def get_sysconfigdata(args: argparse.Namespace) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Get path to sysconfigdata relative to build root
    data_name = sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name()
    assert "emscripten_wasm32" in data_name
    filename = data_name + ".py"
    return args.builddir / filename
def check(cmd, mf):
    # As of Python 3.6 the sysconfig module
    # dynamically imports a module using the
    # __import__ function.
    m = mf.findNode("sysconfig")
    if m is not None:
        import sysconfig

        mf.import_hook(sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name(), m)
def get_sysconfigdata(args: argparse.Namespace) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Get path to sysconfigdata relative to build root
    data_name = sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name()
    if not data_name.startswith(SYSCONFIG_NAMES):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid sysconfig data name '{data_name}'.",
    filename = data_name + ".py"
    return args.builddir / filename
def load_sysconfig(finder, module):
    """The sysconfig module implicitly loads _sysconfigdata."""
    import sysconfig
    if hasattr(sysconfig, '_get_sysconfigdata_name'):
        if not hasattr(sys, "abiflags"):
            sys.abiflags = ""
        datafile = sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name()
        datafile = "_sysconfigdata"
def extend_imports(module):
    if module.name == 'sysconfig' and os.name == 'posix':
        import sysconfig
        if hasattr(sysconfig, '_get_sysconfigdata_name'):
            args = []
            if getargspec(sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name).args:
                args = [True]
            sysconfig_name = sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name(*args)
            sysconfig_name = '_sysconfigdata'
def check(cmd, mf):
    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6):
        # As of Python 3.6 the sysconfig module
        # dynamicly imports a module using the
        # __import__ function.
        m = mf.findNode('sysconfig')
        if m is not None:
            import sysconfig

            mf.import_hook(sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name(), m)

        return None
def clean_sysconfigdata():
    import sys, sysconfig, os.path, pprint
    build_path = sys.argv[1]
    libdir = os.path.dirname(sysconfig.__file__)
    configdata = sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name()
    configpath = os.path.join(libdir, configdata + ".py")
    mod = __import__(configdata, globals(), locals(), ["build_time_vars"], 0)
    print("mod", configdata, mod)
    clean_vars = {}
    for key, value in mod.build_time_vars.items():
        clean_vars[key] = clean_data_value(key, value, build_path)
    print("path", configpath)
    with open(configpath, "w") as output:
            "# system configuration generated and used by"
            " the sysconfig module",
        print("# cleaned as part of ChimeraX build", file=output)
        print("build_time_vars = ", file=output, end='')
        pprint.pprint(clean_vars, stream=output)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Bootloader-exception)

# The 'sysconfig' module requires Makefile and pyconfig.h files from
# Python installation. 'sysconfig' parses these files to get some
# information from them.
# TODO Verify that bundling Makefile and pyconfig.h is still required for Python 3.

import sysconfig
import os

from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import relpath_to_config_or_make
from PyInstaller.compat import is_win

_CONFIG_H = sysconfig.get_config_h_filename()
_MAKEFILE = sysconfig.get_makefile_filename()

datas = [(_CONFIG_H, relpath_to_config_or_make(_CONFIG_H))]

# The Makefile does not exist on all platforms, eg. on Windows
if os.path.exists(_MAKEFILE):
    datas.append((_MAKEFILE, relpath_to_config_or_make(_MAKEFILE)))

if not is_win and hasattr(sysconfig, '_get_sysconfigdata_name'):
    # Python 3.6 uses additional modules like
    # `_sysconfigdata_m_linux_x86_64-linux-gnu`, see
    # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.6/Lib/sysconfig.py#L417
    # Note: Some versions of Anaconda backport this feature to before 3.6.
    # See issue #3105
    hiddenimports = [sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name()]
        print (dep_path)

    dep_path = fix_path(dep_path)

    import sysconfig
    soabi = sysconfig.get_config_var('SOABI')
    # Check if its a shared library and deconstruct it
    if soabi in dep_path:
        if debug == True:
            log.write('Shared library found in %s\n' % dep_path)
        dep_path = dep_path.replace(soabi,'*')
        print (dep_path)
    if "_sysconfigdata" in dep_path:
        dep_path = dep_path.replace(sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name(), "_sysconfigdata*")

    if debug == True:
    # Prints out result, which is what will be used by create_manifest
    print (dep_path)

    cpython_tag = sys.implementation.cache_tag
    cached = ''
    # Theres no naive way to find *.pyc files on python3
        if debug == True:
            log.write('\nCalling: sys.modules[' + '%s' % item + '].__cached__\n')
        cached = sys.modules['%s' % item].__cached__
    except AttributeError as e:
文件: nodes.py 项目: xxoolm/Ryven
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name())
# The 'sysconfig' module requires Makefile and pyconfig.h files from
# Python installation. 'sysconfig' parses these files to get some
# information from them.
# TODO Verify that bundling Makefile and pyconfig.h is still required for Python 3.

