def J(x, p=p, extra_par={}):
    old_p = p.copy()
    assert x >= 0
    assert x <= p["L1"]
    wJ = sqrt((p["mJ"]) / p["DJ"])
    wA = sqrt((p["mA"]) / p["DA"])
    result = p["K"] * exp(wJ * (x - p["L1"])) / 2.0 * (1 - wA / wJ * tanh(wA * p["d"])) * (
        1 / (cosh(wJ * p["L1"]) + wA / wJ * tanh(wA * p["d"]) * sinh(wJ * p["L1"]))
        - 1.0 / (p["r"] * p["d"] * exp(-p["a"] * p["L1"]))
    ) + p["K"] * exp(-wJ * (x - p["L1"])) / 2.0 * (1 + wA / wJ * tanh(wA * p["d"])) * (
        1 / (cosh(wJ * p["L1"]) + wA / wJ * tanh(wA * p["d"]) * sinh(wJ * p["L1"]))
        - 1.0 / (p["r"] * p["d"] * exp(-p["a"] * p["L1"]))
    return result
def G(l, p=p, extra_par={}):
    old_p = p.copy()
    wJ = sqrt((p["mJ"] + l) / p["DJ"])
    wA = sqrt((p["mA"] + l) / p["DA"])
    result = exp(l * p["t1"]) * (cosh(wJ * p["L1"]) + wA / wJ * tanh(wA * p["d"]) * sinh(wJ * p["L1"]))
    return result
def calc_fnu_mp(nu_M, a=0.707, p=0.3, A=1):
    """ Find f(nu) using equation A19 from Zhu et al.

    A19 is used to get the mass function, f(nu). Find A using
    int_0^inf fnu dnu = 1. They find 0.129.  We find A=0.322?

    # need to integrate fnu from 0 -> inf and set equal to 1, which sets A.
    res2,_ = scipy.integrate.quad(calc_fnu, 0, np.inf)
    print res2
    # normalization constant is A, assume 1 for now.
    an2 = a*nu_M
    return A*mp.sqrt(2 * an2 / pi) * (1 + an2**-p) * mp.exp(-0.5*an2)
def intA(p=p, extra_par={}):
    old_p = p.copy()
    wJ = sqrt((p["mJ"]) / p["DJ"])
    wA = sqrt((p["mA"]) / p["DA"])
    result = (
        sinh(wA * p["d"])
        / wA
        / cosh(wA * p["d"])
        * (
            1 / (cosh(wJ * p["L1"]) + wA / wJ * tanh(wA * p["d"]) * sinh(wJ * p["L1"]))
            - 1.0 / (p["r"] * p["d"] * exp(-p["a"] * p["L1"]))
    return result
def A(x, p=p, extra_par={}):
    old_p = p.copy()
    assert x >= p["L1"]
    assert x <= p["L1"] + p["d"]
    wJ = sqrt((p["mJ"]) / p["DJ"])
    wA = sqrt((p["mA"]) / p["DA"])
    result = (
        cosh(wA * (p["L1"] + p["d"] - x))
        / cosh(wA * p["d"])
        * (
            1 / (cosh(wJ * p["L1"]) + wA / wJ * tanh(wA * p["d"]) * sinh(wJ * p["L1"]))
            - 1.0 / (p["r"] * p["d"] * exp(-p["a"] * p["L1"]))
    return result
 def objective(self, z, X, y):
     (N, _) = X.shape
     w = np.add(self.S.dot(z), self.m)  # O(d^2)
     sigmoid = lambda x: float(1 / (1 + mpmath.exp(-float(x))))
     #        val = 0
     grad = np.zeros((self.D, 1), dtype=float)
     for i in range(N):
         if sparse.issparse(X):
             x = X[i, :]
             x = np.array([X[i, :]])
         t = x.dot(w)
         f = sigmoid(t)
         if sparse.issparse(X):
             grad = np.add(grad, (x * (y[i] - f)).toarray().T)
             grad = np.add(grad, np.array(x * (y[i] - f)).T)
     S_diag = self.S.diagonal().reshape((self.D, 1))
     L = w / (np.multiply(S_diag, S_diag) + np.multiply(self.m, self.m))
     grad -= L
     return 0, grad
    def objective(self, z, X, y):
        (N,_) = X.shape
        w = np.add(self.S.dot(z), self.m) # O(d^2)
        sigmoid = lambda x: float(1/(1+mpmath.exp(-float(x))))
#        val = 0
        grad = np.zeros((self.D, 1), dtype=float)
        for i in range(N):
            if sparse.issparse(X):
                x = X[i, :]
                x = np.array([X[i, :]])
            t = x.dot(w)
            f = sigmoid(t)
            if sparse.issparse(X):
                grad = np.add(grad, (x * (y[i] - f)).toarray().T)
                grad = np.add(grad, np.array(x * (y[i] -f)).T)
        S_diag = self.S.diagonal().reshape((self.D,1))
        L = w / (np.multiply(S_diag, S_diag) + np.multiply(self.m, self.m))
        grad -= L
        return 0, grad
文件: D3EUtil.py 项目: Q-KIM/D3E
def cramerVonMises(x, y):

