def edit(bot, update): """ Starts the progress to change a user data Args: bot (telegram.Bot) - The bot that is running update (telegram.Update) - Incoming Update """ # Generates the Keyboard button_list = [ # Keyboard button Text to be displayed data to be send on click # type to define the function # id the actual needed value telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Vorname', callback_data=json.dumps({'type': 'reg', "id": '0'})), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Nachname', callback_data=json.dumps({'type': 'reg', "id": '1'})), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('E-Mail', callback_data=json.dumps({'type': 'reg', "id": '2'})), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Passwort', callback_data=json.dumps({'type': 'reg', "id": '3'})), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Stadt', callback_data=json.dumps({'type': 'reg', "id": '4'})), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('PLZ', callback_data=json.dumps({'type': 'reg', "id": '5'})), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Straße', callback_data=json.dumps({'type': 'reg', "id": '6'})), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Hausnummer', callback_data=json.dumps({'type': 'reg', "id": '7'})), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Handy Nummer', callback_data=json.dumps({'type': 'reg', "id": '8'})), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Delete', callback_data=json.dumps({"type": "reg", "id": 'del'})) ] # Generates a nice keyboard style and adds it to the reply markup reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(button_list, n_cols=2)) # Sends the keyboard bot.sendMessage(, "Was möchten sie ändern?", reply_markup=reply_markup)
def play_move5(self, bot, update, id): mc = self.games5[id][0].board.move_count if self.games5[id][0].board.get_turn() == self.games5[id][2]: self.get_player_move5(bot, update, id) else: if self.games5[id][0].board.move_count == 0: pl_mv = evaluation.firstmove(self.games5[id][0].board) elif self.games5[id][0].board.move_count == 1: pl_mv = evaluation.secondmove(self.games5[id][0].board) else: pl_mv = evaluation.nextMove(self.games5[id][0].board, 2, 3) self.games5[id][0].board.move(pl_mv) for i in range(self.board_size): for j in range(self.board_size): if self.games5[id][0].board.board[i][j] == gomokuboard.State.X: self.games5[id][1][i][j] = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "❌", callback_data=str(i * self.board_size + j)) elif self.games5[id][0].board.board[i][ j] == gomokuboard.State.O: self.games5[id][1][i][j] = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( '⭕️', callback_data=str(i * self.board_size + j)) reply = InlineKeyboardMarkup(self.games5[id][1]) if self.games5[id][0].board.move_count == 1 and self.games5[id][ 2] == gomokuboard.State.O: pass elif mc < self.games5[id][0].board.move_count: bot.editMessageText( chat_id=update.callback_query.message.chat_id, message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id, text='Let\'s play, my dear opponent! ', reply_markup=reply)
def setup(bot, update): # Se o setup for iniciado em um grupo if == 'group': # Se já houver uma entrada desse grupo na base de dados if database.confere_grupo(update.message.chat_id): msg = "Ops! Parece que esse grupo já possui uma entrada na base de dados..." bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg) msg = "Não se preocupe. A não ser que esse grupo seja recém-criado, não é um problema." bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg) msg = "Caso esse grupo seja recém-criado, use o comando /suporte, diga que recebeu essa mensagem, e resolveremos seu problema rapidinho." bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg) return ConversationHandler.END # Se o usuário for um administrador do grupo... if is_group_admin(bot,, msg = "As fichas de personagem associadas a esse grupo devem ficar abertas para edições?\n" # Cria um teclado para a resposta keyboard = [[telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("Sim", callback_data = "Sim")], [telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("Não", callback_data = "Não")]] inline_kb_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True) # Exibe o teclado bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg, reply_markup=inline_kb_markup) return SETUP_RESPOSTA # Se o setup não for iniciado/respondido por um usuário na lista de administradores. else: msg = "Desculpe, mas é preciso ser um administrador do grupo para concluir o setup." bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg) # Se o setup não for iniciado em um grupo else: msg = "Já que esse é um chat privado, não precisamos configurar nada relacionado a um grupo." bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg) return ConversationHandler.END
def delete_menu(torrent_id: int) -> Tuple[str, telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup]: torrent = transClient.get_torrent(torrent_id) text = ("⚠️Do you really want to delete this torrent?⚠️\n" f"{}\n" "You also can delete torrent with all downloaded data.") reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "❌Yes❌", callback_data=f"deletetorrent_{torrent_id}", ) ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "❌Yes, with data❌", callback_data=f"deletetorrent_{torrent_id}_data", ) ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "⏪Back", callback_data=f"torrent_{torrent_id}", ) ], ]) return text, reply_markup
