def test_none():
    n = None
    t = Type.dispatch(n)
    assert isinstance(t, NONE)
    assert type(t) is NONE

    assert t._find_ne(None, None) is None
    assert t._find_ne(1, None) is None

    assert hashable(n) is t.hashable() is n
    assert is_hashable(n)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(n))
    assert deserialize(serialize(n)) is n
    assert deserialize(serialize(type(None))) is type(None)
    assert primitive_form(None) is None

    val = NONE.generate()
    assert val is None
    assert rstr(n) == 'None'
    assert eval(estr(n)) is n

    for item in enumerate_(type(None), max_enum=10):
        assert item is None

    assert list(visit(None)) == [None]
    assert find_ne(None, None) is None
    assert isinstance(find_ne(None, 1), DifferentTypes)
def test_none():
    n = None
    t = Type.dispatch(n)
    assert isinstance(t, NONE)
    assert type(t) is NONE

    assert t._find_ne(None, None) is None
    assert t._find_ne(1, None) is None

    assert hashable(n) is t.hashable() is n
    assert is_hashable(n)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(n))
    assert deserialize(serialize(n)) is n
    assert deserialize(serialize(type(None))) is type(None)
    assert primitive_form(None) is None

    val = NONE.generate()
    assert val is None
    assert rstr(n) == 'None'
    assert eval(estr(n)) is n

    for item in enumerate_(type(None), max_enum=10):
        assert item is None

    assert list(visit(None)) == [None]
    assert find_ne(None, None) is None
    assert isinstance(find_ne(None, 1), DifferentTypes)
def test_type():
    t = Type(1)
    assert t.obj == 1
    assert t.rstr() == '1'
    assert t.hashable() is t.obj

    class Foo(object):
        __hash__ = None

    f = Foo()
    f.a = 1

    g = Foo()
    g.a = 2

    assert not is_hashable(f)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(f))
    assert_inequivalent(hashable(f), hashable(g))

    dct = serialize(f)
    assert dct[SER_KEYS.attrs]['a'] == 1

    assert t.find_ne(0) == NotEqual(1, 0)
    assert list(t.visit(0)) == [1]
    assert t.visit_len() == 1

    t = Type.type_dispatch(Foo)
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, t._enumeration_value, 1)
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, t._generate)

    assert TYPE_REGISTRY[object] is Type

    assert isinstance(find_ne(1, 1.2), DifferentTypes)
def test_type():
    t = Type(1)
    assert t.obj == 1
    assert t.rstr() == '1'
    assert t.hashable() is t.obj

    class Foo(object):
        __hash__ = None

    f = Foo()
    f.a = 1

    g = Foo()
    g.a = 2

    assert not is_hashable(f)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(f))
    assert_inequivalent(hashable(f), hashable(g))

    dct = serialize(f)
    assert dct[SER_KEYS.attrs]['a'] == 1
    assert t.find_ne(0) == NotEqual(1, 0)
    assert list(t.visit(0)) == [1]
    assert t.visit_len() == 1

    t = Type.type_dispatch(Foo)
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, t._enumeration_value, 1)
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, t._generate)

    assert TYPE_REGISTRY[object] is Type

    assert isinstance(find_ne(1, 1.2), DifferentTypes)
def test_sequence():
    l = [1, 2.3, 'abc']
    t = Type.dispatch(l)
    assert isinstance(t, Sequence)
    assert type(t) is List
    if PY2:
        assert set(hashable(l)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'__builtin__.list', 1, 2.3, 'abc'}
        assert set(hashable(l)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'builtins.list', 1, 2.3, 'abc'}

    assert not is_hashable(l)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(l))

    l1 = [1, 2, 3]
    l2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    l3 = [1, 2, 4]
    assert find_ne(l1, l2) == DifferentLength(l1, l2)
    assert find_ne(l2, l1) == DifferentLength(l2, l1)
    assert find_ne(l1, l3) == DiffersAtIndex(l1, l3, 2)

