def test_principal_branch():
    from sympy import principal_branch, polar_lift, exp_polar
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    x = Symbol('x')
    neg = Symbol('x', negative=True)

    assert principal_branch(polar_lift(x), p) == principal_branch(x, p)
    assert principal_branch(polar_lift(2 + I), p) == principal_branch(2 + I, p)
    assert principal_branch(2*x, p) == 2*principal_branch(x, p)
    assert principal_branch(1, pi) == exp_polar(0)
    assert principal_branch(-1, 2*pi) == exp_polar(I*pi)
    assert principal_branch(-1, pi) == exp_polar(0)
    assert principal_branch(exp_polar(3*pi*I)*x, 2*pi) == \
           principal_branch(exp_polar(I*pi)*x, 2*pi)
    assert principal_branch(neg*exp_polar(pi*I), 2*pi) == neg*exp_polar(-I*pi)

    def tn(a, b):
        from sympy.utilities.randtest import test_numerically
        from sympy import Dummy
        return test_numerically(a, b, Dummy('x'))
    assert tn(principal_branch((1 + I)**2, 2*pi), 2*I)
    assert tn(principal_branch((1 + I)**2, 3*pi), 2*I)
    assert tn(principal_branch((1 + I)**2, 1*pi), 2*I)

    # test argument sanitization
    assert principal_branch(x, I).func is principal_branch
    assert principal_branch(x, -4).func is principal_branch
    assert principal_branch(x, -oo).func is principal_branch
    assert principal_branch(x, zoo).func is principal_branch
def test_polarify():
    from sympy import polar_lift, polarify
    x = Symbol('x')
    z = Symbol('z', polar=True)
    f = Function('f')
    ES = {}

    assert polarify(-1) == (polar_lift(-1), ES)
    assert polarify(1 + I) == (polar_lift(1 + I), ES)

    assert polarify(exp(x), subs=False) == exp(x)
    assert polarify(1 + x, subs=False) == 1 + x
    assert polarify(f(I) + x, subs=False) == f(polar_lift(I)) + x

    assert polarify(x, lift=True) == polar_lift(x)
    assert polarify(z, lift=True) == z
    assert polarify(f(x), lift=True) == f(polar_lift(x))
    assert polarify(1 + x, lift=True) == polar_lift(1 + x)
    assert polarify(1 + f(x), lift=True) == polar_lift(1 + f(polar_lift(x)))

    newex, subs = polarify(f(x) + z)
    assert newex.subs(subs) == f(x) + z

    mu = Symbol("mu")
    sigma = Symbol("sigma", positive=True)

    # Make sure polarify(lift=True) doesn't try to lift the integration
    # variable
    assert polarify(
        Integral(sqrt(2)*x*exp(-(-mu + x)**2/(2*sigma**2))/(2*sqrt(pi)*sigma),
        (x, -oo, oo)), lift=True) == Integral(sqrt(2)*(sigma*exp_polar(0))**exp_polar(I*pi)*
        exp((sigma*exp_polar(0))**(2*exp_polar(I*pi))*exp_polar(I*pi)*polar_lift(-mu + x)**
        (2*exp_polar(0))/2)*exp_polar(0)*polar_lift(x)/(2*sqrt(pi)), (x, -oo, oo))
def test_issue_8368():
    assert integrate(exp(-s*x)*cosh(x), (x, 0, oo)) == \
            (   pi*Piecewise(
                    (   -s/(pi*(-s**2 + 1)),
                        Abs(s**2) < 1),
                    (   1/(pi*s*(1 - 1/s**2)),
                        Abs(s**(-2)) < 1),
                    (   meijerg(
                            ((S(1)/2,), (0, 0)),
                            ((0, S(1)/2), (0,)),
                    Abs(periodic_argument(polar_lift(s)**2, oo)) < pi,
                    cos(Abs(periodic_argument(polar_lift(s)**2, oo))/2)*sqrt(Abs(s**2)) - 1 > 0,
                    Ne(s**2, 1))
                Integral(exp(-s*x)*cosh(x), (x, 0, oo)),
    assert integrate(exp(-s*x)*sinh(x), (x, 0, oo)) == \
            (   -1/(s + 1)/2 - 1/(-s + 1)/2,
                    Ne(1/s, 1),
                    Abs(periodic_argument(s, oo)) < pi/2,
                    Abs(periodic_argument(s, oo)) <= pi/2,
                    cos(Abs(periodic_argument(s, oo)))*Abs(s) - 1 > 0)),
            (   Integral(exp(-s*x)*sinh(x), (x, 0, oo)),
def test_hyper():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: hyper(1, 2, z))

    assert hyper((1, 2), (1,), z) == hyper(Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(1), z)

    h = hyper((1, 2), (3, 4, 5), z)
    assert h.ap == Tuple(1, 2)
    assert h.bq == Tuple(3, 4, 5)
    assert h.argument == z
    assert h.is_commutative is True

    # just a few checks to make sure that all arguments go where they should
    assert tn(hyper(Tuple(), Tuple(), z), exp(z), z)
    assert tn(z*hyper((1, 1), Tuple(2), -z), log(1 + z), z)

    # differentiation
    h = hyper(
        (randcplx(), randcplx(), randcplx()), (randcplx(), randcplx()), z)
    assert td(h, z)

    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3 = symbols('a1:3, b1:4')
    assert hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z).diff(z) == \
        a1*a2/(b1*b2*b3) * hyper((a1 + 1, a2 + 1), (b1 + 1, b2 + 1, b3 + 1), z)

    # differentiation wrt parameters is not supported
    assert hyper([z], [], z).diff(z) == Derivative(hyper([z], [], z), z)

    # hyper is unbranched wrt parameters
    from sympy import polar_lift
    assert hyper([polar_lift(z)], [polar_lift(k)], polar_lift(x)) == \
        hyper([z], [k], polar_lift(x))
def test_principal_branch():
    from sympy import principal_branch, polar_lift, exp_polar
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    x = Symbol('x')
    neg = Symbol('x', negative=True)

    assert principal_branch(polar_lift(x), p) == principal_branch(x, p)
    assert principal_branch(polar_lift(2 + I), p) == principal_branch(2 + I, p)
    assert principal_branch(2*x, p) == 2*principal_branch(x, p)
    assert principal_branch(1, pi) == exp_polar(0)
    assert principal_branch(-1, 2*pi) == exp_polar(I*pi)
    assert principal_branch(-1, pi) == exp_polar(0)
    assert principal_branch(exp_polar(3*pi*I)*x, 2*pi) == \
        principal_branch(exp_polar(I*pi)*x, 2*pi)
    assert principal_branch(neg*exp_polar(pi*I), 2*pi) == neg*exp_polar(-I*pi)

    assert N_equals(principal_branch((1 + I)**2, 2*pi), 2*I)
    assert N_equals(principal_branch((1 + I)**2, 3*pi), 2*I)
    assert N_equals(principal_branch((1 + I)**2, 1*pi), 2*I)

    # test argument sanitization
    assert principal_branch(x, I).func is principal_branch
    assert principal_branch(x, -4).func is principal_branch
    assert principal_branch(x, -oo).func is principal_branch
    assert principal_branch(x, zoo).func is principal_branch
def test_issue_7173():
    assert laplace_transform(sinh(a*x)*cosh(a*x), x, s) == \
        (a/(s**2 - 4*a**2), 0,
        And(Or(Abs(periodic_argument(exp_polar(I*pi)*polar_lift(a), oo)) <
        pi/2, Abs(periodic_argument(exp_polar(I*pi)*polar_lift(a), oo)) <=
        pi/2), Or(Abs(periodic_argument(a, oo)) < pi/2,
        Abs(periodic_argument(a, oo)) <= pi/2)))
def test_branching():
    from sympy import exp_polar, polar_lift, Symbol, I, exp
    assert besselj(polar_lift(k), x) == besselj(k, x)
    assert besseli(polar_lift(k), x) == besseli(k, x)

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    assert besselj(n, exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == besselj(n, x)
    assert besselj(n, polar_lift(x)) == besselj(n, x)
    assert besseli(n, exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == besseli(n, x)
    assert besseli(n, polar_lift(x)) == besseli(n, x)

    def tn(func, s):
        from random import uniform
        c = uniform(1, 5)
        expr = func(s, c*exp_polar(I*pi)) - func(s, c*exp_polar(-I*pi))
        eps = 1e-15
        expr2 = func(s + eps, -c + eps*I) - func(s + eps, -c - eps*I)
        return abs(expr.n() - expr2.n()).n() < 1e-10

    nu = Symbol('nu')
    assert besselj(nu, exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == exp(2*pi*I*nu)*besselj(nu, x)
    assert besseli(nu, exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == exp(2*pi*I*nu)*besseli(nu, x)
    assert tn(besselj, 2)
    assert tn(besselj, pi)
    assert tn(besselj, I)
    assert tn(besseli, 2)
    assert tn(besseli, pi)
    assert tn(besseli, I)
def _polarify(eq, lift, pause=False):
    from sympy import Integral
    if eq.is_polar:
        return eq
    if eq.is_number and not pause:
        return polar_lift(eq)
    if isinstance(eq, Symbol) and not pause and lift:
        return polar_lift(eq)
    elif eq.is_Atom:
        return eq
    elif eq.is_Add:
        r = eq.func(*[_polarify(arg, lift, pause=True) for arg in eq.args])
        if lift:
            return polar_lift(r)
        return r
    elif eq.is_Function:
        return eq.func(*[_polarify(arg, lift, pause=False) for arg in eq.args])
    elif isinstance(eq, Integral):
        # Don't lift the integration variable
        func = _polarify(eq.function, lift, pause=pause)
        limits = []
        for limit in eq.args[1:]:
            var = _polarify(limit[0], lift=False, pause=pause)
            rest = _polarify(limit[1:], lift=lift, pause=pause)
            limits.append((var,) + rest)
        return Integral(*((func,) + tuple(limits)))
        return eq.func(*[_polarify(arg, lift, pause=pause)
                         if isinstance(arg, Expr) else arg for arg in eq.args])
def test_periodic_argument():
    from sympy import (periodic_argument, unbranched_argument, oo,
                       principal_branch, polar_lift)
    x = Symbol('x')

