    def get_raw_fixed_instrument_weights(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Get the instrument weights
        These are 'raw' because we need to account for potentially missing positions, and weights that don't add up.
        From: (a) passed into subsystem when created
              (b) ... if not found then: in system.config.instrument_weights
        :returns: TxK pd.DataFrame containing weights, columns are instrument names, T covers all subsystem positions
        >>> from systems.tests.testdata import get_test_object_futures_with_pos_sizing
        >>> from systems.basesystem import System
        >>> (posobject, combobject, capobject, rules, rawdata, data, config)=get_test_object_futures_with_pos_sizing()
        >>> config.instrument_weights=dict(EDOLLAR=0.1, US10=0.9)
        >>> system=System([rawdata, rules, posobject, combobject, capobject,Portfolios()], data, config)
        >>> ## from config
        >>> system.portfolio.get_instrument_weights().tail(2)
                    EDOLLAR  US10
        2015-12-10      0.1   0.9
        2015-12-11      0.1   0.9
        >>> del(config.instrument_weights)
        >>> system2=System([rawdata, rules, posobject, combobject, capobject,Portfolios()], data, config)
        >>> system2.portfolio.get_instrument_weights().tail(2)
        WARNING: No instrument weights  - using equal weights of 0.3333 over all 3 instruments in data
                        BUND   EDOLLAR      US10
        2015-12-10  0.333333  0.333333  0.333333
        2015-12-11  0.333333  0.333333  0.333333

        self.log.msg("Calculating raw instrument weights")

            instrument_weights_dict = self.config.instrument_weights
            instrument_weights_dict = self.get_equal_instrument_weights_dict()

        instrument_weights_dict = self._add_zero_instrument_weights(

        # Now we have a dict, fixed_weights.
        # Need to turn into a timeseries covering the range of subsystem positions
        instrument_list = self.get_instrument_list()

        subsystem_positions = self._get_all_subsystem_positions()
        position_series_index = subsystem_positions.index

        instrument_weights = from_dict_of_values_to_df(
            instrument_weights_dict, position_series_index, columns=instrument_list

        return instrument_weights
    def get_raw_fixed_forecast_weights(self, instrument_code):
        Get the forecast weights for this instrument

        From: (a) passed into subsystem when created
              (b) ... if not found then: in system.config.instrument_weights

        :param instrument_code:
        :type str:

        :returns: TxK pd.DataFrame containing weights, columns are trading rule variation names, T covers all

        >>> from systems.tests.testdata import get_test_object_futures_with_rules_and_capping
        >>> from systems.basesystem import System
        >>> (fcs, rules, rawdata, data, config)=get_test_object_futures_with_rules_and_capping()
        >>> system=System([rawdata, rules, fcs, ForecastCombineFixed()], data, config)
        >>> ## from config
        >>> system.combForecast.get_raw_forecast_weights("EDOLLAR").tail(2)
                    ewmac16  ewmac8
        2015-12-10      0.5     0.5
        2015-12-11      0.5     0.5
        >>> config.forecast_weights=dict(EDOLLAR=dict(ewmac8=0.9, ewmac16=0.1))
        >>> system2=System([rawdata, rules, fcs, ForecastCombineFixed()], data, config)
        >>> system2.combForecast.get_raw_forecast_weights("EDOLLAR").tail(2)
                    ewmac16  ewmac8
        2015-12-10      0.1     0.9
        2015-12-11      0.1     0.9
        >>> del(config.forecast_weights)
        >>> system3=System([rawdata, rules, fcs, ForecastCombineFixed()], data, config)
        >>> system3.combForecast.get_raw_forecast_weights("EDOLLAR").tail(2)
        WARNING: No forecast weights  - using equal weights of 0.5000 over all 2 trading rules in system
                    ewmac16  ewmac8
        2015-12-10      0.5     0.5
        2015-12-11      0.5     0.5

        system = self.parent
        # Let's try the config
        if "forecast_weights" in dir(system.config):

            if instrument_code in system.config.forecast_weights:
                # nested dict
                fixed_weights = system.config.forecast_weights[
                # assume it's a non nested dict
                fixed_weights = system.config.forecast_weights
            rules = self.get_trading_rule_list(instrument_code)
            equal_weight = 1.0 / len(rules)

            warn_msg = "WARNING: No forecast weights  - using equal weights of %.4f over all %d trading rules in system" % (
                equal_weight, len(rules))

            self.log.warn(warn_msg, instrument_code=instrument_code)

            fixed_weights = dict([(rule_name, equal_weight)
                                  for rule_name in rules])

        # Now we have a dict, fixed_weights.
        # Need to turn into a timeseries covering the range of forecast
        # dates
        rule_variation_list = sorted(fixed_weights.keys())

        forecasts_ts = self.get_all_forecasts(
            instrument_code, rule_variation_list)

        forecast_weights = from_dict_of_values_to_df(fixed_weights, forecasts_ts.index, columns = forecasts_ts.columns)

        return forecast_weights
    def get_raw_fixed_forecast_weights(self,
                                       instrument_code: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Get the forecast weights for this instrument

        From: (a) passed into subsystem when created
              (b) ... if not found then: in system.config.instrument_weights

        :param instrument_code:
        :type str:

        :returns: TxK pd.DataFrame containing weights, columns are trading rule variation names, T covers all

        >>> from systems.tests.testdata import get_test_object_futures_with_rules_and_capping
        >>> from systems.basesystem import System
        >>> (fcs, rules, rawdata, data, config)=get_test_object_futures_with_rules_and_capping()
        >>> system=System([rawdata, rules, fcs, ForecastCombineFixed()], data, config)
        >>> ## from config
        >>> system.combForecast.get_raw_monthly_forecast_weights("EDOLLAR").tail(2)
                    ewmac16  ewmac8
        2015-12-10      0.5     0.5
        2015-12-11      0.5     0.5
        >>> config.forecast_weights=dict(EDOLLAR=dict(ewmac8=0.9, ewmac16=0.1))
        >>> system2=System([rawdata, rules, fcs, ForecastCombineFixed()], data, config)
        >>> system2.combForecast.get_raw_monthly_forecast_weights("EDOLLAR").tail(2)
                    ewmac16  ewmac8
        2015-12-10      0.1     0.9
        2015-12-11      0.1     0.9
        >>> del(config.forecast_weights)
        >>> system3=System([rawdata, rules, fcs, ForecastCombineFixed()], data, config)
        >>> system3.combForecast.get_raw_monthly_forecast_weights("EDOLLAR").tail(2)
        WARNING: No forecast weights  - using equal weights of 0.5000 over all 2 trading rules in system
                    ewmac16  ewmac8
        2015-12-10      0.5     0.5
        2015-12-11      0.5     0.5

        # Now we have a dict, fixed_weights.
        # Need to turn into a timeseries covering the range of forecast
        # dates

        fixed_weights = self._get_fixed_forecast_weights_as_dict(

        rule_variation_list = sorted(fixed_weights.keys())

        forecasts = self.get_all_forecasts(instrument_code,
        forecasts_time_index = forecasts.index
        forecast_columns_to_align = forecasts.columns

        # Turn into a 2 row data frame aligned to forecast names
        forecast_weights = from_dict_of_values_to_df(

        return forecast_weights