def test_particle():
    m, m2, v1, v2, v3, r, g, h = symbols('m m2 v1 v2 v3 r g h')
    P = Point('P')
    P2 = Point('P2')
    p = Particle('pa', P, m)
    assert p.mass == m
    assert p.point == P
    # Test the mass setter
    p.mass = m2
    assert p.mass == m2
    # Test the point setter
    p.point = P2
    assert p.point == P2
    # Test the linear momentum function
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    O = Point('O')
    P2.set_pos(O, r * N.y)
    P2.set_vel(N, v1 * N.x)
    assert p.linear_momentum(N) == m2 * v1 * N.x
    assert p.angular_momentum(O, N) == -m2 * r *v1 * N.z
    P2.set_vel(N, v2 * N.y)
    assert p.linear_momentum(N) == m2 * v2 * N.y
    assert p.angular_momentum(O, N) == 0
    P2.set_vel(N, v3 * N.z)
    assert p.linear_momentum(N) == m2 * v3 * N.z
    assert p.angular_momentum(O, N) == m2 * r * v3 * N.x
    P2.set_vel(N, v1 * N.x + v2 * N.y + v3 * N.z)
    assert p.linear_momentum(N) == m2 * (v1 * N.x + v2 * N.y + v3 * N.z)
    assert p.angular_momentum(O, N) == m2 * r * (v3 * N.x - v1 * N.z)
    p.set_potential_energy(m * g * h)
    assert p.potential_energy == m * g * h
    # TODO make the result not be system-dependent
    assert p.kinetic_energy(
        N) in [m2*(v1**2 + v2**2 + v3**2)/2,
        m2 * v1**2 / 2 + m2 * v2**2 / 2 + m2 * v3**2 / 2]
def test_particle():
    m, m2, v1, v2, v3, r = symbols('m m2 v1 v2 v3 r')
    P = Point('P')
    P2 = Point('P2')
    p = Particle('pa', P, m)
    assert p.mass == m
    assert p.point == P
    # Test the mass setter
    p.mass = m2
    assert p.mass == m2
    # Test the point setter
    p.point = P2
    assert p.point == P2
    # Test the linear momentum function
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    O = Point('O')
    P2.set_pos(O, r * N.y)
    P2.set_vel(N, v1 * N.x)
    assert p.linearmomentum(N) == m2 * v1 * N.x
    assert p.angularmomentum(O, N) == -m2 * r *v1 * N.z
    P2.set_vel(N, v2 * N.y)
    assert p.linearmomentum(N) == m2 * v2 * N.y
    assert p.angularmomentum(O, N) == 0
    P2.set_vel(N, v3 * N.z)
    assert p.linearmomentum(N) == m2 * v3 * N.z
    assert p.angularmomentum(O, N) == m2 * r * v3 * N.x
    P2.set_vel(N, v1 * N.x + v2 * N.y + v3 * N.z)
    assert p.linearmomentum(N) == m2 * (v1 * N.x + v2 * N.y + v3 * N.z)
    assert p.angularmomentum(O, N) == m2 * r * (v3 * N.x - v1 * N.z)
    def vizAsCylinder(self,
        """ """
        if format == 'pydy':
            # pydy cylinder is along y and centered at the middle of the cylinder
            from pydy.viz.shapes import Cylinder
            from pydy.viz.visualization_frame import VisualizationFrame
            if axis == 'y':
                e = self.frame
                a = self.frame.y
            elif axis == 'z':
                e = self.frame.orientnew('CF_' + self.name, 'Axis',
                                         (np.pi / 2, self.frame.x))
                a = self.frame.z
            elif axis == 'x':
                e = self.frame.orientnew('CF_' + self.name, 'Axis',
                                         (np.pi / 2, self.frame.z))
                a = self.frame.x

            shape = Cylinder(radius=radius, length=length, color=color)
            center = Point('CC_' + self.name)
            center.set_pos(self.origin, (length / 2 + offset) * a)
            return VisualizationFrame(e, center, shape)
            raise NotImplementedError()
def second_order_system():
    # from sympy.printing.pycode import NumPyPrinter, pycode
    coordinates = dynamicsymbols('q:1')  # Generalized coordinates
    speeds = dynamicsymbols('u:1')  # Generalized speeds
    # Force applied to the cart
    cart_thrust = dynamicsymbols('thrust')

    m = sp.symbols('m:1')         # Mass of each bob
    g, t = sp.symbols('g t')
    # Gravity and time
    ref_frame = ReferenceFrame('I')     # Inertial reference frame
    origin = Point('O')                 # Origin point
    origin.set_vel(ref_frame, 0)        # Origin's velocity is zero

    P0 = Point('P0')                            # Hinge point of top link
    # Set the position of P0
    P0.set_pos(origin, coordinates[0] * ref_frame.x)
    P0.set_vel(ref_frame, speeds[0] * ref_frame.x)   # Set the velocity of P0
    Pa0 = Particle('Pa0', P0, m[0])             # Define a particle at P0

    # List to hold the n + 1 frames
    frames = [ref_frame]
    points = [P0]                             # List to hold the n + 1 points
    # List to hold the n + 1 particles
    particles = [Pa0]

    # List to hold the n + 1 applied forces, including the input force, f
    applied_forces = [(P0, cart_thrust * ref_frame.x - m[0] * g *
    # List to hold kinematic ODE's
    kindiffs = [coordinates[0].diff(t) - speeds[0]]

    # Initialize the object
    kane = KanesMethod(ref_frame, q_ind=coordinates,
                       u_ind=speeds, kd_eqs=kindiffs)
    # Generate EoM's fr + frstar = 0
    fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations(particles, applied_forces)

    state = coordinates + speeds
    gain = [cart_thrust]

    kindiff_dict = kane.kindiffdict()
    M = kane.mass_matrix_full.subs(kindiff_dict)
    F = kane.forcing_full.subs(kindiff_dict)

    static_parameters = [g, m[0]]

