def expanduser_unicode(s): # expanduser() doesn't handle non-ascii characters in environment variables # s = s.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) s = os.path.expanduser(s) s = s.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return s
def shooter_downloader(file_path): """ see """ resp = request(SHOOTER_URL, data={'filehash': shooter_hash(file_path), 'pathinfo': basename(file_path), 'format': 'json'}) try: r_json = json_loads(resp) except: print '射手网没有找到字幕'.encode(getfilesystemencoding()) return False else: f_name, file_extension = splitext(file_path) result = [] for info in r_json: for f_info in info['Files']: # 不下载idx和sub版本的字幕 if f_info['Ext'] not in ('sub', 'idx'): result.append((f_info['Link'], f_info['Ext'])) if len(result) < 1: print '射手网没有找到字幕'.encode(getfilesystemencoding()) return False elif len(result) == 1: urlretrieve(result[0][0], filename='{}.{}'.format(f_name, result[0][1])) print '字幕下载完成'.encode(getfilesystemencoding()) else: for idx, value in enumerate(result): urlretrieve(value[0], filename='{}_{}.{}'.format(f_name, idx + 1, value[1])) print '第{}个字幕下载完成'.format(idx + 1).encode(getfilesystemencoding()) return True
def test_read_bytes_name(self): history.append('fred') history.append('wilma') history.write_file(bytes('my_history', sys.getfilesystemencoding()), raise_exc=True) history.clear() history.read_file(bytes('my_history', sys.getfilesystemencoding()), raise_exc=True) self.assertEqual(len(history), 2)
def show(self): try: # Initialize/Refresh the view if self.refreshitems(): if self.Show() < 0: return False #self.Refresh() except: traceback.print_exc() # Attempt to open the view if self.cmd_Items_SaveAs == None: self.cmd_Items_SaveAs = self.AddCommand("导出全部文件...".decode('utf-8').encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), flags = idaapi.CHOOSER_POPUP_MENU | idaapi.CHOOSER_NO_SELECTION, icon=139) if self.cmd_Item_SaveAs == None: self.cmd_Item_SaveAs = self.AddCommand("导出文件...".decode('utf-8').encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), flags = idaapi.CHOOSER_POPUP_MENU, icon=139) if self.cmd_Item_ReplaceBy == None: self.cmd_Item_ReplaceBy = self.AddCommand("替换文件...".decode('utf-8').encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), flags = idaapi.CHOOSER_POPUP_MENU, icon=139) return True
def _get_build_extension(self, extension=None, lib_dir=None, temp_dir=None, pgo_step_name=None, _build_ext=build_ext): self._clear_distutils_mkpath_cache() dist = Distribution() config_files = dist.find_config_files() try: config_files.remove('setup.cfg') except ValueError: pass dist.parse_config_files(config_files) if not temp_dir: temp_dir = lib_dir add_pgo_flags = self._add_pgo_flags if pgo_step_name: base_build_ext = _build_ext class _build_ext(_build_ext): def build_extensions(self): add_pgo_flags(self, pgo_step_name, temp_dir) base_build_ext.build_extensions(self) build_extension = _build_ext(dist) build_extension.finalize_options() if temp_dir: temp_dir = py3compat.cast_bytes_py2(temp_dir, encoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding()) build_extension.build_temp = temp_dir if lib_dir: lib_dir = py3compat.cast_bytes_py2(lib_dir, encoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding()) build_extension.build_lib = lib_dir if extension is not None: build_extension.extensions = [extension] return build_extension
def getKindleInfoFiles(kInfoFiles): # first search for current .kindle-info files home = os.getenv('HOME') cmdline = 'find "' + home + '/Library/Application Support" -name ".kindle-info"' cmdline = cmdline.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=False) out1, out2 = p1.communicate() reslst = out1.split('\n') kinfopath = 'NONE' found = False for resline in reslst: if os.path.isfile(resline): kInfoFiles.append(resline) found = True # add any .kinf files cmdline = 'find "' + home + '/Library/Application Support" -name ".rainier*-kinf"' cmdline = cmdline.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=False) out1, out2 = p1.communicate() reslst = out1.split('\n') for resline in reslst: if os.path.isfile(resline): kInfoFiles.append(resline) found = True if not found: print('No kindle-info files have been found.') return kInfoFiles
def __init__(self): self.__lib=ctypes.CDLL(lib_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) self.__lib.RHVoice_create_voice.argtypes=(c_char_p,) self.__lib.RHVoice_create_voice.restype=POINTER(cst_voice) self.__lib.RHVoice_delete_voice.argtypes=(POINTER(cst_voice),) self.__lib.RHVoice_synth_text.argtypes=(c_char_p,POINTER(cst_voice)) self.__lib.RHVoice_load_user_dict.argtypes=(POINTER(cst_voice),c_char_p) self.__lib.new_audio_streaming_info.restype=POINTER(cst_audio_streaming_info) self.__lib.audio_streaming_info_val.argtypes=(POINTER(cst_audio_streaming_info),) self.__lib.audio_streaming_info_val.restype=c_void_p self.__lib.uttfunc_val.argtypes=(cst_uttfunc,) self.__lib.uttfunc_val.restype=c_void_p self.__lib.feat_set_int.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_char_p,c_int) self.__lib.feat_set_float.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_char_p,c_float) self.__lib.feat_set_string.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_char_p,c_char_p) self.__lib.feat_set.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_char_p,c_void_p) self.__voice=Voice(self.__lib) if os.path.isfile(userdict_path): self.__lib.RHVoice_load_user_dict(self.__voice,userdict_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) self.__player=nvwave.WavePlayer(channels=1,samplesPerSec=16000,bitsPerSample=16,outputDevice=config.conf["speech"]["outputDevice"]) self.__silence_flag=threading.Event() self.__audio_callback=AudioCallback(self.__lib,self.__player,self.__silence_flag) self.__tts_queue=Queue.Queue() self.__tts_thread=TTSThread(self.__lib,self.__tts_queue,self.__voice,self.__audio_callback,self.__silence_flag) self.__native_rate=1.0 self.__native_pitch=1.0 self.__native_volume=1.0 self._availableVariants=[VoiceInfo("pseudo-english",u"псевдо-английский"),VoiceInfo("russian",u"русский")] self.__variant="pseudo-english" self.__tts_thread.start()
def _make_path(ent): if isinstance(ent, Entry): ent = ent.ftsent if ent.fts_path: return ffi.string(ent.fts_path).decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) else: return ffi.string(ent.fts_name).decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
def on_run(self): target_dir = self.target_dir.get().decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if len(target_dir) == 0: tkMessageBox.showinfo(title="No target directory", message="No target directory selected.") return input_paths = self.input_dirs.get(0, Tkinter.END) input_paths = [ip.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) for ip in input_paths] no_length_patch = bool(self.skip_ogg_patch.get()) # Disable GUI self.disable() logger = ThreadQueueLogger() # To avoid locking the GUI, run execution in another thread. thread = threading.Thread(, args=(target_dir, input_paths), kwargs={"length_patch": (not no_length_patch), "verbose": True, "ext_logger": logger}) thread.start() # Initiate a polling function which will update until the # thread finishes. self._on_run(thread, logger)
def _main(argv): import optparse usage = "usage: %prog [options] <file1 file2 ...>\n<stdin> will be used as input source if no file specified." parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%%prog %s @ Copyright %s" % (__version__, __copyright__)) parser.add_option('-t', '--target-language', metavar='zh-CN', help='specify target language to translate the source text into') parser.add_option('-s', '--source-language', default='', metavar='en', help='specify source language, if not provide it will identify the source language automatically') parser.add_option('-i', '--input-encoding', default=sys.getfilesystemencoding(), metavar='utf-8', help='specify input encoding, default to current console system encoding') parser.add_option('-o', '--output-encoding', default=sys.getfilesystemencoding(), metavar='utf-8', help='specify output encoding, default to current console system encoding') options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if not options.target_language: print('Error: missing target language!') parser.print_help() return gs = Goslate() import fileinput # inputs = fileinput.input(args, mode='rU', openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded(options.input_encoding)) inputs = fileinput.input(args, mode='rb') inputs = (i.decode(options.input_encoding) for i in inputs) outputs = gs.translate(inputs, options.target_language, options.source_language) for i in outputs: sys.stdout.write((i+u'\n').encode(options.output_encoding)) sys.stdout.flush()
def __init__(self, arg_list, env, listener, # "path" is an option in build systems path='', # "shell" is an options in build systems shell=False): self.listener = listener self.killed = False self.start_time = time.time() # Set temporary PATH to locate executable in arg_list if path: old_path = os.environ["PATH"] # The user decides in the build system whether he wants to append $PATH # or tuck it at the front: "$PATH;C:\\new\\path", "C:\\new\\path;$PATH" os.environ["PATH"] = os.path.expandvars(path).encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) proc_env = os.environ.copy() proc_env.update(env) for k, v in proc_env.iteritems(): proc_env[k] = os.path.expandvars(v).encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) self.proc = subprocess.Popen(arg_list, env=proc_env, shell=shell) if path: os.environ["PATH"] = old_path
def packValue(valueType, value): if valueType == REG_DWORD: retData = pack('<L', value) elif valueType == REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: retData = pack('>L', value) elif valueType == REG_EXPAND_SZ: try: retData = value.encode('utf-16le') except UnicodeDecodeError: import sys retData = value.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode('utf-16le') elif valueType == REG_MULTI_SZ: try: retData = value.encode('utf-16le') except UnicodeDecodeError: import sys retData = value.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode('utf-16le') elif valueType == REG_QWORD: retData = pack('<Q', value) elif valueType == REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN: retData = pack('>Q', value) elif valueType == REG_SZ: try: retData = value.encode('utf-16le') except UnicodeDecodeError: import sys retData = value.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode('utf-16le') else: retData = value return retData
def _run(cmds): #~ print cmds cmdline = str( [" ".join(cmds)] ) # to output easily (with strange chars) try: cmds = [i.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) for i in cmds] except: raise CommandException( cmdline +"\n encoding trouble") p = Popen(cmds, shell=False,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) time.sleep(0.01) # to avoid "IOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call" out = string.join(p.stdout.readlines() ).strip() outerr = string.join(p.stderr.readlines() ).strip() if "exiftran" in cmdline: if "processing" in outerr: # exiftran output process in stderr ;-( outerr="" if outerr: raise CommandException( cmdline +"\n OUTPUT ERROR:"+outerr) else: try: out = out.decode("utf_8") # recupere les infos en UTF_8 except: try: out = out.decode("latin_1") # recupere les anciens infos (en latin_1) except UnicodeDecodeError: try: out = out.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise CommandException( cmdline +"\n decoding trouble") return out #unicode