    e1 = eval(estr(l1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, l1)

    tup = tuple(l)
    examine_sequence(List, l)
    examine_sequence(Tuple, tup)

    examine_sequence(Tuple, ([
        -1839677305294322342, b'', b'\x05l\xbf', b'0\xcfXp\xaa',
    ], True))

    for cls in subclasses(Sequence):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_sequence, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_sequence, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    assert list(visit(l, enumerate=True)) == [(0, 1), (1, 2.3), (2, 'abc')]
    assert list(visit([])) == []

    l = [1, 2, (3, 4)]
    assert primitive_form(l) == [1, 2, [3, 4]]
    assert collect(l) == primitive_form(l)
def test_sequence():
    l = [1, 2.3, 'abc']
    t = Type.dispatch(l)
    assert isinstance(t, Sequence)
    assert type(t) is List
    if PY2:
        assert set(hashable(l)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'__builtin__.list', 1, 2.3, 'abc'}
        assert set(hashable(l)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'builtins.list', 1, 2.3, 'abc'}

    assert not is_hashable(l)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(l))

    l1 = [1, 2, 3]
    l2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    l3 = [1, 2, 4]
    assert find_ne(l1, l2) == DifferentLength(l1, l2)
    assert find_ne(l2, l1) == DifferentLength(l2, l1)
    assert find_ne(l1, l3) == DiffersAtIndex(l1, l3, 2)

    e1 = eval(estr(l1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, l1)

    tup = tuple(l)
    examine_sequence(List, l)
    examine_sequence(Tuple, tup)

    examine_sequence(Tuple, ([-1839677305294322342, b'', b'\x05l\xbf', 
                              b'0\xcfXp\xaa', -8468204163727415930], True))

    for cls in subclasses(Sequence):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_sequence, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_sequence, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    assert list(visit(l, enumerate=True)) == [(0, 1), (1, 2.3), (2, 'abc')]
    assert list(visit([])) == []

    l = [1, 2, (3, 4)]
    assert primitive_form(l) == [1, 2, [3, 4]]
    assert collect(l) == primitive_form(l)
def test_string():
    s = u'abc'

    t = Type.dispatch(s)
    assert isinstance(t, String)

    if PY2:
        assert type(t) is Unicode
        examine_string(Unicode, s)
        assert type(t) is String
        examine_string(String, s)

    assert hashable(s) == t.hashable() == s
    assert is_hashable(s)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(s))

    assert find_ne('abc', 'abcd') == DifferentLength('abc', 'abcd')
    assert find_ne('abcd', 'abc') == DifferentLength('abcd', 'abc')
    assert find_ne('abc', 'abd') == DiffersAtIndex('abc', 'abd', 2)

    for cls in subclasses(String, [String]):
        if cls.type is None or cls is Basestring:

        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = generate(cls.type)
            with on_error(elog, examine_string, (cls, val)):
                examine_string(cls, val)

        x = 0
        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item
            x += 100

        assert is_unique(buf)

    # estr potential edge cases

    cases = [
        "abc'de\r7fghi", "\x00", "\\", "\'", '\"', '\a', '\b', '\t', '\v',
        u'\u2013', '\\u2'
    for case in cases:
        assert eval(estr(case)) == case
def test_string():
    s = u'abc'

    t = Type.dispatch(s)
    assert isinstance(t, String)

    if PY2:
        assert type(t) is Unicode
        examine_string(Unicode, s)
        assert type(t) is String
        examine_string(String, s)

    assert hashable(s) == t.hashable() == s
    assert is_hashable(s)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(s))

    assert find_ne('abc', 'abcd') == DifferentLength('abc', 'abcd')
    assert find_ne('abcd', 'abc') == DifferentLength('abcd', 'abc')
    assert find_ne('abc', 'abd') == DiffersAtIndex('abc', 'abd', 2)

    for cls in subclasses(String, [String]):
        if cls.type is None or cls is Basestring:

        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = generate(cls.type)
            with on_error(elog, examine_string, (cls, val)):
                examine_string(cls, val)

        x = 0
        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item
            x += 100

        assert is_unique(buf)

    # estr potential edge cases

    cases = ["abc'de\r7fghi", "\x00", "\\", "\'", '\"', '\a', '\b', '\t', '\v',
             u'\u2013', '\\u2']
    for case in cases:
        assert eval(estr(case)) == case
def test_syn_types_functionality():
    c1 = STT1(a=3)
    n = SynTypesTest(c1, a=1, b=2.3)

    assert not is_hashable(n)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(n))
def test_syn_types_functionality():
    c1 = STT1(a=3)
    n = SynTypesTest(c1, a=1, b=2.3)

    assert not is_hashable(n)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(n))
def test_mapping():
    d = dict(a = 1, b = 2.3)
    t = Type.dispatch(d)
    assert isinstance(t, Mapping)
    assert type(t) is Dict
    if PY2:
        assert set(hashable(d)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'__builtin__.dict', ('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)}
        assert set(hashable(d)) == set(t.hashable()) == \
            {'builtins.dict', ('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)}

    d1 = dict(a=1, b=2)
    d2 = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
    d3 = dict(a=1, b=3)
    assert find_ne(d1, d2) == KeyDifferences(d1, d2)
    assert find_ne(d2, d1) == KeyDifferences(d2, d1)
    assert find_ne(d1, d3) == DiffersAtKey(d1, d3, 'b')

    e1 = eval(estr(d1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, d1)

    assert not is_hashable(d)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(d))
    examine_mapping(Dict, d)

    for cls in subclasses(Mapping):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_mapping, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_mapping, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    d = dict(a=1, b=[1, 2, (3, 4)])
    assert primitive_form(d) == dict(a=1, b=[1, 2, [3, 4]])
    assert collect(d) == primitive_form(d)
def examine_set(cls, val):
    assert type(val) is cls.type
    assert is_hashable(hashable(val))
    sval = deserialize(serialize(val))
    assert deep_feq(sval, val)
    assert deserialize(serialize(cls.type)) is cls.type
    assert isinstance(rstr(val), str)

    assert list(visit(val)) == safe_sorted(list(val))
    assert find_ne(val, val) is None
def examine_sequence(cls, val):
    assert type(val) is cls.type
    assert is_hashable(hashable(val))
    sval = deserialize(serialize(val))
    assert deep_feq(sval, val) or deep_feq(collect(sval, ss), collect(val, ss))
    assert deserialize(serialize(cls.type)) is cls.type
    assert isinstance(rstr(val), str)

    assert list(visit(val)) == list(val)
    assert find_ne(val, val) is None
def examine_mapping(cls, val):
    assert type(val) is cls.type
    assert is_hashable(hashable(val))
    sval = deserialize(serialize(val))
    assert deep_feq(sval, val) or deep_feq(collect(sval, ss), collect(val, ss))
    assert deserialize(serialize(cls.type)) is cls.type
    assert isinstance(rstr(val), str)

    assert list(visit(val)) == safe_sorted(list(val.items()))
    assert find_ne(val, val) is None
def examine_sequence(cls, val):
    assert type(val) is cls.type
    assert is_hashable(hashable(val))
    sval = deserialize(serialize(val))
    assert deep_feq(sval, val) or deep_feq(collect(sval, ss), collect(val, ss))
    assert deserialize(serialize(cls.type)) is cls.type
    assert isinstance(rstr(val), str)

    assert list(visit(val)) == list(val)
    assert find_ne(val, val) is None
def examine_set(cls, val):
    assert type(val) is cls.type
    assert is_hashable(hashable(val))
    sval = deserialize(serialize(val))
    assert deep_feq(sval, val)
    assert deserialize(serialize(cls.type)) is cls.type
    assert isinstance(rstr(val), str)