    transfer = M.inv() * F
    return DynamicSystem(state, gain, static_parameters, transfer)
def test_rigidbody2():
    M, v, r, omega = dynamicsymbols('M v r omega')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    b = ReferenceFrame('b')
    b.set_ang_vel(N, omega * b.x)
    P = Point('P')
    I = outer (b.x, b.x)
    Inertia_tuple = (I, P)
    B = RigidBody('B', P, b, M, Inertia_tuple)
    P.set_vel(N, v * b.x)
    assert B.angularmomentum(P, N) == omega * b.x
    O = Point('O')
    O.set_vel(N, v * b.x)
    P.set_pos(O, r * b.y)
    assert B.angularmomentum(O, N) == omega * b.x - M*v*r*b.z
def test_rigidbody2():
    M, v, r, omega, g, h = dynamicsymbols('M v r omega g h')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    b = ReferenceFrame('b')
    b.set_ang_vel(N, omega * b.x)
    P = Point('P')
    I = outer(b.x, b.x)
    Inertia_tuple = (I, P)
    B = RigidBody('B', P, b, M, Inertia_tuple)
    P.set_vel(N, v * b.x)
    assert B.angular_momentum(P, N) == omega * b.x
    O = Point('O')
    O.set_vel(N, v * b.x)
    P.set_pos(O, r * b.y)
    assert B.angular_momentum(O, N) == omega * b.x - M*v*r*b.z
    B.potential_energy = M * g * h
    assert B.potential_energy == M * g * h
    assert expand(2 * B.kinetic_energy(N)) == omega**2 + M * v**2
def test_rigidbody2():
    M, v, r, omega, g, h = dynamicsymbols('M v r omega g h')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    b = ReferenceFrame('b')
    b.set_ang_vel(N, omega * b.x)
    P = Point('P')
    I = outer(b.x, b.x)
    Inertia_tuple = (I, P)
    B = RigidBody('B', P, b, M, Inertia_tuple)
    P.set_vel(N, v * b.x)
    assert B.angular_momentum(P, N) == omega * b.x
    O = Point('O')
    O.set_vel(N, v * b.x)
    P.set_pos(O, r * b.y)
    assert B.angular_momentum(O, N) == omega * b.x - M*v*r*b.z
    B.set_potential_energy(M * g * h)
    assert B.potential_energy == M * g * h
    assert B.kinetic_energy(N) == (omega**2 + M * v**2) / 2
def test_center_of_mass():
    a = ReferenceFrame('a')
    m = symbols('m', real=True)
    p1 = Particle('p1', Point('p1_pt'), S(1))
    p2 = Particle('p2', Point('p2_pt'), S(2))
    p3 = Particle('p3', Point('p3_pt'), S(3))
    p4 = Particle('p4', Point('p4_pt'), m)
    b_f = ReferenceFrame('b_f')
    b_cm = Point('b_cm')
    mb = symbols('mb')
    b = RigidBody('b', b_cm, b_f, mb, (outer(b_f.x, b_f.x), b_cm))
    p2.point.set_pos(p1.point, a.x)
    p3.point.set_pos(p1.point, a.x + a.y)
    p4.point.set_pos(p1.point, a.y)
    b.masscenter.set_pos(p1.point, a.y + a.z)
    point_o.set_pos(p1.point, center_of_mass(p1.point, p1, p2, p3, p4, b))
    expr = 5/(m + mb + 6)*a.x + (m + mb + 3)/(m + mb + 6)*a.y + mb/(m + mb + 6)*a.z
    assert point_o.pos_from(p1.point)-expr == 0
def test_center_of_mass():
    a = ReferenceFrame('a')
    m = symbols('m', real=True)
    p1 = Particle('p1', Point('p1_pt'), S.One)
    p2 = Particle('p2', Point('p2_pt'), S(2))
    p3 = Particle('p3', Point('p3_pt'), S(3))
    p4 = Particle('p4', Point('p4_pt'), m)
    b_f = ReferenceFrame('b_f')
    b_cm = Point('b_cm')
    mb = symbols('mb')
    b = RigidBody('b', b_cm, b_f, mb, (outer(b_f.x, b_f.x), b_cm))
    p2.point.set_pos(p1.point, a.x)
    p3.point.set_pos(p1.point, a.x + a.y)
    p4.point.set_pos(p1.point, a.y)
    b.masscenter.set_pos(p1.point, a.y + a.z)
    point_o.set_pos(p1.point, center_of_mass(p1.point, p1, p2, p3, p4, b))
    expr = 5/(m + mb + 6)*a.x + (m + mb + 3)/(m + mb + 6)*a.y + mb/(m + mb + 6)*a.z
    assert point_o.pos_from(p1.point)-expr == 0
def test_center_of_mass():
    a = ReferenceFrame("a")
    m = symbols("m", real=True)
    p1 = Particle("p1", Point("p1_pt"), S.One)
    p2 = Particle("p2", Point("p2_pt"), S(2))
    p3 = Particle("p3", Point("p3_pt"), S(3))
    p4 = Particle("p4", Point("p4_pt"), m)
    b_f = ReferenceFrame("b_f")
    b_cm = Point("b_cm")
    mb = symbols("mb")
    b = RigidBody("b", b_cm, b_f, mb, (outer(b_f.x, b_f.x), b_cm))
    p2.point.set_pos(p1.point, a.x)
    p3.point.set_pos(p1.point, a.x + a.y)
    p4.point.set_pos(p1.point, a.y)
    b.masscenter.set_pos(p1.point, a.y + a.z)
    point_o = Point("o")
    point_o.set_pos(p1.point, center_of_mass(p1.point, p1, p2, p3, p4, b))
    expr = (5 / (m + mb + 6) * a.x + (m + mb + 3) / (m + mb + 6) * a.y + mb /
            (m + mb + 6) * a.z)
    assert point_o.pos_from(p1.point) - expr == 0
def test_particle():
    m, m2, v1, v2, v3, r, g, h = symbols("m m2 v1 v2 v3 r g h")
    P = Point("P")
    P2 = Point("P2")
    p = Particle("pa", P, m)
    assert p.__str__() == "pa"
    assert p.mass == m
    assert p.point == P
    # Test the mass setter
    p.mass = m2
    assert p.mass == m2
    # Test the point setter
    p.point = P2
    assert p.point == P2
    # Test the linear momentum function
    N = ReferenceFrame("N")
    O = Point("O")
    P2.set_pos(O, r * N.y)
    P2.set_vel(N, v1 * N.x)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Particle(P, P, m))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Particle("pa", m, m))
    assert p.linear_momentum(N) == m2 * v1 * N.x
    assert p.angular_momentum(O, N) == -m2 * r * v1 * N.z
    P2.set_vel(N, v2 * N.y)
    assert p.linear_momentum(N) == m2 * v2 * N.y
    assert p.angular_momentum(O, N) == 0
    P2.set_vel(N, v3 * N.z)
    assert p.linear_momentum(N) == m2 * v3 * N.z
    assert p.angular_momentum(O, N) == m2 * r * v3 * N.x
    P2.set_vel(N, v1 * N.x + v2 * N.y + v3 * N.z)
    assert p.linear_momentum(N) == m2 * (v1 * N.x + v2 * N.y + v3 * N.z)
    assert p.angular_momentum(O, N) == m2 * r * (v3 * N.x - v1 * N.z)
    p.potential_energy = m * g * h
    assert p.potential_energy == m * g * h
    # TODO make the result not be system-dependent
    assert p.kinetic_energy(N) in [
        m2 * (v1**2 + v2**2 + v3**2) / 2,
        m2 * v1**2 / 2 + m2 * v2**2 / 2 + m2 * v3**2 / 2,
 def vizAsRotor(self,
     # --- Bodies visualization
     if format == 'pydy':
         from pydy.viz.shapes import Cylinder
         from pydy.viz.visualization_frame import VisualizationFrame
         blade_shape = Cylinder(radius=radius, length=length, color=color)
         viz = []
         if axis == 'x':
             for iB in np.arange(nB):
                 frame = self.frame.orientnew(
                     'b', 'Axis', (-np.pi / 2 + (iB - 1) * 2 * np.pi / nB,
                                   self.frame.x))  # Y pointing along blade
                 center = Point('RB')
                 center.set_pos(self.origin, length / 2 * frame.y)
                 viz.append(VisualizationFrame(frame, center, blade_shape))
             return viz
             raise NotImplementedError()
def frame_viz(Origin, frame, l=1, r=0.08):
    """ """
    from pydy.viz.shapes import Cylinder
    from pydy.viz.visualization_frame import VisualizationFrame
    from sympy.physics.mechanics import Point

    X_frame  = frame.orientnew('ffx', 'Axis', (-np.pi/2, frame.z) ) # Make y be x
    Z_frame  = frame.orientnew('ffz', 'Axis', (+np.pi/2, frame.x) ) # Make y be z
    X_shape   = Cylinder(radius=r, length=l, color='red') # Cylinder are along y
    Y_shape   = Cylinder(radius=r, length=l, color='green')
    Z_shape   = Cylinder(radius=r, length=l, color='blue')
    X_center=Point('X'); X_center.set_pos(Origin, l/2 * X_frame.y)
    Y_center=Point('Y'); Y_center.set_pos(Origin, l/2 *   frame.y)
    Z_center=Point('Z'); Z_center.set_pos(Origin, l/2 * Z_frame.y)
    X_viz_frame = VisualizationFrame(X_frame, X_center, X_shape)
    Y_viz_frame = VisualizationFrame(  frame, Y_center, Y_shape)
    Z_viz_frame = VisualizationFrame(Z_frame, Z_center, Z_shape)
    return X_viz_frame, Y_viz_frame, Z_viz_frame
 def vizFrame(self, radius=0.1, length=1.0, format='pydy'):
     if format == 'pydy':
         from pydy.viz.shapes import Cylinder
         from pydy.viz.visualization_frame import VisualizationFrame
         from sympy.physics.mechanics import Point
         X_frame = self.frame.orientnew(
             'ffx', 'Axis', (-np.pi / 2, self.frame.z))  # Make y be x
         Z_frame = self.frame.orientnew(
             'ffz', 'Axis', (+np.pi / 2, self.frame.x))  # Make y be z
         X_shape = Cylinder(radius=radius, length=length,
                            color='red')  # Cylinder are along y
         Y_shape = Cylinder(radius=radius, length=length, color='green')
         Z_shape = Cylinder(radius=radius, length=length, color='blue')
         X_center = Point('X')
         X_center.set_pos(self.origin, length / 2 * X_frame.y)
         Y_center = Point('Y')
         Y_center.set_pos(self.origin, length / 2 * self.frame.y)
         Z_center = Point('Z')
         Z_center.set_pos(self.origin, length / 2 * Z_frame.y)
         X_viz_frame = VisualizationFrame(X_frame, X_center, X_shape)
         Y_viz_frame = VisualizationFrame(self.frame, Y_center, Y_shape)
         Z_viz_frame = VisualizationFrame(Z_frame, Z_center, Z_shape)
     return X_viz_frame, Y_viz_frame, Z_viz_frame
#Sets up inertial frame as well as frames for each linkage
inertial_frame = ReferenceFrame('I')
s_frame = ReferenceFrame('S')

