class MilestoneSerializer(WatchedResourceSerializer,
    id = Field()
    name = Field()
    slug = Field()
    owner = Field(attr="owner_id")
    project = Field(attr="project_id")
    estimated_start = Field()
    estimated_finish = Field()
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()
    closed = Field()
    disponibility = Field()
    order = Field()
    watchers = Field()
    user_stories = MethodField()
    total_points = MethodField()
    closed_points = MethodField()

    def get_user_stories(self, obj):
        qs = obj.user_stories.all()
        qs = qs.prefetch_related("assigned_users")
        return UserStoryListSerializer(qs, many=True).data

    def get_total_points(self, obj):
        assert hasattr(obj, "total_points_attr"), "instance must have a total_points_attr attribute"
        return obj.total_points_attr

    def get_closed_points(self, obj):
        assert hasattr(obj, "closed_points_attr"), "instance must have a closed_points_attr attribute"
        return obj.closed_points_attr
class TaskListSerializer(
        VoteResourceSerializerMixin, WatchedResourceSerializer,
        OwnerExtraInfoSerializerMixin, AssignedToExtraInfoSerializerMixin,
        StatusExtraInfoSerializerMixin, BasicAttachmentsInfoSerializerMixin,
        TaggedInProjectResourceSerializer, serializers.LightSerializer):

    id = Field()
    user_story = Field(attr="user_story_id")
    ref = Field()
    project = Field(attr="project_id")
    milestone = Field(attr="milestone_id")
    milestone_slug = MethodField()
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()
    finished_date = Field()
    subject = Field()
    us_order = Field()
    taskboard_order = Field()
    is_iocaine = Field()
    external_reference = Field()
    version = Field()
    watchers = Field()
    is_blocked = Field()
    blocked_note = Field()
    is_closed = MethodField()

    def get_milestone_slug(self, obj):
        return obj.milestone.slug if obj.milestone else None

    def get_is_closed(self, obj):
        return obj.status is not None and obj.status.is_closed
class UserSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field()
    username = Field()
    full_name = Field()
    full_name_display = MethodField()
    color = Field()
    bio = Field()
    lang = Field()
    theme = Field()
    timezone = Field()
    is_active = Field()
    photo = MethodField()
    big_photo = MethodField()
    gravatar_id = MethodField()
    roles = MethodField()

    def get_full_name_display(self, obj):
        return obj.get_full_name() if obj else ""

    def get_photo(self, user):
        return get_user_photo_url(user)

    def get_big_photo(self, user):
        return get_user_big_photo_url(user)

    def get_gravatar_id(self, user):
        return get_user_gravatar_id(user)

    def get_roles(self, user):
        if hasattr(user, "roles_attr"):
            return user.roles_attr

        return user.memberships.order_by("role__name").values_list("role__name", flat=True).distinct()
class WikiPageSerializer(
    id = Field()
    project = Field(attr="project_id")
    slug = Field()
    content = Field()
    owner = Field(attr="owner_id")
    last_modifier = Field(attr="last_modifier_id")
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()

    html = MethodField()
    editions = MethodField()

    version = Field()

    def get_html(self, obj):
        return mdrender(obj.project, obj.content)

    def get_editions(self, obj):
        return (history_service.get_history_queryset_by_model_instance(
            obj).count() + 1)  # +1 for creation
class UserBasicInfoSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    username = Field()
    full_name_display = MethodField()
    photo = MethodField()
    big_photo = MethodField()
    gravatar_id = MethodField()
    is_active = Field()
    id = Field()

    def get_full_name_display(self, obj):
        return obj.get_full_name()

    def get_photo(self, obj):
        return get_user_photo_url(obj)

    def get_big_photo(self, obj):
        return get_user_big_photo_url(obj)

    def get_gravatar_id(self, obj):
        return get_user_gravatar_id(obj)

    def to_value(self, instance):
        if instance is None:
            return None

        return super().to_value(instance)
class MembershipSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field()
    user = Field(attr="user_id")
    project = Field(attr="project_id")
    role = Field(attr="role_id")
    is_admin = Field()
    created_at = Field()
    invited_by = Field(attr="invited_by_id")
    invitation_extra_text = Field()
    user_order = Field()
    role_name = MethodField()
    full_name = MethodField()
    is_user_active = MethodField()
    color = MethodField()
    photo = MethodField()
    gravatar_id = MethodField()
    project_name = MethodField()
    project_slug = MethodField()
    invited_by = UserBasicInfoSerializer()
    is_owner = MethodField()
    gamification_points = MethodField()