import sysconfig
import os

from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import relpath_to_config_or_make
from PyInstaller.compat import is_py36, is_win

_CONFIG_H = sysconfig.get_config_h_filename()
if hasattr(sysconfig, 'get_makefile_filename'):
    # sysconfig.get_makefile_filename is missing in Python < 2.7.9
    _MAKEFILE = sysconfig.get_makefile_filename()
    _MAKEFILE = sysconfig._get_makefile_filename()

datas = [(_CONFIG_H, relpath_to_config_or_make(_CONFIG_H))]

# The Makefile does not exist on all platforms, eg. on Windows
if os.path.exists(_MAKEFILE):
    datas.append((_MAKEFILE, relpath_to_config_or_make(_MAKEFILE)))

if is_py36 and not is_win:
    # Python 3.6 uses additional modules like
    # `_sysconfigdata_m_linux_x86_64-linux-gnu`, see
    # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.6/Lib/sysconfig.py#L417
    hiddenimports = [sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name()]
def makewheel(version, output_dir, platform=None):
    if sys.platform not in (
            "win32", "darwin") and not sys.platform.startswith("cygwin"):
        if not LocateBinary("patchelf"):
            raise Exception(
                "patchelf is required when building a Linux wheel.")

    if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
        raise Exception("Python 3.6 or higher is required to produce a wheel.")

    if platform is None:
        # Determine the platform from the build.
        platform_dat = os.path.join(output_dir, 'tmp', 'platform.dat')
        if os.path.isfile(platform_dat):
            platform = open(platform_dat, 'r').read().strip()
            print("Could not find platform.dat in build directory")
            platform = get_platform()
            if platform.startswith("linux-") and os.path.isdir("/opt/python"):
                # Is this manylinux?
                if os.path.isfile("/lib/libc-2.5.so") or os.path.isfile(
                    platform = platform.replace("linux", "manylinux1")
                elif os.path.isfile("/lib/libc-2.12.so") or os.path.isfile(
                    platform = platform.replace("linux", "manylinux2010")
                elif os.path.isfile("/lib/libc-2.17.so") or os.path.isfile(
                    platform = platform.replace("linux", "manylinux2014")
                elif os.path.isfile(
                        "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.24.so") or os.path.isfile(
                    platform = platform.replace("linux", "manylinux_2_24")

    platform = platform.replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')

    is_windows = platform == 'win32' \
        or platform.startswith('win_') \
        or platform.startswith('cygwin_')
    is_macosx = platform.startswith('macosx_')

    # Global filepaths
    panda3d_dir = join(output_dir, "panda3d")
    pandac_dir = join(output_dir, "pandac")
    direct_dir = join(output_dir, "direct")
    models_dir = join(output_dir, "models")
    etc_dir = join(output_dir, "etc")
    bin_dir = join(output_dir, "bin")
    if is_windows:
        libs_dir = join(output_dir, "bin")
        libs_dir = join(output_dir, "lib")
    ext_mod_dir = get_python_ext_module_dir()
    license_src = "LICENSE"
    readme_src = "README.md"

    # Update relevant METADATA entries
    METADATA['version'] = version

    # Build out the metadata
    details = METADATA["extensions"]["python.details"]
    homepage = details["project_urls"]["Home"]
    author = details["contacts"][0]["name"]
    email = details["contacts"][0]["email"]
    metadata = ''.join([
        "Metadata-Version: {metadata_version}\n" \
        "Name: {name}\n" \
        "Version: {version}\n" \
        "Summary: {summary}\n" \
        "License: {license}\n".format(**METADATA),
        "Home-page: {0}\n".format(homepage),
    ] + ["Project-URL: {0}, {1}\n".format(*url) for url in PROJECT_URLS.items()] + [
        "Author: {0}\n".format(author),
        "Author-email: {0}\n".format(email),
        "Platform: {0}\n".format(platform),
    ] + ["Classifier: {0}\n".format(c) for c in METADATA['classifiers']])

    metadata += '\n' + DESCRIPTION.strip() + '\n'