    def tn(a, b):
        from sympy.utilities.randtest import test_numerically
        from sympy import Dummy
        return test_numerically(a, b, Dummy('x'))

    assert unbranched_argument(2 + I) == periodic_argument(2 + I, oo)
    assert unbranched_argument(1 + x) == periodic_argument(1 + x, oo)
    assert tn(unbranched_argument((1+I)**2), pi/2)
    assert tn(unbranched_argument((1-I)**2), -pi/2)
    assert tn(periodic_argument((1+I)**2, 3*pi), pi/2)
    assert tn(periodic_argument((1-I)**2, 3*pi), -pi/2)

    assert unbranched_argument(principal_branch(x, pi)) \
           == periodic_argument(x, pi)

    assert unbranched_argument(polar_lift(2 + I)) == unbranched_argument(2 + I)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), 2*pi) \
           == periodic_argument(2 + I, 2*pi)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), 3*pi) \
           == periodic_argument(2 + I, 3*pi)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), pi) \
           == periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), pi)
def test_expint():
    assert mytn(expint(x, y), expint(x, y).rewrite(uppergamma), y ** (x - 1) * uppergamma(1 - x, y), x)
    assert mytd(expint(x, y), -y ** (x - 1) * meijerg([], [1, 1], [0, 0, 1 - x], [], y), x)
    assert mytd(expint(x, y), -expint(x - 1, y), y)
    assert mytn(expint(1, x), expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei), -Ei(x * polar_lift(-1)) + I * pi, x)

    assert (
        expint(-4, x)
        == exp(-x) / x + 4 * exp(-x) / x ** 2 + 12 * exp(-x) / x ** 3 + 24 * exp(-x) / x ** 4 + 24 * exp(-x) / x ** 5
    assert expint(-S(3) / 2, x) == exp(-x) / x + 3 * exp(-x) / (2 * x ** 2) - 3 * sqrt(pi) * erf(sqrt(x)) / (
        4 * x ** S("5/2")
    ) + 3 * sqrt(pi) / (4 * x ** S("5/2"))

    assert tn_branch(expint, 1)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 2)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 3)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 1.7)
    assert tn_branch(expint, pi)

    assert expint(y, x * exp_polar(2 * I * pi)) == x ** (y - 1) * (exp(2 * I * pi * y) - 1) * gamma(-y + 1) + expint(
        y, x
    assert expint(y, x * exp_polar(-2 * I * pi)) == x ** (y - 1) * (exp(-2 * I * pi * y) - 1) * gamma(-y + 1) + expint(
        y, x
    assert expint(2, x * exp_polar(2 * I * pi)) == 2 * I * pi * x + expint(2, x)
    assert expint(2, x * exp_polar(-2 * I * pi)) == -2 * I * pi * x + expint(2, x)
    assert expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint) == expint(1, x)

    assert mytn(E1(x), E1(x).rewrite(Shi), Shi(x) - Chi(x), x)
    assert mytn(E1(polar_lift(I) * x), E1(polar_lift(I) * x).rewrite(Si), -Ci(x) + I * Si(x) - I * pi / 2, x)

    assert mytn(expint(2, x), expint(2, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint), -x * E1(x) + exp(-x), x)
    assert mytn(expint(3, x), expint(3, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint), x ** 2 * E1(x) / 2 + (1 - x) * exp(-x) / 2, x)
def test_rewrite():
    from sympy import polar_lift, exp, I

    assert besselj(n, z).rewrite(jn) == sqrt(2*z/pi)*jn(n - S(1)/2, z)
    assert bessely(n, z).rewrite(yn) == sqrt(2*z/pi)*yn(n - S(1)/2, z)
    assert besseli(n, z).rewrite(besselj) == \
        exp(-I*n*pi/2)*besselj(n, polar_lift(I)*z)
    assert besselj(n, z).rewrite(besseli) == \
        exp(I*n*pi/2)*besseli(n, polar_lift(-I)*z)

    nu = randcplx()

    assert tn(besselj(nu, z), besselj(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)
    assert tn(besselj(nu, z), besselj(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)

    assert tn(besseli(nu, z), besseli(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(besseli(nu, z), besseli(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)

    assert tn(bessely(nu, z), bessely(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(bessely(nu, z), bessely(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)

    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)
    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)

    # check that a rewrite was triggered, when the order is set to a generic
    # symbol 'nu'
    assert yn(nu, z) != yn(nu, z).rewrite(jn)
    assert hn1(nu, z) != hn1(nu, z).rewrite(jn)
    assert hn2(nu, z) != hn2(nu, z).rewrite(jn)
    assert jn(nu, z) != jn(nu, z).rewrite(yn)
    assert hn1(nu, z) != hn1(nu, z).rewrite(yn)
    assert hn2(nu, z) != hn2(nu, z).rewrite(yn)

    # rewriting spherical bessel functions (SBFs) w.r.t. besselj, bessely is
    # not allowed if a generic symbol 'nu' is used as the order of the SBFs
    # to avoid inconsistencies (the order of bessel[jy] is allowed to be
    # complex-valued, whereas SBFs are defined only for integer orders)
    order = nu
    for f in (besselj, bessely):
        assert hn1(order, z) == hn1(order, z).rewrite(f)
        assert hn2(order, z) == hn2(order, z).rewrite(f)

    assert jn(order, z).rewrite(besselj) == sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*sqrt(1/z)*besselj(order + S(1)/2, z)/2
    assert jn(order, z).rewrite(bessely) == (-1)**nu*sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*sqrt(1/z)*bessely(-order - S(1)/2, z)/2

    # for integral orders rewriting SBFs w.r.t bessel[jy] is allowed
    N = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    ri = randint(-11, 10)
    for order in (ri, N):
        for f in (besselj, bessely):
            assert yn(order, z) != yn(order, z).rewrite(f)
            assert jn(order, z) != jn(order, z).rewrite(f)
            assert hn1(order, z) != hn1(order, z).rewrite(f)
            assert hn2(order, z) != hn2(order, z).rewrite(f)

    for func, refunc in product((yn, jn, hn1, hn2),
                                (jn, yn, besselj, bessely)):
        assert tn(func(ri, z), func(ri, z).rewrite(refunc), z)
def test_rewrite():
    from sympy import polar_lift, exp, I
    assert besselj(n, z).rewrite(jn) == sqrt(2*z/pi)*jn(n - S(1)/2, z)
    assert bessely(n, z).rewrite(yn) == sqrt(2*z/pi)*yn(n - S(1)/2, z)
    assert besseli(n, z).rewrite(besselj) == \
        exp(-I*n*pi/2)*besselj(n, polar_lift(I)*z)
    assert besselj(n, z).rewrite(besseli) == \
        exp(I*n*pi/2)*besseli(n, polar_lift(-I)*z)
    nu = randcplx()
    assert tn(besselj(nu, z), besselj(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)
    assert tn(besseli(nu, z), besseli(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
def test_expint():
    assert mytn(expint(x, y), expint(x, y).rewrite(uppergamma),
                y**(x - 1)*uppergamma(1 - x, y), x)
    assert mytd(
        expint(x, y), -y**(x - 1)*meijerg([], [1, 1], [0, 0, 1 - x], [], y), x)
    assert mytd(expint(x, y), -expint(x - 1, y), y)
    assert mytn(expint(1, x), expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei),
                -Ei(x*polar_lift(-1)) + I*pi, x)

    assert expint(-4, x) == exp(-x)/x + 4*exp(-x)/x**2 + 12*exp(-x)/x**3 \
        + 24*exp(-x)/x**4 + 24*exp(-x)/x**5
    assert expint(-S(3)/2, x) == \
        exp(-x)/x + 3*exp(-x)/(2*x**2) - 3*sqrt(pi)*erf(sqrt(x))/(4*x**S('5/2')) \
        + 3*sqrt(pi)/(4*x**S('5/2'))

    assert tn_branch(expint, 1)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 2)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 3)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 1.7)
    assert tn_branch(expint, pi)

    assert expint(y, x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == \
        x**(y - 1)*(exp(2*I*pi*y) - 1)*gamma(-y + 1) + expint(y, x)
    assert expint(y, x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == \
        x**(y - 1)*(exp(-2*I*pi*y) - 1)*gamma(-y + 1) + expint(y, x)
    assert expint(2, x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == 2*I*pi*x + expint(2, x)
    assert expint(2, x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == -2*I*pi*x + expint(2, x)
    assert expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint) == expint(1, x)

