def test_histogram_generator(): """Test histogram generator for results - in particular for instances where we have only 1 point """ results_summary = ResultsSummary() df = RandomiseTimeSeries().create_random_time_series(max_points=1000, freq='minute', start='01 Jan 2018', end="01 Jun 2018") df_hist, df_pdf = results_summary._create_histogram_distribution(df) assert df_pdf is not None df['Col'] = 'something' df['Col'][0] = 'something-else' df_hist_pdf = results_summary.field_distribution(df, aggregate_by_field='Col', metric_name='price') # Should only have output for 'something' because 'something-else' only has one point, so can't construct distribution from it assert len(df_hist_pdf.columns) == 3 df = RandomiseTimeSeries().create_random_time_series(max_points=1, freq='minute', start='01 Jan 2018', end="01 Jun 2018") df_hist, df_pdf = results_summary._create_histogram_distribution(df) # Should have empty plots because only 1 point from these assert df_hist.empty and df_pdf.empty
def __init__(self, market_data_postfix='dukascopy', csv_market_data=None, write_to_db=True, sql_trade_database_type='ms_sql_server'): if csv_market_data is None: self._market_data_source = 'arctic-' + market_data_postfix else: self._market_data_source = csv_market_data self._tca_market = Mediator.get_tca_market_trade_loader() # Assumes MongoDB for tick data and MSSQL for trade/order data if write_to_db: self._database_source_market = DatabaseSourceArctic( postfix=market_data_postfix) # market data source self._market_data_database_name = constants.arctic_market_data_database_name self._market_data_database_table = constants.arctic_market_data_database_table if sql_trade_database_type == 'ms_sql_server': self._database_source_trade = DatabaseSourceMSSQLServer( ) # trade data source self._trade_data_database_name = constants.ms_sql_server_trade_data_database_name elif sql_trade_database_type == 'mysql': self._database_source_trade = DatabaseSourceMySQL( ) # trade data source self._trade_data_database_name = constants.mysql_trade_data_database_name self.time_series_ops = TimeSeriesOps() self.rand_time_series = RandomiseTimeSeries()
def test_field_bucketing(): """Tests field bucketing by a label """ results_summary = ResultsSummary() df = RandomiseTimeSeries().create_random_time_series(max_points=1000, freq='minute', start='01 Jan 2018', end="01 Jun 2018") df['Col'] = 'something' df_fields = results_summary.field_bucketing(df, metric_name='price', aggregation_metric='sum', aggregate_by_field='Col') assert df_fields.values[0] - df_fields['Col'].sum() < eps # Overwrite first point df['Col'][0] = 'something-else' df_fields = results_summary.field_bucketing(df, metric_name='price', aggregation_metric='mean', aggregate_by_field='Col') # Check the averages match assert df_fields['Col']['something-else'] - df['price'][0] < eps assert df_fields['Col']['something'] - df['price'][1:].mean() < eps
class DataTestCreator(object): """This class copies market data/trade data to our database (by default: Arctic/MongoDB for market data and MSSQL for trade data). It generates randomised test trades/orders based upon the market data, randomly perturbing the bid/ask to simulate a traded price. """ def __init__( self, market_data_postfix='dukascopy', csv_market_data=None, write_to_db=True, market_data_source='arctic', sql_trade_database_type='mysql', market_data_database_name=constants. arctic_market_data_database_name, market_data_database_table=constants. arctic_market_data_database_table, trade_data_database_name=constants.mysql_trade_data_database_name): if csv_market_data is None: if market_data_source in ['arctic', 'kdb', 'influxdb']: self._market_data_source = market_data_source + '-' + market_data_postfix else: self._market_data_source = market_data_postfix else: self._market_data_source = csv_market_data self._tca_market = Mediator.get_tca_market_trade_loader() # Assumes MongoDB for tick data and MSSQL for trade/order data if write_to_db: if market_data_source == 'arctic': self._database_source_market = DatabaseSourceArctic( postfix=market_data_postfix) # market data source elif market_data_source == 'kdb': self._database_source_market = DatabaseSourceKDB( postfix=market_data_postfix) # market data source elif market_data_source == 'influxdb': self._database_source_market = DatabaseSourceInfluxDB( postfix=market_data_postfix) # market data source self._market_data_database_name = market_data_database_name self._market_data_database_table = market_data_database_table if sql_trade_database_type == 