    def get_gamification_points(self, obj):
        if getattr(obj, 'user_id') is not None:
            current_user = User.objects.get(pk=getattr(obj, 'user_id'))
            project_id = str(getattr(obj.project, 'id'))
            if getattr(current_user, 'projects_activity'):
                points = getattr(current_user, 'projects_activity')[project_id]['points']
                return points
            return None
            return None

    def get_role_name(self, obj):
        return obj.role.name if obj.role else None

    def get_full_name(self, obj):
        return obj.user.get_full_name() if obj.user else None

    def get_is_user_active(self, obj):
        return obj.user.is_active if obj.user else False

    def get_color(self, obj):
        return obj.user.color if obj.user else None

    def get_photo(self, obj):
        return get_user_photo_url(obj.user)

    def get_gravatar_id(self, obj):
        return get_user_gravatar_id(obj.user)

    def get_project_name(self, obj):
        return obj.project.name if obj and obj.project else ""

    def get_project_slug(self, obj):
        return obj.project.slug if obj and obj.project else ""

    def get_is_owner(self, obj):
        return (obj and obj.user_id and obj.project_id and obj.project.owner_id and
                obj.user_id == obj.project.owner_id)
class AttachmentSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field()
    project = Field(attr="project_id")
    owner = Field(attr="owner_id")
    name = Field()
    attached_file = FileField()
    size = Field()
    url = Field()
    description = Field()
    is_deprecated = Field()
    from_comment = Field()
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()
    object_id = Field()
    order = Field()
    sha1 = Field()
    url = MethodField("get_url")
    thumbnail_card_url = MethodField("get_thumbnail_card_url")
    preview_url = MethodField("get_preview_url")

    def get_url(self, obj):
        return obj.attached_file.url

    def get_thumbnail_card_url(self, obj):
        return services.get_card_image_thumbnail_url(obj)

    def get_preview_url(self, obj):
        if obj.name.endswith(".psd"):
            return services.get_attachment_image_preview_url(obj)
        return self.get_url(obj)
class UserSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field(attr="pk")
    permalink = MethodField()
    username = MethodField()
    full_name = MethodField()
    photo = MethodField()
    gravatar_id = MethodField()

    def get_permalink(self, obj):
        return resolve_front_url("user", obj.username)

    def get_username(self, obj):
        return obj.get_username()

    def get_full_name(self, obj):
        return obj.get_full_name()

    def get_photo(self, obj):
        return get_user_photo_url(obj)

    def get_gravatar_id(self, obj):
        return get_user_gravatar_id(obj)

    def to_value(self, instance):
        if instance is None:
            return None

        return super().to_value(instance)
class EpicListSerializer(
        VoteResourceSerializerMixin, WatchedResourceSerializer,
        OwnerExtraInfoSerializerMixin, AssignedToExtraInfoSerializerMixin,
        StatusExtraInfoSerializerMixin, ProjectExtraInfoSerializerMixin,
        BasicAttachmentsInfoSerializerMixin, TaggedInProjectResourceSerializer,

    id = Field()
    ref = Field()
    project = Field(attr="project_id")
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()
    subject = Field()
    color = Field()
    epics_order = Field()
    client_requirement = Field()
    team_requirement = Field()
    version = Field()
    watchers = Field()
    is_blocked = Field()
    blocked_note = Field()
    is_closed = MethodField()
    user_stories_counts = MethodField()

    def get_is_closed(self, obj):
        return obj.status is not None and obj.status.is_closed

    def get_user_stories_counts(self, obj):
        assert hasattr(obj, "user_stories_counts"
                       ), "instance must have a user_stories_counts attribute"
        return obj.user_stories_counts
class MilestoneSerializer(ProjectExtraInfoSerializerMixin,
    id = Field()
    name = Field()
    slug = Field()
    owner = Field(attr="owner_id")
    project = Field(attr="project_id")
    estimated_start = Field()
    estimated_finish = Field()
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()
    closed = Field()
    disponibility = Field()
    order = Field()
    user_stories = MethodField()
    total_points = MethodField()
    closed_points = MethodField()

    def get_user_stories(self, obj):
        return UserStoryNestedSerializer(obj.user_stories.all(),

    def get_total_points(self, obj):
        assert hasattr(obj, "total_points_attr"
                       ), "instance must have a total_points_attr attribute"
        return obj.total_points_attr

