 def gen_ctx():
     ctx = Chi2GoodnessOfFitData(seed = seed) 
     #Here we sample from a non-uniform distribution for the die!
     ctx1_args = {
         'o_dist':[1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/10, 1/10],
         'alternative':"The die is not fair.",
             For this problem the truth is tha the die is not fair. \
             If you accepted H<sub>0</sub>, then this is a <strong>miss</strong>
             (Type II error).
     ctx1 = Chi2GoodnessOfFitData(seed = seed, **ctx1_args)
     # Pass the pigs game: Due to embedding the table in the story
     # this one is a little harder to set up. The problem is that this 
     # pollutes namespace for future contexts. 
     # Append _ to avoid namespace pollution
     _outcomes =  ['Pink', 'Dot', 'Razorback', 'Trotter', 
                  'Snouter', 'Leaning Jowler']
     _t_dist = [.35, .30, .20, .10, .04, .01]
     tb = Table(_t_dist, col_headers = _outcomes, 
                row_headers = ['Position', 'Expected Frequency'])
     if fmt == 'html':
         styles = Table.get_style()
         tbl = tb.html()
         styles = ""
         tbl = tb.latex()
     _s_size = random.randint(20, 30) * 10
     ctx2_args = {
         'story':"""Pass The Pigs&reg; is a game from Milton-Bradley&#8482; 
             which is essentially a dice game, except that instead of dice 
             players toss small plastic pigs that can land in any of 6 
             positions. For example, you roll a 'trotter' if the pig falls 
             standing on all 4 legs. It is claimed that the distribution
             for the 6 positions are:
             To test this you toss a pig {s_size} times and get the observed 
             frequencies below:
             """.format(styles = styles, tbl = tbl, s_size = _s_size),
         'null':"The observed values of the positions of the pigs agrees \
         with the expected distribution.",
         'alternative':"The observed values of the positions of the pigs \
         differs from what should be the case if the expected distribution\
         was correct.",
             In this case the observed data was sampled from the given
             distribution. So if the null hypothesis is rejected, this
             is <string>a Type-I error</strong> or <strong>a false 
     ctx2 = Chi2GoodnessOfFitData(seed = seed, **ctx2_args)
     ## 11.2 from text
     s_size = random.randint(5, 10) * 10
     ctx3_args = {
         'outcomes':['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
                 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
         't_dist':np.ones(7) * 1/7,
         'a_level': random.choice([0.1,0.01,0.05]),
         'outcome_type':'Day of Week',
               Teachers want to know which night each week their students are 
               doing most of their homework. Most teachers think that students 
               do homework equally throughout the week. Suppose a random sample 
               of %s students were asked on which night of the week they 
               did the most homework. The results were distributed as in  
               """ % s_size,
         'null':"Students are equally likely to do the majority of their \
         homework on any of the seven nights of the week.",
         'alternative':"Students are more likely to do the majority of their \
         homework on certain nights rather than others."
     ctx3 = Chi2GoodnessOfFitData(seed = seed, **ctx3_args)
     return [ctx, ctx1, ctx2, ctx3]
文件: hyperbola.py 项目: ketchers/LO
 def explanation(self, path = 'explanations', 
             expanded = True, a_type = 'preview',                     
             force = False, xkcd = False, fmt = 'latex'):
     Provides an explanation of the hyperbola.
     Parameters: (Largely shared with show)
     path      : str
         The output directory for image files
     file_name : str
         The name of output file without extension.
     a_type   : Strint ('MC', 'preview')
         If 'preview', then set up for previewing.
     fmt       : String ('html', 'latex')
         If 'latex' us MathJax, if 'html' use CSS tables.
