def radplot_defaults(param=None):
    myf = taskutil.get_global_namespace()

    a = odict()
    a['img'] = None
    a['wc'] = None
    a['rs'] = None
    a['azav'] = None
    a['blunit'] = None
    a['title'] = None
    a['rlab'] = None
    a['azavlab'] = None

    if (param == None):
    elif (param == 'paramkeys'):
        return a.keys()
        if (a.has_key(param)):
            return a[param]
def radplot_defaults(param = None):
    myf = taskutil.get_global_namespace()
    a = odict()
    a['img']     = None
    a['wc']      = None
    a['rs']      = None
    a['azav']    = None
    a['blunit']  = None
    a['title']   = None
    a['rlab']    = None
    a['azavlab'] = None

    if(param == None):
    elif(param == 'paramkeys'):
        return a.keys()
            return a[param]
def make_labelled_ms(srcms,
    Note: This has been more or less obsoleted by label_itered_ms and could
    probably be replaced by it after a little testing.
    Transform one measurement set into another with the same (ideally small but
    nontrivial) shape and reference frames, but data set to a sequence
    according to labelbases.  The output MS is useful for testing tasks or
    tools that read and write MSes, since it is more obvious where each bit of
    data came from, and what has been done to it.  Think of it as an
    alternative to making certain bits of data fluoresce under UV light.


    srcms:    The template MS.
    outputms: The output MS.

    labelbases: A dictionary of quant: number pairs, where quant is an index to
    label, and number is how quickly the label changes with the index.  quant
    should be one of 'SCAN_NUMBER', 'DATA_DESC_ID', 'ANTENNA1', 'ANTENNA2',
    'STATE_ID', 'time', 'time_centroid', 'chan(nel)', or 'pol(whatever)' (case
    insensitive), but you will be let off with a warning if it isn't.
    TIME and TIME_CENTROID tend to hover around 4.7e9, so they are offset and
    scaled by subtracting the first value and dividing by the first integration
    interval.  Example labelbases: labelbases = {'channel': 1.0, 'antenna1':
    complex(0, 1)} The data column in the output will be complex(channel index,

	labelbases = {'SCAN_NUMBER': 1.0,
                      'FIELD_ID':    0.1,
                      'DATA_DESC_ID': complex(0, 1)}
        The data column in the output will go like complex(scan.field, spw) as
        long as field < 10.

    ow: Whether or not outputms can be overwritten if it exists.

    debug: If True and it hits an error, it will try to return what it has so
           far instead of raising an exception.

    whichdatacol: Which of DATA, MODEL_DATA, or CORRECTED_DATA to modify in
                  the output.  Case insensitive.

    Returns True or False as a success guess.
    # Make sure we have tb, casalog, clearcal, and ms.
    have_tools = False
        # Members that they likely have, but imposters (if any) do not.
        have_tools = hasattr(tb, 'colnames') and hasattr(ms, 'selectchannel')
        have_tools &= hasattr(casalog, 'post') and hasattr(
            clearcal, 'check_params')
    except NameError:
        pass  # through to next clause...
    if not have_tools:
            from taskutil import get_global_namespace
            my_globals = get_global_namespace()
            tb = my_globals['tb']
            ms = my_globals['ms']
            casalog = my_globals['casalog']
            clearcal = my_globals['clearcal']
        except NameError:
            print "Could not find tb and ms.  my_globals =",
            print "\n\t".join(my_globals.keys())


    whichdatacol = whichdatacol.upper()
    if whichdatacol not in ['DATA', 'MODEL_DATA', 'CORRECTED_DATA']:
            whichdatacol +
            "is not one of DATA, MODEL_DATA, or CORRECTED_DATA.", 'EXCEPTION')

        if outputms != srcms:
            if os.path.isdir(outputms):
                if ow:
                    print "Use ow=True if you really want to overwrite", outputms
                    return False
            shutil.copytree(srcms, outputms)
    except Exception, instance:
            "*** Error %s copying %s to %s." % (instance, srcms, outputms),
def label_itered_ms(msname,
    Set datacol according to labelbases.  Like make_labelled_ms() except it
    modifies in place using ms iteration to handle MSes that are large and/or
    have multiple data shapes.

    msname:   The MS to be modified.

