p = scale_matrix.shape[0]
     if isinstance(x, list):
         x = ImmutableMatrix(x)
     if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)):
         raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix "
                 "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x))
     sigma_inv_x = - Inverse(scale_matrix)*x / beta
     term1 = exp(Trace(sigma_inv_x))/((beta**(p*alpha)) * multigamma(alpha, p))
     term2 = (Determinant(scale_matrix))**(-alpha)
     term3 = (Determinant(x))**(alpha - S(p + 1)/2)
     return term1 * term2 * term3
    def pdf(self, x):
        from sympy import eye
        if isinstance(x, list):
            x = ImmutableMatrix(x)
        if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)):
            raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix "
                             "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x))
        nu, M, Omega, Sigma = self.nu, self.location_matrix, self.scale_matrix_1, self.scale_matrix_2
        n, p = M.shape

        K = multigamma((nu + n + p - 1)/2, p) * Determinant(Omega)**(-n/2) * Determinant(Sigma)**(-p/2) \
            / ((pi)**(n*p/2) * multigamma((nu + p - 1)/2, p))
        return K * (Determinant(eye(n) + Inverse(Sigma)*(x - M)*Inverse(Omega)*Transpose(x - M))) \
               **(-(nu + n + p -1)/2)
def MatrixGamma(symbol, alpha, beta, scale_matrix):
    Creates a random variable with Matrix Gamma Distribution.

    The density of the said distribution can be found at [1].


    alpha: Positive Real number
        Shape Parameter
    beta: Positive Real number
        Scale Parameter
    scale_matrix: Positive definite real square matrix
        Scale Matrix




    >>> from sympy.stats import density, MatrixGamma
    >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, symbols
    >>> a, b = symbols('a b', positive=True)
    >>> M = MatrixGamma('M', a, b, [[2, 1], [1, 2]])
    >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    >>> density(M)(X).doit()
    [-2/3,  1/3],
    [ 1/3, -2/3]])*X)/b)*Determinant(X)**(a - 3/2)/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(a)*gamma(a - 1/2))
    >>> density(M)([[1, 0], [0, 1]]).doit()
    3**(-a)*b**(-2*a)*exp(-4/(3*b))/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(a)*gamma(a - 1/2))


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_gamma_distribution

    if isinstance(scale_matrix, list):
        scale_matrix = ImmutableMatrix(scale_matrix)
    return rv(symbol, MatrixGammaDistribution, (alpha, beta, scale_matrix))
def Wishart(symbol, n, scale_matrix):
    Creates a random variable with Wishart Distribution.

    The density of the said distribution can be found at [1].


    n: Positive Real number
        Represents degrees of freedom
    scale_matrix: Positive definite real square matrix
        Scale Matrix




    >>> from sympy.stats import density, Wishart
    >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, symbols
    >>> n = symbols('n', positive=True)
    >>> W = Wishart('W', n, [[2, 1], [1, 2]])
    >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    >>> density(W)(X).doit()
    [-1/3,  1/6],
    [ 1/6, -1/3]])*X))*Determinant(X)**(n/2 - 3/2)/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(n/2)*gamma(n/2 - 1/2))
    >>> density(W)([[1, 0], [0, 1]]).doit()
    2**(-n)*3**(-n/2)*exp(-2/3)/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(n/2)*gamma(n/2 - 1/2))


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wishart_distribution

    if isinstance(scale_matrix, list):
        scale_matrix = ImmutableMatrix(scale_matrix)
    return rv(symbol, WishartDistribution, (n, scale_matrix))
def test_OneMatrix():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    a = MatrixSymbol('a', n, 1)
    U = OneMatrix(n, m)

    assert U.shape == (n, m)
    assert isinstance(A + U, Add)
    assert transpose(U) == OneMatrix(m, n)
    assert U.conjugate() == U

    assert OneMatrix(n, n)**0 == Identity(n)
    with raises(ShapeError):
    with raises(ShapeError):