'ms_sql_server': self._database_source_trade = DatabaseSourceMSSQLServer( ) # trade data source self._trade_data_database_name = trade_data_database_name elif sql_trade_database_type == 'mysql': self._database_source_trade = DatabaseSourceMySQL( ) # trade data source self._trade_data_database_name = trade_data_database_name elif sql_trade_database_type == 'sqlite': self._database_source_trade = DatabaseSourceSQLite( ) # trade data source self._trade_data_database_name = trade_data_database_name self.time_series_ops = TimeSeriesOps() self.rand_time_series = RandomiseTimeSeries() def populate_test_database_with_csv(self, csv_market_data=None, ticker=None, csv_trade_data=None, if_exists_market_table='append', if_exists_market_ticker='replace', if_exists_trade_table='replace', market_data_postfix='dukascopy', remove_market_duplicates=False): """Populates both the market database and trade database with market data and trade/order data respectively, which have been sourced in CSV/HDF5 files. Parameters ---------- csv_market_data : str (list) Path of CSV/HDF5 file with market data ticker : str (list) Ticker for market data csv_trade_data : dict Dictionary with name of trade/order and associated path of CSV/HDF5 file with trade/order data if_exists_market_table : str 'replace' - deletes whole market data table 'append' (default) - adds to existing market data if_exists_market_ticker : str 'replace' (default) - deletes existing data for the ticker 'append' - appends data for this this if_exists_trade_table : str 'replace' - deletes data in trade table, before writing market_data_postfix : str (default 'dukascopy') data source for market data (typically broker or venue name) remove_market_duplicates : bool (default: False) Should we remove any duplicated values in market data (for TCA purposes, we can usually remove duplicated values However, we need to be careful when using richer market data (eg. with volume data), where consecutive prices might be the same but have different volume/other fields Returns ------- """ logger = LoggerManager.getLogger(__name__) # Populate the market data (eg. spot data) if csv_market_data is not None: self._database_source_market.set_postfix(market_data_postfix)'Writing market data to database') self._database_source_market.convert_csv_to_table( csv_market_data, ticker, self._market_data_database_table, database_name=self._market_data_database_name, if_exists_table=if_exists_market_table, if_exists_ticker=if_exists_market_ticker, remove_duplicates=remove_market_duplicates) # Populate the test trade/order data (which will have been randomly generated) if csv_trade_data is not None:'Writing trade data to database') # Allow for writing of trades + orders each to a different database table if isinstance(csv_trade_data, dict): for key in csv_trade_data.keys(): # csv file name, trade/order name is key (eg. trade_df) self._database_source_trade.convert_csv_to_table( csv_trade_data[key], None, key, database_name=self._trade_data_database_name, if_exists_table=if_exists_trade_table) # Otherwise simply assume we are writing trade data else: logger.error("Specify trade/orders hierarchy")'Completed writing data to database') def create_test_trade_order(self, ticker, start_date='01 Jan 2016', finish_date='01 May 2018', order_min_size=0.5 * constants.MILLION, order_max_size=20.0 * constants.MILLION, number_of_orders_min_per_year=252 * 20, number_of_orders_max_per_year=252 * 200): """Create a randomised list of orders & trade using indicative market data as a source (and perturbing the execution prices, within various constraints, such as the approximate size of orders trades, the orders per _year Parameters ---------- ticker : str Ticker start_date : str Start date of the orders finish_date : str Finish date of the orders order_min_size : float Minimum size of orders order_max_size : float Maximum size of orders number_of_orders_min_per_year : int Minimum orders per _year number_of_orders_max_per_year : int Maximum orders per _year Returns ------- DataFrame """ logger = LoggerManager.getLogger(__name__) if isinstance(ticker, str): ticker = [ticker] order_list = [] trade_list = [] start_date = self.time_series_ops.date_parse(start_date, assume_utc=True) finish_date = self.time_series_ops.date_parse(finish_date, assume_utc=True) util_func = UtilFunc() # Make this parallel? but may have memory issues for tick in ticker:"Loading market data for " + tick) # split into yearly chunks (otherwise can run out of memory easily) date_list = util_func.split_date_single_list( start_date, finish_date, split_size='yearly', add_partial_period_start_finish_dates=True) # TODO do in a batch fashion for i in range(0, len(date_list) - 1): df = self._tca_market.get_market_data( MarketRequest(start_date=date_list[i], finish_date=date_list[i + 1], ticker=tick, data_store=self._market_data_source)) # self.database_source_market.fetch_market_data(start_date = start_date, finish_date = finish_date, ticker = tick) # Need to make sure there's sufficient market data! if df is not None: if len(df.index) >= 2: # Get the percentage of the _year represented by the difference between the start and finish dates year_perc = float( (df.index[-1] - df.index[0]).seconds / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) / 365.0"Constructing randomised trades for " + tick) number_of_orders_min = int( year_perc * number_of_orders_min_per_year) number_of_orders_max = int( year_perc * number_of_orders_max_per_year) # Split up the data frame into equally sized chunks df_orders = self._derive_order_no( self._strip_columns(df, tick), number_of_orders_min, number_of_orders_max) # Don't want a memory leak, so delete this as soon possible from memory! del df # order_counter = 0"Now beginning order construction for " + tick) # For each order create randomised associated trades # group together all the trades per day as orders for df_order in df_orders: # Set duration of the grandparent order (find randomised start/finish time) # somewhere between 0-25% for start, and 75% to 100% for end point df_order = self.rand_time_series.randomly_truncate_data_frame_within_bounds( df_order, start_perc=0.25, finish_perc=0.75) logger.debug("Creating order between " + str(df_order.index[0]) + " - " + str(df_order.index[-1])) # Assume all orders/trades are in the same direction (which is randomly chosen) buy_sell = randint(0, 1) # Sell trades if buy_sell == 0: side_no = -1 side = 'bid' # Buy trades else: side_no = 1 side = 'ask' magnitude = 10000.0 * 2 if tick == 'USDJPY': magnitude = 100.0 * 2.0 if randint(0, 100) > 97: new_tick = tick[3:6] + tick[0:3] if 'ticker' in df_order.columns: df_order['ticker'] = new_tick if 'bid' in df_order.columns and 'ask' in df_order.columns: ask = 1.0 / df_order['bid'] bid = 1.0 / df_order['ask'] df_order['bid'] = bid df_order['ask'] = ask df_order['mid'] = 1.0 / df_order['mid'] else: new_tick = tick # Get 'bid' for sells, and 'ask' for buys df_order['trade_value'] = df_order[side] # We want to simulate the executions by perturbing the buys randomly df_order = self.rand_time_series.randomly_perturb_column( df_order, column='trade_value', magnitude=magnitude) # Assume notional is in base currency in vast majority of cases if randint(0, 100) > 97: notional_currency = new_tick[3:6] else: notional_currency = new_tick[0:3] notional_multiplier = 1.0 if notional_currency == 'JPY': notional_multiplier = 100.0 # Randomly choose a realistic order notional # This will later be subdivided into trade notional order_notional = randint( order_min_size * notional_multiplier, order_max_size * notional_multiplier) order_additional_attributes = { 'broker_id': constants.test_brokers_dictionary['All'], 'broker_sub_id': constants.test_sub_brokers_dictionary['All'], 'algo_id': constants.test_algos_dictionary['All'], 'algo_settings': 'default', } # Construct an order and add it to list ind_order = self._construct_order( df_order, order_type='order', notional=order_notional, notional_currency=notional_currency, side=side_no, tick=new_tick, additional_attributes= order_additional_attributes) order_list.append(ind_order) trade_additional_attributes = self.grab_attributes_from_trade_order( ind_order, [ 'broker_id', 'broker_sub_id', 'algo_id', 'algo_settings' ]) # Now create all the broker messages for the order # These will consist firstly of placement messages # then potentionally cancels, cancel/replace and in most cases we randomly assign trade fills trade_list = self._create_trades_from_order( trade_list=trade_list, df_order=df_order, tick=new_tick, ind_order=ind_order, side_no=side_no, order_notional=order_notional, notional_currency=notional_currency, additional_attributes= trade_additional_attributes) # order_counter = order_counter + 1 # Aggregate all the lists into DataFrames (setting 'date' as the index) # For the trade dataframe also drop the 'index' column which was previous used to ensure that fills, were after placements trade_order_dict = { 'trade_df': self.time_series_ops.aggregate_dict_to_dataframe( trade_list, 'date', 'index'), 