    labelbases: A dictionary of quant: number or quant: func pairs, where quant
    is an index to label, and number is how quickly the label changes with the
    index.  func should be a function that takes a data chunk as a dictionary
    (as returned by ms.getdata), and returns either a scalar or a numpy array
    with the same shape as the chunk's datacol.  quant should be one of
    'time_centroid', 'chan(nel)', or 'pol(whatever)' (case insensitive), but
    you will be let off with a warning if it isn't.  TIME and TIME_CENTROID
    tend to hover around 4.7e9, so they are offset and scaled by subtracting
    the first value and dividing by the first integration interval.  Example
    labelbases: labelbases = {'channel': 1.0, 'antenna1': complex(0, 1)} The
    data column in the output will be complex(channel index, antenna1).

	labelbases = {'SCAN_NUMBER': 1.0,
                      'FIELD_ID':    0.1,
                      'DATA_DESC_ID': complex(0, 1)}
        The data column in the output will go like complex(scan.field, spw) as
        long as field < 10.

    debug: If True and it hits an error, it will try to return what it has so
           far instead of raising an exception.

    datacol: Which of DATA, MODEL_DATA, or CORRECTED_DATA to modify in the output.
             Case insensitive.

    incremental: If True, the visibilities of the MS are added to.
                 Otherwise (default), they are replaced.

    Returns True or False as a success guess.
    # Make sure we have tb, casalog, clearcal, and ms.
    have_tools = False
        # Members that they likely have, but imposters (if any) do not.
        have_tools = hasattr(tb, 'colnames') and hasattr(ms, 'selectchannel')
        have_tools &= hasattr(casalog, 'post') and hasattr(
            clearcal, 'check_params')
    except NameError:
        pass  # through to next clause...
    if not have_tools:
            my_globals = get_global_namespace()
            tb = my_globals['tb']
            ms = my_globals['ms']
            casalog = my_globals['casalog']
            clearcal = my_globals['clearcal']
        except NameError:
            print "Could not find tb and ms.  my_globals =",
            print "\n\t".join(my_globals.keys())


    datacol = datacol.upper()
    if datacol not in ['DATA', 'MODEL_DATA', 'CORRECTED_DATA']:
            datacol + "is not one of DATA, MODEL_DATA, or CORRECTED_DATA.",


    if datacol not in tb.colnames():
        casalog.post("Adding scratch columns to " + msname, 'INFO')

    # Setup cols_to_get, polbase, and chanbase
    polbase = 0.0
    chanbase = 0.0
    cols_to_get = [datacol]
    for c in labelbases:
        # ms.getdata doesn't recognize OBSERVATION_ID, PROCESSOR_ID, or STATE_ID.
        if c.upper() in [
                'SCAN_NUMBER', 'DATA_DESC_ID', 'ANTENNA1', 'ANTENNA2',
                'ARRAY_ID', 'FEED1', 'FEED2', 'FIELD_ID'
        elif c.upper() == 'TIME':
        elif c[:3].upper() == 'POL':
            polbase = labelbases[c]
        elif c[:4].upper() == 'CHAN':
            chanbase = labelbases[c]
            casalog.post("Do not know how to label by %s." % c, 'WARN')

    # Sigh - it seems to be necessary to get the list of DDIDs before
    # using ms.iter*, i.e. ms.iter* can't actually iter over > 1 DDID?
    # I wonder what happens if SPECTRAL_WINDOW has, as it often does,
    # more spws than are used in the main table.
    tb.open(msname + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW')
    nddid = tb.nrows()

    ms.open(msname, nomodify=False)
    for ddid in xrange(nddid):
        datacol = datacol.lower()
        ismore = True
        while ismore:
            chunk = ms.getdata(cols_to_get)
            if chunk.has_key('time'):
                chunk['time'] -= chunk['time'][0]
                #chunk['time'] /= chunk['interval'][0]

            if not incremental:
                chunk[datacol][:, :, :] = 0.0
            for q in labelbases:
                # Relies on all the columns that are both in labelbases and chunk
                # being scalar.
                if chunk.has_key(q.lower()):
                    if hasattr(labelbases[q], '__call__'):
                        data = labelbases[q](chunk)
                        if hasattr(data, 'shape'):
                            chunk[datacol] += data
                            chunk[datacol][:, :, :] += data
                        chunk[datacol][:, :, :] += chunk[
                            q.lower()] * labelbases[q]
            datshape = chunk[datacol].shape
            if polbase:
                if hasattr(polbase, '__call__'):
                    chunk[datacol] += polbase(chunk)
                    for polind in xrange(datshape[0]):
                        chunk[datacol][polind, :, :] += polbase * polind
            if chanbase:
                if hasattr(chanbase, '__call__'):
                    chunk[datacol] += chanbase(chunk)
                    for cind in xrange(datshape[1]):
                        chunk[datacol][:, cind, :] += chanbase * cind
            ms.putdata({datacol: chunk[datacol]})
            ismore = ms.iternext()