    assert mytn(E1(x), E1(x).rewrite(Shi), Shi(x) - Chi(x), x)
    assert mytn(E1(polar_lift(I)*x), E1(polar_lift(I)*x).rewrite(Si),
                -Ci(x) + I*Si(x) - I*pi/2, x)

    assert mytn(expint(2, x), expint(2, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint),
                -x*E1(x) + exp(-x), x)
    assert mytn(expint(3, x), expint(3, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint),
                x**2*E1(x)/2 + (1 - x)*exp(-x)/2, x)

    assert expint(S(3)/2, z).nseries(z) == \
        2 + 2*z - z**2/3 + z**3/15 - z**4/84 + z**5/540 - \
        2*sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z) + O(z**6)

    assert E1(z).series(z) == -EulerGamma - log(z) + z - \
        z**2/4 + z**3/18 - z**4/96 + z**5/600 + O(z**6)

    assert expint(4, z).series(z) == S(1)/3 - z/2 + z**2/2 + \
        z**3*(log(z)/6 - S(11)/36 + EulerGamma/6) - z**4/24 + \
        z**5/240 + O(z**6)
def test_JointPSpace_margial_distribution():
    from sympy.stats.joint_rv_types import MultivariateT
    from sympy import polar_lift
    T = MultivariateT('T', [0, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]], 2)
    assert marginal_distribution(T, T[1])(x) == sqrt(2)*(x**2 + 2)/(
        8*polar_lift(x**2/2 + 1)**(S(5)/2))
    assert integrate(marginal_distribution(T, 1)(x), (x, -oo, oo)) == 1
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy import exp_polar, pi, I, arg as argument
        if arg.is_number:
            ar = argument(arg)
            #if not ar.has(argument) and not ar.has(atan):
            if ar in (0, pi / 2, -pi / 2, pi):
                return exp_polar(I * ar) * abs(arg)

        if arg.is_Mul:
            args = arg.args
            args = [arg]
        included = []
        excluded = []
        positive = []
        for arg in args:
            if arg.is_polar:
                included += [arg]
            elif arg.is_positive:
                positive += [arg]
                excluded += [arg]
        if len(excluded) < len(args):
            if excluded:
                return Mul(*(included + positive)) * polar_lift(Mul(*excluded))
            elif included:
                return Mul(*(included + positive))
                return Mul(*positive) * exp_polar(0)
def test_lerchphi_expansion():
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(1, s, a), zeta(s, a))
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, 1), polylog(s, z) / z)

    # direct summation
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, -1, a), a / (1 - z) + z / (1 - z)**2)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, -3, a), None)
    # polylog reduction
    assert myexpand(
        lerchphi(z, s,
                 S(1) / 2),
        2**(s - 1) * (polylog(s, sqrt(z)) / sqrt(z) -
                              polar_lift(-1) * sqrt(z)) / sqrt(z)))
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, 2), -1 / z + polylog(s, z) / z**2)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, S(3) / 2), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, S(7) / 3), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, -S(1) / 3), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, -S(5) / 2), None)

    # hurwitz zeta reduction
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(-1, s, a),
                    2**(-s) * zeta(s, a / 2) - 2**(-s) * zeta(s, (a + 1) / 2))
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(I, s, a), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(-I, s, a), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(exp(2 * I * pi / 5), s, a), None)
def test_lerchphi_expansion():
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(1, s, a), zeta(s, a))
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, 1), polylog(s, z) / z)

    # direct summation
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, -1, a), a / (1 - z) + z / (1 - z)**2)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, -3, a), None)
    # polylog reduction
    assert myexpand(
        lerchphi(z, s, S.Half),
        2**(s - 1) * (polylog(s, sqrt(z)) / sqrt(z) -
                              polar_lift(-1) * sqrt(z)) / sqrt(z)))
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, 2), -1 / z + polylog(s, z) / z**2)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, Rational(3, 2)), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, Rational(7, 3)), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, Rational(-1, 3)), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(z, s, Rational(-5, 2)), None)

    # hurwitz zeta reduction
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(-1, s, a),
                    2**(-s) * zeta(s, a / 2) - 2**(-s) * zeta(s, (a + 1) / 2))
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(I, s, a), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(-I, s, a), None)
    assert myexpand(lerchphi(exp(I * pi * Rational(2, 5)), s, a), None)
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy import exp_polar, pi, I, arg as argument
        if arg.is_number:
            ar = argument(arg)
            # In general we want to affirm that something is known,
            # e.g. `not ar.has(argument) and not ar.has(atan)`
            # but for now we will just be more restrictive and
            # see that it has evaluated to one of the known values.
            if ar in (0, pi / 2, -pi / 2, pi):
                return exp_polar(I * ar) * abs(arg)

        if arg.is_Mul:
            args = arg.args
            args = [arg]
        included = []
        excluded = []
        positive = []
        for arg in args:
            if arg.is_polar:
                included += [arg]
            elif arg.is_positive:
                positive += [arg]
                excluded += [arg]
        if len(excluded) < len(args):
            if excluded:
                return Mul(*(included + positive)) * polar_lift(Mul(*excluded))
            elif included:
                return Mul(*(included + positive))
                return Mul(*positive) * exp_polar(0)
def unpolarify(eq, subs={}, exponents_only=False):
    If p denotes the projection from the Riemann surface of the logarithm to
    the complex line, return a simplified version eq' of `eq` such that
    p(eq') == p(eq).
    Also apply the substitution subs in the end. (This is a convenience, since
    ``unpolarify``, in a certain sense, undoes polarify.)

    >>> from sympy import unpolarify, polar_lift, sin, I
    >>> unpolarify(polar_lift(I + 2))
    2 + I
    >>> unpolarify(sin(polar_lift(I + 7)))
    sin(7 + I)
    if isinstance(eq, bool):
        return eq

    eq = sympify(eq)
    if subs != {}:
        return unpolarify(eq.subs(subs))
    changed = True
    pause = False
    if exponents_only:
        pause = True
    while changed:
        changed = False
        res = _unpolarify(eq, exponents_only, pause)
        if res != eq:
            changed = True
            eq = res
        if isinstance(res, bool):
            return res
    # Finally, replacing Exp(0) by 1 is always correct.
    # So is polar_lift(0) -> 0.
    return res.subs({exp_polar(0): 1, polar_lift(0): 0})
def test_bugs():
    from sympy import polar_lift, re

    assert abs(re((1 + I)**2)) < 1e-15

    # anything that evalf's to 0 will do in place of polar_lift
    assert abs(polar_lift(0)).n() == 0
文件: complexes.py 项目: B-Rich/sympy
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy import exp_polar, pi, I, arg as argument
        if arg.is_number:
            ar = argument(arg)
            #if not ar.has(argument) and not ar.has(atan):
            if ar in (0, pi/2, -pi/2, pi):
                return exp_polar(I*ar)*abs(arg)

        if arg.is_Mul:
            args = arg.args
            args = [arg]
        included = []
        excluded = []
        positive = []
        for arg in args:
            if arg.is_polar:
                included += [arg]
            elif arg.is_positive:
                positive += [arg]
                excluded += [arg]
        if len(excluded) < len(args):
            if excluded:
                return Mul(*(included + positive))*polar_lift(Mul(*excluded))
            elif included:
                return Mul(*(included + positive))
                return Mul(*positive)*exp_polar(0)
def unpolarify(eq, subs={}, exponents_only=False):
    If p denotes the projection from the Riemann surface of the logarithm to
    the complex line, return a simplified version eq' of `eq` such that
    p(eq') == p(eq).
    Also apply the substitution subs in the end. (This is a convenience, since
    ``unpolarify``, in a certain sense, undoes polarify.)

    >>> from sympy import unpolarify, polar_lift, sin, I
    >>> unpolarify(polar_lift(I + 2))
    2 + I
    >>> unpolarify(sin(polar_lift(I + 7)))
    sin(7 + I)
    if isinstance(eq, bool):
        return eq

    eq = sympify(eq)
    if subs != {}:
        return unpolarify(eq.subs(subs))
    changed = True
    pause = False
    if exponents_only:
        pause = True
    while changed:
        changed = False
        res = _unpolarify(eq, exponents_only, pause)
        if res != eq:
            changed = True
            eq = res
        if isinstance(res, bool):
            return res
    # Finally, replacing Exp(0) by 1 is always correct.
    # So is polar_lift(0) -> 0.
    return res.subs({exp_polar(0): 1, polar_lift(0): 0})
def test_bugs():
    from sympy import polar_lift, re

    assert abs(re((1 + I)**2)) < 1e-15

    # anything that evalf's to 0 will do in place of polar_lift
    assert abs(polar_lift(0)).n() == 0
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import arg as argument
        if arg.is_number:
            ar = argument(arg)
            # In general we want to affirm that something is known,
            # e.g. `not ar.has(argument) and not ar.has(atan)`
            # but for now we will just be more restrictive and
            # see that it has evaluated to one of the known values.
            if ar in (0, pi/2, -pi/2, pi):
                return exp_polar(I*ar)*abs(arg)

        if arg.is_Mul:
            args = arg.args
            args = [arg]
        included = []
        excluded = []
        positive = []
        for arg in args:
            if arg.is_polar:
                included += [arg]
            elif arg.is_positive:
                positive += [arg]
                excluded += [arg]
        if len(excluded) < len(args):
            if excluded:
                return Mul(*(included + positive))*polar_lift(Mul(*excluded))
            elif included:
                return Mul(*(included + positive))
                return Mul(*positive)*exp_polar(0)
def test_expint():
    assert mytn(expint(x, y), expint(x, y).rewrite(uppergamma),
                y**(x - 1)*uppergamma(1 - x, y), x)
    assert mytd(
        expint(x, y), -y**(x - 1)*meijerg([], [1, 1], [0, 0, 1 - x], [], y), x)
    assert mytd(expint(x, y), -expint(x - 1, y), y)
    assert mytn(expint(1, x), expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei),
                -Ei(x*polar_lift(-1)) + I*pi, x)

