 def _rewrite_basis(self, basis, evect, **options):
     from sympy.physics.quantum.represent import represent
     j = sympify(self.j)
     jvals = self.jvals
     if j.is_number:
         if j == int(j):
             start = j**2
             start = (2*j-1)*(2*j+1)/4
         vect = represent(self, basis=basis, **options)
         result = Add(*[vect[start+i] * evect(j,j-i,*jvals) for i in range(2*j+1)])
         if options.get('coupled') is False:
             return uncouple(result)
         return result
         # TODO: better way to get angles of rotation
         mi = symbols('mi')
         angles = represent(self.__class__(0,mi),basis=basis)[0].args[3:6]
         if angles == (0,0,0):
             return self
             state = evect(j, mi, *jvals)
             lt = Rotation.D(j, mi, self.m, *angles)
             result = lt * state
             return Sum(lt * state, (mi,-j,j))
def test_QubitBra():
    assert Qubit(0).dual_class() == QubitBra
    assert QubitBra(0).dual_class() == Qubit
    assert represent(Qubit(1,1,0), nqubits=3).H ==\
           represent(QubitBra(1,1,0), nqubits=3)
    assert Qubit(0,1)._eval_innerproduct_QubitBra(QubitBra(1,0)) == Integer(0)
    assert Qubit(0,1)._eval_innerproduct_QubitBra(QubitBra(0,1)) == Integer(1)
def test_scalar_numpy():
    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed or Python too old.")

    assert represent(Integer(1), format='numpy') == 1
    assert represent(Float(1.0), format='numpy') == 1.0
    assert represent(1.0+I, format='numpy') == 1.0+1.0j
def test_entropy():
    up = JzKet(S(1)/2, S(1)/2)
    down = JzKet(S(1)/2, -S(1)/2)
    d = Density((up, 0.5), (down, 0.5))

    # test for density object
    ent = entropy(d)
    assert entropy(d) == 0.5*log(2)
    assert d.entropy() == 0.5*log(2)

    np = import_module('numpy', min_module_version='1.4.0')
    if np:
        #do this test only if 'numpy' is available on test machine
        np_mat = represent(d, format='numpy')
        ent = entropy(np_mat)
        assert isinstance(np_mat, np.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix)
        assert ent.real == 0.69314718055994529
        assert ent.imag == 0

    scipy = import_module('scipy', __import__kwargs={'fromlist': ['sparse']})
    if scipy and np:
        #do this test only if numpy and scipy are available
        mat = represent(d, format="scipy.sparse")
        assert isinstance(mat, scipy_sparse_matrix)
        assert ent.real == 0.69314718055994529
        assert ent.imag == 0
def test_RaisingOp():
    assert Dagger(ad) == a
    assert Commutator(ad, a).doit() == Integer(-1)
    assert Commutator(ad, N).doit() == Integer(-1)*ad
    assert qapply(ad*k) == (sqrt(k.n + 1)*SHOKet(k.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad*kz) == (sqrt(kz.n + 1)*SHOKet(kz.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad*kf) == (sqrt(kf.n + 1)*SHOKet(kf.n + 1)).expand()
    assert ad.rewrite('xp').doit() == \
        (Integer(1)/sqrt(Integer(2)*hbar*m*omega))*(Integer(-1)*I*Px + m*omega*X)
    assert ad.hilbert_space == ComplexSpace(S.Infinity)
    for i in range(ndim - 1):
        assert ad_rep_sympy[i + 1,i] == sqrt(i + 1)

    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed or Python too old.")

    ad_rep_numpy = represent(ad, basis=N, ndim=4, format='numpy')
    for i in range(ndim - 1):
        assert ad_rep_numpy[i + 1,i] == float(sqrt(i + 1))

    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed or Python too old.")
    if not scipy:
        skip("scipy not installed.")
        sparse = scipy.sparse

    ad_rep_scipy = represent(ad, basis=N, ndim=4, format='scipy.sparse', spmatrix='lil')
    for i in range(ndim - 1):
        assert ad_rep_scipy[i + 1,i] == float(sqrt(i + 1))

    assert ad_rep_numpy.dtype == 'float64'
    assert ad_rep_scipy.dtype == 'float64'
文件: density.py 项目: asmeurer/sympy
def fidelity(state1, state2):
    """ Computes the fidelity [1]_ between two quantum states

    The arguments provided to this function should be a square matrix or a
    Density object. If it is a square matrix, it is assumed to be diagonalizable.


    state1, state2 : a density matrix or Matrix


    >>> from sympy import S, sqrt
    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.dagger import Dagger
    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.spin import JzKet
    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.density import Density, fidelity
    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.represent import represent
    >>> up = JzKet(S(1)/2,S(1)/2)
    >>> down = JzKet(S(1)/2,-S(1)/2)
    >>> amp = 1/sqrt(2)
    >>> updown = (amp * up) + (amp * down)
    >>> # represent turns Kets into matrices
    >>> up_dm = represent(up * Dagger(up))
    >>> down_dm = represent(down * Dagger(down))
    >>> updown_dm = represent(updown * Dagger(updown))
    >>> fidelity(up_dm, up_dm)
    >>> fidelity(up_dm, down_dm) #orthogonal states
    >>> fidelity(up_dm, updown_dm).evalf().round(3)