#Sets up symbols for joint angles
theta_s = dynamicsymbols('theta_s')

#Orients the leg frame to the inertial frame by angle theta1
#and the body frame to to the leg frame by angle theta2
s_frame.orient(inertial_frame, 'Axis', (theta_s, inertial_frame.z))

#Sets up points for the joints and places them relative to each other
S = Point('S')
s_length = symbols('l_s')
T = Point('T')
T.set_pos(S, s_length*s_frame.y)

#Sets up the angular velocities
omega_s = dynamicsymbols('omega_s')
#Relates angular velocity values to the angular positions theta1 and theta2
kinematic_differential_equations = [omega_s - theta_s.diff()]

#Sets up the rotational axes of the angular velocities
s_frame.set_ang_vel(inertial_frame, omega_s*inertial_frame.z)

#Sets up the linear velocities of the points on the linkages
S.set_vel(inertial_frame, 0)
T.v2pt_theory(S, inertial_frame, s_frame)

#Sets up the masses of the linkages
s_mass = symbols('m_s')
one_frame = ReferenceFrame('1')
two_frame = ReferenceFrame('2')

#Sets up symbols for joint angles
theta1, theta2 = dynamicsymbols('theta1, theta2')

#Orients the leg frame to the inertial frame by angle theta1
#and the body frame to to the leg frame by angle theta2
one_frame.orient(inertial_frame, 'Axis', (theta1, inertial_frame.z))
two_frame.orient(one_frame, 'Axis', (theta2, one_frame.z))

#Sets up points for the joints and places them relative to each other
one = Point('1')
one_length = symbols('l_1')
two = Point('2')
two.set_pos(one, one_length*one_frame.y)
three = Point('3')
two_length = symbols('l_2')
three.set_pos(two, two_length*two_frame.y)

#Sets up the angular velocities
omega1, omega2 = dynamicsymbols('omega1, omega2')
#Relates angular velocity values to the angular positions theta1 and theta2
kinematic_differential_equations = [omega1 - theta1.diff(),
                                    omega2 - theta2.diff()]

#Sets up the rotational axes of the angular velocities
one_frame.set_ang_vel(inertial_frame, omega1*inertial_frame.z)
two_frame.set_ang_vel(one_frame, omega2*inertial_frame.z)
文件: run.py 项目: atinariam/pydy
N = ReferenceFrame('N')
A = N.orientnew('A', 'Axis', [q1, N.z])
B = A.orientnew('B', 'axis', [q2, A.z])
C = N.orientnew('C', 'Axis', [theta, N.z])

# Joints location and speed
J0 = Point('J0')
J0.set_vel(N, 0)
J1 = J0.locatenew('J1', bb * A.y)
J2 = J1.locatenew('J2', ob * B.y)
J1.v2pt_theory(J0, N, A)
J2.v2pt_theory(J1, N, B)

#Pedal position and speed
O = Point('O')
O.set_pos(J0, -d2 * N.x + d1 * N.y)
O.set_vel(N, 0 * N.z)
S = O.locatenew('S', -ta *
                C.y)  # hoek van pedaal vanaf het hoogste punt van de cirkel
S.v2pt_theory(O, N, C)

# Centres of mass and speed
P = J0.locatenew('P', 0.5 * bb * A.y)
R = J1.locatenew('R', 0.5 * ob * B.y)
T = O.locatenew('T', 0.5 * ta * C.y)
P.v2pt_theory(J0, N, A)
R.v2pt_theory(J1, N, B)
T.v2pt_theory(O, N, C)

# Bodies
IP = inertia(A, 1 / 12 * m * (3 * r**2 + bb**2), 0,
body_frame = ReferenceFrame("B")

body_frame.orient(l_leg_frame, "Axis", (theta2, l_leg_frame.z))

# Point Locations
# ===============

# Joints
# ------

l_leg_length, hip_width = symbols("l_L, h_W")

l_ankle = Point("LA")

l_hip = Point("LH")
l_hip.set_pos(l_ankle, l_leg_length * l_leg_frame.y)

r_hip = Point("RH")
r_hip.set_pos(l_hip, -1 * hip_width * body_frame.x)

# Center of mass locations
# ------------------------

l_leg_com_length, body_com_length, r_leg_com_length, body_com_height = symbols("d_L, d_B, d_R, d_BH")

l_leg_mass_center = Point("LL_o")
l_leg_mass_center.set_pos(l_ankle, l_leg_com_length * l_leg_frame.y)

body_mass_center = Point("B_o")
body_mass_center.set_pos(l_hip, body_com_height * body_frame.y)
# ===============

# Joints
# ------

a_length, b_length, c_length = symbols('l_a, l_b, l_c')
a_mass, b_mass, c_mass = symbols('m_a, m_b, m_c')

A = Point('A')
B = Point('B')
C = Point('C')
D = Point('D')
com_global = Point('G_o')
com_bc = Point('BC_o')

B.set_pos(A, a_length * a_frame.y)
C.set_pos(B, b_length * b_frame.y)
D.set_pos(C, c_length * c_frame.y)
t_ai = simplify(B.pos_from(A).express(inertial_frame).to_matrix(inertial_frame))
t_bi = simplify(C.pos_from(A).express(inertial_frame).to_matrix(inertial_frame))
t_ci = simplify(D.pos_from(A).express(inertial_frame).to_matrix(inertial_frame))

t_ba = simplify(C.pos_from(B).express(inertial_frame).to_matrix(inertial_frame))
t_ca = simplify(D.pos_from(B).express(inertial_frame).to_matrix(inertial_frame))

com_global_coords = (t_ai*a_mass + t_bi*b_mass + t_ci*c_mass)/(a_mass+b_mass+c_mass)
com_bc_coords = (t_ba*b_mass + t_ba*c_mass)/(b_mass+c_mass)

theta_go = atan(com_global_coords[0]/com_global_coords[1])
theta_bco = atan(com_bc_coords[0]/com_bc_coords[1])
print('\nC* = {0}'.format(pCs.pos_from(pC_O)))
print('C* = {0}'.format(eval_vec(pCs.pos_from(pC_O))))

vol_D = pi*a**3/4
pD_O = Point('D_O')
pDs = pD_O.locatenew('D*', (a*N.z + a/2*N.y +
                            (N.x - N.z)*(centroid_sector.subs(
                                     theta_pi_4) * sin(pi/4))))
print('\nD* = {0}'.format(pDs.pos_from(pD_O)))
print('D* = {0}'.format(eval_vec(pDs.pos_from(pD_O))))

pO = Point('O')
pA_O.set_pos(pO, 2*a*N.x - (a+b)*N.z)
pB_O.set_pos(pO, 2*a*N.x - a*N.z)
pC_O.set_pos(pO, -(a+b)*N.z)
pD_O.set_pos(pO, -a*N.z)

density_A = 7800
density_B = 17.00
density_C = 2700
density_D = 8400
mass_A = vol_A * density_A
mass_B = vol_B * density_B
mass_C = vol_C * density_C
mass_D = vol_D * density_D

pms = pO.locatenew('m*', ((pAs.pos_from(pO)*mass_A + pBs.pos_from(pO)*mass_B +
                           pCs.pos_from(pO)*mass_C + pDs.pos_from(pO)*mass_D) /
j2_frame = ReferenceFrame('J2')

#declare dynamic symbols for the three joints
theta0, theta1, theta2 = dynamicsymbols('theta0, theta1, theta2')

#orient frames
j0_frame.orient(inertial_frame, 'Axis', (theta0, inertial_frame.y))
j1_frame.orient(j0_frame, 'Axis', (theta1, j0_frame.z))
j2_frame.orient(j1_frame, 'Axis', (theta2, j1_frame.x))

