def test_superposition_of_states():
    assert qapply(CNOT(0,1)*HadamardGate(0)*(1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('01') + 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('10'))).expand() == (Qubit('01')/2 + Qubit('00')/2 - Qubit('11')/2 +\

    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CNOT(0,1)*HadamardGate(0)\
    *(1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('01') + 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('10')), nqubits=2))\
     == (Qubit('01')/2 + Qubit('00')/2 - Qubit('11')/2 + Qubit('10')/2)
def test_apply_represent_equality():
    gates = [
        HadamardGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        XGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        ZGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        YGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        ZGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        PhaseGate(int(3 * random.random())),

    circuit = Qubit(
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
    for i in range(int(random.random() * 6)):
        circuit = gates[int(random.random() * 6)] * circuit

    mat = represent(circuit, nqubits=6)
    states = qapply(circuit)
    state_rep = matrix_to_qubit(mat)
    states = states.expand()
    state_rep = state_rep.expand()
    assert state_rep == states
def test_superposition_of_states():
    state = 1 / sqrt(2) * Qubit('01') + 1 / sqrt(2) * Qubit('10')
    state_gate = CNOT(0, 1) * HadamardGate(0) * state
    state_expanded = Qubit('01') / 2 + Qubit('00') / 2 - Qubit(
        '11') / 2 + Qubit('10') / 2
    assert qapply(state_gate).expand() == state_expanded
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(state_gate, nqubits=2)) == state_expanded
def test_quantum_fourier():
    assert QFT(0,3).decompose() == SwapGate(0,2)*HadamardGate(0)*CGate((0,), PhaseGate(1))\
    *HadamardGate(1)*CGate((0,), TGate(2))*CGate((1,), PhaseGate(2))*HadamardGate(2)

    assert IQFT(0,3).decompose() == HadamardGate(2)*CGate((1,), RkGate(2,-2))*CGate((0,),RkGate(2,-3))\
    *HadamardGate(1)*CGate((0,), RkGate(1,-2))*HadamardGate(0)*SwapGate(0,2)

    assert represent(QFT(0,3), nqubits=3)\
     == Matrix([[exp(2*pi*I/8)**(i*j%8)/sqrt(8) for i in range(8)] for j in range(8)])

    assert QFT(0, 4).decompose()  #non-trivial decomposition
    assert qapply(QFT(0,3).decompose()*Qubit(0,0,0)).expand() ==\
def test_superposition_of_states():
    state = 1 / sqrt(2) * Qubit("01") + 1 / sqrt(2) * Qubit("10")
    state_gate = CNOT(0, 1) * HadamardGate(0) * state
    state_expanded = (
        Qubit("01") / 2 + Qubit("00") / 2 - Qubit("11") / 2 + Qubit("10") / 2
    assert qapply(state_gate).expand() == state_expanded
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(state_gate, nqubits=2)) == state_expanded
文件: qft.py 项目: ness01/sympy
 def decompose(self):
     """Decomposes IQFT into elementary gates."""
     start = self.args[0]
     finish = self.args[1]
     circuit = 1
     for i in range((finish-start)//2):
         circuit = SwapGate(i+start, finish-i-1)*circuit
     for level in range(start, finish):
         for i in reversed(range(level-start)):
             circuit = CGate(level-i-1, RkGate(level, -i-2))*circuit
         circuit = HadamardGate(level)*circuit
     return circuit
 def decompose(self):
     """Decomposes QFT into elementary gates."""
     start = self.label[0]
     finish = self.label[1]
     circuit = 1
     for level in reversed(range(start, finish)):
         circuit = HadamardGate(level) * circuit
         for i in range(level - start):
             circuit = CGate(level - i - 1, RkGate(level, i + 2)) * circuit
     #FIXME-py3k: TypeError: 'Rational' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
     for i in range((finish - start) / 2):
         circuit = SwapGate(i + start, finish - i - 1) * circuit
     return circuit
def test_gate():
    """Test a basic gate."""
    h = HadamardGate(1)
    assert h.min_qubits == 2
    assert h.nqubits == 1

    i0 = Wild('i0')
    i1 = Wild('i1')
    h0_w1 = HadamardGate(i0)
    h0_w2 = HadamardGate(i0)
    h1_w1 = HadamardGate(i1)

    assert h0_w1 == h0_w2
    assert h0_w1 != h1_w1
    assert h1_w1 != h0_w2

    cnot_10_w1 = CNOT(i1, i0)
    cnot_10_w2 = CNOT(i1, i0)
    cnot_01_w1 = CNOT(i0, i1)

    assert cnot_10_w1 == cnot_10_w2
    assert cnot_10_w1 != cnot_01_w1
    assert cnot_10_w2 != cnot_01_w1
def test_compound_gates():
    """Test a compound gate representation."""
    circuit = YGate(0) * ZGate(0) * XGate(0) * HadamardGate(0) * Qubit('00')
    answer = represent(circuit, nqubits=2)
    assert Matrix([I / sqrt(2), I / sqrt(2), 0, 0]) == answer
def test_represent_hadamard():
    """Test the representation of the hadamard gate."""
    circuit = HadamardGate(0) * Qubit('00')
    answer = represent(circuit, nqubits=2)
    # Check that the answers are same to within an epsilon.
    assert answer == Matrix([sqrt2_inv, sqrt2_inv, 0, 0])
def test_sympy__physics__quantum__gate__HadamardGate():
    from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import HadamardGate
    assert _test_args(HadamardGate(0))
def find_r(x, N):

    Encontra o período de x em aritimética módulo N.
    Essa é a parte realmente quântica da solução.

