    def gridToParticles(self):
        for p in self.x:
            Xp = self.x[p] * self.inv_dx
            base = int(Xp - 0.5)
            fx = Xp - base
            w = [
                0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2
            ]  # Quadratic kernels  [http://mpm.graphics   Eqn. 123, with x=fx, fx-1,fx-2]
            new_V = ti.zero(self.v[p])
            new_C = ti.zero(self.C[p])
            for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*self.neighbour))):
                dpos = (offset - fx) * self.dx
                weight = self.real(1)
                for i in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                    weight *= w[offset[i]][i]

                g_v = self.grid_v[base + offset]
                new_V += weight * g_v
                new_C += 4 * self.inv_dx * weight * g_v.outer_product(dpos)

            self.v[p] = new_V
            self.C[p] = new_C
            self.F[p] = (ti.Matrix.identity(self.real, self.dim) + self.dt *
                         self.C[p]) @ self.F[p]  # F' = (I+dt * grad v)F
            self.updateIsotropicHelper(p, self.F[p])
            self.x[p] += self.dt * self.v[p]
 def linearSolverReinitialize(self):
     for I in self.mass_matrix:
         self.r[I] = ti.zero(self.r[I])
         self.p[I] = ti.zero(self.p[I])
         self.q[I] = ti.zero(self.q[I])
         self.temp[I] = ti.zero(self.temp[I])
         self.step_direction[I] = ti.zero(self.step_direction[I])
 def init_markers(self):
     self.total_mk[None] = 0
     for I in ti.grouped(self.cell_type):
         if self.cell_type[I] == utils.FLUID:
             for offset in ti.static(
                     ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*((0, 2), ) * self.dim))):
                 num = ti.atomic_add(self.total_mk[None], 1)
                 self.p_x[num] = (
                     I +
                     (offset +
                       for _ in ti.static(range(self.dim))]) / 2) * self.dx
                 self.p_v[num] = ti.zero(self.p_v[num])
                 for k in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                     self.p_cp[k][num] = ti.zero(self.p_cp[k][num])
def refract(x, n, eta):
    """Calculate the refraction direction for an incident vector.

    This function is equivalent to the `refract` function in GLSL.

        x (:class:`~taichi.Matrix`): The incident vector.
        n (:class:`~taichi.Matrix`): The normal vector.
        eta (float): The ratio of indices of refraction.

        :class:`~taichi.Matrix`: The refraction direction vector.