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidelity_of_quantum_states

    state1 = represent(state1) if isinstance(state1, Density) else state1
    state2 = represent(state2) if isinstance(state2, Density) else state2

    if (not isinstance(state1, Matrix) or
            not isinstance(state2, Matrix)):
        raise ValueError("state1 and state2 must be of type Density or Matrix "
                         "received type=%s for state1 and type=%s for state2" %
                         (type(state1), type(state2)))

    if ( state1.shape != state2.shape and state1.is_square):
        raise ValueError("The dimensions of both args should be equal and the "
                         "matrix obtained should be a square matrix")

    sqrt_state1 = state1**Rational(1, 2)
    return Tr((sqrt_state1 * state2 * sqrt_state1)**Rational(1, 2)).doit()
def test_cnot_gate():
    """Test the CNOT gate."""
    circuit = CNotGate(1,0)
    assert represent(circuit, nqubits=2) ==\
    circuit = circuit*Qubit('111')
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(circuit, nqubits=3)) ==\
def test_swap_gate():
    """Test the SWAP gate."""
    swap_gate_matrix = Matrix(((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1)))
    assert represent(SwapGate(1, 0).decompose(), nqubits=2) == swap_gate_matrix
    assert qapply(SwapGate(1, 3) * Qubit("0010")) == Qubit("1000")
    nqubits = 4
    for i in range(nqubits):
        for j in range(i):
            assert represent(SwapGate(i, j), nqubits=nqubits) == represent(SwapGate(i, j).decompose(), nqubits=nqubits)
def test_scalar_scipy_sparse():
    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed or Python too old.")
    if not scipy:
        skip("scipy not installed.")

    assert represent(Integer(1), format='scipy.sparse') == 1
    assert represent(Float(1.0), format='scipy.sparse') == 1.0
    assert represent(1.0+I, format='scipy.sparse') == 1.0+1.0j
def test_one_qubit_commutators():
    """Test single qubit gate commutation relations."""
    for g1 in (IdentityGate, X, Y, Z, H, T, S):
        for g2 in (IdentityGate, X, Y, Z, H, T, S):
            e = Commutator(g1(0),g2(0))
            a = matrix_to_zero(represent(e, nqubits=1, format='sympy'))
            b = matrix_to_zero(represent(e.doit(), nqubits=1, format='sympy'))
            assert a == b
            e = Commutator(g1(0),g2(1))
            assert e.doit() == 0
def test_swap_gate():
    """Test the SWAP gate."""
    swap_gate_matrix = Matrix(((1,0,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,0,1)))
    assert represent(SwapGate(1,0).decompose(), nqubits=2) == swap_gate_matrix
    assert apply_operators(SwapGate(1,3)*Qubit('0010')) == Qubit('1000')
    nqubits = 4
    for i in range(nqubits):
        for j in range(i):
            assert represent(SwapGate(i,j), nqubits=nqubits) ==\
                represent(SwapGate(i,j).decompose(), nqubits=nqubits)
def test_cnot_gate():
    """Test the CNOT gate."""
    circuit = CNotGate(1, 0)
    assert represent(circuit, nqubits=2) == Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
    circuit = circuit * Qubit("111")
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(circuit, nqubits=3)) == qapply(circuit)

    circuit = CNotGate(1, 0)
    assert Dagger(circuit) == circuit
    assert Dagger(Dagger(circuit)) == circuit
    assert circuit * circuit == 1
def test_one_qubit_anticommutators():
    """Test single qubit gate anticommutation relations."""
    for g1 in (IdentityGate, X, Y, Z, H):
        for g2 in (IdentityGate, X, Y, Z, H):
            e = AntiCommutator(g1(0), g2(0))
            a = matrix_to_zero(represent(e, nqubits=1, format="sympy"))
            b = matrix_to_zero(represent(e.doit(), nqubits=1, format="sympy"))
            assert a == b
            e = AntiCommutator(g1(0), g2(1))
            a = matrix_to_zero(represent(e, nqubits=2, format="sympy"))
            b = matrix_to_zero(represent(e.doit(), nqubits=2, format="sympy"))
            assert a == b
文件: density.py 项目: vprusso/sympy
def bures_angle(state1, state2):
    """ Computes the Bures angle [1], [2] between two quantum states
    The arguments provided to this function should be a square matrix or a
    Density object. If it is a square matrix, it is assumed to be diagonalizable.
    state1, state2 : a density matrix or Matrix
    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum import TensorProduct, Ket, Dagger
    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.density import bures_angle
    >>> from sympy import Matrix
    >>> from math import sqrt
    >>> # define qubits |0>, |1>, |00>, and |11>
    >>> q0 = Matrix([1,0])
    >>> q1 = Matrix([0,1])
    >>> q00 = TensorProduct(q0,q0)
    >>> q11 = TensorProduct(q1,q1)
    >>> # create set of maximally entangled Bell states 
    >>> phip = 1/sqrt(2) * ( q00 + q11 )
    >>> phim = 1/sqrt(2) * ( q00 - q11 )
    >>> # create the corresponding density matrices for the Bell states
    >>> phip_dm = phip * Dagger(phip)
    >>> phim_dm = phim * Dagger(phim)
    >>> # calculates the Bures angle between two orthogonal states (yields: 0)
    >>> print bures_angle(phip_dm, phim_dm)
    >>> # calculates the Bures angle between two identitcal states (yields: 1)
    >>> print bures_angle(phip_dm, phip_dm)