#TODO figure out better name for joint points
#init joints
joint0 = Point('j0')
j0_length = symbols('l_j0')
joint1 = Point('j1')
joint1.set_pos(joint0, j0_length * j0_frame.y)
j1_length = symbols('l_j1')
joint2 = Point('j2')
joint2.set_pos(joint1, j1_length * j1_frame.y)
#create End Effector
EE = Point('E')

#COM locations
j0_com_length, j1_com_length, j2_com_length = symbols('d_j0, d_j1, d_j2')
j0_mass_center = Point('j0_o')
j0_mass_center.set_pos(joint0, j0_com_length * j0_frame.y)
j1_mass_center = Point('j1_o')
j1_mass_center.set_pos(joint1, j1_com_length * j1_frame.y)
j2_mass_center = Point('j2_o')
j2_mass_center.set_pos(joint2, j2_com_length * j2_frame.y)
EE.set_pos(joint2, j2_com_length * 2 * j2_frame.y)
n = 1

q = dynamicsymbols('q:' + str(n + 1))  # Generalized coordinates
u = dynamicsymbols('u:' + str(n + 1))  # Generalized speeds
f = dynamicsymbols('f')  # Force applied to the cart

m = symbols('m:' + str(n + 1))  # Mass of each bob
length = symbols('l:' + str(n))  # Length of each link
g, t = symbols('g t')  # Gravity and time

ref_frame = ReferenceFrame('I')  # Inertial reference frame
origin = Point('O')  # Origin point
origin.set_vel(ref_frame, 0)  # Origin's velocity is zero

P0 = Point('P0')  # Hinge point of top link
P0.set_pos(origin, q[0] * ref_frame.x)  # Set the position of P0
P0.set_vel(ref_frame, u[0] * ref_frame.x)  # Set the velocity of P0
Pa0 = Particle('Pa0', P0, m[0])  # Define a particle at P0

# List to hold the n + 1 frames
frames = [ref_frame]
points = [P0]  # List to hold the n + 1 points
particles = [Pa0]  # List to hold the n + 1 particles

# List to hold the n + 1 applied forces, including the input force, f
forces = [
    (P0, f * ref_frame.x - m[0] * g * ref_frame.y - 0.01 * q[0] * ref_frame.x)
kindiffs = [q[0].diff(t) - u[0]]  # List to hold kinematic ODE's

for i in range(n):
upper_leg_frame.orient(lower_leg_frame, 'Axis', (theta2, lower_leg_frame.z))

# Point Locations
# ===============

# Joints
# ------

lower_leg_length, upper_leg_length = symbols('l_L, l_U')

ankle = Point('A')

knee = Point('K')
knee.set_pos(ankle, lower_leg_length * lower_leg_frame.y)

# Center of mass locations
# ------------------------

lower_leg_com_length, upper_leg_com_length = symbols('d_L, d_U')

lower_leg_mass_center = Point('L_o')
lower_leg_mass_center.set_pos(ankle, lower_leg_com_length * lower_leg_frame.y)

upper_leg_mass_center = Point('U_o')
upper_leg_mass_center.set_pos(knee, upper_leg_com_length * upper_leg_frame.y)

# Define kinematical differential equations
# =========================================
two_frame_dp2.orient(one_frame_dp2, "Axis", (theta2_dp2, one_frame_dp2.z))

# Point Locations
# ===============

# Joints
# ------

one_length_dp1, one_length_dp2, two_length_dp2 = symbols("l_1dp1, l_1dp2, l_2dp2")

one_dp1 = Point("1_dp1")
one_dp2 = Point("1_dp2")

two_dp1 = Point("2_dp1")
two_dp2 = Point("2_dp2")
two_dp1.set_pos(one_dp1, one_length_dp1 * one_frame_dp1.y)
two_dp2.set_pos(one_dp2, one_length_dp2 * one_frame_dp2.y)

three_dp2 = Point("3_dp2")
three_dp2.set_pos(two_dp2, two_length_dp2 * two_frame_dp2.y)

# Center of mass locations
# ------------------------

one_com_xdp1, one_com_ydp1, two_com_xdp1, two_com_ydp1 = dynamicsymbols(
    "1_comx_dp1, 1_comy_dp1, 2_comx_dp1, 2_comy_dp1"

one_mass_center_dp1 = Point("1_odp1")
one_mass_center_dp1.set_pos(one_dp1, one_length_dp1 * one_frame_dp1.y)
body_frame = ReferenceFrame("B")

body_frame.orient(crotch_frame, "Axis", (theta4, crotch_frame.z))

# Point Locations
# ===============

# Joints
# ------

l_leg_length, hip_width, body_height = symbols("l_L, h_W, b_H")

l_ankle = Point("LA")

l_hip = Point("LH")
l_hip.set_pos(l_ankle, l_leg_length * l_leg_frame.y)

r_hip = Point("RH")
r_hip.set_pos(l_hip, hip_width * crotch_frame.x)

body_middle = Point("B_m")
body_middle.set_pos(l_hip, (hip_width / 2) * crotch_frame.x)

waist = Point("W")
waist.set_pos(body_middle, body_height * crotch_frame.y)

# Center of mass locations
# ------------------------

l_leg_com_length, r_leg_com_length, crotch_com_height, body_com_height = symbols("d_L, d_R, d_C, d_B")
torso_frame = ReferenceFrame('T')

torso_frame.orient(upper_leg_frame, 'Axis', (theta3, upper_leg_frame.z))

# Point Locations
# ===============

# Joints
# ------

lower_leg_length, upper_leg_length = symbols('l_L, l_U')

ankle = Point('A')

knee = Point('K')
knee.set_pos(ankle, lower_leg_length * lower_leg_frame.y)

hip = Point('H')
hip.set_pos(knee, upper_leg_length * upper_leg_frame.y)

# Center of mass locations
# ------------------------

lower_leg_com_length, upper_leg_com_length, torso_com_length = symbols('d_L, d_U, d_T')

lower_leg_mass_center = Point('L_o')
lower_leg_mass_center.set_pos(ankle, lower_leg_com_length * lower_leg_frame.y)

upper_leg_mass_center = Point('U_o')
upper_leg_mass_center.set_pos(knee, upper_leg_com_length * upper_leg_frame.y)
def get_model(model_name, **opts):

    model: string defining model

    opts: dictionary of options with keys:
        see _defaultOpts

    for k, v in _defaultOpts.items():
        if k not in opts.keys():
            opts[k] = v
    for k, v in opts.items():
        if k not in _defaultOpts.keys():
            raise Exception(
                'Key {} not supported for model options.'.format(k))

    # Extract info from model name
    sFnd = model_name.split('T')[0][1:]
    if len(sFnd) == 1:
        nDOF_fnd = int(sFnd[0])
        bFndDOFs = [False] * 6
        bFndDOFs[0] = nDOF_fnd >= 1  # x
        bFndDOFs[4] = nDOF_fnd >= 2  # phiy
        bFndDOFs[2] = nDOF_fnd == 3 or nDOF_fnd == 6  # z
        bFndDOFs[1] = nDOF_fnd >= 5  # y
        bFndDOFs[3] = nDOF_fnd >= 5  # phi_x
        bFndDOFs[5] = nDOF_fnd >= 5  # phi_z
        bFndDOFs = [s == '1' for s in sFnd]
        nDOF_fnd = sum(bFndDOFs)

    nDOF_twr = int(model_name.split('T')[1][0])
    bFullRNA = model_name.find('RNA') == -1
    bBlades = False  # Rotor
    nDOF_nac = 0
    nDOF_sft = 0
    nDOF_bld = 0
    if bFullRNA:
        nDOF_nac = int(model_name.split('N')[1][0])
        nDOF_sft = int(model_name.split('S')[1][0])

        bBlades = model_name.find('B') > 0
        if bBlades:
            nDOF_bld = model_name.split('B')[1][0]
            nDOF_bld = 0
    #print('fnd',','.join(['1' if b else '0' for b in bFndDOFs]), 'twr',nDOF_twr, 'nac',nDOF_nac, 'sft',nDOF_sft, 'bld',nDOF_bld)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
    # --- Isolated bodies
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
    # Reference frame
    ref = YAMSInertialBody('E')