    Põe a primeira parte do registrador em um estado de superposição |j> |0>,
    com j = 0 to 2 ** n - 1, usando a porta Hadamard.
    Depois aplica a porta Vx e IQFT para determinar a ordem de x.


    # Calcula o número de qubits necessários
    n = int(math.ceil(log(N, 2)))
    t = int(math.ceil(2 * log(N, 2)))

    print("n: ", n)
    print("t: ", t)

    # Cria o registrador
    register = Qubit(IntQubit(0, t + n))
    print("register: ", register)

    # Põe a segunda metade do registrado em superposição |1>|0> + |2>|0> + ... |j>|0> + ... + |2 ** n - 1>|0>
    print("Aplicando Hadamard...")
    circuit = 1
    for i in reversed(list(range(n, n + t))):
        circuit = HadamardGate(i) * circuit
    circuit = qapply(circuit * register)
    print("Circuit Hadamard:\n", circuit.simplify())

    # Calcula os valores para a primeira metade do registrador |1>|x ** 1 % N> + |2>|x ** 2 % N> + ... + |k>|x ** k % N >+ ... + |2 ** n - 1 = j>|x ** j % N>
    print("Aplicando Vx...")
    circuit = qapply(Vx(n, t, x, N) * circuit)
    print("Circuit Vx:\n", circuit.simplify())

    # Faz a medição da primeira metade do registrador obtendo um dos [x ** j % N's]
    print("Medindo 0->n ...")
    circuit = measure_partial_oneshot(circuit, range(n))
    print("Circuit 0->n:\n", circuit.simplify())

    # Aplica a Transformada de Fourier Quântica Inversa na segunda metade do registrador
    print("Aplicando a transformada inversa...")
    circuit = qapply(IQFT(n, n + t).decompose() * circuit)
    print("Circuit IQFT:\n", circuit.simplify())

    # Faz a medição da segunda metade do registrador um dos valores da transformada

    while (
    ):  # O correto seria repetir a rotina inteira, mas é suficiente repetir a medição.
        # Num computador quântico real o estado colapsaria e não seria possível medi-lo novamente.
        print("Medindo n->n+t ...")

        #measurement = measure_partial_oneshot(circuit, range(n, n + t))
        measurement = measure_all_oneshot(circuit)


        if isinstance(measurement, Qubit):
            register = measurement
        elif isinstance(measurement, Mul):
            register = measurement.args[-1]
            register = measurement.args[-1].args[-1]

        print("Medicao: ", register)

        # Converte o qubit de binário para decimal
        k = 1
        answer = 0
        for i in range(t):
            answer += k * register[n + i]
            k = k << 1

        print("Medicao: ", answer)

        if answer != 0:

    print("2^t: ", 2**t)
    # Lista os termos da fração continuada
    fraction = continued_fraction(answer, 2**t)

    # A soma dos termos da fração continuada é a razão entre dois
    # números primos entre si (p e q onde MDC(p, q) == 1) que
    # multiplicados resultam N (somar apenas os termos menores ou iguais a N)
    r = 0
    for x in fraction:
        if (x > N):
            print("fraction: ", x)
            r = r + x

    return r
def test_gate():
    """Test a basic gate."""
    h = HadamardGate(1)
    assert h.min_qubits == 2
    assert h.nqubits == 1
n = 10
itr = 8

f_ = [0] * n  #[0,0,...0,0]の箱を用意
f_[1] = 1  #f1=1
#f_[random.randint(0, n-1)] = 1
fa = Qubit(*f_)  #|010>

basis = []
for psi_ in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=n):
psi0 = sum(basis) / sqrt(2**n)
psi = sum(basis) / sqrt(2**n)

Hs = prod([HadamardGate(i) for i in range(n)])
Is = prod([IdentityGate(i) for i in range(n)])
p_ = [0]*n
p = Qubit(*p_)
psi0 = qapply(Hs*p).doit()
psi = qapply(Hs*p)

Uf = lambda q: qapply(Is * q - 2 * fa * Dagger(fa) * q)  #lambda 引数:処理内容
Us = lambda q: qapply(2 * psi0 * Dagger(psi0) * q - Is * q)

for i in range(itr):
    psi = Us(Uf(psi))
    y = [v[1] for v in measure_all(psi)]
    x = [''.join(map(str, v[0].qubit_values)) for v in measure_all(psi)]