    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bures_metric
    .. [2] Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. M. Nielsen, I. Chuang, 
           Cambridge University Press, (2001) (Eq. 9.82, pg 413). 
    state1 = represent(state1) if isinstance(state1, Density) else state1
    state2 = represent(state2) if isinstance(state2, Density) else state2

    if (not isinstance(state1, Matrix) or
            not isinstance(state2, Matrix)):
        raise ValueError("state1 and state2 must be of type Density or Matrix "
                         "received type=%s for state1 and type=%s for state2" %
                         (type(state1), type(state2)))

    if ( state1.shape != state2.shape and state1.is_square):
        raise ValueError("The dimensions of both args should be equal and the "
                         "matrix obtained should be a square matrix")

    # the pi/2 is for normalization
    return acos( fidelity(state1, state2) ) / (pi/2)
def test_UGate_OneQubitGate_combo():
    v, w, f, g = symbols('v w f g')
    uMat1 = ImmutableMatrix([[v, w], [f, g]])
    cMat1 = Matrix([[v, w + 1, 0, 0], [f + 1, g, 0, 0], [0, 0, v, w + 1], [0, 0, f + 1, g]])
    u1 = X(0) + UGate(0, uMat1)
    assert represent(u1, nqubits=2) == cMat1

    uMat2 = ImmutableMatrix([[1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2)], [I/sqrt(2), -I/sqrt(2)]])
    cMat2_1 = Matrix([[1/2 + I/2, 1/2 - I/2], [1/2 - I/2, 1/2 + I/2]])
    cMat2_2 = Matrix([[1, 0], [0, I]])
    u2 = UGate(0, uMat2)
    assert represent(H(0)*u2, nqubits=1) == cMat2_1
    assert represent(u2*H(0), nqubits=1) == cMat2_2
def test_OracleGate():
    v = OracleGate(1, lambda qubits: qubits == IntQubit(0))
    assert qapply(v*IntQubit(0)) == -IntQubit(0)
    assert qapply(v*IntQubit(1)) == IntQubit(1)

    nbits = 2
    v = OracleGate(2, return_one_on_two)
    assert qapply(v*IntQubit(0, nbits)) == IntQubit(0, nqubits=nbits)
    assert qapply(v*IntQubit(1, nbits)) == IntQubit(1, nqubits=nbits)
    assert qapply(v*IntQubit(2, nbits)) == -IntQubit(2, nbits)
    assert qapply(v*IntQubit(3, nbits)) == IntQubit(3, nbits)

    assert represent(OracleGate(1, lambda qubits: qubits == IntQubit(0)), nqubits=1) == \
           Matrix([[-1, 0], [0, 1]])
    assert represent(v, nqubits=2) == Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
def test_UGate():
    a, b, c, d = symbols("a,b,c,d")
    uMat = Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space
    u1 = UGate((0,), uMat)
    assert represent(u1, nqubits=1) == uMat
    assert qapply(u1 * Qubit("0")) == a * Qubit("0") + c * Qubit("1")
    assert qapply(u1 * Qubit("1")) == b * Qubit("0") + d * Qubit("1")

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space
    u2 = UGate((1,), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep * qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i, 2)) == qubit_to_matrix(qapply(u2 * IntQubit(i, 2)))
文件: qubit.py 项目: certik/sympy
def qubit_to_matrix(qubit, format='sympy'):
    """Converts an Add/Mul of Qubit objects into it's matrix representation

    This function is the inverse of ``matrix_to_qubit`` and is a shorthand
    for ``represent(qubit)``.
    return represent(qubit, format=format)
文件: spin.py 项目: arpitsaan/sympy
 def _rewrite_basis(self, basis, evect, **options):
     from sympy.physics.quantum.represent import represent
     j = sympify(self.j)
     if j.is_number:
         vect = represent(self, basis=basis, **options)
         return Add(*[vect[i] * evect(j,j-i) for i in range(2*j+1)])
         # TODO: better way to get angles of rotation
         mi = symbols('mi')
         angles = represent(self.__class__(0,mi),basis=basis)[0].args[3:6]
         if angles == (0,0,0):
             return self
             state = evect(j, mi)
             lt = Rotation.D(j, mi, self.m, *angles)
             return Sum(lt * state, (mi,-j,j))
def test_apply_represent_equality():
    gates = [
        HadamardGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        XGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        ZGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        YGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        ZGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        PhaseGate(int(3 * random.random())),

    circuit = Qubit(
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
    for i in range(int(random.random() * 6)):
        circuit = gates[int(random.random() * 6)] * circuit

    mat = represent(circuit, nqubits=6)
    states = qapply(circuit)
    state_rep = matrix_to_qubit(mat)
    states = states.expand()
    state_rep = state_rep.expand()
    assert state_rep == states
def test_superposition_of_states():
    assert qapply(CNOT(0, 1)*HadamardGate(0)*(1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('01') + 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('10'))).expand() == (Qubit('01')/2 + Qubit('00')/2 - Qubit('11')/2 +