    assert list(visit(val)) == safe_sorted(list(val))
    assert find_ne(val, val) is None
def test_set():
    s = frozenset([1, 2.3, 'abc'])
    t = Type.dispatch(s)
    assert isinstance(t, Set)
    assert type(t) is FrozenSet

    assert hashable(s) == t.hashable() == s
    assert is_hashable(s)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(s))

    s1 = {1, 2, 3}
    s2 = {2, 3, 4}
    assert find_ne(s1, s2) == SetDifferences(s1, s2)

    e1 = eval(estr(s1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, s1)

    examine_set(Set, set(s))
    examine_set(FrozenSet, s)

    for cls in subclasses(Set, [Set]):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_set, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_set, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    s = {1, 2, (3, 4)}
    assert primitive_form(s) == [1, 2, [3, 4]]
    assert collect(s) == primitive_form(s)
def test_set():
    s = frozenset([1, 2.3, 'abc'])
    t = Type.dispatch(s)
    assert isinstance(t, Set)
    assert type(t) is FrozenSet

    assert hashable(s) == t.hashable() == s
    assert is_hashable(s)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(s))

    s1 = {1, 2, 3}
    s2 = {2, 3, 4}
    assert find_ne(s1, s2) == SetDifferences(s1, s2)

    e1 = eval(estr(s1))
    assert_equivalent(e1, s1)

    examine_set(Set, set(s))
    examine_set(FrozenSet, s)

    for cls in subclasses(Set, [Set]):
        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = cls.generate()
            with on_error(elog, examine_set, (cls, val)):
                hangwatch(1, examine_set, cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last
            last = item

        assert is_unique(buf)

    s = {1, 2, (3, 4)}
    assert primitive_form(s) == [1, 2, [3, 4]]
    assert collect(s) == primitive_form(s)
def test_normal_type():
    b = Bar(1, 2.3)
    b2 = Bar(1, 2.4)
    b3 = Bar(2, 2.3)

    assert b != b2
    assert_equivalent(Bar(1, 2.3), Bar(1, 2.3))

    if PY3:
        assert not is_hashable(b)
        assert is_hashable(b)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(b))

    assert find_ne(b, b) is None
    assert find_ne(b, b2) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(b, b3) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b3, 'a')

    # Is evaluable, but not correct, because we haven't given the
    # types system the proper information for this class
    e1 = eval(estr(b))
    assert b != e1

    assert list(visit(b)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)]
    assert attrs(b) == ['a', 'b']
    assert rstr(b).startswith('<{} object at '.format(get_fullname(Bar)))

    sval =  deserialize(serialize(b))
    assert_equivalent(b, sval)
    assert deep_feq(b, sval)

    assert primitive_form(Bar) is Bar
    assert primitive_form(b) == dict(a=1, b=2.3)

    b4 = Bar(2, b2)
    assert primitive_form(b4) == dict(a=2, b=dict(a=1, b=2.4))

    assert collect(b4) == primitive_form(b4)
    def dothing(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping):
            return safe_sorted(obj.values())
        return safe_sorted(obj)
    assert collect(b4, dothing) in [[2, [1, 2.4]],
                                    [2, [2.4, 1]],
                                    [[1, 2.4], 2],
                                    [[2.4, 1], 2]]

    # Because the types system knows nothing of the Bar class
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, generate, Bar)
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, list, enum(Bar, max_enum=50))
def test_normal_type():
    b = Bar(1, 2.3)
    b2 = Bar(1, 2.4)
    b3 = Bar(2, 2.3)

    assert b != b2
    assert_equivalent(Bar(1, 2.3), Bar(1, 2.3))

    if PY3:
        assert not is_hashable(b)
        assert is_hashable(b)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(b))

    assert find_ne(b, b) is None
    assert find_ne(b, b2) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(b, b3) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b3, 'a')