    def get_closed_points(self, obj):
        assert hasattr(obj, "closed_points_attr"
                       ), "instance must have a closed_points_attr attribute"
        return obj.closed_points_attr
class EpicSerializer(CustomAttributesValuesWebhookSerializerMixin,
    id = Field()
    ref = Field()
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()
    subject = Field()
    watchers = MethodField()
    description = Field()
    tags = Field()
    permalink = MethodField()
    project = ProjectSerializer()
    owner = UserSerializer()
    assigned_to = UserSerializer()
    status = EpicStatusSerializer()
    epics_order = Field()
    color = Field()
    client_requirement = Field()
    team_requirement = Field()
    client_requirement = Field()
    team_requirement = Field()

    def get_permalink(self, obj):
        return resolve_front_url("epic", obj.project.slug, obj.ref)

    def custom_attributes_queryset(self, project):
        return project.epiccustomattributes.all()

    def get_watchers(self, obj):
        return list(obj.get_watchers().values_list("id", flat=True))
class DashboardSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    issues_identified = MethodField()
    issue_closed = MethodField()
    accidents_report = MethodField()
    user_count = MethodField()

    def get_user_count(self, obj):
        user_count = 0
        if obj.is_superuser:
            user_count = User.objects.all().count()
            projects = Project.objects.filter(members__in=[obj.id])

            for project in projects:
                user_count = user_count + project.members.count()

        return user_count

    def get_issues_identified(self, obj):
        issues_identified_count = 0
        if obj.is_superuser:
            issues_identified_count = Issue.objects.filter(
            projects = Project.objects.filter(members=obj.id)
            for project in projects:
                issues_identified_count = issues_identified_count + Issue.objects.filter(
        return issues_identified_count

    def get_issue_closed(self, obj):
        issues_closed_count = 0
        if obj.is_superuser:
            issues_closed_count = Issue.objects.filter(
                status__name='Closed', type__name='Issue').count()
            projects = Project.objects.filter(members=obj.id)
            for project in projects:
                issues_closed_count = issues_closed_count + Issue.objects.filter(
        return issues_closed_count

    def get_accidents_report(self, obj):
        accident_report_count = 0
        if obj.is_superuser:
            accident_report_count = Issue.objects.filter(
            projects = Project.objects.filter(members=obj.id)
            for project in projects:
                accident_report_count = accident_report_count + Issue.objects.filter(
                    project_id=project.id, type__name='Accident').count()
        return accident_report_count
class SeveritySerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field(attr="pk")
    name = MethodField()
    color = MethodField()

    def get_name(self, obj):
        return obj.name

    def get_color(self, obj):
        return obj.color
class EpicRelatedUserStorySerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field()
    user_story = MethodField()
    epic = MethodField()
    order = Field()

    def get_user_story(self, obj):
        return UserStorySerializer(obj.user_story).data

    def get_epic(self, obj):
        return EpicSerializer(obj.epic).data
class VoteResourceSerializerMixin(serializers.LightSerializer):
    is_voter = MethodField()
    total_voters = MethodField()

    def get_is_voter(self, obj):
        # The "is_voted" attribute is attached in the get_queryset of the viewset.
        return getattr(obj, "is_voter", False) or False

    def get_total_voters(self, obj):
        # The "total_voters" attribute is attached in the get_queryset of the viewset.
        return getattr(obj, "total_voters", 0) or 0
class RolePointsSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    role = MethodField()
    name = MethodField()
    value = MethodField()

    def get_role(self, obj):
        return obj.role.name

    def get_name(self, obj):
        return obj.points.name

    def get_value(self, obj):
        return obj.points.value
class UserAdminSerializer(UserSerializer):
    total_private_projects = MethodField()
    total_public_projects = MethodField()
    email = Field()
    max_private_projects = Field()
    max_public_projects = Field()
    max_memberships_private_projects = Field()
    max_memberships_public_projects = Field()

    def get_total_private_projects(self, user):
        return user.owned_projects.filter(is_private=True).count()

    def get_total_public_projects(self, user):
        return user.owned_projects.filter(is_private=False).count()
class ProjectSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field(attr="pk")
    permalink = MethodField()
    name = MethodField()
    logo_big_url = MethodField()

    def get_permalink(self, obj):
        return resolve_front_url("project", obj.slug)