'order_df': self.time_series_ops.aggregate_dict_to_dataframe( order_list, 'date') } return trade_order_dict def _create_trades_from_order(self, trade_list=None, df_order=None, tick=None, ind_order=None, side_no=None, order_notional=None, notional_currency=None, additional_attributes=None): trade_notional = order_notional # Assume placement at start of order (a placement will have the order notional) placement_event = self.construct_trade( df_order, order_notional=order_notional, execution_venue=constants.test_venues_dictionary['All'], order=ind_order, side=side_no, tick=tick, event_type='placement', notional_currency=notional_currency, additional_attributes=additional_attributes) trade_list.append(placement_event) # Randomly choose an event (cancel/replace + fill, cancel or fill) i = randint(0, 1000) # Very rare event, same timestamp for a trade, same size too (but different ID) if i < 1: # executed trade fill_event = self.construct_trade( df_order, order=ind_order, order_notional=order_notional, execution_venue=placement_event['venue'], notional_currency=notional_currency, executed_notional=int(float(trade_notional) * 0.5), side=side_no, tick=tick, event_type='trade', index=min(len(df_order.index), 5), additional_attributes=additional_attributes) trade_list.append(fill_event) fill_event = self.construct_trade( df_order.copy(), order=ind_order, order_notional=order_notional, execution_venue=placement_event['venue'], notional_currency=notional_currency, executed_notional=int(float(trade_notional) * 0.5), side=side_no, tick=tick, event_type='trade', index=min(len(df_order.index), 5), additional_attributes=additional_attributes) trade_list.append(fill_event) elif i < 50: # Cancel/replace event cancel_replace_index = randint(1, min(len(df_order.index), 20)) cancel_replace_event = self.construct_trade( df_order, order=ind_order, execution_venue=placement_event['venue'], notional_currency=notional_currency, side=side_no, tick=tick, event_type='cancel/replace', index=cancel_replace_index, additional_attributes=additional_attributes) trade_list.append(cancel_replace_event) fill_event_index = randint(cancel_replace_index + 1, min(len(df_order.index), 50)) # Executed fill event fill_event = self.construct_trade( df_order, order=ind_order, order_notional=order_notional, execution_venue=placement_event['venue'], executed_notional=trade_notional, notional_currency=notional_currency, side=side_no, tick=tick, event_type='trade', index=fill_event_index, additional_attributes=additional_attributes) trade_list.append(fill_event) # Rare event, full cancellation of order elif i < 60: cancel_index = randint(1, min(len(df_order.index), 20)) cancel_event = self.construct_trade( df_order, order=ind_order, execution_venue=placement_event['venue'], executed_notional=0, notional_currency=notional_currency, side=side_no, tick=tick, event_type='cancel', index=cancel_index, additional_attributes=additional_attributes) trade_list.append(cancel_event) elif i < 80: # Where we have two trade fills for a single child order of different sizes perc = float(randint(5, 95)) / 100.0 # executed trade fill_event = self.construct_trade( df_order, order=ind_order, execution_venue=placement_event['venue'], notional_currency=notional_currency, executed_notional=int(float(trade_notional) * perc), side=side_no, tick=tick, event_type='trade', index=randint(1, min(len(df_order.index), 50)), additional_attributes=additional_attributes) trade_list.append(fill_event) fill_event = self.construct_trade( df_order, order=ind_order, execution_venue=placement_event['venue'], notional_currency=notional_currency, executed_notional=int(float(trade_notional) * (1.0 - perc)), side=side_no, tick=tick, event_type='trade', index=randint(fill_event['index'], min(len(df_order.index), 100)), additional_attributes=additional_attributes) trade_list.append(fill_event) # Most common event, single trade/fill else: # Executed trade fill_event = self.construct_trade( df_order, order=ind_order, order_notional=order_notional, execution_venue=placement_event['venue'], notional_currency=notional_currency, executed_notional=trade_notional, side=side_no, tick=tick, event_type='trade', index=randint(1, min(len(df_order.index), 50)), additional_attributes=additional_attributes) trade_list.append(fill_event) return trade_list def _derive_order_no(self, df, orders_min, orders_max): df_chunks_list = self.time_series_ops.split_array_chunks( df, chunks=randint(orders_min, orders_max)) if isinstance(df_chunks_list, pd.DataFrame): return [df_chunks_list] return df_chunks_list