    U = OneMatrix(n, n)
    assert U[1, 2] == 1

    U = OneMatrix(2, 3)
    assert U.as_explicit() == ImmutableMatrix.ones(2, 3)
def test_OneMatrix():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    a = MatrixSymbol('a', n, 1)
    U = OneMatrix(n, m)

    assert U.shape == (n, m)
    assert isinstance(A + U, Add)
    assert transpose(U) == OneMatrix(m, n)
    assert U.conjugate() == U

    assert OneMatrix(n, n) ** 0 == Identity(n)
    with raises(ShapeError):
        U ** 0
    with raises(ShapeError):
        U ** 2

    U = OneMatrix(n, n)
    assert U[1, 2] == 1

    U = OneMatrix(2, 3)
    assert U.as_explicit() == ImmutableMatrix.ones(2, 3)
def test_ZeroMatrix():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    Z = ZeroMatrix(n, m)

    assert A + Z == A
    assert A*Z.T == ZeroMatrix(n, n)
    assert Z*A.T == ZeroMatrix(n, n)
    assert A - A == ZeroMatrix(*A.shape)

    assert Z

    assert transpose(Z) == ZeroMatrix(m, n)
    assert Z.conjugate() == Z

    assert ZeroMatrix(n, n)**0 == Identity(n)
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):

    assert ZeroMatrix(3, 3).as_explicit() == ImmutableMatrix.zeros(3, 3)
def test_Identity():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    i, j = symbols('i j')

    In = Identity(n)
    Im = Identity(m)

    assert A*Im == A
    assert In*A == A

    assert transpose(In) == In
    assert In.inverse() == In
    assert In.conjugate() == In

    assert In[i, j] != 0
    assert Sum(In[i, j], (i, 0, n-1), (j, 0, n-1)).subs(n,3).doit() == 3
    assert Sum(Sum(In[i, j], (i, 0, n-1)), (j, 0, n-1)).subs(n,3).doit() == 3

    # If range exceeds the limit `(0, n-1)`, do not remove `Piecewise`:
    expr = Sum(In[i, j], (i, 0, n-1))
    assert expr.doit() == 1
    expr = Sum(In[i, j], (i, 0, n-2))
    assert expr.doit().dummy_eq(
            (1, (j >= 0) & (j <= n-2)),
            (0, True)
    expr = Sum(In[i, j], (i, 1, n-1))
    assert expr.doit().dummy_eq(
            (1, (j >= 1) & (j <= n-1)),
            (0, True)
    assert Identity(3).as_explicit() == ImmutableMatrix.eye(3)
def test_nfloat():
    from sympy.core.basic import _aresame
    from sympy.polys.rootoftools import rootof

    x = Symbol("x")
    eq = x**Rational(4, 3) + 4 * x**(S.One / 3) / 3
    assert _aresame(nfloat(eq), x**Rational(4, 3) + (4.0 / 3) * x**(S.One / 3))
    assert _aresame(nfloat(eq, exponent=True),
                    x**(4.0 / 3) + (4.0 / 3) * x**(1.0 / 3))
    eq = x**Rational(4, 3) + 4 * x**(x / 3) / 3
    assert _aresame(nfloat(eq), x**Rational(4, 3) + (4.0 / 3) * x**(x / 3))
    big = 12345678901234567890
    # specify precision to match value used in nfloat
    Float_big = Float(big, 15)
    assert _aresame(nfloat(big), Float_big)
    assert _aresame(nfloat(big * x), Float_big * x)
    assert _aresame(nfloat(x**big, exponent=True), x**Float_big)
    assert nfloat(cos(x + sqrt(2))) == cos(x + nfloat(sqrt(2)))

    # issue 6342
    f = S('x*lamda + lamda**3*(x/2 + 1/2) + lamda**2 + 1/4')
    assert not any(a.free_symbols for a in solveset(f.subs(x, -0.139)))

