def test_factor_and_dimension_with_Abs():
    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        v_w1 = Quantity('v_w1', length / time, Rational(3, 2) * meter / second)
    v_w1.set_global_relative_scale_factor(Rational(3, 2), meter / second)
    expr = v_w1 - Abs(v_w1)
    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        assert (0,
                length / time) == Quantity._collect_factor_and_dimension(expr)
def test_extend():
    ms = UnitSystem((m, s), (c, ))
    Js = Quantity("Js")
    Js.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, joule * second)
    mks = ms.extend((kg, ), (Js, ))

    res = UnitSystem((m, s, kg), (c, Js))
    assert set(mks._base_units) == set(res._base_units)
    assert set(mks._units) == set(res._units)
def test_convert_to():
    A = Quantity("A")
    A.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S.One, ampere)

    Js = Quantity("Js")
    Js.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S.One, joule * second)

    mksa = UnitSystem((m, kg, s, A), (Js, ))
    assert convert_to(Js, mksa._base_units) == m**2 * kg * s**-1 / 1000
def test_get_dimensional_expr_with_function():
    v_w1 = Quantity('v_w1')
    v_w2 = Quantity('v_w2')
    v_w1.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, meter / second)
    v_w2.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, meter / second)

    assert SI.get_dimensional_expr(sin(v_w1)) == \
    assert SI.get_dimensional_expr(sin(v_w1 / v_w2)) == 1
def test_print_unit_base():
    A = Quantity("A")
    A.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S.One, ampere)

    Js = Quantity("Js")
    Js.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S.One, joule * second)

    mksa = UnitSystem((m, kg, s, A), (Js, ))
    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        assert mksa.print_unit_base(Js) == m**2 * kg * s**-1 / 1000
def test_issue_20288():
    from sympy.core.numbers import E
    from sympy.physics.units import energy
    u = Quantity('u')
    v = Quantity('v')
    SI.set_quantity_dimension(u, energy)
    SI.set_quantity_dimension(v, energy)
    u.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, joule)
    v.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, joule)
    expr = 1 + exp(u**2 / v**2)
    assert SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(expr) == (1 + E, Dimension(1))
def test_convert_to():
    q = Quantity("q1")
    q.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(5000), meter)

    assert q.convert_to(m) == 5000 * m

    assert speed_of_light.convert_to(m / s) == 299792458 * m / s
    # TODO: eventually support this kind of conversion:
    # assert (2*speed_of_light).convert_to(m / s) == 2 * 299792458 * m / s
    assert day.convert_to(s) == 86400 * s

    # Wrong dimension to convert:
    assert q.convert_to(s) == q
    assert speed_of_light.convert_to(m) == speed_of_light
def test_factor_and_dimension():
    assert (3000, Dimension(1)) == SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(3000)
    assert (1001, length) == SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(meter + km)
    assert (2, length /
            time) == SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(meter / second +
                                                      36 * km / (10 * hour))

    x, y = symbols("x y")
    assert (x + y / 100,
            length) == SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(x * m + y * centimeter)

    cH = Quantity("cH")
    SI.set_quantity_dimension(cH, amount_of_substance / volume)

    pH = -log(cH)

    assert (1, volume /
            amount_of_substance) == SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(exp(pH))

    v_w1 = Quantity("v_w1")
    v_w2 = Quantity("v_w2")

    v_w1.set_global_relative_scale_factor(Rational(3, 2), meter / second)
    v_w2.set_global_relative_scale_factor(2, meter / second)

    expr = Abs(v_w1 / 2 - v_w2)
    assert (Rational(5, 4),
            length / time) == SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(expr)

    expr = Rational(5, 2) * second / meter * v_w1 - 3000
    assert (-(2996 + Rational(1, 4)),
            Dimension(1)) == SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(expr)

    expr = v_w1**(v_w2 / v_w1)
    assert (
        (Rational(3, 2))**Rational(4, 3),
        (length / time)**Rational(4, 3),
    ) == SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(expr)