        >>> x = ti.Vector([1., 1., 1.])
        >>> n = ti.Vector([0, 1., 0])
        >>> refract(x, y, 2.0)
        [2., -1., 2]
    dxn = x.dot(n)
    result = ti.zero(x)
    k = 1.0 - eta * eta * (1.0 - dxn * dxn)
    if k >= 0.0:
        result = eta * x - (eta * dxn + ti.sqrt(k)) * n
    return result
 def calc_kappa(self, d: ti.template(), phi: ti.template()):
     for I in ti.grouped(self.kappa):
         self.kappa[I] = ti.zero(self.kappa[I])
         for k in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
             unit = ti.Vector.unit(self.dim, k)
             self.kappa[I] += (utils.sample(self.n, I + unit * 0.5) - \
                               utils.sample(self.n, I - unit * 0.5))[k] / self.dx
def substep():
    for I in ti.grouped(F_grid_m):
        F_grid_v[I] = ti.zero(F_grid_v[I])
        F_grid_m[I] = 0
    for p in F_x:
        Xp = F_x[p] / dx
        base = int(Xp - 0.5)
        fx = Xp - base
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2]
        stress = -dt * 4 * E * p_vol * (F_J[p] - 1) / dx**2
        affine = ti.Matrix.identity(float, dim) * stress + p_mass * F_C[p]
        for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*neighbour))):
            dpos = (offset - fx) * dx
            weight = 1.0
            for i in ti.static(range(dim)):
                weight *= w[offset[i]][i]
            F_grid_v[base +
                     offset] += weight * (p_mass * F_v[p] + affine @ dpos)
            F_grid_m[base + offset] += weight * p_mass
    for I in ti.grouped(F_grid_m):
        if F_grid_m[I] > 0:
            F_grid_v[I] /= F_grid_m[I]
        F_grid_v[I][1] -= dt * gravity
        cond = (I < bound) & (F_grid_v[I] < 0) | \
               (I > n_grid - bound) & (F_grid_v[I] > 0)
        F_grid_v[I] = 0 if cond else F_grid_v[I]
    for p in F_x:
        Xp = F_x[p] / dx
        base = int(Xp - 0.5)
        fx = Xp - base
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2]
        new_v = ti.zero(F_v[p])
        new_C = ti.zero(F_C[p])
        for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*neighbour))):
            dpos = (offset - fx) * dx
            weight = 1.0
            for i in ti.static(range(dim)):
                weight *= w[offset[i]][i]
            g_v = F_grid_v[base + offset]
            new_v += weight * g_v
            new_C += 4 * weight * g_v.outer_product(dpos) / dx**2
        F_v[p] = new_v
        F_x[p] += dt * F_v[p]
        F_J[p] *= 1 + dt * new_C.trace()
        F_C[p] = new_C
def substep():
    for I in ti.grouped(grid_m):
        grid_v[I] = ti.zero(grid_v[I])
        grid_m[I] = 0
    for p in x:
        Xp = x[p] / dx
        base = int(Xp - 0.5)
        fx = Xp - base
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2]
        stress = -dt * 4 * E * p_vol * (J[p] - 1) / dx**2
        affine = ti.Matrix.identity(float, dim) * stress + p_mass * C[p]
        for offset in ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*neighbour)):
            dpos = (offset - fx) * dx
            weight = 1.0
            for i in ti.static(range(dim)):
                weight *= list_subscript(w, offset[i])[i]
            grid_v[base + offset] += weight * (p_mass * v[p] + affine @ dpos)
            grid_m[base + offset] += weight * p_mass
    for I in ti.grouped(grid_m):
        if grid_m[I] > 0:
            grid_v[I] /= grid_m[I]
        grid_v[I][1] -= dt * gravity
        cond = I < bound and grid_v[I] < 0 or I > n_grid - bound and grid_v[
            I] > 0
        grid_v[I] = 0 if cond else grid_v[I]
    for p in x:
        Xp = x[p] / dx
        base = int(Xp - 0.5)
        fx = Xp - base
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2]
        new_v = ti.zero(v[p])
        new_C = ti.zero(C[p])
        for offset in ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*neighbour)):
            dpos = (offset - fx) * dx
            weight = 1.0
            for i in ti.static(range(dim)):
                weight *= list_subscript(w, offset[i])[i]
            g_v = grid_v[base + offset]
            new_v += weight * g_v
            new_C += 4 * weight * g_v.outer_product(dpos) / dx**2
        v[p] = new_v
        x[p] += dt * v[p]
        J[p] *= 1 + dt * new_C.trace()
        C[p] = new_C
 def update_magnetic_field(self):
     for k in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
         offset = ti.Vector.unit(self.dim, k)
         for I in ti.grouped(self.H[k]):
             self.H[k][I] = ti.zero(self.H[k][I])
             if I[k] - 1 >= 0 and I[k] < self.res[k]:
                 self.H[k][I] -= (self.psi[I] -
                                  self.psi[I - offset]) / self.dx
             self.H[k][I] += self.H_ext[k][I]  # H = H_ext - grad psi
    def multiply(self, x: ti.template(), b: ti.template()):
        for I in b:
            b[I] = ti.zero(b[I])

        # Note the relationship H dx = - df, where H is the stiffness matrix
        # inertia part
        for I in x:
            b[I] += self.mass_matrix[I] * x[I]


        # scratch_gradV is now temporaraly used for storing gradDV (evaluated at particles)
        # scratch_vp is now temporaraly used for storing DV (evaluated at particles)

        for p in self.x:
            self.scratch_stress[p] = ti.zero(self.scratch_stress[p])

        for p in self.x:
            self.computeStressDifferential(p, self.scratch_gradV[p],
            # scratch_stress is now V_p^0 dP (F_p^n)^T (dP is Ap in snow paper)

        for p in self.x:
            Xp = self.x[p] * self.inv_dx
            base = int(Xp - 0.5)
            fx = Xp - base
            w = [
                0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2
            ]  # Quadratic kernels  [http://mpm.graphics   Eqn. 123, with x=fx, fx-1,fx-2]
            stress = self.scratch_stress[p]
            for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*self.neighbour))):
                dpos = (offset - fx) * self.dx
                weight = self.real(1)
                for i in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                    weight *= w[offset[i]][i]

                b[self.idx(base + offset)] += self.dt * self.dt * (
                    weight * stress @ dpos
                )  # fi -= \sum_p (Ap (xi-xp)  - fp )w_ip Dp_inv
    def computeDvAndGradDv(self, dv: ti.template()):
        for p in self.x:
            Xp = self.x[p] * self.inv_dx
            base = int(Xp - 0.5)
            fx = Xp - base
            w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2]
            vp = ti.zero(self.scratch_vp[p])
            gradV = ti.zero(self.scratch_gradV[p])