def select_files_add_menu( torrent_id: int) -> Tuple[str, telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup]: SIZE_OF_LINE = 100 KEYBORD_WIDTH = 5 torrent = transClient.get_torrent(torrent_id) if len( >= SIZE_OF_LINE: name = f"{[:SIZE_OF_LINE]}.." else: name = text = f"*{escape_markdown(name, 2)}*\n" text += "Files:\n" column = 0 row = 0 file_keyboard: list[list[telegram.InlineKeyboardButton]] = [[]] for file_id, file in enumerate(torrent.files()): raw_name ="/") filename = raw_name[1] if len(raw_name) == 2 else if len(filename) >= SIZE_OF_LINE: filename = f"{filename[:SIZE_OF_LINE]}.." id = escape_markdown(f"{file_id+1}. ", 2) filename = escape_markdown(filename, 2, "PRE") file_size_raw = trans_utils.format_size(file.size) file_size = escape_markdown( f"{round(file_size_raw[0], 2)} {file_size_raw[1]}", 2) if column >= KEYBORD_WIDTH: file_keyboard.append([]) column = 0 row += 1 if file.selected: text += f"*{id}*`{filename}` {file_size}\n" button = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( f"{file_id+1}. ✅", callback_data=f"fileselect_{torrent_id}_{file_id}_0", ) else: text += f"*{id}*~{filename}~ {file_size}\n" button = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( f"{file_id+1}. ❌", callback_data=f"fileselect_{torrent_id}_{file_id}_1", ) column += 1 file_keyboard[row].append(button) total_size = trans_utils.format_size(torrent.totalSize) size_when_done = trans_utils.format_size(torrent.sizeWhenDone) text += escape_markdown( f"Size to download: {round(size_when_done[0], 2)} {size_when_done[1]}" f" / {round(total_size[0], 2)} {total_size[1]}", 2, ) control_buttons = [ [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "⏪Back", callback_data=f"addmenu_{torrent_id}", ) ], ] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(file_keyboard + control_buttons) return text, reply_markup
def selectTerm(self, bot, update): keyboard = [ [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Matriculas e Rematriculas', callback_data='date-matriculas'), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('CCRs', callback_data='date-ccr') ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Aulas e Férias/Feriados', callback_data='date-aulas'), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('ACCs', callback_data='date-acc') ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('← Menu principal', callback_data='main-menu') ] ] replyMarkup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) bot.editMessageText( message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id,, text='*Selecione o Assunto:*', parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=replyMarkup)
def start_query(bot, update): query = update.callback_query #take user's username user = "******".format(query.from_user.username) #message msg = "*WELCOME TO PUBG Host Bot*!\n" msg += "---------------------------------------\n" msg += "Hello User " + user + " ! 😆\n" msg += "My name Register Bot! You can register to me\n" msg += "with\n`/register [pubg ign]`.\n" msg += "\n" msg += "For more information📚, you can ask:\n" msg += "-> `@dharmaraj_24`\n" msg += "-> `@Asaf31214`\n" msg += "-> `@VrozAnims2003`\n" msg += "---------------------------------------\n" #send message to user button_list = [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( emojize(":ledger: Command List :ledger:"), callback_data="command_list"), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( emojize(":globe_with_meridians: About :globe_with_meridians:"), callback_data="about_query") ] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup( build_menu(button_list, n_cols=1)) bot.edit_message_text(text=msg, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
def SuggestionsMenu(suggestions, columns=2): rows = [] full_rows = int(len(suggestions)/columns) buttons_last_row = len(suggestions) - full_rows*columns # Add the complete rows for row in range(full_rows): new_row = [] this_row_suggestions = suggestions[row*columns:(row+1)*columns] for current_suggestion in this_row_suggestions: new_row.append(telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(current_suggestion, callback_data=current_suggestion)) rows.append(new_row) # Add the last row last_row = [] # Go <buttons_last_row> into the back of the list, and advance until the end of it. # (advance backwards because we're working with negative indexes --> back of the list) for i in range(buttons_last_row, 0, -1): last_row.append(telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(suggestions[-i], callback_data=suggestions[-i])) if len(last_row): rows.append(last_row) # Create the menu that this function will return (Inline Keyboard Markup) return telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(rows)