    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CNOT(0, 1)*HadamardGate(0)
        *(1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('01') + 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('10')), nqubits=2)) == \
        (Qubit('01')/2 + Qubit('00')/2 - Qubit('11')/2 + Qubit('10')/2)
def test_QubitBra():
    qb = Qubit(0)
    qb_bra = QubitBra(0)
    assert qb.dual_class() == QubitBra
    assert qb_bra.dual_class() == Qubit

    qb = Qubit(1, 1, 0)
    qb_bra = QubitBra(1, 1, 0)
    assert represent(qb, nqubits=3).H == represent(qb_bra, nqubits=3)

    qb = Qubit(0, 1)
    qb_bra = QubitBra(1,0)
    assert qb._eval_innerproduct_QubitBra(qb_bra) == Integer(0)

    qb_bra = QubitBra(0, 1)
    assert qb._eval_innerproduct_QubitBra(qb_bra) == Integer(1)
 def test_format_numpy():
     for test in _tests:
         lhs = represent(test[0], basis=A, format='numpy')
         rhs = to_numpy(test[1])
         if isinstance(lhs, numpy_ndarray):
             assert (lhs == rhs).all()
             assert lhs == rhs
 def test_format_scipy_sparse():
     for test in _tests:
         lhs = represent(test[0], basis=A, format='scipy.sparse')
         rhs = to_scipy_sparse(test[1])
         if isinstance(lhs, scipy_sparse_matrix):
             assert np.linalg.norm((lhs-rhs).todense()) == 0.0
             assert lhs == rhs
def test_ugate():
    """Test the general UGate."""
    a,b,c,d = symbols('abcd')
    uMat = Matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space
    u1 = UGate((0,), uMat)
    assert represent(u1, nqubits = 1) == uMat
    assert apply_operators(u1*Qubit('0')) == a*Qubit('0') + c*Qubit('1')
    assert apply_operators(u1*Qubit('1')) == b*Qubit('0') + d*Qubit('1')

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space
    u2 = UGate((1,), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep*qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i,2)) ==\
文件: qubit.py 项目: Arnab1401/sympy
def qubit_to_matrix(qubit, format='sympy'):
    """Coverts an Add/Mul of Qubit objects into it's matrix representation

    This function is the inverse of ``matrix_to_qubit`` and is a shorthand
    for ``represent(qubit)``.
    from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import Z
    return represent(qubit, format=format)
文件: spin.py 项目: hitej/meta-core
 def _rewrite_basis(self, basis, evect_cls, *args):
     j = self.j
     size, mvals = m_values(j)
     result = 0
     vect = represent(self, basis=basis)
     for p in range(size):
         me = vect[p]
         me *= evect_cls.__new__(evect_cls, j, mvals[p])
         result += me
     return result
文件: test_qft.py 项目: Aang/sympy
def test_RkGate():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert RkGate(1,x).k == x
    assert RkGate(1,x).targets == (1,)
    assert RkGate(1,1) == ZGate(1)
    assert RkGate(2,2) == PhaseGate(2)
    assert RkGate(3,3) == TGate(3)

    assert represent(RkGate(0,x), nqubits =1) ==\
def test_UGate_CGate_combo():
    a, b, c, d = symbols("a,b,c,d")
    uMat = Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]])
    cMat = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, a, b], [0, 0, c, d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space.
    u1 = UGate((0,), uMat)
    cu1 = CGate(1, u1)
    assert represent(cu1, nqubits=2) == cMat
    assert qapply(cu1 * Qubit("10")) == a * Qubit("10") + c * Qubit("11")
    assert qapply(cu1 * Qubit("11")) == b * Qubit("10") + d * Qubit("11")
    assert qapply(cu1 * Qubit("01")) == Qubit("01")
    assert qapply(cu1 * Qubit("00")) == Qubit("00")

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space.
    u2 = UGate((1,), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep * qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i, 2)) == qubit_to_matrix(qapply(u2 * IntQubit(i, 2)))
def test_represent():
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    d = Density([XKet(), 0.5], [PxKet(), 0.5])
    assert (represent(0.5*(PxKet()*Dagger(PxKet()))) +
            represent(0.5*(XKet()*Dagger(XKet())))) == represent(d)

    # check for kets with expr in them
    d_with_sym = Density([XKet(x*y), 0.5], [PxKet(x*y), 0.5])
    assert (represent(0.5*(PxKet(x*y)*Dagger(PxKet(x*y)))) +
            represent(0.5*(XKet(x*y)*Dagger(XKet(x*y))))) == \

    # check when given explicit basis
    assert (represent(0.5*(XKet()*Dagger(XKet())), basis=PxOp()) +
            represent(0.5*(PxKet()*Dagger(PxKet())), basis=PxOp())) == \
        represent(d, basis=PxOp())
    def run_circuit(self, circuit):
        """Run a circuit and return object
            circuit (dict): JSON that describes the circuit
            dict: A dictionary of results which looks something like::
                        'classical_state': 0,
                        'counts': {'11': 1},
                        'quantum_state': array([sqrt(2)/2, 0, 0, sqrt(2)/2], dtype=object)},
                "status": --status (string)--
            SimulatorError: if an error occurred.
        ccircuit = circuit['compiled_circuit']
        self._number_of_qubits = ccircuit['header']['number_of_qubits']
        self._number_of_cbits = ccircuit['header']['number_of_clbits']
        self._quantum_state = 0
        self._classical_state = 0
        cl_reg_index = []  # starting bit index of classical register
        cl_reg_nbits = []  # number of bits in classical register
        cbit_index = 0
        for cl_reg in ccircuit['header']['clbit_labels']:
            cbit_index += cl_reg[1]
        if circuit['config']['seed'] is None:

