def checkServerMailTCP(payloadToBeChecked): patternT1 = re.compile("HELO", flags=2) # --->124 same 1 #$SMTP_SERVERS 25 destination ip and port msg:"SERVER-MAIL Exim gethostbyname heap buffer overflow attempt" patternT2 = re.compile("\\x0A", flags=2) #-->124 NOT |0A| same 1 # $SMTP_SERVERS 25 destination ip and port msg:"SERVER-MAIL Exim gethostbyname heap buffer overflow attempt" patternT3 = re.compile("EHLO", flags=2) #--->125 not patternT2 same 1 # $SMTP_SERVERS 25 destination ip and port msg:"SERVER-MAIL Exim gethostbyname heap buffer overflow attempt" patternT4 = re.compile("Content-Disposition\\x3A", flags=2) #same 2 --->145 # $SMTP_SERVERS 25 msg "SERVER-MAIL Content-Disposition attachment" patternT5 = re.compile("attachment", flags=2) #same 2 --->145 # $SMTP_SERVERS 25 msg "SERVER-MAIL Content-Disposition attachment" patternT6 = re.compile("WorldMail IMAP4 Server", flags=2) #--->148 #$HOME_NET 143 source ip then source port msg:"SERVER-MAIL Qualcomm WorldMail Server Response" patternT7 = re.compile("BM", flags=2) #-->181 # $SMTP_SERVERS 25 destination msg:"SERVER-MAIL IBM Domino BMP color palette stack buffer overflow attempt" patternT8 = re.compile("\\x00 \\x00 \\x00 \\x00", flags=2) # -->181 # $SMTP_SERVERS 25 destination msg:"SERVER-MAIL IBM Domino BMP color palette stack buffer overflow attempt" patternT9 = re.compile("\\x28 \\x00 \\x00 \\x00|", flags=2) # -->181 # $SMTP_SERVERS 25 destination msg:"SERVER-MAIL IBM Domino BMP color palette stack buffer overflow attempt" patternT10 = re.compile( "GIF89a", flags=2) # -->184,185 -->$FILE_DATA_PORTS source port #$SMTP_SERVERS 25 destination msg:"SERVER-MAIL IBM Lotus Domino Server nrouter.exe malformed GIF parsing remote exploit attempt" patternT11 = re.compile( "\\x21 \\xF9 \\x04", flags=2) # -->184,185-->$FILE_DATA_PORTS source port # $SMTP_SERVERS 25 destination msg:"SERVER-MAIL IBM Lotus Domino Server nrouter.exe malformed GIF parsing remote exploit attempt" patternT12 = re.compile( "\\x00 \\x2C", flags=2) # -->184 ,185--> $FILE_DATA_PORTS source port # $SMTP_SERVERS 25 destination msg:"SERVER-MAIL IBM Lotus Domino Server nrouter.exe malformed GIF parsing remote exploit attempt" if, payloadToBeChecked) and (not patternT2, payloadToBeChecked)) and TCP.getdestinationPort() == "25": print("Alert!!!\t", "SQL sa login failed") if, payloadToBeChecked) and TCP.getdestinationPort() == "25": print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-MAIL Exim gethostbyname heap buffer overflow attempt") if, payloadToBeChecked) and patternT5, payloadToBeChecked) and TCP.getdestinationPort() == "25": print("Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-MAIL Content-Disposition attachment") if, payloadToBeChecked) and TCP.getsourcePort() == "143": print("Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-MAIL Qualcomm WorldMail Server Response") if, payloadToBeChecked) and patternT8, payloadToBeChecked) and patternT9, payloadToBeChecked) and TCP.getdestinationPort() == "25": print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-MAIL IBM Domino BMP color palette stack buffer overflow attempt" ) if, payloadToBeChecked) and patternT11, payloadToBeChecked) and patternT12, payloadToBeChecked) and TCP.getdestinationPort() == "25": print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-MAIL IBM Lotus Domino Server nrouter.exe malformed GIF parsing remote exploit attempt" )
def checkServerOtherTCP(payloadToBeChecked): patternT1 = re.compile('edit\.action\?', flags=2) #72 #$HOME_NET $HTTP_PORTS destination (msg:"SERVER-OTHER Apache Struts2 skillName remote code execution attempt" patternT2 = re.compile("skillName=\\x7B \\x28 \\x23", flags=2) #72 patternT3 = re.compile("SOAPAction\\x3A,flags=2") #101 #$HOME_NET [$HTTP_PORTS,5555] destination (msg:"SERVER-OTHER MiniUPnPd ExecuteSoapAction buffer overflow attempt" patternT4 = re.compile("\x75", flags=2) #109 #$HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT5 = re.compile("nsrmm", flags=2) #109 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT6 = re.compile("mmpool", flags=2) # 110 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT7 = re.compile("mmlocate", flags=2) # 111 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT8 = re.compile("nsrjb", flags=2) # 112 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT9 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x03", flags=2) # 645 #$HOME_NET [21,25,443,465,636,992,993,995,2484] -> $EXTERNAL_NET any # (msg:"SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1.2 large heartbeat response - possible ssl heartbleed attempt" patternT10 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x02", flags=2) # 646 # $HOME_NET [21,25,443,465,636,992,993,995,2484] -> $EXTERNAL_NET any # (msg:"SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1.1 large heartbeat response - possible ssl heartbleed attempt" patternT11 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x00", flags=2) # 647 # $HOME_NET [21,25,443,465,636,992,993,995,2484] -> $EXTERNAL_NET any # (msg:"SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1 large heartbeat response - possible ssl heartbleed attempt" patternT12 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x01", flags=2) # 648 --->652 # $HOME_NET [21,25,443,465,636,992,993,995,2484] -> $EXTERNAL_NET any # (msg:"SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv3 large heartbeat response - possible ssl heartbleed attempt" patternT13 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x03", flags=2) # #$EXTERNAL_NETany -> $HOME_NET[21, 25, 443, 465, 636, 992, 993, 995, 2484](msg:"SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1.2 heartbeat read overrun attempt" patternT14 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x02", flags=2) # # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT15 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x00", flags=2) # 112 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT16 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x01", flags=2) # 112 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT17 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x01", flags=2) # 112 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT18 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x01", flags=2) # 112 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT19 