    assert expint(-4, x) == exp(-x)/x + 4*exp(-x)/x**2 + 12*exp(-x)/x**3 \
        + 24*exp(-x)/x**4 + 24*exp(-x)/x**5
    assert expint(-S(3)/2, x) == \
        exp(-x)/x + 3*exp(-x)/(2*x**2) + 3*sqrt(pi)*erfc(sqrt(x))/(4*x**S('5/2'))

    assert tn_branch(expint, 1)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 2)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 3)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 1.7)
    assert tn_branch(expint, pi)

    assert expint(y, x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == \
        x**(y - 1)*(exp(2*I*pi*y) - 1)*gamma(-y + 1) + expint(y, x)
    assert expint(y, x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == \
        x**(y - 1)*(exp(-2*I*pi*y) - 1)*gamma(-y + 1) + expint(y, x)
    assert expint(2, x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == 2*I*pi*x + expint(2, x)
    assert expint(2, x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == -2*I*pi*x + expint(2, x)
    assert expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint) == expint(1, x)

    assert mytn(E1(x), E1(x).rewrite(Shi), Shi(x) - Chi(x), x)
    assert mytn(E1(polar_lift(I)*x), E1(polar_lift(I)*x).rewrite(Si),
                -Ci(x) + I*Si(x) - I*pi/2, x)

    assert mytn(expint(2, x), expint(2, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint),
                -x*E1(x) + exp(-x), x)
    assert mytn(expint(3, x), expint(3, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint),
                x**2*E1(x)/2 + (1 - x)*exp(-x)/2, x)

    assert expint(S(3)/2, z).nseries(z) == \
        2 + 2*z - z**2/3 + z**3/15 - z**4/84 + z**5/540 - \
        2*sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z) + O(z**6)

    assert E1(z).series(z) == -EulerGamma - log(z) + z - \
        z**2/4 + z**3/18 - z**4/96 + z**5/600 + O(z**6)

    assert expint(4, z).series(z) == S(1)/3 - z/2 + z**2/2 + \
        z**3*(log(z)/6 - S(11)/36 + EulerGamma/6) - z**4/24 + \
        z**5/240 + O(z**6)
 def process_conds(conds):
     """ Turn ``conds`` into a strip and auxiliary conditions. """
     a = -oo
     aux = True
     conds = conjuncts(to_cnf(conds))
     u = Dummy('u', real=True)
     p, q, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 = symbols('p q w1 w2 w3 w4 w5', cls=Wild, exclude=[s])
     for c in conds:
         a_ = oo
         aux_ = []
         for d in disjuncts(c):
             m = d.match(abs(arg((s + w3)**p*q, w1)) < w2)
             if not m:
                 m = d.match(abs(arg((s + w3)**p*q, w1)) <= w2)
             if not m:
                 m = d.match(abs(arg((polar_lift(s + w3))**p*q, w1)) < w2)
             if not m:
                 m = d.match(abs(arg((polar_lift(s + w3))**p*q, w1)) <= w2)
             if m:
                 if m[q] > 0 and m[w2]/m[p] == pi/2:
                     d = re(s + m[w3]) > 0
             m = d.match(0 < cos(abs(arg(s**w1*w5, q))*w2)*abs(s**w3)**w4 - p)
             if not m:
                 m = d.match(0 < cos(abs(arg(polar_lift(s)**w1*w5, q))*w2)*abs(s**w3)**w4 - p)
             if m and all(m[wild] > 0 for wild in [w1, w2, w3, w4, w5]):
                 d = re(s) > m[p]
             d_ = d.replace(re, lambda x: x.expand().as_real_imag()[0]).subs(re(s), t)
             if not d.is_Relational or \
                d.rel_op not in ('>', '>=', '<', '<=') \
                or d_.has(s) or not d_.has(t):
                 aux_ += [d]
             soln = _solve_inequality(d_, t)
             if not soln.is_Relational or \
                soln.rel_op not in ('>', '>=', '<', '<='):
                 aux_ += [d]
             if soln.lts == t:
                 raise IntegralTransformError('Laplace', f,
                                      'convergence not in half-plane?')
                 a_ = Min(soln.lts, a_)
         if a_ != oo:
             a = Max(a_, a)
             aux = And(aux, Or(*aux_))
     return a, aux
def test_JointPSpace_margial_distribution():
    from sympy.stats.joint_rv_types import MultivariateT
    from sympy import polar_lift
    T = MultivariateT('T', [0, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]], 2)
    assert marginal_distribution(
        T, T[1])(x) == sqrt(2) * (x**2 +
                                  2) / (8 * polar_lift(x**2 / 2 + 1)**(5 / 2))
    assert integrate(marginal_distribution(T, 1)(x), (x, -oo, oo)) == 1
 def eval(cls, z):
     from sympy import polar_lift, exp_polar
     if z.is_negative:
         # Note: is this a good idea?
         return Ei(polar_lift(z)) - pi*I
     nz, n = z.extract_branch_factor()
     if n:
         return Ei(nz) + 2*I*pi*n
def test_JointPSpace_marginal_distribution():
    T = MultivariateT('T', [0, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]], 2)
    assert marginal_distribution(T, T[1])(x) == sqrt(2) * (x**2 + 2) / (
        8 * polar_lift(x**2 / 2 + 1)**Rational(5, 2))
    assert integrate(marginal_distribution(T, 1)(x), (x, -oo, oo)) == 1

    t = MultivariateT('T', [0, 0, 0], [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], 3)
    assert comp(marginal_distribution(t, 0)(1).evalf(), 0.2, .01)
 def eval(cls, z):
     from sympy import polar_lift, exp_polar
     if z.is_negative:
         # Note: is this a good idea?
         return Ei(polar_lift(z)) - pi * I
     nz, n = z.extract_branch_factor()
     if n:
         return Ei(nz) + 2 * I * pi * n
def test_periodic_argument():
    from sympy import (periodic_argument, unbranched_argument, oo,
                       principal_branch, polar_lift, pi)
    x = Symbol('x')
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)

    assert unbranched_argument(2 + I) == periodic_argument(2 + I, oo)
    assert unbranched_argument(1 + x) == periodic_argument(1 + x, oo)
    assert N_equals(unbranched_argument((1 + I)**2), pi / 2)
    assert N_equals(unbranched_argument((1 - I)**2), -pi / 2)
    assert N_equals(periodic_argument((1 + I)**2, 3 * pi), pi / 2)
    assert N_equals(periodic_argument((1 - I)**2, 3 * pi), -pi / 2)

    assert unbranched_argument(principal_branch(x, pi)) == \
        periodic_argument(x, pi)

    assert unbranched_argument(polar_lift(2 + I)) == unbranched_argument(2 + I)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), 2*pi) == \
        periodic_argument(2 + I, 2*pi)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), 3*pi) == \
        periodic_argument(2 + I, 3*pi)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), pi) == \
        periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), pi)

    assert unbranched_argument(polar_lift(1 + I)) == pi / 4
    assert periodic_argument(2 * p, p) == periodic_argument(p, p)
    assert periodic_argument(pi * p, p) == periodic_argument(p, p)

    assert Abs(polar_lift(1 + I)) == Abs(1 + I)
def test_periodic_argument():
    from sympy import (periodic_argument, unbranched_argument, oo,
                       principal_branch, polar_lift, pi)
    x = Symbol('x')
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)

    assert unbranched_argument(2 + I) == periodic_argument(2 + I, oo)
    assert unbranched_argument(1 + x) == periodic_argument(1 + x, oo)
    assert N_equals(unbranched_argument((1 + I)**2), pi/2)
    assert N_equals(unbranched_argument((1 - I)**2), -pi/2)
    assert N_equals(periodic_argument((1 + I)**2, 3*pi), pi/2)
    assert N_equals(periodic_argument((1 - I)**2, 3*pi), -pi/2)

    assert unbranched_argument(principal_branch(x, pi)) == \
        periodic_argument(x, pi)

    assert unbranched_argument(polar_lift(2 + I)) == unbranched_argument(2 + I)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), 2*pi) == \
        periodic_argument(2 + I, 2*pi)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), 3*pi) == \
        periodic_argument(2 + I, 3*pi)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), pi) == \
        periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), pi)

    assert unbranched_argument(polar_lift(1 + I)) == pi/4
    assert periodic_argument(2*p, p) == periodic_argument(p, p)
    assert periodic_argument(pi*p, p) == periodic_argument(p, p)

    assert Abs(polar_lift(1 + I)) == Abs(1 + I)
def test_unpolarify():
    from sympy import (exp_polar, polar_lift, exp, unpolarify,
    from sympy import gamma, erf, sin, tanh, uppergamma, Eq, Ne
    from sympy.abc import x
    p = exp_polar(7 * I) + 1
    u = exp(7 * I) + 1

    assert unpolarify(1) == 1
    assert unpolarify(p) == u
    assert unpolarify(p**2) == u**2
    assert unpolarify(p**x) == p**x
    assert unpolarify(p * x) == u * x
    assert unpolarify(p + x) == u + x
    assert unpolarify(sqrt(sin(p))) == sqrt(sin(u))

