def state_transition_function_jacobians():
    # -------------- state transition function -----------------

    # This is the nonlinear function f_r(X_r, U, N) that calculates the new robot pose.
    # f_r forms part of the overall state transition function for all states, robot pose and landmarks, although the
    # landmarks do not move and so there is no need to calculate partial derivatives for those states.
    # The robot pose is defined as X_r = [x_r; y_r; alpha_r].
    # The control input is defined as U = [x_u; alpha_u].
    # The perturbation to the input is defined as N = [x_n; alpha_n].

    x_r, y_r, alpha_r, x_u, alpha_u, x_n, alpha_n = sympy.symbols(
        'x_r y_r alpha_r x_u alpha_u x_n alpha_n')

    X_r = Matrix([[x_r], [y_r], [alpha_r]])
    U = Matrix([[x_u], [alpha_u]])
    N = Matrix([[x_n], [alpha_n]])

    alpha_new = alpha_r + alpha_u + alpha_n
    R = Matrix([[scos(alpha_new), -ssin(alpha_new)],
                [ssin(alpha_new), scos(alpha_new)]])
    X_r_new = Matrix([[x_r], [y_r]]) + R * Matrix([[x_u + x_n], [0]])
    f_r = Matrix([[X_r_new[0]], [X_r_new[1]], [alpha_new]])

    # -----------  Jacobian of f_r w.r.t X_r (the robot pose) --------------

    d_f_r_by_X_r = f_r.jacobian(X_r)

    # ------------ Jacobian of f_r w.r.t N (the noise perturbation) --------------

    d_f_r_by_N = f_r.jacobian(N)
def observe_range_bearing_jacobians():
    # --------------- nonlinear range-bearing sensor measurement function ----------------

    # This function maps the landmark positions (in world rectangular coordinates) to range-bearing (local polar)
    # coordinates.

    # we need to use the estimated robot states in the Jacobian since the true states are not available to the estimator
    x_r, y_r, alpha_r, l_i_x, l_i_y = sympy.symbols(
        'x_r y_r alpha_r l_i_x l_i_y')

    # transform landmark from world (rectangular)  to local (rectangular) coordinates
    R = Matrix([[scos(alpha_r), -ssin(alpha_r)],
                [ssin(alpha_r), scos(alpha_r)]])

    t = Matrix([x_r, y_r])
    p_world = Matrix([l_i_x, l_i_y])

    p_local_x, p_local_y = R.T * (p_world - t)

    y_range = sqrt(p_local_x**2 + p_local_y**2)
    y_bearing = atan2(p_local_y, p_local_x)

    # calculate Jacobian in one go -> number of terms explodes!
    h = Matrix([y_range, y_bearing])

    # ---------- Jacobian of h w.r.t X_r (robot position) ---------

    X_r = Matrix([[x_r], [y_r], [alpha_r]])

    # calculate Jacobian in one go
    d_h_r_by_X_r = h.jacobian(X_r)

    # # calculate Jacobian in steps -> much fewer terms
    # h1 = Matrix([p_local_x, p_local_y])
    # p_local = Matrix([p_local_x, p_local_y])
    # d_h1_by_p_local = h1.jacobian(p_local)  # calculate first part of Jacobian
    # # p_local_x_sym, p_local_y_sym = sympy.symbols('p_local_x_sym p_local_y_sym')
    # # h2 = Matrix([y_range, y_bearing])
    # # p_local_syms = Matrix([p_local_x_sym, p_local_y_sym])
    # # d_h2_by_X_r = h2.jacobian(X_r)          # calculate second part of Jacobian
    # # # therefore d_h_by_X_r == d_h1_by_p_local * d_h2_by_X_r
    # # ---------- Jacobian of h w.r.t L_i (landmark position) ---------
    # L_i = Matrix([[l_i_x], [l_i_y]])
    # d_h_r_by_L_i = h.jacobian(L_i)

    # ---------- Jacobian of h w.r.t L_i (landmark position) ---------

    L_i = Matrix([[l_i_x], [l_i_y]])

    # calculate Jacobian in one go
    d_h_r_by_L_i = h.jacobian(L_i)

文件: 项目: wxgeo/geophar
    def _get_coordonnees(self):
        M = self.__point
        arc = self.__arc
        O = arc.centre
        a, b = arc._intervalle()
        c = angle_vectoriel((1, 0), vect(O, M))
        while c < a:
            c += 2 * pi
        # La mesure d'angle c est donc dans l'intervalle [a; a+2*pi[
        if c > b:  # c n'appartient pas à [a;b] (donc M est en dehors de l'arc de cercle)
            if c - b > 2 * pi + a - c:  # c est plus proche de a+2*pi
                c = a
            else:  # c est plus proche de b
                c = b
        if b - a < contexte["tolerance"]:
            return arc.point1.coordonnees

        k = (b - c) / (b - a)
        t = a * k + b * (1 - k)
        x0, y0 = arc.centre.coordonnees
        r = arc.rayon
        if contexte["exact"] and issympy(r, x0, y0):
            return x0 + r * scos(t), y0 + r * ssin(t)
            return x0 + r * cos(t), y0 + r * sin(t)
    def _get_coordonnees(self):
        M = self.__point
        arc = self.__arc
        O = arc.centre
        a, b = arc._intervalle()
        c = angle_vectoriel((1, 0), vect(O, M))
        while c < a:
            c += 2 * pi
        # La mesure d'angle c est donc dans l'intervalle [a; a+2*pi[
        if c > b:  # c n'appartient pas à [a;b] (donc M est en dehors de l'arc de cercle)
            if c - b > 2 * pi + a - c:  # c est plus proche de a+2*pi
                c = a
            else:  # c est plus proche de b
                c = b
        if b - a < contexte['tolerance']:
            return arc.point1.coordonnees

