def __init__(self, agent_name, model, weights=None, t_horizon=10, num_basis=5, capacity=100000, batch_size=20): self._agent_name = agent_name self._model = model self._t_horizon = t_horizon self._replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(capacity) self._batch_size = batch_size self._basis = Basis(self._model.explr_space, num_basis=num_basis) self._lamk = np.exp(-0.8*np.linalg.norm(self._basis.k, axis=1)) self._barr = Barrier(self._model.explr_space) self._targ_dist = TargetDist(basis=self._basis) self._u = [0.0*np.zeros(self._model.action_space.shape[0]) for _ in range(t_horizon)] # TODO: implement more weights if weights is None: weights = {'R' : np.eye(self._model.action_space.shape[0])} self._Rinv = np.linalg.inv(weights['R']) self._phik = None self._ck_mean = None self._ck_msg = Ck() = self._agent_name self._ck_dict = {} self.pred_path = [] # set up the eos stuff last rospy.Subscriber('ck_link', Ck, self._ck_link_callback) self._ck_pub = rospy.Publisher('ck_link', Ck, queue_size=1)
def __init__(self): # basic config self.pose = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.]) self.obsv = [] # ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.odom_sub, self.scan_sub], 10, 0.01) # ts.registerCallback(self.callback) self.bearings = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 360) self.start_time = time.time() # ergodic control config self.size = 4.0 self.explr_space = Box(np.array([0.0, 0.0]), np.array([self.size, self.size]), dtype=np.float64) self.basis = Basis(explr_space=self.explr_space, num_basis=10) # self.t_dist = TargetDist() self.t_dist = TargetDist(means=[[1.0, 1.0], [3.0, 3.0]], cov=0.1, size=self.size) self.phik = convert_phi2phik(self.basis, self.t_dist.grid_vals, self.t_dist.grid, self.size) self.weights = {'R': np.diag([10, 1])} self.model = TurtlebotDyn(size=self.size, dt=0.1) self.erg_ctrl = RTErgodicControl(self.model, self.t_dist, weights=self.weights, horizon=80, num_basis=10, batch_size=500) self.obstacles = np.array([[1., 2.], [2., 1.], [2., 2.], [3., 1.], [1., 3.], [2., 3.], [3., 2.]]) self.erg_ctrl.barr.update_obstacles(self.obstacles) self.erg_ctrl.phik = self.phik self.log = {'traj': [], 'ctrls': [], 'ctrl_seq': [], 'count': 0} # self.odom_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry)#, self.odom_callback) # self.scan_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan)#, self.scan_callback) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.scan_callback) self.ctrl_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/ctrl_flag', Bool, self.ctrl_callback) self.obsv_pub = rospy.Publisher('/landmarks', Marker, queue_size=1) self.ctrl_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
def __init__(self, agent_num=0): SingleIntegrator.__init__(self) self.agent_num = agent_num self.agent_name = 'agent{}'.format(agent_num) self.model = SingleIntegrator() self.t_dist = TargetDist() self.controller = RTErgodicControl(self.model, self.t_dist, horizon=15, num_basis=10, batch_size=100) self.controller.phik = convert_phi2phik(self.controller.basis, self.t_dist.grid_vals, self.t_dist.grid) self.reset() # need to override this
def __init__(self): # basic config self.pose = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.]) self.obsv = [] self.bearings = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, 360) self.start_time = time.time() # ergodic control config self.size = 4.0 self.explr_space = Box(np.array([0.0,0.0]), np.array([self.size,self.size]), dtype=np.float64) self.basis = Basis(explr_space=self.explr_space, num_basis=10) # self.t_dist = TargetDist() self.t_dist = TargetDist(means=[[1.0,1.0],[3.0,3.0]], cov=0.1, size=self.size) self.phik = convert_phi2phik(self.basis, self.t_dist.grid_vals, self.t_dist.grid, self.size) self.weights = {'R': np.diag([10, 1])} self.model = TurtlebotDyn(size=self.size, dt=0.1) self.erg_ctrl = RTErgodicControl(self.model, self.t_dist, weights=self.weights, horizon=80, num_basis=10, batch_size=500) self.obstacles = np.array([[1.,2.], [2.,1.], [2.,2.], [3.,1.], [1.,3.], [2.,3.], [3.,2.]]) self.erg_ctrl.barr.update_obstacles(self.obstacles) self.erg_ctrl.phik = self.phik self.log = {'traj':[], 'ctrls':[], 'ctrl_seq':[], 'count':0} self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.scan_callback) self.ctrl_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/ctrl_flag', Bool, self.ctrl_callback) self.obsv_pub = rospy.Publisher('/landmarks', Marker, queue_size=1) self.ctrl_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/test_path', Path, queue_size=1) self.map_pub = rospy.Publisher('/landmarks_map', Marker, queue_size=1) self.path_msg = Path() self.odom_header = None ####### # for test only self.old_obsv = [] self.curr_obsv = [] self.lm_table = []
def __init__(self): # basic config self.pose = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.]) self.obsv = [] self.bearings = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 360) self.start_time = time.time() # ergodic control config self.size = 4.0 self.explr_space = Box(np.array([0.0, 0.0]), np.array([self.size, self.size]), dtype=np.float64) self.basis = Basis(explr_space=self.explr_space, num_basis=10) # self.t_dist = TargetDist() self.t_dist = TargetDist(means=[[1.0, 1.0], [3.0, 3.0]], cov=0.1, size=self.size) self.weights = {'R': np.diag([10, 1])} self.model = TurtlebotDyn(size=self.size, dt=0.1) self.erg_ctrl = RTErgodicControl(self.model, self.t_dist, weights=self.weights, horizon=80, num_basis=10, batch_size=500) self.obstacles = np.array([[1., 2.], [2., 1.], [2., 2.], [3., 1.], [1., 3.], [2., 3.], [3., 2.]]) self.erg_ctrl.barr.update_obstacles(self.obstacles) self.phik = convert_phi2phik(self.basis, self.t_dist.grid_vals, self.t_dist.grid, self.size) self.erg_ctrl.phik = self.phik self.log = {'traj': [], 'ctrls': [], 'ctrl_seq': [], 'count': 0} self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.scan_callback) self.ctrl_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/ctrl_flag', Bool, self.ctrl_callback) self.obsv_pub = rospy.Publisher('/landmarks', Marker, queue_size=1) self.ctrl_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/test_path', Path, queue_size=1) self.map_pub = rospy.Publisher('/landmarks_map', Marker, queue_size=1) self.ekf_pub = rospy.Publisher('/ekf_odom', Odometry, queue_size=1) self.path_msg = Path() self.odom_header = None ####### # for test only self.old_obsv = [] self.curr_obsv = [] self.lm_table = [] cube_list = Marker() cube_list.header.frame_id = 'odom' cube_list.header.stamp = cube_list.ns = 'landmark_map' cube_list.action = Marker.ADD cube_list.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 = 0 cube_list.type = Marker.CUBE_LIST cube_list.scale.x = 0.05 cube_list.scale.y = 0.05 cube_list.scale.z = 0.5 cube_list.color.b = 1.0 cube_list.color.a = 1.0 self.cube_list = cube_list self.real_landmarks = np.array([ [2.34, 2.13], # id: 0 [0.60, 0.60], # id: 1 [0.60, 3.40], # id: 2 [3.40, 0.60], # id: 3 [3.40, 3.40] ]) # id: 4 self.init_pose = np.zeros(3) self.raw_odom_traj = [] self.lm_id = [] ####### # ekf self.ekf_mean = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.ekf_cov = np.diag([1e-09 for _ in range(3)]) self.ekf_R = np.diag([0.01, 0.01, 0.01]) self.ekf_Q = np.diag([0.03, 0.03]) self.init_flag = False
# define the Barrier object barrier = Barrier(explr_space) # test cost function print(barrier.cost(explr_space.sample() - 1.0)) # test derivative of cost function wrt to pose print(barrier.dx(explr_space.sample() - 1.0)) ########################################### # target distribution test from target_dist import TargetDist from utils import convert_phi2phik, convert_phik2phi import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # define a target distribution object t_dist = TargetDist() # plot first fig, original target dist fig1 = plt.figure() ax1_1 = fig1.add_subplot(121) ax1_1.set_aspect('equal') ax1_1.set_xlim(0, 1) ax1_1.set_ylim(0, 1) xy, vals = t_dist.get_grid_spec() ax1_1.contourf(*xy, vals, levels=20) # compute