def process(self, document, command): # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # # check arity if len(command.arguments) != self.cmd_arity: raise MacroError("Wrong macro-command arity for '{}': expected {} but given {} argument{}" .format(self.cmd_name, self.cmd_arity, len(command.arguments), "s" if len(command.arguments) > 1 else "")) # argument expansion tpl_env = dict() for arg_num in range(1,self.cmd_arity+1): tpl_env['_'+str(arg_num)] = r"\macroCommandArgument[{}]".format(arg_num-1) tpl_env['options'] = command.cmd_opts # template rendering for the body self.cmd_template.compile() result_to_parse = self.cmd_template.render(tpl_env) # recursive parsing of template result from tangolib.parser import Parser parser = Parser() lex = parser.prepare_string_lexer(result_to_parse) doc = MacroCommandDocument(document, "<<<MacroCommand:{}>>>".format(self.cmd_name), self.cmd_start_pos, self.cmd_end_pos, lex) result_parsed = parser.parse(doc, macro_cmd_arguments=command.arguments) return result_parsed
def test_macro_ev_nested_replace(self): parser = Parser() doc = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % macro definition \defEnv{new}[0]{New}{Old} \defEnv{hello}[1]{hello #1}{#1 world} % macro expansion \begin{hello}{\begin{new} crazy \end{new}} brave \end{hello} """) print("env_nested_replace (before expansion) = {}".format(doc)) processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # processor.process() print("env_nested_replace (after expansion) = {}".format(doc))
def test_macro_simple_text(self): parser = Parser() doc = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % macro definition \defCommand{\hello}[0]{brave world} \defCommand{\hello2}{brave world 2} % macro expansion Hello \hello % macro expansion Hello \hello2 """) print("simple_text (before expansion) = {}".format(doc)) processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # processor.process() print("simple_text (after expansion) = {}".format(doc))
def test_exos_liste(self): # 1) parsing parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # doc = parser.parse_from_file("../examples/exosliste.tango.tex") # 2) processing processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) core.register_core_processors(processor) py_ctx = codeactive.PythonContext(dict()) codeactive.register_processors(processor, py_ctx) try: processor.process() except codeactive.CheckPythonFailure: print("CheckPython failed, aborpting ...") return #print("After process = \n" + str(doc)) # 3) generating latex_config = LatexConfiguration() latex_config.document_class = "article" generator = LatexDocumentGenerator(doc, latex_config) generator.generate()
def test_basic_example(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # ret = parser.parse_from_file("../examples/basic.tango.tex") print(ret)
def process_header(self, document, env): # first: check arity if len(env.arguments) != self.env_arity: raise MacroError("Wrong macro-command arity for '{}': expected {} but given {} argument{}" .format(self.env_name, self.env_arity, len(env.arguments), "s" if len(env.arguments) > 1 else "")) # second: template rendering env.template_env = dict() for arg_num in range(1,self.env_arity+1): env.template_env['_'+str(arg_num)] = r"\macroCommandArgument[{}]".format(arg_num-1) env.template_env['options'] = env.env_opts self.env_header_tpl.compile() result_to_parse = self.env_header_tpl.render(env.template_env) # third: recursive parsing of template result from tangolib.parser import Parser parser = Parser() lex = parser.prepare_string_lexer(result_to_parse) doc = MacroEnvDocument(document, "<<<MacroEnv:{}>>>".format(self.env_name), self.env_start_pos, self.env_end_pos, lex) result_parsed = parser.parse(doc, macro_cmd_arguments=env.arguments) return result_parsed
def process_command(self, processor, cmd): if len(cmd.arguments) != 1: raise IncludeError("Cannot include document: expecting file name argument") sub_filename = search_content_by_types(cmd.content,{"text","preformated"}) if not sub_filename: raise IncludeError("Cannot find include pathname") else: sub_filename = sub_filename.text try: sub_file = open(sub_filename, "r") except OSError: raise IncludeError("Cannot open included file: {}".format(sub_filename)) try: sub_input = except IOError: raise IncludeError("Cannot read included file: {} (IO error)".format(sub_filename)) finally: sub_file.close() from tangolib.parser import Parser parser = Parser() sub_lex = parser.prepare_string_lexer(sub_input) sub_doc = SubDocument(cmd.doc, sub_filename, cmd.start_pos, sub_lex) result_parsed = parser.parse(sub_doc) return (result_parsed, True)
def test_macro_env_simple_text(self): parser = Parser() doc = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % macro definition \defEnv{hello}[0]{hello}{world} \defEnv{hello2}{hello2}{world2} % macro expansion \begin{hello} brave \end{hello} % macro expansion \begin{hello2} brave \end{hello2} """) print("env_simple_text (before expansion) = {}".format(doc)) processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # processor.process() print("env_simple_text (after expansion) = {}".format(doc))
def test_mdsection_simple(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" = section 1 = this is in section \emph{section 1} == subsection 1.1 == this is in section \emph{subsection 1.1} == subsection 1.2 == this is in section \emph{subsection 1.2} = section 2 = this is in section \emph{section 2} == subsection 2.1 == this is in section \emph{subsection 2.1} == subsection 2.2 == this is in section \emph{subsection 2.2} """) print("doc 8 = {}".format(ret))
def test_section_simple(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" \section{section 1} this is in section \emph{section 1} \subsection{subsection 1.1} this is in section \emph{subsection 1.1} \subsection{subsection 1.2} this is in section \emph{subsection 1.2} \section{section 2} this is in section \emph{section 2} \subsection{subsection 2.1} this is in section \emph{subsection 2.1} \subsection{subsection 2.2} this is in section \emph{subsection 2.2} """) print("doc 7 = {}".format(ret))
def test_parentheses(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" text (in parentheses) """) print("doc 6 = {}".format(ret))
def test_inline_preformated(self): parser = Parser() ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" The following is `inline preformated` and not the rest. """) print("doc 11 = {}".format(ret))
