def doNames(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): if self.newtab: chk = self.sql.getRec("bwltab", where=[("btb_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("btb_surname", "=", self.sname, "and", "btb_names", "=", w)], limit=1) if chk: tab = chk[self.sql.bwltab_col.index("btb_tab")] self.doTab(frt, pag, 0, 1, 0, 0, tab) return "ff3" if self.mstart < self.fstart and >= self.fstart: self.df.loadEntry(frt, pag, p + 1, data="F") elif self.fstart < self.mstart and < self.mstart: self.df.loadEntry(frt, pag, p + 1, data="F") return if self.sname != self.snam or w != self.fnam: but = [("Amendment", "A"), ("Re-Issue", "R"), ("Neither", "N")] ok = askChoice(self.opts["mf"].body, "Name Change", "Please Select the Reason for the Name Change", butt=but, default="Neither") if ok == "N": return "ff3" if ok == "R": self.tabchg = True for x in range(1, 15): self.df.clearEntry(frt, pag, c + x)
def doPrint(self): mess = "Select the Required Print Option." butt = (("Information", "I"), ("Transactions", "T"), ("Both", "B"), ("None", "N")) self.doPrintOption( askChoice(self.opts["mf"].body, "Print Options", mess, butt=butt)) self.df.focusField(self.df.frt, self.df.pag, self.df.col)
def doExport(self): self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="hide") typ = askChoice(self.opts["mf"].window, "Type", "Select the File Type", butt=( ("CSV", "C", "Export to a csv file for Importing "\ "into e.g. 'Password Safe'"), ("XML", "X", "Export to a xml file for Importing "\ "into e.g. 'KeePassX'")), default="CSV") self.df.setWidget(self.df.mstFrame, state="show") if typ == "C": fle = os.path.join(self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"], "secrets.csv") csvwrt = csv.writer(open(fle, "w"), delimiter=";", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) csvwrt.writerow(["Title", "Category", "Username", "Password", "Website","Comments"]) else: fle = os.path.join(self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"], "secrets.xml") xml = open(fle, "w") xml.write("""<!DOCTYPE KEEPASSX_DATABASE> <database> <group> <title>Secrets</title> <icon>0</icon>""") codes = list([self.opts["capnm"]].keys()) codes.sort() for code in codes: log, enc =[self.opts["capnm"]][code] log = log.replace("&", "and").replace("<", "").replace(">","") enc = enc.replace("&", "and").replace("<", "").replace(">","") if typ == "C": csvwrt.writerow([code, "", log, enc, "", ""]) else: xml.write(""" <entry> <title>%s</title> <username>%s</username> <password>%s</password> <url></url> <comment></comment> <icon>0</icon> <creation>0</creation> <lastaccess>0</lastaccess> <lastmod>0</lastmod> <expire>Never</expire> </entry>""" % (code, log, enc)) if typ == "X": xml.write(""" </group> </database>""") xml.close() showInfo(self.opts["mf"].body, "Export", """The following file has been created: %s Please Note that this file is Unencrypted. This file will be treated as a Temporary File when Exiting Tartan.""" % fle) self.df.focusField("T", 0, 1)
def doPrint(self): mess = "Select the Required Print Option." butt = [("Information", "I"), ("Transactions", "T")] if self.itype == "R": butt.append(("Recipe", "R")) butt.append(("None", "N")) self.doPrintOption( askChoice(self.opts["mf"].body, "Print Options", mess, butt=butt)) self.df.focusField(self.df.frt, self.df.pag, self.df.col)
def doPrint(self): mess = "Select the Required Print Option." butt = ( ("Info Only", "I"), ("Deposit Only", "D"), ("Transactions Only", "T"), ("Info and Transactions", "B"), ("None", "N")) self.doPrintOption(askChoice(self.opts["mf"].body, "Print Options", mess, butt=butt)) self.df.selPage("Premises") self.df.focusField("T", 1, 1)
def doEndsFin(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.bonus = self.bpts if w != self.ends: if not w: but = (("Exit",1),("Skipped",2),("Abandoned",3)) ok = askChoice(self.opts["mf"].body, head="Zero Ends", mess="No Ends Completed, Choose Option", butt=but) if ok == 1: return "rf" elif ok == 2: self.sql.updRec("bwlgme", cols=["bcg_aflag"], data=["S"], where=[("bcg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bcg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("bcg_game", "=", self.gcod)]) elif ok == 3: self.sql.updRec("bwlgme", cols=["bcg_ocod", "bcg_rink", "bcg_sfor", "bcg_sagt", "bcg_points", "bcg_a_sfor", "bcg_a_sagt", "bcg_a_points", "bcg_aflag"], data=[0, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "A"], where=[("bcg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bcg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("bcg_game", "=", self.gcod)]) self.opts["mf"].dbm.commitDbase() return "xt" ok = askQuestion(self.opts["mf"].body, head="Shortened", mess="Was This Game Shortened?", default="no") if ok == "no": return "rf" if self.bonus == "Y": ok = askQuestion(self.opts["mf"].body, head="Bonus Points", mess="Must Bonus Points Still be Awarded?", default="no") if ok == "no": self.bonus = "N" self.totpts = (w * self.epts) + self.gpts if self.skins == "Y": self.totpts = self.totpts + (int(w / self.sends) * self.spts) if self.bonus == "Y": self.maxpts = float(ASD(self.totpts) + ASD(1)) else: self.maxpts = self.totpts
def doGenerate(self): self.opts["mf"].updateStatus("") but = (("Members", "M"), ("Non Members", "N"), ("All", "A"), ("None", "X")) ok = askChoice(self.opts["mf"].body, "ARE YOU SURE???", "Are you Certain this is what you want To Do? This will "\ "Automatically Generate New Tab Numbers For Selected Range "\ "Based On Member's Names and Gender!", butt=but, default="None") if ok == "X": self.df.focusField("T", 0, 1) return self.df.closeProcess() splash = SplashScreen(self.opts["mf"].body, "Generating New Tab Numbers ... Please Wait") # Create temporary tables for ot in self.tables: tt = "%s_temp" % ot[0] self.sql.sqlRec("Create table %s as Select * from %s "\ "where %s = %s" % (tt, ot[0], ot[1], self.opts["conum"])) self.sql.delRec(ot[0], where=[(ot[1], "=", self.opts["conum"])]) mem = self.sql.sqlRec("Select * from bwltab_temp where btb_cono = %s "\ "and btb_tab < %s order by btb_surname, btb_names" % (self.opts["conum"], self.nstart)) non = self.sql.sqlRec("Select * from bwltab_temp where btb_cono = %s "\ "and btb_tab >= %s order by btb_surname, btb_names" % (self.opts["conum"], self.nstart)) mstart = self.mstart fstart = self.fstart nstart = self.nstart key = {} for tab in mem: otb = tab[self.sql.bwltab_col.index("btb_tab")] if ok in ("A", "M"): gdr = tab[self.sql.bwltab_col.index("btb_gender")] if gdr == "M": new = mstart mstart += 1 else: new = fstart fstart += 1 key[otb] = new else: key[otb] = otb for tab in non: otb = tab[self.sql.bwltab_col.index("btb_tab")] if ok in ("A", "N"): key[otb] = nstart nstart += 1 else: key[otb] = otb for ot in self.tables: tt = "%s_temp" % ot[0] cc = getattr(self.sql, "%s_col" % ot[0]) recs = self.sql.sqlRec("Select * from %s" % tt) for rec in recs: for k in ot[2:]: c = rec[cc.index(k)] if c not in key: continue rec[cc.index(k)] = key[c] self.sql.insRec(ot[0], data=rec) self.sql.sqlRec("Drop table %s" % tt) self.opts["mf"].dbm.commitDbase(ask=True) splash.closeSplash() if "wait" not in self.opts: self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def doUpdateTables(self): nrnd = self.rnum + 1 if self.fmat == "K" and self.clup == "Y" and self.ctyp == "M": # Closed up draw (1st and maybe 2nd Round) skps = self.sql.getRec("scpgme", where=[("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", self.ctyp), ("scg_snum", "=", self.snum), ("scg_subs", "=", self.subs), ("scg_rnum", "=", self.rnum)]) byes = [] nums = {} for skp in skps: scod = skp[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_scod")] ocod = skp[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_ocod")] if not ocod: byes.append(scod) nums[scod] = skp for skp in byes: if self.opts["test"]: ok = "B" else: ok = askChoice(self.opts["mf"].body, "Capture Error", "The Results for Skip %s - %s is Missing. Did he/she "\ "Withdraw or have a Bye?" % (skp, self.getName(skp)), butt=(("No", "N"), ("Withdraw", "W"), ("Bye", "B"), ("Abort", "A")), default="Bye") if ok == "N": return "continue" if ok == "A": return "abort" if ok == "W": self.sql.delRec("scpgme", where=[("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_scod", "=", skp)]) byes.remove(skp) del nums[skp] continue for scod in nums: rec = nums[scod] scod = rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_scod")] ocod = rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_ocod")] sfor = rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_sfor")] sagt = rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_sagt")] where = [("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", self.ctyp), ("scg_snum", "=", self.snum), ("scg_subs", "=", self.subs), ("scg_rnum", "=", nrnd), ("scg_scod", "=", scod)] if scod in byes: self.byenum += 1 # Create bye self.sql.updRec("scpgme", cols=["scg_ocod"], data=[self.byenum], where=where) if nrnd < self.lrnd: # Create next round record rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_rnum")] = nrnd rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_ocod")] = 0 rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_sfor")] = 0 rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_sagt")] = 0 rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_seed")] = 0 rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_pair")] = 0 if scod not in byes and sfor < sagt and ocod: scod = ocod rec[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_scod")] = scod chk = self.sql.getRec("scpgme", where=where, limit=1) if not chk: self.sql.insRec("scpgme", data=rec) else: self.sql.updRec("scpgme", data=rec, where=where) else: # Update playoff records cod = self.snum + 700000 if sfor > sagt: win = scod else: win = ocod whr = where[:6] whr[2] = ("scg_ctyp", "=", "P") whr[3] = ("scg_snum", "=", 1) whr[5] = ("scg_rnum", "=", 1) whr.append(("scg_scod", "=", cod)) self.sql.updRec("scpgme", cols=["scg_scod"], data=[win], where=whr) whr[6] = ("scg_ocod", "=", cod) self.sql.updRec("scpgme", cols=["scg_ocod"], data=[win], where=whr) if (self.fmat == "K" and self.clup == "N") or self.ctyp == "P": recs = self.sql.getRec("scpgme", where=[("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", self.ctyp), ("scg_snum", "=", self.snum), ("scg_rnum", "=", self.rnum)], order="scg_group, scg_pair") group = 0 for num in range(0, len(recs), 2): one = recs[num] snum = one[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_snum")] subs = one[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_subs")] if group != one[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_group")]: group = one[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_group")] pair = 1 else: pair += 1 cod1 = one[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_scod")] opp1 = one[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_ocod")] for1 = one[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_sfor")] agt1 = one[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_sagt")] if opp1 > 900000 or for1 > agt1: win1 = cod1 else: win1 = opp1 if len(recs[num:]) > 1: two = recs[num + 1] cod2 = two[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_scod")] opp2 = two[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_ocod")] for2 = two[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_sfor")] agt2 = two[self.sql.scpgme_col.index("scg_sagt")] if opp2 > 900000 or for2 > agt2: win2 = cod2 else: win2 = opp2 else: win2 = 0 # Create next round record sgc = self.sql.scpgme_col whr = [("scg_cono", "=", one[sgc.index("scg_cono")]), ("scg_ccod", "=", one[sgc.index("scg_ccod")]), ("scg_ctyp", "=", one[sgc.index("scg_ctyp")]), ("scg_snum", "=", one[sgc.index("scg_snum")]), ("scg_subs", "=", one[sgc.index("scg_subs")]), ("scg_rnum", "=", nrnd), ("scg_ktyp", "=", one[sgc.index("scg_ktyp")]), ("scg_scod", "=", win1)] one[sgc.index("scg_rnum")] = nrnd one[sgc.index("scg_scod")] = win1 one[sgc.index("scg_ocod")] = win2 one[sgc.index("scg_sfor")] = 0 one[sgc.index("scg_sagt")] = 0 one[sgc.index("scg_pnts")] = 0 one[sgc.index("scg_pair")] = pair if not self.sql.getRec("scpgme", where=whr, limit=1): self.sql.insRec("scpgme", data=one) else: self.sql.updRec("scpgme", cols=["scg_ocod", "scg_pair"], data=[win2, pair], where=whr) if self.rnum == self.lrnd and \ self.ctyp == "M" and self.nsec > 2: # Create playoff records with winners codes if not self.oldwin: if subs == "B": key = snum + 800000 else: key = snum + 700000 else: key = self.oldwin[snum] self.sql.updRec("scpgme", cols=["scg_scod"], data=[win1], where=[("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", "P"), ("scg_rnum", "=", 1), ("scg_scod", "=", key)]) self.sql.updRec("scpgme", cols=["scg_ocod"], data=[win1], where=[("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", "P"), ("scg_rnum", "=", 1), ("scg_ocod", "=", key)]) elif self.squa == "S" and self.rnum == self.lrnd: # Update playoff records with winners codes if self.ssub == "Y": lsub = "B" else: lsub = "" whr = [("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", self.ctyp), ("scg_snum", "=", self.snum), ("scg_subs", "=", self.subs)] if self.fmat == "K": col = ["scg_scod", "scg_ocod", "scg_sfor", "scg_sagt"] whr.append(("scg_rnum", "=", self.lrnd)) rec = self.sql.getRec("scpgme", cols=col, where=whr, limit=1) if rec[2] > rec[3]: win = rec[0] else: win = rec[1] else: self.doGetNewWin(sect=self.snum, sub=self.subs) win = self.newwin[self.snum] if not self.oldwin: if self.subs == "B": key = self.snum + 800000 else: key = self.snum + 700000 else: key = self.oldwin[self.snum] self.sql.updRec("scpgme", cols=["scg_scod"], data=[win], where=[("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", "P"), ("scg_rnum", "=", 1), ("scg_scod", "=", key)]) self.sql.updRec("scpgme", cols=["scg_ocod"], data=[win], where=[("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", "P"), ("scg_rnum", "=", 1), ("scg_ocod", "=", key)]) if self.snum == self.nsec and self.subs == lsub: self.sql.updRec("scpgme", cols=["scg_ktyp"], data=["M"], where=[("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", "P")]) # Check if all results for the round are captured chek = self.sql.getRec("scpgme", cols=["count(*)"], where=[("scg_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scg_ccod", "=", self.ccod), ("scg_ctyp", "=", self.ctyp), ("scg_rnum", "=", self.rnum), ("scg_scod", "<", 900000), ("scg_ocod", "<", 900000), ("scg_sfor", "=", 0), ("scg_sagt", "=", 0)], limit=1) if chek[0]: return if self.clup == "Y" and self.ctyp == "M" and nrnd == self.lrnd: state = 3 elif self.rnum == self.lrnd: if self.ctyp == "M": state = 3 else: state = 6 elif self.ctyp == "M": state = 2 else: state = 5 self.sql.updRec("scpcmp", cols=["scp_state"], data=[state], where=[("scp_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("scp_ccod", "=", self.ccod)])
def printReport(self, mems): ktypes = {} ctk = self.sql.getRec("memctk") for c in ctk: ktypes[c[1]] = c[2] for mem in mems: text = """Dear %s %s %s Here are your details as stored on the club's database. Please could you be so kind as to check them and let us have any changes by return email so that we can update our records. %-30s%s %-30s%s %-30s%s %-30s%s""" % (mem[1], mem[2], mem[3], "Membership Number:", mem[0], "Names:", mem[4], "Nationality:", countries[mem[5]][1], "Date of Birth:", CCD(mem[6], "D1", 10).disp) add = self.sql.getRec("memadd", cols=[ "mla_type", "mla_add1", "mla_add2", "mla_add3", "mla_city", "mla_code" ], where=[("mla_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mla_memno", "=", mem[0])]) for a in add: if a[0] == "P": text = """%s %-30s%s""" % (text, "Postal Address:", a[1]) else: text = """%s %-30s%s""" % (text, "Street Address:", a[1]) for n in a[2:]: if n: text = """%s, %s""" % (text, n) kon = self.sql.getRec(tables=["memctk", "memkon"], cols=["mck_code", "mck_type", "mlk_detail"], where=[("mlk_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlk_memno", "=", mem[0]), ("mck_code=mlk_code", )]) mail = [] for e in kon: if e[0] == 5: ktyp = "E-Mail Address:" else: ktyp = "%s:" % ktypes[e[1]] text = """%s %-30s%s""" % (text, ktyp, e[2]) if e[1] == "E" and e[2][:2] != "08": mail.append(e[2]) if not mail: continue text = """%s With Thanks Membership Secretary %s""" % (text, self.opts["conam"]) ok = sendMail(self.smtp, self.fadd, mail, "Member's Details", mess=text, wrkdir=self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"]) if not ok and self.ignore == "N": ok = askChoice(self.opts["mf"].body, "SMTP Server Error", "Mail to %s Could Not be Sent" % mail, butt=(("Continue", "C"), ("Quit", "Q")), default="Continue") if ok == "Q": self.doExit() break
def doTrans2c(self): tit = "Transactions for Item: %s %s - %s" % \ (, self.code, self.desc) tab = ["strtrn"] crt = (("stt_trdt", "", 0, " Date"), ("stt_batch", "", 0, "Batch"), ("stt_type", "NA", 3, "Typ"), ("stt_ref1", "", 0, "Reference", "Y"), ("stt_ref2", "", 0, "Ref-Num-2"), ("stt_qty", "", 0, " Quantity"), ("stt_cost", "", 0, " Cost"), ("stt_sell", "", 0, " Selling"), ("qbal", "SD", 13.2, " Qty-Bal"), ("cbal", "SD", 13.2, " Cost-Bal"), ("stt_desc", "", 0, "Details")) whr = [("stt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("stt_group", "=",, ("stt_code", "=", self.code), ("stt_loc", "=", self.loc)] if self.per_from: whr.extend([("stt_curdt", ">=", self.per_from), ("stt_curdt", "<=", self.per_to)]) odr = "stt_trdt, stt_qty desc" recs = self.sql.getRec("strtrn", cols=[ "stt_trdt", "stt_batch", "stt_type", "stt_ref1", "stt_ref2", "stt_qty", "stt_cost", "stt_sell", "stt_desc" ], where=whr, order=odr) data = [] tqty = 0 tcst = 0 for rec in recs: rec[2] = sttrtp[rec[2] - 1][0] tqty = float(ASD(tqty) + ASD(rec[5])) tcst = float(ASD(tcst) + ASD(rec[6])) rec.insert(8, tqty) rec.insert(9, tcst) data.append(rec) state = self.df.disableButtonsTags() while True: rec = SRec(self.opts["mf"], screen=self.df.nb.Page4, title=tit, tables=tab, cols=crt, where=data, wtype="D") if rec.selection: for n, t in enumerate(sttrtp): if t[0] == rec.selection[2]: typ = n + 1 break dte = rec.selection[0] doc = rec.selection[3] if self.itype == "R" and typ in (7, 8): bt = (("Transaction", "T"), ("Recipe", "R")) ask = askChoice( self.df.window, head="Details", mess="Transaction Details or the Recipe Details", butt=bt, default="Transaction") else: ask = "T" if ask == "T": wher = [("stt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("stt_group", "=",, ("stt_code", "=", self.code), ("stt_loc", "=", self.loc), ("stt_type", "=", typ), ("stt_trdt", "=", dte), ("stt_ref1", "=", doc)] TabPrt(self.opts["mf"], tabs="strtrn", where=wher, pdia=False) elif typ == 7: rct = "Recipe Details" rcc = (("si3_line", "", 0, ""), ("si3_rgroup", "", 0, ""), ("si3_rcode", "", 0, ""), ("st1_desc", "", 0, ""), ("si3_rqty", "", 0, ""), ("si3_cost", "", 0, "")) rcw = (("si3_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("si3_rtn", "=", "I"), ("si3_docno", "=", doc), ("st1_cono=si3_cono", ), ("st1_group=si3_rgroup", ), ("st1_code=si3_rcode", )) rco = "si3_line" SRec(self.opts["mf"], title=rct, tables=["slsiv3", "strmf1"], cols=rcc, where=rcw, order=rco) else: rct = "Recipe Details" rcc = (("prp_rowno", "", 0, ""), ("prp_rgroup", "", 0, ""), ("prp_rcode", "", 0, ""), ("st1_desc", "", 0, ""), ("prp_rqty", "", 0, ""), ("prp_cost", "", 0, "")) rcw = (("prp_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("prp_docno", "=", doc), ("st1_cono=prp_cono", ), ("st1_group=prp_rgroup", ), ("st1_code=prp_rcode", )) rco = "prp_rowno" SRec(self.opts["mf"], title=rct, tables=["posrcp", "strmf1"], cols=rcc, where=rcw, order=rco) else: break self.df.enableButtonsTags(state=state) self.df.focusField("T", 4, 1)
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() col = [ "mlm_memno", "mlm_surname", "mlm_names", "mlm_payplan", "mlc_code" ] whr = [("mlm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlm_state", "=", "A")] if self.plan == "N": whr.append(("mlm_payplan", "=", "N")) whr.extend([("mlc_cono=mlm_cono", ), ("mlc_memno=mlm_memno", ), ("mlc_type", "=", "B")]) grp = "mlm_memno, mlm_surname, mlm_names, mlm_payplan, mlc_code" if self.sort == "N": odr = "mlm_memno" else: odr = "mlm_surname" sp = SplashScreen(self.opts["mf"].body, "Preparing Report ... Please Wait") recs = self.sql.getRec(tables=["memmst", "memcat"], cols=col, where=whr, group=grp, order=odr) sp.closeSplash() if not recs: self.opts["mf"].closeLoop() return p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, typ="Generating the Report", mxs=len(recs), esc=True) data = [] for num, rec in enumerate(recs): p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break whr = [("mlt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlt_memno", "=", rec[0])] trn = getTrn(self.opts["mf"].dbm, "mem", whr=whr, zer="N") bal = 0 inv = 0 for t in trn[1]: c = trn[0] bal = float(ASD(bal) + ASD(t[c.index("mlt_tramt")])) if t[c.index("mlt_type")] == 1 and \ t[c.index("mlt_curdt")] >= self.s_per: inv = float(ASD(inv) + ASD(t[c.index("mlt_tramt")])) if not bal or bal < inv: continue cat = self.sql.getRec(tables=["memctc", "memctp"], cols=["mcc_desc", "mcp_rate_01"], where=[("mcc_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mcc_type", "=", "B"), ("mcc_code", "=", rec[4]), ("mcp_cono=mcc_cono", ), ("mcp_type=mcc_type", ), ("mcp_code=mcc_code", )], order="mcp_date desc", limit=1) if not cat or bal < cat[1]: continue rec[1] = "%s, %s" % (rec[1], rec[2]) del rec[2] rec[3] = cat[0] rec.append(cat[1]) rec.append(inv) rec.append(bal) data.append(rec) p.closeProgress() if p.quit: self.opts["mf"].closeLoop() return name = self.__class__.__name__ head = ["Members Suspension Report"] cols = [["a", "NA", 7, "Mem-No", "y"], ["b", "NA", 50, "Name", "y"], ["d", "UA", 1, "P", "y"], ["c", "NA", 30, "Active-Category", "y"], ["e", "SD", 13.2, "Subscription", "y"], ["f", "SD", 13.2, "Tot-Invoiced", "y"], ["g", "SD", 13.2, "Tot-Balance", "y"]] rep = RepPrt(self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], conam=self.opts["conam"], name=name, tables=data, heads=head, cols=cols, gtots=("e", "f", "g"), ttype="D", repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml, fromad=self.fromad) if not rep.xits: ask = askChoice(self.opts["mf"].body, "Suspend Members", "Select Members to Suspend", butt=(("All", "A"), ("Some", "S"), ("None", "N")), default="None") if ask in ("A", "S"): if ask == "S": cols = ["memno", "name"] dics = { "memno": ("", 0, "UI", 6, "Member Number", "Mem-No"), "name": ("", 1, "NA", 50, "Member Name", "Name") } newd = [] for dat in data: newd.append((dat[0], dat[1])) data = getSingleRecords(self.opts["mf"], "", cols, where=newd, ttype="D", dic=dics) if data: p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, typ="Suspending Members", mxs=len(data)) for num, rec in enumerate(data): p.displayProgress(num) self.sql.updRec("memmst", cols=["mlm_state", "mlm_sdate"], data=["S", self.sysdtw], where=[("mlm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlm_memno", "=", rec[0])]) self.sql.insRec("memsta", data=[ self.opts["conum"], rec[0], "S", self.sysdtw, self.opts["capnm"], self.sysdtw, 0 ]) self.opts["mf"].dbm.commitDbase() p.closeProgress() self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()