            for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*self.neighbour))):
                dpos = (offset - fx) * self.dx
                weight = ti.cast(1.0, self.real)
                for i in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                    weight *= w[offset[i]][i]

                dv0 = dv[self.idx(base + offset)]
                vp += weight * dv0
                gradV += 4 * self.inv_dx * weight * dv0.outer_product(dpos)

            self.scratch_vp[p] = vp
            self.scratch_gradV[p] = gradV
    def distance_of_aabb(self, x, x0, x1):
        phi = ti.cast(0, self.real)
        if all(x > x0) and all(x < x1):  # (inside)
            phi = (ti.max(x0 - x, x - x1)).max()
        else:  # (outside)
            # Find the closest point (p,q,r) on the surface of the box
            p = ti.zero(x)
            for k in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                if x[k] < x0[k]: p[k] = x0[k]
                elif x[k] > x1[k]: p[k] = x1[k]
                else: p[k] = x[k]
            phi = (x - p).norm()

        return phi
def splat(data, weights, v, pos, cp):
    tot = data.shape
    dim = len(tot)

    I0 = ti.Vector.zero(int, len(tot))
    I1 = ti.Vector.zero(int, len(tot))
    w = ti.zero(pos)

    for k in ti.static(range(len(tot))):
        I0[k] = ts.clamp(int(pos[k]), 0, tot[k] - 1)
        I1[k] = ts.clamp(I0[k] + 1, 0, tot[k] - 1)
        w[k] = ts.clamp(pos[k] - I0[k], 0.0, 1.0)

    for u in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*((0, 2), ) * len(tot)))):
        dpos = ti.zero(pos)
        I = ti.Vector.zero(int, len(tot))
        W = 1.0
        for k in ti.static(range(len(tot))):
            dpos[k] = (pos[k] - I0[k]) if u[k] == 0 else (pos[k] - I1[k])
            I[k] = I0[k] if u[k] == 0 else I1[k]
            W *= (1 - w[k]) if u[k] == 0 else w[k]
        data[I] += (v + cp.dot(dpos)) * W
        weights[I] += W
 def build_b_kernel(self, cell_type: ti.template(), b: ti.template()):
     for I in ti.grouped(cell_type):  # solve the entire domain tao
         if all(I == 0):
             b[I] = ti.zero(
                 b[I])  # choose a reference point, where psi(p)=0
         elif self.in_domain(I):
             for k in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                 offset = 0.5 * (1 - ti.Vector.unit(self.dim, k))
                 unit = ti.Vector.unit(self.dim, k)
                 if self.in_domain(I + unit):  # magnetic shielding
                     b[I] += utils.sample(self.chi, I + unit +
                                          offset) * self.H_ext[k][I + unit]
                 if self.in_domain(I - unit):
                     b[I] -= utils.sample(self.chi,
                                          I + offset) * self.H_ext[k][I]
    def initialize(self):
        for I in ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*[self.res[_]
                                         for _ in range(self.dim)])):
            self.r[0][I] = 0
            self.z[0][I] = 0
            self.Ap[I] = 0
            self.p[I] = 0
            self.x[I] = 0
            self.b[I] = 0

        for l in ti.static(range(self.n_mg_levels)):
            for I in ti.grouped(
                        *[self.res[_] // (2**l) for _ in range(self.dim)])):
                self.grid_type[l][I] = 0
                self.Adiag[l][I] = 0
                self.Ax[l][I] = ti.zero(self.Ax[l][I])
    def makePD2d(self, M: ti.template()):
        a = M[0, 0]
        b = (M[0, 1] + M[1, 0]) / 2
        d = M[1, 1]

        b2 = b * b
        D = a * d - b2
        T_div_2 = (a + d) / 2
        sqrtTT4D = ti.sqrt(ti.abs(T_div_2 * T_div_2 - D))
        L2 = T_div_2 - sqrtTT4D
        if L2 < 0.0:
            L1 = T_div_2 + sqrtTT4D
            if L1 <= 0.0: M = ti.zero(M)
                if b2 == 0: M = ti.Matrix([[L1, 0], [0, 0]])
                    L1md = L1 - d
                    L1md_div_L1 = L1md / L1
                    M = ti.Matrix([[L1md_div_L1 * L1md, b * L1md_div_L1],
                                   [b * L1md_div_L1, b2 / L1]])
    def updateState(self):
        for p in self.x:
            Xp = self.x[p] * self.inv_dx
            base = int(Xp - 0.5)
            fx = Xp - base
            w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2]
            new_C = ti.zero(self.C[p])
            for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*self.neighbour))):
                dpos = (offset - fx) * self.dx
                weight = ti.cast(1.0, self.real)
                for i in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                    weight *= w[offset[i]][i]