    # issue 6632
    assert nfloat(-100000*sqrt(2500000001) + 5000000001) == \

    # issue 7122
    eq = cos(3 * x**4 + y) * rootof(x**5 + 3 * x**3 + 1, 0)
    assert str(nfloat(eq, exponent=False, n=1)) == '-0.7*cos(3.0*x**4 + y)'

    # issue 10933
    for ti in (dict, Dict):
        d = ti({S.Half: S.Half})
        n = nfloat(d)
        assert isinstance(n, ti)
        assert _aresame(list(n.items()).pop(), (S.Half, Float(.5)))
    for ti in (dict, Dict):
        d = ti({S.Half: S.Half})
        n = nfloat(d, dkeys=True)
        assert isinstance(n, ti)
        assert _aresame(list(n.items()).pop(), (Float(.5), Float(.5)))
    d = [S.Half]
    n = nfloat(d)
    assert type(n) is list
    assert _aresame(n[0], Float(.5))
    assert _aresame(nfloat(Eq(x, S.Half)).rhs, Float(.5))
    assert _aresame(nfloat(S(True)), S(True))
    assert _aresame(nfloat(Tuple(S.Half))[0], Float(.5))
    assert nfloat(Eq((3 - I)**2 / 2 + I, 0)) == S.false
    # pass along kwargs
    assert nfloat([{S.Half: x}], dkeys=True) == [{Float(0.5): x}]

    # Issue 17706
    A = MutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    B = MutableMatrix(
        [[Float('1.0', precision=53),
          Float('2.0', precision=53)],
         [Float('3.0', precision=53),
          Float('4.0', precision=53)]])
    assert _aresame(nfloat(A), B)
    A = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    B = ImmutableMatrix(
        [[Float('1.0', precision=53),
          Float('2.0', precision=53)],
         [Float('3.0', precision=53),
          Float('4.0', precision=53)]])
    assert _aresame(nfloat(A), B)
def test_doit_drills_down():
    X = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    Y = ImmutableMatrix([[2, 3], [4, 5]])
    assert MatMul(X, MatPow(Y, 2)).doit() == X * Y**2
    assert MatMul(C, Transpose(D * C)).doit().args == (C, C.T, D.T)
def test_collapse_MatrixBase():
    A = Matrix([[1, 1], [1, 1]])
    B = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert MatMul(A, B).doit() == ImmutableMatrix([[4, 6], [4, 6]])
def test_MatrixElement_doit():
    u = MatrixSymbol('u', 2, 1)
    v = ImmutableMatrix([3, 5])
    assert u[0, 0].subs(u, v).doit() == v[0, 0]
def test_matmul_simplify():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 1, 1)
    assert simplify(MatMul(A, ImmutableMatrix([[sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2]]))) == \
        MatMul(A, ImmutableMatrix([[1]]))
def test_dense_conversion():
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    assert ImmutableMatrix(X) == ImmutableMatrix(2, 2, lambda i, j: X[i, j])
    assert Matrix(X) == Matrix(2, 2, lambda i, j: X[i, j])
 def __new__(cls, *args):
     args = list(map(sympify, args))
     for i in range(len(args)):
         if isinstance(args[i], list):
             args[i] = ImmutableMatrix(args[i])
     return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
def test_equality():
    a, b, c = Identity(3), eye(3), ImmutableMatrix(eye(3))
    for x in [a, b, c]:
        for y in [a, b, c]:
            assert x.equals(y)
Matrix, ImmutableMatrix, MatrixExpr

Here we test the extent to which they cooperate

from sympy.core.symbol import symbols
from sympy.matrices import (Matrix, MatrixSymbol, eye, Identity,
from sympy.matrices.expressions import MatrixExpr, MatAdd
from sympy.matrices.common import classof
from sympy.testing.pytest import raises