    # Is evaluable, but not correct, because we haven't given the
    # types system the proper information for this class
    e1 = eval(estr(b))
    assert b != e1

    assert list(visit(b)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)]
    assert attrs(b) == ['a', 'b']
    assert rstr(b).startswith('<{} object at '.format(get_fullname(Bar)))

    sval = deserialize(serialize(b))
    assert_equivalent(b, sval)
    assert deep_feq(b, sval)

    assert primitive_form(Bar) is Bar
    assert primitive_form(b) == dict(a=1, b=2.3)

    b4 = Bar(2, b2)
    assert primitive_form(b4) == dict(a=2, b=dict(a=1, b=2.4))

    assert collect(b4) == primitive_form(b4)

    def dothing(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping):
            return safe_sorted(obj.values())
        return safe_sorted(obj)

    assert collect(b4, dothing) in [[2, [1, 2.4]], [2, [2.4, 1]], [[1, 2.4],
                                    [[2.4, 1], 2]]

    # Because the types system knows nothing of the Bar class
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, generate, Bar)
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, list, enum(Bar, max_enum=50))
def examine_string(cls, val):
    assert type(val) is cls.type
    assert is_hashable(hashable(val))
    assert deserialize(serialize(val)) == val
    assert deserialize(serialize(cls.type)) is cls.type
    assert isinstance(rstr(val), str)
    assert primitive_form(val) == val

    assert list(visit(val)) == list(val)
    assert find_ne(val, val) is None

    eitem = eval(estr(val))
    assert eitem == val
    assert type(eitem) is cls.type
def examine_numeric(cls, val):
    assert type(val) is cls.type
    assert is_hashable(hashable(val))
    assert deserialize(serialize(val)) == val
    assert deserialize(serialize(cls.type)) is cls.type
    assert isinstance(rstr(val), str)
    assert primitive_form(val) == val

    assert list(visit(val)) == [val]
    assert find_ne(val, val) is None

    eitem = eval(estr(val))
    assert cfeq(eitem, val, relative=True)
    assert type(eitem) is cls.type
def examine_string(cls, val):
    assert type(val) is cls.type
    assert is_hashable(hashable(val))
    assert deserialize(serialize(val)) == val
    assert deserialize(serialize(cls.type)) is cls.type
    assert isinstance(rstr(val), str)
    assert primitive_form(val) == val

    assert list(visit(val)) == list(val)
    assert find_ne(val, val) is None

    eitem = eval(estr(val))
    assert eitem == val
    assert type(eitem) is cls.type
def examine_numeric(cls, val):
    assert type(val) is cls.type
    assert is_hashable(hashable(val))
    assert deserialize(serialize(val)) == val
    assert deserialize(serialize(cls.type)) is cls.type
    assert isinstance(rstr(val), str)
    assert primitive_form(val) == val

    assert list(visit(val)) == [val]
    assert find_ne(val, val) is None

    eitem = eval(estr(val))
    assert cfeq(eitem, val, relative=True)
    assert type(eitem) is cls.type
def test_custom_type():
    b = Baz(1, 2.3)
    b2 = Baz(1, 2.4)
    b3 = Baz(2, 2.3)

    assert b != b2
    assert_equivalent(Baz(1, 2.3), Baz(1, 2.3))

    if PY3:
        assert not is_hashable(b)
        assert is_hashable(b)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(b))

    assert find_ne(b, b) is None
    assert find_ne(b, b2) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(b, b3) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b3, 'a')

    e1 = eval(estr(b))
    assert_equivalent(e1, b)

    assert list(visit(b)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)]
    assert rstr(b) == 'Baz(1,2.3)'

    assert attrs(b) == ['a', 'b']

    sval = deserialize(serialize(b))
    assert_equivalent(sval, b)
    assert deep_feq(sval, b)

    assert Baz is deserialize(serialize(Baz))
    assert primitive_form(Baz) is Baz
    assert primitive_form(b) == dict(a=1, b=2.3)

    val = generate(Baz)
    assert type(val) is Baz
    assert isinstance(val.a, int)
    assert isinstance(val.b, float)