def expanduser_unicode(s): """Expands a ~/ on the front of a unicode path, where meaningful. :param s: path to expand, coercable to unicode :returns: The expanded path :rtype: unicode This doesn't do anything on the Windows platform other than coerce its argument to unicode. On other platforms, it converts a "~" component on the front of a relative path to the user's absolute home, like os.expanduser(). Certain workarounds for OS and filesystem encoding issues are implemented here too. """ s = unicode(s) # The sys.getfilesystemencoding() on Win32 (mbcs) is for encode # only, and isn't roundtrippable. Luckily ~ is not meaningful on # Windows, and MyPaint uses a better default for the scrap prefix on # the Windows platform anyway. if sys.platform == "win32": return s # expanduser() doesn't handle non-ascii characters in environment variables # s = s.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) s = os.path.expanduser(s) s = s.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return s
def encode_filename(filename, from_encoding='utf-8', to_encoding=None): """ >>> print encode_filename('\xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\xbd.doc') \xd6\xd0\xb9\xfa.doc >>> f = unicode('\xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\xbd.doc', 'utf-8') >>> print encode_filename(f) \xd6\xd0\xb9\xfa.doc >>> print encode_filename(f.encode('gbk'), 'gbk') \xd6\xd0\xb9\xfa.doc >>> print encode_filename(f, 'gbk', 'utf-8') \xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\xbd.doc >>> print encode_filename('\xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\xbd.doc', 'utf-8', 'gbk') \xd6\xd0\xb9\xfa.doc """ import sys to_encoding = to_encoding or sys.getfilesystemencoding() from_encoding = from_encoding or sys.getfilesystemencoding() if not isinstance(filename, unicode): try: f = unicode(filename, from_encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: try: f = unicode(filename, 'utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise Exception, "Unknown encoding of the filename %s" % filename filename = f if to_encoding: return filename.encode(to_encoding) else: return filename
def stage(self, fs_paths): """Stage a set of paths. :param fs_paths: List of paths, relative to the repository path """ root_path_bytes = self.path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if not isinstance(fs_paths, list): fs_paths = [fs_paths] from dulwich.index import ( blob_from_path_and_stat, index_entry_from_stat, _fs_to_tree_path, ) index = self.open_index() for fs_path in fs_paths: if not isinstance(fs_path, bytes): fs_path = fs_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) tree_path = _fs_to_tree_path(fs_path) full_path = os.path.join(root_path_bytes, fs_path) try: st = os.lstat(full_path) except OSError: # File no longer exists try: del index[tree_path] except KeyError: pass # already removed else: blob = blob_from_path_and_stat(full_path, st) self.object_store.add_object(blob) index[tree_path] = index_entry_from_stat(st,, 0) index.write()
def DownloadSong(artist, title, songsdir='Top100'): """ arguments: artist (unicode) title (unicode) songdir (unicode) """ filename = u'%s-%s.mp3' %(artist, title) if title == '': return if artist == '': filename = u'%s.mp3' %title filename = filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) songdir = songsdir.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(songsdir, filename)) or os.path.exists(filename): print u"已经成功下载《%s - %s》"%(artist, title) return print u"准备下载《%s - %s》..." %(artist, title) print u'正在选取最快的URL:' #fakeurls = __getFakeURLs(artist, title) url = GetBestUrl(artist, title) print url.decode('gbk', 'ignore') try: MyHttpGet(url, filename, 3) except URLUnreachable: print u"Sorry, 目前并没有为(%s - %s)找到合适的下载资源,\n您可以手动下载或稍候再试。" %(artist, title) except KeyboardInterrupt: print u'Exiting...'
def __init__(self, config, opts, args): """ :See: `` """ section = config.crash self._debug = bool(section('debug', False)) if 'display' in section: fname, status = section.display.template, section.display.status fp = open(fname, 'rb') try: page = mtime = _os.fstat(fp.fileno()).st_mtime finally: fp.close() self._display = page, status, fname, mtime if 'dump' in section: self._perms = int(section.dump('perms', '0644'), 8) self._dumpdir = _os.path.join(config.ROOT, unicode( ).encode(_sys.getfilesystemencoding())) try: self._dumpdir_unicode = self._dumpdir.decode( _sys.getfilesystemencoding() ) except UnicodeError: self._dumpdir_unicode = self._dumpdir.decode('latin-1') # check write access fp, name = self._make_dumpfile() try: fp.write("!") finally: try: fp.close() finally: _os.unlink(name)
def opensesame_folder(): """ Determines the folder that contains the OpenSesame executable. This is only applicable under Windows. Returns: The OpenSesame folder or None if the os is not Windows. """ # Determines the directory name of the script or the directory name # of the executable after being packaged with py2exe. This has to be # done so the child process can find all relevant modules too. # See # # There are two scenarios: Either OpenSesame is run from a frozen state, # in which case the OpenSesame folder is the folder containing the # executable, or OpenSesame is run from source, in which case we go to # the OpenSesame folder by going two levels up from the __file__ folder. if platform.system() == u'Darwin': return os.getcwd() elif platform.system() == u'Windows': import imp if (hasattr(sys, u'frozen') or hasattr(sys, u'importers') or \ imp.is_frozen(u'__main__')): path = safe_decode(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), enc=sys.getfilesystemencoding()) else: # To get the opensesame folder, simply jump to levels up path = safe_decode(os.path.dirname(__file__), enc=sys.getfilesystemencoding()) path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, u'..')) return path else: return None
def requestAvatarId(self, credentials): # We get bytes, but the Py3 pwd module uses str. So attempt to decode # it using the same method that CPython does for the file on disk. if _PY3: username = credentials.username.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) password = credentials.password.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) else: username = credentials.username password = credentials.password for func in self._getByNameFunctions: try: pwnam = func(username) except KeyError: return"invalid username")) else: if pwnam is not None: crypted = pwnam[1] if crypted == '': continue if verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, password): return defer.succeed(credentials.username) # fallback return"unable to verify password"))
def encodeASCII(string, language=None): #from Unicodize and plex scanner and other sources if string=="": return "" ranges = [ {"from": ord(u"\u3300"), "to": ord(u"\u33ff")}, {"from": ord(u"\ufe30"), "to": ord(u"\ufe4f")}, {"from": ord(u"\uf900"), "to": ord(u"\ufaff")}, # compatibility ideographs {"from": ord(u"\u30a0"), "to": ord(u"\u30ff")}, {"from": ord(u"\u2e80"), "to": ord(u"\u2eff")}, # Japanese Kana # cjk radicals supplement {"from": ord(u"\u4e00"), "to": ord(u"\u9fff")}, {"from": ord(u"\u3400"), "to": ord(u"\u4dbf")}] # windows: TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 2 found #{"from": ord(u"\U00020000"), "to": ord(u"\U0002a6df")}, #{"from": ord(u"\U0002a700"), "to": ord(u"\U0002b73f")}, #{"from": ord(u"\U0002b740"), "to": ord(u"\U0002b81f")}, #{"from": ord(u"\U0002b820"), "to": ord(u"\U0002ceaf")}, # included as of Unicode 8.0 #{"from": ord(u"\U0002F800"), "to": ord(u"\U0002fa1f")} # compatibility ideographs encodings, encoding = ['iso8859-1', 'utf-16', 'utf-16be', 'utf-8'], ord(string[0]) # if 0 <= encoding < len(encodings): string = string[1:].decode('cp949') if encoding == 0 and language == 'ko' else string[1:].decode(encodings[encoding]) # If we're dealing with a particular language, we might want to try another code page. if sys.getdefaultencoding() not in encodings: try: string = string.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) except: pass if not sys.getfilesystemencoding()==sys.getdefaultencoding(): try: string = string.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) except: pass string = string.strip('\0') try: string = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', string) # Unicode to ascii conversion to corect most characters automatically except: pass try: string = re.sub(RE_UNICODE_CONTROL, '', string) # Strip control characters. except: pass try: string = string.encode('ascii', 'replace') # Encode into Ascii except: pass original_string, string, i = string, list(string), 0 while i < len(string): ### loop through unicode and replace special chars with spaces then map if found ### if ord(string[i])<128: i = i+1 else: #non ascii char char, char2, char3, char_len = 0, "", [], unicodeLen(string[i]) for x in range(0, char_len): char = 256*char + ord(string[i+x]); char2 += string[i+x]; char3.append(string[i+x]) if not x==0: string[i] += string[i+x]; string[i+x]='' try: asian_language = any([mapping["from"] <= ord("".join(char3).decode('utf8')) <= mapping["to"] for mapping in ranges]) except: asian_language = False if char in CHARACTERS_MAP: string[i]=CHARACTERS_MAP.get( char ) elif not asian_language: Log("*Character missing in CHARACTERS_MAP: %d:'%s' , #'%s' %s, string: '%s'" % (char, char2, char2, char3, original_string)) i += char_len return ''.join(string)
def run(): global mw from anki.utils import isWin, isMac # on osx we'll need to add the qt plugins to the search path if isMac and getattr(sys, 'frozen', None): rd = os.path.abspath(moduleDir + "/../../..") QCoreApplication.setLibraryPaths([rd]) # create the app app = AnkiApp(sys.argv) QCoreApplication.setApplicationName("Anki") if app.secondInstance(): # we've signaled the primary instance, so we should close return # parse args opts, args = parseArgs(sys.argv) opts.base = unicode(opts.base or "", sys.getfilesystemencoding()) opts.profile = unicode(opts.profile or "", sys.getfilesystemencoding()) # profile manager from aqt.profiles import ProfileManager pm = ProfileManager(opts.base, opts.profile) # i18n setupLang(pm, app, opts.lang) # remaining pm init pm.ensureProfile() # load the main window import aqt.main mw = aqt.main.AnkiQt(app, pm, args) app.exec_()
def home(): if name == 'nt': return unicode(environ['USERPROFILE'], getfilesystemencoding()) elif platform == "darwin": return unicode(environ['HOME'], getfilesystemencoding()) else: return unicode(environ['HOME'], getfilesystemencoding())
def pack(self, dst, src, src_path): chrome_path = self.get_chrome_path() if chrome_path is not None: extension_path = os.path.abspath(src) certificate_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(extension_path, '../', '../', 'certificates')) if not os.path.exists(certificate_path): os.makedirs(certificate_path) certificate_path = os.path.join(certificate_path, 'chrome.pem') cmd = chrome_path + ' --pack-extension="' + extension_path + '"' if os.path.isfile(certificate_path): cmd += ' --pack-extension-key="' + certificate_path + '"' cmd += ' --no-message-box' os.system(cmd.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) extension_dst = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(extension_path, '../', 'chrome.crx')) if not os.path.isfile(extension_dst): cmd = '"' + chrome_path + '"' + ' --pack-extension="' + extension_path + '"' if os.path.isfile(certificate_path): cmd += ' --pack-extension-key="' + certificate_path + '"' cmd += ' --no-message-box' try: shutil.move(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(extension_path, '../', 'chrome.pem')), certificate_path) except: pass shutil.move(extension_dst, os.path.join(dst, self.get_full_package_name(self._info))) else: kango.log('Chrome/Chromium is not installed, can\'t pack chrome extension.')
