def test_Abs():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Abs(C.Interval(2, 3)))  # issue 8717

    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    assert sign(sign(x)) == sign(x)
    assert sign(x * y).func is sign
    assert Abs(0) == 0
    assert Abs(1) == 1
    assert Abs(-1) == 1
    assert Abs(I) == 1
    assert Abs(-I) == 1
    assert Abs(nan) == nan
    assert Abs(I * pi) == pi
    assert Abs(-I * pi) == pi
    assert Abs(I * x) == Abs(x)
    assert Abs(-I * x) == Abs(x)
    assert Abs(-2 * x) == 2 * Abs(x)
    assert Abs(-2.0 * x) == 2.0 * Abs(x)
    assert Abs(2 * pi * x * y) == 2 * pi * Abs(x * y)
    assert Abs(conjugate(x)) == Abs(x)
    assert conjugate(Abs(x)) == Abs(x)

    a = Symbol('a', positive=True)
    assert Abs(2 * pi * x * a) == 2 * pi * a * Abs(x)
    assert Abs(2 * pi * I * x * a) == 2 * pi * a * Abs(x)

    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    assert Abs((-1)**n) == 1
    assert x**(2 * n) == Abs(x)**(2 * n)
    assert Abs(x).diff(x) == sign(x)
    assert abs(x) == Abs(x)  # Python built-in
    assert Abs(x)**3 == x**2 * Abs(x)
    assert Abs(x)**4 == x**4
    assert (Abs(x)**(3 * n)).args == (Abs(x), 3 * n
                                      )  # leave symbolic odd unchanged
    assert (1 / Abs(x)).args == (Abs(x), -1)
    assert 1 / Abs(x)**3 == 1 / (x**2 * Abs(x))
    assert Abs(x)**-3 == Abs(x) / (x**4)
    assert Abs(x**3) == x**2 * Abs(x)

    x = Symbol('x', imaginary=True)
    assert Abs(x).diff(x) == -sign(x)

    eq = -sqrt(10 + 6 * sqrt(3)) + sqrt(1 + sqrt(3)) + sqrt(3 + 3 * sqrt(3))
    # if there is a fast way to know when you can and when you cannot prove an
    # expression like this is zero then the equality to zero is ok
    assert abs(eq).func is Abs or abs(eq) == 0
    # but sometimes it's hard to do this so it's better not to load
    # abs down with tests that will be very slow
    q = 1 + sqrt(2) - 2 * sqrt(3) + 1331 * sqrt(6)
    p = expand(q**3)**Rational(1, 3)
    d = p - q
    assert abs(d).func is Abs or abs(d) == 0

    assert Abs(4 * exp(pi * I / 4)) == 4
    assert Abs(3**(2 + I)) == 9
    assert Abs((-3)**(1 - I)) == 3 * exp(pi)

    assert Abs(oo) is oo
    assert Abs(-oo) is oo
    assert Abs(oo + I) is oo
    assert Abs(oo + I * oo) is oo

    a = Symbol('a', algebraic=True)
    t = Symbol('t', transcendental=True)
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert re(a).is_algebraic
    assert re(x).is_algebraic is None
    assert re(t).is_algebraic is False