     if fmt == 'html':
         ex = Table.get_style()
         ex = ""
     file_name = path + "/" + self.url + ".png"
     if a_type == 'preview':
         file_name = file_name.replace('%2','%252')
     const = self.a ** 2 * self.b **2
     x_part = const*(self(x, self.k).expand() - self(0, self.k))
     y_part = const*(self(self.h, y).expand() - self(self.h, 0))
     rhs = const - const*self(0, 0)
     # The following is an attempt to avoid lots of code duplication.
     if self.trans == 'x':
         X = x
         Y = y
         X_part = x_part
         Y_part = y_part
         HH = self.h
         KK = self.k
         TX = 1
         TY = 0
         X = y
         Y = x
         X_part = y_part
         Y_part = x_part
         HH = self.k
         KK = self.h
         TX = 0
         TY = 1
     # To reduce typing
     A = self.a
     B = self.b
     H = self.h
     K = self.k
     C = self.c 
     k, h, a, b, c = sym.symbols('k h a b c')
     gcd_X = sym.gcd(X_part.collect(X).coeff(X,1), X_part.collect(X).coeff(X,2))
     gcd_Y = sym.gcd(Y_part.collect(Y).coeff(Y,1), Y_part.collect(Y).coeff(Y,2))
     b_X = X_part.collect(X).coeff(X,1)/gcd_X
     b_Y = -Y_part.collect(Y).coeff(Y,1)/gcd_Y        
     if expanded:
         ex += "The first step to finding the graph of $$%s = 0$$ is\
             to find the normal form of the equation." \
         % sym.latex((const*(self(x, y) - 1)).expand())
         ex += " To begin move the constant term to the right hand side. \
             This gives: $$(%s) + (%s) = %s$$" \
                 % (sym.latex(x_part), sym.latex(y_part), rhs)
         ex += "Next factor common factors from the $_x$_ and $_y$_ terms to get: \
             $$%s(%s) - %s(%s) = %s$$" \
         % (gcd_X if gcd_X != 1 else "", sym.latex(X_part/gcd_X), 
            gcd_Y if gcd_Y != 1 else "", sym.latex(-Y_part/gcd_Y), rhs)
         ex += "Now complete the squares: \
             $$%s\\left(%s  %s\\right) \
             - %s\\left(%s  %s\\right) = \
             %s %s %s$$"\
              % (gcd_X if gcd_X != 1 else "", sym.latex(X_part/gcd_X), 
                 "+ \\left(\\frac{%s}{2}\\right)^2" % b_X if b_X != 0 else "", 
                 gcd_Y if gcd_Y != 1 else "", sym.latex(-Y_part/gcd_Y), 
                 "+ \\left(\\frac{%s}{2}\\right)^2" % b_Y if b_Y != 0 else "", 
                 "+ %s\\left(\\frac{%s}{2}\\right)^2" % (gcd_X, b_X) if b_X != 0 else "", 
                 "- %s\\left(\\frac{%s}{2}\\right)^2" % (gcd_Y, b_Y) if b_Y != 0 else "")
         ex += "This simplifies to: $$%s\\left(%s\\right)^2 - %s\\left(%s\\right)^2 = %s$$" \
             % (gcd_X if gcd_X != 1 else "",
                sym.latex(X + b_X/2),
                gcd_Y if gcd_Y != 1 else "",
                 sym.latex(Y + b_Y/2),
         ex += "Lastly divide both side by the right hand side to get: \
             $$%s\\left(%s\\right)^2 - %s\\left(%s\\right)^2 = 1$$" \
             % (sym.latex(gcd_X/const) if gcd_X/const != 1 else "",
                sym.latex(X + b_X/2),
                sym.latex(gcd_Y/const) if gcd_Y/const != 1 else "",
                 sym.latex(Y + b_Y/2))
         ex += "This simplifies to the final normal form: \
             $$\\frac{(%s)^2}{%s^2} - \\frac{(%s)^2}{%s^2} = 1$$" \
             % (sym.latex(X-HH), A, sym.latex(Y-KK), B)
         ex += "The hyperbola is given in standard normal form: \
         $$\\frac{(%s)^2}{%s^2} - \\frac{(%s)^2}{%s^2} = 1$$" \
