2 Just tables for the sun """) if s == "2": print "Creating the sun tables only. \n The year %s" %year print "Please wait this can take a while." filename = "sunalmanac%s.tex" %year outfile = open(filename, 'w') outfile.write(suntables.almanac(year)) outfile.close() command = 'pdflatex %s' %filename os.system(command) print "finished" os.remove("sunalmanac%s.log" %year) os.remove("sunalmanac%s.aux" %year) os.remove(filename) elif s == "1": print "Creating the nautical almanac for the year %s" %year print "Please wait this can take a while." filename = "almanac%s.tex" %year outfile = open(filename, 'w') outfile.write(tables.almanac(year)) outfile.close() command = 'pdflatex %s' %filename os.system(command) print "finished" os.remove(filename) os.remove("almanac%s.log" %year) os.remove("almanac%s.aux" %year) else: print "Error! Choose either 1 or 2"
DecFmt = '[old]' if s == '1': print "Be patient - this may take a while." ## config.init() # initialize log file for yearint in range(int(yearfr), int(yearto) + 1): start = time.time() year = "{:4d}".format(yearint) # year = "%4d" %yearint msg = "\nCreating the nautical almanac for the year {}".format( year) print(msg) ## config.writeLOG(msg) first_day = datetime.date(yearint, 1, 1) filename = "almanac{}{}.tex".format(ff, year + DecFmt) outfile = open(filename, 'w') outfile.write(tables.almanac(first_day, 122)) outfile.close() stop = time.time() msg = "execution time = {:0.2f} seconds".format( stop - start) # msg = "execution time = %0.2f seconds" %(stop-start) print(msg) ## config.writeLOG("\n\n" + msg + "\n") print command = 'pdflatex {}'.format(filename) os.system(command) print("finished creating nautical almanac for {}".format(year)) os.remove(filename) if os.path.isfile("almanac{}{}.log".format(ff, year + DecFmt)): os.remove("almanac{}{}.log".format(ff, year + DecFmt)) if os.path.isfile("almanac{}{}.aux".format(ff, year + DecFmt)):
2 Just tables for the sun """) if s == "2": print "Creating the sun tables only. \n The year %s" % year print "Please wait this can take a while." filename = "sunalmanac%s.tex" % year outfile = open(filename, 'w') outfile.write(suntables.almanac(year)) outfile.close() command = 'pdflatex %s' % filename os.system(command) print "finished" os.remove("sunalmanac%s.log" % year) os.remove("sunalmanac%s.aux" % year) os.remove(filename) elif s == "1": print "Creating the nautical almanac for the year %s" % year print "Please wait this can take a while." filename = "almanac%s.tex" % year outfile = open(filename, 'w') outfile.write(tables.almanac(year)) outfile.close() command = 'pdflatex %s' % filename os.system(command) print "finished" os.remove(filename) os.remove("almanac%s.log" % year) os.remove("almanac%s.aux" % year) else: print "Error! Choose either 1 or 2"