def QuantityMenu(sub, columns=2, quantities=[1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50]): rows = [] # A certain amount of rows with full collumns, then add 1 row with the leftovers. full_rows = int(len(quantities)/columns) buttons_last_row = len(quantities) - full_rows*columns # Add the complete rows for row in range(full_rows): new_row = [] this_row_quantities = quantities[row*columns:row*columns+columns] for current_quantity in this_row_quantities: new_row.append(telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(current_quantity, callback_data="{} {}".format(sub, current_quantity))) rows.append(new_row) # Add the last row last_row = [] # Go <buttons_last_row> into the back of the list, and advance until the end of it. # (advance backwards because we're working with negative indexes --> back of the list) for i in range(buttons_last_row, 0, -1): last_row.append(telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(quantities[-i], callback_data="{} {}".format(sub, quantities[-i]))) if len(last_row): rows.append(last_row) # Create the menu (inline keyboard Markup) return telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(rows)
def _reply_buttons(self): buttons = [] if len(self.lang_keys) > 1: values = [ (f'{value}' if value != self.lang_key else f'• {value}', f'{self.title}|{value}|0') for value in self.lang_keys ] for chunk in chunks(values, 4): buttons.append([ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(text, callback_data=data) for text, data in chunk ]) if self.homonyms_count > 1: values = [ (f'{i+1}' if i != self.homonym_index else f'• {i+1}', f'{self.title}|{self.lang_key}|{i}') for i in range(self.homonyms_count) ] for chunk in chunks(values, 6): buttons.append([ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(text, callback_data=data) for text, data in chunk ]) if len(self.lang_keys) == 1 and self.homonyms_count == 1: buttons.append([ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( 'Обновить', callback_data=f'{self.title}|{self.lang_keys[0]}|0' ) ]) return telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)
def build_chat_info_inline_keyboard( msg: EFBMsg, msg_template: str, reactions: str, reply_markup: Optional[telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup], silent: bool = False) -> telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup: """ Build inline keyboard markup with message header and footer (reactions). Buttons are attached before any other commands attached. """ description = [[ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(msg_template, callback_data="void") ]] if msg.text: description.append([ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(msg.text, callback_data="void") ]) if reactions: description.append([ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(reactions, callback_data="void") ]) sticker_reply_markup = reply_markup or telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup( []) sticker_reply_markup.inline_keyboard = description + sticker_reply_markup.inline_keyboard return sticker_reply_markup
def sendArea(bot, update): areas = db.orders.find() buts = None if len(list(db.orders.find())) == 0: bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Кладов по вашему городу нет") mainMenu(bot, update) return for x in areas: if buts == None: buts = [[ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(text=x['area'], callback_data=x['area'] + '$$AREA') ]] else: buts.append([ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(text=x['area'], callback_data=x['area'] + '$$AREA') ]) bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="🔸 Выберите регион 👇", reply_markup=telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(buts))
def generate_answer(bot, answer, update): """ Interpret botkit answers and produce Telegram answers """ for a in answer: if a['type'] == 'text': update.effective_message.reply_text(text=a['text']) if a['type'] == 'image': update.effective_message.reply_photo(photo=open(a['url'], 'rb')) if a['type'] == 'lyrics': update.effective_message.reply_text(text=a['lyrics']) if a['type'] == 'select': button_list = [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( text=option['text'], callback_data='%s %s' % (option['intent'], option['text'])) for option in a['select'] ] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup( build_menu(button_list, n_cols=1)) bot.send_message(, text="What do you mean by %s?" % (a['select'][0]['term']), reply_markup=reply_markup) if a['type'] == 'link': button = [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(text=a['title'], url=a['link']) ] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup( build_menu(button, n_cols=1)) bot.send_message(, text=a['text'], reply_markup=reply_markup)
def create_reply_markup(self, buttons): """ Creates buttons (a.k.a custom keyboard) if there are not buttons it will remove the keyboard. Parameters: button (list or list of lists) -- the keyboard Note a list will organize the buttons vertically while a list of list will be horizontal. You can mix the two as well """ if buttons: button_list = [] for rows in buttons: if isinstance(rows, list): row = [] for col in rows: row.append(telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(col)) button_list.append(row) else: button_list.append([telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(rows)]) return telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(button_list) else: reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()