        addendum = msname + " "
        if incremental:
            addendum += "added to"
            addendum += "labelled"
        addendum += " by labelbases = {\n"
        qbs = []
        for q, b in labelbases.items():
            qb = "\t%16s: " % ("'" + q + "'")
            if hasattr(b, '__call__'):
                qb += b.__name__ + ' (function)'
            elif type(b) == complex:
                if b.real != 0.0:
                    qb += "%.1g" % b.real
                if b.imag != 0.0:
                    qb += "%+.1gi" % b.imag
                qb += "%.1g" % b
        addendum += ",\n".join(qbs)
        addendum += "\n}"
        # The parms parameter is a false lead - ms.listhistory and listhistory
        # don't show it in the logger.
        ms.writehistory(addendum, origin="label_itered_ms")
    except Exception, instance:
            "*** Error updating %s's history: %s" % (msname, instance),
def radav(img, wc, maxrad=None):
    Returns the azimuthal average of image with name img about the world
    coordinate wc, and the weights and baseline unit used to calculate that
    average.  The baseline unit is taken from maxrad, or from img's axisunits
    if maxrad is not specified.

    For now it assumes you are only interested in the first plane of img, and
    that it has square pixels.
    myf = taskutil.get_global_namespace()
    ia = myf['ia']
    pl = myf['pl']
    tb = myf['tb']

    imgsummary = ia.summary()['header']
    imgshape   = imgsummary['shape']
    # For some unknown reason topixel returns a dictionary containing an array
    # of floats.
    centpix = ia.topixel(wc)['numeric'].tolist()

##     # Figure out the shape of the azimuthal average.

##     # Iterate over the non-xy axes.
##     atleastoneplane = imgshape[2:]
##     if len(atleastoneplane) < 1:      # It was a simple 2D image.
##         atleastoneplane
##     for plane in xmrange_iter([1], ):

    if maxrad == None:
        maxdelta = [max(abs(imgshape[i] - centpix[i]),
                        abs(centpix[i]))**2 for i in [0, 1]]
        maxdelta = int(pl.ceil(sqrt(sum(maxdelta)) + 1.5))
        runit = imgsummary['axisunits'][0]
        maxdelta, runit = maxrad.split()
        if runit != 'pixels':
            maxdelta = int(pl.ceil(abs(float(maxdelta)/imgsummary['incr'][1]) + 1.5))

    # We could use a lot of pixelvalue()s here, but that would be slow.  Close
    # up and reopen as a tb.
    imgarr = tb.getcol('map')
    azav = pl.zeros([maxdelta], dtype=float)
    wts  = pl.zeros([maxdelta], dtype=float)

    cx, cy = centpix[0:2]
    firstplane = tuple(pl.zeros([len(imgshape[2:]) + 1]).tolist())

    # Set up some numbers for gridding the image pixels onto the radial plot.
    # Instead of calculating the angle between the radius vector and an x or y
    # axis, treat it as pi/8 on average.
    oosqrt2 = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0)
    secpio8 = 1.0 / sqrt(0.5 * (1.0 + oosqrt2))

    secpio8or2 = oosqrt2 * secpio8
    # cos(pi/8)/sqrt(2)
    ohs1p1or2 = 0.5 * sqrt(1 + oosqrt2)
    # sin(pi/8)/sqrt(2)
    ohs1m1or2 = 0.5 * sqrt(1 - oosqrt2)

    minx = int(pl.ceil(max(0, cx - maxdelta)))
    maxx = int(pl.floor(min(imgshape[0], cx + maxdelta)))
    Miny = int(pl.ceil(max(0, cy - maxdelta)))
    Maxy = int(pl.floor(min(imgshape[1], cy + maxdelta)))
    maxd2 = maxdelta**2
    maxdelta -= 1
    for i in xrange(minx, maxx):
        possxspread = sqrt(maxd2 - (i - cx)**2)
        miny = max(Miny, int(pl.ceil(cy - possxspread)))
        maxy = min(Maxy, int(pl.floor(cy + possxspread)))
        for j in xrange(miny, maxy):
            # I don't understand why a[(0, 0, 0)] != a[[0, 0, 0]], but it does.
            pv = imgarr[i, j][firstplane]
            rad = sqrt((i - cx)**2 + (j - cy)**2)
            if rad > 0.8 and rad < maxdelta:
                pi = int(pl.floor(rad))