             % (sym.latex(X-HH), A, sym.latex(Y-KK), B)
     ex += "From this we can read off the center to be at $_(h,k) = (%s, %s)$_. "\
         % (H,K)
     ex += "The tansverse (major) axis is along $_%s = %s$_ and has length $_2a = %s$_. "\
         % (sym.latex(Y), K, 2*A)
     ex += "The vertices are $_(%s, %s) = (%s,%s)$_ and $_(%s, %s) = (%s, %s)$_. "\
         % (sym.latex(h - a * TX), sym.latex(k - a * TY), H - A * TX, K - A * TY,
            sym.latex(h + a * TX), sym.latex(k + a * TY), H + A * TX, K + A * TY)
     ex += "The conjugate (minor) axis is along $_%s = %s$_ and has length \
           $_2b = %s$_. " % (sym.latex(Y), H, 2*B)
     ex += "The co-vertices are $_(%s, %s) = (%s,%s)$_ and $_(%s, %s) = (%s, %s)$_. "\
         % (sym.latex(h - B * (1 - TX)), sym.latex(k - B * (1 - TY)), 
                 H - B * (1 - TX), K - B * (1 - TY), 
                 sym.latex(h + B * (1 - TX)), sym.latex(k + B * (1 - TY)), 
                 H + B * (1 - TX), K + B * (1 - TY))
     ex += "The two assymptotes are $_y = \\pm\\frac{b}{a}(%s) %s %s \
           = \\pm\\frac{%s}{%s}(%s) %s %s $_. " \
             % (sym.latex(x - H),  "+" if K > 0 else "-",
                 sym.Abs(K), B, A, sym.latex(x - H), "+" if K > 0 else "-",
     ex += "Finally, the focal length is $_c = \\sqrt{a^2+b^2}=%s$_ and the foci \
         are located at $_(%s, %s) = (%s,%s)$_ and $_(%s, %s) = (%s, %s)$_. "\
         % (sym.latex(C),
                 sym.latex(h - c * TX), sym.latex(k - c * TY), 
                 sym.latex(H - C * TX), sym.latex(K - C * TY), 
                 sym.latex(h + c * TX), sym.latex(k + c * TY), 
                 sym.latex(H + C * TX), sym.latex(K + C * TY))
     data =  [
             ['center', '$_(%s, %s)$_' % (H, K)],
             ['vertices', '$_(%s, %s), (%s, %s)$_' \
                 % tuple(map(sym.latex, [H - A * TX, K - A * TY, 
                                         H + A * TX, K + A *TY]))],
             ['length of conjugate axis', '$_%s$_' % sym.latex(2*A)],
             ['co-vertices', '$_(%s, %s), (%s, %s)$_' \
                 % tuple(map(sym.latex, [H - B * (1 - TX), K - B * (1 - TY), 
                                         H + B * (1 - TX), K - B * (1 - TY)]))],
             ['length of conjugate axis', '$_%s$_'% sym.latex(2*B)],
             ['foci', '$_(%s, %s), (%s, %s)$_' \
                 % tuple(map(sym.latex, [H - C * TX, K - C * TY, 
                                         H + C * TX, K + C * TY]))],
             ['asymptotes', '$_y = \\pm\\frac{%s}{%s}(%s) %s %s$_' \
                 % tuple(map(sym.latex, [B, A, sym.sympify(x - H), 
                                         "+" if K > 0 else "-",
     tb = Table(data)
     if fmt == 'latex':
         tbl = tb.latex()
         tbl = tb.html()
     img = html_image(image_url = file_name, width = '300px', 
                      preview = (a_type == 'preview'))
     ex +="""      
     <div class='outer-container-rk'>
         <div class='centering-rk'>
             <div class='container-rk'>
                     <figcaption>$_%s = 1$_</figcaption>
             <div class='container-rk'>
     """ % (Table.get_style(), img, self.latex, tbl)
     self.show(path = path, file_name = self.url, force = force, 
               xkcd = xkcd)
     return ex
    def stem(self, context = None, table = None, q_type = None,
             a_type = 'preview', force = False, fmt = 'html'):
        This will generate a problem for $\chi^2$ goodness of fit.