def async_create_or_update_post(post, is_created): if not post.is_approved_by_moderator: send_telegram_message( chat=ADMIN_CHAT, text=render_html_message("moderator_post.html", post=post), reply_markup=telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "👍 Одобрить", callback_data=f"approve_post:{}"), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "😕 Так себе", callback_data=f"forgive_post:{}"), ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "❌ В черновики", callback_data=f"delete_post:{}"), ]])) # post to online channel send_telegram_message( chat=CLUB_ONLINE, text=render_html_message("channel_post_announce.html", post=post), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML, disable_preview=True, )
def send_row(update, context): config = get_config() path = config["cards_path"] chat_id = str(update.effective_message.chat_id) card = Card(f"{path}/{chat_id}/{context.user_data['card']}") row = card.choose_one() context.user_data["translate"] = row.original_lang # Storage for next iter custom_keyboard = [[ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("Translate", callback_data="translate") ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "↙️ Cards", callback_data="Cards"), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("🥐 View", callback_data="View") ]] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard) chat_id=update.callback_query.message.chat_id, message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id, text=row.russian_lang, reply_markup=reply_markup) return
def ant(bot, update): global chat usuario = update.callback_query.message.chat_id vetor = chat[usuario][0] cont = chat[usuario][1] ini = chat[usuario][2] if ini - 10 < 0: mini = 0 else: mini = ini - 10 for j in range(mini, ini): msg = vetor[j] bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=update.callback_query.message.chat_id, photo=msg[1]) bot.send_message(chat_id=update.callback_query.message.chat_id, text=msg[0]) chat[usuario][2] = mini chat[usuario][1] = j + 1 keyboard = [[ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("Anteriores", callback_data='1') ], [telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("Próximas", callback_data='2')]] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.callback_query.message.reply_text( 'Informe o ID da receita desejada ou escolha uma opção:', reply_markup=reply_markup)
def duel(bot, update, real=False): msg = update.message.reply_to_message if msg == None: update.message.reply_text("用法:请使用此命令回复你想决斗的人") return from_user = update.message.from_user to_user = msg.from_user if to_user.is_bot: update.message.reply_text("你的决斗被Bot的林肯法球挡下了") return if real: accept_btn = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "接受", callback_data="real_duel:{},{}".format(, else: accept_btn = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "接受", callback_data="duel:{},{}".format(, decline_btn = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "拒绝/取消", callback_data="decline_duel:{},{}".format(, btn_list = [[accept_btn, decline_btn]] markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn_list) from_user_text = from_user.mention_markdown() if real: notif_text = "{} 向你发起了决斗!你可以选择在五分钟内接受或者无视这条信息\n **这将是一场生死对决**" else: notif_text = "{} 向你发起了决斗!你可以选择在五分钟内接受或者无视这条信息" notif = msg.reply_text(notif_text.format(from_user_text), reply_markup=markup, parse_mode="Markdown") def duel_expire(bot, job): notif.edit_text("决斗邀请已过期") queue.run_once(duel_expire, 300)
def rebuild_inline_markup(reply_markup, context): if isinstance(reply_markup, telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup): if octobot.Database.redis is None: return telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup.from_button( telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(text=context.localize( "Buttons are not available due to database error"), callback_data="nothing:")), None else: new_markup = [] kbd_id = create_keyboard_id() for row in reply_markup.inline_keyboard: new_row = [] for button in row: if button.callback_data is not None: new_row.append( telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( text=button.text, callback_data=encode_callback_data( callback_data=button.callback_data, keyboard_id=kbd_id))) else: new_row.append(button) new_markup.append(new_row) octobot.Database.redis.expire(generate_inline_entry(kbd_id), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) return telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(new_markup), kbd_id else: return reply_markup, None