                r = rad - pi
                if r < ohs1p1or2:
                    if r > ohs1m1or2:
                        wnear = sqrt(2) * (r - ohs1p1or2)**2
                        wnear = 0.5 - secpio8 * r
                    wnear = 0.0
                if r > 1.0 - ohs1p1or2:
                    if r < 1.0 - ohs1m1or2:
                        wfar = sqrt(2) * (r + ohs1p1or2 - 1.0)**2
                        wfar = 0.5 - secpio8 * (1.0 - r)
                    wfar = 0.0
                w0 = 1.0 - wnear - wfar

                #pi = int(pl.floor(rad + 0.5))
                    azav[pi - 1] += wnear * pv
                    wts[pi - 1]  += wnear
                    azav[pi]     += w0 * pv
                    wts[pi]      += w0
                    azav[pi + 1] += wfar * pv
                    wts[pi + 1]  += wfar
                except IndexError:
                    print "pi:", pi
                    print "rad:", rad
                    print "maxdelta:", maxdelta
            else:                                # This *is* the center pixel.
                azav[0] += pv
                wts[0]  += 1.0
    for i in xrange(0, len(wts)):
        azav[i] /= wts[i]

    rs = [i for i in xrange(0, len(wts))]

    if runit != 'pixels':
        pixscale = abs(imgsummary['incr'][1])
        for i in xrange(0, len(wts)):
            rs[i] *= pixscale
    return rs, azav, wts, runit
def radplot(img=None,
    Plots the azimuthal average of an image about a point.

    For now it assumes you are only interested in the first plane of img, and
    that it has square pixels.

    Keyword arguments:
    img  -- Name of image to made a radial plot of.
    wc   -- World coordinate to use as center.
    rs   -- An optional list or array of radii to use instead of calculating.
    azav -- An optional list or array of azimuthal averages to use instead of calculating.
    blunit -- Unit of the radii.  Derived from img if necessary.
    title -- Title for the plot.  Defaults to 'Azimuthal average of %s about %s' % (img, wc).
    rlab -- Label for the radial axis.  Defaults to 'Radius (runit)'.
    azavlab -- Label for the azimuthal average axis.  Defaults to 'Azimuthal average (azavunit)'
    myf = taskutil.get_global_namespace()
    ia = myf['ia']
    pl = myf['pl']

    myf['taskname'] = 'radplot'

##     # Set all task parameters to their global value
##     img     = myf['img']   
##     wc      = myf['wc']    
##     maxrad  = myf['maxrad']
##     rs      = myf['rs']    
##     azav    = myf['azav']  
##     runit   = myf['runit'] 
##     title   = myf['title'] 
##     rlab    = myf['rlab']  
##     azavlab = myf['azavlab']

    casalog = myf['casalog'] # include the logger

##     #Add type/menu/range error checking here
##     #	if type(mask)==str: mask=[mask]
##     arg_desc = {}
##     #         Name        Variable     Allowed type(s)
##     arg_desc['img']     = (img,	       str)
##     arg_desc['wc']      = (wc,	       (str,list,dict))
##     arg_desc['maxrad']  = (maxrad,     (str, dict, list))
##    # arg_desc['rs']      = (rs,	       (list, array))
##    # arg_desc['azav']    = (azav,       (list, array))  
##     arg_desc['runit']   = (runit,      str)
##     arg_desc['title']   = (title,      str)
##     arg_desc['rlab']    = (rlab,       str)
##     arg_desc['azavlab'] = (azavlab,    str) 
##     if(taskutils.check_param_types(myf['taskname'], arg_desc)):
##         return

    taskutil.startlog(casalog, myf['taskname'])
        if rs == None or azav == None:
            rs, azav, wts, runit = radav(img, wc, maxrad)
            pl.plot(rs, azav)

            imgsummary = ia.summary()
            imgsummary = imgsummary['header']

            if azavlab == None:
                azavlab = 'Azimuthal average (%s)' % imgsummary['unit']