def _create_unique_trade_id(self, order_type, ticker, datetime_input): return order_type + "_" + ticker + str(datetime_input) + "_" + str( datetime.datetime.utcnow()) + '_' + str(randint(0, 100000)) def _construct_order(self, df, order_type=None, notional=None, notional_currency=None, side=None, tick=None, additional_attributes=None, **kwargs): order = {} # For internal purposes order['ticker'] = tick order['notional'] = notional order['notional_currency'] = notional_currency order['side'] = side order['date'] = df.index[0] order['benchmark_date_start'] = df.index[0] order['benchmark_date_end'] = df.index[-1] order['price_limit'] = df['mid'][0] order['arrival_price'] = df['mid'][0] order['portfolio_id'] = self.add_random_sample( constants.test_portfolios_dictionary['All']) order['portfolio_manager_id'] = self.add_random_sample( constants.test_portfolio_managers_dictionary['All']) order['trader_id'] = self.add_random_sample( constants.test_traders_dictionary['All']) order['account_id'] = self.add_random_sample( constants.test_accounts_dictionary['All']) order['id'] = self._create_unique_trade_id(order_type, tick, order['date']) kwargs['order'] = order order = self.additional_order_processing(**kwargs) # Add additional randomized attributes if additional_attributes is not None: # Merge list of additional attributes if isinstance(additional_attributes, list): result_dict = {} for d in additional_attributes: result_dict.update(d) additional_attributes = result_dict for k in additional_attributes.keys(): additional = additional_attributes[k] if isinstance(additional, list): additional = self.add_random_sample(additional) order[k] = additional return order def additional_order_processing(self, **kwargs): return kwargs['order'] def construct_trade(self, df, order_notional=None, executed_notional=None, notional_currency=None, execution_venue=None, side=None, order=None, tick=None, event_type=None, additional_attributes=None, index=0): trade = {} if order_notional is None: order_notional = 0 trade['order_notional'] = order_notional trade['notional_currency'] = notional_currency trade['ticker'] = tick trade['side'] = side trade['index'] = index trade['date'] = df.index[index] trade['market_bid'] = df['bid'][index] trade['market_ask'] = df['ask'][index] trade['market_mid'] = df['mid'][index] trade['price_limit'] = df['mid'][index] trade['event_type'] = event_type trade['executed_price'] = 0 trade['venue'] = execution_venue trade['executed_notional'] = 0 if event_type == 'trade': trade['executed_notional'] = executed_notional try: if np.isnan(trade['executed_notional']): pass except: print('w') trade['executed_price'] = df['trade_value'][index] trade['venue'] = self.add_random_sample( constants.test_venues_dictionary['All']) if order is not None: trade[constants.order_name + '_pointer_id'] = order['id'] trade['price_limit'] = order['price_limit'] trade['portfolio_id'] = order['portfolio_id'] trade['portfolio_manager_id'] = order['portfolio_manager_id'] trade['trader_id'] = order['trader_id'] trade['account_id'] = order['account_id'] trade['id'] = self._create_unique_trade_id('execution', tick, trade['date']) if additional_attributes is not None: for k in additional_attributes.keys(): trade[k] = additional_attributes[k] return trade def add_random_sample(self, lst): return lst[randint(0, len(lst) - 1)] def grab_attributes_from_trade_order(self, trade_order, attributes): dict = {} for a in attributes: dict[a] = trade_order[a] return dict def _strip_columns(self, df, tick): # filter market data so only includes specific asset (Arctic won't have this) and during "main" FX hours # exclude any Saturday data if 'ticker' in df.columns: df = df[(df.index.hour >= 6) & (df.index.hour < 21) & (df.index.dayofweek != 5) & (df['ticker'] == tick)] else: df = df[(df.index.hour >= 6) & (df.index.hour < 21) & (df.index.dayofweek != 5)] keep_cols = ['bid', 'ask', 'mid'] remove_cols = [] for k in df.columns: if k not in keep_cols: remove_cols.append(k) if remove_cols != []: df.drop(remove_cols, inplace=True, axis=1) # Ensure that the market is data is properly sorted df.sort_index(inplace=True) # Calculate mid price (if it doesn't exist) if 'mid' not in df.columns: df['mid'] = (df['bid'].values + df['ask'].values) / 2.0 # Create synthetic bid/ask if they don't exist if 'bid' not in df.columns: df['bid'] = 0.9995 * df['mid'].values if 'ask' not in df.columns: df['ask'] = 1.0005 * df['mid'].values # First strip away out of hours times # remove any trades before 6am and after 9pm GMT return df