def test_line_comment(self): parser = Parser() ret = parser.parse_from_string(""" % this is a comment % after some space """) print("doc 1 = {}".format(ret))
def test_mdlist_simple(self): parser = Parser() ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" - item 1.1 - item 1.2 * item 2.1 * item 2.2 """) print("doc 10 = {}".format(ret))
def test_count_item(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # doc = parser.parse_from_file("../examples/basic.tango.tex") processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) count = TestCommandProcess.CountItem() processor.register_command_processor("item",count) processor.process() #print("count = {}".format(count.count)) self.assertEqual(count.count, 5)
def test_eval_python(self): parser = Parser() doc = parser.parse_from_string(""" \evalPython{{{3+2}}} """) print("Before processing = \n" + str(doc)); process = DocumentProcessor(doc) py_ctx = codeactive.PythonContext(dict()) codeactive.register_processors(process, py_ctx) process.process() print("After processing = \n" + str(doc));
def test_command_simple(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % this is a comment \mycommand[key1=value1,key2=value2]{ contents of the command % a comment in the command } % after some space """) print("doc 2 = {}".format(ret))
def process_footer(self, document, env): self.env_footer_tpl.compile() result_to_parse = self.env_footer_tpl.render(env.template_env) del env.template_env from tangolib.parser import Parser parser = Parser() lex = parser.prepare_string_lexer(result_to_parse) doc = MacroEnvFooterDocument(document, "<<<MacroEnvFooter:{}>>>".format(self.env_name), self.env_start_pos, self.env_end_pos, lex) result_parsed = parser.parse(doc, macro_cmd_arguments=env.arguments) return result_parsed
def test_command_simple_preformated(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % this is a comment \mycommand[key1=value1,key2=value2]{{{ contents of the command is preformated with { curly brackets allowed } % a comment in the command }}} % after some space """) print("doc 2 bis = {}".format(ret))
def test_def_python(self): parser = Parser() doc = parser.parse_from_string(""" \defPython[fact]{{{ def fact(n): return 1 if n<=1 else n*fact(n-1) }}} \evalPython{{{3+fact(4)}}} """) #print("Before processing = \n" + str(doc)); process = DocumentProcessor(doc) py_ctx = codeactive.PythonContext(dict()) codeactive.register_processors(process, py_ctx) process.process()
def test_macro_simple_replace(self): parser = Parser() doc = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % macro definition \defCommand{\hello}[1]{brave #1 world} % macro expansion Hello \hello{new} """) # print("simple_replace (before expansion) = {}".format(doc)) processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # processor.process()
def test_env_simple(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % a comment before the environment \begin{env} % this is a comment \mycommand[key1=value1,key2=value2]{ contents of the command % a comment in the command } % after some space \end{env} % a last comment outside the environment """) print("doc 3 = {}".format(ret))
def test_env_itemize2(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % a comment before the environment \begin{itemize} \item 1 \item 2 \begin{itemize} \item a (b) \item 3.2 \end{itemize} \item 4 \end{itemize} % a last comment outside the environment """) print("doc 5 = {}".format(ret))
def test_list_simple(self): parser = Parser() ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" \begin{itemize} \item item 1.1 \item item 1.2 \begin{enumerate} \item item 2.1 \item item 2.2 \end{enumerate} \end{itemize} """) print("doc 9 = {}".format(ret))
def test_macro_env_simple_replace(self): parser = Parser() doc = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % macro definition \defEnv{hello}[1]{hello #1}{#1 world} % macro expansion \begin{hello}{brave} new \end{hello} """) #print("env_simple_replace (before expansion) = {}".format(doc)) processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # processor.process()
def test_basic_example(self): # 1) parsing parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # doc = parser.parse_from_file("../examples/basic.tango.tex") # 2) processing processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) core.register_core_processors(processor) processor.process() # 3) generating latex_config = LatexConfiguration() latex_config.document_class = "article" generator = LatexDocumentGenerator(doc, latex_config) generator.generate() print("Output =\n" + str(generator.output))
def test_env_itemize(self): parser = Parser() # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # ret = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % a comment before the environment \begin{itemize} % this is a comment \item first item \item second item with command \mycommand[key1=value1,key2=value2]{ contents of the command % a comment in the command } \item an item % after some space \end{itemize} % a last comment outside the environment """) print("doc 4 = {}".format(ret))
def test_macro_env_active_simple(self): parser = Parser() doc = parser.parse_from_string(r""" % macro definition \defEnv{myenv}{ \execPython{{{ enter_count += 1 }}} }{ \execPython{{{ leave_count += 1 }}} } \execPython{{{ enter_count = 0 leave_count = 0 }}} % macro expansion \begin{myenv} enter then leave \end{myenv} """) print("env_active_simple (before expansion) = {}".format(doc)) processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) # BREAKPOINT >>> # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # <<< BREAKPOINT # processor.process() print("env_active_simple (after expansion) = {}".format(doc))
if not enable_generate_phase: enable_write_phase = False if enable_write_phase: tangoPrintln("Write phase enabled") tangolib.globalvars.init_global_vars() import os tangoPrintln("Current work directory = '{}'".format(os.getcwd())) # 1) parsing parser = Parser() tangoPrintln("Parsing from file '{}' ...".format(args.input_filename)) doc = parser.parse_from_file(args.input_filename) tangoPrintln("==> parsing done.") # 2) processing if enable_process_phase: tangoPrintln("Processing phase ...") processor = DocumentProcessor(doc) core.register_core_processors(processor)