            if rlab == None:
                rlab = 'Radius'
            if runit == None:
                runit = imgsummary['axisunits'][0]
            pl.xlabel('%s (%s)' % (rlab, runit))

            if title == None:
                title = 'Azimuthal average of %s about %s' % (img, wc)
    except TypeError, e:
        print myf['taskname'], "-- TypeError: ", e
        taskutil.endlog(casalog, myf['taskname'])
def make_labelled_ms(srcms, outputms, labelbases, ow=False, debug=False,
    Note: This has been more or less obsoleted by label_itered_ms and could
    probably be replaced by it after a little testing.
    Transform one measurement set into another with the same (ideally small but
    nontrivial) shape and reference frames, but data set to a sequence
    according to labelbases.  The output MS is useful for testing tasks or
    tools that read and write MSes, since it is more obvious where each bit of
    data came from, and what has been done to it.  Think of it as an
    alternative to making certain bits of data fluoresce under UV light.


    srcms:    The template MS.
    outputms: The output MS.

    labelbases: A dictionary of quant: number pairs, where quant is an index to
    label, and number is how quickly the label changes with the index.  quant
    should be one of 'SCAN_NUMBER', 'DATA_DESC_ID', 'ANTENNA1', 'ANTENNA2',
    'STATE_ID', 'time', 'time_centroid', 'chan(nel)', or 'pol(whatever)' (case
    insensitive), but you will be let off with a warning if it isn't.
    TIME and TIME_CENTROID tend to hover around 4.7e9, so they are offset and
    scaled by subtracting the first value and dividing by the first integration
    interval.  Example labelbases: labelbases = {'channel': 1.0, 'antenna1':
    complex(0, 1)} The data column in the output will be complex(channel index,

	labelbases = {'SCAN_NUMBER': 1.0,
                      'FIELD_ID':    0.1,
                      'DATA_DESC_ID': complex(0, 1)}
        The data column in the output will go like complex(scan.field, spw) as
        long as field < 10.

    ow: Whether or not outputms can be overwritten if it exists.

    debug: If True and it hits an error, it will try to return what it has so
           far instead of raising an exception.

    whichdatacol: Which of DATA, MODEL_DATA, or CORRECTED_DATA to modify in
                  the output.  Case insensitive.

    Returns True or False as a success guess.
    # Make sure we have tb, casalog, clearcal, and ms.
    have_tools = False
        # Members that they likely have, but imposters (if any) do not.
        have_tools = hasattr(tb, 'colnames') and hasattr(ms, 'selectchannel')
        have_tools &= hasattr(casalog, 'post') and hasattr(clearcal,
    except NameError:
        pass  # through to next clause...
    if not have_tools:
            from taskutil import get_global_namespace
            my_globals = get_global_namespace()
            tb = my_globals['tb']
            ms = my_globals['ms']
            casalog = my_globals['casalog']
            clearcal = my_globals['clearcal']
        except NameError:
            print "Could not find tb and ms.  my_globals =",
            print "\n\t".join(my_globals.keys())


    whichdatacol = whichdatacol.upper()
    if whichdatacol not in ['DATA', 'MODEL_DATA', 'CORRECTED_DATA']:
        casalog.post(whichdatacol + "is not one of DATA, MODEL_DATA, or CORRECTED_DATA.",

        if outputms != srcms:
            if os.path.isdir(outputms):
                if ow:
                    print "Use ow=True if you really want to overwrite", outputms
                    return False
            shutil.copytree(srcms, outputms)
    except Exception, instance:
        casalog.post("*** Error %s copying %s to %s." % (instance,
                                                         srcms, outputms),
def label_itered_ms(msname, labelbases, debug=False, datacol='DATA',
    Set datacol according to labelbases.  Like make_labelled_ms() except it
    modifies in place using ms iteration to handle MSes that are large and/or
    have multiple data shapes.

    msname:   The MS to be modified.

    labelbases: A dictionary of quant: number or quant: func pairs, where quant
    is an index to label, and number is how quickly the label changes with the
    index.  func should be a function that takes a data chunk as a dictionary
    (as returned by ms.getdata), and returns either a scalar or a numpy array
    with the same shape as the chunk's datacol.  quant should be one of
    'time_centroid', 'chan(nel)', or 'pol(whatever)' (case insensitive), but
    you will be let off with a warning if it isn't.  TIME and TIME_CENTROID
    tend to hover around 4.7e9, so they are offset and scaled by subtracting
    the first value and dividing by the first integration interval.  Example
    labelbases: labelbases = {'channel': 1.0, 'antenna1': complex(0, 1)} The
    data column in the output will be complex(channel index, antenna1).

