def test_html_message(self): m = HTMLMessage(self._TEXT, self._RECEIVER) with self.subTest(): self._test_message_basics(m) # end with m.send(self.s, "RECEIVER", None) self.assertTupleEqual(self.s.args, ('@username', 'test text'), "args") self.assertDictEqual(self.s.kwargs, {'parse_mode': 'html', 'disable_notification': False, 'reply_to_message_id': None, 'reply_markup': None, 'disable_web_page_preview': True}, "args")
def test_html_message(self): m = HTMLMessage(self._TEXT, self._RECEIVER) with self.subTest(): self._test_message_basics(m) # end with m.send(self.s, "RECEIVER", None) self.assertTupleEqual(self.s.args, ('@username', 'test text'), "args") self.assertDictEqual( self.s.kwargs, { 'parse_mode': 'html', 'disable_notification': False, 'reply_to_message_id': None, 'reply_markup': None, 'disable_web_page_preview': True }, "args")
def on_msg(update, msg): """ :type msg: Message """ ln = l(update.message) return HTMLMessage( ln.lang_response.format(lang=msg.from_peer.language_code))
def cmd_do(update, text): options = [[KeyboardButton(txt) for txt in features.keys()]] return HTMLMessage( Lang.here_are_some_options, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( options, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, selective=True ), )
def on_join(update, message): assert_type_or_raise(message.new_chat_members, list) if bot.user_id not in [ for user in message.new_chat_members if isinstance(user, User) ]: # not we were added return # end if return HTMLMessage( LangEN.join_message.format(bot=bot.username, + (LangEN.unstable_text if bot.username == "hey_admin_bot" else ""))
def format_api_result(obj: TgBotApiObject): string = 'null' if isinstance(obj, TgBotApiObject): if obj._raw: string = json.dumps(obj._raw, indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) else: string = json.dumps(obj.to_array(), indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) # end if # end def return HTMLMessage( "Type <code>{type}</code>:\n<pre>{msg}</pre>".format(type=escape(obj.__class__.__name__), msg=escape(string)), )
def income(update): assert isinstance(update, Update) reply_chat_id, reply_message_id = msg_get_reply_params(update) if reply_chat_id is None: logger.error("could not find chat:\n{}".format(update)) reply_chat_id = EVENT_CHANNEL # end if if update._raw: string = json.dumps(update._raw, indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) else: string = json.dumps(update.to_array(), indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) # end if return HTMLMessage( "<pre>{}</pre>".format(escape(string)), receiver=reply_chat_id, reply_id=reply_message_id )
def cmd_example(update, text): return HTMLMessage( 'This is an <a href="">flask</a> based <a href="">dockerized</a> example bot.' )
def cmd_start(update, text): return HTMLMessage( '<b>Hello world</b> from your flask based <a href="">telegram bot docker container</a>.\n' 'You can also click the <code>/help</code> <i>bot command</i>: /help')
def update_call_admins(message): """ :param message: The message from inside the update. :type message: Message :rtype: None """ assert isinstance(, Bot) assert isinstance(message, Message) assert isinstance(, Chat) assert isinstance(, int) chat_id = # only do it in groups if not in POSSIBLE_CHAT_TYPES: logger.debug( "Discarding message (not a chat type with admins): {}".format( message)) return # end def # prepare the messages msgs = [] chat = format_chat(message) user = format_user(message.from_peer) link = format_message_permalink(message) logger.debug("user: "******"chat: " + repr(chat)) if message.reply_to_message: # is reply if == # same user text = LangEN.admin_reply_info_same.format(user=user, chat=chat, msg_link=link) else: # different user text = LangEN.admin_reply_info.format( user=user, chat=chat, reply_user=format_user(message.reply_to_message.from_peer), msg_link=link) # end if msgs.append( HTMLMessage(text + (LangEN.unstable_text if bot.username == "hey_admin_bot" else ""))) msgs.append( ForwardMessage(message.reply_to_message.message_id, chat_id)) else: # isn't reply msgs.append( HTMLMessage( LangEN.admin_message_info.format( user=user, chat=chat, msg_link=link) + (LangEN.unstable_text if bot.username == "hey_admin_bot" else ""))) # end if msgs.append(ForwardMessage(message.message_id, chat_id)) batch = MessageWithReplies(*msgs) batch.reply_id = None # notify each admin try: admins = except TgApiServerException as e: if "there is no administrators in the private chat" in e.description: return "There is no administrators in the private chat" # end if raise e # end try failed_admins = [] random.shuffle(admins) for admin in admins: admin_formatted = format_user(admin.user) logger.debug(f"Found admin {admin_formatted}: {admin.user!s}.") if admin.user.is_bot: logger.debug("Skipping admin, is bot.") continue # can't send messages to bots # end if for backoff in range(SEND_BACKOFF): logger.debug( f"Sending from {chat_id} to {} {admin_formatted!s} (old: {batch.receiver!r}). Try {backoff + 1}/{SEND_BACKOFF}." ) batch.receiver = batch.top_message.receiver = for reply in batch.reply_messages: reply.receiver = # end def try: batch.send( logger.debug(f"Sending to admin {admin_formatted!s}") break except TgApiServerException as e:"Server Exception. Aborting.") if "bot can't initiate conversation with a user" in e.description: logger.debug("Can't contact admin, not started.") failed_admins.append(admin) else: logger.warn('sending to admin failed', exc_info=True) # end if break except (TgApiException, RequestException) as e: logger.exception("Unknown Exception. Retrying.") # end if else: # backoff exceeded logger.debug("Admin failed: {}".format(format_user(admin.user))) # end for # end for logger.debug("That's all the admins.") if len(failed_admins) == 0: logger.debug("Sent to all admins are successfully.") return elif len(failed_admins) == 1: logger.debug("Sent to all admins but one.") return HTMLMessage( LangEN.couldnt_contact_singular(admin=format_user( failed_admins[0].user), num=len(admins), bot=bot.username, chat_id=chat_id)) else: logger.debug(f"Sent to all admins but {failed_admins}.") return HTMLMessage( LangEN.couldnt_contact_plural( [format_user(admin.user) for admin in failed_admins], num=len(admins), bot=bot.username, chat_id=chat_id))
def cmd_start(update, text): return HTMLMessage(LangEN.help_message)
def cmd_start(update, text): return HTMLMessage(l(update.message.from_peer.language_code).help_message)
def start(update, text): # update is the update object. It is of type pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates.Update # text is the text after the command. Can be empty. Type is str. return HTMLMessage("<b>Hello!</b> Thanks for using @" + app.username + "!")
def cmd_version(update, text): return HTMLMessage('Version <code>{version}</code> of bot <a href="tg://user?id={bot_id}">@{bot_username}</a>'.format( version=escape(VERSION_STR), bot_id=escape(str(bot.user_id)), bot_username=escape(bot.username) ))
def cmd_start(update, text): return HTMLMessage(l(update.message).help_message)
def cmd_version(update, text): return HTMLMessage( '<code>{version}</code>'.format(version=escape(VERSION_STR)))