    # Zip it up and name it the right thing
    whl = WheelFile('panda3d', version, platform)
    whl.lib_path = [libs_dir]

    if is_windows:

    if platform.startswith("manylinux"):
        # On manylinux1, we pick up all libraries except for the ones specified
        # by the manylinux1 ABI.

        if platform.endswith("_x86_64"):
            whl.lib_path += ["/lib64", "/usr/lib64"]
            whl.lib_path += ["/lib", "/usr/lib"]


    # Add libpython for deployment.
    if is_windows:
        pylib_name = 'python{0}{1}.dll'.format(*sys.version_info)
        pylib_path = os.path.join(get_config_var('BINDIR'), pylib_name)
    elif is_macosx:
        pylib_name = 'libpython{0}.{1}.dylib'.format(*sys.version_info)
        pylib_path = os.path.join(get_config_var('LIBDIR'), pylib_name)
        pylib_name = get_config_var('LDLIBRARY')
        pylib_arch = get_config_var('MULTIARCH')
        libdir = get_config_var('LIBDIR')
        if pylib_arch and os.path.exists(
                os.path.join(libdir, pylib_arch, pylib_name)):
            pylib_path = os.path.join(libdir, pylib_arch, pylib_name)
            pylib_path = os.path.join(libdir, pylib_name)

    # If Python was linked statically, we don't need to include this.
    if not pylib_name.endswith('.a'):
        whl.write_file('deploy_libs/' + pylib_name, pylib_path)

    # Add the trees with Python modules.
    whl.write_directory('direct', direct_dir)

    # Write the panda3d tree.  We use a custom empty __init__ since the
    # default one adds the bin directory to the PATH, which we don't have.
    p3d_init = """"Python bindings for the Panda3D libraries"

__version__ = '{0}'

    if '27' in ABI_TAG:
        p3d_init += """
if __debug__:
    if 1 / 2 == 0:
        raise ImportError(\"Python 2 is not supported.\")

    whl.write_file_data('panda3d/__init__.py', p3d_init)

    # Copy the extension modules from the panda3d directory.
    ext_suffix = GetExtensionSuffix()

    for file in sorted(os.listdir(panda3d_dir)):
        if file == '__init__.py':
        elif file.endswith('.py') or (file.endswith(ext_suffix)
                                      and '.' not in file[:-len(ext_suffix)]):
            source_path = os.path.join(panda3d_dir, file)

            if file.endswith('.pyd') and platform.startswith('cygwin'):
                # Rename it to .dll for cygwin Python to be able to load it.
                target_path = 'panda3d/' + os.path.splitext(file)[0] + '.dll'
            elif file.endswith(ext_suffix) and platform.startswith('android'):
                # Strip the extension suffix on Android.
                target_path = 'panda3d/' + file[:-len(ext_suffix)] + '.so'
                target_path = 'panda3d/' + file

            whl.write_file(target_path, source_path)

    # And copy the extension modules from the Python installation into the
    # deploy_libs directory, for use by deploy-ng.
    ext_suffix = '.pyd' if is_windows else '.so'

    for file in sorted(os.listdir(ext_mod_dir)):
        if file.endswith(ext_suffix):
            if file.startswith('_tkinter.'):
                # Tkinter is supplied in a separate wheel.

            source_path = os.path.join(ext_mod_dir, file)

            if file.endswith('.pyd') and platform.startswith('cygwin'):
                # Rename it to .dll for cygwin Python to be able to load it.
                target_path = 'deploy_libs/' + os.path.splitext(
                    file)[0] + '.dll'
                target_path = 'deploy_libs/' + file

            whl.write_file(target_path, source_path)

    # Include the special sysconfigdata module.
    if os.name == 'posix':
        import sysconfig

        if hasattr(sysconfig, '_get_sysconfigdata_name'):
            modname = sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name() + '.py'
            modname = '_sysconfigdata.py'

        for entry in sys.path:
            source_path = os.path.join(entry, modname)
            if os.path.isfile(source_path):
                whl.write_file('deploy_libs/' + modname, source_path)