    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        assert (3000,
                Dimension(1)) == Quantity._collect_factor_and_dimension(3000)
def test_Quantity_definition():
    q = Quantity("s10", abbrev="sabbr")
    q.set_global_relative_scale_factor(10, second)
    u = Quantity("u", abbrev="dam")
    u.set_global_relative_scale_factor(10, meter)
    km = Quantity("km")
    km.set_global_relative_scale_factor(kilo, meter)
    v = Quantity("u")
    v.set_global_relative_scale_factor(5 * kilo, meter)

    assert q.scale_factor == 10
    assert q.dimension == time
    assert q.abbrev == Symbol("sabbr")

    assert u.dimension == length
    assert u.scale_factor == 10
    assert u.abbrev == Symbol("dam")

    assert km.scale_factor == 1000
    assert km.func(*km.args) == km
    assert km.func(*km.args).args == km.args

    assert v.dimension == length
    assert v.scale_factor == 5000

    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        Quantity('invalid', 'dimension', 1)
    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        Quantity('mismatch', dimension=length, scale_factor=kg)
def test_conversion_with_2_nonstandard_dimensions():
    good_grade = Quantity("good_grade")
    kilo_good_grade = Quantity("kilo_good_grade")
    centi_good_grade = Quantity("centi_good_grade")

    kilo_good_grade.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1000, good_grade)
    centi_good_grade.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S.One/10**5, kilo_good_grade)

    charity_points = Quantity("charity_points")
    milli_charity_points = Quantity("milli_charity_points")
    missions = Quantity("missions")

    milli_charity_points.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S.One/1000, charity_points)
    missions.set_global_relative_scale_factor(251, charity_points)

    assert convert_to(
        [centi_good_grade, missions, centimeter]
    ) == S.One * 10**5 / (251*1000) / 10 * centi_good_grade*missions*centimeter
def test_add_sub():
    u = Quantity("u")
    v = Quantity("v")
    w = Quantity("w")

    u.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(10), meter)
    v.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(5), meter)
    w.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(2), second)

    assert isinstance(u + v, Add)
    assert (u + v.convert_to(u)) == (1 + S.Half) * u
    # TODO: eventually add this:
    # assert (u + v).convert_to(u) == (1 + S.Half)*u
    assert isinstance(u - v, Add)
    assert (u - v.convert_to(u)) == S.Half * u
def test_check_unit_consistency():
    u = Quantity("u")
    v = Quantity("v")
    w = Quantity("w")

    u.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(10), meter)
    v.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(5), meter)
    w.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(2), second)

    def check_unit_consistency(expr):

    raises(ValueError, lambda: check_unit_consistency(u + w))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: check_unit_consistency(u - w))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: check_unit_consistency(u + 1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: check_unit_consistency(u - 1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: check_unit_consistency(1 - exp(u / w)))
def test_dimensional_expr_of_derivative():
    l = Quantity("l")
    t = Quantity("t")
    t1 = Quantity("t1")
    l.set_global_relative_scale_factor(36, km)
    t.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, hour)
    t1.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, second)
    x = Symbol("x")
    y = Symbol("y")
    f = Function("f")
    dfdx = f(x, y).diff(x, y)
    dl_dt = dfdx.subs({f(x, y): l, x: t, y: t1})
    assert (SI.get_dimensional_expr(dl_dt) == SI.get_dimensional_expr(
        l / t / t1) == Symbol("length") / Symbol("time")**2)
    assert (SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(dl_dt) ==
            SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(l / t / t1) ==
            (10, length / time**2))
def test_dimensional_expr_of_derivative():
    l = Quantity('l')
    t = Quantity('t')
    t1 = Quantity('t1')
    l.set_global_relative_scale_factor(36, km)
    t.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, hour)
    t1.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, second)
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    f = Function('f')
    dfdx = f(x, y).diff(x, y)
    dl_dt = dfdx.subs({f(x, y): l, x: t, y: t1})
    assert SI.get_dimensional_expr(dl_dt) ==\
        SI.get_dimensional_expr(l / t / t1) ==\
    assert SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(dl_dt) ==\
        SI._collect_factor_and_dimension(l / t / t1) ==\
        (10, length/time**2)
def test_abbrev():
    u = Quantity("u")
    u.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S.One, meter)

    assert u.name == Symbol("u")
    assert u.abbrev == Symbol("u")

    u = Quantity("u", abbrev="om")
    u.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(2), meter)

    assert u.name == Symbol("u")
    assert u.abbrev == Symbol("om")
    assert u.scale_factor == 2
    assert isinstance(u.scale_factor, Number)

    u = Quantity("u", abbrev="ikm")
    u.set_global_relative_scale_factor(3 * kilo, meter)

    assert u.abbrev == Symbol("ikm")
    assert u.scale_factor == 3000
def test_quantity_abs():
    v_w1 = Quantity('v_w1')
    v_w2 = Quantity('v_w2')
    v_w3 = Quantity('v_w3')

    v_w1.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, meter / second)
    v_w2.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, meter / second)
    v_w3.set_global_relative_scale_factor(1, meter / second)

    expr = v_w3 - Abs(v_w1 - v_w2)

    assert SI.get_dimensional_expr(v_w1) == (length / time).name

    Dq = Dimension(SI.get_dimensional_expr(expr))