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x01", flags=2) # 112 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" patternT20 = re.compile("\\x18 \\x03 \\x01", flags=2) # 112 # $HOME_NET 3000 (msg:"SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" if ((, payloadToBeChecked)) and (, payloadToBeChecked))): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER Apache Struts2 skillName remote code execution attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked)): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER MiniUPnPd ExecuteSoapAction buffer overflow attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked) and (TCP.getdestinationPort() == "3000") and, payloadToBeChecked)): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked) and (TCP.getdestinationPort() == "3000") and, payloadToBeChecked)): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked) and (TCP.getdestinationPort() == "3000") and, payloadToBeChecked)): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked) and (TCP.getdestinationPort() == "3000") and, payloadToBeChecked)): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER EMC AlphaStor Device Manager command injection attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked)) and ( TCP.getsourcePort() == "21" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "443" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "25" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "993" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "992" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "636" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "465" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "995" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "2484"): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1.2 large heartbeat response - possible ssl heartbleed attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked)) and ( TCP.getsourcePort() == "21" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "443" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "25" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "993" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "992" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "636" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "465" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "995" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "2484"): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1.1 large heartbeat response - possible ssl heartbleed attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked)) and ( TCP.getsourcePort() == "21" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "443" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "25" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "993" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "992" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "636" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "465" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "995" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "2484"): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1 large heartbeat response - possible ssl heartbleed attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked)) and ( TCP.getsourcePort() == "21" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "443" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "25" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "993" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "992" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "636" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "465" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "995" or TCP.getsourcePort() == "2484"): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv3 large heartbeat response - possible ssl heartbleed attempt" ) if (, payloadToBeChecked)) and ( TCP.getdestinationPort() == "21" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "443" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "25" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "993" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "992" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "636" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "465" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "995" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "2484"): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1.2 heartbeat read overrun attempt") if (, payloadToBeChecked)) and ( TCP.getdestinationPort() == "21" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "443" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "25" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "993" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "992" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "636" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "465" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "995" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "2484"): print( "Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1.1 heartbeat read overrun attempt") if (, payloadToBeChecked)) and ( TCP.getdestinationPort() == "21" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "443" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "25" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "993" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "992" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "636" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "465" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "995" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "2484"): print("Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv1 heartbeat read overrun attempt") if (, payloadToBeChecked)) and ( TCP.getdestinationPort() == "21" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "443" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "25" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "993" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "992" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "636" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "465" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "995" or TCP.getdestinationPort() == "2484"): print("Alert!!!\t", "SERVER-OTHER OpenSSL TLSv3 heartbeat read overrun attempt")