    # Foundation, floater, always rigid for now
    if (not opts['floating']) or opts['mergeFndTwr']:
        fnd = None  # the floater is merged with the twr, or we are not floating
        fnd = YAMSRigidBody('F', rho_G=[0, 0, z_FG], J_diag=True)
    # Tower
    if nDOF_twr == 0:
        # Ridid tower
        twr = YAMSRigidBody('T', rho_G=[0, 0, z_TG], J_diag=True)
        twrDOFs = []
        twrSpeeds = []
    elif nDOF_twr <= 4:
        # Flexible tower
        twr = YAMSFlexibleBody('T',
        twrDOFs = twr.q
        twrSpeeds = twr.qd
    # Nacelle rotor assembly
    if bFullRNA:
        # Nacelle
        nac = YAMSRigidBody('N', rho_G=[x_NG, 0, z_NG], J_cross=True)
        # Shaft
        # Individual blades or rotor
        if bBlades:
            # Individual blades
            raise NotImplementedError()
            # Rotor
            rot = YAMSRigidBody('R', rho_G=[0, 0, 0], J_diag=True)
            rot.inertia = (inertia(rot.frame, Jxx_R, JO_R, JO_R), rot.origin
                           )  # defining inertia at orign
        # Nacelle
        #nac = YAMSRigidBody('RNA', rho_G = [x_RNAG ,0, z_RNAG], J_diag=True)
        nac = YAMSRigidBody('RNA', rho_G=[x_RNAG, 0, z_RNAG], J_cross=True)
        rot = None

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
    # --- Body DOFs
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
    # Fnd
    if (not opts['floating']):
        fndDOFs = []
        fndSpeeds = []
        fndDOFsAll = [x, y, z, phi_x, phi_y, phi_z]
        fndSpeedsAll = [xd, yd, zd, omega_x_T, omega_y_T, omega_z_T]
        fndDOFs = [dof for active, dof in zip(bFndDOFs, fndDOFsAll) if active]
        fndSpeeds = [
            dof for active, dof in zip(bFndDOFs, fndSpeedsAll) if active
    # Twr

    # Nac
    if nDOF_nac == 2:
        opts['yaw'] = 'dynamic'
        opts['tilt'] = 'dynamic'
    if opts['tiltShaft'] and opts['tilt'] == 'dynamic':
        raise Exception('Cannot do tiltshaft with tilt dynamic')

    yawDOF = {'zero': 0, 'fixed': theta_yaw, 'dynamic': q_yaw}[opts['yaw']]
    tiltDOF = {'zero': 0, 'fixed': theta_tilt, 'dynamic': q_tilt}[opts['tilt']]
    nacDOFs = []
    nacSpeeds = []
    nacKDEqSubs = []
    if opts['yaw'] == 'dynamic':
        nacDOFs += [q_yaw]
        nacSpeeds += [qd_yaw]
        nacKDEqSubs += [(qd_yaw, diff(q_yaw, time))]
    if opts['tilt'] == 'dynamic':
        nacDOFs += [q_tilt]
        nacSpeeds += [qd_tilt]
        nacKDEqSubs += [(qd_tilt, diff(q_tilt, time))]

    nacDOFsAct = (opts['yaw'] == 'dynamic', opts['tilt'] == 'dynamic')
    if nDOF_nac == 0:
        if not (nacDOFsAct == (False, False)):
            raise Exception(
                'If nDOF_nac is 0, yaw and tilt needs to be "fixed" or "zero"')
    elif nDOF_nac == 1:
        if not (nacDOFsAct == (True, False) or nacDOFsAct == (False, True)):
            raise Exception(
                'If nDOF_nac is 1, yaw or tilt needs to be "dynamic"')
        if not (nacDOFsAct == (True, True)):
            raise Exception(
                'If nDOF_nac is 2, yaw and tilt needs to be "dynamic"')

    # Shaft
    sftDOFs = []
    sftSpeeds = []
    if bFullRNA:
        if nDOF_sft == 1:
            sftDOFs = [psi]
            sftSpeeds = [omega_x_R]
        elif nDOF_sft == 0:
            raise Exception('nDOF shaft should be 0 or 1')

        # Blade Rotor
        if bBlades:

    coordinates = fndDOFs + twrDOFs + nacDOFs + sftDOFs
    speeds = fndSpeeds + twrSpeeds + nacSpeeds + sftSpeeds  # Order determine eq order

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
    # --- Connections between bodies
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
    z_OT = Symbol('z_OT')
    if opts['floating']:
        rel_pos = [0, 0, 0]
        rel_pos[0] = x if bFndDOFs[0] else 0
        rel_pos[1] = y if bFndDOFs[1] else 0
        rel_pos[2] = z + z_OT if bFndDOFs[2] else z_OT
        rots = [0, 0, 0]
        rots[0] = phi_x if bFndDOFs[3] else 0
        rots[1] = phi_y if bFndDOFs[4] else 0
        rots[2] = phi_z if bFndDOFs[5] else 0
        if nDOF_fnd == 0:
            #print('Rigid connection ref twr', rel_pos)
            ref.connectTo(twr, type='Rigid', rel_pos=rel_pos)
        elif nDOF_fnd == 1:
            #print('Constraint connection ref twr')
                          rel_pos=(x, 0, z_OT),
                          rot_amounts=(0, x * symbols('nu'), 0),
            #print('Free connection ref twr', rel_pos, rots)
            )  #NOTE: rot order is not "optimal".. phi_x should be last
            #ref.connectTo(twr, type='Free' , rel_pos=rel_pos, rot_amounts=(rots[2],rots[1],rots[0]), rot_order='ZYX')  #NOTE: rot order is not "optimal".. phi_x should be last
        #print('Rigid connection ref twr')
        ref.connectTo(twr, type='Rigid', rel_pos=(0, 0, 0))

    # Rigid connection between twr and fnd if fnd exists
    if fnd is not None:
        #print('Rigid connection twr fnd')
        if nDOF_twr == 0:
            twr.connectTo(fnd, type='Rigid', rel_pos=(0, 0, 0))  # -L_F
            twr.connectTo(fnd, type='Rigid', rel_pos=(0, 0, 0))  # -L_F

    if nDOF_twr == 0:
        # Tower rigid -> Rigid connection to nacelle
        # TODO TODO L_T or twr.L
        #if nDOF_nac==0:
        #print('Rigid connection twr nac')
        #print('Dynamic connection twr nac')

        if opts['tiltShaft']:
            # Shaft will be tilted, not nacelle
                          rel_pos=(0, 0, L_T),
                          rot_amounts=(yawDOF, 0, 0),
            # Nacelle is tilted
                          rel_pos=(0, 0, L_T),
                          rot_amounts=(yawDOF, tiltDOF, 0),

        # Flexible tower -> Flexible connection to nacelle
        #print('Flexible connection twr nac')
        if opts['tiltShaft']:
                             rel_pos=(0, 0, twr.L),
                             rot_amounts=(yawDOF, 0, 0),
                             rel_pos=(0, 0, twr.L),
                             rot_amounts=(yawDOF, tiltDOF, 0),

    if bFullRNA:
        if bBlades:
            raise NotImplementedError()
            if opts['tiltShaft']:
                if nDOF_sft == 0:
                                  rel_pos=(x_NR, 0, z_NR),
                                  rot_amounts=(0, tiltDOF, 0),
                                  rel_pos=(x_NR, 0, z_NR),
                                  rot_amounts=(0, tiltDOF, psi),
                if nDOF_sft == 0:
                                  rel_pos=(x_NR, 0, z_NR),
                                  rot_amounts=(0, 0, 0),
                                  rel_pos=(x_NR, 0, z_NR),
                                  rot_amounts=(0, 0, psi),

    # --- Defining Body rotational velocities
    omega_TE = twr.ang_vel_in(
        ref)  # Angular velocity of nacelle in inertial frame
    omega_NT = nac.ang_vel_in(
        twr.frame)  # Angular velocity of nacelle in inertial frame
    if rot is not None:
        omega_RN = rot.ang_vel_in(
        )  # Angular velocity of rotor wrt Nacelle (omega_R-omega_N)

