    def test_current_user(self):
        Makes sure the current user is saved appropriately for a given host.

        host = "https://host.shotgunstudio.com"
        # Use mixed case to make sure we are case preserving
        user = "******"

        # Write the current user for a host and makes sure we get it back.
        session_cache.set_current_user(host, user)
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(host), user)

        # Write the current user for a second host and make sure we get it
        # back. Also make sure we are not updating the other host for some
        # reason.
        other_host = "https://other_host.shotgunstudio.com"
        other_user = "******"
        session_cache.set_current_user(other_host, other_user)
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(other_host), other_user)
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(host), user)
    def test_current_user(self):
        Makes sure the current user is saved appropriately for a given host.

        host = "https://host.shotgunstudio.com"
        # Use mixed case to make sure we are case preserving
        user = "******"

        # Write the current user for a host and makes sure we get it back.
        session_cache.set_current_user(host, user)
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(host), user)

        # Write the current user for a second host and make sure we get it
        # back. Also make sure we are not updating the other host for some
        # reason.
        other_host = "https://other_host.shotgunstudio.com"
        other_user = "******"
        session_cache.set_current_user(other_host, other_user)
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(host), user)
    def test_recent_users(self):
        Makes sure the recent hosts list is keep up to date.
        HOST = "https://host.shotgunstudio.com"
        LOGIN_A = "login_a"
        LOGIN_B = "login_b"


        # Make sure the recent hosts is initially empty.
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_recent_users(HOST), [])

        # Set HOST_A as the current host.
        session_cache.set_current_user(HOST, LOGIN_A)
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_recent_users(HOST), [LOGIN_A])
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(HOST), LOGIN_A)

        # Then set HOST_B as the new current host.
        session_cache.set_current_user(HOST, LOGIN_B)
                         [LOGIN_B, LOGIN_A])
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(HOST), LOGIN_B)

        # Now set back HOST_A as the current host. It should now be the most recent.
        session_cache.set_current_user(HOST, LOGIN_A)
                         [LOGIN_A, LOGIN_B])
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(HOST), LOGIN_A)

        # Update the cache 10 times.
        n_users = ["login-%d" % i for i in range(10)]
        for user in n_users:
            session_cache.set_current_user(HOST, user)

        # We should now have users 9 down to 2 in the most recent list.
        most_recents = ["login-%d" % i for i in range(9, 1, -1)]

        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_recent_users(HOST), most_recents)
    def test_recent_users(self):
        Makes sure the recent hosts list is keep up to date.
        HOST = "https://host.shotgunstudio.com"
        LOGIN_A = "login_a"
        LOGIN_B = "login_b"


        # Make sure the recent hosts is initially empty.
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_recent_users(HOST), [])

        # Set HOST_A as the current host.
        session_cache.set_current_user(HOST, LOGIN_A)
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_recent_users(HOST), [LOGIN_A])
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(HOST), LOGIN_A)

        # Then set HOST_B as the new current host.
        session_cache.set_current_user(HOST, LOGIN_B)
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_recent_users(HOST), [LOGIN_B, LOGIN_A])
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(HOST), LOGIN_B)

        # Now set back HOST_A as the current host. It should now be the most recent.
        session_cache.set_current_user(HOST, LOGIN_A)
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_recent_users(HOST), [LOGIN_A, LOGIN_B])
        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_current_user(HOST), LOGIN_A)

        # Update the cache 10 times.
        n_users = ["login-%d" % i for i in range(10)]
        for user in n_users:
            session_cache.set_current_user(HOST, user)

        # We should now have users 9 down to 2 in the most recent list.
        most_recents = ["login-%d" % i for i in range(9, 1, -1)]

        self.assertEqual(session_cache.get_recent_users(HOST), most_recents)