        actual_shots = self._shots
        self._quantum_state = Qubit(*tuple([0] * self._number_of_qubits))
        self._classical_state = 0
        # Do each operation in this shot
        for operation in ccircuit['operations']:
            if 'conditional' in operation:  # not related to sympy
                mask = int(operation['conditional']['mask'], 16)
                if mask > 0:
                    value = self._classical_state & mask
                    while (mask & 0x1) == 0:
                        mask >>= 1
                        value >>= 1
                    if value != int(operation['conditional']['val'], 16):
            if operation['name'] in ['U', 'u1', 'u2', 'u3']:
                qubit = operation['qubits'][0]
                opname = operation['name'].upper()
                opparas = operation['params']
                _sym_op = SympyQasmSimulator.get_sym_op(
                    opname, tuple([qubit]), opparas)
                _applied_quantum_state = _sym_op * self._quantum_state
                self._quantum_state = qapply(_applied_quantum_state)
            # Check if CX gate
            elif operation['name'] in ['id']:
                    'Identity gate is ignored by sympy-based qasm simulator.')
            elif operation['name'] in ['CX', 'cx']:
                qubit0 = operation['qubits'][0]
                qubit1 = operation['qubits'][1]
                opname = operation['name'].upper()
                if 'params' in operation:
                    opparas = operation['params']
                    opparas = None
                q0q1tuple = tuple([qubit0, qubit1])
                _sym_op = SympyQasmSimulator.get_sym_op(
                    opname, q0q1tuple, opparas)
                self._quantum_state = qapply(_sym_op * self._quantum_state)
            # Check if measure
            elif operation['name'] == 'measure':
                    'The statement measure is ignored by sympy-based qasm simulator.'
            elif operation['name'] == 'reset':
                    'The statement reset is ignored by sympy-based qasm simulator.'
            elif operation['name'] == 'barrier':
                    'The statement barrier is ignored by sympy-based qasm simulator.'
                backend = globals()['__configuration']['name']
                err_msg = '{0} encountered unrecognized operation "{1}"'
                raise SimulatorError(err_msg.format(backend,

        outcomes = []
        matrix_form = represent(self._quantum_state)
        shape_n = matrix_form.shape[0]
        list_form = [matrix_form[i, 0] for i in range(shape_n)]

        pdist = [
            SympyQasmSimulator._conjugate_square(matrix_form[i, 0])
            for i in range(shape_n)
        norm_pdist = [float(i) / sum(pdist) for i in pdist]

        for _ in range(actual_shots):
            _classical_state_observed = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, shape_n),

        # Return the results
        counts = dict(Counter(outcomes))
        # data['quantum_state']: consistent with other backends.
        data = {
            'counts': self._format_result(counts, cl_reg_index, cl_reg_nbits),
            'quantum_state': np.asarray(list_form),
            'classical_state': self._classical_state

        return {'data': data, 'status': 'DONE'}
k = SHOKet('k')
kz = SHOKet(0)
kf = SHOKet(1)
k3 = SHOKet(3)
b = SHOBra('b')
b3 = SHOBra(3)
H = Hamiltonian('H')
N = NumberOp('N')
omega = Symbol('omega')
m = Symbol('m')
ndim = Integer(4)

np = import_module('numpy')
scipy = import_module('scipy', __import__kwargs={'fromlist': ['sparse']})

ad_rep_sympy = represent(ad, basis=N, ndim=4, format='sympy')
a_rep = represent(a, basis=N, ndim=4, format='sympy')
N_rep = represent(N, basis=N, ndim=4, format='sympy')
H_rep = represent(H, basis=N, ndim=4, format='sympy')
k3_rep = represent(k3, basis=N, ndim=4, format='sympy')
b3_rep = represent(b3, basis=N, ndim=4, format='sympy')

def test_RaisingOp():
    assert Dagger(ad) == a
    assert Commutator(ad, a).doit() == Integer(-1)
    assert Commutator(ad, N).doit() == Integer(-1) * ad
    assert qapply(ad * k) == (sqrt(k.n + 1) * SHOKet(k.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad * kz) == (sqrt(kz.n + 1) * SHOKet(kz.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad * kf) == (sqrt(kf.n + 1) * SHOKet(kf.n + 1)).expand()
    assert ad.rewrite('xp').doit() == \
def is_scalar_sparse_matrix(circuit, nqubits, identity_only, eps=1e-11):
    """Checks if a given scipy.sparse matrix is a scalar matrix.