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(Baz,  max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is Baz
        assert item != last
        last = item
    assert is_unique(buf)
def test_custom_type():
    b = Baz(1, 2.3)
    b2 = Baz(1, 2.4)
    b3 = Baz(2, 2.3)

    assert b != b2
    assert_equivalent(Baz(1, 2.3), Baz(1, 2.3))

    if PY3:
        assert not is_hashable(b)
        assert is_hashable(b)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(b))

    assert find_ne(b, b) is None
    assert find_ne(b, b2) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(b, b3) == DiffersAtAttribute(b, b3, 'a')

    e1 = eval(estr(b))
    assert_equivalent(e1, b)

    assert list(visit(b)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 2.3)]
    assert rstr(b) == 'Baz(1,2.3)'

    assert attrs(b) == ['a', 'b']

    sval = deserialize(serialize(b))
    assert_equivalent(sval, b)
    assert deep_feq(sval, b)

    assert Baz is deserialize(serialize(Baz))
    assert primitive_form(Baz) is Baz
    assert primitive_form(b) == dict(a=1, b=2.3)

    val = generate(Baz)
    assert type(val) is Baz
    assert isinstance(val.a, int)
    assert isinstance(val.b, float)

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(Baz, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is Baz
        assert item != last
        last = item

    assert is_unique(buf)
def test_int():
    lst = list(enumerate_(int, max_enum=5))
    assert lst == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

    lst = list(enumerate_(int, max_enum=5, start=1, step=3))
    assert lst == [1, 4, 7, 10, 13]

    assert rstr(1) == estr(1) == '1'
    assert hashable(-1) == -1

    gen = generate(int)
    assert isinstance(gen, int)
    assert find_ne(gen, gen+1) == NotEqual(gen, gen+1)

    assert serialize(-1) == -1
    assert deserialize(-1) == -1
def test_complex():
    lst = list(enumerate_(complex, max_enum=3))
    assert collection_comp(lst, [0+0j, 0.1+0.05j, 0.2+0.1j], feq)

    c = 1+2j
    assert rstr(c) == estr(c) == '(1+2j)'
    assert eval(estr(c)) == c

    assert hashable(c) is c

    gen = generate(complex)
    assert isinstance(gen, complex)
    gen2 = 0+0j if gen != 0 else 1.0j
    assert find_ne(gen, gen2) == NotEqual(gen, gen2)

    assert_type_equivalent(deserialize(serialize(c)), c)
def test_bool():
    lst = list(enumerate_(bool, max_enum=5))
    assert lst == [False, True, False, True, False]

    lst = list(enumerate_(bool, max_enum=5, start=1))
    assert lst == [True, False, True, False, True]

    assert rstr(True) == estr(True) == 'True'
    assert hashable(False) is False

    gen = generate(bool)
    assert gen is True or gen is False
    assert find_ne(gen, not gen) == NotEqual(gen, not gen)

    assert serialize(True) is True
    assert deserialize(True) is True
def test_int():
    lst = list(enumerate_(int, max_enum=5))
    assert lst == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

    lst = list(enumerate_(int, max_enum=5, start=1, step=3))
    assert lst == [1, 4, 7, 10, 13]

    assert rstr(1) == estr(1) == '1'
    assert hashable(-1) == -1

    gen = generate(int)
    assert isinstance(gen, int)
    assert find_ne(gen, gen + 1) == NotEqual(gen, gen + 1)

    assert serialize(-1) == -1
    assert deserialize(-1) == -1
def test_bool():
    lst = list(enumerate_(bool, max_enum=5))
    assert lst == [False, True, False, True, False]

    lst = list(enumerate_(bool, max_enum=5, start=1))
    assert lst == [True, False, True, False, True]

    assert rstr(True) == estr(True) == 'True'
    assert hashable(False) is False

    gen = generate(bool)
    assert gen is True or gen is False
    assert find_ne(gen, not gen) == NotEqual(gen, not gen)