    # --- Kinetics
    body_loads = []
    bodies = []
    g = symbols('g')
    g_vect = -g * ref.frame.z
    # Foundation/floater loads
    if fnd is not None:
        bodies += [fnd]
        grav_F = (fnd.masscenter, -fnd.mass * g * ref.frame.z)
        # Point of application for Buoyancy and mooring
        P_B = twr.origin.locatenew('P_B',
                                   z_TB * fnd.frame.z)  # <<<< Measured from T
        P_M = twr.origin.locatenew('P_M',
                                   z_TM * fnd.frame.z)  # <<<< Measured from T
        P_B.v2pt_theory(twr.origin, ref.frame, twr.frame)
        # PB & T are fixed in e_T
        P_M.v2pt_theory(twr.origin, ref.frame, twr.frame)
        # PM & T are fixed in e_T
        if opts['fnd_loads']:
            K_Mx, K_My, K_Mz = symbols(
                'K_x_M, K_y_M, K_z_M')  # Mooring restoring
            K_Mphix, K_Mphiy, K_Mphiz = symbols(
                'K_phi_x_M, K_phi_y_M, K_phi_z_M')  # Mooring restoring
            F_B = dynamicsymbols('F_B')  # Buoyancy force
            #print('>>> Adding fnd loads. NOTE: reference might need to be adapted')
            # Buoyancy
            body_loads += [(fnd, (P_B, F_B * ref.frame.z))]
            ## Restoring mooring and torques
            fr = 0
            fr += -K_Mx * x * ref.frame.x if bFndDOFs[0] else 0
            fr += -K_My * y * ref.frame.y if bFndDOFs[1] else 0
            fr += -K_Mz * z * ref.frame.z if bFndDOFs[2] else 0
            Mr += -K_MPhix * phi_x * ref.frame.x if bFndDOFs[3] else 0
            Mr += -K_MPhiy * phi_y * ref.frame.y if bFndDOFs[4] else 0
            Mr += -K_MPhiz * phi_z * ref.frame.z if bFndDOFs[5] else 0
            body_loads += [(fnd, (P_M, fr))]
            body_loads += [(fnd, (fnd.frame, Mr))]
        body_loads += [(fnd, grav_F)]

    # Tower loads
    grav_T = (twr.masscenter, -twr.mass * g * ref.frame.z)
    bodies += [twr]
    body_loads += [(twr, grav_T)]

    # Nacelle loads
    grav_N = (nac.masscenter, -nac.mass * g * ref.frame.z)
    bodies += [nac]
    body_loads += [(nac, grav_N)]

    T_a = dynamicsymbols('T_a')  # NOTE NOTE
    #T_a              = Function('T_a')(dynamicsymbols._t, *coordinates, *speeds) # NOTE: to introduce it in the linearization, add coordinates
    M_ax, M_ay, M_az = dynamicsymbols('M_x_a, M_y_a, M_z_a')  # Aero torques
    if bFullRNA:
        if bBlades:
            raise NotImplementedError()
            # Rotor loads
            grav_R = (rot.masscenter, -M_R * g * ref.frame.z)
            bodies += [rot]
            body_loads += [(rot, grav_R)]

            # NOTE: loads on rot, but expressed in N frame
            if opts['tiltShaft']:
                # TODO actually tilt shaft, introduce non rotating shaft body
                if opts['aero_forces']:
                    thrustR = (rot.origin, T_a * cos(tiltDOF) * nac.frame.x -
                               T_a * sin(tiltDOF) * nac.frame.z)
                if opts['aero_torques']:
                    M_a_R = (nac.frame, M_ax * nac.frame.x * 0)  # TODO TODO
                    #print('>>> WARNING tilt shaft aero moments not implemented') # TODO
                    body_loads += [(nac, M_a_R)]
                thrustR = (rot.origin, T_a * nac.frame.x)
                #thrustR = (rot.origin, T_a * rot.frame.x )
                #M_a_R = (rot.frame, M_ax*rot.frame.x +  M_ay*rot.frame.y  + M_az*rot.frame.z) # TODO TODO TODO introduce a non rotating shaft
                if opts['aero_torques']:
                    M_a_R = (nac.frame, M_ax * nac.frame.x +
                             M_ay * nac.frame.y + M_az * nac.frame.z)
                    body_loads += [(nac, M_a_R)]
            body_loads += [(rot, thrustR)]

        # RNA loads, point load at R
        R = Point('R')
        R.set_pos(nac.origin, x_NR * nac.frame.x + z_NR * nac.frame.z)
        R.set_vel(nac.frame, 0 * nac.frame.x)
        R.v2pt_theory(nac.origin, ref.frame, nac.frame)
        #thrustN = (nac.masscenter, T * nac.frame.x)
        if opts['tiltShaft']:
            thrustN = (R, T_a * cos(tiltDOF) * nac.frame.x -
                       T_a * sin(tiltDOF) * nac.frame.z)
            thrustN = (R, T_a * nac.frame.x)
        if opts['aero_forces']:
            body_loads += [(nac, thrustN)]

        if opts['aero_torques']:
            #print('>>> Adding aero torques')
            if opts['tiltShaft']:
                # NOTE: for a rigid RNA we keep only M_y and M_z, no shaft torque
                x_tilted = cos(tiltDOF) * nac.frame.x - sin(
                    tiltDOF) * nac.frame.z
                z_tilted = cos(tiltDOF) * nac.frame.y + sin(
                    tiltDOF) * nac.frame.x
                M_a_N = (nac.frame, M_ay * nac.frame.y + M_az * z_tilted)
                M_a_N = (nac.frame, M_ax * nac.frame.x + M_ay * nac.frame.y +
                         M_az * nac.frame.z)
            body_loads += [(nac, M_a_N)]

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
    # --- Kinematic equations
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
    kdeqsSubs = []
    # --- Fnd
    if not opts['floating']:
        # Kdeqs for fnd:
        #  : (xd, diff(x,time)) and  (omega_y_T, diff(phi_y,time))
        fndVelAll = [diff(x, time), diff(y, time), diff(z, time)]
        if opts['linRot']:
            fndVelAll += [
                diff(phi_x, time),
                diff(phi_y, time),
                diff(phi_z, time)
            #print('>>>>>>>> TODO sort out which frame')
            #fndVelAll +=[ omega_TE.dot(ref.frame.x).simplify(), omega_TE.dot(ref.frame.y).simplify(), omega_TE.dot(ref.frame.z).simplify()]
            fndVelAll += [
        kdeqsSubs += [(fndSpeedsAll[i], fndVelAll[i])
                      for i, dof in enumerate(bFndDOFs) if dof]

    # --- Twr
    if nDOF_twr == 0:
        kdeqsSubs += [(twr.qd[i], twr.qdot[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(twr.q)]

    # --- Nac
    kdeqsSubs += nacKDEqSubs

    # --- Shaft
    if bFullRNA:
        if bBlades:
            raise NotImplementedError()
            if nDOF_sft == 1:
                #print('>>>>>>>> TODO sort out which frame')
                # I believe we should use omega_RE
                kdeqsSubs += [(omega_x_R, omega_RN.dot(rot.frame.x).simplify())

    # --- Create a YAMS wrapper model
    model = YAMSModel(name=model_name)
    model.opts = opts
    model.ref = ref
    model.bodies = bodies
    model.body_loads = body_loads
    model.coordinates = coordinates
    model.speeds = speeds
    model.kdeqsSubs = kdeqsSubs

    model.fnd = fnd
    model.twr = twr
    model.nac = nac
    model.rot = rot
    model.g_vect = g_vect

    # Small angles
    model.smallAnglesFnd = [phi_x, phi_y, phi_z]
    if nDOF_twr > 0:
        if opts['rot_elastic_smallAngle']:
            model.smallAnglesTwr = twr.vcList
            model.smallAnglesTwr = []
        model.smallAnglesTwr = []

    model.smallAnglesNac = []
    if opts['yaw'] == 'dynamic':
        model.smallAnglesNac += [q_yaw]
    if opts['tilt'] == 'dynamic':
        model.smallAnglesNac += [q_tilt]
    model.smallAngles = model.smallAnglesFnd + model.smallAnglesTwr + model.smallAnglesNac

    # Shape normalization
    if nDOF_twr > 0:
        model.shapeNormSubs = [(v, 1) for v in twr.ucList]
        model.shapeNormSubs = []

    return model
c_frame = ReferenceFrame('C')

#Sets up symbols for joint angles
theta_a, theta_b, theta_c = dynamicsymbols('theta_a, theta_b, theta_c')