SM = MatrixSymbol('X', 3, 3)
SV = MatrixSymbol('v', 3, 1)
MM = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
IM = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
meye = eye(3)
imeye = ImmutableMatrix(eye(3))
ideye = Identity(3)
a, b, c = symbols('a,b,c')

def test_IM_MM():
    assert isinstance(MM + IM, ImmutableMatrix)
    assert isinstance(IM + MM, ImmutableMatrix)
    assert isinstance(2 * IM + MM, ImmutableMatrix)
    assert MM.equals(IM)

def test_ME_MM():
    assert isinstance(Identity(3) + MM, MatrixExpr)
def test_dense_conversion():
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    x00, x01, x10, x11 = symbols('X_00 X_01 X_10 X_11')
    assert ImmutableMatrix(X) == ImmutableMatrix([[x00, x01], [x10, x11]])
    assert Matrix(X) == Matrix([[x00, x01], [x10, x11]])
def test_TransferFunctionMatrix_functions():
    tf5 = TransferFunction(a1 * s**2 + a2 * s - a0, s + a0, s)

    #  Classmethod (from_matrix)

    mat_1 = ImmutableMatrix([[s * (s + 1) * (s - 3) / (s**4 + 1), 2],
                             [p, p * (s + 1) / (s * (s**1 + 1))]])
    mat_2 = ImmutableMatrix([[(2 * s + 1) / (s**2 - 9)]])
    mat_3 = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert TransferFunctionMatrix.from_Matrix(mat_1, s) == \
        TransferFunctionMatrix([[TransferFunction(s*(s - 3)*(s + 1), s**4 + 1, s), TransferFunction(2, 1, s)],
        [TransferFunction(p, 1, s), TransferFunction(p, s, s)]])
    assert TransferFunctionMatrix.from_Matrix(mat_2, s) == \
        TransferFunctionMatrix([[TransferFunction(2*s + 1, s**2 - 9, s)]])
    assert TransferFunctionMatrix.from_Matrix(mat_3, p) == \
        TransferFunctionMatrix([[TransferFunction(1, 1, p), TransferFunction(2, 1, p)],
        [TransferFunction(3, 1, p), TransferFunction(4, 1, p)]])

    #  Negating a TFM

    tfm1 = TransferFunctionMatrix([[TF1], [TF2]])
    assert -tfm1 == TransferFunctionMatrix([[-TF1], [-TF2]])

    tfm2 = TransferFunctionMatrix([[TF1, TF2, TF3], [tf5, -TF1, -TF3]])
    assert -tfm2 == TransferFunctionMatrix([[-TF1, -TF2, -TF3],
                                            [-tf5, TF1, TF3]])

    # subs()

    H_1 = TransferFunctionMatrix.from_Matrix(mat_1, s)
    H_2 = TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction(a * p * s, k * s**2, s),
        TransferFunction(p * s, k * (s**2 - a), s)
    assert H_1.subs(p, 1) == TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction(s * (s - 3) * (s + 1), s**4 + 1, s),
        TransferFunction(2, 1, s)
    ], [TransferFunction(1, 1, s),
        TransferFunction(1, s, s)]])
    assert H_1.subs({p: 1}) == TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction(s * (s - 3) * (s + 1), s**4 + 1, s),
        TransferFunction(2, 1, s)
    ], [TransferFunction(1, 1, s),
        TransferFunction(1, s, s)]])
    assert H_1.subs({
        p: 1,
        s: 1
    }) == TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction(s * (s - 3) * (s + 1), s**4 + 1, s),
        TransferFunction(2, 1, s)
    ], [TransferFunction(1, 1, s),
        TransferFunction(1, s, s)]])  # This should ignore `s` as it is `var`
    assert H_2.subs(p, 2) == TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction(2 * a * s, k * s**2, s),
        TransferFunction(2 * s, k * (-a + s**2), s)
    assert H_2.subs(k, 1) == TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction(a * p * s, s**2, s),
        TransferFunction(p * s, -a + s**2, s)
    assert H_2.subs(a, 0) == TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction(0, k * s**2, s),
        TransferFunction(p * s, k * s**2, s)
    assert H_2.subs({
        p: 1,
        k: 1,
        a: a0
    }) == TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction(a0 * s, s**2, s),
        TransferFunction(s, -a0 + s**2, s)