def addquote(bot, update): msg = update.message.reply_to_message if msg == None: update.message.reply_text( "Usage:\n\nReplying to the message you wish to quote.") return key = "{}_{}".format(, msg.message_id) if key in db["quotes"]: update.message.reply_text("Quote already added") return if key in pending_quote: update.message.reply_text("Quote already waiting for approval") return msg.quote_key = key content = "Pending Quote\nID:{}\n{}By {}:\n{}".format( msg.quote_key, get_quote_link(msg.quote_key), msg.from_user.full_name, msg.text or "[No Text Present]") appr_btn_list = [[ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "Approve", callback_data="approve_quote:{}".format(key)) ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "Decline", callback_data="decline_quote:{}".format(key)) ]] appr_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(appr_btn_list) for uid in quote_moderator: bot.send_message(uid, content, reply_markup=appr_markup) msg.prompt = update.message.reply_text("Quote pending approval.") pending_quote[key] = msg
def play_move(self, bot, update, id): """ Tictactoe """ game =[id] board_size = game[3] _board = BOARDS[board_size] mc = game[0].board.move_count if game[0].board.get_turn() == game[2]: self.get_player_move(bot, update, id) else: run_move(game) for i in range(board_size): for j in range(board_size): if game[0].board.board[i][j] == _board.State.X: game[1][i][j] = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "❌", callback_data=str(i * board_size + j)) elif game[0].board.board[i][j] == _board.State.O: game[1][i][j] = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( '⭕️', callback_data=str(i * board_size + j)) reply = InlineKeyboardMarkup(game[1]) if game[0].board.move_count == 1 and game[2] == _board.State.O: pass elif mc < game[0].board.move_count: bot.editMessageText( chat_id=update.callback_query.message.chat_id, message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id, text='Let\'s play, Morty! ', reply_markup=reply)
def selectPeriod(self, bot, update): chat_id = dailyButton = 'Diário' weeklyButton = 'Semanal' if self.isInDataBase(chat_id, 'daily'): dailyButton += ' ✔' if self.isInDataBase(chat_id, 'weekly'): weeklyButton += ' ✔' keyboard = [ [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(dailyButton, callback_data='daily'), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(weeklyButton, callback_data='weekly') ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('Desativar cardapio automático', callback_data='unsub') ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton('← Menu principal', callback_data='main-menu') ] ] replyMarkup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) bot.editMessageText( message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text='Selecione a periodicidade:', parse_mode='HTML', reply_markup=replyMarkup)
def add_menu(torrent_id: int) -> Tuple[str, telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup]: torrent = transClient.get_torrent(torrent_id) text = "🆕__Adding torrent__🆕\n" text += f"*{escape_markdown(, 2)}*\n" size_in_bytes = transClient.free_space(DISK) total_size = trans_utils.format_size(torrent.totalSize) size_when_done = trans_utils.format_size(torrent.sizeWhenDone) raw_text = ( f"Size to download: {round(size_when_done[0], 2)} {size_when_done[1]}" f" / {round(total_size[0], 2)} {total_size[1]}\n") if size_in_bytes is not None: free_memory = trans_utils.format_size(size_in_bytes) raw_text += f"Free disk space: {round(free_memory[0], 2)} {free_memory[1]}\n" else: raw_text += "Could not get free disk space\n" text += escape_markdown(raw_text, 2) reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "📂Files", callback_data=f"selectfiles_{torrent_id}", ) ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "▶️Start", callback_data=f"torrentadd_{torrent_id}_start", ), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( "❌Cancel", callback_data=f"torrentadd_{torrent_id}_cancel", ), ], ]) return text, reply_markup
def aboutTheBot(update, context): """Log Errors caused by Updates.""" keyboard = [ [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( (emoji.emojize(":loop:", use_aliases=True)) + "Channel", url=""), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("👥Support Group", callback_data='2'), ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( (emoji.emojize(":bookmark:", use_aliases=True)) + "Add Me In Group", url="") ], ] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text( "<b>Hey! My name is Dwindle.</b>" "\nI can handle links in different ways." "\n\n<b>About Me :</b>" "\n\n - <b>Name</b> : Dwindle" "\n\n - <b>Creator</b> : @theostrich" "\n\n - <b>Language</b> : Python 3" "\n\n - <b>Library</b> : <a href=\"\">python-telegram-bot</a>" "\n\n - <b>Source Code</b> : <a href=\"\">Dwindle-Source</a>" "\n\nIf you enjoy using me and want to help me survive, do donate with the /donate command - my creator will be very grateful! Doesn't have to be much - every little helps! Thanks for reading :)", parse_mode='html', reply_markup=reply_markup, disable_web_page_preview=True)