def read_fileobj(self, file_obj): """Read the coverage data from the given file object. Should only be used on an empty CoverageData object. """ data = self._read_raw_data(file_obj) self._lines = self._arcs = None if 'lines' in data: self._lines = dict( (fname.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), linenos) for fname, linenos in iitems(data['lines']) ) if 'arcs' in data: self._arcs = dict( (fname.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), [tuple(pair) for pair in arcs]) for fname, arcs in iitems(data['arcs']) ) self._file_tracers = data.get('file_tracers', {}) self._runs = data.get('runs', []) self._validate()
def refresh_cb(self, *args): self.popup_menu.popdown() mm = Gtk.Menu() oo = Gtk.Menu() for i in os.listdir(mount_prefix): mp = os.path.join(mount_prefix,i) if (os.path.ismount(mp)): j = Gtk.MenuItem(i.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) o = Gtk.MenuItem(i.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) j.connect('activate', self.umount_cb, i) o.connect('activate', lambda a: run_file_man(mp)) mm.add(j) oo.add(o) mm.add(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) oo.add(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) i = Gtk.ImageMenuItem(Gtk.STOCK_REFRESH) i.connect('activate', self.refresh_cb) mm.add(i) i = Gtk.ImageMenuItem(Gtk.STOCK_REFRESH) i.connect('activate', self.refresh_cb) oo.add(i) mounted_menu = mm open_menu = oo g = self.open_menu_item.get_submenu() s = self.umount_menu_item.get_submenu() self.umount_menu_item.set_submenu(mm) self.open_menu_item.set_submenu(oo) del s, g
def main(): args = sys.argv cur_sys = system() file_name = GLOBALS["db_name"]+"-"+str(options.port)+".log" # if cur_sys == "Darwin": # f = "/Users/"+os.getlogin()+"/Desktop/"+ file_name # elif cur_sys == "Linux": # f = os.getcwd() + "/" + file_name # else: # raise NotImplementedError # args.append("--log_file_prefix=" + f) # logging.basicConfig(filename=f, level=logging.DEBUG) tornado.options.parse_command_line() applicaton = Application() http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(applicaton, xheaders=True) http_server.listen(options.port) print("="*50) print("initializing program with port : ", options.port) print("="*50) print("my ip is : ", socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) print("="*50) print("File system DEFAULT Encoding-type is : ", sys.getdefaultencoding()) print("File system Encoding-type is : ", sys.getfilesystemencoding()) print("="*50)"File system DEFAULT Encoding-type is : " + str(sys.getdefaultencoding()))"File system Encoding-type is : " + str(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() ioloop.start()
def execute(self, content): command = self.get_link_command() if not command: sublime.error_message("Could not get link opener command.\nPlatform not yet supported.") return None content = content.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) cmd = command + [content] arg_list_wrapper = self.settings.get("orgmode.open_link.resolver.abstract.arg_list_wrapper", []) if arg_list_wrapper: # NOTE never use shell=True below. cmd = arg_list_wrapper + [" ".join(cmd)] source_filename = '"' + self.view.file_name() + '"' cmd += [source_filename] # TODO: hack here (outcommented) # cmd += ['--origin', source_filename, '--quiet'] print "*****" print repr(content), content print repr(cmd) print cmd sublime.status_message("Executing: %s" % cmd) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if stdout: stdout = unicode(stdout, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) sublime.status_message(stdout) if stderr: stderr = unicode(stderr, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) sublime.error_message(stderr)
def _setup_unix(self, bind, basedir=None): """ Setup UNIX domain socket :Parameters: - `bind`: Bind parameter accessor (````) - `basedir`: Basedir for relative paths :Types: - `bind`: ``callable`` - `basedir`: ``str`` """ if _AF_UNIX is None: raise ConfigurationError("UNIX domain sockets are not available") obind = repr(bind(0)) if bind(u'perm'): try: socket_perm = int(bind('perm'), 8) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ConfigurationError("Invalid permission") umask = 0777 & ~socket_perm else: umask = None basedir = basedir or _os.getcwd() if not isinstance(basedir, unicode): basedir = basedir.decode(_sys.getfilesystemencoding()) path = _os.path.normpath(_os.path.join( basedir, bind(u'path') )).encode(_sys.getfilesystemencoding()) socket = _socket.socket(_AF_UNIX, _socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._sockets.append(UnixSocket(socket, obind, path, umask))
def write_fileobj(self, file_obj): """Write the coverage data to `file_obj`.""" # Create the file data. file_data = {} if self._has_arcs(): file_data['arcs'] = dict( (fname.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), [tuple(pair) for pair in self._arcs]) for fname, arcs in iitems(data['arcs']) ) if self._has_lines(): file_data['lines'] = dict( (fname.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), linenos) for fname, linenos in iitems(self._lines) ) if self._file_tracers: file_data['file_tracers'] = self._file_tracers if self._runs: file_data['runs'] = self._runs # Write the data to the file. file_obj.write(self._GO_AWAY) json.dump(file_data, file_obj)
def test_issue5604(self): # Test cannot cover imp.load_compiled function. # Martin von Loewis note what shared library cannot have non-ascii # character because init_xxx function cannot be compiled # and issue never happens for dynamic modules. # But sources modified to follow generic way for processing pathes. # the return encoding could be uppercase or None fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # covers utf-8 and Windows ANSI code pages # one non-space symbol from every page # ( known_locales = { 'utf-8': b'\xc3\xa4', 'cp1250': b'\x8C', 'cp1251': b'\xc0', 'cp1252': b'\xc0', 'cp1253': b'\xc1', 'cp1254': b'\xc0', 'cp1255': b'\xe0', 'cp1256': b'\xe0', 'cp1257': b'\xc0', 'cp1258': b'\xc0', } if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.assertEqual(fs_encoding, 'utf-8') # Mac OS X uses the Normal Form D decomposition # special_char = b'a\xcc\x88' else: special_char = known_locales.get(fs_encoding) if not special_char: self.skipTest( "can't run this test with %s as filesystem encoding" % fs_encoding) decoded_char = special_char.decode(fs_encoding) temp_mod_name = 'test_imp_helper_' + decoded_char test_package_name = 'test_imp_helper_package_' + decoded_char init_file_name = os.path.join(test_package_name, '') try: # if the curdir is not in sys.path the test fails when run with # ./python ./Lib/test/ test_imp sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) with open(temp_mod_name + '.py', 'w') as file: file.write('a = 1\n') file, filename, info = imp.find_module(temp_mod_name) with file: self.assertIsNotNone(file) self.assertTrue(filename[:-3].endswith(temp_mod_name)) self.assertEqual(info[0], '.py') self.assertEqual(info[1], 'r') self.assertEqual(info[2], imp.PY_SOURCE) mod = imp.load_module(temp_mod_name, file, filename, info) self.assertEqual(mod.a, 1) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') mod = imp.load_source(temp_mod_name, temp_mod_name + '.py') self.assertEqual(mod.a, 1) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') if not sys.dont_write_bytecode: mod = imp.load_compiled( temp_mod_name, imp.cache_from_source(temp_mod_name + '.py')) self.assertEqual(mod.a, 1) if not os.path.exists(test_package_name): os.mkdir(test_package_name) with open(init_file_name, 'w') as file: file.write('b = 2\n') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') package = imp.load_package(test_package_name, test_package_name) self.assertEqual(package.b, 2) finally: del sys.path[0] for ext in ('.py', '.pyc'): support.unlink(temp_mod_name + ext) support.unlink(init_file_name + ext) support.rmtree(test_package_name) support.rmtree('__pycache__')
def update(): if not conf.updateAll: return success = False if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, ".git")): warnMsg = "not a git repository. It is recommended to clone the 'sqlmapproject/sqlmap' repository " warnMsg += "from GitHub (e.g. 'git clone --depth 1 %s sqlmap')" % GIT_REPOSITORY logger.warn(warnMsg) if VERSION == getLatestRevision():"already at the latest revision '%s'" % getRevisionNumber()) return message = "do you want to try to fetch the latest 'zipball' from repository and extract it (experimental) ? [y/N]" if readInput(message, default='N', boolean=True): directory = os.path.abspath(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH) try: open(os.path.join(directory, ""), "w+b") except Exception as ex: errMsg = "unable to update content of directory '%s' ('%s')" % (directory, getSafeExString(ex)) logger.error(errMsg) else: attrs = os.stat(os.path.join(directory, "")).st_mode for wildcard in ('*', ".*"): for _ in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, wildcard)): try: if os.path.isdir(_): shutil.rmtree(_) else: os.remove(_) except: pass if glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*')): errMsg = "unable to clear the content of directory '%s'" % directory logger.error(errMsg) else: try: archive = _urllib.request.urlretrieve(ZIPBALL_PAGE)[0] with zipfile.ZipFile(archive) as f: for info in f.infolist(): info.filename = re.sub(r"\Asqlmap[^/]+", "", info.filename) if info.filename: f.extract(info, directory) filepath = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "lib", "core", "") if os.path.isfile(filepath): with open(filepath, "rb") as f: version ="(?m)^VERSION\s*=\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)","updated to the latest version '%s#dev'" % version) success = True except Exception as ex: logger.error("update could not be completed ('%s')" % getSafeExString(ex)) else: if not success: logger.error("update could not be completed") else: try: os.chmod(os.path.join(directory, ""), attrs) except OSError: logger.warning("could not set the file attributes of '%s'" % os.path.join(directory, "")) else: infoMsg = "updating sqlmap to the latest development revision from the " infoMsg += "GitHub repository" debugMsg = "sqlmap will try to update itself using 'git' command" logger.debug(debugMsg) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] update in progress" % time.strftime("%X")) try: process = subprocess.Popen("git checkout . && git pull %s HEAD" % GIT_REPOSITORY, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding() or UNICODE_ENCODING)) pollProcess(process, True) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() success = not process.returncode except (IOError, OSError) as ex: success = False stderr = getSafeExString(ex) if success:"%s the latest revision '%s'" % ("already at" if "Already" in stdout else "updated to", getRevisionNumber())) else: if "Not a git repository" in stderr: errMsg = "not a valid git repository. Please checkout the 'sqlmapproject/sqlmap' repository " errMsg += "from GitHub (e.g. 'git clone --depth 1 %s sqlmap')" % GIT_REPOSITORY logger.error(errMsg) else: logger.error("update could not be completed ('%s')" % re.sub(r"\W+", " ", stderr).strip()) if not success: if IS_WIN: infoMsg = "for Windows platform it's recommended " infoMsg += "to use a GitHub for Windows client for updating " infoMsg += "purposes ( or just " infoMsg += "download the latest snapshot from " infoMsg += "" else: infoMsg = "for Linux platform it's recommended " infoMsg += "to install a standard 'git' package (e.g.: 'sudo apt-get install git')"