		x = sorted(x);
		y = sorted(y);

		pool = x + y;

		ps, pr = _sortRank(pool)

		rx = array ( [ pr[ind] for ind in [ ps.index(element) for element in x ] ] )
		ry = array ( [ pr[ind] for ind in [ ps.index(element) for element in y ] ] )

		n = len(x)
		m = len(y)

		i = array(range(1, n+1))
		j = array(range(1, m+1))

		u = n * sum ( power( (rx - i), 2 ) ) + m * sum ( power((ry - j), 2) )

		t = u / (n*m*(n+m)) - (4*n*m-1) / (6 * (n+m))
		Tmu = 1/6 + 1 / (6*(n+m))
		Tvar = 1/45 * ( (m+n+1) / power((m+n),2) ) * (4*m*n*(m+n) - 3*(power(m,2) + power(n,2)) - 2*m*n) / (4*m*n)
		t = (t - Tmu) / power(45*Tvar, 0.5) + 1/6

		if t < 0:
			return -1
		elif t <= 12:
			a = 1-mp.nsum(lambda x : ( mp.gamma(x+0.5) / ( mp.gamma(0.5) * mp.fac(x) ) ) *
					 mp.power( 4*x + 1, 0.5 ) * mp.exp ( - mp.power(4*x + 1, 2) / (16*t) ) *
					  mp.besselk(0.25 , mp.power(4*x + 1, 2) / (16*t) ), [0,100] ) / (mp.pi*mp.sqrt(t))
			return float(mp.nstr(a,3))
			return 0
	except Exception as e:
		print e
		return -1
def F(x, p=p):
    return (1 - p['b'] * mp.exp(-x * p['t2'])) * mp.exp(x * p['t1']) \
            * (mp.cosh(mp.sqrt((p['mJ'] + x)/p['DJ']) * p['L1']) \
            + mp.sinh(mp.sqrt((p['mJ'] + x)/p['DJ']) * p['L1']) \
            * mp.sqrt((p['mJ'] + x)/p['DJ']) / mp.sqrt((p['mA'] + x)/p['DA']) \
            * mp.coth(mp.sqrt((p['mA'] + x)/p['DA']) * p['d'])) - p['a']
 def _f(x):
     return mp.gamma(g+1)* \
     np.power(x/mpf(2), -g) * \
     mp.exp(1j*x) * mp.besselj(g, x)
def count_roots(p):
    """ Counts the number of roots of the polynomial object 'p' on the
    interior of the unit ball using an integral. """
    return mp.quad(lambda z: mp.exp(1.0j * z) * p(mp.exp(1.0j * z)), [0., 2 * np.pi]) / (2 * np.pi)
def N(x, l, p=p):
    return 2. * mp.sinh(sqrt((p['mJ'] + l)/p['DJ']) * p['L1']) \
            * (mp.exp(mp.sqrt((p['mA'] + l)/p['DA']) * x) + \
            mp.exp(mp.sqrt((p['mA'] + l)/p['DA']) * (2*p['L2'] - x)))
def voigt_slow(a, u):
    with mp.workdps(581):
        z = mp.mpc(u, a)
        result = mp.exp(-z * z) * mp.erfc(-1j * z)
    return result.real
def M(x, l, p=p):
    return mp.exp(mp.sqrt((p['mJ'] + l)/p['DJ']) * x) + \
            ((1 - p['b'] * mp.exp(-x * p['t2'])) * mp.exp(x * p['t1']) - p['a'] * mp.exp(mp.sqrt((p['mJ'] + l)/p['DJ']) * p['L1'])) / \
            ((1 - p['b'] * mp.exp(-x * p['t2'])) * mp.exp(x * p['t1']) - p['a'] * mp.exp(- mp.sqrt((p['mJ'] + l)/p['DJ']) * p['L1'])) \
            * mp.exp(- mp.sqrt((p['mJ'] + l)/p['DJ']) * x)
from numpy import inf
#from math import factorial
from math import sqrt
from math import pi
from sympy import mpmath
from scipy.integrate import quad
from GaussHermiteQuadrature import GaussHermiteQuadrature as gaussquad
#def H(n, x):
#    return hermval(x, [0]*n+[1])
#def hermite_weight(n, x):
#    return pow(2,n-1)*factorial(n)*sqrt(pi)/(pow(n,2)*pow(H(n-1, x), 2))
mu = 1
sigma = 2

sigmoid = lambda x: 1 / (1 + mpmath.exp(-x))
polynomial = lambda x: 2 * x**6 + 4 * x**9 + x + 2
exponential = lambda x: mpmath.exp(x)
normalpdf = lambda x: 1 / (sqrt(2 * pi) * sigma) * mpmath.exp(-(x - mu)**2 /
                                                              (2 * sigma**2))

