def test_set_wrapper_1(self): async def foo(): return 'spam' wrapped = None def wrap(gen): nonlocal wrapped wrapped = gen return gen self.assertIsNone(sys.get_coroutine_wrapper()) sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(wrap) self.assertIs(sys.get_coroutine_wrapper(), wrap) try: f = foo() self.assertTrue(wrapped) self.assertEqual(run_async(f), ([], 'spam')) finally: sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(None) self.assertIsNone(sys.get_coroutine_wrapper()) wrapped = None with silence_coro_gc(): foo() self.assertFalse(wrapped)
def test_get_set_coroutine_wrapper_deprecated(): import warnings def my_wrapper(cr): return 1 with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as l: warnings.simplefilter('always', category=DeprecationWarning) sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(my_wrapper) sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(None) print(l) assert len(l) == 3
def test_set_coroutine_wrapper(): async def f(): pass seen = [] def my_wrapper(cr): seen.append(cr) return 42 assert sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() is None sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(my_wrapper) assert sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() is my_wrapper cr = f() assert cr == 42 sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(None) assert sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() is None
def set_debug(self, enabled): self._debug = enabled wrapper = coroutines.debug_wrapper try: set_wrapper = sys.set_coroutine_wrapper except AttributeError: pass else: current_wrapper = sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() if enabled: if current_wrapper not in (None, wrapper): warnings.warn( "loop.set_debug(True): cannot set debug coroutine " "wrapper; another wrapper is already set %r" % current_wrapper, RuntimeWarning) else: set_wrapper(wrapper) else: if current_wrapper not in (None, wrapper): warnings.warn( "loop.set_debug(False): cannot unset debug coroutine " "wrapper; another wrapper was set %r" % current_wrapper, RuntimeWarning) else: set_wrapper(None)
def test_set_wrapper_2(self): self.assertIsNone(sys.get_coroutine_wrapper()) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "callable expected, got int"): sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(1) self.assertIsNone(sys.get_coroutine_wrapper())
async def coroutine_wrapper_deprecated(): # set_coroutine_wrapper() and sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() will be removed in Python 3.8 sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(sys.get_coroutine_wrapper()) # and are deprecated in favor of sys.set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth( sys.get_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth())
def sys_func(): lists = sys.argv # 传递给Python脚本的命令行参数列表 => python -> [''] / python a 1 -> ['', 'a', '1'] / 程序内执行 -> [''] strs = sys.getdefaultencoding() # 默认字符集名称 strs = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # 系统文件名字符集名称 num = sys.getrefcount(object) # 返回object的引用计数(比实际多1个) dicts = sys.modules # 已加载的模块, 可修改, 但不能通过修改返回的字典进行修改 lists = sys.path # 模块搜索路径 sys.path.append("./test") # 动态添加模块搜索路径 strs = sys.platform # 平台标识符(系统身份进行详细的检查,推荐使用) Linux:'linux' / Windows:'win32' / Cygwin:'cygwin' / Mac OS X:'darwin' strs = sys.version # python解释器版本 lists = sys.thread_info # 线程信息 num = sys.api_version # 解释器C API版本 types, value, back = sys.exc_info() # 捕获异常 详见 异常 文章的 excep() 代码块第二小部分( sys.excepthook(types, value, back) # 打印异常 types = sys.last_type value = sys.last_value back = sys.last_traceback # sys.exit([arg]) // 引发SystemExit异常退出Python(可以try), 范围[0,127], None==0, "string"==1 sys.exit(0) num = sys.getrecursionlimit() # 最大递归数(堆栈最大深度), 详见 函数 文章( sys.setrecursionlimit(5000) # 修改最大递归数 fnum = sys.getswitchinterval() # 获取线程切换间隔 sys.setswitchinterval(0.005) # 设置线程切换间隔, 单位秒 num = sys.getcheckinterval() # 解释器的检查间隔 sys.setcheckinterval(100) # 设置解释器检查间隔, 执行(默认)100个虚拟指令执行一次检查, 值为<=0时,检查每个虚拟指令 # sys.stdin // 标准输入流 strs = sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] # sys.stdout // 标准出入输出 sys.stdout.write(">>") sys.stdout.flush() # sys.stderr // 标注错误流 sys.stderr.write(">>") # --- lists = sys.builtin_module_names # 所有模块 (注:非导入模块) path = sys.base_exec_prefix # Python安装路径 path = sys.base_prefix # 同base_exec_prefix path = sys.exec_prefix # 同base_exec_prefix path = sys.prefix # 同base_exec_prefix path = sys.executable # Python解释器的绝对路径 strs = ys.byteorder # 本机字节顺序指示器, big-endian(最高有效字节在第一位)值为'big', little-endian(最低有效字节在第一位)值为'little' strs = sys.copyright # python版权 num = sys.hexversion # 16进制版本号 lists = sys.implementation # 当前运行的解释器的信息 num = sys.getallocatedblocks() # 解释器当前分配的内存块的数量 boolean = sys.dont_write_bytecode # 是否不会尝试导入源模块是写入.pyc文件 (False会写入.pyc文件) # sys.getsizeof(object[, default]) // 返回对象的大小bit, 只计算自身内存消耗,不计算引用对象的内存消耗, 调用对象的__sizeof__(), default没有获取到默认返回值 num = sys.getsizeof(object) boolean = sys.is_finalizing() # 解释器是否正在被关机 num = sys.maxsize # 最大整数值(2 ** 31 -1), 与系统有关 num = sys.maxunicode # 最大Unicode值的整数 (1114111) strs = sys.ps1 # 解释器主提示符 strs = sys.ps2 # 解释器次提示符 sys.call_tracing(func, ("arg",)) # 调用函数 sys._clear_type_cache() # 清除内部类型缓存 sys._debugmallocstats() # 打印CPython内存分配器状态的低级信息 sys.setprofile(profilefunc) # 设置profile函数, 默认None sys.getprofile() # 获取profile函数 sys.settrace(tracefunc) # 设置跟踪函数, def tracefunc(frame、event 和arg): sys.gettrace() # 获取跟踪函数, 默认None sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(wrapper) # 设置包装 def wrapper(coro): sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() # 包装, 默认None