    assert serialize(True) is True
    assert deserialize(True) is True
def test_complex():
    lst = list(enumerate_(complex, max_enum=3))
    assert collection_comp(lst, [0 + 0j, 0.1 + 0.05j, 0.2 + 0.1j], feq)

    c = 1 + 2j
    assert rstr(c) == estr(c) == '(1+2j)'
    assert eval(estr(c)) == c

    assert hashable(c) is c

    gen = generate(complex)
    assert isinstance(gen, complex)
    gen2 = 0 + 0j if gen != 0 else 1.0j
    assert find_ne(gen, gen2) == NotEqual(gen, gen2)

    assert_type_equivalent(deserialize(serialize(c)), c)
def test_float():
    lst = list(enumerate_(float, max_enum=5))
    assert collection_comp(lst, [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], feq)

    lst = list(enumerate_(float, max_enum=3, start=1, step=3, float_step=.2))
    assert collection_comp(lst, [0.2, 0.8, 1.4], feq)

    assert rstr(1.1) == estr(1.1) == '1.1'
    assert hashable(1.1) == 1.1

    gen = generate(float)
    assert isinstance(gen, float)
    gen2 = 0.0 if gen != 0 else 1.0
    assert find_ne(gen, gen2) == NotEqual(gen, gen2)

    assert serialize(-1.1) == -1.1
    assert deserialize(-1.1) == -1.1
def test_custom_object():
    f = Foo(1, 1.2)
    f2 = Foo(1, 1.3)
    f3 = Foo(2, 1.2)

    assert f != f2
    assert_equivalent(Foo(1, 2.3), Foo(1, 2.3))

    assert not is_hashable(f)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(f))

    assert find_ne(f, f) is None
    assert find_ne(f, f2) == DiffersAtAttribute(f, f2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(f, f3) == DiffersAtAttribute(f, f3, 'a')

    e1 = eval(estr(f))
    assert_equivalent(e1, f)

    assert list(visit(f)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2)]
    assert rstr(f) == 'Foo(1,1.2)'

    assert attrs(f) == ['a', 'b']
    assert pairs(f) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2)]

    sval = deserialize(serialize(f))
    assert_equivalent(sval, f)
    assert deep_feq(sval, f)

    assert Foo is deserialize(serialize(Foo))
    assert primitive_form(Foo) is Foo
    assert primitive_form(f) == dict(a=1, b=1.2)
    assert collect(f) == primitive_form(f)

    val = generate(Foo)
    assert type(val) is Foo

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(Foo,  max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is Foo
        assert item != last
        last = item

    assert enumeration_value(Foo, 0) == first(enum(Foo, max_enum=1))
    assert is_unique(buf)
def test_custom_object():
    f = Foo(1, 1.2)
    f2 = Foo(1, 1.3)
    f3 = Foo(2, 1.2)

    assert f != f2
    assert_equivalent(Foo(1, 2.3), Foo(1, 2.3))

    assert not is_hashable(f)
    assert is_hashable(hashable(f))

    assert find_ne(f, f) is None
    assert find_ne(f, f2) == DiffersAtAttribute(f, f2, 'b')
    assert find_ne(f, f3) == DiffersAtAttribute(f, f3, 'a')

    e1 = eval(estr(f))
    assert_equivalent(e1, f)

    assert list(visit(f)) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2)]
    assert rstr(f) == 'Foo(1,1.2)'

    assert attrs(f) == ['a', 'b']
    assert pairs(f) == [('a', 1), ('b', 1.2)]

    sval = deserialize(serialize(f))
    assert_equivalent(sval, f)
    assert deep_feq(sval, f)

    assert Foo is deserialize(serialize(Foo))
    assert primitive_form(Foo) is Foo
    assert primitive_form(f) == dict(a=1, b=1.2)
    assert collect(f) == primitive_form(f)