    def get_name(self, obj):
        return obj.name

    def get_logo_big_url(self, obj):
        return get_logo_big_thumbnail_url(obj)
class UserStorySerializer(CustomAttributesValuesWebhookSerializerMixin,
    id = Field()
    ref = Field()
    project = ProjectSerializer()
    is_closed = Field()
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()
    finish_date = Field()
    due_date = Field()
    due_date_reason = Field()
    subject = Field()
    client_requirement = Field()
    team_requirement = Field()
    generated_from_issue = Field(attr="generated_from_issue_id")
    generated_from_task = Field(attr="generated_from_task_id")
    from_task_ref = Field()
    external_reference = Field()
    tribe_gig = Field()
    watchers = MethodField()
    is_blocked = Field()
    blocked_note = Field()
    description = Field()
    tags = Field()
    permalink = MethodField()
    owner = UserSerializer()
    assigned_to = UserSerializer()
    assigned_users = MethodField()
    points = MethodField()
    status = UserStoryStatusSerializer()
    milestone = MilestoneSerializer()

    def get_permalink(self, obj):
        return resolve_front_url("userstory", obj.project.slug, obj.ref)

    def custom_attributes_queryset(self, project):
        return project.userstorycustomattributes.all()

    def get_assigned_users(self, obj):
        """Get the assigned of an object.

        :return: User queryset object representing the assigned users
        return [user.id for user in obj.assigned_users.all()]

    def get_watchers(self, obj):
        return list(obj.get_watchers().values_list("id", flat=True))

    def get_points(self, obj):
        return RolePointsSerializer(obj.role_points.all(), many=True).data
class TaskSerializer(TaskListSerializer):
    comment = MethodField()
    blocked_note_html = MethodField()
    description = Field()
    description_html = MethodField()

    def get_comment(self, obj):
        return ""

    def get_blocked_note_html(self, obj):
        return mdrender(obj.project, obj.blocked_note)

    def get_description_html(self, obj):
        return mdrender(obj.project, obj.description)
class WatchedResourceSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    is_watcher = MethodField()
    total_watchers = MethodField()

    def get_is_watcher(self, obj):
        # The "is_watcher" attribute is attached in the get_queryset of the viewset.
        if "request" in self.context:
            user = self.context["request"].user
            return user.is_authenticated and getattr(obj, "is_watcher", False)

        return False

    def get_total_watchers(self, obj):
        # The "total_watchers" attribute is attached in the get_queryset of the viewset.
        return getattr(obj, "total_watchers", 0) or 0
class UserStorySerializer(UserStoryListSerializer):
    comment = MethodField()
    blocked_note_html = MethodField()
    description = Field()
    description_html = MethodField()

    def get_comment(self, obj):
        # NOTE: This method and field is necessary to historical comments work
        return ""

    def get_blocked_note_html(self, obj):
        return mdrender(obj.project, obj.blocked_note)

    def get_description_html(self, obj):
        return mdrender(obj.project, obj.description)
class ObjectSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field()
    ref = MethodField()
    subject = MethodField()
    content_type = MethodField()

    def get_ref(self, obj):
        return obj.ref if hasattr(obj, 'ref') else None

    def get_subject(self, obj):
        return obj.subject if hasattr(obj, 'subject') else None

    def get_content_type(self, obj):
        content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj)
        return content_type.model if content_type else None
class MembershipSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field()
    user = Field(attr="user_id")
    project = Field(attr="project_id")
    role = Field(attr="role_id")
    is_admin = Field()
    created_at = Field()
    invited_by = Field(attr="invited_by_id")
    invitation_extra_text = Field()
    user_order = Field()
    role_name = MethodField()
    full_name = MethodField()
    is_user_active = MethodField()
    color = MethodField()
    photo = MethodField()
    gravatar_id = MethodField()
    project_name = MethodField()
    project_slug = MethodField()
    invited_by = UserBasicInfoSerializer()
    is_owner = MethodField()

    def get_role_name(self, obj):
        return obj.role.name if obj.role else None

    def get_full_name(self, obj):
        return obj.user.get_full_name() if obj.user else None

    def get_is_user_active(self, obj):
        return obj.user.is_active if obj.user else False

    def get_color(self, obj):
        return obj.user.color if obj.user else None

    def get_photo(self, obj):
        return get_user_photo_url(obj.user)

    def get_gravatar_id(self, obj):
        return get_user_gravatar_id(obj.user)

    def get_project_name(self, obj):
        return obj.project.name if obj and obj.project else ""

    def get_project_slug(self, obj):
        return obj.project.slug if obj and obj.project else ""

