def irods_reg(fs_path, irods_path): """Register a file or a directory of files and subdirectory into iRODS. The file must already exist on the server where the resource is located. The full path must be supplied for both paths.""" logging.warning('Use of iRODS "ireg" command SHOULD BE AVOIDED!') out = None cmdline = ['imkdir', '-p', os.path.dirname(irods_path)] try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise os.chmod(fs_path, 0o664) cmdline = ['ireg', '-K', fs_path, irods_path] try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise return out
def irods_file_type(irods_fname): logging.debug('irods_file_type({})'.format(irods_fname)) # lut[file_type.py_key] = irods_data_type (list all using "isysmeta ldt") lut = dict(FITS = 'FITS image', JPEG = 'jpeg image', ) cmdline = ['iexecmd', '-P', irods_fname, 'file_type {}'.format(irods_fname)] out = 'NONE' try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise typeStr = out.decode('utf-8')[:-1] # Set datatype in metadata. Not used. Retained for future use. #! dt = lut.get(typeStr,'generic') #! cmdline = ['isysmeta', 'mod', irods_fname, 'datatype', dt] #! try: #! out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) #! except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: #! cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) #! logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' #! .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) #! raise return typeStr
def irods_get_physical(ipath): #!!! Open access to vault out = 'NONE' cmdline = ['iexecmd', ''] try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise sel = ("select DATA_PATH where COLL_NAME = '{}' and DATA_NAME = '{}'" .format(os.path.dirname(ipath), os.path.basename(ipath))) cmdline = ['iquest', '"%s"', sel] out = 'NONE' try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise physical_fname = out.decode('utf-8').strip('\n \"') return physical_fname
def get_irods_cksum(irods_path): cmdline = ['ichksum', irods_path] try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise return(out.split()[1].decode('utf-8'))
def irods_set_meta(ifname, att_name, att_value): cmdline = ['imeta', 'set', '-d', ifname, 'prep', 'True'] out = 'NONE' try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise
def irods_debug(): """For diagnostics only.""" if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): cmdline = ['ienv'] try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise logging.debug('ienv={}'.format(out.decode('utf-8')))
def irods_unreg(irods_path): "unregister the file or collection" logging.warning('EXECUTING: "irm -U {}"; Remove need!!!'.format(irods_path)) out = None cmdline = ['irm', '-U', irods_path] try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise return out
def irods_mv(src_ipath, dst_ipath): 'Move/rename irods file' logging.debug('irods_mv({}, {})'.format(src_ipath, dst_ipath)) # imv /tempZone/mountain_mirror/vagrant/13/foo.nhs_2014_n14_299403.fits /tempZone/mountain_mirror/vagrant/13/nhs_2014_n14_299403.fits cmdline = ['imv', src_ipath, dst_ipath] out = None try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdline) out = subprocess.check_output(cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: cmd = ' '.join(cmdline) logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {} => {}' .format(ex, cmd, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise return out
def irods_get(local_fname, irods_fname, remove_irods=False): 'Get file from irods, creating local parent directories if needed.' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(local_fname), exist_ok=True) cmdargs1 = ['iget', '-f', '-K', irods_fname, local_fname] try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdargs1) subprocess.check_output(cmdargs1) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {}' .format(ex, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise if remove_irods: cmdargs2 = ['irm', '-f', '-U', irods_fname] try: diag.dbgcmd(cmdargs2) subprocess.check_output(cmdargs2) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: logging.error('Execution failed: {}; {}' .format(ex, ex.output.decode('utf-8'))) raise