    # Test reduction to principal branch 2*pi.
    t = principal_branch(x, 2 * pi)
    assert unpolarify(t) == x
    assert unpolarify(sqrt(t)) == sqrt(t)

    # Test exponents_only.
    assert unpolarify(p**p, exponents_only=True) == p**u
    assert unpolarify(uppergamma(x, p**p)) == uppergamma(x, p**u)

    # Test functions.
    assert unpolarify(sin(p)) == sin(u)
    assert unpolarify(tanh(p)) == tanh(u)
    assert unpolarify(gamma(p)) == gamma(u)
    assert unpolarify(erf(p)) == erf(u)
    assert unpolarify(uppergamma(x, p)) == uppergamma(x, p)

    assert unpolarify(uppergamma(sin(p), sin(p + exp_polar(0)))) == \
        uppergamma(sin(u), sin(u + 1))
    assert unpolarify(uppergamma(polar_lift(0), 2*exp_polar(0))) == \
        uppergamma(0, 2)

    assert unpolarify(Eq(p, 0)) == Eq(u, 0)
    assert unpolarify(Ne(p, 0)) == Ne(u, 0)
    assert unpolarify(polar_lift(x) > 0) == (x > 0)

    # Test bools
    assert unpolarify(True) is True
def test_expint():
    assert mytn(expint(x, y),
                expint(x, y).rewrite(uppergamma),
                y**(x - 1) * uppergamma(1 - x, y), x)
    assert mytd(expint(x, y),
                -y**(x - 1) * meijerg([], [1, 1], [0, 0, 1 - x], [], y), x)
    assert mytd(expint(x, y), -expint(x - 1, y), y)
    assert mytn(expint(1, x),
                expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei), -Ei(x * polar_lift(-1)) + I * pi, x)

    assert expint(-4, x) == exp(-x)/x + 4*exp(-x)/x**2 + 12*exp(-x)/x**3 \
        + 24*exp(-x)/x**4 + 24*exp(-x)/x**5
    assert expint(-S(3)/2, x) == \
        exp(-x)/x + 3*exp(-x)/(2*x**2) - 3*sqrt(pi)*erf(sqrt(x))/(4*x**S('5/2')) \
        + 3*sqrt(pi)/(4*x**S('5/2'))

    assert tn_branch(expint, 1)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 2)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 3)
    assert tn_branch(expint, 1.7)
    assert tn_branch(expint, pi)

    assert expint(y, x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == \
        x**(y - 1)*(exp(2*I*pi*y) - 1)*gamma(-y + 1) + expint(y, x)
    assert expint(y, x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == \
        x**(y - 1)*(exp(-2*I*pi*y) - 1)*gamma(-y + 1) + expint(y, x)
    assert expint(2,
                  x * exp_polar(2 * I * pi)) == 2 * I * pi * x + expint(2, x)
    assert expint(2, x *
                  exp_polar(-2 * I * pi)) == -2 * I * pi * x + expint(2, x)
    assert expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint) == expint(1, x)

    assert mytn(E1(x), E1(x).rewrite(Shi), Shi(x) - Chi(x), x)
    assert mytn(E1(polar_lift(I) * x),
                E1(polar_lift(I) * x).rewrite(Si),
                -Ci(x) + I * Si(x) - I * pi / 2, x)

    assert mytn(expint(2, x),
                expint(2, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint), -x * E1(x) + exp(-x),
    assert mytn(expint(3, x),
                expint(3, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint),
                x**2 * E1(x) / 2 + (1 - x) * exp(-x) / 2, x)
def test_unpolarify():
    from sympy import (exp_polar, polar_lift, exp, unpolarify,
    from sympy import gamma, erf, sin, tanh, uppergamma, Eq, Ne
    from sympy.abc import x
    p = exp_polar(7*I) + 1
    u = exp(7*I) + 1

    assert unpolarify(1) == 1
    assert unpolarify(p) == u
    assert unpolarify(p**2) == u**2
    assert unpolarify(p**x) == p**x
    assert unpolarify(p*x) == u*x
    assert unpolarify(p + x) == u + x
    assert unpolarify(sqrt(sin(p))) == sqrt(sin(u))

    # Test reduction to principal branch 2*pi.
    t = principal_branch(x, 2*pi)
    assert unpolarify(t) == x
    assert unpolarify(sqrt(t)) == sqrt(t)

    # Test exponents_only.
    assert unpolarify(p**p, exponents_only=True) == p**u
    assert unpolarify(uppergamma(x, p**p)) == uppergamma(x, p**u)

    # Test functions.
    assert unpolarify(sin(p)) == sin(u)
    assert unpolarify(tanh(p)) == tanh(u)
    assert unpolarify(gamma(p)) == gamma(u)
    assert unpolarify(erf(p)) == erf(u)
    assert unpolarify(uppergamma(x, p)) == uppergamma(x, p)

    assert unpolarify(uppergamma(sin(p), sin(p + exp_polar(0)))) == \
        uppergamma(sin(u), sin(u + 1))
    assert unpolarify(uppergamma(polar_lift(0), 2*exp_polar(0))) == \
        uppergamma(0, 2)

    assert unpolarify(Eq(p, 0)) == Eq(u, 0)
    assert unpolarify(Ne(p, 0)) == Ne(u, 0)
    assert unpolarify(polar_lift(x) > 0) == (x > 0)

    # Test bools
    assert unpolarify(True) is True
文件: complexes.py 项目: msgoff/sympy
    def eval(self, x, period):
        from sympy import oo, exp_polar, I, Mul, polar_lift, Symbol

        if isinstance(x, polar_lift):
            return principal_branch(x.args[0], period)
        if period == oo:
            return x
        ub = periodic_argument(x, oo)
        barg = periodic_argument(x, period)
        if (ub != barg and not ub.has(periodic_argument)
                and not barg.has(periodic_argument)):
            pl = polar_lift(x)

            def mr(expr):
                if not isinstance(expr, Symbol):
                    return polar_lift(expr)
                return expr

            pl = pl.replace(polar_lift, mr)
            # Recompute unbranched argument
            ub = periodic_argument(pl, oo)
            if not pl.has(polar_lift):
                if ub != barg:
                    res = exp_polar(I * (barg - ub)) * pl
                    res = pl
                if not res.is_polar and not res.has(exp_polar):
                    res *= exp_polar(0)
                return res

        if not x.free_symbols:
            c, m = x, ()
            c, m = x.as_coeff_mul(*x.free_symbols)
        others = []
        for y in m:
            if y.is_positive:
                c *= y
                others += [y]
        m = tuple(others)
        arg = periodic_argument(c, period)
        if arg.has(periodic_argument):
            return None
        if arg.is_number and (unbranched_argument(c) != arg or
                              (arg == 0 and m != () and c != 1)):
            if arg == 0:
                return abs(c) * principal_branch(Mul(*m), period)
            return principal_branch(exp_polar(I * arg) * Mul(*m),
                                    period) * abs(c)
        if (arg.is_number
                and ((abs(arg) < period / 2) == True or arg == period / 2)
                and m == ()):
            return exp_polar(arg * I) * abs(c)
def test_JointPSpace_marginal_distribution():
    from sympy.stats.joint_rv_types import MultivariateT
    from sympy import polar_lift

    T = MultivariateT("T", [0, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]], 2)
    assert marginal_distribution(T, T[1])(x) == sqrt(2) * (x**2 + 2) / (
        8 * polar_lift(x**2 / 2 + 1)**Rational(5, 2))
    assert integrate(marginal_distribution(T, 1)(x), (x, -oo, oo)) == 1

    t = MultivariateT("T", [0, 0, 0], [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], 3)
    assert comp(marginal_distribution(t, 0)(1).evalf(), 0.2, 0.01)
def test_periodic_argument():
    from sympy import (periodic_argument, unbranched_argument, oo,
                       principal_branch, polar_lift, pi)
    x = Symbol('x')
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)

    def tn(a, b):
        from sympy.utilities.randtest import test_numerically
        from sympy import Dummy
        return test_numerically(a, b, Dummy('x'))

    assert unbranched_argument(2 + I) == periodic_argument(2 + I, oo)
    assert unbranched_argument(1 + x) == periodic_argument(1 + x, oo)
    assert tn(unbranched_argument((1 + I)**2), pi / 2)
    assert tn(unbranched_argument((1 - I)**2), -pi / 2)
    assert tn(periodic_argument((1 + I)**2, 3 * pi), pi / 2)
    assert tn(periodic_argument((1 - I)**2, 3 * pi), -pi / 2)

    assert unbranched_argument(principal_branch(x, pi)) \
           == periodic_argument(x, pi)

    assert unbranched_argument(polar_lift(2 + I)) == unbranched_argument(2 + I)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), 2*pi) \
           == periodic_argument(2 + I, 2*pi)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), 3*pi) \
           == periodic_argument(2 + I, 3*pi)
    assert periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), pi) \
           == periodic_argument(polar_lift(2 + I), pi)

