def test_render_with_subdir(): t = templates.Templates(FIXTURES) result = t.render("example.j2", name="world", subdir="foo/bar") assert result.match("**/foo/bar/example") assert == "example" assert result.read_text() == "Hello, world!\n"
def test_samples_usage(): t = templates.Templates(PYTHON_SAMPLES) result = t.render( "", metadata={ "repo": { "name_pretty": "Bigtable", "repo": "googleapis/python-bigtable", "product_documentation": "", "requires_billing": True, "samples": [ { "name": "Quickstart", "description": "Example sample for product", "file": "", }, { "name": "Hello World", "description": "Example beginner application", "file": "", }, ], } }, ).read_text() assert "Example sample for product" in result assert "Example beginner application" in result assert "Hello World" in result assert '<a href="">' in result
def test_samples_billing(): t = templates.Templates(PYTHON_SAMPLES) result = t.render( "", metadata={ "repo": { "name_pretty": "Bigtable", "repo": "googleapis/python-bigtable", "requires_billing": True, "samples": [ { "name": "Quickstart", "description": "Example sample for product", "file": "", "custom_content": "This is custom text for the sample", "runnable": True, }, { "name": "Hello World", "description": "Example beginner application", "file": "", }, ], } }, ).read_text() assert "and you will need to [enable billing]" in result
def __init__(self): if LOCAL_TEMPLATES: logger.debug(f"Using local templates at {LOCAL_TEMPLATES}") self._template_root = LOCAL_TEMPLATES else: templates_git = git.clone(TEMPLATES_URL) self._template_root = templates_git / DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_PATH self._templates = templates.Templates(self._template_root) self.excludes = [] # type: List[str]
def test_library_noxfile(template_kwargs, expected_text): t = templates.Templates(PYTHON_LIBRARY) result = t.render( "", **template_kwargs, ).read_text() # Validate Python syntax. result_code = compile(result, "", "exec") assert result_code is not None for expected in expected_text: assert expected in result
def test_release_quality_badge(): t = templates.Templates(NODE_TEMPLATES) result = t.render("", metadata={ "repo": { "release_level": "beta" }, "samples": {} }).read_text() assert "" in result assert "This library is considered to be in **beta**" in result
def __init__(self, template_path: Optional[Path] = None): if template_path: self._template_root = template_path elif LOCAL_TEMPLATES: logger.debug(f"Using local templates at {LOCAL_TEMPLATES}") self._template_root = Path(LOCAL_TEMPLATES) else: templates_git = git.clone(TEMPLATES_URL) self._template_root = templates_git / DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_PATH self._templates = templates.Templates(self._template_root) self.excludes = [] # type: List[str]
def test_syntax_highlighter(): t = templates.Templates(NODE_TEMPLATES) result = t.render( "", metadata={ "repo": { "language": "nodejs" }, "quickstart": "const foo = 'bar'" }, ).read_text() assert "```javascript" in result
def test_render_preserve_mode(): """ Test that rendering templates correctly preserve file modes. """ source_file = FIXTURES / "executable.j2" source_mode = source_file.stat().st_mode # Verify source fixture has execute permission for USER assert source_mode & stat.S_IXUSR t = templates.Templates(FIXTURES) result = t.render("executable.j2", name="executable") assert result.stat().st_mode == source_mode
def test_samples_noxfile(): import shutil t = templates.Templates(PYTHON_SAMPLES) result = t.render("").read_text() # Validate Python syntax. result_code = compile(result, "", "exec") assert result_code is not None # write rendered template to a file result_code_temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() result_code_temp_file.write(bytes(result, "utf-8")) # run flake8, which will check for missing imports # test fails if flake8 fails, no need to assert subprocess.check_call([shutil.which("flake8"),])
def test_ruby_authentication(): t = templates.Templates(RUBY_TEMPLATES) # .repo-metadata.json in google-cloud-ruby package directories repo_metadata = { "distribution_name": "google-cloud-bigquery-data_transfer", "module_name": "Bigquery::DataTransfer", "module_name_credentials": "Bigquery::DataTransfer::V1", "env_var_prefix": "DATA_TRANSFER", } metadata = {"repo": repo_metadata} result = t.render("", metadata=metadata).read_text() assert 'require "google/cloud/bigquery/data_transfer"' in result assert "" in result assert "Google::Cloud::Bigquery::DataTransfer::V1::Credentials" in result assert "DATA_TRANSFER_CREDENTIALS" in result
def test_samples_footer(): t = templates.Templates(PYTHON_SAMPLES) result = t.render( "", metadata={ "repo": { "name_pretty": "Storage", "repo": "googleapis/python-storage", "client_library": True, } }, ).read_text() assert "Google Cloud Client Library for Python" in result assert "Python style guide" in result assert ( '<a href="">googleapis/python-storage</a>' in result)
def test_hide_billing(): t = templates.Templates(NODE_TEMPLATES) result = t.render("", metadata={ "repo": { "requires_billing": True, "api_id": "fooapi" } }).read_text() assert "Enable billing for your project" in result result = t.render("", metadata={ "repo": { "requires_billing": False } }).read_text() assert "Enable billing for your project" not in result
def test_samples_custom_content(): t = templates.Templates(PYTHON_SAMPLES) result = t.render( "", metadata={ "repo": { "name_pretty": "Storage", "repo": "googleapis/python-storage", "samples": [{ "name": "Quickstart", "description": "Example sample for product", "file": "", "custom_content": "This is custom text for the sample", "runnable": True, }], } }, ).read_text() assert "This is custom text for the sample" in result
def test_configure_previous_major_version_branches(fixtures_dir): with util.copied_fixtures_dir(fixtures_dir): t = templates.Templates(PYTHON_LIBRARY) result = t.render(".github/release-please.yml") os.makedirs(".github") shutil.copy(result, Path(".github/release-please.yml")) python.configure_previous_major_version_branches() release_please_yml = Path(".github/release-please.yml").read_text() assert (release_please_yml == """releaseType: python handleGHRelease: true # NOTE: this section is generated by synthtool.languages.python # See branches: - branch: v1 handleGHRelease: true releaseType: python - branch: v0 handleGHRelease: true releaseType: python """)
def test_samples_cloudshell(): t = templates.Templates(PYTHON_SAMPLES) result = t.render( "", metadata={ "repo": { "name_pretty": "Bigtable", "repo": "googleapis/python-bigtable", "requires_billing": True, "samples": [{ "name": "Quickstart", "description": "Example sample for product", "file": "", "runnable": True, }], } }, ).read_text() assert "git_repo=" in result assert "" in result
def test_render(): t = templates.Templates(FIXTURES) result = t.render("example.j2", name="world") assert == "example" assert result.read_text() == "Hello, world!\n"
def __init__(self): self._templates = templates.Templates(_TEMPLATES_DIR) self.excludes = [] # type: List[str]
def __init__(self): self._templates = templates.Templates(_TEMPLATES_DIR)