        k = (b - c) / (b - a)
        t = a * k + b * (1 - k)
        x0, y0 = arc.centre.coordonnees
        r = arc.rayon
        if contexte['exact'] and issympy(r, x0, y0):
            return x0 + r * scos(t), y0 + r * ssin(t)
            return x0 + r * cos(t), y0 + r * sin(t)
文件: 项目: wxgeo/geophar
 def _get_coordonnees(self):
     k = angle_vectoriel((1, 0), vect(self.__cercle.centre, self.__point))
     x0, y0 = self.__cercle.centre.coordonnees
     r = self.__cercle.rayon
     if contexte["exact"] and issympy(r, x0, y0):
         return x0 + r * scos(k), y0 + r * ssin(k)
         return x0 + r * cos(k), y0 + r * sin(k)
 def _get_coordonnees(self):
     k = angle_vectoriel((1, 0), vect(self.__cercle.centre, self.__point))
     x0, y0 = self.__cercle.centre.coordonnees
     r = self.__cercle.rayon
     if contexte['exact'] and issympy(r, x0, y0):
         return x0 + r * scos(k), y0 + r * ssin(k)
         return x0 + r * cos(k), y0 + r * sin(k)
文件: 项目: wxgeo/geophar
 def _get_coordonnees(self):
     cercle = self.__cercle
     k = self.__k
     x0, y0 = cercle.centre.coordonnees
     r = cercle.rayon
     if contexte["exact"] and issympy(r, x0, y0):
         return x0 + r * scos(k), y0 + r * ssin(k)
         return x0 + r * cos(k), y0 + r * sin(k)
文件: 项目: Grahack/geophar
 def _get_coordonnees(self):
     x0, y0 = self.__rotation.centre.coordonnees
     xA, yA = self.__point.coordonnees
     a = self.__rotation.radian
     if contexte['exact'] and issympy(a, x0, y0, xA, yA):
         sina = ssin(a) ; cosa = scos(a)
         sina = sin(a) ; cosa = cos(a)
     return (-sina*(yA - y0) + x0 + cosa*(xA - x0), y0 + cosa*(yA - y0) + sina*(xA - x0))
 def _get_coordonnees(self):
     cercle = self.__cercle
     k = self.__k
     x0, y0 = cercle.centre.coordonnees
     r = cercle.rayon
     if contexte['exact'] and issympy(r, x0, y0):
         return x0 + r * scos(k), y0 + r * ssin(k)
         return x0 + r * cos(k), y0 + r * sin(k)
 def _get_coordonnees(self):
     x0, y0 = self.__rotation.centre.coordonnees
     xA, yA = self.__point.coordonnees
     a = self.__rotation.radian
     if contexte['exact'] and issympy(a, x0, y0, xA, yA):
         sina = ssin(a)
         cosa = scos(a)
         sina = sin(a)
         cosa = cos(a)
     return (-sina * (yA - y0) + x0 + cosa * (xA - x0),
             y0 + cosa * (yA - y0) + sina * (xA - x0))
def inv_observe_range_bearing_jacobians():
    # --------------- nonlinear inverse range-bearing measurement function ----------------

    # This function maps the landmark positions (in world rectangular coordinates) to range-bearing (local polar)
    # coordinates.

    # we need to use the estimated robot states in the Jacobian since the true states are not available to the estimator
    x_r, y_r, alpha_r, rho, psi = sympy.symbols('x_r y_r alpha_r rho psi')

    # transform from polar to rectangular coordinates
    x = rho * scos(psi)
    y = rho * ssin(psi)

    # transform from local rectangular coordinates to world rectangular coordinates
    R = Matrix([[scos(alpha_r), -ssin(alpha_r)],
                [ssin(alpha_r), scos(alpha_r)]])

    t = Matrix([x_r, y_r])
    p_local = Matrix([x, y])

    g = p_world = R * p_local + t

    # calculate Jacobian in one go -> number of terms explodes!

    # ---------- Jacobian of g w.r.t X_r (robot position) ---------

    X_r = Matrix([[x_r], [y_r], [alpha_r]])

    # calculate Jacobian in one go
    d_g_r_by_X_r = g.jacobian(X_r)

    # ---------- Jacobian of g w.r.t y_i (range-bearing sensor measurement) ---------

    y_i = Matrix([[rho], [psi]])

    # calculate Jacobian in one go
    d_h_r_by_y_i = g.jacobian(y_i)

文件: 项目: wxgeo/geophar
 def _get_coordonnees(self):
     arc = self.__arc
     a, b = arc._intervalle()
     k = self.__k
     if arc._sens() == 1:
         t = a * k + b * (1 - k)
         t = b * k + a * (1 - k)
     x0, y0 = arc.centre.coordonnees
     r = arc.rayon
     if contexte["exact"] and issympy(r, x0, y0):
         return x0 + r * scos(t), y0 + r * ssin(t)
         return x0 + r * cos(t), y0 + r * sin(t)
 def _get_coordonnees(self):
     arc = self.__arc
     a, b = arc._intervalle()
     k = self.__k
     if arc._sens() == 1:
         t = a * k + b * (1 - k)
         t = b * k + a * (1 - k)
     x0, y0 = arc.centre.coordonnees
     r = arc.rayon
     if contexte['exact'] and issympy(r, x0, y0):
         return x0 + r * scos(t), y0 + r * ssin(t)
         return x0 + r * cos(t), y0 + r * sin(t)