                g_v = self.grid_v[base + offset] + self.dv[self.idx(base +
                new_C += 4 * self.inv_dx * weight * g_v.outer_product(dpos)

            self.F[p] = (ti.Matrix.identity(self.real, self.dim) +
                         self.dt * new_C) @ self.old_F[p]
            self.updateIsotropicHelper(p, self.F[p])
            self.scratch_xp[p] = self.x[p] + self.dt * self.scratch_vp[p]
    def computeResidual(self):
        for I in self.dv:
            self.residual[I] = self.dt * self.mass_matrix[I] * self.gravity

        for I in self.dv:
            self.residual[I] -= self.mass_matrix[I] * self.dv[I]

        for p in self.x:
            Xp = self.x[p] * self.inv_dx
            base = int(Xp - 0.5)
            fx = Xp - base
            w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2]
            new_C = ti.zero(self.C[p])
            for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*self.neighbour))):
                dpos = (offset - fx) * self.dx
                weight = ti.cast(1.0, self.real)
                for i in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                    weight *= w[offset[i]][i]

                g_v = self.grid_v[base + offset] + self.dv[self.idx(base +
                new_C += 4 * self.inv_dx * weight * g_v.outer_product(dpos)

            F = (ti.Matrix.identity(self.real, self.dim) +
                 self.dt * new_C) @ self.old_F[p]
            stress = (-self.p_vol * 4 * self.inv_dx *
                      self.inv_dx) * self.dpsi_dF(F) @ F.transpose()

            for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*self.neighbour))):
                dpos = (offset - fx) * self.dx
                weight = ti.cast(1.0, self.real)
                for i in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                    weight *= w[offset[i]][i]

                force = weight * stress @ dpos
                self.residual[self.idx(base + offset)] += self.dt * force

    def reinitializeIsotropicHelper(self, p):
        if ti.static(self.dim == 2):
            self.psi0[p] = 0  # d_PsiHat_d_sigma0
            self.psi1[p] = 0  # d_PsiHat_d_sigma1
            self.psi00[p] = 0  # d^2_PsiHat_d_sigma0_d_sigma0
            self.psi01[p] = 0  # d^2_PsiHat_d_sigma0_d_sigma1
            self.psi11[p] = 0  # d^2_PsiHat_d_sigma1_d_sigma1
                p] = 0  # (psi0-psi1)/(sigma0-sigma1), usually can be computed robustly
                p] = 0  # (psi0+psi1)/(sigma0+sigma1), need to clamp bottom with 1e-6
            self.Aij[p] = ti.zero(self.Aij[p])
            self.B01[p] = ti.zero(self.B01[p])
        if ti.static(self.dim == 3):
            self.psi0[p] = 0  # d_PsiHat_d_sigma0
            self.psi1[p] = 0  # d_PsiHat_d_sigma1
            self.psi2[p] = 0  # d_PsiHat_d_sigma2
            self.psi00[p] = 0  # d^2_PsiHat_d_sigma0_d_sigma0
            self.psi11[p] = 0  # d^2_PsiHat_d_sigma1_d_sigma1
            self.psi22[p] = 0  # d^2_PsiHat_d_sigma2_d_sigma2
            self.psi01[p] = 0  # d^2_PsiHat_d_sigma0_d_sigma1
            self.psi02[p] = 0  # d^2_PsiHat_d_sigma0_d_sigma2
            self.psi12[p] = 0  # d^2_PsiHat_d_sigma1_d_sigma2

