def ensure_stopped( config ):
   Stop all syndicated instances for this mountpoint.
   mountpoint_dir = config['mountpoint_dir']
   # is the daemon running?
   procs = watchdog.find_by_attrs( "syndicate-automount-daemon", {"mounts": mountpoint_dir} )
   if len(procs) > 0:
      failed = signal_all( procs, signal.SIGTERM )
      # wait for signals to be delivered
      procs = watchdog.find_by_attrs( "syndicate-automount-daemon", {"mounts": mountpoint_dir} )
      if len(procs) > 0 or len(failed) > 0:
         failed = signal_all( procs, signal.SIGKILL )
         if len(failed) > 0:
            log.error("Failed to stop automount daemons %s" % (",".join( [str(watchdog.get_proc_pid( p )) for p in procs] )))
            return False 
   return True
def ensure_credential_server_running(foreground=False, run_once=False):
   Instantiate our credential server and keep it running.

    # is the watchdog running?
    pids = syndicate_watchdog.find_by_attrs(
        "syndicate-credential-server-watchdog", {})
    if len(pids) > 0:
        # it's running
        return True

    if foreground:
        # run in foreground

        if run_once:
            return credential_server_spawn(0)

            return syndicate_watchdog.main(credential_server_spawn,
                                           respawn_exit_statuses=range(1, 254))