    assert unbranched_argument(polar_lift(1 + I)) == pi / 4
    assert periodic_argument(2 * p, p) == periodic_argument(p, p)
    assert periodic_argument(pi * p, p) == periodic_argument(p, p)
def test_ei():
    pos = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    neg = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    assert Ei(-pos) == Ei(polar_lift(-1)*pos) - I*pi
    assert Ei(neg) == Ei(polar_lift(neg)) - I*pi
    assert tn_branch(Ei)
    assert mytd(Ei(x), exp(x)/x, x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(uppergamma),
                -uppergamma(0, x*polar_lift(-1)) - I*pi, x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(expint),
                -expint(1, x*polar_lift(-1)) - I*pi, x)
    assert Ei(x).rewrite(expint).rewrite(Ei) == Ei(x)
    assert Ei(x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == Ei(x) + 2*I*pi
    assert Ei(x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == Ei(x) - 2*I*pi

    assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(Shi), Chi(x) + Shi(x), x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x*polar_lift(I)), Ei(x*polar_lift(I)).rewrite(Si),
                Ci(x) + I*Si(x) + I*pi/2, x)

    assert Ei(log(x)).rewrite(li) == li(x)
    assert Ei(2*log(x)).rewrite(li) == li(x**2)

    assert gruntz(Ei(x+exp(-x))*exp(-x)*x, x, oo) == 1

    assert Ei(x).series(x) == EulerGamma + log(x) + x + x**2/4 + \
        x**3/18 + x**4/96 + x**5/600 + O(x**6)
def test_issue_7173():
    from sympy import cse
    x0, x1, x2 = symbols('x:3')
    ans = laplace_transform(sinh(a*x)*cosh(a*x), x, s)
    r, e = cse(ans)
    assert r == [
        (x0, pi/2),
        (x1, Abs(periodic_argument(a, oo))),
        (x2, Abs(periodic_argument(exp_polar(I*pi)*polar_lift(a), oo)))]
    assert e == [
        a/(-4*a**2 + s**2),
        ((x0 >= x1) | (x1 < x0)) & ((x0 >= x2) | (x2 < x0))]
def test_issue_7173():
    from sympy import cse
    x0, x1, x2 = symbols('x:3')
    ans = laplace_transform(sinh(a * x) * cosh(a * x), x, s)
    r, e = cse(ans)
    assert r == [(x0, pi / 2), (x1, Abs(periodic_argument(a, oo))),
                  Abs(periodic_argument(exp_polar(I * pi) * polar_lift(a),
    assert e == [
        a / (-4 * a**2 + s**2), 0,
        ((x0 >= x1) | (x1 < x0)) & ((x0 >= x2) | (x2 < x0))
    def eval(self, x, period):
        from sympy import oo, exp_polar, I, Mul, polar_lift, Symbol
        if isinstance(x, polar_lift):
            return principal_branch(x.args[0], period)
        if period == oo:
            return x
        ub = periodic_argument(x, oo)
        barg = periodic_argument(x, period)
        if ub != barg and not ub.has(periodic_argument) \
                and not barg.has(periodic_argument):
            pl = polar_lift(x)

            def mr(expr):
                if not isinstance(expr, Symbol):
                    return polar_lift(expr)
                return expr
            pl = pl.replace(polar_lift, mr)
            # Recompute unbranched argument
            ub = periodic_argument(pl, oo)
            if not pl.has(polar_lift):
                if ub != barg:
                    res = exp_polar(I*(barg - ub))*pl
                    res = pl
                if not res.is_polar and not res.has(exp_polar):
                    res *= exp_polar(0)
                return res

        if not x.free_symbols:
            c, m = x, ()
            c, m = x.as_coeff_mul(*x.free_symbols)
        others = []
        for y in m:
            if y.is_positive:
                c *= y
                others += [y]
        m = tuple(others)
        arg = periodic_argument(c, period)
        if arg.has(periodic_argument):
            return None
        if arg.is_number and (unbranched_argument(c) != arg or
                              (arg == 0 and m != () and c != 1)):
            if arg == 0:
                return abs(c)*principal_branch(Mul(*m), period)
            return principal_branch(exp_polar(I*arg)*Mul(*m), period)*abs(c)
        if arg.is_number and ((abs(arg) < period/2) == True or arg == period/2) \
                and m == ():
            return exp_polar(arg*I)*abs(c)
    def eval(cls, z):
        from sympy import Dummy, polar_lift
        if z == 0:
            return cls._atzero
        nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(polar_lift(I))
        if nz is None and cls._trigfunc(0) == 0:
            nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(I)
        if nz is not None:
            return cls._Ifactor(nz, 1)
        nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(polar_lift(-I))
        if nz is not None:
            return cls._Ifactor(nz, -1)

        nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(polar_lift(-1))
        if nz is None and cls._trigfunc(0) == 0:
            nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(-1)
        if nz is not None:
            return cls._minusfactor(nz)

        nz, n = z.extract_branch_factor()
        if n == 0 and nz == z:
        return 2 * pi * I * n * cls._trigfunc(0) + cls(nz)
    def eval(cls, z):
        from sympy import Dummy, polar_lift
        if z == 0:
            return cls._atzero
        nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(polar_lift(I))
        if nz is None and cls._trigfunc(0) == 0:
            nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(I)
        if nz is not None:
            return cls._Ifactor(nz, 1)
        nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(polar_lift(-I))
        if nz is not None:
            return cls._Ifactor(nz, -1)

        nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(polar_lift(-1))
        if nz is None and cls._trigfunc(0) == 0:
            nz = z.extract_multiplicatively(-1)
        if nz is not None:
            return cls._minusfactor(nz)

        nz, n = z.extract_branch_factor()
        if n == 0 and nz == z:
        return 2*pi*I*n*cls._trigfunc(0) + cls(nz)
def test_polarify():
    from sympy import polar_lift, polarify
    x = Symbol('x')
    z = Symbol('z', polar=True)
    f = Function('f')
    ES = {}

    assert polarify(-1) == (polar_lift(-1), ES)
    assert polarify(1 + I) == (polar_lift(1 + I), ES)

    assert polarify(exp(x), subs=False) == exp(x)
    assert polarify(1 + x, subs=False) == 1 + x
    assert polarify(f(I) + x, subs=False) == f(polar_lift(I)) + x

    assert polarify(x, lift=True) == polar_lift(x)
    assert polarify(z, lift=True) == z
    assert polarify(f(x), lift=True) == f(polar_lift(x))
    assert polarify(1 + x, lift=True) == polar_lift(1 + x)
    assert polarify(1 + f(x), lift=True) == polar_lift(1 + f(polar_lift(x)))

    newex, subs = polarify(f(x) + z)
    assert newex.subs(subs) == f(x) + z

    mu = Symbol("mu")
    sigma = Symbol("sigma", positive=True)

    # Make sure polarify(lift=True) doesn't try to lift the integration
    # variable
    assert polarify(
            sqrt(2) * x * exp(-(-mu + x)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) /
            (2 * sqrt(pi) * sigma), (x, -oo, oo)),
        lift=True) == Integral(
            sqrt(2) * (sigma * exp_polar(0))**exp_polar(I * pi) * exp(
                (sigma * exp_polar(0))**(2 * exp_polar(I * pi)) * exp_polar(
                    I * pi) * polar_lift(-mu + x)**(2 * exp_polar(0)) / 2) *
            exp_polar(0) * polar_lift(x) / (2 * sqrt(pi)), (x, -oo, oo))
def test_hyper():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: hyper(1, 2, z))

    assert hyper((1, 2), (1,), z) == hyper(Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(1), z)

    h = hyper((1, 2), (3, 4, 5), z)
    assert h.ap == Tuple(1, 2)
    assert h.bq == Tuple(3, 4, 5)
    assert h.argument == z
    assert h.is_commutative is True

    # just a few checks to make sure that all arguments go where they should
    assert tn(hyper(Tuple(), Tuple(), z), exp(z), z)
    assert tn(z * hyper((1, 1), Tuple(2), -z), log(1 + z), z)

    # differentiation
    h = hyper((randcplx(), randcplx(), randcplx()), (randcplx(), randcplx()), z)
    assert td(h, z)

    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3 = symbols("a1:3, b1:4")
    assert hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z).diff(z) == a1 * a2 / (b1 * b2 * b3) * hyper(
        (a1 + 1, a2 + 1), (b1 + 1, b2 + 1, b3 + 1), z

    # differentiation wrt parameters is not supported
    assert hyper([z], [], z).diff(z) == Derivative(hyper([z], [], z), z)

    # hyper is unbranched wrt parameters
    from sympy import polar_lift

    assert hyper([polar_lift(z)], [polar_lift(k)], polar_lift(x)) == hyper(
        [z], [k], polar_lift(x)