    A scalar matrix is such that B = bI, where B is the scalar
    matrix, b is some scalar multiple, and I is the identity
    matrix.  A scalar matrix would have only the element b along
    it's main diagonal and zeroes elsewhere.


    circuit : Gate tuple
        Sequence of quantum gates representing a quantum circuit
    nqubits : int
        Number of qubits in the circuit
    identity_only : bool
        Check for only identity matrices
    eps : number
        The tolerance value for zeroing out elements in the matrix.
        Values in the range [-eps, +eps] will be changed to a zero.

    if not np or not scipy:

    matrix = represent(Mul(*circuit), nqubits=nqubits, format='scipy.sparse')

    # In some cases, represent returns a 1D scalar value in place
    # of a multi-dimensional scalar matrix
    if (isinstance(matrix, int)):
        return matrix == 1 if identity_only else True

    # If represent returns a matrix, check if the matrix is diagonal
    # and if every item along the diagonal is the same
        # Due to floating pointing operations, must zero out
        # elements that are "very" small in the dense matrix
        # See parameter for default value.

        # Get the ndarray version of the dense matrix
        dense_matrix = matrix.todense().getA()
        # Since complex values can't be compared, must split
        # the matrix into real and imaginary components
        # Find the real values in between -eps and eps
        bool_real = np.logical_and(dense_matrix.real > -eps,
                                   dense_matrix.real < eps)
        # Find the imaginary values between -eps and eps
        bool_imag = np.logical_and(dense_matrix.imag > -eps,
                                   dense_matrix.imag < eps)
        # Replaces values between -eps and eps with 0
        corrected_real = np.where(bool_real, 0.0, dense_matrix.real)
        corrected_imag = np.where(bool_imag, 0.0, dense_matrix.imag)
        # Convert the matrix with real values into imaginary values
        corrected_imag = corrected_imag * complex(1j)
        # Recombine the real and imaginary components
        corrected_dense = corrected_real + corrected_imag

        # Check if it's diagonal
        row_indices = corrected_dense.nonzero()[0]
        col_indices = corrected_dense.nonzero()[1]
        # Check if the rows indices and columns indices are the same
        # If they match, then matrix only contains elements along diagonal
        bool_indices = row_indices == col_indices
        is_diagonal = bool_indices.all()

        first_element = corrected_dense[0][0]
        # If the first element is a zero, then can't rescale matrix
        # and definitely not diagonal
        if (first_element == 0.0 + 0.0j):
            return False

        # The dimensions of the dense matrix should still
        # be 2^nqubits if there are elements all along the
        # the main diagonal
        trace_of_corrected = (corrected_dense / first_element).trace()
        expected_trace = pow(2, nqubits)
        has_correct_trace = trace_of_corrected == expected_trace

        # If only looking for identity matrices
        # first element must be a 1
        real_is_one = abs(first_element.real - 1.0) < eps
        imag_is_zero = abs(first_element.imag) < eps
        is_one = real_is_one and imag_is_zero
        is_identity = is_one if identity_only else True
        return bool(is_diagonal and has_correct_trace and is_identity)
k = SHOKet("k")
kz = SHOKet(0)
kf = SHOKet(1)
k3 = SHOKet(3)
b = SHOBra("b")
b3 = SHOBra(3)
H = Hamiltonian("H")
N = NumberOp("N")
omega = Symbol("omega")
m = Symbol("m")
ndim = Integer(4)

np = import_module("numpy")
scipy = import_module("scipy", import_kwargs={"fromlist": ["sparse"]})

ad_rep_sympy = represent(ad, basis=N, ndim=4, format="sympy")
a_rep = represent(a, basis=N, ndim=4, format="sympy")
N_rep = represent(N, basis=N, ndim=4, format="sympy")
H_rep = represent(H, basis=N, ndim=4, format="sympy")
k3_rep = represent(k3, basis=N, ndim=4, format="sympy")
b3_rep = represent(b3, basis=N, ndim=4, format="sympy")

def test_RaisingOp():
    assert Dagger(ad) == a
    assert Commutator(ad, a).doit() == Integer(-1)
    assert Commutator(ad, N).doit() == Integer(-1) * ad
    assert qapply(ad * k) == (sqrt(k.n + 1) * SHOKet(k.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad * kz) == (sqrt(kz.n + 1) * SHOKet(kz.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad * kf) == (sqrt(kf.n + 1) * SHOKet(kf.n + 1)).expand()
    assert ad.rewrite("xp").doit() == (
def test_qft_represent():
    c = QFT(0,3)
    a = represent(c,nqubits=3)
    b = represent(c.decompose(),nqubits=3)
    assert a.evalf(prec=10) == b.evalf(prec=10)
    def run_circuit(self, circuit):
        """Run a circuit and return object.

            circuit (dict): JSON that describes the circuit
            dict: A dictionary of results which looks something like::

                        'statevector': array([sqrt(2)/2, 0, 0, sqrt(2)/2], dtype=object)},
                "status": --status (string)--

            SimulatorError: if an error occurred.
        ccircuit = circuit['compiled_circuit']
        self._number_of_qubits = ccircuit['header']['number_of_qubits']
        self._statevector = 0