	labelbases = {'SCAN_NUMBER': 1.0,
                      'FIELD_ID':    0.1,
                      'DATA_DESC_ID': complex(0, 1)}
        The data column in the output will go like complex(scan.field, spw) as
        long as field < 10.

    debug: If True and it hits an error, it will try to return what it has so
           far instead of raising an exception.

    datacol: Which of DATA, MODEL_DATA, or CORRECTED_DATA to modify in the output.
             Case insensitive.

    incremental: If True, the visibilities of the MS are added to.
                 Otherwise (default), they are replaced.

    Returns True or False as a success guess.
    # Make sure we have tb, casalog, clearcal, and ms.
    have_tools = False
        # Members that they likely have, but imposters (if any) do not.
        have_tools = hasattr(tb, 'colnames') and hasattr(ms, 'selectchannel')
        have_tools &= hasattr(casalog, 'post') and hasattr(clearcal, 'check_params')
    except NameError:
        pass  # through to next clause...
    if not have_tools:
            my_globals = get_global_namespace()
            tb = my_globals['tb']
            ms = my_globals['ms']
            casalog = my_globals['casalog']
            clearcal = my_globals['clearcal']
        except NameError:
            print "Could not find tb and ms.  my_globals =",
            print "\n\t".join(my_globals.keys())


    datacol = datacol.upper()
    if datacol not in ['DATA', 'MODEL_DATA', 'CORRECTED_DATA']:
        casalog.post(datacol + "is not one of DATA, MODEL_DATA, or CORRECTED_DATA.",

    if datacol not in tb.colnames():
        casalog.post("Adding scratch columns to " + msname, 'INFO')

    # Setup cols_to_get, polbase, and chanbase
    polbase = 0.0
    chanbase = 0.0
    cols_to_get = [datacol]
    for c in labelbases:
        # ms.getdata doesn't recognize OBSERVATION_ID, PROCESSOR_ID, or STATE_ID.
        if c.upper() in ['SCAN_NUMBER', 'DATA_DESC_ID', 'ANTENNA1', 'ANTENNA2',
                         'ARRAY_ID', 'FEED1', 'FEED2', 'FIELD_ID']:
        elif c.upper() == 'TIME':
        elif c[:3].upper() == 'POL':
            polbase = labelbases[c]
        elif c[:4].upper() == 'CHAN':
            chanbase = labelbases[c]
            casalog.post("Do not know how to label by %s." % c, 'WARN')

    # Sigh - it seems to be necessary to get the list of DDIDs before
    # using ms.iter*, i.e. ms.iter* can't actually iter over > 1 DDID?
    # I wonder what happens if SPECTRAL_WINDOW has, as it often does,
    # more spws than are used in the main table.
    tb.open(msname + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW')
    nddid = tb.nrows()

    ms.open(msname, nomodify=False)
    for ddid in xrange(nddid):
        datacol = datacol.lower()
        ismore = True
        while ismore:
            chunk = ms.getdata(cols_to_get)
            if chunk.has_key('time'):
                chunk['time'] -= chunk['time'][0]
                #chunk['time'] /= chunk['interval'][0]

            if not incremental:
                chunk[datacol][:,:,:] = 0.0
            for q in labelbases:
                # Relies on all the columns that are both in labelbases and chunk
                # being scalar.
                if chunk.has_key(q.lower()):
                    if hasattr(labelbases[q], '__call__'):
                        data = labelbases[q](chunk)
                        if hasattr(data, 'shape'):
                            chunk[datacol] += data
                            chunk[datacol][:,:,:] += data
                        chunk[datacol][:,:,:] += chunk[q.lower()] * labelbases[q]
            datshape = chunk[datacol].shape
            if polbase:
                if hasattr(polbase, '__call__'):
                    chunk[datacol] += polbase(chunk)
                    for polind in xrange(datshape[0]):
                        chunk[datacol][polind, :, :] += polbase * polind
            if chanbase:
                if hasattr(chanbase, '__call__'):
                    chunk[datacol] += chanbase(chunk)
                    for cind in xrange(datshape[1]):
                        chunk[datacol][:, cind, :] += chanbase * cind
            ms.putdata({datacol: chunk[datacol]})
            ismore = ms.iternext()