    val = generate(Foo)
    assert type(val) is Foo

    buf = []
    last = None
    for item in enum(Foo, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10, step=100):
        assert type(item) is Foo
        assert item != last
        last = item

    assert enumeration_value(Foo, 0) == first(enum(Foo, max_enum=1))
    assert is_unique(buf)
def test_float():
    lst = list(enumerate_(float, max_enum=5))
    assert collection_comp(lst, [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], feq)

    lst = list(enumerate_(float, max_enum=3, start=1, step=3, float_step=.2))
    assert collection_comp(lst, [0.2, 0.8, 1.4], feq)

    assert rstr(1.1) == estr(1.1) == '1.1'
    assert hashable(1.1) == 1.1

    gen = generate(float)
    assert isinstance(gen, float)
    gen2 = 0.0 if gen != 0 else 1.0
    assert find_ne(gen, gen2) == NotEqual(gen, gen2)

    assert serialize(-1.1) == -1.1
    assert deserialize(-1.1) == -1.1
def test_long():
    if PY2:
        lst = list(enumerate_(long, max_enum=5))
        assert lst == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        x = long('1L')
        assert rstr(x) == '1'
        assert estr(x) == '1L'
        assert_equivalent(hashable(-x), -x)

        gen = generate(long)
        assert isinstance(gen, long)
        assert find_ne(gen, gen+1) == NotEqual(gen, gen+1)

        assert_type_equivalent(deserialize(serialize(x)), x)

        assert TYPE_REGISTRY[long] is Long
        assert Long in TYPE_REGISTRY.values()
        assert Long not in TYPE_REGISTRY.values()
def test_long():
    if PY2:
        lst = list(enumerate_(long, max_enum=5))
        assert lst == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

        x = long('1L')
        assert rstr(x) == '1'
        assert estr(x) == '1L'
        assert_equivalent(hashable(-x), -x)

        gen = generate(long)
        assert isinstance(gen, long)
        assert find_ne(gen, gen + 1) == NotEqual(gen, gen + 1)

        assert_type_equivalent(deserialize(serialize(x)), x)

        assert TYPE_REGISTRY[long] is Long
        assert Long in TYPE_REGISTRY.values()
        assert Long not in TYPE_REGISTRY.values()
def test_numeric():
    x = 1
    t = Type.dispatch(x)
    assert isinstance(t, Numeric)
    assert type(t) is Int

    assert hashable(x) == x
    examine_numeric(Int, x)

    for cls in subclasses(Numeric):
        if cls.type is None:

        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = generate(cls.type)
            with on_error(elog, examine_numeric, (cls, val)):
                examine_numeric(cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last

            if last is None:
                # These need to be here under enumerate_ b/c of float equality issues
                eitem = eval(estr(item))
                assert eitem == item
                assert type(eitem) is cls.type

            last = item

        if cls.type not in {
            assert is_unique(buf)
            assert not is_unique(buf)
def test_numeric():
    x = 1
    t = Type.dispatch(x)
    assert isinstance(t, Numeric)
    assert type(t) is Int

    assert hashable(x) == x
    examine_numeric(Int, x)

    for cls in subclasses(Numeric):
        if cls.type is None:

        for k in xrange(SAMPLES):
            val = generate(cls.type)
            with on_error(elog, examine_numeric, (cls, val)):
                examine_numeric(cls, val)

        buf = []
        last = None
        for item in enumerate_(cls.type, max_enum=SAMPLES * 10):
            assert type(item) is cls.type
            assert item != last

            if last is None:
                # These need to be here under enumerate_ b/c of float equality issues
                eitem = eval(estr(item))
                assert eitem == item
                assert type(eitem) is cls.type

            last = item

        if cls.type not in {bool,}:
            assert is_unique(buf)
            assert not is_unique(buf)
 def _hashable(self, **kwargs):
     return (get_fullname(self), hashable(self.a), hashable(self.b))
 def _hashable(self, **kwargs):
     return (get_fullname(self), hashable(self.a), hashable(self.b))