    # transpose()

    assert H_1.transpose() == TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction(s * (s - 3) * (s + 1), s**4 + 1, s),
        TransferFunction(p, 1, s)
    ], [TransferFunction(2, 1, s),
        TransferFunction(p, s, s)]])
    assert H_2.transpose() == TransferFunctionMatrix(
        [[TransferFunction(a * p * s, k * s**2, s)],
         [TransferFunction(p * s, k * (-a + s**2), s)]])
    assert H_1.transpose().transpose() == H_1
    assert H_2.transpose().transpose() == H_2

    # elem_poles()

    assert H_1.elem_poles() == [[[
        -sqrt(2) / 2 - sqrt(2) * I / 2, -sqrt(2) / 2 + sqrt(2) * I / 2,
        sqrt(2) / 2 - sqrt(2) * I / 2,
        sqrt(2) / 2 + sqrt(2) * I / 2
    ], []], [[], [0]]]
    assert H_2.elem_poles() == [[[0, 0], [sqrt(a), -sqrt(a)]]]
    assert tfm2.elem_poles() == [[[
        wn * (-zeta + sqrt((zeta - 1) * (zeta + 1))), wn * (-zeta - sqrt(
            (zeta - 1) * (zeta + 1)))
    ], [], [-p / a2]],
                                      wn * (-zeta + sqrt(
                                          (zeta - 1) * (zeta + 1))),
                                      wn * (-zeta - sqrt(
                                          (zeta - 1) * (zeta + 1)))
                                  ], [-p / a2]]]

    # elem_zeros()

    assert H_1.elem_zeros() == [[[-1, 0, 3], []], [[], []]]
    assert H_2.elem_zeros() == [[[0], [0]]]
    assert tfm2.elem_zeros() == [
        [[], [], [a2 * p]],
            -a2 / (2 * a1) - sqrt(4 * a0 * a1 + a2**2) / (2 * a1),
            -a2 / (2 * a1) + sqrt(4 * a0 * a1 + a2**2) / (2 * a1)
        ], [], [a2 * p]]

    # doit()

    H_3 = TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        Series(TransferFunction(1, s**3 - 3, s),
               TransferFunction(s**2 - 2 * s + 5, 1, s),
               TransferFunction(1, s, s))
    H_4 = TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        Parallel(TransferFunction(s**3 - 3, 4 * s**4 - s**2 - 2 * s + 5, s),
                 TransferFunction(4 - s**3, 4 * s**4 - s**2 - 2 * s + 5, s))

    assert H_3.doit() == TransferFunctionMatrix(
        [[TransferFunction(s**2 - 2 * s + 5, s * (s**3 - 3), s)]])
    assert H_4.doit() == TransferFunctionMatrix([[
        TransferFunction((4 - s**3) * (4 * s**4 - s**2 - 2 * s + 5) +
                         (s**3 - 3) * (4 * s**4 - s**2 - 2 * s + 5),
                         (4 * s**4 - s**2 - 2 * s + 5)**2, s)

    # _flat()

    assert H_1._flat() == [
        TransferFunction(s * (s - 3) * (s + 1), s**4 + 1, s),
        TransferFunction(2, 1, s),
        TransferFunction(p, 1, s),
        TransferFunction(p, s, s)
    assert H_2._flat() == [
        TransferFunction(a * p * s, k * s**2, s),
        TransferFunction(p * s, k * (-a + s**2), s)
    assert H_3._flat() == [
        Series(TransferFunction(1, s**3 - 3, s),
               TransferFunction(s**2 - 2 * s + 5, 1, s),
               TransferFunction(1, s, s))
    assert H_4._flat() == [
        Parallel(TransferFunction(s**3 - 3, 4 * s**4 - s**2 - 2 * s + 5, s),
                 TransferFunction(4 - s**3, 4 * s**4 - s**2 - 2 * s + 5, s))
 def __call__(self, expr):
     if isinstance(expr, list):
         expr = ImmutableMatrix(expr)
     return self.pdf(expr)