phik from target distribution phi # phik is determined once phi is determined phik = convert_phi2phik(basis, t_dist.grid_vals, t_dist.grid) print(phik.shape) # square of num_basis # convert phik back to phi phi = convert_phik2phi(basis, phik, t_dist.grid) # plot the reconstructed phi
import sys sys.path.append('../rt_erg_lib') import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import animation from tqdm import tqdm from single_integrator import SingleIntegrator from ergodic_control import RTErgodicControl from target_dist import TargetDist from utils import convert_phi2phik, convert_ck2dist, convert_traj2ck, convert_phik2phi env = SingleIntegrator() model = SingleIntegrator() t_dist = TargetDist(num_nodes=2) weights = {'R': np.diag([5 for _ in range(2)])} erg_ctrl = RTErgodicControl(model, t_dist, horizon=15, num_basis=10, batch_size=-1, weights=weights) erg_ctrl.phik = convert_phi2phik(erg_ctrl.basis, t_dist.grid_vals, t_dist.grid) tf = 200 state = env.reset() log = {'trajectory': [state.copy()]} for t in tqdm(range(tf)): ctrl = erg_ctrl(state, turtle_mode=False)
# define the Barrier object barrier = Barrier(explr_space) # test cost function print(barrier.cost(explr_space.sample() - size)) # test derivative of cost function wrt to pose print(barrier.dx(explr_space.sample() - size)) ########################################### # target distribution test from target_dist import TargetDist from utils import convert_phi2phik, convert_phik2phi import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # define a target distribution object t_dist = TargetDist( ) #TargetDist(size=size, means=[[1.0,1.0],[3.0,3.0]], cov=0.1) # plot first fig, original target dist fig1 = plt.figure() ax1_1 = fig1.add_subplot(121) ax1_1.set_aspect('equal') xy, vals = t_dist.get_grid_spec() ax1_1.contourf(*xy, vals, levels=20) # compute phik from target distribution phi # phik is determined once phi is determined phik = convert_phi2phik(basis, t_dist.grid_vals, t_dist.grid, size) print(phik.shape) # square of num_basis # convert phik back to phi phi = convert_phik2phi(basis, phik, t_dist.grid) # plot the reconstructed phi ax1_2 = fig1.add_subplot(122) ax1_2.set_aspect('equal')
def __init__(self, agent_num=0, tot_agents=1): DoubleIntegrator.__init__(self) rospy.init_node('agent{}'.format(agent_num)) self.rate = rospy.Rate(30) self.agent_num = agent_num self.tot_agents = tot_agents self.agent_name = 'agent{}'.format(agent_num) self.model = DoubleIntegrator() self.t_dist = TargetDist( num_nodes=3) #TODO: remove example target distribution self.controller = RTErgodicControl(self.model, self.t_dist, horizon=15, num_basis=5, batch_size=200, capacity=500) #, batch_size=-1) # setting the phik on the ergodic controller self.controller.phik = convert_phi2phik(self.controller.basis, self.t_dist.grid_vals, self.t_dist.grid) self.tdist_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/target_distribution', Target_dist, self.update_tdist) self.reset() # reset the agent self.broadcast = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.broadcast.sendTransform( (self.state[0], self.state[1], 1.0), (0, 0, 0, 1), # quaternion, self.agent_name, "world") self.__max_points = 1000 self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/agent{}/marker_pose'.format(agent_num), Marker, queue_size=1) self.marker = Marker() = agent_num self.marker.type = Marker.LINE_STRIP self.marker.header.frame_id = "world" self.marker.scale.x = .01 self.marker.scale.y = .01 self.marker.scale.z = .01 color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] color[agent_num] = 1.0 self.marker.color.a = .7 self.marker.color.r = color[0] self.marker.color.g = color[1] self.marker.color.b = color[2] # Publisher for Ck Sharing self.ck_pub = rospy.Publisher('agent{}/ck'.format(agent_num), Ck_msg, queue_size=1) # Ck Subscriber for all agent ck's self.ck_list = [None] * tot_agents for i in range(tot_agents): rospy.Subscriber('agent{}/ck'.format(i), Ck_msg, self.update_ck)