        addendum = msname + " "
        if incremental:
            addendum += "added to"
            addendum += "labelled"
        addendum += " by labelbases = {\n"
        qbs = []
        for q, b in labelbases.items():
            qb = "\t%16s: " % ("'" + q + "'")
            if hasattr(b, '__call__'):
                qb += b.__name__ + ' (function)'
            elif type(b) == complex:
                if b.real != 0.0:
                    qb += "%.1g" % b.real
                if b.imag != 0.0:
                    qb += "%+.1gi" % b.imag
                qb += "%.1g" % b
        addendum += ",\n".join(qbs)
        addendum += "\n}"
        # The parms parameter is a false lead - ms.listhistory and listhistory
        # don't show it in the logger.
        ms.writehistory(addendum, origin="label_itered_ms")
    except Exception, instance:
        casalog.post("*** Error updating %s's history: %s" % (msname,
def radav(img, wc, maxrad=None):
    Returns the azimuthal average of image with name img about the world
    coordinate wc, and the weights and baseline unit used to calculate that
    average.  The baseline unit is taken from maxrad, or from img's axisunits
    if maxrad is not specified.

    For now it assumes you are only interested in the first plane of img, and
    that it has square pixels.
    myf = taskutil.get_global_namespace()
    ia = myf['ia']
    pl = myf['pl']
    tb = myf['tb']

    imgsummary = ia.summary()['header']
    imgshape = imgsummary['shape']

    # For some unknown reason topixel returns a dictionary containing an array
    # of floats.
    centpix = ia.topixel(wc)['numeric'].tolist()

    ##     # Figure out the shape of the azimuthal average.

    ##     # Iterate over the non-xy axes.
    ##     atleastoneplane = imgshape[2:]
    ##     if len(atleastoneplane) < 1:      # It was a simple 2D image.
    ##         atleastoneplane
    ##     for plane in xmrange_iter([1], ):

    if maxrad == None:
        maxdelta = [
            max(abs(imgshape[i] - centpix[i]), abs(centpix[i]))**2
            for i in [0, 1]
        maxdelta = int(pl.ceil(sqrt(sum(maxdelta)) + 1.5))
        runit = imgsummary['axisunits'][0]
        maxdelta, runit = maxrad.split()
        if runit != 'pixels':
            maxdelta = int(
                pl.ceil(abs(float(maxdelta) / imgsummary['incr'][1]) + 1.5))

    # We could use a lot of pixelvalue()s here, but that would be slow.  Close
    # up and reopen as a tb.
    imgarr = tb.getcol('map')

    azav = pl.zeros([maxdelta], dtype=float)
    wts = pl.zeros([maxdelta], dtype=float)

    cx, cy = centpix[0:2]
    firstplane = tuple(pl.zeros([len(imgshape[2:]) + 1]).tolist())

    # Set up some numbers for gridding the image pixels onto the radial plot.
    # Instead of calculating the angle between the radius vector and an x or y
    # axis, treat it as pi/8 on average.
    oosqrt2 = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0)
    secpio8 = 1.0 / sqrt(0.5 * (1.0 + oosqrt2))

    secpio8or2 = oosqrt2 * secpio8

    # cos(pi/8)/sqrt(2)
    ohs1p1or2 = 0.5 * sqrt(1 + oosqrt2)

    # sin(pi/8)/sqrt(2)
    ohs1m1or2 = 0.5 * sqrt(1 - oosqrt2)

    minx = int(pl.ceil(max(0, cx - maxdelta)))
    maxx = int(pl.floor(min(imgshape[0], cx + maxdelta)))
    Miny = int(pl.ceil(max(0, cy - maxdelta)))
    Maxy = int(pl.floor(min(imgshape[1], cy + maxdelta)))
    maxd2 = maxdelta**2
    maxdelta -= 1
    for i in xrange(minx, maxx):
        possxspread = sqrt(maxd2 - (i - cx)**2)
        miny = max(Miny, int(pl.ceil(cy - possxspread)))
        maxy = min(Maxy, int(pl.floor(cy + possxspread)))
        for j in xrange(miny, maxy):
            # I don't understand why a[(0, 0, 0)] != a[[0, 0, 0]], but it does.
            pv = imgarr[i, j][firstplane]
            rad = sqrt((i - cx)**2 + (j - cy)**2)
            if rad > 0.8 and rad < maxdelta:
                pi = int(pl.floor(rad))

                r = rad - pi
                if r < ohs1p1or2:
                    if r > ohs1m1or2:
                        wnear = sqrt(2) * (r - ohs1p1or2)**2
                        wnear = 0.5 - secpio8 * r
                    wnear = 0.0
                if r > 1.0 - ohs1p1or2:
                    if r < 1.0 - ohs1m1or2:
                        wfar = sqrt(2) * (r + ohs1p1or2 - 1.0)**2
                        wfar = 0.5 - secpio8 * (1.0 - r)
                    wfar = 0.0
                w0 = 1.0 - wnear - wfar