def ttt3(self, bot, update): try: if update.message.text == "X": human_move = board.State.X elif update.message.text == 'O': human_move = board.State.O except: pass reply = telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove() bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text='Preparing...', reply_markup=reply) self.board_size = 3[update.message.chat_id] = [ console.Console(self.board_size), [], human_move ] for i in range(0, 9, 3):[update.message.chat_id][1].append([ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(' ', callback_data=str(i)), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(' ', callback_data=str(i + 1)), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(' ', callback_data=str(i + 2)) ]) reply = InlineKeyboardMarkup([update.message.chat_id][1]) if human_move == board.State.O: self.play_move(bot, update, update.message.chat_id) bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text='Let\'s play, my dear opponent! ', reply_markup=reply) return 1
def aboutTheBot(update, context): """Log Errors caused by Updates.""" keyboard = [ [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( (emoji.emojize(":loop:", use_aliases=True)) + "Channel", url=""), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("👥Support Group", callback_data='2'), ], [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( (emoji.emojize(":bookmark:", use_aliases=True)) + "Add Me In Group", url="") ], ] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text( "<b>Hey! My name is TINY link.</b>" "\nI can handle links in different ways." "\n\n<b>About Me :</b>" "\n\n - <b>Name</b> : TINY link" "\n\n - <b>Creator</b> : @shado_hackers" "\n\n - <b>Language</b> : Python 3" "\n\n - <b>support</b> : <a href=\"\">OMG_info</a>" "\n\n - <b>Follow</b> : <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>" "\n\nIf you enjoy using me and want to help me survive, do donate with the /donate command - my creator will be very grateful! Doesn't have to be much - every little helps! Thanks for reading :)", parse_mode='html', reply_markup=reply_markup, disable_web_page_preview=True)
def _cmd_central_heating_on(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: if self._is_modifying_heating: self._safe_send(chat_id(update), _('Someone else is currently modifying the system configuration. Please try again later.')) return # Set flag to prevent other users from concurrently modifying heating self._is_modifying_heating = True # Parse optional duration parameter if len(context.args) > 0: duration = time_utils.parse_duration_input_str(context.args[0]) if duration is None: self._safe_send(chat_id(update), _('Duration parameter is invalid.')) return msg = _('Turn on heater for %(duration)s. Are you sure?', duration=time_utils.format_timedelta(duration, small_space=False)) else: duration = None msg = _('Turn on heater (must be stopped manually). Are you sure?') duration_str = '' if duration is None else CALLBACK_DELIMITER + time_utils.timedelta_hms_str(duration) keyboard = [[telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(_('Yes, sure!'), callback_data=CALLBACK_HEATER_TURN_ON_CONFIRM + duration_str), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(_('No, cancel!'), callback_data=CALLBACK_HEATER_CANCEL)]] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) self._is_modifying_heating = self._safe_message_reply(update, msg, reply_markup=reply_markup)
def order(bot, update): """ Prints out the Buttons to select Drinks/Food Args: bot (telegram.Bot) - The bot that is running update (telegram.Update) - Incoming Update Return: """ global foodDict, drinksDict foodDict = {} drinksDict = {} # Appends all types from json to variable types types = [] with open(json_dir + 'menu.json') as f: data = json.load(f) for p in data: if p["types"] not in types: types.append(p["types"]) # List of Buttons button_list = [ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(types[0], callback_data='pizzen'), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(types[1], callback_data='getraenke') ] # Sending Message and ButtonList reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup( build_menu(button_list, n_cols=2)) bot.send_message(, text="Bitte wählen", reply_markup=reply_markup)
def cmd_body(self): user = self.user match = user.get_match() board = match.get_board() # TODO: Check if Null # Check if it's the user's turn to move if not match.is_user_turn(user): user.send_message(constants.ERROR_TURN) return False move_result = game.check_move(board, user.pending_arg) if int(move_result) >= 0: accept_button = [[ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("Accept", callback_data='/accept'), telegram.InlineKeyboardButton("Cancel", callback_data='/cancel') ]] reply_markup = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(accept_button) user.send_photo(photo=match.get_board_img(user, user.pending_arg), caption="Do you want to confirm this move?", reply_markup=reply_markup) return True
def get_menu(data, columns=2): "Function to convert an array to Telegram InlineKeyboard." menu = [] menu.append([]) i = 0 for option in enumerate(data): if not option[1]: # Insert blank elements to emulate a separator blank = (option[0] + 1) % columns while blank: menu.append([]) blank -= 1 elif'^http:|https:.*', option[1][1]): menu[i].append( telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(option[1][0], url=option[1][1])) else: menu[i].append( telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(option[1][0], callback_data=option[1][1])) if not (option[0] + 1) % columns: menu.append([]) i += 1 return telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(menu)