#N = 10
#x,u = hermgauss(N)
#z = x
#hquad = 0
#for i in range(N):
#    w = hermite_weight(N, x[i])
#    hquad += w * polynomial(sqrt(2)*sigma*x[i]+mu)
#hquad /= sqrt(pi)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = np.poly1d([1, 0, 0, 0, 1])
    # use mayavi if possible.
    # otherwise, fall back to matplotlib.
    if use_mayavi:
    # All the different integration examples.
    f1 = lambda z: z.conjugate()
    f2 = lambda z: mp.exp(z)
    c1 = lambda t: mp.cos(t) + 1.0j * mp.sin(t)
    c2 = lambda t: t + 1.0j * t
    c3 = lambda t: t
    c4 = lambda t: 1 + 1.0j * t
    c5 = lambda t: mp.cos(t) + 1.0j + 1.0j * mp.sin(t)
    print "z conjugate counterclockwise along the unit ball starting and ending at 1."
    print contour_int(f1, c1, 0, 2 * np.pi)
    print "z conjugate along a straight line from 0 to 1+1j."
    print contour_int(f1, c2, 0, 1)
    print "z conjugate along the real axis from 0 to 1, then along the line from 1 to 1+1j."
    print contour_int(f1, c3, 0, 1) + contour_int(f1, c4, 0, 1)
    print "z conjugate along the unit ball centered at 1j from 0 to 1+1j."
    print contour_int(f1, c5, -np.pi / 2, 0.)
    print "e^z counterclockwise along the unit ball starting and ending at 1."
    print contour_int(f2, c1, 0, 2 * np.pi)
 def precise(freq_, age_, log_a_0_):
     return float(mp.power(alpha + age_, r + freq_) * mp.exp(log_a_0_))
from numpy import inf
#from math import factorial
from math import sqrt
from math import pi
from sympy import mpmath
from scipy.integrate import quad
from GaussHermiteQuadrature import GaussHermiteQuadrature as gaussquad
#def H(n, x):
#    return hermval(x, [0]*n+[1])
#def hermite_weight(n, x):
#    return pow(2,n-1)*factorial(n)*sqrt(pi)/(pow(n,2)*pow(H(n-1, x), 2))
mu = 1
sigma = 2

sigmoid = lambda x : 1/(1+mpmath.exp(-x))
polynomial = lambda x : 2*x**6+4*x**9+x+2
exponential = lambda x : mpmath.exp(x)
normalpdf = lambda x : 1 / (sqrt(2*pi)*sigma) * mpmath.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))

#N = 10
#x,u = hermgauss(N)
#z = x
#hquad = 0
#for i in range(N):
#    w = hermite_weight(N, x[i])
#    hquad += w * polynomial(sqrt(2)*sigma*x[i]+mu)
#hquad /= sqrt(pi)
def count_roots(p):
    """ Counts the number of roots of the polynomial object 'p' on the
    interior of the unit ball using an integral. """
    return mp.quad(lambda z: mp.exp(1.0j * z) * p(mp.exp(1.0j * z)),
                   [0., 2 * np.pi]) / (2 * np.pi)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = np.poly1d([1, 0, 0, 0, 1])
    # use mayavi if possible.
    # otherwise, fall back to matplotlib.
    if use_mayavi:

    # All the different integration examples.
    f1 = lambda z: z.conjugate()
    f2 = lambda z: mp.exp(z)
    c1 = lambda t: mp.cos(t) + 1.0j * mp.sin(t)
    c2 = lambda t: t + 1.0j * t
    c3 = lambda t: t
    c4 = lambda t: 1 + 1.0j * t
    c5 = lambda t: mp.cos(t) + 1.0j + 1.0j * mp.sin(t)
    print "z conjugate counterclockwise along the unit ball starting and ending at 1."
    print contour_int(f1, c1, 0, 2 * np.pi)
    print "z conjugate along a straight line from 0 to 1+1j."
    print contour_int(f1, c2, 0, 1)
    print "z conjugate along the real axis from 0 to 1, then along the line from 1 to 1+1j."
    print contour_int(f1, c3, 0, 1) + contour_int(f1, c4, 0, 1)
    print "z conjugate along the unit ball centered at 1j from 0 to 1+1j."
    print contour_int(f1, c5, -np.pi / 2, 0.)
    print "e^z counterclockwise along the unit ball starting and ending at 1."
    print contour_int(f2, c1, 0, 2 * np.pi)