    # hyper does not automatically evaluate anyway, but the test is to make
    # sure that the evaluate keyword is accepted
    assert hyper((1, 2), (1,), z, evaluate=False).func is hyper
def test_ei():
    assert Ei(0) is S.NegativeInfinity
    assert Ei(oo) is S.Infinity
    assert Ei(-oo) is S.Zero

    assert tn_branch(Ei)
    assert mytd(Ei(x), exp(x) / x, x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x),
                -uppergamma(0, x * polar_lift(-1)) - I * pi, x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x),
                Ei(x).rewrite(expint), -expint(1, x * polar_lift(-1)) - I * pi,
    assert Ei(x).rewrite(expint).rewrite(Ei) == Ei(x)
    assert Ei(x * exp_polar(2 * I * pi)) == Ei(x) + 2 * I * pi
    assert Ei(x * exp_polar(-2 * I * pi)) == Ei(x) - 2 * I * pi

    assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(Shi), Chi(x) + Shi(x), x)
    assert mytn(
        Ei(x * polar_lift(I)),
        Ei(x * polar_lift(I)).rewrite(Si),
        Ci(x) + I * Si(x) + I * pi / 2,

    assert Ei(log(x)).rewrite(li) == li(x)
    assert Ei(2 * log(x)).rewrite(li) == li(x**2)

    assert gruntz(Ei(x + exp(-x)) * exp(-x) * x, x, oo) == 1

    assert Ei(x).series(x) == EulerGamma + log(
        x) + x + x**2 / 4 + x**3 / 18 + x**4 / 96 + x**5 / 600 + O(x**6)
    assert Ei(x).series(x, 1, 3) == Ei(1) + E * (x - 1) + O((x - 1)**3, (x, 1))

    assert str(Ei(cos(2)).evalf(n=10)) == "-0.6760647401"
    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: Ei(x).fdiff(2))
def test_rewrite():
    from sympy import polar_lift, exp, I

    assert besselj(n, z).rewrite(jn) == sqrt(2*z/pi)*jn(n - S(1)/2, z)
    assert bessely(n, z).rewrite(yn) == sqrt(2*z/pi)*yn(n - S(1)/2, z)
    assert besseli(n, z).rewrite(besselj) == \
        exp(-I*n*pi/2)*besselj(n, polar_lift(I)*z)
    assert besselj(n, z).rewrite(besseli) == \
        exp(I*n*pi/2)*besseli(n, polar_lift(-I)*z)

    nu = randcplx()

    assert tn(besselj(nu, z), besselj(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)
    assert tn(besselj(nu, z), besselj(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)

    assert tn(besseli(nu, z), besseli(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(besseli(nu, z), besseli(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)

    assert tn(bessely(nu, z), bessely(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(bessely(nu, z), bessely(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)

    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)
    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)
def test_ei():
    assert tn_branch(Ei)
    assert mytd(Ei(x), exp(x)/x, x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(uppergamma),
                -uppergamma(0, x*polar_lift(-1)) - I*pi, x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(expint),
                -expint(1, x*polar_lift(-1)) - I*pi, x)
    assert Ei(x).rewrite(expint).rewrite(Ei) == Ei(x)
    assert Ei(x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == Ei(x) + 2*I*pi
    assert Ei(x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == Ei(x) - 2*I*pi

    assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(Shi), Chi(x) + Shi(x), x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x*polar_lift(I)), Ei(x*polar_lift(I)).rewrite(Si),
                Ci(x) + I*Si(x) + I*pi/2, x)

    assert Ei(log(x)).rewrite(li) == li(x)
    assert Ei(2*log(x)).rewrite(li) == li(x**2)

    assert gruntz(Ei(x+exp(-x))*exp(-x)*x, x, oo) == 1

    assert Ei(x).series(x) == EulerGamma + log(x) + x + x**2/4 + \
        x**3/18 + x**4/96 + x**5/600 + O(x**6)

    assert str(Ei(cos(2)).evalf(n=10)) == '-0.6760647401'
def test_expint():
    from sympy import E1, expint, Max, re, lerchphi, Symbol, simplify, Si, Ci, Ei

    aneg = Symbol("a", negative=True)
    u = Symbol("u", polar=True)

    assert mellin_transform(E1(x), x, s) == (gamma(s) / s, (0, oo), True)
    assert inverse_mellin_transform(gamma(s) / s, s, x, (0, oo)).rewrite(expint).expand() == E1(x)
    assert mellin_transform(expint(a, x), x, s) == (gamma(s) / (a + s - 1), (Max(1 - re(a), 0), oo), True)
    # XXX IMT has hickups with complicated strips ...
    assert simplify(
            inverse_mellin_transform(gamma(s) / (aneg + s - 1), s, x, (1 - aneg, oo)).rewrite(expint).expand(func=True)
    ) == expint(aneg, x)

    assert mellin_transform(Si(x), x, s) == (
        -2 ** s * sqrt(pi) * gamma(s / 2 + S(1) / 2) / (2 * s * gamma(-s / 2 + 1)),
        (-1, 0),
    assert inverse_mellin_transform(
        -2 ** s * sqrt(pi) * gamma((s + 1) / 2) / (2 * s * gamma(-s / 2 + 1)), s, x, (-1, 0)
    ) == Si(x)

    assert mellin_transform(Ci(sqrt(x)), x, s) == (
        -2 ** (2 * s - 1) * sqrt(pi) * gamma(s) / (s * gamma(-s + S(1) / 2)),
        (0, 1),
    assert inverse_mellin_transform(
        -4 ** s * sqrt(pi) * gamma(s) / (2 * s * gamma(-s + S(1) / 2)), s, u, (0, 1)
    ).expand() == Ci(sqrt(u))

    # TODO LT of Si, Shi, Chi is a mess ...
    assert laplace_transform(Ci(x), x, s) == (-log(1 + s ** 2) / 2 / s, 0, True)
    assert laplace_transform(expint(a, x), x, s) == (lerchphi(s * polar_lift(-1), 1, a), 0, S(0) < re(a))
    assert laplace_transform(expint(1, x), x, s) == (log(s + 1) / s, 0, True)
    assert laplace_transform(expint(2, x), x, s) == ((s - log(s + 1)) / s ** 2, 0, True)

    assert inverse_laplace_transform(-log(1 + s ** 2) / 2 / s, s, u).expand() == Heaviside(u) * Ci(u)
    assert inverse_laplace_transform(log(s + 1) / s, s, x).rewrite(expint) == Heaviside(x) * E1(x)
    assert (
        inverse_laplace_transform((s - log(s + 1)) / s ** 2, s, x).rewrite(expint).expand()
        == (expint(2, x) * Heaviside(x)).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint).expand()
def test_polar():
    from sympy import polar_lift
    p = Symbol('p', polar=True)
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert p.is_polar
    assert x.is_polar is None
    assert S(1).is_polar is None
    assert (p**x).is_polar is True
    assert (x**p).is_polar is None
    assert ((2 * p)**x).is_polar is True
    assert (2 * p).is_polar is True
    assert (-2 * p).is_polar is not True
    assert (polar_lift(-2) * p).is_polar is True

    q = Symbol('q', polar=True)
    assert (p * q)**2 == p**2 * q**2
    assert (2 * q)**2 == 4 * q**2
    assert ((p * q)**x).expand() == p**x * q**x
文件: test_arit.py 项目: cbm755/sympy
def test_polar():
    from sympy import polar_lift
    p = Symbol('p', polar=True)
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert p.is_polar
    assert x.is_polar is None
    assert S(1).is_polar is None
    assert (p**x).is_polar is True
    assert (x**p).is_polar is None
    assert ((2*p)**x).is_polar is True
    assert (2*p).is_polar is True
    assert (-2*p).is_polar is not True
    assert (polar_lift(-2)*p).is_polar is True

    q = Symbol('q', polar=True)
    assert (p*q)**2 == p**2 * q**2
    assert (2*q)**2 == 4 * q**2
    assert ((p*q)**x).expand() == p**x * q**x
def test_expint():
    from sympy import E1, expint, Max, re, lerchphi, Symbol, simplify, Si, Ci, Ei
    aneg = Symbol('a', negative=True)
    u = Symbol('u', polar=True)

    assert mellin_transform(E1(x), x, s) == (gamma(s) / s, (0, oo), True)
    assert inverse_mellin_transform(gamma(s) / s, s, x,
                                    (0, oo)).rewrite(expint).expand() == E1(x)
    assert mellin_transform(expint(a, x), x, s) == \
        (gamma(s)/(a + s - 1), (Max(1 - re(a), 0), oo), True)
    # XXX IMT has hickups with complicated strips ...
    assert simplify(unpolarify(
                    inverse_mellin_transform(gamma(s)/(aneg + s - 1), s, x,
                  (1 - aneg, oo)).rewrite(expint).expand(func=True))) == \
        expint(aneg, x)

    assert mellin_transform(Si(x), x, s) == \
        (-2**s*sqrt(pi)*gamma(s/2 + S(1)/2)/(
        2*s*gamma(-s/2 + 1)), (-1, 0), True)
    assert inverse_mellin_transform(-2**s*sqrt(pi)*gamma((s + 1)/2)
                                    /(2*s*gamma(-s/2 + 1)), s, x, (-1, 0)) \
        == Si(x)

    assert mellin_transform(Ci(sqrt(x)), x, s) == \
        (-2**(2*s - 1)*sqrt(pi)*gamma(s)/(s*gamma(-s + S(1)/2)), (0, 1), True)
    assert inverse_mellin_transform(
        -4**s * sqrt(pi) * gamma(s) / (2 * s * gamma(-s + S(1) / 2)), s, u,
        (0, 1)).expand() == Ci(sqrt(u))