        context : context object
            This describes the problem. A default context is used if this is 
        table   : string ['hist', 'table'] 
            Display t_dist as a table (html/latex) or as a histogram.
        q_type  : string [None, 'STAT', 'HT', 'CI'] 
            If None randomly choose. If 'STAT' just compute the chi2 statistic 
            and the degrees of freedom. If 'HT, compute the p-value for the  
            data and determine whether or not reject the null hypothesis. If 
            'CI' compute the confidence interval.
        a_type  : string
            This is eithe "MC" or "preview" for now
        fmt   : String ['html', 'latex']
            Use nice CSS/HTML (responsive) or plain LaTeX (static)
        The default here is to simulate a roll of a die 30 times and record the
        frequency of values. The :math`\chi^2` test should test whether the die
        is fair at an :math:`alpha` 
        level of 5%.
        kwargs = {
            'context': context,
            'table': table,
            'q_type': q_type,
            'fmt': fmt,
            'a_type': a_type
        if q_type is None:
            q_type = random.choice(['STAT', 'HT', 'PVAL'])

        if table == None:
            table = random.choice(['table', 'hist'])
        if context == None:
            context = Chi2GoodnessOfFitData()
        if not context.is_valid:
            warnings.warn("Context had invalid cell counts.")
        # Generate unique name
        q_name = hash(context)
        self.hist = str(q_name) + "_hist.png"
        self.solution_plot = str(q_name) + "_plot.png"
        style = None
        if a_type == 'preview':
                question_stem = "<h2>Question</h2><br>"
            question_stem = ""

        if fmt == 'html':
            question_stem += Table.get_style()
        question_stem += "<div class='par'>" + context.story + "</div>\n" 
        if table == 'table':
            if fmt == 'html':
                tbl = context.observed.html()
                question_stem += tbl
                tbl = context.observed.latex()
                question_stem +=  tbl
        elif table == 'hist':
            fname = context.hist(path = self.path, force = force)
            img = html_image(fname, width = '300px', 
                             preview = (a_type == 'preview'))
            if style is None:
                style = Table.get_style()
                question_stem += style
            question_stem +="""      
            <div class='outer-container-rk'>
                <div class='centering-rk'>
                    <div class='container-rk'>
            """ % (img, "Observed Frequencies")                
        N = len(context.outcomes)     
        df =  N - 1        
        chi2eq = "$$\\chi^2_{%s}=\\sum_{i=1}^{%s}\\frac{(O_i-E_i)^2}{E_i}\
                = %.3g$$" % (df, N, context.chi2_stat)
        if q_type == 'STAT':
            question_stem += "Compute the $_\\chi^2$_-statistic and degrees \
                of freedom for the given observed values."

        elif q_type == 'PVAL':
            question_stem += """The $_\\chi^2$_ statistic is 
            Use this information to find the degrees of freedom (df) and the 
            $_p\\text{{-value}} = P(\\chi^2_{{{df}}} > {chi2:.3g})$_.
            """.format(chi2eq=chi2eq, N=N, df = 'df', chi2=context.chi2_stat)
        elif q_type == 'HT':
            question_stem += """The degrees of freedom are $_df = {N} - 1 = 
            {df}$_ and the $_\\chi^2$_ statistic is {chi2eq} 
            Use this information to conduct a hypothesis test with 
            $_\\alpha = {a_level}$_. Choose the answer that best captures
            the null hypothesis and conclusion.