        self._statevector = Qubit(*tuple([0] * self._number_of_qubits))
        for operation in ccircuit['operations']:
            if 'conditional' in operation:
                raise SimulatorError('conditional operations not supported '
                                     'in statevector simulator')
            if operation['name'] == 'measure' or operation['name'] == 'reset':
                raise SimulatorError('operation {} not supported by '
                                     'sympy statevector simulator.'.format(
            if operation['name'] in ['U', 'u1', 'u2', 'u3']:
                qubit = operation['qubits'][0]
                opname = operation['name'].upper()
                opparas = operation['params']
                _sym_op = StatevectorSimulatorSympy.get_sym_op(
                    opname, tuple([qubit]), opparas)
                _applied_statevector = _sym_op * self._statevector
                self._statevector = qapply(_applied_statevector)
            elif operation['name'] in ['id']:
                    'Identity gate is ignored by sympy-based statevector simulator.'
            elif operation['name'] in ['barrier']:
                    'Barrier is ignored by sympy-based statevector simulator.')
            elif operation['name'] in ['CX', 'cx']:
                qubit0 = operation['qubits'][0]
                qubit1 = operation['qubits'][1]
                opname = operation['name'].upper()
                if 'params' in operation:
                    opparas = operation['params']
                    opparas = None
                q0q1tuple = tuple([qubit0, qubit1])
                _sym_op = StatevectorSimulatorSympy.get_sym_op(
                    opname, q0q1tuple, opparas)
                self._statevector = qapply(_sym_op * self._statevector)
                backend = globals()['__configuration']['name']
                err_msg = '{0} encountered unrecognized operation "{1}"'
                raise SimulatorError(err_msg.format(backend,

        matrix_form = represent(self._statevector)
        shape_n = matrix_form.shape[0]
        list_form = [matrix_form[i, 0] for i in range(shape_n)]

        # Return the results
        data = {
            'statevector': np.asarray(list_form),

        return {'data': data, 'status': 'DONE'}
 def _represent(self, **options):
     return represent(self.doit(), **options)
def test_compound_gates():
    """Test a compound gate representation."""
    circuit = YGate(0) * ZGate(0) * XGate(0) * HadamardGate(0) * Qubit('00')
    answer = represent(circuit, nqubits=2)
    assert Matrix([I / sqrt(2), I / sqrt(2), 0, 0]) == answer
def test_random_circuit():
    c = random_circuit(10, 3)
    assert isinstance(c, Mul)
    m = represent(c, nqubits=3)
    assert m.shape == (8, 8)
    assert isinstance(m, Matrix)
def test_fidelity():
    #test with kets
    up = JzKet(S(1) / 2, S(1) / 2)
    down = JzKet(S(1) / 2, -S(1) / 2)
    updown = (S(1) / sqrt(2)) * up + (S(1) / sqrt(2)) * down

    #check with matrices
    up_dm = represent(up * Dagger(up))
    down_dm = represent(down * Dagger(down))
    updown_dm = represent(updown * Dagger(updown))

    assert abs(fidelity(up_dm, up_dm) - 1) < 1e-3
    assert fidelity(up_dm, down_dm) < 1e-3
    assert abs(fidelity(up_dm, updown_dm) - (S(1) / sqrt(2))) < 1e-3
    assert abs(fidelity(updown_dm, down_dm) - (S(1) / sqrt(2))) < 1e-3

    #check with density
    up_dm = Density([up, 1.0])
    down_dm = Density([down, 1.0])
    updown_dm = Density([updown, 1.0])

    assert abs(fidelity(up_dm, up_dm) - 1) < 1e-3
    assert abs(fidelity(up_dm, down_dm)) < 1e-3
    assert abs(fidelity(up_dm, updown_dm) - (S(1) / sqrt(2))) < 1e-3
    assert abs(fidelity(updown_dm, down_dm) - (S(1) / sqrt(2))) < 1e-3

    #check mixed states with density
    updown2 = (sqrt(3) / 2) * up + (S(1) / 2) * down
    d1 = Density([updown, 0.25], [updown2, 0.75])
    d2 = Density([updown, 0.75], [updown2, 0.25])
    assert abs(fidelity(d1, d2) - 0.991) < 1e-3
    assert abs(fidelity(d2, d1) - fidelity(d1, d2)) < 1e-3

    #using qubits/density(pure states)
    state1 = Qubit('0')
    state2 = Qubit('1')
    state3 = (S(1) / sqrt(2)) * state1 + (S(1) / sqrt(2)) * state2
    state4 = (sqrt(S(2) / 3)) * state1 + (S(1) / sqrt(3)) * state2

    state1_dm = Density([state1, 1])
    state2_dm = Density([state2, 1])
    state3_dm = Density([state3, 1])

    assert fidelity(state1_dm, state1_dm) == 1
    assert fidelity(state1_dm, state2_dm) == 0
    assert abs(fidelity(state1_dm, state3_dm) - 1 / sqrt(2)) < 1e-3
    assert abs(fidelity(state3_dm, state2_dm) - 1 / sqrt(2)) < 1e-3

    #using qubits/density(mixed states)
    d1 = Density([state3, 0.70], [state4, 0.30])
    d2 = Density([state3, 0.20], [state4, 0.80])
    assert abs(fidelity(d1, d1) - 1) < 1e-3
    assert abs(fidelity(d1, d2) - 0.996) < 1e-3
    assert abs(fidelity(d1, d2) - fidelity(d2, d1)) < 1e-3

    #TODO: test for invalid arguments
    # non-square matrix
    mat1 = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]

    mat2 = [[0, 0], [0, 0]]
    raises(ValueError, lambda: fidelity(mat1, mat2))

    # unequal dimensions
    mat1 = [[0, 0], [0, 0]]
    mat2 = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
    raises(ValueError, lambda: fidelity(mat1, mat2))