    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        Dq1 = Dimension(Quantity.get_dimensional_expr(expr))
        assert Dq == Dq1

    assert SI.get_dimension_system().get_dimensional_dependencies(Dq) == {
        'length': 1,
        'time': -1,
    assert meter == sqrt(meter**2)
from sympy import Rational, pi, sqrt, S
from sympy.physics.units.prefixes import kilo, milli, micro, deci, centi, nano, pico
from sympy.physics.units.quantities import Quantity

One = S.One

#### UNITS ####

# Dimensionless:
percent = percents = Quantity("percent", latex_repr=r"\%")
percent.set_global_relative_scale_factor(Rational(1, 100), One)

permille = Quantity("permille")
permille.set_global_relative_scale_factor(Rational(1, 1000), One)

# Angular units (dimensionless)
rad = radian = radians = Quantity("radian", abbrev="rad")
deg = degree = degrees = Quantity("degree", abbrev="deg", latex_repr=r"^\circ")
sr = steradian = steradians = Quantity("steradian", abbrev="sr")
mil = angular_mil = angular_mils = Quantity("angular_mil", abbrev="mil")

# Base units:
m = meter = meters = Quantity("meter", abbrev="m")

# gram; used to define its prefixed units
g = gram = grams = Quantity("gram", abbrev="g")

# NOTE: the `kilogram` has scale factor 1000. In SI, kg is a base unit, but
# nonetheless we are trying to be compatible with the `kilo` prefix. In a
# similar manner, people using CGS or gaussian units could argue that the
# `centimeter` rather than `meter` is the fundamental unit for length, but the
    magnetic_flux, information

from sympy import Rational, pi, sqrt, S
from sympy.physics.units.prefixes import kilo, milli, micro, deci, centi, nano, pico, kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi, pebi, exbi
from sympy.physics.units.quantities import Quantity

One = S.One

#### UNITS ####

# Dimensionless:
percent = percents = Quantity("percent", latex_repr=r"\%")
percent.set_global_relative_scale_factor(Rational(1, 100), One)

permille = Quantity("permille")
permille.set_global_relative_scale_factor(Rational(1, 1000), One)

# Angular units (dimensionless)
rad = radian = radians = Quantity("radian", abbrev="rad")
deg = degree = degrees = Quantity("degree", abbrev="deg", latex_repr=r"^\circ")
degree.set_global_relative_scale_factor(pi / 180, radian)
sr = steradian = steradians = Quantity("steradian", abbrev="sr")
mil = angular_mil = angular_mils = Quantity("angular_mil", abbrev="mil")

# Base units:
m = meter = meters = Quantity("meter", abbrev="m")

# gram; used to define its prefixed units
g = gram = grams = Quantity("gram", abbrev="g")
def test_mul_div():
    u = Quantity("u")
    v = Quantity("v")
    t = Quantity("t")
    ut = Quantity("ut")
    v2 = Quantity("v")

    u.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(10), meter)
    v.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(5), meter)
    t.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(2), second)
    ut.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(20), meter * second)
    v2.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(5), meter / second)

    assert 1 / u == u**(-1)
    assert u / 1 == u

    v1 = u / t
    v2 = v

    # Pow only supports structural equality:
    assert v1 != v2
    assert v1 == v2.convert_to(v1)

    # TODO: decide whether to allow such expression in the future
    # (requires somehow manipulating the core).
    # assert u / Quantity('l2', dimension=length, scale_factor=2) == 5

    assert u * 1 == u

    ut1 = u * t
    ut2 = ut

    # Mul only supports structural equality:
    assert ut1 != ut2
    assert ut1 == ut2.convert_to(ut1)

    # Mul only supports structural equality:
    lp1 = Quantity("lp1")
    lp1.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(2), 1 / meter)
    assert u * lp1 != 20

    assert u**0 == 1
    assert u**1 == u

    # TODO: Pow only support structural equality:
    u2 = Quantity("u2")
    u3 = Quantity("u3")
    u2.set_global_relative_scale_factor(S(100), meter**2)
    u3.set_global_relative_scale_factor(Rational(1, 10), 1 / meter)

    assert u**2 != u2
    assert u**-1 != u3

    assert u**2 == u2.convert_to(u)
    assert u**-1 == u3.convert_to(u)