    def get_is_owner(self, obj):
        return (
            and obj.user_id
            and obj.project_id
            and obj.project.owner_id
            and obj.user_id == obj.project.owner_id
class BasicAttachmentsInfoSerializerMixin(serializers.LightSerializer):
    - The queryset has an attribute called "include_attachments" indicating if the attachments array should contain information
        about the related elements, otherwise it will be empty
    - The method attach_basic_attachments has been used to include the necessary
        json data about the attachments in the "attachments_attr" column
    attachments = MethodField()

    def get_attachments(self, obj):
        include_attachments = getattr(obj, "include_attachments", False)

        if include_attachments:
            assert hasattr(obj, "attachments_attr"
                           ), "instance must have a attachments_attr attribute"

        if not include_attachments or obj.attachments_attr is None:
            return []

        for at in obj.attachments_attr:
            at["thumbnail_card_url"] = get_thumbnail_url(
                at["attached_file"], settings.THN_ATTACHMENT_CARD)

        return obj.attachments_attr
class TaskSerializer(CustomAttributesValuesWebhookSerializerMixin,
    id = Field()
    ref = Field()
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()
    finished_date = Field()
    due_date = Field()
    due_date_reason = Field()
    subject = Field()
    us_order = Field()
    taskboard_order = Field()
    is_iocaine = Field()
    external_reference = Field()
    watchers = MethodField()
    is_blocked = Field()
    blocked_note = Field()
    description = Field()
    tags = Field()
    permalink = serializers.SerializerMethodField("get_permalink")
    project = ProjectSerializer()
    owner = UserSerializer()
    assigned_to = UserSerializer()
    status = TaskStatusSerializer()
    user_story = UserStorySerializer()
    milestone = MilestoneSerializer()

    def get_permalink(self, obj):
        return resolve_front_url("task", obj.project.slug, obj.ref)

    def custom_attributes_queryset(self, project):
        return project.taskcustomattributes.all()

    def get_watchers(self, obj):
        return list(obj.get_watchers().values_list("id", flat=True))
class IssueSerializer(CustomAttributesValuesWebhookSerializerMixin,
    id = Field()
    ref = Field()
    created_date = Field()
    modified_date = Field()
    finished_date = Field()
    due_date = Field()
    due_date_reason = Field()
    subject = Field()
    external_reference = Field()
    watchers = MethodField()
    description = Field()
    tags = Field()
    permalink = serializers.SerializerMethodField("get_permalink")
    project = ProjectSerializer()
    milestone = MilestoneSerializer()
    owner = UserSerializer()
    assigned_to = UserSerializer()
    status = IssueStatusSerializer()
    type = IssueTypeSerializer()
    priority = PrioritySerializer()
    severity = SeveritySerializer()
    time_spent_note = Field()
    affects_customer = Field()

    def get_permalink(self, obj):
        return resolve_front_url("issue", obj.project.slug, obj.ref)

    def custom_attributes_queryset(self, project):
        return project.issuecustomattributes.all()

    def get_watchers(self, obj):
        return list(obj.get_watchers().values_list("id", flat=True))
class VoterSerializer(serializers.LightSerializer):
    id = Field()
    username = Field()
    full_name = MethodField()

    def get_full_name(self, obj):
        return obj.get_full_name()
class CustomAttributesValuesExportSerializerMixin(serializers.LightSerializer):
    custom_attributes_values = MethodField("get_custom_attributes_values")

    def custom_attributes_queryset(self, project):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_custom_attributes_values(self, obj):
        def _use_name_instead_id_as_key_in_custom_attributes_values(
                custom_attributes, values):
            ret = {}
            for attr in custom_attributes:
                value = values.get(str(attr["id"]), None)
                if value is not None:
                    ret[attr["name"]] = value

            return ret

            values = obj.custom_attributes_values.attributes_values
            custom_attributes = self.custom_attributes_queryset(obj.project)

            return _use_name_instead_id_as_key_in_custom_attributes_values(
                custom_attributes, values)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return None
class ProjectExtraInfoSerializerMixin(serializers.LightSerializer):
    project = Field(attr="project_id")
    project_extra_info = MethodField()

    def to_value(self, instance):
        self._serialized_project = {}
        return super().to_value(instance)

    def get_project_extra_info(self, obj):
        if obj.project_id is None:
            return None

        serialized_project = self._serialized_project.get(obj.project_id, None)
        if serialized_project is None:
            serialized_project = {
            self._serialized_project[obj.project_id] = serialized_project

        return serialized_project