                #pi = int(pl.floor(rad + 0.5))
                    azav[pi - 1] += wnear * pv
                    wts[pi - 1] += wnear
                    azav[pi] += w0 * pv
                    wts[pi] += w0
                    azav[pi + 1] += wfar * pv
                    wts[pi + 1] += wfar
                except IndexError:
                    print "pi:", pi
                    print "rad:", rad
                    print "maxdelta:", maxdelta
            else:  # This *is* the center pixel.
                azav[0] += pv
                wts[0] += 1.0

    for i in xrange(0, len(wts)):
        azav[i] /= wts[i]

    rs = [i for i in xrange(0, len(wts))]

    if runit != 'pixels':
        pixscale = abs(imgsummary['incr'][1])
        for i in xrange(0, len(wts)):
            rs[i] *= pixscale

    return rs, azav, wts, runit
def radplot(img=None,
    Plots the azimuthal average of an image about a point.

    For now it assumes you are only interested in the first plane of img, and
    that it has square pixels.

    Keyword arguments:
    img  -- Name of image to made a radial plot of.
    wc   -- World coordinate to use as center.
    rs   -- An optional list or array of radii to use instead of calculating.
    azav -- An optional list or array of azimuthal averages to use instead of calculating.
    blunit -- Unit of the radii.  Derived from img if necessary.
    title -- Title for the plot.  Defaults to 'Azimuthal average of %s about %s' % (img, wc).
    rlab -- Label for the radial axis.  Defaults to 'Radius (runit)'.
    azavlab -- Label for the azimuthal average axis.  Defaults to 'Azimuthal average (azavunit)'
    myf = taskutil.get_global_namespace()
    ia = myf['ia']
    pl = myf['pl']

    myf['taskname'] = 'radplot'


    ##     # Set all task parameters to their global value
    ##     img     = myf['img']
    ##     wc      = myf['wc']
    ##     maxrad  = myf['maxrad']
    ##     rs      = myf['rs']
    ##     azav    = myf['azav']
    ##     runit   = myf['runit']
    ##     title   = myf['title']
    ##     rlab    = myf['rlab']
    ##     azavlab = myf['azavlab']

    casalog = myf['casalog']  # include the logger

    ##     #Add type/menu/range error checking here
    ##     #	if type(mask)==str: mask=[mask]
    ##     arg_desc = {}
    ##     #         Name        Variable     Allowed type(s)
    ##     arg_desc['img']     = (img,	       str)
    ##     arg_desc['wc']      = (wc,	       (str,list,dict))
    ##     arg_desc['maxrad']  = (maxrad,     (str, dict, list))
    ##    # arg_desc['rs']      = (rs,	       (list, array))
    ##    # arg_desc['azav']    = (azav,       (list, array))
    ##     arg_desc['runit']   = (runit,      str)
    ##     arg_desc['title']   = (title,      str)
    ##     arg_desc['rlab']    = (rlab,       str)
    ##     arg_desc['azavlab'] = (azavlab,    str)
    ##     if(taskutils.check_param_types(myf['taskname'], arg_desc)):
    ##         return

    taskutil.startlog(casalog, myf['taskname'])

        if rs == None or azav == None:
            rs, azav, wts, runit = radav(img, wc, maxrad)

            pl.plot(rs, azav)

            imgsummary = ia.summary()
            imgsummary = imgsummary['header']

            if azavlab == None:
                azavlab = 'Azimuthal average (%s)' % imgsummary['unit']

            if rlab == None:
                rlab = 'Radius'
            if runit == None:
                runit = imgsummary['axisunits'][0]
            pl.xlabel('%s (%s)' % (rlab, runit))

            if title == None:
                title = 'Azimuthal average of %s about %s' % (img, wc)
    except TypeError, e:
        print myf['taskname'], "-- TypeError: ", e
        taskutil.endlog(casalog, myf['taskname'])