    # Add plug-ins.
    for lib in PLUGIN_LIBS:
        plugin_name = 'lib' + lib
        if is_windows:
            plugin_name += '.dll'
        elif is_macosx:
            plugin_name += '.dylib'
            plugin_name += '.so'
        plugin_path = os.path.join(libs_dir, plugin_name)
        if os.path.isfile(plugin_path):
            whl.write_file('panda3d/' + plugin_name, plugin_path)

    if platform.startswith('android'):
        deploy_stub_path = os.path.join(libs_dir, 'libdeploy-stubw.so')
        if os.path.isfile(deploy_stub_path):
            whl.write_file('deploy_libs/libdeploy-stubw.so', deploy_stub_path)

        classes_dex_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'classes.dex')
        if os.path.isfile(classes_dex_path):
            whl.write_file('deploy_libs/classes.dex', classes_dex_path)

    # Add the .data directory, containing additional files.
    data_dir = 'panda3d-{0}.data'.format(version)
    #whl.write_directory(data_dir + '/data/etc', etc_dir)
    #whl.write_directory(data_dir + '/data/models', models_dir)

    # Actually, let's not.  That seems to install the files to the strangest
    # places in the user's filesystem.  Let's instead put them in panda3d.
    whl.write_directory('panda3d/etc', etc_dir)
    whl.write_directory('panda3d/models', models_dir)

    # Add the pandac tree for backward compatibility.
    for file in sorted(os.listdir(pandac_dir)):
        if file.endswith('.py'):
            whl.write_file('pandac/' + file, os.path.join(pandac_dir, file))

    # Let's also add the interrogate databases.
    input_dir = os.path.join(pandac_dir, 'input')
    if os.path.isdir(input_dir):
        for file in sorted(os.listdir(input_dir)):
            if file.endswith('.in'):
                whl.write_file('pandac/input/' + file,
                               os.path.join(input_dir, file))

    # Add a panda3d-tools directory containing the executables.
    entry_points = '[console_scripts]\n'
    entry_points += 'eggcacher = direct.directscripts.eggcacher:main\n'
    entry_points += 'pfreeze = direct.dist.pfreeze:main\n'
    tools_init = ''
    for file in sorted(os.listdir(bin_dir)):
        basename = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
        if basename in ('eggcacher', 'packpanda'):

        source_path = os.path.join(bin_dir, file)

        if is_executable(source_path):
            # Put the .exe files inside the panda3d-tools directory.
            whl.write_file('panda3d_tools/' + file, source_path)

            if basename.endswith('_bin'):
                # These tools won't be invoked by the user directly.

            # Tell pip to create a wrapper script.
            funcname = basename.replace('-', '_')
            entry_points += '{0} = panda3d_tools:{1}\n'.format(
                basename, funcname)
            tools_init += '{0} = lambda: _exec_tool({1!r})\n'.format(
                funcname, file)

    entry_points += '[distutils.commands]\n'
    entry_points += 'build_apps = direct.dist.commands:build_apps\n'
    entry_points += 'bdist_apps = direct.dist.commands:bdist_apps\n'


    # Add the dist-info directory last.
    info_dir = 'panda3d-{0}.dist-info'.format(version)
    whl.write_file_data(info_dir + '/entry_points.txt', entry_points)
    whl.write_file_data(info_dir + '/metadata.json',
                        json.dumps(METADATA, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
    whl.write_file_data(info_dir + '/METADATA', metadata)
    whl.write_file_data(info_dir + '/WHEEL',
                        WHEEL_DATA.format(PY_VERSION, ABI_TAG, platform))
    whl.write_file(info_dir + '/LICENSE.txt', license_src)
    whl.write_file(info_dir + '/README.md', readme_src)
    whl.write_file_data(info_dir + '/top_level.txt',

# Hack to get mpi4py to build with conda https://bitbucket.org/mpi4py/mpi4py/issues/143/build-failure-with-python-installed-from
# Add this file to the mpi4py conf/ directory

# sysconfigdata-conda-user.py
import os, sysconfig
from distutils.util import split_quoted

_val = os.environ.pop(_key, None)
_name = sysconfig._get_sysconfigdata_name(True)

_data = __import__(_name, globals(), locals(), ['build_time_vars'], 0)
build_time_vars = _data.build_time_vars

def _fix_options(opt):
    if not isinstance(opt, str):
        return opt
        opt = split_quoted(opt)
        return opt
        i = opt.index('-B')
        del opt[i:i + 2]
    except ValueError:
        i = opt.index('-Wl,--sysroot=/')
        del opt[i]
    except ValueError: