async def list_coercer( result: Any, info: "ResolveInfo", execution_context: "ExecutionContext", field_nodes: List["FieldNode"], path: "Path", item_type: "GraphQLOutputType", inner_coercer: Callable, ) -> List[Any]: """ Computes the value of a list. :param result: resolved value :param info: information related to the execution and the resolved field :param execution_context: instance of the query execution context :param field_nodes: AST nodes related to the resolved field :param path: the path traveled until this resolver :param item_type: GraphQLType of list items :param inner_coercer: the pre-computed coercer to use on the result :type result: Any :type info: ResolveInfo :type execution_context: ExecutionContext :type field_nodes: List[FieldNode] :type path: Path :type item_type: GraphQLOutputType :type inner_coercer: Callable :return: the computed value :rtype: List[Any] """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if not isinstance(result, list): raise TypeError("Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field " f"{}.{info.field_name}.") results = [] for index, item in enumerate(result): try: value = await complete_value_catching_error( item, info, execution_context, field_nodes, Path(path, index), item_type, inner_coercer, ) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except value = e results.append(value) exceptions = extract_exceptions_from_results(results) if exceptions: raise exceptions return results
async def execute_fields( execution_context: "ExecutionContext", parent_type: "GraphQLObjectType", source_value: Any, path: Optional["Path"], fields: Dict[str, List["FieldNode"]], is_introspection_context: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Implements the "Evaluating selection sets" section of the spec for "read" mode. :param execution_context: instance of the query execution context :param parent_type: GraphQLObjectType of the field's parent :param source_value: default root value or field parent value :param path: the path traveled until this resolver :param fields: dictionary of collected fields :param is_introspection_context: determines whether or not the resolved field is in a context of an introspection query :type execution_context: ExecutionContext :type parent_type: GraphQLObjectType :type source_value: Any :type path: Optional[Path] :type fields: Dict[str, List[FieldNode]] :type is_introspection_context: bool :return: the computed fields value :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ results = await asyncio.gather( *[ resolve_field( execution_context, parent_type, source_value, field_nodes, Path(path, entry_key), is_introspection_context, ) for entry_key, field_nodes in fields.items() ], return_exceptions=True, ) exceptions = extract_exceptions_from_results(results) if exceptions: raise exceptions return { entry_key: result for entry_key, result in zip(fields, results) if not is_invalid_value(result) }