#Orients the leg frame to the inertial frame by angle theta1
#and the body frame to to the leg frame by angle theta2
a_frame.orient(inertial_frame, 'Axis', (theta_a, inertial_frame.z))
b_frame.orient(a_frame, 'Axis', (theta_b, a_frame.z))
c_frame.orient(b_frame, 'Axis', (theta_c, b_frame.z))

#Sets up points for the joints and places them relative to each other
A = Point('A')
a_length = symbols('l_a')
B = Point('B')
B.set_pos(A, a_length*a_frame.y)
C = Point('C')
b_length = symbols('l_b')
C.set_pos(B, b_length*b_frame.y)
D = Point('D')
c_length = symbols('l_c')
D.set_pos(C, c_length*c_frame.y)

#Sets up the angular velocities
omega_a, omega_b, omega_c = dynamicsymbols('omega_a, omega_b, omega_c')
#Relates angular velocity values to the angular positions theta1 and theta2
kinematic_differential_equations = [omega_a - theta_a.diff(),
                                    omega_b - theta_b.diff(),
                                    omega_c - theta_c.diff()]

#Sets up the rotational axes of the angular velocities
two_frame.orient(one_frame, 'Axis', (theta2, one_frame.z))

# Point Locations
# ===============

# Joints
# ------

one_length = symbols('l_1')

one = Point('1')

two = Point('2')
two.set_pos(one, one_length * one_frame.y)

# Center of mass locations
# ------------------------

one_com_x, one_com_y, two_com_x, two_com_y = dynamicsymbols('1_comx, 1_comy, 2_comx, 2_comy')

one_mass_center = Point('1_o')
one_mass_center.set_pos(one, one_com_x*inertial_frame.x + one_com_y*inertial_frame.y)

two_mass_center = Point('2_o')
two_mass_center.set_pos(two, two_com_x*inertial_frame.x + two_com_y*inertial_frame.y)

# Define kinematical differential equations
# =========================================
leg_frame = ReferenceFrame('L')
body_frame = ReferenceFrame('B')

#Sets up symbols for joint angles
theta1, theta2 = dynamicsymbols('theta1, theta2')

#Orients the leg frame to the inertial frame by angle theta1
#and the body frame to to the leg frame by angle theta2
leg_frame.orient(inertial_frame, 'Axis', (theta1, inertial_frame.z))
body_frame.orient(leg_frame, 'Axis', (theta2, leg_frame.z))

#Sets up points for the joints and places them relative to each other
ankle = Point('A')
leg_length = symbols('l_L')
waist = Point('W')
waist.set_pos(ankle, leg_length*leg_frame.y)
body = Point('B')
body_length = symbols('l_B')
body.set_pos(waist, body_length*body_frame.y)

#Sets up the angular velocities
omega1, omega2 = dynamicsymbols('omega1, omega2')
#Relates angular velocity values to the angular positions theta1 and theta2
kinematic_differential_equations = [omega1 - theta1.diff(),
                                    omega2 - theta2.diff()]

#Sets up the rotational axes of the angular velocities
leg_frame.set_ang_vel(inertial_frame, omega1*inertial_frame.z)
body_frame.set_ang_vel(leg_frame, omega2*inertial_frame.z)
# Referenciais
# Referencial Inercial
B0 = ReferenceFrame('B0')
# Referencial móvel: theta_1 em relação a B0.z
B1 = ReferenceFrame('B1')
B1.orient(B0, 'Axis', [THETA_1, B0.z])
# Referencial móvel: theta_2 em relação a B1.z
B2 = ReferenceFrame('B2')
B2.orient(B1, 'Axis', [THETA_2, B1.z])

# Pontos e Centros de Massa
O = Point('O')
O.set_vel(B0, 0)
A = Point('A')
A.set_pos(O, L_1 * B1.x)
A.v2pt_theory(O, B0, B1)
CM_1 = Point('CM_1')
CM_1.set_pos(O, R_1 * B1.x)
CM_1.v2pt_theory(O, B0, B1)
CM_2 = Point('CM_2')
CM_2.set_pos(A, R_2 * B2.x)
CM_2.v2pt_theory(O, B0, B2)

# Corpos Rígidos
I_1 = inertia(B1, 0, 0, I_1_ZZ)
# Elo 1
E_1 = RigidBody('Elo_1', CM_1, B1, M_1, (I_1, CM_1))
I_2 = inertia(B1, 0, 0, I_1_ZZ)
# Elo 2
E_2 = RigidBody('Elo_2', CM_2, B2, M_2, (I_2, CM_2))
RRTethCy = symbols('RRTethCy')
RRTethCz = symbols('RRTethCz')

LFTethLx = symbols('LFTethLx') # Tether lower positions
LFTethLy = symbols('LFTethLy') 
LFTethLz = symbols('LFTethLz')
RFTethLx = symbols('RFTethLx')
RFTethLy = symbols('RFTethLy')
RFTethLz = symbols('RFTethLz') 
LRTethHy = symbols('LRTethHy') # Tether housing positions
RRTethHy = symbols('RRTethHy')

# Set Chassis Positions

ChassisC.set_pos(GlobalCoord0,(ChassisDeltax * inertial_frame.x + ChassisDeltay * inertial_frame.y + ChassisDeltaz * inertial_frame.z)) # Chassis 
CGpos.set_pos(ChassisC,(CGposx * Chassis_frame.x + CGposy * Chassis_frame.y + CGposz * Chassis_frame.z)) # CG Position
LUCAMP.set_pos(ChassisC,(LUCAMPx * Chassis_frame.x + LUCAMPy * Chassis_frame.y + LUCAMPz * Chassis_frame.z)) # Control Arm Mount Midpoints
RUCAMP.set_pos(ChassisC,(RUCAMPx * Chassis_frame.x + RUCAMPy * Chassis_frame.y + RUCAMPz * Chassis_frame.z))
LLCAMP.set_pos(ChassisC,(LLCAMPx * Chassis_frame.x + LLCAMPy * Chassis_frame.y + LLCAMPz * Chassis_frame.z))
RLCAMP.set_pos(ChassisC,(RLCAMPx * Chassis_frame.x + RLCAMPy * Chassis_frame.y + RLCAMPz * Chassis_frame.z))
LUBC.set_pos(ChassisC,(LUBCx * Chassis_frame.x + LUBCy * Chassis_frame.y + LUBCz * Chassis_frame.z)) # Four bar chassis positions
RUBC.set_pos(ChassisC,(RUBCx * Chassis_frame.x + RUBCy * Chassis_frame.y + RUBCz * Chassis_frame.z))
LLBC.set_pos(ChassisC,(LLBCx * Chassis_frame.x + LLBCy * Chassis_frame.y + LLBCz * Chassis_frame.z))
RLBC.set_pos(ChassisC,(RLBCx * Chassis_frame.x + RLBCy * Chassis_frame.y + RLBCz * Chassis_frame.z))
FifthShkC.set_pos(ChassisC,(FifthShkCx * Chassis_frame.x + FifthShkCy * Chassis_frame.y + FifthShkCz * Chassis_frame.z)) # Fifth coil chassis position
JbarC.set_pos(ChassisC,(JbarCx * Chassis_frame.x + JbarCy * Chassis_frame.y + JbarCz * Chassis_frame.z)) # Jbar chassis position
LFShkC.set_pos(ChassisC,(LFShkCx * Chassis_frame.x + LFShkCy * Chassis_frame.y + LFShkCz * Chassis_frame.z)) # Shock chassis positions
RFShkC.set_pos(ChassisC,(RFShkCx * Chassis_frame.x + RFShkCy * Chassis_frame.y + RFShkCz * Chassis_frame.z))
LRShkC.set_pos(ChassisC,(LRShkCx * Chassis_frame.x + LRShkCy * Chassis_frame.y + LRShkCz * Chassis_frame.z))
RRShkC.set_pos(ChassisC,(RRShkCx * Chassis_frame.x + RRShkCy * Chassis_frame.y + RRShkCz * Chassis_frame.z))
#Sets up symbols for joint angles
theta1, theta2 = dynamicsymbols('theta1, theta2')

#Sets up the masses of the linkages
one_mass, two_mass = symbols('m_1, m_2')