FINISHED, PRESSED, RELEASED, FOREVER) import os import sys import numpy as np from numpy import (sin, cos, tan, log, log10, pi, average, sqrt, std, deg2rad, rad2deg, linspace, asarray) from numpy.random import random, randint, normal, shuffle import psychopy.core import time ######################################### # Ensure that relative paths start from the same directory as this script _thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).decode( sys.getfilesystemencoding()) os.chdir(_thisDir) #input subject and partner ID; store values for later gui = psychopy.gui.Dlg() gui.addField("Subject ID: ") gui.addField("Partner ID: ") subID =[0] partnerID =[1] # Open output file and write header output_name = './data/' + str(subID) + '_' + str(partnerID) + '.csv' if os.path.exists( output_name): #if path exists, remame it to avoid overwriting data newSubID = subID + "000"
def do_filesystemencoding(self, line): """filesystemencoding Display the file system encoding. This is the value available from 'sys.filesystemencoding'.""" print >> self.stdout, sys.getfilesystemencoding()
from .btrfs import (lookup_ino_path_one, get_fsid, get_root_id, get_root_generation, clone_data, defragment, BTRFS_FIRST_FREE_OBJECTID) from .datetime import system_now from .dedup import ImmutableFDs, cmp_files from .openat import fopenat, fopenat_rw from .model import (Filesystem, Volume, Inode, comm_mappings, get_or_create, DedupEvent, DedupEventInode, VolumePathHistory) from sqlalchemy.sql import func, literal_column BUFSIZE = 8192 WINDOW_SIZE = 1024 FS_ENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # 32MiB, initial scan takes about 12', might gain 15837689948, # sqlite takes 256k DEFAULT_SIZE_CUTOFF = 32 * 1024**2 # about 12' again, might gain 25807974687 DEFAULT_SIZE_CUTOFF = 16 * 1024**2 # 13'40" (36' with a backup job running in parallel), might gain 26929240347, # sqlite takes 758k DEFAULT_SIZE_CUTOFF = 8 * 1024**2 def get_vol(sess, volpath, size_cutoff): volpath = os.path.normpath(volpath) volume_fd =, os.O_DIRECTORY) fs, fs_created = get_or_create(sess,
def create_table(self, table, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False, polymodel=None): db = table._db table._migrate = migrate fields = [] # PostGIS geo fields are added after the table has been created postcreation_fields = [] sql_fields = {} sql_fields_aux = {} TFK = {} tablename = table._tablename types = self.adapter.types for sortable, field in enumerate(table, start=1): field_name = field_type = field.type if isinstance(field_type, SQLCustomType): ftype = field_type.native or field_type.type elif field_type.startswith(('reference', 'big-reference')): if field_type.startswith('reference'): referenced = field_type[10:].strip() type_name = 'reference' else: referenced = field_type[14:].strip() type_name = 'big-reference' if referenced == '.': referenced = tablename constraint_name = self.dialect.constraint_name( table._raw_rname, field._raw_rname) # if not '.' in referenced \ # and referenced != tablename \ # and hasattr(table,'_primarykey'): # ftype = types['integer'] #else: try: rtable = db[referenced] rfield = rtable._id rfieldname = rtablename = referenced except (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError) as e: self.db.logger.debug('Error: %s' % e) try: rtablename, rfieldname = referenced.split('.') rtable = db[rtablename] rfield = rtable[rfieldname] except Exception as e: self.db.logger.debug('Error: %s' % e) raise KeyError( 'Cannot resolve reference %s in %s definition' % (referenced, table._tablename)) # must be PK reference or unique if getattr(rtable, '_primarykey', None) and rfieldname in \ rtable._primarykey or rfield.unique: ftype = types[rfield.type[:9]] % \ dict(length=rfield.length) # multicolumn primary key reference? if not rfield.unique and len(rtable._primarykey) > 1: # then it has to be a table level FK if rtablename not in TFK: TFK[rtablename] = {} TFK[rtablename][rfieldname] = field_name else: fk = rtable._rname + ' (' + rfield._rname + ')' ftype = ftype + \ types['reference FK'] % dict( # should be quoted constraint_name=constraint_name, foreign_key=fk, table_name=table._rname, field_name=field._rname, on_delete_action=field.ondelete) else: # make a guess here for circular references if referenced in db: id_fieldname = db[referenced]._id._rname elif referenced == tablename: id_fieldname = table._id._rname else: # make a guess id_fieldname = self.dialect.quote('id') #gotcha: the referenced table must be defined before #the referencing one to be able to create the table #Also if it's not recommended, we can still support #references to tablenames without rname to make #migrations and model relationship work also if tables #are not defined in order if referenced == tablename: real_referenced = db[referenced]._rname else: real_referenced = (referenced in db and db[referenced]._rname or referenced) rfield = db[referenced]._id ftype_info = dict( index_name=self.dialect.quote(field._raw_rname + '__idx'), field_name=field._rname, constraint_name=self.dialect.quote(constraint_name), foreign_key='%s (%s)' % (real_referenced, rfield._rname), on_delete_action=field.ondelete) ftype_info['null'] = ' NOT NULL' if field.notnull else \ self.dialect.allow_null ftype_info['unique'] = ' UNIQUE' if field.unique else '' ftype = types[type_name] % ftype_info elif field_type.startswith('list:reference'): ftype = types[field_type[:14]] elif field_type.startswith('decimal'): precision, scale = map(int, field_type[8:-1].split(',')) ftype = types[field_type[:7]] % \ dict(precision=precision, scale=scale) elif field_type.startswith('geo'): if not hasattr(self.adapter, 'srid'): raise RuntimeError('Adapter does not support geometry') srid = self.adapter.srid geotype, parms = field_type[:-1].split('(') if geotype not in types: raise SyntaxError('Field: unknown field type: %s for %s' % (field_type, field_name)) ftype = types[geotype] if self.dbengine == 'postgres' and geotype == 'geometry': if self.db._ignore_field_case is True: field_name = field_name.lower() # parameters: schema, srid, dimension dimension = 2 # GIS.dimension ??? parms = parms.split(',') if len(parms) == 3: schema, srid, dimension = parms elif len(parms) == 2: schema, srid = parms else: schema = parms[0] ftype = "SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('%%(schema)s', '%%(tablename)s', '%%(fieldname)s', %%(srid)s, '%s', %%(dimension)s);" % types[ geotype] ftype = ftype % dict(schema=schema, tablename=table._raw_rname, fieldname=field._raw_rname, srid=srid, dimension=dimension) postcreation_fields.append(ftype) elif field_type not in types: raise SyntaxError('Field: unknown field type: %s for %s' % (field_type, field_name)) else: ftype = types[field_type] % {'length': field.length} if not field_type.startswith(('id', 'reference', 'big-reference')): if field.notnull: ftype += ' NOT NULL' else: ftype += self.dialect.allow_null if field.unique: ftype += ' UNIQUE' if field.custom_qualifier: ftype += ' %s' % field.custom_qualifier # add to list of fields sql_fields[field_name] = dict(length=field.length, unique=field.unique, notnull=field.notnull, sortable=sortable, type=str(field_type), sql=ftype, rname=field._rname, raw_rname=field._raw_rname) if field.notnull and field.default is not None: # Caveat: sql_fields and sql_fields_aux # differ for default values. # sql_fields is used to trigger migrations and sql_fields_aux # is used for create tables. # The reason is that we do not want to trigger # a migration simply because a default value changes. not_null = self.dialect.not_null(field.default, field_type) ftype = ftype.replace('NOT NULL', not_null) sql_fields_aux[field_name] = dict(sql=ftype) # Postgres - PostGIS: # geometry fields are added after the table has been created, not now if not (self.dbengine == 'postgres' and field_type.startswith('geom')): fields.append('%s %s' % (field._rname, ftype)) other = ';' # backend-specific extensions to fields if self.dbengine == 'mysql': if not hasattr(table, "_primarykey"): fields.append('PRIMARY KEY (%s)' % (table._id._rname)) engine = self.adapter.adapter_args.get('engine', 'InnoDB') other = ' ENGINE=%s CHARACTER SET utf8;' % engine fields = ',\n '.join(fields) for rtablename in TFK: rtable = db[rtablename] rfields = TFK[rtablename] pkeys = [rtable[pk]._rname for pk in rtable._primarykey] fk_fields = [table[rfields[k]] for k in rtable._primarykey] fkeys = [f._rname for f in fk_fields] constraint_name = self.dialect.constraint_name( table._raw_rname, '_'.join(f._raw_rname for f in fk_fields)) on_delete = list(set(f.ondelete for f in fk_fields)) if len(on_delete) > 1: raise SyntaxError( 'Table %s has incompatible ON DELETE actions in multi-field foreign key.' % table._dalname) fields = fields + ',\n ' + \ types['reference TFK'] % dict( constraint_name=constraint_name, table_name=table._rname, field_name=', '.join(fkeys), foreign_table=rtable._rname, foreign_key=', '.join(pkeys), on_delete_action=on_delete[0]) if getattr(table, '_primarykey', None): query = "CREATE TABLE %s(\n %s,\n %s) %s" % \ (table._rname, fields, self.dialect.primary_key(', '.join([ table[pk]._rname for pk in table._primarykey])), other) else: query = "CREATE TABLE %s(\n %s\n)%s" % \ (table._rname, fields, other) uri = self.adapter.uri if uri.startswith('sqlite:///') \ or uri.startswith('spatialite:///'): if PY2: path_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() \ or locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] or 'utf8' dbpath = uri[9:uri.rfind('/')].decode('utf8').encode( path_encoding) else: dbpath = uri[9:uri.rfind('/')] else: dbpath = self.adapter.folder if not migrate: return query elif uri.startswith('sqlite:memory') or \ uri.startswith('spatialite:memory'): table._dbt = None elif isinstance(migrate, string_types): table._dbt = pjoin(dbpath, migrate) else: table._dbt = pjoin(dbpath, '%s_%s.table' % (db._uri_hash, tablename)) if not table._dbt or not self.file_exists(table._dbt): if table._dbt: self.log( 'timestamp: %s\n%s\n' % (, query), table) if not fake_migrate: self.adapter.create_sequence_and_triggers(query, table) db.commit() # Postgres geom fields are added now, # after the table has been created for query in postcreation_fields: self.adapter.execute(query) db.commit() if table._dbt: tfile = self.file_open(table._dbt, 'wb') pickle.dump(sql_fields, tfile) self.file_close(tfile) if fake_migrate: self.log('faked!\n', table) else: self.log('success!\n', table) else: tfile = self.file_open(table._dbt, 'rb') try: sql_fields_old = pickle.load(tfile) except EOFError: self.file_close(tfile) raise RuntimeError('File %s appears corrupted' % table._dbt) self.file_close(tfile) # add missing rnames for key, item in sql_fields_old.items(): tmp = sql_fields.get(key) if tmp: item.setdefault('rname', tmp['rname']) item.setdefault('raw_rname', tmp['raw_rname']) else: item.setdefault('rname', self.dialect.quote(key)) item.setdefault('raw_rname', key) if sql_fields != sql_fields_old: self.migrate_table(table, sql_fields, sql_fields_old, sql_fields_aux, None, fake_migrate=fake_migrate) return query
# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from __future__ import division, absolute_import, with_statement, print_function, unicode_literals from renpy.compat import * import os.path import sys import subprocess import io FSENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or "utf-8" # Sets the default encoding to utf-8. old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr if PY2: sys_executable = sys.executable reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") # @UndefinedVariable sys.executable = sys_executable sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr import renpy.error
def unicode_filename(filename): """Return a Unicode version of `filename`.""" if isinstance(filename, str): encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding() filename = filename.decode(encoding, "replace") return filename
def path_to_unicode(path): return path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode("utf-8")
def CleanName(name): orig = name # Make sure we pre-compose. Try to decode with reported filesystem encoding, then with UTF-8 since some filesystems lie. try: name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', name.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) except: try: name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', name.decode('utf-8')) except: pass name = name.lower() # grab the year, if there is one. set ourselves up to ignore everything after the year later on. year = None yearMatch =, name) if yearMatch: yearStr = yearInt = int(yearStr) if yearInt > 1900 and yearInt < ( + 1): year = int(yearStr) name = name.replace( + yearStr +, ' *yearBreak* ') # Take out things in brackets. (sub acts weird here, so we have to do it a few times) done = False while done == False: (name, count) = re.subn(r'\[[^\]]+\]', '', name, re.IGNORECASE) if count == 0: done = True # Take out bogus suffixes. for suffix in ignore_suffixes: rx = re.compile(suffix + '$', re.IGNORECASE) name = rx.sub('', name) # Take out audio specs, after suffixing with space to simplify rx. name = name + ' ' for s in audio: rx = re.compile(s, re.IGNORECASE) name = rx.sub(' ', name) # Now tokenize. tokens = re.split('([^ \-_\.\(\)+]+)', name) # Process tokens. newTokens = [] for t in tokens: t = t.strip() if not re.match('[\.\-_\(\)+]+', t) and len(t) > 0: #if t not in ('.', '-', '_', '(', ')') and len(t) > 0: newTokens.append(t) # Now build a bitmap of good and bad tokens. tokenBitmap = [] garbage = subs garbage.extend(misc) garbage.extend(format) garbage.extend(edition) garbage.extend(source) garbage.extend(video_exts) garbage = set(garbage) # Keep track of whether we've encountered a garbage token since they shouldn't appear more than once. seenTokens = {} # Go through the tokens backwards since the garbage most likely appears at the end of the file name. # If we've seen a token already, don't consider it garbage the second time. Helps cases like "Internal.Affairs.1990-INTERNAL.mkv" # for t in reversed(newTokens): if t.lower() in garbage and t.lower() not in seenTokens: tokenBitmap.insert(0, False) seenTokens[t.lower()] = True else: tokenBitmap.insert(0, True) # Now strip out the garbage, with one heuristic; if we encounter 2+ BADs after encountering # a GOOD, take out the rest (even if they aren't BAD). Special case for director's cut. numGood = 0 numBad = 0 finalTokens = [] for i in range(len(tokenBitmap)): good = tokenBitmap[i] # If we've only got one or two tokens, don't whack any, they might be part of # the actual name (e.g. "Internal Affairs" "XXX 2") # if len(tokenBitmap) <= 2: good = True if good and numBad < 2: if newTokens[i] == '*yearBreak*': # If the year token is first just skip it and keep reading, # otherwise we can ignore everything after it. # if i == 0: continue else: break else: finalTokens.append(newTokens[i]) elif not good and newTokens[i].lower() == 'dc': finalTokens.append("(Director's cut)") if good == True: numGood += 1 else: numBad += 1 # If we took *all* the tokens out, use the first one, otherwise we'll end up with no name at all. if len(finalTokens) == 0 and len(newTokens) > 0: finalTokens.append(newTokens[0]) #print "CLEANED [%s] => [%s]" % (orig, u' '.join(finalTokens)) #print "TOKENS: ", newTokens #print "BITMAP: ", tokenBitmap #print "FINAL: ", finalTokens cleanedName = ' '.join(finalTokens) # If we failed to decode/encode above, we may still be dealing with a non-ASCII string here, # which will raise if we try to encode it, so let's just handle it and hope for the best! # try: cleanedName = cleanedName.encode('utf-8') except: pass return (titlecase.titlecase(cleanedName), year)
def fsdecode(s): if isinstance(s, unicode): # noqa return s return s.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
# multitracker extensions by John Hoffman # see LICENSE.txt for license information from os.path import getsize, split, join, abspath, isdir from os import listdir from sha import sha from copy import copy from string import strip from horde.BitTornado.bencode import bencode from btformats import check_info from threading import Event from time import time from traceback import print_exc try: from sys import getfilesystemencoding ENCODING = getfilesystemencoding() except: from sys import getdefaultencoding ENCODING = getdefaultencoding() defaults = [('announce_list', '', 'a list of announce URLs - explained below'), ('httpseeds', '', 'a list of http seed URLs - explained below'), ('piece_size_pow2', 0, "which power of 2 to set the piece size to (0 = automatic)"), ('comment', '', "optional human-readable comment to put in .torrent"), ('filesystem_encoding', '', "optional specification for filesystem encoding " + "(set automatically in recent Python versions)"), ('target', '', "optional target file for the torrent")]
# Copyright 2013 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. import getpass import logging import os import tempfile import unittest import StringIO import subprocess import sys import time BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))) ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR) sys.path.insert(0, ROOT_DIR) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'third_party')) FILE_PATH = os.path.abspath(__file__.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) from depot_tools import auto_stub from depot_tools import fix_encoding import test_utils from utils import file_path from utils import fs def write_content(filepath, content): with, 'wb') as f:
def add(self, filename): self._repo.add([filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())])
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableWidget from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableWidgetItem from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from requests.exceptions import TooManyRedirects from requests.exceptions import ChunkedEncodingError from requests.exceptions import ReadTimeout # from requests.exceptions import ConnectTimeout # from requests.exceptions import Timeout from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) types = sys.getfilesystemencoding() sys.dont_write_bytecode = True USER_AGENTS = [ 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; Zune 4.0; InfoPath.3; MS-RTC LM 8; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)', "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36", 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.0.16 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-US) AppleWebKit/125.4 (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari) OmniWeb/v563.57', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.24 Safari/534.7', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.16 SUSE/10.0.626.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/10.0.626.0 Safari/534.16', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.20 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.672.2 Safari/534.20', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.514.0 Safari/534.7', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; de-de) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.481.0 Safari/534.4', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-GB; rv:1.9.1b4) Gecko/20090423 Firefox/3.5b4 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; nb-NO) AppleWebKit/533.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Safari/533.18.5',
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys sys.path.append(r'D:\Users\Kan\Documents\GitHub\XAPI3\languages\Python') # 解决Python 3.6的pandas不支持中文路径的问题 print(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) # 查看修改前的 try: sys._enablelegacywindowsfsencoding() # 修改 print(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) # 查看修改后的 except: pass from test_ctp_api import main configs = { 'root_dir': r'D:\Users\Kan\Documents\GitHub\XAPI3\languages\Python\test_ctp\某用户', 'api': { 'Address': br'tcp://', 'BrokerID': b'9999', 'UserID': b'654321', 'Password': b'123456', }, 'td': { 'Address': br'tcp://', 'BrokerID': b'9999', 'AppID': b'8500342533', 'AuthCode': b'0000000000000000', 'UserID': b'14078611',