    # unsupported data-type
    x, y = 1, 2  #random values that is not a matrix
    raises(ValueError, lambda: fidelity(x, y))
def test_superposition_of_states():
    state = 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('01') + 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('10')
    state_gate = CNOT(0, 1)*HadamardGate(0)*state
    state_expanded = Qubit('01')/2 + Qubit('00')/2 - Qubit('11')/2 + Qubit('10')/2
    assert qapply(state_gate).expand() == state_expanded
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(state_gate, nqubits=2)) == state_expanded
def test_represent_hadamard():
    """Test the representation of the hadamard gate."""
    circuit = HadamardGate(0) * Qubit('00')
    answer = represent(circuit, nqubits=2)
    # Check that the answers are same to within an epsilon.
    assert answer == Matrix([1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 0, 0])
def test_represent_ygate():
    """Test the representation of the Y gate."""
    circuit = YGate(0) * Qubit('00')
    answer = represent(circuit, nqubits=2)
    assert answer[0] == 0 and answer[1] == I and \
    answer[2] == 0 and answer[3] == 0
def test_represent_zgate():
    """Test the representation of the Z gate."""
    circuit = ZGate(0) * Qubit('00')
    answer = represent(circuit, nqubits=2)
    assert Matrix([1, 0, 0, 0]) == answer
def test_represent_phasegate():
    """Test the representation of the S gate."""
    circuit = PhaseGate(0) * Qubit('01')
    answer = represent(circuit, nqubits=2)
    assert Matrix([0, I, 0, 0]) == answer
def test_represent_tgate():
    """Test the representation of the T gate."""
    circuit = TGate(0) * Qubit('01')
    assert Matrix([0, exp(I * pi / 4), 0, 0]) == represent(circuit, nqubits=2)
    def run_circuit(self, circuit):
        """Run a circuit and return object.

            circuit (QobjExperiment): Qobj experiment
            ExperimentResult: Container for a single experiment::

                        'statevector': array([sqrt(2)/2, 0, 0, sqrt(2)/2], dtype=object)},
                "status": --status (string)--

            SympySimulatorError: if an error occurred.
        self._number_of_qubits = circuit.header.number_of_qubits
        self._statevector = 0

        self._statevector = Qubit(*tuple([0] * self._number_of_qubits))
        for operation in circuit.instructions:
            if getattr(operation, 'conditional', None):
                raise SympySimulatorError(
                    'conditional operations not supported '
                    'in statevector simulator')
            if operation.name in ('measure', 'reset'):
                raise SympySimulatorError(
                    'operation {} not supported by sympy statevector simulator.'
            if operation.name in ('U', 'u1', 'u2', 'u3'):
                qubit = operation.qubits[0]
                opname = operation.name.upper()
                opparas = getattr(operation, 'params', None)
                _sym_op = SympyStatevectorSimulator.get_sym_op(
                    opname, tuple([qubit]), opparas)
                _applied_statevector = _sym_op * self._statevector
                self._statevector = qapply(_applied_statevector)
            elif operation.name == 'id':
                    'Identity gate is ignored by sympy-based statevector simulator.'
            elif operation.name == 'barrier':
                    'Barrier is ignored by sympy-based statevector simulator.')
            elif operation.name in ('CX', 'cx'):
                qubit0 = operation.qubits[0]
                qubit1 = operation.qubits[1]
                opname = operation.name.upper()
                opparas = getattr(operation, 'params', None)
                q0q1tuple = tuple([qubit0, qubit1])
                _sym_op = SympyStatevectorSimulator.get_sym_op(
                    opname, q0q1tuple, opparas)
                self._statevector = qapply(_sym_op * self._statevector)
                backend = self.name
                err_msg = '{0} encountered unrecognized operation "{1}"'
                raise SympySimulatorError(
                    err_msg.format(backend, operation.name))

        matrix_form = represent(self._statevector)
        shape_n = matrix_form.shape[0]
        list_form = [matrix_form[i, 0] for i in range(shape_n)]

        # Build a schema-conformant container of the Experiment results.
        result = {
            'data': {
                'statevector': np.asarray(list_form)
            'success': True,
            'shots': 1,
            'status': 'DONE',
            'header': {
                'name': circuit.header.name

        return ExperimentResult(**result)
 def test_scalar_scipy_sparse():
     assert represent(Integer(1), format='scipy.sparse') == 1
     assert represent(Real(1.0), format='scipy.sparse') == 1.0
     assert represent(1.0 + I, format='scipy.sparse') == 1.0 + 1.0j
def test_format_sympy():
    for test in _tests:
        lhs = represent(test[0], basis=A, format="sympy")
        rhs = to_sympy(test[1])
        assert lhs == rhs
 def test_scalar_numpy():
     assert represent(Integer(1), format='numpy') == 1
     assert represent(Real(1.0), format='numpy') == 1.0
     assert represent(1.0 + I, format='numpy') == 1.0 + 1.0j
def test_scalar_sympy():
    assert represent(Integer(1)) == Integer(1)
    assert represent(Float(1.0)) == Float(1.0)
    assert represent(1.0 + I) == 1.0 + I
def test_represent_xgate():
    """Test the representation of the X gate."""
    circuit = XGate(0) * Qubit("00")
    answer = represent(circuit, nqubits=2)
    assert Matrix([0, 1, 0, 0]) == answer