            """.format(N = N, df = df, chi2eq = chi2eq,
                       a_level = context.a_level)
        if fmt == 'html':
            explanation = Table.get_style()
            explanation = ""
        if a_type == 'preview':
            explanation += "<br><h2>Explanation</h2><br>"
        tb1 = Table(context.t_dist, col_headers = context.outcomes,
                    row_headers = [context.outcome_type, 'Probabilities'])
        if fmt == 'html':                    
            tbl1 = tb1.html()
            tbl2 = context.oe.html()       
            tbl1 = tb1.latex()
            tbl2 = context.oe.latex()   
        explanation += "<div class='par'>To find the expected counts multiply the total\
            number of observations by the expected probability for an outcome. \
            The probabilities for the expected outcomes are summarized in the \
            following table:"
        explanation += tbl1
        explanation += "and there are %s observations." % context.s_size
        explanation += " So the expected and observed counts are:<br>"
        explanation += tbl2 
        explanation += "</div>"
        explanation += "<div class='par'>The degrees of freedom are $_df = {N} - 1 = \
        {df}$_ and the $_\\chi^2$_-statistic is:{chi2eq}</div>"\
        if q_type in ['HT','PVAL']:
            rv = stats.chi2(df)
            p_val = 1 - rv.cdf(context.chi2_stat)
            fname = context.show(path = self.path, force = force)
            img = html_image(fname, width = '300px', 
                             preview = (a_type == 'preview'))
            caption = """
                Lightshading (right of the red line) indicates the \p-value.
                The darker shading indicate the $_\\alpha = $_ {a_level:.0%} 
                The background histogram is a bootstrap sampling distribution.
                """.format(a_level = context.a_level)
            explanation +="""
            The p-value for this data is:
                $$\\text{p-value} = P(\\chi^2_{%s} > %.3g) = %.4g%s$$
            <div class='outer-container-rk'>
                <div class='centering-rk'>
                    <div class='container-rk'>
            """ % (df, context.chi2_stat, p_val * 100, '\\%', img, caption)
        if q_type == 'HT':
            if p_val < context.a_level:
                explanation += """
                    <div class='par'>The p-value is less than the 
                    $_\\alpha$_-level so the null hypothesis is rejected. 
                    That is, we accept the alternative hypothesis:
                    <strong>H<sub>a</sub>: {alt} </strong>
                    More precisely, assuming the null hypothesis, there
                    is only a {p_val:.2%} probability due to 
                    random chance in sampling that
                    the difference in the expected and observed data is 
                    least this large.</div>
                    """.format(alt=context.alternative, p_val=p_val)
                explanation += """
                    <div class='par'>The p-value is greater than the $_\\alpha$_-level so
                    the null hypothesis
                    is not rejected. Precisely, assuming the null hypothesis
                    <strong>H<sub>0</sub>: {null}</strong>,
                    there is a {p_val:.2%} probability due to 
                    random chance in sampling that
                    the difference in the expected and observed data is at 
                    least this large.</div>
                    """.format(null=context.null, p_val=p_val)
            explanation += """
                <div class='par'>Note: {note}</div>                
        errors = self.gen_errors(q_type, context)
        if a_type == 'preview':
            errs = [[er] for er in errors]
            choices = "<br><h2>Choices</h2><br>"
            tb = Table(errs, row_headers = ['Answer'] + ['Distractor']*4)
            # Choices need the richer html structure in preview.
            choices += Table.get_style() + tb.html()   
            if fmt == 'html':
                return question_stem + choices +  explanation
                return question_stem.replace("<div ","<p ")\
                        .replace("</div>","</p>") + choices + \
                        explanation.replace("<div ","<p ")\
        elif a_type == 'MC':
            if fmt == 'latex':
                question_stem = question_stem.replace("<div ","<p ")\
                explanation = explanation.replace("<div ","<p ")\
                distractors = [err.replace("<div ","<p ")\
                        .replace("</div>","</p>") for err in errors]
            question_stem = ' '.join(question_stem.split())
            distractors = [' '.join(err.split()) for err in errors]
            explanation = ' '.join(explanation.split()) + "\n"

            return tools.fully_formatted_question(question_stem, explanation, 
        elif a_type == 'Match':