def modal(self, context, event): if self.left_clicked: self.left_clicked = False active_image, pos = click_inside_images_view(event) if active_image is not None: xyz = _addon().slices_were_clicked(active_image, pos) bpy.context.scene.cursor_location = tuple(xyz) set_cursor_pos() if bpy.context.scene.cursor_is_snapped: # and is_view_3d(): _addon().set_tkreg_ras( bpy.context.scene.cursor_location * 10, False) snap_cursor(True) if bpy.context.scene.slices_rotate_view_on_click: mu.rotate_view_to_vertice() # if bpy.context.scene.slices_zoom > 1: # ohad(pos/bpy.context.scene.slices_zoom) return {'PASS_THROUGH'} if not click_inside_3d_view(event): return {'PASS_THROUGH'} if _addon().meg.change_cursor_on_selection(): cluster = _addon().select_meg_cluster( event, context, bpy.context.scene.cursor_location) if cluster is not None: return {'PASS_THROUGH'} cursor_moved = np.linalg.norm( SelectionListener.cursor_pos - bpy.context.scene.cursor_location) > 1e-3 if cursor_moved and'inner_skull', None) is not None: _addon().find_point_thickness() return {'PASS_THROUGH'} if bpy.context.scene.cursor_is_snapped: # and is_view_3d(): snap_cursor(True) if _addon().fMRI_clusters_files_exist( ) and bpy.context.scene.plot_fmri_cluster_per_click: _addon().find_closest_cluster(only_within=True) tkreg_ras = _addon().calc_tkreg_ras_from_cursor() if tkreg_ras is not None: _addon().set_tkreg_ras(tkreg_ras, move_cursor=False) # if _addon().is_pial(): # tkreg_ras = bpy.context.scene.cursor_location * 10 # _addon().set_tkreg_ras(tkreg_ras) # elif bpy.context.scene.cursor_is_snapped: # tkreg_ras = _addon().calc_tkreg_ras_from_snapped_cursor() # _addon().set_tkreg_ras(tkreg_ras) if cursor_moved: set_cursor_pos() # print('cursor position was changed by the user!') _addon().create_slices(pos=tkreg_ras) _addon().freeview.save_cursor_position() clear_slice() if bpy.context.scene.find_closest_label_on_click: # coloring_panel.WIC_CONTOURS in _addon().what_is_colored(): _addon().find_closest_label( plot_contour=bpy.context.scene.plot_closest_label_contour) if self.right_clicked: self.right_clicked = False if not click_inside_3d_view(event): return {'PASS_THROUGH'} # print(bpy.context.selected_objects) # cluster = _addon().select_meg_cluster(event, context) # if cluster is not None: # return {'PASS_THROUGH'} if len(bpy.context.selected_objects): mu.unfilter_graph_editor() if bpy.context.scene.fit_graph_on_selection: mu.view_all_in_graph_editor() selected_obj = bpy.context.active_object # bpy.context.selected_objects[-1] selected_obj_name = selected_obj_type = mu.check_obj_type(selected_obj_name) if selected_obj_type in [ mu.OBJ_TYPE_CORTEX_LH, mu.OBJ_TYPE_CORTEX_RH ]: _addon().select_roi(selected_obj_name) elif selected_obj_type in [ mu.OBJ_TYPE_CORTEX_INFLATED_LH, mu.OBJ_TYPE_CORTEX_INFLATED_RH ]: pial_obj_name = selected_obj_name[len('inflated_'):] pial_obj = if not pial_obj is None: # = True _addon().select_roi(pial_obj_name) # mu.change_selected_fcurves_colors(pial_obj) # mu.change_selected_fcurves_colors() elif selected_obj_type == mu.OBJ_TYPE_CON: _addon().select_connection(selected_obj_name) elif selected_obj_type == mu.OBJ_TYPE_CON_VERTICE: _addon().vertices_selected(selected_obj_name) elif selected_obj_type == mu.OBJ_TYPE_ELECTRODE: bpy.context.scene.cursor_is_snapped = False _addon().electode_was_manually_selected(selected_obj_name) try: _addon().dell.dell_ct_electrode_was_selected( selected_obj_name) except: pass if bpy.context.scene.find_curves_sep_auto: _addon().calc_best_curves_sep() elif bpy.context.scene.curves_sep > 0: _addon().curves_sep_update() else: _addon().clear_electrodes_selection() #todo: should call to _addon().clear_rois_selection() # if is_activity(): # bpy.context.scene.cursor_location = mouse_coo_to_3d_loc(event, context) # snap_cursor(True) # _addon().find_closest_label() if time.time() - self.press_time > 1 and event.value == 'PRESS': if event.type == 'RIGHTMOUSE': self.press_time = time.time() self.right_clicked = True if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE': self.press_time = time.time() self.left_clicked = True if time.time() - self.press_time > 0.1: if event.type == 'TIMER': if bpy.context.scene.rotate_brain: if _addon().render.is_camera_view(): _addon().render.camera_mode('ORTHO') _addon().show_hide.rotate_brain() _addon().render.camera_mode('CAMERA') else: _addon().show_hide.rotate_brain() if _addon() and _addon().render_in_queue(): rendering_data = mu.queue_get(_addon().render_in_queue()) if not rendering_data is None: try: rendering_data = rendering_data.decode( sys.getfilesystemencoding(), 'ignore') if '*** finish rendering! ***' in rendering_data.lower(): print('Finish rendering!') _addon().finish_rendering() except: print("Can't read the stdout from the rendering") return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
def main(**kwargs): """ Entry point for dx-build-app(let). Don't call this function as a subroutine in your program! It is liable to sys.exit your program when it detects certain error conditions, so you can't recover from those as you could if it raised exceptions. Instead, call dx_build_app.build_and_upload_locally which provides the real implementation for dx-build-app(let) but is easier to use in your program. """ if len(sys.argv) > 0: if sys.argv[0].endswith('dx-build-app'): logging.warn('Warning: dx-build-app has been replaced with "dx build --create-app". Please update your scripts.') elif sys.argv[0].endswith('dx-build-applet'): logging.warn('Warning: dx-build-applet has been replaced with "dx build". Please update your scripts.') if len(kwargs) == 0: args = parser.parse_args() else: args = parser.parse_args(**kwargs) if dxpy.AUTH_HELPER is None and not args.dry_run: parser.error('Authentication required to build an executable on the platform; please run "dx login" first') if args.src_dir is None: args.src_dir = os.getcwd() if USING_PYTHON2: args.src_dir = args.src_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if args.mode == "app" and args.destination != '.': parser.error("--destination cannot be used when creating an app (only an applet)") if args.dx_toolkit_autodep in ['beta', 'unstable']: logging.warn('The --dx-toolkit-beta-autodep and --dx-toolkit-unstable-autodep flags have no effect and will be removed at some date in the future.') if args.overwrite and args.archive: parser.error("Options -f/--overwrite and -a/--archive cannot be specified together") if is not None and args.dry_run: parser.error("Options --dry-run and --run cannot be specified together") if and args.remote and args.mode == 'app': parser.error("Options --remote, --app, and --run cannot all be specified together. Try removing --run and then separately invoking dx run.") executable_id = _build_app(args, json.loads(args.extra_args) if args.extra_args else {}) if is not None: if executable_id is None: raise AssertionError('Expected executable_id to be set here') try: subprocess.check_call(['dx', 'run', executable_id, '--priority', 'high'] + except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: sys.exit(e.returncode) except: err_exit() return
Dirent_pp = ctypes.POINTER(Dirent_p) libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c'), use_errno=True) opendir = libc.opendir opendir.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p] opendir.restype = DIR_p readdir_r = libc.readdir_r readdir_r.argtypes = [DIR_p, Dirent_p, Dirent_pp] readdir_r.restype = ctypes.c_int closedir = libc.closedir closedir.argtypes = [DIR_p] closedir.restype = ctypes.c_int file_system_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() class PosixDirEntry(object): __slots__ = ('name', '_d_type', '_lstat', '_path') def __init__(self, path, name, d_type): self._path = path = name self._d_type = d_type self._lstat = None def lstat(self): if self._lstat is None: self._lstat = lstat(join(self._path, return self._lstat
def get_filesystem_encoding(): return sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
# Lambda may not be necessary. # pylint: disable=W0108 import functools import logging import os import signal import sys import threading import time import traceback import unittest ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())))) sys.path.insert(0, ROOT_DIR) from utils import threading_utils def timeout(max_running_time): """Test method decorator that fails the test if it executes longer than |max_running_time| seconds. It exists to terminate tests in case of deadlocks. There's a high chance that process is broken after such timeout (due to hanging deadlocked threads that can own some shared resources). But failing early (maybe not in a cleanest way) due to timeout is generally better than hanging indefinitely. |max_running_time| should be an order of magnitude (or even two orders) larger
GLOBAL_TIMEOUT = 3 # test output verbosity VERBOSITY = 1 if os.getenv('SILENT') or TOX else 2 # be more tolerant if we're on travis / appveyor in order to avoid # false positives if TRAVIS or APPVEYOR: NO_RETRIES *= 3 GLOBAL_TIMEOUT *= 3 # --- files TESTFILE_PREFIX = '$testfn' TESTFN = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(os.getcwd()), TESTFILE_PREFIX) _TESTFN = TESTFN + '-internal' TESTFN_UNICODE = TESTFN + u("-ƒőő") ASCII_FS = sys.getfilesystemencoding().lower() in ('ascii', 'us-ascii') # --- paths ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) SCRIPTS_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'scripts') HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # --- support HAS_CPU_AFFINITY = hasattr(psutil.Process, "cpu_affinity") HAS_CPU_FREQ = hasattr(psutil, "cpu_freq") HAS_CONNECTIONS_UNIX = POSIX and not SUNOS HAS_ENVIRON = hasattr(psutil.Process, "environ") HAS_PROC_IO_COUNTERS = hasattr(psutil.Process, "io_counters") HAS_IONICE = hasattr(psutil.Process, "ionice")
""" import importlib import inspect import io import itertools import os import os.path import re import subprocess import sys import pytest import six FILESYSTEM_ENCODING = str(sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()) HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(HERE, u"..", u"..")) # Directories which are ignored when checking Python source code files IGNORED_DIRS = [u"ckan/include", u"contrib/cookiecutter"] def walk_python_files(ext=".py"): u""" Generator that yields all CKAN Python source files. Yields 2-tuples containing the filename in absolute and relative (to
def pkg_config(packages, default_libraries, executable='pkg-config'): """ Uses pkg-config to update a set of distutils Extension arguments to include the flags necessary to link against the given packages. If the pkg-config lookup fails, default_libraries is applied to libraries. Parameters ---------- packages : list of str A list of pkg-config packages to look up. default_libraries : list of str A list of library names to use if the pkg-config lookup fails. Returns ------- config : dict A dictionary containing keyword arguments to `distutils.Extension`. These entries include: - ``include_dirs``: A list of include directories - ``library_dirs``: A list of library directories - ``libraries``: A list of libraries - ``define_macros``: A list of macro defines - ``undef_macros``: A list of macros to undefine - ``extra_compile_args``: A list of extra arguments to pass to the compiler """ flag_map = { '-I': 'include_dirs', '-L': 'library_dirs', '-l': 'libraries', '-D': 'define_macros', '-U': 'undef_macros' } command = "{0} --libs --cflags {1}".format(executable, ' '.join(packages)), result = DistutilsExtensionArgs() try: pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = pipe.communicate()[0].strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: lines = [("{0} failed. This may cause the build to fail below.".format( executable)), " command: {0}".format(e.cmd), " returncode: {0}".format(e.returncode), " output: {0}".format(e.output)] log.warn('\n'.join(lines)) result['libraries'].extend(default_libraries) else: if pipe.returncode != 0: lines = [ "pkg-config could not lookup up package(s) {0}.".format( ", ".join(packages)), "This may cause the build to fail below." ] log.warn('\n'.join(lines)) result['libraries'].extend(default_libraries) else: for token in output.split(): # It's not clear what encoding the output of # pkg-config will come to us in. It will probably be # some combination of pure ASCII (for the compiler # flags) and the filesystem encoding (for any argument # that includes directories or filenames), but this is # just conjecture, as the pkg-config documentation # doesn't seem to address it. arg = token[:2].decode('ascii') value = token[2:].decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if arg in flag_map: if arg == '-D': value = tuple(value.split('=', 1)) result[flag_map[arg]].append(value) else: result['extra_compile_args'].append(value) return result
def getAssemblyFiles(pth, manifest=None, redirects=None): """ Find all assemblies that are dependencies of the given binary and return the files that make up the assemblies as (name, fullpath) tuples. If a WinManifest object is passed as `manifest`, also updates that manifest to reference the returned assemblies. This is done only to update the built app's .exe with the dependencies of python.exe If a list is passed as `redirects`, and binding redirects in policy files are applied when searching for assemblies, BindingRedirect objects are appended to this list. Return a list of pairs (name, fullpath) """ rv = [] if manifest: _depNames = set( for dep in manifest.dependentAssemblies) for assembly in getAssemblies(pth): if assembly.getid().upper() in seen: continue if manifest and not in _depNames: # Add assembly as dependency to our final output exe's manifest "Adding %s to dependent assemblies " "of final executable\n required by %s",, pth) manifest.dependentAssemblies.append(assembly) _depNames.add( if not dylib.include_library( logger.debug("Skipping assembly %s", assembly.getid()) continue if assembly.optional: logger.debug("Skipping optional assembly %s", assembly.getid()) continue from ..config import CONF if CONF.get("win_no_prefer_redirects"): files = assembly.find_files() else: files = [] if not len(files): # If no files were found, it may be the case that the required version # of the assembly is not installed, and the policy file is redirecting it # to a newer version. So, we collect the newer version instead. files = assembly.find_files(ignore_policies=False) if len(files) and redirects is not None: # New version was found, old version was not. Add a redirect in the # app configuration old_version = assembly.version new_version = assembly.get_policy_redirect()"Adding redirect %s version %s -> %s",, old_version, new_version) redirects.append( BindingRedirect(, language=assembly.language, arch=assembly.processorArchitecture, publicKeyToken=assembly.publicKeyToken, oldVersion=old_version, newVersion=new_version, )) if files: seen.add(assembly.getid().upper()) for fn in files: fname, fext = os.path.splitext(fn) if fext.lower() == ".manifest": nm = + fext else: nm = os.path.basename(fn) ftocnm = nm if assembly.language not in (None, "", "*", "neutral"): ftocnm = os.path.join(assembly.getlanguage(), ftocnm) nm, ftocnm, fn = [ item.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) for item in (nm, ftocnm, fn) ] if fn.upper() not in seen: logger.debug("Adding %s", ftocnm) seen.add(nm.upper()) seen.add(fn.upper()) rv.append((ftocnm, fn)) else:"skipping %s part of assembly %s dependency of %s", # ftocnm,, pth) pass else: logger.error("Assembly %s not found", assembly.getid()) # Convert items in list from 'bytes' type to 'str' type. # NOTE: With Python 3 we somehow get type 'bytes' and it # then causes other issues and failures with PyInstaller. new_rv = [] for item in rv: a = item[0].decode('ascii') b = item[1].decode('ascii') new_rv.append((a, b)) rv = new_rv return rv
def __init__(self, config, verify, log): self.config = config self.verify = verify self.log = log self.fsencoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2:10. doi: 10.3389/neuro.11.010.2008 """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division from psychopy import locale_setup, gui, visual, core, data, event, logging, sound from psychopy.constants import (NOT_STARTED, STARTED, PLAYING, PAUSED, STOPPED, FINISHED, PRESSED, RELEASED, FOREVER) import numpy as np # whole numpy lib is available, prepend 'np.' from numpy import (sin, cos, tan, log, log10, pi, average, sqrt, std, deg2rad, rad2deg, linspace, asarray) from numpy.random import random, randint, normal, shuffle import os # handy system and path functions import sys # to get file system encoding # Ensure that relative paths start from the same directory as this script _thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) os.chdir(_thisDir) # Store info about the experiment session expName = 'Exp.battements' # from the Builder filename that created this script expInfo = {u'session': u'001', u'participant': u''} dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(dictionary=expInfo, title=expName) if dlg.OK == False: core.quit() # user pressed cancel expInfo['date'] = data.getDateStr() # add a simple timestamp expInfo['expName'] = expName # Data file name stem = absolute path + name; later add .psyexp, .csv, .log, etc filename = _thisDir + os.sep + u'data/%s_%s_%s' % (expInfo['participant'], expName, expInfo['date']) # An ExperimentHandler isn't essential but helps with data saving
def get_filesystem_encoding():return sys.getfilesystemencoding()or sys.getdefaultencoding() def _make_text_stream(stream,encoding,errors,force_readable=_B,force_writable=_B):
def run3_func(expInfo): # main function # Ensure that relative paths start from the same directory as this script _thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) os.chdir(_thisDir) # Store info about the experiment session expName = u'tnac_exp' # from the Builder filename that created this script expInfo['expName'] = expName # Data file name stem = absolute path + name; later add .psyexp, .csv, .log, etc filename = _thisDir + os.sep + u'data/%s_%s_%s' %(expInfo['participant'], expName, expInfo['date']) trg_dict = {"music": 1, "voice": 2, "song": 3, "sound_off": 100, "pause_block": 200, "stop_run": 300, "start_run": 400, "start_block": 500, } #define path to csvs run_var= _thisDir+'/run3.csv' # An ExperimentHandler isn't essential but helps with data saving thisExp = data.ExperimentHandler(name=expName, version='', extraInfo=expInfo, runtimeInfo=None, originPath=None, savePickle=True, saveWideText=True, dataFileName=filename) # save a log file for detail verbose info logFile = logging.LogFile(filename+'.log', level=logging.EXP) logging.console.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # this outputs to the screen, not a file endExpNow = False # flag for 'escape' or other condition => quit the exp # Start Code - component code to be run before the window creation # Setup the Window ## TODO: set window to fullscreen win = visual.Window( size=[1366, 768], fullscr=True, screen=0, allowGUI=True, allowStencil=False, monitor='testMonitor', color=[0,0,0], colorSpace='rgb', blendMode='avg', useFBO=True) # store frame rate of monitor if we can measure it expInfo['frameRate'] = win.getActualFrameRate() if expInfo['frameRate'] != None: frameDur = 1.0 / round(expInfo['frameRate']) else: frameDur = 1.0 / 60.0 # could not measure, so guess # Initialize components for Routine "trial" trialClock = core.Clock() stim_1 = sound.Sound('A', secs=-1) stim_1.setVolume(1) fix_1 = visual.TextStim(win=win, name='fix_1', text='+', font='Arial', pos=(0, 0), height=0.1, wrapWidth=None, ori=0, color='white', colorSpace='rgb', opacity=1, depth=-1.0); # Initialize components for Routine "run_start" run_startClock = core.Clock() run_start_msg_screen = visual.TextStim(win=win, name='run_start_msg_screen', text=u'Kurze Pause.', font='Arial', units='norm', pos=[0,0], height=0.12, wrapWidth=2, ori=0, color='white', colorSpace='rgb', opacity=1, depth=0.0); # Initialize components for Routine "run_trigger_sync" StartClock = core.Clock() run_trigger_syncClock = core.Clock() run_start_msg = visual.TextStim(win=win, name='run_start_msg', text='Durchgang beginnt!', font='Arial', units='norm', pos=[0, 0], height=0.15, wrapWidth=2, ori=0, color='white', colorSpace='rgb', opacity=1, depth=-1.0); movie = visual.MovieStim3( win=win, name='movie',units='pix', noAudio = True, # rename path filename='C:\Paradigmen\AG_Brain\Peer\TNAC\movies\mov3.mkv', ori=0, pos=(0, 0), opacity=1, depth=0.0,) # Create some handy timers globalClock = core.Clock() # to track the time since experiment started routineTimer = core.CountdownTimer() # to track time remaining of each (non-slip) routine block_delay = [4,5,6]*12 random.shuffle(block_delay) #print(block_delay) # ------Prepare to start Routine "run_start"------- t = 0 run_startClock.reset() # clock frameN = -1 continueRoutine = True # update component parameters for each repeat run_start_trigger_key = event.BuilderKeyResponse() # keep track of which components have finished run_startComponents = [run_start_msg_screen, run_start_trigger_key] for thisComponent in run_startComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, 'status'): thisComponent.status = NOT_STARTED # -------Start Routine "run_start"------- while continueRoutine: # get current time t = run_startClock.getTime() thisExp.addData('start_run',globalClock.getTime()) frameN = frameN + 1 # number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame) # update/draw components on each frame # *run_start_msg_screen* updates if t >= 0.0 and run_start_msg_screen.status == NOT_STARTED: # keep track of start time/frame for later run_start_msg_screen.tStart = t run_start_msg_screen.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index run_start_msg_screen.setAutoDraw(True) # *run_start_trigger_key* updates if t >= 0.0 and run_start_trigger_key.status == NOT_STARTED: # keep track of start time/frame for later run_start_trigger_key.tStart = t run_start_trigger_key.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index run_start_trigger_key.status = STARTED # keyboard checking is just starting event.clearEvents(eventType='keyboard') if run_start_trigger_key.status == STARTED: theseKeys = event.getKeys(keyList=['s']) # check for quit: if "escape" in theseKeys: endExpNow = True if len(theseKeys) > 0: # at least one key was pressed # a response ends the routine continueRoutine = False # check if all components have finished if not continueRoutine: # a component has requested a forced-end of Routine break continueRoutine = False # will revert to True if at least one component still running for thisComponent in run_startComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, "status") and thisComponent.status != FINISHED: continueRoutine = True break # at least one component has not yet finished # check for quit (the Esc key) if endExpNow or event.getKeys(keyList=["escape"]): core.quit() # refresh the screen if continueRoutine: # don't flip if this routine is over or we'll get a blank screen win.flip() # -------Ending Routine "run_start"------- for thisComponent in run_startComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, "setAutoDraw"): thisComponent.setAutoDraw(False) # the Routine "run_start" was not non-slip safe, so reset the non-slip timer routineTimer.reset() # ------Prepare to start Routine "run_trigger_sync"------- t = 0 run_trigger_syncClock.reset() # clock frameN = -1 continueRoutine = True # update component parameters for each repeat run_trigger_sync_ = event.BuilderKeyResponse() # keep track of which components have finished run_trigger_syncComponents = [run_trigger_sync_, run_start_msg] for thisComponent in run_trigger_syncComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, 'status'): thisComponent.status = NOT_STARTED # -------Start Routine "run_trigger_sync"------- while continueRoutine: # get current time print('waiting for scanner trigger....') t = run_trigger_syncClock.getTime() frameN = frameN + 1 # number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame) # update/draw components on each frame # *run_trigger_sync_* updates if t >= 0.0 and run_trigger_sync_.status == NOT_STARTED: # keep track of start time/frame for later run_trigger_sync_.tStart = t run_trigger_sync_.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index run_trigger_sync_.status = STARTED # keyboard checking is just starting win.callOnFlip(run_trigger_sync_.clock.reset) # t=0 on next screen flip event.clearEvents(eventType='keyboard') if run_trigger_sync_.status == STARTED: theseKeys = event.getKeys(keyList=['t']) # check for quit: if "escape" in theseKeys: endExpNow = True if len(theseKeys) > 0: # at least one key was pressed run_trigger_sync_.keys = theseKeys[-1] # just the last key pressed run_trigger_sync_.rt = run_trigger_sync_.clock.getTime() # a response ends the routine continueRoutine = False # *run_start_msg* updates if t >= 0.0 and run_start_msg.status == NOT_STARTED: # keep track of start time/frame for later run_start_msg.tStart = t run_start_msg.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index run_start_msg.setAutoDraw(True) frameRemains = 0.0 + 5- win.monitorFramePeriod * 0.75 # most of one frame period left if run_start_msg.status == STARTED and t >= frameRemains: run_start_msg.setAutoDraw(False) # check if all components have finished if not continueRoutine: # a component has requested a forced-end of Routine break continueRoutine = False # will revert to True if at least one component still running for thisComponent in run_trigger_syncComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, "status") and thisComponent.status != FINISHED: continueRoutine = True break # at least one component has not yet finished # check for quit (the Esc key) if endExpNow or event.getKeys(keyList=["escape"]): core.quit() # refresh the screen if continueRoutine: # don't flip if this routine is over or we'll get a blank screen win.flip() # -------Ending Routine "run_trigger_sync"------- for thisComponent in run_trigger_syncComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, "setAutoDraw"): thisComponent.setAutoDraw(False) # check responses if run_trigger_sync_.keys in ['', [], None]: # No response was made run_trigger_sync_.keys=None thisExp.addData('run_trigger_sync_.keys',run_trigger_sync_.keys) if run_trigger_sync_.keys != None: # we had a response thisExp.addData('run_trigger_sync_.rt', run_trigger_sync_.rt) run_start_timestamp = StartClock.getTime() send_trigger(400) # the Routine "run_trigger_sync" was not non-slip safe, so reset the non-slip timer routineTimer.reset() start_delay=False delay_counter= 0 #print(block_delay) #print(delay_counter) # start movie for whole run (loop over trials) mov='movies/mov3.mkv' #print(mov) movie.setMovie(mov) if t >= 0.0 and movie.status == NOT_STARTED: # keep track of start time/frame for later movie.tStart = t movie.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index movie.setAutoDraw(True) frameRemains = 0.0 + 2- win.monitorFramePeriod * 0.75 # most of one frame period left # set up handler to look after randomisation of conditions etc trials = data.TrialHandler(nReps=1, method='sequential', extraInfo=expInfo, originPath=-1, trialList=data.importConditions(run_var), seed=None, name='trials') thisExp.addLoop(trials) # add the loop to the experiment thisTrial = trials.trialList[0] # so we can initialise stimuli with some values # abbreviate parameter names if possible (e.g. rgb = thisTrial.rgb) if thisTrial != None: for paramName in thisTrial.keys(): exec(paramName + '= thisTrial.' + paramName) stimuli_played=0 for thisTrial in trials: currentLoop = trials # abbreviate parameter names if possible (e.g. rgb = thisTrial.rgb) if thisTrial != None: for paramName in thisTrial.keys(): exec(paramName + '= thisTrial.' + paramName) # ------Prepare to start Routine "trial"------- t = 0 trialClock.reset() # clock frameN = -1 continueRoutine = True routineTimer.add(2.000000) # update component parameters for each repeat stim_1.setSound(stimuli, secs=2) #read stimuli into dict and set port value abc= stimuli.split('/')[0] trg = trg_dict.get(abc, 100) # keep track of which components have finished trialComponents = [stim_1, fix_1] for thisComponent in trialComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, 'status'): thisComponent.status = NOT_STARTED # -------Start Routine "trial"------- while continueRoutine and routineTimer.getTime() > 0: # get current time t = trialClock.getTime() frameN = frameN + 1 # number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame) # update/draw components on each frame # start/stop stim_1 if t >= 0.0 and stim_1.status == NOT_STARTED: # keep track of start time/frame for later stim_1.tStart = t stim_1.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index ## TODO reinstate: send_trigger(abc) #print(abc) # start the sound (it finishes automatically) send_trigger(trg) # send block specific trigger # get time for stimuls start thisExp.addData('stimulus_start_global',globalClock.getTime()) thisExp.addData('stimulus_start_routineTimer',routineTimer.getTime()) thisExp.addData('stimulus_start_',frameN) #print(stim_1) stimuli_played+=1 if stimuli_played%5 == 0: start_delay=True print('stimuli_nr:'+str(stimuli_played)) frameRemains = 0.0 + 1.5 - win.monitorFramePeriod * 0.75 # most of one frame period left #frameRemainsdelay = 0.0 + 1.5- win.monitorFramePeriod * 0.75 # most of one frame period left if stim_1.status == STARTED and t >= frameRemains: stim_1.stop() # stop the sound (if longer than duration) send_trigger(100) # send sound off trigger # get info on stim end thisExp.addData('stimulus_end_global',globalClock.getTime()) thisExp.addData('stimulus_end_routineTimer',routineTimer.getTime()) # add delay intervall after 5 stimuli if stimuli_played %5 == 0 and start_delay and delay_counter != 35: send_trigger(200) delay=block_delay[delay_counter] routineTimer.add(block_delay[delay_counter]) #frameRemainsdelay = 0.0 + 1.5 + delay - win.monitorFramePeriod * 0.75 # most of one frame period left #print('delay='+str(delay_counter)) delay_counter +=1 thisExp.addData('delay_counter',block_delay[delay_counter]) thisExp.addData('block_end_global',globalClock.getTime()) start_delay=False if stim_1.status == STARTED and t >= frameRemains: stim_1.stop() # stop the sound (if longer than duration) send_trigger(100) # send sound off trigger # get info on stim end thisExp.addData('stimulus_end_global',globalClock.getTime()) thisExp.addData('stimulus_end_routineTimer',routineTimer.getTime()) # check if all components have finished if not continueRoutine: # a component has requested a forced-end of Routine break continueRoutine = False # will revert to True if at least one component still running for thisComponent in trialComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, "status") and thisComponent.status != FINISHED: continueRoutine = True break # at least one component has not yet finished # check for quit (the Esc key) if endExpNow or event.getKeys(keyList=["escape"]): core.quit() # refresh the screen if continueRoutine: # don't flip if this routine is over or we'll get a blank screen win.flip() stim_1.stop() # ensure sound has stopped at end of routine thisExp.nextEntry() # completed 1 repeats of 'trials' thisExp.nextEntry() # completed 1 repeats of 'block' if stimuli_played == 180: movie.setAutoDraw(False) send_trigger(300) # END RUN thisExp.saveAsWideText(filename+'run3'+'.csv') thisExp.saveAsPickle(filename+'run3') logging.flush() # make sure everything is closed down thisExp.abort() # or data files will save again on exit win.close()
#!/usr/bin/python3 # vim:fileencoding=utf-8:sw=4:et from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division import sys import os import io import logging import pathlib import json NATIVE = sys.getfilesystemencoding() def parse_tvlist(lines): result = [] separation = list("|,,;;") for line in lines: if line.startswith("#"): continue line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue for sep in separation: cid, s, src = line.partition(sep) if s: break if s: result.append([cid.strip(), src.strip()]) return result def setup_log(log_level=None):