    # TODO LT of Si, Shi, Chi is a mess ...
    assert laplace_transform(Ci(x), x, s) == (-log(1 + s**2) / 2 / s, 0, True)
    assert laplace_transform(expint(a, x), x, s) == \
        (lerchphi(s*polar_lift(-1), 1, a), 0, S(0) < re(a))
    assert laplace_transform(expint(1, x), x, s) == (log(s + 1) / s, 0, True)
    assert laplace_transform(expint(2, x), x, s) == \
        ((s - log(s + 1))/s**2, 0, True)

    assert inverse_laplace_transform(-log(1 + s**2)/2/s, s, u).expand() == \
    assert inverse_laplace_transform(log(s + 1)/s, s, x).rewrite(expint) == \
    assert inverse_laplace_transform((s - log(s + 1))/s**2, s,
                x).rewrite(expint).expand() == \
        (expint(2, x)*Heaviside(x)).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint).expand()
def test_powsimp_polar():
    from sympy import polar_lift, exp_polar
    x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
    p, q, r = symbols('p q r', polar=True)

    assert (polar_lift(-1))**(2*x) == exp_polar(2*pi*I*x)
    assert powsimp(p**x * q**x) == (p*q)**x
    assert p**x * (1/p)**x == 1
    assert (1/p)**x == p**(-x)

    assert exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y) == exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)) == exp_polar(x+y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)*p**x*p**y) == (p*exp_polar(1))**(x + y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)*p**x*p**y, combine='exp') \
           == exp_polar(x+y)*p**(x+y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)*exp_polar(2)*sin(x)+sin(y)+p**x*p**y) \
           == p**(x+y) + sin(x)*exp_polar(2+x+y) + sin(y)
    assert powsimp(sin(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y))) == sin(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y))
    assert powsimp(sin(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)), deep=True) == sin(exp_polar(x+y))
def test_powsimp_polar():
    from sympy import polar_lift, exp_polar
    x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
    p, q, r = symbols('p q r', polar=True)

    assert (polar_lift(-1))**(2*x) == exp_polar(2*pi*I*x)
    assert powsimp(p**x * q**x) == (p*q)**x
    assert p**x * (1/p)**x == 1
    assert (1/p)**x == p**(-x)

    assert exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y) == exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)) == exp_polar(x+y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)*p**x*p**y) == (p*exp_polar(1))**(x + y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)*p**x*p**y, combine='exp') \
           == exp_polar(x+y)*p**(x+y)
    assert powsimp(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)*exp_polar(2)*sin(x)+sin(y)+p**x*p**y) \
           == p**(x+y) + sin(x)*exp_polar(2+x+y) + sin(y)
    assert powsimp(sin(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y))) == sin(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y))
    assert powsimp(sin(exp_polar(x)*exp_polar(y)), deep=True) == sin(exp_polar(x+y))
def test_ei():
    pos = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    neg = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    assert Ei(-pos) == Ei(polar_lift(-1) * pos) - I * pi
    assert Ei(neg) == Ei(polar_lift(neg)) - I * pi
    assert tn_branch(Ei)
    assert mytd(Ei(x), exp(x) / x, x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x),
                -uppergamma(0, x * polar_lift(-1)) - I * pi, x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x),
                Ei(x).rewrite(expint), -expint(1, x * polar_lift(-1)) - I * pi,
    assert Ei(x).rewrite(expint).rewrite(Ei) == Ei(x)
    assert Ei(x * exp_polar(2 * I * pi)) == Ei(x) + 2 * I * pi
    assert Ei(x * exp_polar(-2 * I * pi)) == Ei(x) - 2 * I * pi

    assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(Shi), Chi(x) + Shi(x), x)
    assert mytn(Ei(x * polar_lift(I)),
                Ei(x * polar_lift(I)).rewrite(Si),
                Ci(x) + I * Si(x) + I * pi / 2, x)
 def mr(expr):
     if not isinstance(expr, Symbol):
         return polar_lift(expr)
     return expr
def test_latex_functions():
    assert latex(exp(x)) == "e^{x}"
    assert latex(exp(1) + exp(2)) == "e + e^{2}"

    f = Function('f')
    assert latex(f(x)) == '\\operatorname{f}{\\left (x \\right )}'

    beta = Function('beta')

    assert latex(beta(x)) == r"\beta{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(sin(x)) == r"\sin{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(sin(x), fold_func_brackets=True) == r"\sin {x}"
    assert latex(sin(2*x**2), fold_func_brackets=True) == \
        r"\sin {2 x^{2}}"
    assert latex(sin(x**2), fold_func_brackets=True) == \
        r"\sin {x^{2}}"

    assert latex(asin(x)**2) == r"\operatorname{asin}^{2}{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(asin(x)**2, inv_trig_style="full") == \
        r"\arcsin^{2}{\left (x \right )}"
    assert latex(asin(x)**2, inv_trig_style="power") == \
        r"\sin^{-1}{\left (x \right )}^{2}"
    assert latex(asin(x**2), inv_trig_style="power",
                 fold_func_brackets=True) == \
        r"\sin^{-1} {x^{2}}"

    assert latex(factorial(k)) == r"k!"
    assert latex(factorial(-k)) == r"\left(- k\right)!"

    assert latex(subfactorial(k)) == r"!k"
    assert latex(subfactorial(-k)) == r"!\left(- k\right)"

    assert latex(factorial2(k)) == r"k!!"
    assert latex(factorial2(-k)) == r"\left(- k\right)!!"

    assert latex(binomial(2, k)) == r"{\binom{2}{k}}"

    assert latex(FallingFactorial(3,
                                  k)) == r"{\left(3\right)}_{\left(k\right)}"
    assert latex(RisingFactorial(3, k)) == r"{\left(3\right)}^{\left(k\right)}"

    assert latex(floor(x)) == r"\lfloor{x}\rfloor"
    assert latex(ceiling(x)) == r"\lceil{x}\rceil"
    assert latex(Min(x, 2, x**3)) == r"\min\left(2, x, x^{3}\right)"
    assert latex(Min(x, y)**2) == r"\min\left(x, y\right)^{2}"
    assert latex(Max(x, 2, x**3)) == r"\max\left(2, x, x^{3}\right)"
    assert latex(Max(x, y)**2) == r"\max\left(x, y\right)^{2}"
    assert latex(Abs(x)) == r"\lvert{x}\rvert"
    assert latex(re(x)) == r"\Re{x}"
    assert latex(re(x + y)) == r"\Re{x} + \Re{y}"
    assert latex(im(x)) == r"\Im{x}"
    assert latex(conjugate(x)) == r"\overline{x}"
    assert latex(gamma(x)) == r"\Gamma\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(Order(x)) == r"\mathcal{O}\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(lowergamma(x, y)) == r'\gamma\left(x, y\right)'
    assert latex(uppergamma(x, y)) == r'\Gamma\left(x, y\right)'

    assert latex(cot(x)) == r'\cot{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(coth(x)) == r'\coth{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(re(x)) == r'\Re{x}'
    assert latex(im(x)) == r'\Im{x}'
    assert latex(root(x, y)) == r'x^{\frac{1}{y}}'
    assert latex(arg(x)) == r'\arg{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(zeta(x)) == r'\zeta\left(x\right)'

    assert latex(zeta(x)) == r"\zeta\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(zeta(x)**2) == r"\zeta^{2}\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(zeta(x, y)) == r"\zeta\left(x, y\right)"
    assert latex(zeta(x, y)**2) == r"\zeta^{2}\left(x, y\right)"
    assert latex(dirichlet_eta(x)) == r"\eta\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(dirichlet_eta(x)**2) == r"\eta^{2}\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(polylog(x, y)) == r"\operatorname{Li}_{x}\left(y\right)"
    assert latex(polylog(x,
                         y)**2) == r"\operatorname{Li}_{x}^{2}\left(y\right)"
    assert latex(lerchphi(x, y, n)) == r"\Phi\left(x, y, n\right)"
    assert latex(lerchphi(x, y, n)**2) == r"\Phi^{2}\left(x, y, n\right)"

    assert latex(Ei(x)) == r'\operatorname{Ei}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(Ei(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Ei}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(expint(x, y)**2) == r'\operatorname{E}_{x}^{2}\left(y\right)'
    assert latex(Shi(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Shi}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(Si(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Si}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(Ci(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Ci}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'
    assert latex(Chi(x)**2) == r'\operatorname{Chi}^{2}{\left (x \right )}'

    assert latex(jacobi(n, a, b,
                        x)) == r'P_{n}^{\left(a,b\right)}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(jacobi(
        n, a, b,
        x)**2) == r'\left(P_{n}^{\left(a,b\right)}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(gegenbauer(n, a,
                            x)) == r'C_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(gegenbauer(
        n, a,
        x)**2) == r'\left(C_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(chebyshevt(n, x)) == r'T_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(chebyshevt(n,
                            x)**2) == r'\left(T_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(chebyshevu(n, x)) == r'U_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(chebyshevu(n,
                            x)**2) == r'\left(U_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(legendre(n, x)) == r'P_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(legendre(n, x)**2) == r'\left(P_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(assoc_legendre(n, a,
                                x)) == r'P_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(assoc_legendre(
        n, a,
        x)**2) == r'\left(P_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(laguerre(n, x)) == r'L_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(laguerre(n, x)**2) == r'\left(L_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(assoc_laguerre(n, a,
                                x)) == r'L_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(assoc_laguerre(
        n, a,
        x)**2) == r'\left(L_{n}^{\left(a\right)}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'
    assert latex(hermite(n, x)) == r'H_{n}\left(x\right)'
    assert latex(hermite(n, x)**2) == r'\left(H_{n}\left(x\right)\right)^{2}'

    # Test latex printing of function names with "_"
    assert latex(
        polar_lift(0)) == r"\operatorname{polar\_lift}{\left (0 \right )}"
    assert latex(polar_lift(0)**
                 3) == r"\operatorname{polar\_lift}^{3}{\left (0 \right )}"