                p] = 0  # (psi0-psi1)/(sigma0-sigma1), usually can be computed robustly
                p] = 0  # (psi0+psi1)/(sigma0+sigma1), need to clamp bottom with 1e-6
                p] = 0  # (psi0-psi2)/(sigma0-sigma2), usually can be computed robustly
                p] = 0  # (psi0+psi2)/(sigma0+sigma2), need to clamp bottom with 1e-6
                p] = 0  # (psi1-psi2)/(sigma1-sigma2), usually can be computed robustly
                p] = 0  # (psi1+psi2)/(sigma1+sigma2), need to clamp bottom with 1e-6
            self.Aij[p] = ti.zero(self.Aij[p])
            self.B01[p] = ti.zero(self.B01[p])
            self.B12[p] = ti.zero(self.B12[p])
            self.B20[p] = ti.zero(self.B20[p])
 def reduce_tmp() -> dtype:
     s = ti.zero(tot[None]) if op == OP_ADD or op == OP_XOR else a[0]
     for i in a:
         ti_op(s, a[i])
     return s
def substep(g_x: float, g_y: float, g_z: float):
    for I in ti.grouped(grid_m):
        grid_v[I] = ti.zero(grid_v[I])
        grid_m[I] = 0
    for p in x:
        if used[p] == 0:
        Xp = x[p] / dx
        base = int(Xp - 0.5)
        fx = Xp - base
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2]

        F[p] = (ti.Matrix.identity(float, 3) +
                dt * C[p]) @ F[p]  # deformation gradient update

        h = ti.exp(
            10 *
            (1.0 -
             Jp[p]))  # Hardening coefficient: snow gets harder when compressed
        if materials[p] == JELLY:  # jelly, make it softer
            h = 0.3
        mu, la = mu_0 * h, lambda_0 * h
        if materials[p] == WATER:  # liquid
            mu = 0.0

        U, sig, V = ti.svd(F[p])
        J = 1.0
        for d in ti.static(range(3)):
            new_sig = sig[d, d]
            if materials[p] == SNOW:  # Snow
                new_sig = min(max(sig[d, d], 1 - 2.5e-2),
                              1 + 4.5e-3)  # Plasticity
            Jp[p] *= sig[d, d] / new_sig
            sig[d, d] = new_sig
            J *= new_sig
        if materials[
                p] == WATER:  # Reset deformation gradient to avoid numerical instability
            new_F = ti.Matrix.identity(float, 3)
            new_F[0, 0] = J
            F[p] = new_F
        elif materials[p] == SNOW:
            F[p] = U @ sig @ V.transpose(
            )  # Reconstruct elastic deformation gradient after plasticity
        stress = 2 * mu * (F[p] - U @ V.transpose()) @ F[p].transpose(
        ) + ti.Matrix.identity(float, 3) * la * J * (J - 1)
        stress = (-dt * p_vol * 4) * stress / dx**2
        affine = stress + p_mass * C[p]

        for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*neighbour))):
            dpos = (offset - fx) * dx
            weight = 1.0
            for i in ti.static(range(dim)):
                weight *= w[offset[i]][i]
            grid_v[base + offset] += weight * (p_mass * v[p] + affine @ dpos)
            grid_m[base + offset] += weight * p_mass
    for I in ti.grouped(grid_m):
        if grid_m[I] > 0:
            grid_v[I] /= grid_m[I]
        grid_v[I] += dt * ti.Vector([g_x, g_y, g_z])
        cond = I < bound and grid_v[I] < 0 or I > n_grid - bound and grid_v[
            I] > 0
        grid_v[I] = 0 if cond else grid_v[I]
    for p in x:
        if used[p] == 0:
        Xp = x[p] / dx
        base = int(Xp - 0.5)
        fx = Xp - base
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx)**2, 0.75 - (fx - 1)**2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5)**2]
        new_v = ti.zero(v[p])
        new_C = ti.zero(C[p])
        for offset in ti.static(ti.grouped(ti.ndrange(*neighbour))):
            dpos = (offset - fx) * dx
            weight = 1.0
            for i in ti.static(range(dim)):
                weight *= w[offset[i]][i]
            g_v = grid_v[base + offset]
            new_v += weight * g_v
            new_C += 4 * weight * g_v.outer_product(dpos) / dx**2
        v[p] = new_v
        x[p] += dt * v[p]
        C[p] = new_C
 def reduce_tmp() -> dtype:
     s = ti.zero(tot[None])
     for i in a:
         s += a[i]
     return s
def zero(x: ti.template()):
    for I in ti.grouped(x):
        x[I] = ti.zero(x[I])
 def project(self, x: ti.template()):
     for p in x:
         I = self.node(p)
         cond = any(I < self.bound and self.grid_v[I] < 0) or any(
             I > self.n_grid - self.bound and self.grid_v[I] > 0)
         if cond: x[p] = ti.zero(x[p])
 def reduce_tmp() -> dtype:
     s = ti.zero(tot[None])
     for i in a:
         ti_op(s, a[i])
     return s