    # not running, and not foregrounding.  fork a new one
        watchdog_pid = os.fork()
    except OSError, oe:
        logger.error("Failed to fork, errno = %s" % oe.errno)
        return False
def ensure_running( config ):
   Verify that there is an automount daemon servicing a mountpoint.
   If there isn't, start one.
   If we're configured to run in the foreground, this method never returns.
   mountpoint_dir = config['mountpoint_dir']
   # is the daemon running?
   procs = watchdog.find_by_attrs( "syndicate-automount-daemon", {"mounts": mountpoint_dir} )
   if len(procs) > 0:
      # it's running
      print "Syndicate automount daemon already running for %s (PID(s): %s)" % (mountpoint_dir, ",".join( [str(watchdog.get_proc_pid(p)) for p in procs] ))
      return True
   if config.get("foreground", None):
      main( config )
      logfile_path = None 
      pidfile_path = config.get("pidfile", None)
      if config.has_key("logdir"):
         logfile_path = os.path.join( config['logdir'], "syndicated.log" )
      title = watchdog.attr_proc_title( "syndicate-automount-daemon", {"mounts" : mountpoint_dir} )
      setproctitle.setproctitle( title )
      daemon.daemonize( lambda: main(config), logfile_path=logfile_path, pidfile_path=pidfile_path )
      return True
def ensure_RG_running( syndicate_url, principal_id, volume_name, gateway_name, key_password, user_pkey_pem, check_only=False, uid_name=None, gid_name=None, hostname=None, debug=False ):
    Ensure an RG is running.  Return the PID on success.
    # is there an RG running for this volume?
    running_RGs = watchdog.find_by_attrs( SYNDICATE_RG_WATCHDOG_NAME, {"volume": volume_name} )
    if len(running_RGs) == 1:
       # we're good!
       logging.info("RG for %s already running; PID = %s" % (volume_name, running_RGs[0].pid))
       return running_RGs[0].pid
    elif len(running_RGs) > 1:
       # too many! probably in the middle of starting up 
       logging.error("Multiple RGs running for %s...?" % (volume_name))
       return -errno.EAGAIN
       logging.error("No RG running for %s" % (volume_name))
       if not check_only:
          pid = start_RG( syndicate_url, principal_id, volume_name, gateway_name, key_password, user_pkey_pem, uid_name=uid_name, gid_name=gid_name, hostname=hostname, debug=debug )
          if pid < 0:
             log.error("Failed to start RG in %s, rc = %s" % (volume_name, pid))
          return pid
          # not running
          return -errno.ENOENT
def ensure_credential_server_running( foreground=False, run_once=False ):
   Instantiate our credential server and keep it running.
   # is the watchdog running?
   pids = syndicate_watchdog.find_by_attrs( "syndicate-credential-server-watchdog", {} )
   if len(pids) > 0:
      # it's running
      return True
   if foreground:
      # run in foreground 
      if run_once:
         return credential_server_spawn( 0 )
         return syndicate_watchdog.main( credential_server_spawn, respawn_exit_statuses=range(1,254) )
   # not running, and not foregrounding.  fork a new one
      watchdog_pid = os.fork()
   except OSError, oe:
      logger.error("Failed to fork, errno = %s" % oe.errno)
      return False
def get_pids_of_daemons_for_dir( mountpoint_dir ):
   Get the PIDs of all automount daemons running on a mountpoint.
   procs = watchdog.find_by_attrs( "syndicate-automount-daemon", {"mounts": mountpoint_dir} )
   ret = [ watchdog.get_proc_pid(p) for p in procs ]
   return ret
def stop_RG( volume_name ):
   # stop an RG
   running_RGs = watchdog.find_by_attrs( SYNDICATE_RG_WATCHDOG_NAME, {"volume": volume_name} )
   if len(running_RGs) > 0:
      for proc in running_RGs:
         rc = stop_gateway_watchdog( proc.pid )
         if rc != 0:
            return rc
   return 0
def list_running_gateways_by_volume():
   Find the set of running gateways, grouped by volume.
   return a dictionary with the structure of:
      { volume_name : { gateway_type: { "pids": [gateway_pid] } } }
   watchdog_names = {
   watchdog_name_to_type = dict( [(v, k) for (k, v) in watchdog_names.items()] )
   ret = {}
   for gateway_type in ["UG", "RG", "AG"]:
      watchdog_name = watchdog_names[ gateway_type ]
      running_watchdog_procs = watchdog.find_by_attrs( watchdog_name, {} )
      # from these, find out which volumes
      for running_watchdog_proc in running_watchdog_procs:
         cmdline = watchdog.get_proc_cmdline( running_watchdog_proc )[0]
         watchdog_attrs = watchdog.parse_proc_attrs( cmdline )
         # find the volume name 
         volume_name = watchdog_attrs.get("volume", None)
         if volume_name is None:
            # nothing to do
         if not ret.has_key( volume_name ):
            # add volume record 
            ret[volume_name] = {}
         if not ret[volume_name].has_key( gateway_type ):
            # add gateway record 
            ret[volume_name][gateway_type] = {}
         if not ret[volume_name][gateway_type].has_key( "pids" ):
            # add pids list 
            ret[volume_name][gateway_type][pids] = []
         ret[volume_name][gateway_type]["pids"].append( running_watchdog_proc.pid )
   return ret
def stop_UG( volume_name, mountpoint=None ):
   # stop a UG, given its mountpoint and volume name
   # this method is idempotent
   query_attrs = { "volume": volume_name }
   if mountpoint is not None:
      query_attrs["mountpoint"] = mountpoint
   mounted_UGs = watchdog.find_by_attrs( SYNDICATE_UG_WATCHDOG_NAME, query_attrs )
   if len(mounted_UGs) > 0:
      for proc in mounted_UGs:
         rc = stop_gateway_watchdog( proc.pid )
         if rc != 0:
            return rc
   return 0
def ensure_UG_running( syndicate_url, principal_id, volume_name, gateway_name, key_password, user_pkey_pem, mountpoint=None, check_only=False, uid_name=None, gid_name=None, hostname=None, debug=False ):
    Ensure that a User Gateway is running on a particular mountpoint.
    Return 0 on success
    Return negative on error.
    if mountpoint is None:
       log.error("Missing mountpout.  Pass mountpoint=...")
       return -errno.EINVAL
    # make sure a mountpoint exists
    rc = ensure_UG_mountpoint_exists( mountpoint, uid_name=uid_name, gid_name=gid_name )
    if rc != 0:
       log.error("Failed to ensure mountpoint %s exists" % mountpoint)
       return rc
    # is there a UG running at this mountpoint?
    mounted_UGs = watchdog.find_by_attrs( SYNDICATE_UG_WATCHDOG_NAME, {"volume": volume_name, "mountpoint": mountpoint} )
    if len(mounted_UGs) == 1:
       # we're good!
       logging.info("UG for %s at %s already running; PID = %s" % (volume_name, mountpoint, mounted_UGs[0].pid))
       return mounted_UGs[0].pid
    elif len(mounted_UGs) > 1:
       # too many!  probably in the middle of starting up 
       logging.error("Multiple UGs running for %s on %s...?" % (volume_name, mountpoint))
       return -errno.EAGAN
       logging.error("No UG running for %s on %s" % (volume_name, mountpoint))
       if not check_only:
          pid = start_UG( syndicate_url, principal_id, volume_name, gateway_name, key_password, user_pkey_pem, mountpoint, uid_name=uid_name, gid_name=gid_name, hostname=hostname, debug=debug )
          if pid < 0:
             log.error("Failed to start UG in %s at %s, rc = %s" % (volume_name, mountpoint, pid))
          return pid
          return 0