#Orients the leg frame to the inertial frame by angle theta1
#and the body frame to to the leg frame by angle theta2
one_frame.orient(inertial_frame, 'Axis', (theta1, inertial_frame.z))
two_frame.orient(one_frame, 'Axis', (theta2, one_frame.z))

#Sets up points for the joints and places them relative to each other
one = Point('1')
one_length = symbols('l_1')
two = Point('2')
two.set_pos(one, one_length*one_frame.y)
three = Point('3')
two_length = symbols('l_2')
three.set_pos(two, two_length*two_frame.y)
com = Point('c')
com.set_pos(two, (two_length)*(two_mass/(one_mass + two_mass))*two_frame.y)

#Sets up the angular velocities
omega1, omega2 = dynamicsymbols('omega1, omega2')
#Relates angular velocity values to the angular positions theta1 and theta2
kinematic_differential_equations = [omega1 - theta1.diff(),
                                    omega2 - theta2.diff()]

#Sets up the rotational axes of the angular velocities
one_frame.set_ang_vel(inertial_frame, omega1*inertial_frame.z)
torso_frame = ReferenceFrame('T')

torso_frame.orient(upper_leg_frame, 'Axis', (theta3, upper_leg_frame.z))

# Point Locations
# ===============

# Joints
# ------

lower_leg_length, upper_leg_length = symbols('l_L, l_U')

ankle = Point('A')

knee = Point('K')
knee.set_pos(ankle, lower_leg_length * lower_leg_frame.y)

hip = Point('H')
hip.set_pos(knee, upper_leg_length * upper_leg_frame.y)

# Center of mass locations
# ------------------------

lower_leg_com_length, upper_leg_com_length, torso_com_length = symbols(
    'd_L, d_U, d_T')

lower_leg_mass_center = Point('L_o')
lower_leg_mass_center.set_pos(ankle, lower_leg_com_length * lower_leg_frame.y)

upper_leg_mass_center = Point('U_o')
upper_leg_mass_center.set_pos(knee, upper_leg_com_length * upper_leg_frame.y)
文件: Ex5.4.py 项目: zizai/pydy
            pCs_3.pos_from(pC_O) * vol_C_3 + pCs_4.pos_from(pC_O) * vol_C_4) /
print('\nC* = {0}'.format(pCs.pos_from(pC_O)))
print('C* = {0}'.format(eval_vec(pCs.pos_from(pC_O))))

vol_D = pi * a**3 / 4
pD_O = Point('D_O')
pDs = pD_O.locatenew('D*', (a * N.z + a / 2 * N.y + (N.x - N.z) *
                            (centroid_sector.subs(theta_pi_4) * sin(pi / 4))))
print('\nD* = {0}'.format(pDs.pos_from(pD_O)))
print('D* = {0}'.format(eval_vec(pDs.pos_from(pD_O))))

pO = Point('O')
pA_O.set_pos(pO, 2 * a * N.x - (a + b) * N.z)
pB_O.set_pos(pO, 2 * a * N.x - a * N.z)
pC_O.set_pos(pO, -(a + b) * N.z)
pD_O.set_pos(pO, -a * N.z)

density_A = 7800
density_B = 17.00
density_C = 2700
density_D = 8400
mass_A = vol_A * density_A
mass_B = vol_B * density_B
mass_C = vol_C * density_C
mass_D = vol_D * density_D

pms = pO.locatenew('m*',
                   ((pAs.pos_from(pO) * mass_A + pBs.pos_from(pO) * mass_B +
# these can be arbitray points on each of you robots links
# later these points are visualized, so you can verify the correct build of your robot
origin = Point('Origin')
ankle_left = Point('AnkleLeft')
knee_left = Point('KneeLeft')
hip_left = Point('HipLeft')
hip_center = Point('HipCenter')
hip_right = Point('HipRight')
knee_right = Point('KneeRight')
ankle_right = Point('AnkleRight')

# here go the lengths of your robots links
lower_leg_length, upper_leg_length, hip_length = symbols('l1, l2, l3')

ankle_left.set_pos(origin, (0 * inertial_frame.y) + (0 * inertial_frame.x))

knee_left.set_pos(ankle_left, lower_leg_length * lower_leg_left_frame.y)

hip_left.set_pos(knee_left, upper_leg_length * upper_leg_left_frame.y)

hip_center.set_pos(hip_left, hip_length / 2 * hip_frame.x)

hip_right.set_pos(hip_center, hip_length / 2 * hip_frame.x)

knee_right.set_pos(hip_right, upper_leg_length * -upper_leg_right_frame.y)
# these can be arbitray points on each of you robots links
# later these points are visualized, so you can verify the correct build of your robot
origin = Point('Origin')
ankle_left = Point('AnkleLeft')
knee_left = Point('KneeLeft')
hip_left = Point('HipLeft')
hip_center = Point('HipCenter')
hip_right = Point('HipRight')
knee_right = Point('KneeRight')
ankle_right = Point('AnkleRight')

# here go the lengths of your robots links
lower_leg_length, upper_leg_length, hip_length = symbols('l1, l2, l3')

ankle_left.set_pos(origin, (0 * inertial_frame.y)+(0 * inertial_frame.x))

knee_left.set_pos(ankle_left, lower_leg_length * lower_leg_left_frame.y)

hip_left.set_pos(knee_left, upper_leg_length * upper_leg_left_frame.y)

hip_center.set_pos(hip_left, hip_length/2 * hip_frame.x)

hip_right.set_pos(hip_center, hip_length/2 * hip_frame.x)

knee_right.set_pos(hip_right, upper_leg_length * -upper_leg_right_frame.y)
a_frame = ReferenceFrame('A')
base_frame = ReferenceFrame('Base')
#Sets up symbols for joint angles
theta_a = dynamicsymbols('theta_a')
theta_base = dynamicsymbols('theta_base')

#Orients the leg frame to the inertial frame by angle theta1
#and the body frame to to the leg frame by angle theta2
a_frame.orient(inertial_frame, 'Axis', (theta_a, inertial_frame.z))
base_frame.orient(inertial_frame, 'Axis', (theta_base, inertial_frame.z))

#Sets up points for the joints and places them relative to each other
A = Point('A')
a_length = symbols('l_a')
B = Point('B')
B.set_pos(A, a_length*a_frame.y)

#Sets up the angular velocities
omega_base, omega_a = dynamicsymbols('omega_b, omega_a')
#Relates angular velocity values to the angular positions theta1 and theta2
kinematic_differential_equations = [omega_a - theta_a.diff()]

#Sets up the rotational axes of the angular velocities
a_frame.set_ang_vel(inertial_frame, omega_base*inertial_frame.z + omega_a*inertial_frame.z)

#Sets up the linear velocities of the points on the linkages
base_vel_x, base_vel_y = dynamicsymbols('v_bx, v_by')
A.set_vel(inertial_frame, base_vel_x*base_frame.x + base_vel_y*base_frame.y)
B.v2pt_theory(A, inertial_frame, a_frame)

#Sets up the masses of the linkages
one_frame = ReferenceFrame('1')
two_frame = ReferenceFrame('2')

#Sets up symbols for joint angles
theta1, theta2 = dynamicsymbols('theta1, theta2')

#Orients the leg frame to the inertial frame by angle theta1
#and the body frame to to the leg frame by angle theta2
one_frame.orient(inertial_frame, 'Axis', (theta1, inertial_frame.z))
two_frame.orient(one_frame, 'Axis', (theta2, one_frame.z))

#Sets up points for the joints and places them relative to each other
one = Point('1')
one_length = symbols('l_1')
two = Point('2')
two.set_pos(one, one_length*one_frame.y)
three = Point('3')
two_length_x = symbols('l_2x')
two_length_y = symbols('l_2y')
three.set_pos(two, two_length_x*inertial_frame.x + two_length_y*inertial_frame.y)

#Sets up the angular velocities
omega1, omega2 = dynamicsymbols('omega1, omega2')
#Relates angular velocity values to the angular positions theta1 and theta2
kinematic_differential_equations = [omega1 - theta1.diff(),
                                    omega2 - theta2.diff()]

#Sets up the rotational axes of the angular velocities
one_frame.set_ang_vel(inertial_frame, omega1*inertial_frame.z)
two_frame.set_ang_vel(one_frame, omega2*inertial_frame.z)